Husky Gets A Big Surprise After Vets Visit

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poor guy it's hoofing it down he got his third injection today so hopefully he's going to go to the toilet then we don't have to stop on the way there oh bless him so yeah I'm going to build a shelter there I've decided um just there like a a shelter probably about that high so sherper can go into it and I can put the lawn mower in shouldn't be too difficult all I got to do is buy some of that shipl wood uh I've got the pole digger I need to buy some post crate or pole crate or something like that to hold the post in and then I'll um I'll whack it next to this so I'll leave a gap in between or I might just build it straight onto it I don't know yet but that's the plan over the next couple of weeks blel sh you're going to get so bro go then go for a [Laughter] poo all right we're nearly there only a few more [Music] minutes come on then let's get those Nails trimmed as well come on stop stall in lost more weight and must the harness on as well brilliant good boy good boy come come here them right buddy so yeah the vet is all done he's um he's had his injection he's had another um no injection that's what I was going to say he's also had his nails trimmed as well she did that as well which is really cool cuz I've wanted to do them for I did try and do them at home but I never know where whether it's going to cut into his red bit or not and so she's done those also we weighed him again and he's actually um he's 37.1 and that's with the harness on so he that's the lowest I can remember him being cuz that's probably 36 without the harness did I say with the harness on like he was 37.1 with the harness on so yeah he's yeah I need to start feeding them a bit more I think he'll like that you're watching the floor [Music] move you know what I think I'm going to get shery a little surprised tonight cuz he's lost a bit of weight so I think he uh I think he deserves a bit of an extra specialty tonight so I've been holding on to this surprise for a little bit for sherpy and um William has sent Sherpa some PayPal to get him a big fat juicy steak and I've been waiting for the right time to do it so I think because he's lost so much weight and he's done so well with his hydro and his um injection I think and in general he's just been a really really good boy I'm going to go get him mistak all to himself we're going to cook it up peas carrots gravy he's going to absolutely love it right won't be a minute buddy right oh look at that look two for8 quid absolute bargain I need one without without much fat on for shie that one or do please wait the assistance is coming already oh [Music] man please wait the assistant is coming there we go couple of juicy steaks and we saw Larry as well come on then right I think before we give sherper his um his tea I'm going to check the scales and the uh and the Vets weren't faulty I'm weigh him this is going to be torture for [Applause] him all right so before this delicious meal that you're going to have we need to check that those scales were right and you have to get onto our scales so come on in on here all on all on and the back end good boy wait wait wait wait okay I'll give you that you you've still lost wait so you can still have the steak very good buddy very good you can have that as well there you go good boy good boy how would you like your steak sir just quickly yeah right sherpy which one do you want H the one with less fat on blooming El sharp you need to thank William for this jeez no garlic for sherpy it's getting there [Laughter] buddy oh you're in for a treat you are in for a treat you like yours medium rare as well don't you I'll take it out now just cutting them up into little cubes for him do you want gravy as well yeah get some gravy too why not eh why not so do your an egg as well ni scrambled egg too come toilet then go come toilet come on there buddy his little Trot go on I'm watching not like that but you know good boy nearly ready let's put your egg in let's put your steak in I've cut it up because you know what sherp is like he will just swallow it whole there's your steak buddy let's put some eggs and peas in with this gravy the rest in with mine yly buddy you're doing the washing up you know that I did the cooking bit of garlic bread and Sher peas gravy and carrots and beans guys a lucky thing I need today yum yum love this stuff right you ready buddy out of 10 so once again William thank you very much for sending shpia steak and uh he is going to absolutely love it are you ready can you smell it all ready savor it okay Sav don't goop at all go on in [Laughter] good boy all right yeah it's not happening buddy
Channel: Sherpa's Day
Views: 51,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sherpa, husky, malamute, talking husky, talking dog, talking malamute, husky off lead, husky off leash, funny pets, funny animals, dog talks to owner, dog talks to people, dog loves humans, love animals, viral pets, Sherpa, Sherpa the Malamute, Sherpa the Husky, Cute animals, Cute Husky, jamie and sherpa, sherpa loves people, husky loves people, husky talks, husky talks to strangers, husky talks to people, keyush, sherpa and key, husky day out, vlog, cornwall, newquay, new home
Id: -TMEtuuamH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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