HUNTER X HUNTER Ultimate Guide: A Complete Breakdown From Beginning to End

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hunter hunter is currently in its longest hiatus after the release of chapter 390 on the 26th of november 2018 meaning that we have had no new hunter hunter material for nearly enough three and a half years a lot of people have started to accept that we may never get a conclusion to this incredible manga series and that the end of the anime had cited the end of gone story arc so in some way the story has been completed in this video i want to go through all of the story including all of the material covered within the hunter hunter 2011 anime and then diving into the manga only material with the nine chapters of the dark continent expedition arc and the 42 chapters of the uncomplete succession contest arc so without further delay let's get into my breakdown and analysis of the entire hunter hunter story [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first arc of hunter hunter the hunter exam arc spans from the first chapter to the 38th chapter of the manga it was published between march 1998 to january 1999. hunter hunter is written and illustrated by the famous mangaka yoshihiro tagashi in 2018 during the 50th anniversary of weekly shonen jump we learn more about the creator of hunter hunter through his comments in the third volume of the shonen jump exhibition we quickly learned through this interview that togashi is the type of mangaka who has a specific strategy that he implements into his work this is because he cares incredibly about how he is perceived as a manga artist everybody knows that his breakthrough success as a mangaka was his incredibly popular series yuyu hakusho but what was his mindset after he had completed yuu hakusho we need to know this so that we can appreciate how hunter hunter began as a series after the abrupt conclusion of yuyu hakusho takashi started a new sci-fi manga called level e he wanted to show a different side of himself as a creator to his audience his desire was to detach himself from the reader's expectations which they had formed from his previous work you can see even before the creation of hunter hunter togashi wanted to create a series which would keep the audience guessing after his sci-fi manga ended he decided to create a battle manga but he went into the series wanting to make it a hit he studied the reader pause and try to understand what his audience wanted from a manga he himself describes hunter hunter as a die-hard battle manga which is combined with a deep story he even goes on to describe the protagonist gone as a main character who has never been seen before in the pages of weekly shonen jump because at first glance he may appear bright-eyed and innocent like so many of his contemporaries but the difference with this character is his unwavering determination in battle and how this monstrous determination gives hints of a darker aspect to god's character but rest assured during these arc analysis videos i'll be going through how god's character changes and how these glimpses of a darker aspect of his character are capitalized upon by tagashi later on in the series tagashi at this point has been writing hunter hunter for 22 years his chapter count of 391 pales in comparison two other series like one piece which started in 1999 and is nearing 1 000 chapters takashi has become infamous in the manga community for regularly taking breaks and going on long hiatuses even to the point that frustrated fans refer to hunter hunter as hiatus hiatus these breaks stem from his history of health issues that he sustained during the publication of yuyu hakusho he was under constant pressure from sean and jump to meet their strict weekly deadlines because of this unlike so many other manga authors his health began to deteriorate they also put additional pressure on him by forcing him into writing his manga in a particular way which would match with the ethos of sean and jump they forced him to take the story into directions which clashed with his own creative ideas during the publication of yuyu hakusho he was prevented from creatively expressing himself the way that he wanted to and it was for this reason that he became disillusioned and demotivated and this ultimately came full circle with the unexpected conclusion of yu yu hakusho a series that was very near and dear to my heart some believe that these events led to takashi making a one-of-a-kind agreement with shonen jump who were desperate for another successful manga which would parallel the successes of yuyu hakusho some say that this contract granted takashi with freedom from these strict deadlines as well as having creative liberty to write his story the way that he wants to sure enough with this creative freedom tagashi was able to create a series which would rival the success of yuyu hakusho despite hardly seeing hunter hunter in the pages of weekly shonen jump whenever a manga volume is published the sails speak for themselves a new manga volume of hunter hunter rivals the sales of a popular series at that time despite the long breaks and the hiatuses hunter hunter is a global hit the manga has had two anime adaptations the first releasing in 1999 and the second in 2011 and the reason that i've mentioned all of these details and give a little bit of a backstory about tagashi is so that you know the unique history behind hunter hunter and a little bit of an explanation behind the long breaks which may deter a lot of people from getting into the series hopefully through these arc analysis videos i can convince a handful of people to start reading or experiencing hunter hunter despite the long breaks in serialization i do believe that hunter hunter has been created with a lot of love care and attention to detail and it is for this very reason that i'm going to now begin my hunter examine analysis and try to pick up on all of the details that togashi drops throughout the series the first arc revolves around applicants from all over the world undertaking the hunter exam upon its completion successful applicants are