Hypershade Basics in Maya 2020

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to a tutorial about one of the most important windows in maya called the hypershade i've been having a lot of requests about the hypershade so i'm just going to go over it with you guys to hopefully demystify this very powerful maya window so over here we have a chess set that i'm just kind of having fun and building for my introduction to 3d modeling class and i'm teaching them how to create this but i wanted to show you guys all of my subscribers and all the viewers out there how to use the hypershade so that you can understand it and therefore you'll be able to use its power guess it is very powerful so let's go ahead and get started uh the window is found right up here with this little teal sphere with a white circle click on that and that's going to open up the hypershape hypershade open in my other monitor so i'm going to drag it into my scene here and let's go ahead and make it larger now it may look overwhelming at first but let's break it down into pieces over here is the first thing that you see is materials so these are the default shaders that maya provides that it needs to function so i would encourage you guys not to delete them not that you can i think i'm going to try it okay you can't but uh uh do not touch these you want to leave these alone maya really needs these now a reason why is because if i select number one for example and then i change the color to pink everything that i create is now pink if i create a new cylinder you'll see that it's pink as well which is not really ideal so what you want to do is keep lambert one alone as well as the particle the shader glow and the standard surface one just go ahead and disregard those they're very important for maya to function correctly over here we have a bunch of tabs we have textures utilities rendering lights cameras notice that in my cameras i do have an image plane but you'll see that it's got the front side perspective side and top which of course you should recognize when you click on these four buttons so that those are the cameras if i create a camera create camera camera you will notice in the hypershade that it creates a camera so it's very very handy if you want to delete your image plane like i can i can just go ahead and select that image plane and delete it here over here to the left is a bunch of nodes that you can create so for example if i want to select arnold and choose and look at all of the nodes that arnold provides for you so it's pretty amazing so for example i can also write up here and say standard and here is the ai standard surface so perfect you'll also notice in my materials that it does create an ai standard surface here as well now i'm not a big fan of this because it takes up a lot of my space because usually what i do is when i'm creating shaders for example i want to be able to create shaders here without having all of this extra space so i have a tendency to just close these out this is the bin i don't again i don't use it so i close it so this is my workspace for the shaders i can select a shader for example the ai standard surface and click one of these buttons i can click on this one which will not only zoom in it will show you the sg node so this is my new ai standard surface one and this is my sg note which means that it can render if you wanted to click on this you can always put press these buttons just to see what they do but in general i have a tendency to just click on this one which will show me all the nodes that are connected over here is a selection by geometry so for example if i select this little guy right here and then click on this it will show me what shader that model is using and you can see that it's using the typical lambert one you can collapse it here you can collapse the shader there you can see all three which gives you all the information that you need i'm going to again select this guy you can either click on this or you can always right click and just say graph network will give you the same results so again you can press this guy you can see that it only shows the outputs and then you can see everything else and then you can see everything with four so but the but the trick to this is that if you select the shader you can just press one two three four on your keyboard and you'll get the same results so i personally just do one two three four i don't think it's really necessary for me to click here over here to the right we have some fun things this is the attributes down here so you will recognize it as well so for example if i select my model and do a control a and take a look at lambert one you will see the attributes of lambert one now it's up to you if you want to keep this so for example let me grab ai standard surface and i might as well just go ahead and grab this let's right click assign existing material choose an ai standard surface one from this little guy and what's what's fun about the material view is that you can change it into arnold and and it will render a preview of that shader which is pretty powerful if you didn't want to render it through the arnold renderer you can choose a shader ball you can also let's say you're trying to build cloth you can see what a cloth will look like you can also see the teapot and there's a bunch you can see an ocean you have an ocean splash so this is to create water you have a glass fill right so it's filling up with water again this is all to like create