Hyper-Reaalistic Midjourney Images - Complete Prompt Guide

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how to create hyper realistic images with mid-journey hello my friends how are you doing this video is a cooperation between Robo Mar who is an absolute mid-choney Legend follow him on Instagram for daily tips and tricks and me so he gave me his amazing formula to make this happen I did extensive testing with it and I'm going to show you my tips and tricks on top of that also please use the link below this video to sign up for free to the Nvidia conference because they say they will give a 3080 TI to one of the people from my community my channel who sign up with this link also don't forget about my stream on Sunday we're gonna do some control net stable diffusion testing let's get started here so first let me show you a normal mid-choney image without the amazing formula from Robo Mar this is just old lady here I have in this picture the ratio minus minus AR 4x6 and then also the version minus minus V 4 I will leave that out for the rest of the video you can see here the quality is good but it's not amazing it doesn't look super realistic it is kind of blurry it's kind of low detail and it looks like a digital painting now here we have the same thing but with the formula the formula is professional color grading soft Shadows no contrast clean sharp Focus film photography and by the way watch the rest of the video because there's a lot more amazing things to come now when you look at the image you can directly see that there is a ton of difference now this is a lot more detailed it looks a lot more realistic the light is better and all the materials feel better this doesn't look any more like a digital painting here we have both images side by side and you can see the massive difference this is making now one thing I want to point out here this is really important is look at the materials because what is very important for realism for hyper realism is the reflection and also refraction of light and these are different based on the material but also based on the material color so when you look for example at the hair you can see the reflection of the material of the hair is different than from the skin in the skin we have a special thing where the light is going through the skin and then it is going to be reflected from lower layers in your skin so there's also a little bit of translucency here and we can see that in the right photo but not in the left photo because the left foot is more like a digital painting also when you look at the lower parts with the clothing the materials feel different from the skin from the hair that is also very important and we have none of that in the left image now let's talk about some basic advice here to give you good results right from the start one thing is to keep the prompts short and that means don't pack everything in there that comes to mind because that will confuse use the AI but it also will take away from what you actually want to achieve the AI doesn't know what the priority of your image is going to be the next thing of course that results from that is stay focused so don't try out a million different things try to achieve one simple thing play around with the prompt do some changes but stay on the topic stay focused on what you actually want to achieve because this will lead to very fast and very good results next I personally would suggest to you to start out with a ratio of two by three or three by two because first of all that is a ratio that works better with version 4 but also this will from the start give you better results and a more interesting composition than the classic one by one ratio but it is also not as challenging as higher ratios like 16 by nine or two by one next of course one thing to take into account here is if you want to achieve hyper realism it has to be a realistic motive so don't try to create other Artistic Styles if you want to have something realistic start off with something that is realistic and maybe also a subject that is often found on the internet because that makes it easier for the AI to give you results that look like an actual photo next of course real topics are kind of important because again the AI is trained on images found on the internet so if it's not real the AI doesn't know what you want from it and it has to do more guesswork and of course it doesn't know what the materials look like how the reflections are how the light situations are in the shadows so that makes it more complicated for the AI and the results will be less realistic as a result of course if you're more advanced you can do whatever you want and this of course brings me to my next Point don't confuse the AI stay simple stay realistic have a real topic and try to achieve something that is in near reach and then get more complex over time and last but not least this is kind of an important thing here try to think like a photographer so if the result of the image isn't what you expect think about what would a photographer do in that situation like for example the daylight situation or the lighting situation the weather situation lots of things can be changed the camera angle things like bokeh so you want to research a little bit how is photography done and how is good photography achieved to help you write better prompts so let's start here with something that is easy to achieve in this case you can see in Orange what I added and then in blue the standard prompt for this one I'm gonna read out everything futuristic woman with pink hair and blue eyes avard winning studio photography now here you can see that I'm staying very short precise and to the point of what I want to achieve after that we have the formula from robomar professional color grading soft Shadows no contrast clean sharp Focus film photography now one thing to point out here is that you can see it says soft Shadows no contrast but when you look at the image you can see that that is not happening in the image what robomar told me is he is adding this to