Hypnotized High School 2019 - The Induction

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here we go midway through this I'm gonna do something little bit different we'll get some guys up here too but for now I will work with what I have I had invited these folks thank you by the way would you slide your chair just a little bit closer what's going to happen is you guys gonna get really relaxed and I don't want the chair separated so you don't fall in the flip you don't have to get that close but take advantage of it why not have any of you ever been hypnotized before first time for all of you so you're about to experience something you've never experienced before and what I'm going to do is my level best to explain to you and to them what's happening while it's happening I want you to understand this if at all possible this is sort of a filtering process that we just went through I was looking for people that seem to be very adept at taking an image and transmitting it into action a good hypnotic subject none of these folks apparently have ever been hypnotized but they do appear to be a good hypnotic subject so now that I know those that are able to focus very quickly what can we do with that well let's take a look at what happens again none of you have actually been hypnotized before you come ties right now ma'am yes or no no you're wide awake right good actually see the exit sign by that door got your eyes that sign would you do me a favor to keep your eyes on that sign for just a moment what am i doing doer consciousness at this point keep your eyes on that sound just for a moment right take a nice deep breath breathing deeply remember how you felt a few moments ago sleep wait all that loosen up all sleep Loosli collagens defending more and more relaxed were you paying attention okay here we go are you doing were you in that class earlier were you in the class where the folks that were asking questions that's just curious and your name is are you hypnotized Nina are you sure you do notice this is what we were here for right you do know you heard that right yo how you doing first name Samuel everybody and you've never been hypnotized right oh it's a sleep way dad I'll be back hold that time hi thank you don't be afraid okay honestly I'm not gonna are you okay take a deep breath one would you its do something a bit different are you hypnotized remember I told you a Chaillot thing with a pen light I had told the group that I spoke to earlier I'll explain what I'm doing turns out that if you get a person to roll their eyes back in their head they tend to be a little bit more suggestible it's known as the grade five syndrome let me first demonstrate it firstly ma'am are you hypnotized would you do me a favor would you just look at the light got it take a deep breath and just follow the light five four three two so oh yeah it gets worse that's it you guys did see the YouTube videos right I mean you know what goes on here right sleepweight you guys were aware when you came up here that's what this thing's really all about right right are you hypnotized now you think you're awake oh well you know strange thing is is that you're actually awake even when you're hypnotized you're not asleep or anything you're just kind of in a slightly different altered state just slightly not not a whole lot but definitely in an altered state firstname can't candy hey Katie I'm so sorry Katie would you pick a spot at that exit time got it beautiful take a deep breath now you're gonna do most of the work here all what to do Katie's just remember how you were feeling when you were out in the audience and you were really relaxed and I came again I touch your shoulder and you probably sell the sensation like you were sinking and sort of drifting and then your eyes got heavy and they closed and then all of a sudden he's just drifting deeper deeper deeper and deeper and deeper all the way down I'll be back so you're gonna be the one who fights it huh good night hey pick a spot any spot you like how about the exit sign nice and easy it's red you can focus on it you got it okay first name sir you all still see me all right Figgy breaths if you would mind take a deep breath if you notice we're doing a very simple thing number one you're pretty much bringing this out all I'm asking you to do is we remember what you were feeling like when you're sitting out in the audience tonight come up in touch your shoulder because at that moment you probably were already in hypnosis and you had done that yourself so just remember it beautiful and in a moment I'm gonna start counting slowly backwards from five down to one and this is gonna be for Samuel but it's also going to be a few folks up here with your eyes closed right now because as I count backwards I'm going to ask you to use your incredible imaginations and imagine with each number that you're drifting deeper as I count backwards I want to imagine every number allows you to relax a little bit more sink a little bit deeper drift a little bit deeper down so that by the time I reach the number one every single muscle in your body from the top of your heads to the tips of your toes is completely relaxed I mean just all the tension in your entire body totally drained out of your body let's start that process now five just go drifting deeper let yourself sink deeper more relaxed more comfortable down down down four keep drifting deeper deeper deeper perfect you're concentrating perfectly three let go no all the way Oh deeper and deeper beautiful keep going drifting sinking floating let the tension just drain out of your body to let yourself all the way down all the way down deeper than you ever dreamed you could go all the way down deeper more relaxed and deeper and deeper more and more relaxed and keep drifting deeper now with each and every breath take until I ask you to awaken you are concentrating beautifully I had asked these folks to join me on stage because they appeared to be really good visualizers have a good ability to connect the mind with their body I had