Did I Break It? (Luck Be A Landlord)

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we're back with some luck be a landlord you know we've had a lot of fun breaking the game lately and i i appreciate that uh people who you know they've been watching luck be a landlord they enjoy the game breaking stuff but it would be nice to also uh you know just play a little bit more of like a casual run we already solved the game let's explore a little bit more of the space that if you like don't just uh rush a sun build let's explore that space man so i'm starting here i'm thinking to myself you know what give me a dwarf dwarf plus alcohol that's the way you run this dwarf alcohol crab snail egg crab snail egg give me crab please bear snail banana give me a banana and we can take a thief to remove a banana peel later dude they really want me to take snails huh like this is getting just getting out of control um pay 25 that's no problem now that we can remove stuff from the inventory like this is not nearly as bad thief is is fantastic for us and then you know so lockpick is an incredible get like lockpick is amazing um lucky cat early though is also like lucky cat is kind of fun i'm just gonna take lucky cat and then we'll get more rares and maybe we can build our deck out a little bit more easily that way i'll take an early five-sided you love to see it i'll take another cat for the lucky cat synergy i think cat build gives us long-term good prospects that's how i'm thinking about that we took a crab right let's take another crab early on the the rolls are out of control we need something to eat the banana so that the banana peel can kill the thief although the thief is going to get stronger um over time anyway as long as we're still making rent be thief a hex of tedium i think we want nothing here unfortunately tax evasion ruins thief but otherwise is not so bad um i think we could take purple pepper and then hope that we get some trip synergies in the future but for now it's not that big of a deal i don't mind a bronze arrow quite frankly but they you know what a bronze arrow more than anything else just slows the run down coal hecks of emptiness turtle we wouldn't take anything so let's take coal here love to see those rolls it's getting a little spicy here reroll capsule is is fine but i think we know we want to go cat right now and we did just get the purple pepper payout which is beautiful we can do another crab as well i thought we we actually lost it there um so a bounty hunter could destroy a thief but i don't want to do it yet um because i think that this thief is doing great work and we'll get something to destroy that banana at some point anyway okay um now we have removal and re-roll definitely we don't need removal here we or reroll we'll just take an item capsule um cats give two times more money gives three whenever you gain a multiple of 13 after a spin i mean cats give two times more money is pretty solid with this lucky cat build we got a little minor synergy there we also got fish tank very important to remember so we can put fish into our inventory um 150 doing five spins i'm gonna use a re-roll i think we should we should use re-rolls early unfortunately i don't like what we got there and i'm not going to use removal yet because the board is not full so we're not sweating anything um still don't like these unfortunately love it the dice is carrying we really all we need is like if the safe could pay out i'd be very happy i think we got more crabs the crabs are lucky capsules so good though but the crabs are doing great work for us 150 doing one spin i think the only way we make this is if we get the key in the safe that hurts i honestly like i don't feel like we made too many terrible decisions on that one i think um literally the safe never getting hit by the key was kind of a negative although admittedly we could have taken lockpick to kind of minimize the problem but whatever um we'll take uh we'll take banana peel and then we know that a thief is an easy take as well um we also never got alcohol to go with dwarf man like that's crazy i think earn is pretty okay i got no problems with earn um cat dog or let's go dog maybe we'll get a quickly the wolf at some point you can destroy the thief with the removal token the the the thing is though do you want to we didn't take the rabbit huh um because then you don't get the actual payout out of it i kind of feel like we should go rabbit builds like this helps because we have one cat i kind of feel like we're definitely early enough we could try to get a little rabbit build going here even though we have nothing working for it yet yeah papa okay you know what an archaeologist thanks to our rare capsule um destroys adjacent oars including pearls and shiny pebbles permanently gives one for each symbol destroyed it's not even close you take this and you get this archaeologist fed we'll take a coal he doesn't destroy diamonds yeah yeah beautiful archaeologist pearl oyster shiny pebble etc etc i definitely think we can take a rabbit fluff it pays out for two and oh it pays off for three we took a dwarf again so we might as well take a beer and now you should do a run where you have to take something every spin that would actually i would go wine on this one that would be a fun way to play actually um because i think