the formula of his prompt because because often mid-choney will create too dark too harsh shadows and often too deep to extreme contrast so by writing soft shadows and no contrast you get a good looking result but at the same time still a good contrast still very nice Shadows now here in the second example I'm only highlighting what I've changed the rest of the prompt is exactly the same in this case I have changed the film photography to digital photography and when we compare these two results here you can see that the digital photography is a lot harder not just from the light but also from the details it's cleaner it's more precise which is really interesting and you should try out different formats different mediums even different brands or different cameras can be put in the prompt to achieve slightly different but very interesting results next we have here analog film photography and again when you compare the two images here's again the digital image you can see how hard precise and sharp everything is with the analog film photography everything looks a little bit softer a little bit vintage a little bit more warm from the colors from the overall expression and that is also something you expect from an analog film photo next I added Cinema film photography and that can also be a very interesting thing because as you can see mid cherny tries to create a style that will reflect these kind of Concepts it's not always about the medium it's also sometimes where the photography is going to be shown where it's going to be used and you can see that this is more expressive has more of a character is more glamor next I tried magazine photography and I find this really interesting because this did not just change the overall style you can see everything here is fresh stylish young expressive a kind of photo you would put in a magazine or even on a cover and it's just very eye-catching but also it changed the physique of the model here the next photo here is glamor photography and when you look at that photo you can see how different that is from the magazine photography we had before again here is the magazine photo you can see this is wow and in the face and loud and eye-catching and more aggressive now with the glamor even the clothing even how the hair is done the soft slide on the hair everything about that photo is finer softer just well more glamorous before we go on to another subject I also want to show you a color sheet that is actually from mid-cherny in Vicky on their page so here you have different colors different terms you can use to achieve these colors for example here for different eye colors here we have materials for clothing after that we have materials for oceans lakes rivers we have fantasy skin colors which of course if you want to create an L for an orc things like that could be super helpful of course pause the video to look closer at the different suggestions and try them out in your prompts hyper realism is of course not just interesting for portraits so here we have an animal Photography in this case we have a lion again trying to stay realistic try to have something that is usually photographed in the real world to start you off with Hyper realism in this case again I have a very short starting prompt Lion in nature highly detailed fur and then afterwards I have the robomar formula now I added here highly detailed fur so I get more structure in the fur because sometimes especially in the upscaling a little bit muddy a little bit blurry a little bit low detail so this can help to get better results now again think about where why and how are photos used in this case I'm using National Geographic as a term in this image and look at how different that image is so when we look at this image you can see it's a good image of a line it's very nice from the colors and overall just very expressive and beautiful but National Geographic is known for their emotional expressive photos that tell a story and really bring you in as a viewer so when you look at the face of this line here you can see a little bit of thoughtfulness maybe a little bit of sadness in the eyes he's looking out over the Savannah and you have also a nice color story in here his face is warm you can see the way the direction he's looking there is warm light there's maybe a sunset happening but behind him the light is blue it is cold so you have a difference between the foreground the background and this gives a movement also an emotional movement here so everything about this is just you want to know what does he think you feel as a part of his life next I added GoPro to the prompt and this is really interesting because not only is the GoPro in action cam but of course it is used for action shots and it has a lens that is very wide angle kind of a fish eye lens and this is also reflected in the pictures you can see here that the perspective is skewed that is why the head of the line is so big and the snout is even bigger than it should be but also the overall scenery is more action-like you can feel like the line is gonna move he's smelling at the camera there's some action going on and you were involved in that through the image so again this is a part of Storytelling and also to think about how is a camera used where is the camera used what kind of image do I want to achieve and what kind of camera would I use for that think like a photographer to get these hyper realistic results and of course if you simulate real photographic techniques you get something that looks like the real thing now here's one more thing that I want to tell you about photos especially for fur but also overall if your upscale doesn't have enough detail isn't sharp enough because mid-choney version 4 still has an upscaling problem try to put in your prompt minus minus style 4B because there's actually different versions of four and I tried it out and for fur 4B is working the best and you can see here in this result even though the app scale is still blurry it has a lot more detail in there and the hair the individual hair