Hunting Cabin Built With Free Pallet Wood Pt.10 - Mini Cabin, Pallet Building, Pallet Shed Complete

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what's the magic number Oh camera down welcome to this life outdoors in this video we're gonna show you start to finish how we built our mini cabin at a free pallet wood so grab a cold one and get comfortable hey if you like the outdoors you want to see more videos like this don't forget to smash that subscribe button and notification valve so you can be the first in line to see our next video so it all started with a text [Music] then we were off and running [Music] we loaded up the trailer with our first load of pallets and headed up to camp [Music] we did a rough layout on foundation just to see what kind of space [Music] here we spend a little bit of money because we did buy the blocks and the four by fours just so we had a good solid foundation to start with it also saved us time by not digging holes the ground we were working on it was pretty compact that wasn't concerned about it settling these pallets were about five foot wide and 12 feet long [Music] once we got them in place we squared and leveled everything we were ready to get started [Music] we put down a little plastic before putting down the flooring just to keep the draft out then it was time to get to work we had to peel every single board off of every pallet some of the boards were used for flooring and some of the pallets would be reassembled as walls [Music] this palette breaker tool was invaluable in helping us get everything apart but we still had to go back and pull all the nails out by hand here you can see it closed up a whole lot better than swinging a hammer and a crowbar once we pop the board's I would follow up with the crowbar to make sure we got all the nails out here was our first blooper [Music] now that we had all the boards free of nails and we have the plastic down it was time to start start putting the flooring down you can see here how quickly it went down I don't remember exactly but I don't think we had to do much cutting on the floorboards because of the dimensions of the pallets everything just kind of worked out here you see a nice completed hardwood floor for the walls once we had stripped off all the boards we grabbed some tar paper and put a coat of that on first again to keep the draft and light out once we sighted the walls [Music] we did have to buy the tar paper but I think it was worth a few bucks that we spent [Music] here we just took the boards and matched him up to one edge of the wall later we would go back and trim off any excess that was overhanging here we go harvesting more boards that was kind of a never-ending theme of this project especially in the beginning here we are trimming the wall to size [Music] we arrange the back ten-foot wall so that it would fit between the two side 12-foot walls [Music] once we got them all in place we screwed in the corners temporarily till we could go back and make some better connections [Music] and there you go finally started to look like a building you can see the gaps in the corners later in the video you'll see we go back inside those we also went back and filled in with spray foam again just keep the drafting bugs out every time we got a load of materials or we wanted to sneak away to work on the cabin it was a two and a half hour drive to do so so we were sneaking away at every opportunity we could just to keep working on it again we wanted to get it finished before winter came so the original walls made out of the pallets were only about five foot three high so we constructed these new walls they were about 18 inches and what that did was brought the overall wall height up to 7 feet because I'm about six-one that was kind of important you'll see later when we put the doors and windows in how everything fits again all this material here was reclaimed or leftover stuff that we had laying around [Music] [Music] so with the knee walls in our finished height was now about seven feet and when you put in a standard door it's about six foot eight high so you need a good seven foot wall just to fit a regular-sized door in and here we begin framing in the front of the building this was a critical next step because it tied the other three walls together and we were able to start squaring the building and making it more rigid [Music] this was important because we wanted to make sure everything was plumb and square [Music] and after we got that front wall started we went around and put a double cap all the way around the building and this again tied the walls all together and made everything more rigid already the weather starts turning colder so now we're really hustling because the goal was to get this done before the weather got cold and I had to pull my camper back home and we wouldn't have a place to stay at camp anymore here we are putting up the roof ridge beam we had this laying around in our wood pile a nice solid piece of wood so we figured why buy another one we'll just make this work and you'll notice we use little holders little dead men at the front and back typically when you do a ridge and rafter type roof I don't think those are required but it gave us an extra set of hands and it made it a lot easier to do the work here we finally started getting some rafters up now we did buy these we did buy the rafters and the and the roof sheathing and the shingles for two reasons one again I didn't want to skimp on the roof in two we were running out of time had we had looked on Facebook or Craigslist we might have found these materials but due to the lack of time I decided to just go ahead and purchase them [Music] the ridge beam is a 2 by 10 and the rafters were two by sixes I did want the sheathing on the roof to be 5/8 but all the local lumberyard had was a 7/16 so we went with it not my first choice but this is just a seasonal building and so we got the roof all sheath we started putting down the tar paper so we could pick up some shingles and get moving [Music] it's really starting to look like a cabin now so we got the shingles at a local bargain outlet and my father went up about a day or so early so he started the shingles when I was when I wasn't a camp you'll notice the drip