granted permission to become a professional hunter the hunter association which is first mentioned in chapter 12 are responsible for the examination becoming a professional hunter automatically makes you one of the most gifted members of society upon successful completion of the hunter exam a hunter license is given to you and this gives you permission to travel anywhere in the world they are also granted permission to partake in activities which are forbidden for ordinary people an example of this would be to hunt for treasures or even animals so our story begins with our protagonist gone wanting to follow in his father's footsteps by becoming a professional hunter this first arc of the series revolves around his journey to acquire his hunter license thankfully this arc is broken down into several easy to digest portions which helps to break down and analyze the story as well as seeing the involvement of the different characters during each phase of the story in the opening pages of the first chapter a hunter is described as being fascinated by strange beasts uncovering hidden treasures exploring long-forgotten mythical lands and most notably having a desire to learn about the mysterious unknown someone who is enticed by the allure of being a hunter resides on an island named and shaped after a whale we see gone who is camouflaged under leaves trying to fish for the elusive master of the swamp he is trying to catch this incredibly large fish because of a wager that he makes with his aunt if he isn't able to catch this fish then he won't be given permission to take part in the hunter exam one thing that we quickly learn about gone is that he is incredibly ambitious and he is willing to put in the work to progress towards his desire with very little delay this introduction to his character tells us everything that we need to know he feels strongly about partaking in the hunter exam his determination leads him to catch this large fish which five men put together would find difficult to do his aunt obviously never expected him to complete this task because she is reluctant for him to take part in the hunter exam her feelings of reluctance stem from the fact that she doesn't want gon to follow in his father's footsteps the very father who had abandoned gone as a baby in order to continue with his life as a professional hunter the first chapter of the series has a pivotal moment that is emitted from the 2011 anime this flashback introduces us to a character called kite who plays a very important role in a later arc but aside from that this moment also serves to introduce gone to the concept of a hunter as well as explaining how he knew that his father was a hunter as well as this we find out that kite learnt everything that he knew about being a hunter from gun's father after teaching all of the basics about being a hunter to kite he gave him one final test which is to find him this is what leads kite to whale island and thus very briefly introduces his character into the series as well as explaining the profound impact that he has on gon's character at such an early stage in his life kite explains how gone's father is a one of a kind legendary hunter how everyone pales in comparison to him it is kite who tells gon that his father is still alive and you can even go as far as to say that it is kaitu instills within gun his desire to become a professional hunter to follow in his father's footsteps i definitely feel that this scene should not have been admitted from the 2011 anime it is a excellent way to briefly introduce kait's character into the series and it makes his reintroduction during the kimira antarctic even more impactful also i think it is quite silly to emit a scene which is vital to understanding how gon formed his desire to become a professional hunter when gone's aunt explains how his father had left him with her when he was just a baby gone's determination to become a hunter isn't wavered as he tells it that being a hunter must be an important job so much so that family comes second his aunt is protective over him and finds it difficult to accept that gone wants to become just like his father but ghana has no desire to live a simple life he even explains that becoming a hunter isn't something that a weakling can do sure enough throughout the series and even as early as this arc we understand the life-threatening danger that is associated with becoming a hunter gone's goal to become a hunter also stems from a need that he has to actualize his full potential knowing that he is the son of a legendary hunter and learning about the legend of his father from the first professional hunter that we see in the series kite all of these notable characters that have been introduced into god's life push him to begin his journey of growth and development knowing that he is the son of someone great not only makes you want to see how far gone can go but it also builds a sense of anticipation as you look forward to the moment where gone will finally meet his father again but before all of this he must first partake in the hunter exam to become a professional hunter after beginning his journey and embarking onto his ship he says goodbye to his aunt and tells her that he will return one day as a great hunter but he is quickly grounded by the other applicants who are on the ship they scold him for his bright-eyed optimism stating that there are many people who aspire to become a hunter but out of these several hundred applicants there are only a handful that i accepted not only is there no guarantee that you will become a professional hunter there is also every chance that this exam is the last thing that you'll ever do this is no longer a childish dream he is immediately told not to get cocky and underestimate the difficulty of the task which lies ahead of him and this is how gon's journey to find his father and to become a professional hunter like him begins after this initial introduction into the world of hunter hunter we then begin the first phase of several phases of the hunter exam the preliminary phase it is said that the pass rate for the