like i'm kind of at the point like with luck be a landlord that some meme runs would be fun like any any anything to add in a little artificial constraint some novelty or something like that um let's go to uh let's go with tax evasion i think it is better upside than than white pepper so golem gets destroyed by archaeologists i think let me let me think about this it well it destroys itself after five and adds five or this is really good for archaeologists i think i see no reason to take there we got really no problems right now you know what we actually could use a pretty big payout um why don't you give me a big earn for now i'm trying to see like this rent is no problem but but future rents may be an issue rabbits pay out double like it's not an incredible get but there we go okay the archaeologist is going to carry us for a bit here as a result of that that was huge how's the baby doing today she's doing very well thank you for asking empties give one yeah i think we can make empties give one for now it's not gonna last long term but archaeologist pays out for nine already which is kind of like disgusting item capsule is incredible he's eating great like look at this he's paying out for 11 now definitely we can take some more pearls the archaeologist let's reroll the archaeologist himself will basically carry our run for now um so we'll just keep trying to feed him for the time being and now i'm like i'm already looking forward to like endless mode you don't destroy martinis huh i'll take one because we have removal in the as a mechanic now i actually think we can definitely take the opportunity to to add some more stuff to the deck that's a little zanier instead of you know realizing that we're going to be stuck with whatever we have forever so the question is do we want x-ray machine i don't think we want only rare ores i think we we want common oars as much as possible so why don't you give me i'll take an early pool ball it doesn't matter like a whole bunch but yeah i agree i think it's anti-synergy speaking of which i definitely by the way think you should take um save your rerolls to use on rares and uncommons but whatever it is what it is you know no big deal pool ball meta everyone loves pool ball meta so we got one two three we have three animals for the time being um i definitely think you can you can fit a beastmaster in here keep in mind we're not going for a trillion dollars like i'm pretty sure the only way you can hit a trillion dollars is by doing the or even a billion or possibly even a million is by doing a sun build um so we're just trying to we'll get to 777 and then we'll try to make the rest work you know so dog works with beastmaster but but beer dwarf is like you know good eats and free removal pay 225 that's no problem eat sapphire so why don't you go ahead lucky cat gives us more rare excuse me give you two gold whenever you skip that's like not um i think it's a little late for that to be valuable but this is the first time i think i've ever seen the pink pepper that's that's useful for me i skip quite uh often but you know probably not useful uh once the rent is now 300 but yeah we'll definitely take lucky cad just for any rares i don't think wild card is going to be incredible so here's what i'm thinking like we don't really have like one super huge payout right now the best we could probably hope for is that it doubles the diamond which is not that incredible what i would be thinking instead is what if we used our um reroll to re-roll this into what i hope would become a rare afterwards is this no you're right it could hit archaeologist and double archaeologist okay you know i'll listen to reason oyster is very good it's like endless pearls for our archaeologists to keep going no reason not to take wealthy capsules [Music] no reason not to take removal capsule look at that dude already instantly paid out with uh and we got removal out of it as well that's weird i'm happy but it's weird he's eating good man incredible um well we'll definitely add big ore we have to find a way to destroy it but oh he just destroys it yeah okay got rid of the beer you love to see it we could probably once we pay this next rent we can start to think about some removal this is a very good looking run right here though hooligan destroys earns and we do have some urns just chilling in our decks so i think we'd probably start there and then wolves give one more in our common dogs transform into wolves it's good for beastmaster i don't think any of these are truly incredible but we'll take quickly the wolf for now and let's talk about removal we only have 25 symbols we don't remove yet we don't remove yet we just chilled yo did you he transformed um earn with hooligan is interesting to me we got like we got three good like payout engines right now archaeologist is incredible hooligan plus urn is good and then beastmaster with more dogs this is a this is an easy skip in my world yeah i don't think we can lose on this one we did take the rabbit item but i still don't i don't think rabbits are what we're looking for anymore honestly i think they've overstayed their welcome nl do you think you'll ever do alt f4 speed runs um i gotta be honest having defeated alt f4 there are some games you defeat and then you think i'm never going back to this i'm glad it's over like dark