edge is not on yet because I was the one bringing the drip edge so we did this next part backwards and I wouldn't recommend it but we did what we had to do to keep moving forward and take advantage of every minute so when I finally showed up I did all the the climbin work and finished up the shingles here you can tell the weather was still chilly [Music] you could see that the weather was colder because I would start in the morning with a sweatshirt and jeans and usually by the afternoon we'd end up with shorts and t-shirts and here we are putting on the caps pretty sure we did two loads of pallets for this job I think we only brought the trailer up twice four pallets the second load was for extra siding boards and then if you look here you'll see we start building a front porch you'll notice that the ridge beam was a lot longer than the building and instead of cutting it off we decided that we would keep going and use it for a porch roof now this was an afterthought which is why we shingled the existing part of the roof first which is an ideal but still we made it work so because we had that extra ridge beam and these pallets we just lifted a pallet onto the front of the building lagged it into the the front posts that we put on and built a roof over top of it [Music] we lifted the pallet up cut off what was hanging off and then put a new face on it and we were good to go [Music] and this particular weekend was Labor Day weekend so the entire family was up at Camp we had somewhere in the neighborhood of five campers five RVs up there and all of our family members up so we had a lot of extra help in the beautiful weather that really helped us get things done here we're working on sheathing and roofing the porch roof which went pretty quick and for this shot my brother has a really cool drone believe it's a DJ Mavic or something to that something of that nature and he was able to take some great aerial footage of the project [Music] I'll correct the name of that drone here in the notes but you can see we do have a seam in the roof between the porch and the main structure but we overlapped it and sealed it so that there'd be no leaking issues [Music] really gives you a nice view of the project and what we were working with [Music] [Music] you can see here we're just putting the final cat pieces on then the shingles will be all done now here for strength and just for a nice finished look we decked the porch perpendicularly to the existing boards the the pallet as is is just not sturdy enough to step on so this gave it a nice solid feel and here you can see us putting in the front windows we were lucky enough to find someone selling for vinyl windows for twenty dollars twenty dollars for all four of them I think we found that on Facebook so that was a that was a great score and then here we just finish in the siding on the front of the building up into the peak and there you go two windows and a completely sided building the lights you see on the front or something I had left over from my father's old camper they're actually RV awning lights we had him kicking around in a shed and I thought why not use them [Music] then we finally got our hands on a door I think we paid $80 for this on Facebook marketplace and it did not have a frame so you'll see here in the pictures as we're putting this in you'll see some photos pop up of my father constructing the frame and getting the hinges and the threshold before this door there you go that was really starting to look like a little cabin [Music] that was time to go outside and tie up some of the loose ends we used more of the pallet boards to close up the fascia and the eaves of the building now these boards aren't perfect so we did later go back and use some spray foam and kind of fill in all the seams and any gaps just to try to keep the critters out a little bit and again cut down on that draft because our primary use of this building was going to be in the early spring and in the fall hunting season you know long after we pull the RV out so it was important that we could keep some heat inside [Music] now we finally get to start working on the inside you'll see here we are putting up kind of a ledger board for what is going to become a loft our goal was to sleep about three or four people here at any given time because it's me my father and my brother mostly and occasionally somebody will join us for a hunting trip or early spring trip up to camp so the loft was built or framed anyway out of some of the boards from the pallets we had to go back and disassemble all the pallet frames pull all the nails out and use all the structural pieces to frame out the loft and there you go there's the rough framing for a loft it was roughly 41 inches wide or deep I should say and it was of course 10 feet wide now here we chose to build a support wall in the very center of the building and you'll see why in a minute Liat gives good support to the loft and it had a second purpose as well here we use some rough cut lumber that my father again had probably got on Facebook marketplace buy the trailer load and he just had a shed full of it so we use that to deck the loft you can see I fit up there pretty well this was my new future bedroom [Music] here we are putting in the third of those four windows that we got this one was slightly smaller so we decided to put it in the back corner of the building [Music] and here we're putting the finishing touches on the front door trimming it out with some more pallet boards [Music] and there you go so in finishing the inside of the building it just so happened that my brother had taken down a stockade fence an old weathered stockade fence and my father had the great idea to disassemble it and use it for interior siding kind of a almost a tongue-and-groove board look on the inside of the building and it was lightweight and perfect with the weather look it really came together nicely but you can see that up front it was quite a bit of work he took apart every single board and removed every single nail before we made the trip back up to camp I left all this in just so you can really grasp how much work this was [Music] we decided to bring up a small compressor and a brad nailer again because we were running out of time until