texture so i'm going to pause this let's grab the ai standard surface i'm going to do the presets and i'm going to choose um let's do i'm just going to choose glass and glass is very similar oh here's clear water i was going to say you can choose it's almost similar to to water but let's go ahead and choose clear water and say replace so now you can see how the shader would affect the dynamics so again we can take a look at ocean splash and you can see what that would look like or we can just take a look at the ocean so that tells you how powerful it is there's also glass splash so you can see that if this is what it looked like if it was a glass you can also do hair if you ever had hair which we'll see what happens because it seems to be killing my there we go so clearly glass is not great for hair and you also notice that the rendering has taken a little bit longer but again it's a preview so if i hit the pause button you'll notice that the rendering has stopped so this would this is going to be helpful in case i'm done looking at the preview so i'm going to hit tab if i put my mouse over this workspace and hit tab i can type in the nodes that i'm looking for so for example let's say i'm looking for a eye hair standard hair so i'm typing in hair and you can see that arnold which stands for ai it has a standard hair so let's take a look at that and then we can see what it looks like oops with this object so i have this selected and you can see that my shader has now been applied to hair now this uh hair the ai standard hair does have presets so again i'm going to pause i'm going to go to presets and it does have let's say you're going to choose the preset dark brown and then i can see what dark brown looks like on this hair and then you can play around with it so again this is a way to just preview your work i'm going to press pause here i'm going to grab this ai standard surface it does have a sphere so if you ever want to just look at it in the sphere there you go and then we also have a plane so nothing much to see there but let's go back to our shader ball so you can see the effect on the shader ball another cool thing about the arnold preview here is the interior color one or this area i can turn it off if i want to so i can see it enough just to see what it looks like if you're interested you can change it to neutral so it's kind of like a grayscale you can choose interior 2 so you can try different types of thing and see what type of effect the lighting has on the shader i can try interior to neutral so that grays it out so it gives you some really oh let's do exterior so again the whole purpose of this is to see how your shader reacts on different types of let's lighting exterior one we might as well go through them all just because i'm curious exterior too exterior neutral and you can add your own if you like so i'm gonna go back to interior color one so we get this interior lighting with a nice light on the right and let's have a little bit of fun i'm gonna hit tab again again your mouse has to be over here tip and then just let's pick another ai standard surface there it is now it's getting a little busy so what i would like to do is go instead of calling instead of using this one which basically everything gets piled on i'm going to create my own tab so i'm going to hit this little guy right here which is going to create a fresh window which is nice and if i double click i can call this something so for example i can just call this material test this is my new area standard and i'm going to click on here again you can always right click on this and go to graph network this is my ai standard 2. oh this is all glass let me assign my new one okay that's better you do not need to be looking at this window rendering and all that stuff you can just build your shaders here which is very which is really nice so for let's go to color i'm going to click on this little output and i'm going to add cloth so you'll notice that my ai standard surface now has a little thing a little node attached to the base color which is called cloth and then it has a placement node so let's see the effect that it has on this render so i'm going to select my placement node and over here i can do 50 by 50 for example turn on turning on num lock 50 by 50. so we're getting like this cloth feel now instead of using that shader ball i'm going to choose cloth and you can see that even though i look good for a second it's the pattern is still too too big so let's do 150 by 150. so now it's starting to look a little bit more like cloth i'm going to press pause let's take a look at this and i'm going to tweak a couple of things think my specularity is a little too bright i'm going to go to the cloth and change the color so instead of this let's pick let's let's choose kind of like a blue maybe i should be watching what it does and then that's a purple um let's choose darker colors here and then choose a darker one as well too much let's go lighter maybe slightly to the left something like that we can always change the gap color all right now part of the issue is the specularity is super bright so let's go back to the ai standard and i'm going to rough up the ai standard right so now it's starting to have that specularity so it kind of spreads out a little bit and then i'm going to scroll down and there's this really fancy thing called sheen which i'm going to open up and activate so it's going to give it like a almost like a velvet feel but not too much and