strands are more pronounced now let's move on to architecture photography because of course you can achieve High parallelism in a lot of different areas and here you can see I wrote at the beginning architectural photography to Define that as a medium of a modern living room now in this case the result is pretty amazing I really like it it's very expressive it has a lot of range in there from the Shadows to the bright areas everything is beautiful but it is not an architectural photo because it is just too dark too Moody not what I want to have here now I tried to add at the end of my prompt HDR bright room and that improved things and that actually looks pretty cool and I can see this image being used in some magazines especially ones that are a little bit more edgy and a little bit more expressive but still the Shadows are too dark and everything is a little bit too extreme too harsh so here I have a solution for you I added at the end of The Prompt evenly lit bright room but that wasn't enough so I added a negative prompt minus minus no Dark Shadows and you can see the result here is pretty cool this is something you can actually put on an architectural page because the broom is nice it is bright it feels good you want to be there it's just a nice sunny day to have and also the overall colors look very nice professional and nicely white balanced next let's talk a little bit about street photography in this case Japanese neon Street at night really cool subject and it is very nice to look at the result is kind of good but it could be better so here we are just using the robomar formula and already we're getting pretty amazing results but like I said think like a photographer to try to improve these results so when you look at that scenery what would you change as a photographer you can see here we have Neon Lights how do neon lights look better of course after rain when there is puddles on the ground so this is what I added here wet Street and already this looks a lot more realistic because the reflections and the wet ground brings more for the AI to grip at to create nice Reflections nice contrast and surface details and this overall brings out the hyper realism in that image another classic photography tricky is of course to use bokeh in my image Boca is the blurry Parts in an image and what that does is if you have blurriness somewhere in the image the sharp Parts look even sharper and you have a guidance of the focus where the eyes are going because of course you're not going to look at the blurry parts so here I'm zoomed into that image and you can see that the foreground here looks a lot more interesting more detailed more sharp because the background is so blurry now of course again here I tried the National Geographic photography and in this case you can see even though it didn't make the image more realistic it put more story Into the image again there's a very nice balance between the lights between the warm and cool areas but also I feel like this image has more details in it that create a certain story now I want to show you actually a variation of the robomar prompt so this is another thing he is doing in that case you can see here of course at the beginning it says b in a flower but then the variation here is professional color grading soft Shadows no contrast but after that F stop 1.2 depth of field focus stacking macro photography now what this achieves is it tells the AI about a specific f-stop you want to use to create this sharpness in the image but then also through depth of field and focus stacking we are having an image that is sharper throughout the image so it's not just at a very small part it is created through of course in real life multiple photos so in that case you would take maybe five photos sometimes 10 or 15 photos and merge the sharp parts of that image together to create that focus stacking in effect now another alternative here is to use super macro photography in this case also at the start I wrote b-hat so both of them help really well to zoom in even closer of course one thing you have to take into consideration here is that mid-journey doesn't really understand how a bee hat looks like so anatomically these things are not really correct and as a last thing for the tutorial today I want to show you a really crazy thing you can do with AI so here I added at the end a negative prompt minus minus no blur bokeh dof depth of field now what this does and I've never seen that in real life is a macro photo that has no blur in there at all everything is sharp the blossom is sharp the B is sharp it looks so strange that even the AI has problems to create a image because it doesn't really know what you want from it this is just very uncommon to have so much sharpness in a macro photo but that you can do these things is absolutely mind-blowing before I go I want to remind you to re-roll to change your prompt in tiny ways like individual words or even phrasings of individual words to see how you can improve your results let me know in the comments if I missed any amazing trick that I should have put in here leave a like if you enjoyed this video and see you soon bye oh you're still here so uh This is the End screen there's other stuff you can watch like this or that's really cool and yeah I hope I see you soon leave a like if you haven't yet and well um yeah
Channel: Olivio Sarikas
Views: 288,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oliviosarikas, olivio sarikas, olivio affinity, olivio tutorials, MidJourney, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney ai, midjourney video, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v4, midjourney how to use, midjourney tips, midjourney realism, midjourney guide, midjourney free online course, realism, realistic, real, photography, AI photo, AI art, adobe alternative, prompt, prompt guide, prompt tutorial, prompting, best prompts, prompt v4, prompt writing, prompt explained
Id: 1Zked4DLPiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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