made three promises to you folks before I brought any of these folks up one of those promises the third promise was if you came up here you're probably gonna be more relaxed than you've been in a long long time remember that promise well let's take a look at what we got here this is about as relaxed as a human being can be and still be drawing a breath I mean these folks have pretty well achieved all right now do you remember hold on sleepweight ntp people do you recall that I said we call the upper two point one four percent floppers and you're likely to see it a little while this is why we call them floppers because folks get so relaxed they allow the tension to dispel from their body so quickly they simply slide out or fall off the chair strangely enough I never get hurt because there's no tension in the body but they just allow themselves become so relaxed that's what we call them flappers so you see first part visualize relaxation you get a profound relaxation it's a side effect of their visualization what would the opposite of this be how about stiff and rigid so does it stand to reason does it make sense if we simply change the imagery if I stop asking to visualize loose limp and relax and get them to visualize something else we probably see a different response wouldn't we let's test that proposition in a moment I'm going to extend your arm as I extend your arm I want you to imagine you can feel that I'm locking into place stiff like a bar of steel cups stiff rigid right they're locked into place like a bar of steel concentrates different rigid feel your arms locking into place as I extend your arm feel that on becoming rigid and stiff stiff and rigid locked like a bar of Steel stiff and rigid rigid and stiff like a bar of steel held into your shoulder there's gonna be tough stiff and rigid rigid and stiff perfect as I extend your arm feel that I'm getting stiff rigid and stiff so stiff and rigid that as I count backwards from three down to one stiff rigid rigid stiff by the time I reached number one that's long that arms gonna be as stiff and as rigid stiff rigid as a steel bar by time I reach number one arm is so stiff and so rigid you'll find you can't lower it bend it move it until you hear me clap my hands three your arms getting stiff too like a barbed steel feeling stiff and rigid rigid and stiff three two and one rigid and stiff now so stiff and rigid even as you try till over the arm it won't go down in fact hard you try more stiff and rigid it gets so go ahead and try try lower that arm you'll discover it just won't go in fact the harder you try the more impossible becomes even as you feel me pressing on the arm even when you feel me doing it it remains stiff and rigid rigid and stiff just like a bar of steel stiff you're not trying hard enough come on get serious try try as hard as you can try to lower that arm it just won't go down Wow keep trying you're not trying hard enough I don't really feel that it's important to lower this arm here one of my favorite responses bling I love that stiff and rigid rigid and stiff you're really just not trying hard enough I need a skeptic you have that I don't believe any of this look when you're out of here for a second would you help me out Wow have a second many people in the audience oh I meant to tell you the most I think I did the most common comment on these YouTube videos fake nonsense actors paid if you would not your first name sir is now you absolutely look like a physically fit young man work out John good great great would you do me a favor would you press on this young lady's arm and would you report to the group but that feels like in terms of degree of strains and rigidity you seem like you would be a person would understand that again pretty good to go you're strengthened virginity well hold on for a second let's let's hear will find a really good one here for you because you look like you work out and what I want you to do I want to compare it I want you to turn around you felt the rigidity in that young lady's arm you workout imitating make either of your arms that's stiff and that rigid you think so let me know you ready okay huh quite try again you see the sky goodness teeth he's getting everything involved trying to get his arm and I want to show you something two fingers let me know when you're ready he is not as stiff and rigid as this young is would you try yourself back in charge that would you agree that this woman's got to be and I thought press on her arm I thought that women had less upper body strength than men did there's a difference here and it I happen to pick this gentleman because he looked like he works out it didn't matter who I picked if you try to make your arm stiff and rigid most people get their whole body involved they'll set their feet they grit their teeth they throw it I'm exaggerating it's kind of like okay I'm ready notice nothing changed they didn't change the breathing pattern they didn't read just their weight nothing changed except the one part they focused on and that part really changed one last thing when you get home tonight you to try to hang your arm out there that long in that kind of a position and see what it feels like after about 90 seconds there's a difference between visualization and consciously trying to do it thanks coming up here in a moment I'm going to cut my hands instead I cut my hands the arms drop the instant the arms drop you drop ten times deeper five four three two one it's okay it's okay deeper and deeper more more relaxed deeper and deeper all the way down five four three two and one
Channel: Anthony Galie
Views: 1,369,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hypnosis, Hypnotist, motivational Speaker, Success, Corporate Speaker, Motivation, Hypnotized, Hypnotism, Motivate, Hypnotherapist, Speaker, Training, Corporate Trainer, Corporate Hypnotist Master Class, Corporate Hypnotist, Anthony Galie -Corporate Hypnotist Program
Id: tBvxNCDJ2Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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