Hypershade Basics in Maya, Important Arnold Nodes

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to a tutorial about the hyper shade so this is a subscriber requests and i'm gonna put the plural on there there's been several people that have watched my video tutorial on the hypershade and how to use it and they wanted more so i received several requests so this is hopefully going to satisfy that i need let me know in the comments below if you want to see more so the first thing we're going to do is start off with this scene this is my shader balls that is their name you can download this for free at academicphoenixplus.com so if you want to follow along please go ahead and download the free file at academicphoenixplus.com so i really just need one so i'm going to go ahead and select these and control each we are going to be working in the hypershade i'm going to go ahead and open up the hypershade and you'll notice that it doesn't really look the same i actually have a specific workspace for my hypershades so feel free to watch that video but if i'm missing anything for example the material viewer i can always go to browse material viewer and here it is and then just kind of place it into back into its location and also if you want anything else here's a properties editor which i'm going to plug at the bottom just like it originally has and then of course if i need to i can always do the create but i don't really need this because i kind of know what i want anytime you open up a scene it's really important in the hypershade not to delete any of the original shaders i think i mentioned that before but i'm going to mention it again do not delete lambert one because that's basically the default every single model that you create has a lambert one so don't touch number one nor the particle shader or the glow shader or the ai standard surface just go ahead and leave it like that and you'll notice that these are the other two that i have which is the floor and the logo which is this one this is an area where anytime i create something new it's going to start building so i'm going to go ahead and create a new tab which is my workspace so the first thing i'm going to do is create a basic ai standard surface [Music] so i hit tab ai standard surface there it is i select it and then hit enter so you'll notice that it's got my ai centered surface you'll also notice the sg node which means that it can be rendered we are ready to start any action i do on this ai standard it will also impact here and we'll also get a preview here don't forget to go over here to the top and instead of using hard hardware you want to use arnold and then we're gonna we're gonna get some really nice renders now this will slow down my computer so i'm gonna hit pause because i want it to i want to make sure that i have everything set up and render when i'm ready so by hitting that pause button i can now change the color of my ai standard surface and when i hit play you will see the effect so over here we have a shader ball that's where i'm in right now i have arnold and i have interior light color i'm going to be showing off some of the nodes that are really important in arnold there's a lot of them but i'm going to go over through the basic the basic ones my favorite one is ai noise so hit tab on your keyboard and hit ai noise we get an ai noise and then i'm going to drag the out color right here and drag it into the base color let's see what type of effect ai noise has on our shader it doesn't seem to have too much of an effect but it is kind of blotchy and that's the purpose of ai noise so i'm going to go ahead and increase my octaves which means it's going to give it more definition and you can kind of see how it's starting to create more information in the noise so instead of just being a very simple blotch is now very blotchy this is where i go into my scale the next thing i do is increase my scale and i'm going to increase all three x y and z by five and you can see now the effect that noise has this is pretty powerful because it's got a lot of information here and you can use this on several things now i'm going to press play hopefully my comp this is going to be able to handle it but if i decrease my lacunarity you can see the effect the contrast becomes a lot higher so this is important because we can use this as an alpha map and i'll show you guys in a little bit what that means so we also have distortion so we can increase this really interesting noise we also have amplitude offset and a bunch of other options if you wanted to stretch this out you could for example instead of doing five five you can do one one five and you can get some interesting results i'm gonna leave it at five five five and then go back to this aspect of it now it does have time so that means that i can if i wanted to i can animate this so if you needed something to distort or look like a force field some people used an animated noise map to be able to create that if you wanted to change color here is the color so again you can just go ahead and quickly change these colors you get this really interesting effect and now we have this really interesting texture to play around with now i'm going to undo that because i want my black and white map but i did wanted to demonstrate to you guys what you could do with the noise the next thing i wanted to show you guys is the ability to use what's called an ai mix shader so i'm going to hit tab and this is my second favorite shader which is ai mix shader and you'll notice that it does in fact have an sg node which means that it can be rendered the node the noise doesn't have an sg node but the mix shader does which means that i can attach this to a model enable render all right so what is an ai mix shader well it actually mixes two shaders into one so right now it's black because there's no shader attached so i'm going to grab this out color and drag it into my ai into my mix shader and you can see the effect right away that my ai mix shader now has a spotty looking shader which is shader two now i'm gonna grab another shader so i'm gonna give myself some space here hit tab ai standard so anything i have selected it will render i'm gonna go ahead and pause it change this to red just to demonstrate to you guys how ai mix shader works pretty red and what i'm going to do is drag my out color and drag it into shader 2. let's grab that ai mix shader and let's see what happens so what you're seeing is a mix between ai standard ai standard 1 which is the noise i'm going to go ahead and change this to ai standard noise and then this one which is just red which i'm going to call the red shader i have the ai mix shader selected and you'll notice that there is a weight if i drag this to the left you'll notice that the noise shader is the strongest and if i drag this to the right you'll notice that the red is the strongest so by using 0 to 1 you can actually get an interesting mix so what is the purpose of an ai mix shader well you can actually do a lot with it because zero to one means that it's black and white i can actually attach a black and white image so i can mix these two for example remember this ai noise shader well i'm actually going to disconnect it i'm going to go ahead and select this little connection and just press delete on your keyboard when i select ai standard noise you'll notice that it's black because the color is now disconnected i'm going to change this to a preset and i'm going to choose something fun like let's do gold and replace so this is gold and i'm going to rough up it a little bit just so that it looks like scratch gold i'm going to go back to my ai mix shader and see what that looks