souls 2. and then there are some games where after you defeat them you think to yourself i can't wait to get back into that and i gotta i gotta find a way to i gotta find a suitable way to get alt f4 back on the docket not immediately but but at some point will you defeat getting over it excuse me macros i would expect an 80-month uh subscriber to know that i have already defeated getting over it last february so diver i don't think we want if we're gonna do another game like that we're gonna do jump king for sure i think um diver not good i agree sapphire it's okay but we got rerolls we have tax evasion right so this would actually give minus three but i still don't think it's worth it i think we would rather go with the with a reroll i think big ore is well worth taking and then uh i don't really want seven dwarfs but i will take cats give two more and let's start getting some heavy removal going on here we have no need for cherry goodbye we have no need for flour i've decided we no longer have a need for banana peel no need for coin i know we got some empties here but that's okay everything else you know it kind of has a purpose even rabbit fluff has a purpose right now martini is just a you know it pays out nicely i think this is fine [Music] golem is just incredible for us i do think uh and this is uh this is what you love to see right there this is prompted by chat do you think you'll play uh outriders i actually think i would yeah i i think if i can get a squad going for that i would i would at least give it a try for sure it's not a game that is like traditionally um up my alley necessarily but it looks like kind of a cool uh it's like kind of a cool game i'd at least give it a shot and like the other thing like beyond that is uh you know it's kind of uh you know beggars can't be choosers kind of part of the year there's not a whole lot of huge games coming out on the regular so anytime i get the uh any i'm not gonna say no to some new stuff that looks interesting let's put it that way well at least uh i'll be giving more things a try than you might otherwise see traditionally we got we got a lot of empties here but we do have lemon as well and also those empties just immediately got filled up so okay we're gonna make our final rent no problem big ore is just like a gimme um honestly i think fish tank is like your best long term option there [Music] at this point it's it's more of a question of like not adding here's the thing we got three synergies that like pay out we gotta we gotta figure out the way that we're gonna do this um the the best scaling is via the archaeologist and the beastmaster so we may want to stop adding urns at some point and then remove the hooligan i think that's that's the way we try to stretch this run into as long as possible you're not right it's a one run no matter what but i'm like you know let's see how far we can send this one let's see how far we can send it you know especially because we know it won't go for infinity um we we have the luxury of trying to make it work i'm also like i'm stoked i feel like this is honestly like the best i've ever played in luck be a landlord even though it's still early on here i feel like i'm actually understanding the mechanics and not just getting like decision paralysis which is new for me i'm more focused i feel i feel good i feel switched on [Music] making good decisions reasoning things not just clicking on things randomly willy-nilly hmm dude i gotta be honest we might be able to pivot into into a cool moon build here so i think you have to take moon uh and then moon will make wolves in particular worth more we do have a rabbit but um and there is a little rabbit synergy but it's really it's more about moon and then we want a moon to be touching wolves that are also touching beastmasters i think that's the that's the play uh gems being worth more seems nice uh gives one removes all coin before each spin gives three whenever coins are removed okay so if you add a coin so it's a pool ball but it also gives you a little extra it gives you three coins every time you uh you add a coin to your deck but i think rag is better for now but this is this is interesting um yeah with something like king midas they made some very good um oh this let's see how this wolf pops up and then also the wild card not bad not bad um they've made some really good uh tweaks with the the most recent update for sure some of the things that to my you know uh luddite brain didn't seem to have any kind of possible use case now seem to actually have a use case which is is interesting and and advisable i think for sure hmm don't want it just keep skipping for now we'll do some removal as well this archaeologist is doing incredible big ore also incredible i mean he's just he's going freaking loco so what are we looking for i mean any the wild card shows up next to the archaeologist every time i i owe chad for that one that was a that was a very wise decision um why do pearls give removal i trust me when i say that i am not complaining but is that just part of the is that just part of their their text now we could get a fishbowl but i think i'd rather get oh it's that was the capsule okay my mistake you know what i here's the thing i don't want you to create rare ores so why don't you just give me a goldfish and then put it in the