then i can change that color too if i wanted to so that it's almost like um blue on the edges so it's almost like picking up fuzz things like that so you can see that by this type of render you can get a nice look of a draped oh and by the way you can zoom in and out another thing that we can do is go to geometry go to bump map i'm going to save file which is going to create a bump 2d node i don't need a file actually i'm just going to delete that and then i'm going to grab my out color open it up grab the r and just drag it into bump value so what it's going to do is that it's going to grab the red and then plug it into uh the bump value so let's see what that looks like so you can see now that it's starting to come out a little bit i'm going to go ahead and to the bump depth and just change it to like a 0.5 so it's not too dramatic and we're starting to get a nice looking material let's call it something cloth shader [Music] all right i'm going to press pause okay so go into textures you'll notice that my cloth is there so if you ever lose any textures you can always just kind of select it here it will keep all of them so for example if i hit tab and then i use ai noise and then i decide i don't want it and i just grab this one and you know frame it it will stay here so don't forget to get rid of your notes that you're not using because it will keep every single one that you uh that you create so materials uh textures you have utility nodes you can see there's a placement node and also a bump value now you get a lot of these as you start to build your your environment so just make sure that it might be a good idea to grab this for example this cloth shader i'm going to do a control c and a lot of companies just do this cloth shader bump [Music] and then they'll grab the placement node and say cloth shader now this is only one asset so i'm not too worried about it you could potentially have thousands of utilities and textures so you need to label things so that you know what to expect so don't so that's one quick way of organizing your pieces including their sg nodes i would probably recommend that you uh you update your sg nodes under rendering we just have a default render we don't have any lights um here's our cameras we have our shading group right so these are all the shading groups those are sg nodes that i was telling you guys about notice how many already have i can quickly look at it and this is the cloth one still perfect that's why you label everything we have projects assets nodes and so on so forth so there's a lot that we can cover here and that basically covers how to use the hypershade it is very powerful there's a couple of other notes that you guys can play around with but in general that should give you enough information to be able to navigate through the hypershade build your own shaders and then control it through here and then once you're done you can always just scoot it down and then assign so for example i can grab this guy and say existing material i have my cloth shader [Music] i'm going to zoom in here press the number six on your keyboard to see what's going on [Music] oh that's i forgot that i assigned it to everything so i'm going to grab these and assign existing link just going to go back to let's see standard one oops that's gloss uh let me turn on my wireframe there we go so at least we can see it this is why you should label everything let me grab this stand and just call this glass there we go no problem i can always uh go to the transmission and reduce the transmission so that i get a little bit more solid glass all right i'm going to close this i'm going to go to arnold i'm going to create a light physical sky and then let's render arnold render and there we go i have one funny looking chess piece now you're going to notice that the that all of it looks really weird so let me turn off the wire frame that's because this isn't this isn't uv'd right so i'm going to do a basic cylindrical map hopefully it will make it look slightly better i'm just trying to blaze through this i'm not really trying to create a finished product here i just wanted to show you guys the hypershade but it's always nice to see it in uh there it is being complete all right i hope you found this helpful press stop click on that i'm going to increase the roughness because i see a little hot spot right there there we go well i hope you found that helpful that was a quick guide to the hypershade let me know if you have any any questions by leaving a comment below and again don't forget to take a look at academicphoenixplus.com where you can find free downloads free tutorials and so much more so take a look at academicphoenixplus.com and don't forget to subscribe and click on that nice little little bell because it will tell you when uh you know you'll never miss a video again feel free to share my videos with anybody that you think it's this might be helpful uh there's a lot of videos out there so i really appreciate you guys watching and uh and sharing my videos it really encourages me to continue working on these videos so again thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 24,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2020, maya basics, intro maya, hypershade, maya hypershade, hypershade basics, autodesk maya, aistandardsurface, cg, 3d, textures, tutorial, video tutorial, how to
Id: YqFgbeUhf2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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