the cold weather is coming and this let us put the boards up pretty quick [Music] sorry for the blurry camera shots but every time the compressor kicked in it vibrated the tripod which made all of the footage blurry so I tried to remove most of it but if you see that further along in the video that's what it's from here we are putting the finishing touches of the interior siding on the front wall of the bathroom that support wall turned into a small bathroom / changing room just to you know have one of those creature comforts within the cabin give a little privacy for changing now that the bathroom was all sided up it was time to put a door on it here you can see us sort of brainstorming a frame and designed for the door we used some rough cut boards again that my father had in his shed to put together a nice little door for the bathroom and there we go [Music] I think the hinges are something we had kicking around in the garage as well so I don't think we went out and purchased new hinges there's status shots of the building so far and now it was on to finishing all the remaining walls with the siding you could see the fence panels really came together they're weathered a little rough but they look really good when you put them all up we may in the future just give them a light sanding to really bring the color back out but even as is they were really nice and there was no sense in wasting them [Music] [Music] now you'll notice in some of these shots that we really didn't stagger the seams and that was on purpose we weren't sure if we were gonna have enough material so we didn't want to create excess waste by trying the stagger that seems too early so while it's not perfect it did get the job done and in the end we had a nice wall again if your if this is the first time seeing this building this is part 10 of an entire series so if you really want to see the detail of how we did all of this please check out our channel and start back at part 1 and you can really see how this came together this is sort of a summary of the entire project with a little more commentary that's a good shot of how that wall just comes together [Music] even for a small building a 10 by 12 there is a ton of work to get an overnight ready which is what our goal was we're really hustling to get this building done so that when I did pull out the camper we'd have a place to stay I think at this point in the project I think deer season had already started we were up for the early bow season in the northern Adirondacks so what we would do is hunt in the morning work on the building during the day and then sneak out any evening and sit in our stands now that the walls were almost complete it was time to bring in some furniture so you can see dad here taking some stuff out of the shed that we had saved from a previous project I used to have another cabin and I sold it and when I did I had lots of leftover items in it you'll see in some of these shots the fridge the mini-fridge and the microwave were already brought into the building you know because we had to keep the beer cold somehow [Music] here you can see some of the spray foam we went through and tried to hit all of the seams in any daylight areas with the spray foam before we started putting this siding on and here's dad finishing up the little nook to the right of the bathroom and this is basically the kitchen area the dog you see is the neighbor's dog occasionally he likes to come down the road and visit [Music] we are finally putting the finishing touches on the kitchen corner [Music] [Music] there we go ready for business [Music] you [Music] you know we're always looking for more ideas so if you have any project ideas or you've done some interesting things with pallets please comment below and let us know maybe we'll make it a future project here you get a great close-up look of the color and texture of the boards we used on the walls [Music] [Music] a little clean up before we move some of the furniture into the kitchen Cornett now you'll notice a couple cabinets in this shot and these were both either freebies or something that was cheap at a garage sale or on Facebook marketplace my father's always looking always out and about and sometimes you find some good deals here you can see that we had just carried in a nice twin bed that my father made for a previous project and this here was a folding bunk that I had in in an older cabin that we removed when we sold it so it folds up on the wall and slips down there was also a top bunk that goes with that which you'll see in this shot here but for times sake we did not make that folding we just kind of lagged into the wall put luggage and stuff above so that's why it looks a little wonky it's all perfectly structured structural but for times sake we just bolted it to the wall [Music] and like I said the cold weather has caught up to us and it is time to pull the camper out so I really I really hope you guys have enjoyed this project there's much more to come with this building we're done with the construction for the season just because the cold weather and deer season has moved in but like I said there is a detailed 10 part series so you'll certainly see the links here on the channel or check out our main page if you really want to get into the details but stay tuned because the next video which has already been filmed is our first overnighter and the opening of rifle season for deer hunting so our first overnighter in the cabin we had a great time lots of great footage so I hope you'll join us for the next video and take care
Channel: This Life Outdoors
Views: 1,840,749
Rating: 4.8392048 out of 5
Keywords: Free, pallet, wilderness, bushcraft, survival, hunting, cabin, primitive, outdoors, diy, camping, deer, outdoorsman, pallet wood, tiny home, primitive cabin, cabin build, pallet cabin, hunting cabin, off grid, log cabin, building, homestead, full build, off grid cabin, pallets, recycled, hand tools, cheap, save money, timber frame, woodstove, bushcraft camp, tiny house, forest, woods, nature, tools, build, building skills, mini cabin, ta outdoors, ta outdoors pallet cabin, outdoors with the morgans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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