like kind of neat actually mixing gold with red together gives it this really interesting color so now i have my ai noise and you guys remember what it looked like before so i'm going to select it and this time i'm going to grab it and try to connect it into the mix and you'll notice that it doesn't let me even though this is a color of black and white ai mix can only accept zero to one and the reality is is that ai noise is in fact has an rgb remember remember how we change the colors well that's because it actually has an rgb channel so in out color i'm going to open up this little plus sign and you can see that it's got rgb so using this information i can actually grab r and drag it into the mix and you can you can grab g or b it doesn't matter because the map that we currently have is black and white so it's an even color of red green blue on all channels and now we'll see the results so as you can see we are having a very clean gold a very clean red and there's a little bit of that transition because of the noise so we're getting some really nice results now if i select the noise map unfortunately it doesn't give a preview so i can no longer see what it looks like we now have an ai noise one of my favorite shaders my second favorite is mix shader and i'm going to talk about the next uh shader that is going to help us clean this render up a little bit which is the ai range so i'm going to hit tab and go to ai range ai range means that it's going to clamp colors together you can control the color now i know it's getting a little busy and that's very common when you're working in the hypershade so if you want to you can collapse something so for example i'm going to rename this gold shader and then i'm going to hit the number one which is going to collapse it i'm going to hit one on this one too [Music] one one move these around so they're kind of close to each other [Music] and i have my ai noise so i'm going to keep it like this for now and i'm fine with the ssg node so i can collapse that too so just to demonstrate what ai range does it's actually easier to see if we have it you know in the preview so i'm going to create another ai standard surface and this is the one we're going to be previewing and it's okay to connect several maps together so i'm going to grab the out color and drag it into this base this is what the current ai noise looks like so let's see what ai range does so unfortunately i can't just drag it in here just wiggle it around and it connects i actually have to physically connect all of them so i'm going to grab the out color connect it into the input and then i'm going to grab the out color and connect it into the base so now it's connected so now the ai noise is attached to the ai range which is connected to the surface shader and you'll notice that there's no change so ai range what it does is that it clamps colors together what that means is that instead of going from white to black and have all these gray scales it will reduce the amount of gray and that's why it's called clamping for example let me show you what that means i'm going to press play and then i'm going to move it to the right the grays are starting to disappear that's because the white is being pushed away but i can do it the other way around i can actually bring in the white a little closer and i can start getting really pure whites until i get so close that it looks like this gonna bring that back and same thing with the output max i can if i bring this color output max to the left to a smaller i get similar results and if i go the other way the output max you can see that i can get pretty good colors i can increase the contrast or i can decrease it so it's a really powerful tool because if you're trying to get some really nice whites you can increase the contrast decrease the input max and increase the output max you can also just play around with it and kind of reduce the grays or increase the whites so you can see that i've i'm bringing my input max a little closer and if it's too even you'll see the numbers are too much the same so i'm going to change this to like 0.35 so it's kind of it's a fun tool to use because it's very very powerful so i'm going to play around a little bit more increase the contrast and i'm trying to get this really nice looking white and black and just a little bit of gray on the edges now they're starting to look noisy so i'm kind of worried that it's what it's going to do when we plug it into it so let's take a look i'm going to go ahead and hit pause and i'm going to grab the air range and just like before you'll notice that if i try to replace it in the ai mix it won't work so hit the little plus sign grab the r or or this time grab the g it doesn't really matter and let's see what that looks like to our ai mix shader so select your ai mix shader press play and there you go you have a very very clean contrast between the white and the black and therefore the gold and the red are now working together so we get this really interesting almost like camouflage look which actually might as well change it through that so let me go to my original ai standard surface i can change this to maybe like a forest green let's see what that looks like it's going to be metallic so i might want to decrease the metalness and increase my roughness then i'm going to grab my red shader and change this this to maybe a even darker green i'm going to increase my roughness again because i don't want it to be shiny and then let's take a look at the mix ai mix shader and there you go that's how you can get a little bit of a it's not of course it's not perfect camouflage but the the concept is there those are some of my favorite nodes i don't need this one anymore so i can go ahead and delete it by hitting delete on the keyboard and now i'm going to assign it into my shader ball so i'm going to grab my objects right click assign existing material a i make shader and let's render and there we go that is the hypershade we can quickly create some really nice shaders using the nodes that's provided by maya it's considered as procedural shading so let's review what we went over i'm going to open up the hypershade again i'm going to grab this guy and click on this one which will bring it all together so we went over of course ai standard surfaces we went over ai noise the ai range and also the ai mix shader and how all three of them or all one two three all four of these nodes give us this really cool effect on our model hopefully you found that helpful let me know by leaving a comment below and of course like and subscribe if you want to see more uh usually when you guys subscribe and make comments and share my videos with others it really encourages to make more of these videos so let me know if you want more hyper shade tutorials i actually really enjoy trying to make procedural shaders so if you want to see more just let me know and don't forget you can always go to academicphoenixplus.com to get this model for free and there's also a bunch of other models for free as well that you can download plus ebooks free trainings and so much more so all for you so take a look at academicphoenixplus.com again thank you so much for watching and keep creating and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 4,392
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: maya 2020, maya basics, intro maya, hypershade, maya hypershade, hypershade basics, autodesk maya, aistandardsurface, cg, 3d, textures, tutorial, video tutorial, how to, airange, ainoise, aimix, basics, intro, introduction, arnold renderer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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