fishbowl [Music] i think we got to think about scaling now because like rent for the time being is no problem that's for sure you definitely just take dame and now you actually do have a rare gem payoff um frozen pizza oh no you need clear skies without a doubt but you add an extra symbol after every two spins that's kind of that's interesting i've never seen it before and much like a frozen pizza i mean this is very good programmer art i mean come on five pepperonis anytime you get a pepperoni frozen pizza you're like geez louise you know you couldn't you couldn't put a few extra pepperonis on that thing you get you got to cut it into four pieces you get 0.66 pepperoni per slice man sorry sorry anyway yeah you're absolutely right they have a little pizza and then they got the cellophane window and when you look through the window you're like holy crap that thing's freaking loaded with pepperoni and then when you open it up the whole rest of the pizza the other 320 degrees are just cheese it's got 40 degrees of pepperoni just to sell and then the rest of it is and it's all yeah the crust is like it's like two inches in thickness i don't want that sorry anyway clear sky clear sky is definitely what we want so moons and suns for that matter but moons are adjacent to everything um this is this is skippable this is skippable it's gonna start to take a little bit longer here i do like the crust all i'm saying is like it it's uh i don't think we need another oyster i i don't mind a tall crust or a thin crust you know i get that those are two different things but i i'm not a huge fan of like a wide crust where the crust is like this thick and then the interior pizza is only like you know like that that's that's what i'm trying to rally against here i do prefer a thin crust pizza though no doubt about that it's another skip i think i'm telling you wild card and archaeologists like i think they're dating i think they're in love shiny pebble gets destroyed by archaeologist ergo we take yeah i i couldn't agree more i think you're absolutely right the time has come um let's get some removal going here we no longer need a hooligan because we're not going to take any more urns um we do have double cap build and i think lucky cap but we no longer need a cat even though it works with beastmaster we'd rather have more dogs rent is not you know an issue for us we're gonna get rid of rabbit fluff just because um well it's not an animal it's really the the meat and potatoes of it we could always add more rabbits in the future because they work with clear skies moon as well and we'll cut dwarf we're going to keep shiny pebble just because it does get eaten by the archaeologists case in point and you know the dame just did some incredible work there what the heck is going on my god just broke like 10 things all oh i should have we i forgot we had quickly you should dogs are the moons equal sun dogs equal flowers yeah yeah we wanted more than anything else the the best the best rare we could get is moon the best common we could get is wolf or dog both of which are at the common level now thanks to quickly the wolf this run actually has the potential to go like i know i said we were not back on our bs but i think we might be back on our bs like this this run is scaling up quite nicely already okay and let's let's think about this now we don't really need which on this one so this is a good reroll opportunity the martini works with the dame but it only gives 35 gold which is not that spectacular when we're already easily making rent so i would think we probably reroll this as well um so a second beastmaster actually is like very interesting to me because it does you could have it double a doubling uh two doubles is not that spectacular but it's also not bad i don't think that's bad um and we could always cut one more later like for now i think this is fine and we might as well take a lock pick we we're not gonna use it i think like at this point i don't see us taking uh you know things that give us a short-term burst of coin when we're already making rent so easily i think we'd rather preserve the the integrity of the board as much as we can but this one has the potential to go to go pretty deep i think [Music] this one has the potential to go pretty deep we're starting to tease those systems out yet again yeah beastmaster taming that savage oyster nothing give me nothing here what's better a lemon or a lime we believe it or not we've talked about this extensively um i am of the opinion that a lime has better flavor the counterpoint to that is i think culinarily speaking the lemon has more utility you know lime uh juice and and zest used in desserts thai food mexican food etc etc and i love it but the lemon i mean also used in all of those cuisines also used you know in italian food and like seafood dishes across multiple culinary disciplines and and so on and so forth so in in a culinary sense i am a uh i'm a lemon guy but i do love the flavor of a lime for sure this is a really good run so far no reason not to add a hustle in here i do think that that lemonade is better than limeade for sure yeah but i also think that um green things taste better than yellow things so it's it's complicated it's i i haven't i haven't really teased the part the exact way that i feel about it yet okay so we have sent our landlord to the guillotine we will continue playing in endless mode and we've got a very very stable thing going on here a second archaeologist i think is actually um i think it's a detriment i think it's anti-synergy so we're gonna re-roll miss fruit don't need him farmer don't need him three beast masters now i think we're getting too much while we're here we got a lot of rerolls let's go again we'll take another moon that's a gimme and then none of these are relevant for us so let's just take something that pulls it uh out of our rotation and removals we got plenty of empties none none necessary beautiful stuff okay i mean i i told you i didn't think i was back on my bs it it turns out we are back on our bs again yo tda nightshade thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you with devs btfo and by btfo i mean you know they're doing a great job and you know actually this is working as intended [Music] i actually thought about doing like i had an idea for a a tier list but i don't know if it's actually actionable and that would be ranking uh every item on a generic menu you know so like you'd look at the entrees and you'd be like okay where are we gonna put the chicken entree how do i feel about a chicken entree i've said it many times before a chicken breast that is not breaded i no longer want it i if you can add a sauce to it and it makes it better don't get me wrong but like a baked or or a fried chicken breast with no breading i have no interest in it anymore i've grown out of it i've respected myself too much to eat it salmon i can get down with salmon but it's kind of like you know i like seafood but not the fishy kind of seafood like i'm not anti-salmon you know but i'm uh it wouldn't be something that i would look to on a list and and be like oh this i've gotta have and also the salmon's like always the same every time sucks that diamond is not what we want oh no way diamond makes dame payout better it's not bad but it's also not it's not scalable so i'm like you know what you know i think we take it i think you're right because we have cleaning rag you're absolutely right um diamonds make other diamonds better too oh that that i did not think of gonna try to reroll this in the hopes that we get another rare okay so it really don't work like that um i forgot i was talking about oh menus yeah menus i'm like uh i don't know i i usually i go for the i'm not gonna say like oh i'm so out there culinarily like oh i'm you know i'm a freaking food freak but i usually i i often times when they give you the daily special when you sit down i oftentimes take the daily special because i'm like you know i could come back here anytime and get the rotisserie chicken or whatever but that like oh you know a sous-vide pork belly with with some like you know fried taro or something like that i'm like dude i didn't even know i i thought i knew what i wanted when i came in and it turns out i had no freaking idea okay um i think this is a reroll these are i don't think i honestly i think dame is heavily overrated by chat but i i think all we do is look for moons i think i think moon is the only way forward for us we can take treasure chest i mean it ricky the banana incredible this should not have the same scaling power as uh as a sunflower build but it's it's still doing really well in fact now that i'm looking at it i'm like the rent scales so slowly that i actually think we're gonna probably end up going for like as long as we want [Laughter] i think that essentially we're making 50 of our rent like every spin i think that this is yet another run where you basically just uh you know you decide when it's over but i could be wrong [Music] i mean at some point we may uh yeah i think that that's one thing i would say that i agree with for sure is that in endless the rent should uh scale you know more rapidly i i'm not comfortable using the word exponential just because uh everybody that's taken ninth grade mathematics gets very anal about it it's like the use of the word literally but it should scale faster for sure i think so we might actually we might actually just cut this run after this like i think we've we've proven what we're capable of let's try to make something a little bit more uh you know a little bit more novel you know we've this one essentially i think you come up with a mathematical proof for this one that basically says like this is as high as it you know this one could go as far as you want it to go i mean this is and it's consistent too which is cool yeah like it's it don't get me wrong i i enjoy like the runs where you take it like super far and i also enjoy like um you know the runs where you get like extreme like you just break the game wide open um but that's basically like all we've been doing lately [Laughter] is stuff like that i'm like i'd rather get a little bit you know i'd rather have it go a little harder yeah let's do a middle class run i go once we pay this rent i think we'll call it i'm gonna put a slash marker on that that was a good one though slash marker logical end to luck be a landlord one
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 88,902
Rating: 4.9023747 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: zTA3lL-JH_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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