hunter exam is less than one in a hundred thousand this incredibly low pass rate is highlighted during gon's first night on the boat there is a huge storm that tosses around most of the applicants resulting in them being injured or even becoming seasick the captain of the boat who seems to be screening the applicants in this very early stage explores his ship to realize that only three candidates are still able to move one of them is of course gone and the other two we learn are kurapika and lyorio gone further proves why he is one of the best applicants on the ship by predicting a storm that is bigger than the one from last night is on its way this of course impresses the captain as he immediately realizes that this is jin's son he further assesses gun suitability as a hunter by asking him the size of the storm and when he thinks they will hit it when gon answers him with precise details of when the storm will hit the captain realizes that he didn't just make a lucky guess when the captain announces that there is going to be another storm which is twice the size of the one from last night nearly all of the applicants leave the ship and sail back on lifeboats only three candidates remain and of course this is gone kurapika and the oreo through the preliminary phase of the exam we understand why only one in one hundred thousand applicants stay till the end and pass to become a hunter becoming a hunter is highly sought after most of the applicants didn't know that the hunter exam began as soon as they boarded the ship and this proves to be true even for kurupika and the oreo when the captain asks the three remaining applicants on his ship why they want to become a hunter gun replies enthusiastically as he obviously says that he wants to follow in his father's footsteps but kuropika and the oreo don't want to reveal their reasonings to someone who is just transporting them to the location of the exam when the captain reveals that he is assessing their suitability as a hunter each of them begin to reveal their reasonings and their purpose behind becoming a hunter the driving motive for kurpik's character is that he is the last of his clan called the kurta clan he decides to become a hunter so that he can capture a group called the phantom troupe they are a villainous group that robbed the eyes of his people and killed the remaining members of his clan as the only survivor of his clan he desires revenge the only way that he can do this is to become a blacklist hunter so that he can accept the a-ranked bounty that is placed on the phantom troop his is a dark desire which may lead him to his death but karipika reveals that he does not fear death what he does fear is that his anger towards the phantom troop will lessen with each passing day so he wants to waste as little time as possible with these fresh feelings of hatred in order to exact his revenge an incredibly dark reason for becoming a hunter when it's compared against god's reasoning as for leorio's reasons for becoming a hunter he initially says that it's because he wants a lot of money but later in chapter 7 the real reason behind why he wants to become a hunter is revealed his real reasoning is that he had lost a friend because he couldn't pay for his medical bills because of this he had decided to become a doctor he wants to help the sick and at the same time not charge them for his help he feels that the medical bills that he couldn't pay for felt like a price had been placed onto his friend's life to become a doctor also requires funding so he decides to acquire a hunter license which will make it easier for him to begin his studies krapika gon and the oreo quickly become acquainted as they begin to help on the cut for each other throughout the exam when they reach land they are advised by the captain of the ship to travel towards a pine tree which is on top of a hill advising them that it is the best place to go to in order to locate the exam hall none of the applicants were given the precise location of the exam hall they were only told the general location of it on their way to the pine tree they travel through a village which appears to be deserted and it is here that they are tested by the mind-boggling two-choice quiz after passing this test they are shown a path which will lead them to the navigators who will guide them to the exam hall without the help of the navigators it is impossible to reach the location of the exam it is their job to know where the exam is being held because its location changes every year and just like everything that has occurred thus far they are tested once more by the navigators considering they haven't even arrived at the exam hall they have already been put through their paces their navigators end up being a family of magical beasts called kirikou after passing their trial their praise each of them and in particular gone firstly for his speed and his perception as well as his ability to distinguish the differences between the two kirikou which demonstrates the close bond that he shares with animals a skill that is vital for an up-and-coming hunter to have i mentioned previously that the odds of passing the hunter exam is one in one hundred thousand we now learn that the odds of an applicant actually reaching the exam hall is one in ten thousand many applicants end up resetting the exam as it is very unlikely that they are going to pass on their first run apparently once in every three years a talented rookie does appear and ends up passing on the first run but for most of the rookies and amateurs they mentally crack under the pressure of the test most of them are so overwhelmed by the older veteran applicants that they never tried to take the exam again i mean up until this point we have seen how difficult the preliminary phase was how applicants who may have been applying for the wrong reasons were weeded out during the preliminary phase through the creative and varied screening process that occurred the reason why so many people put themselves through the hunter exam is because of the perks that come with the hunter license you are given access to enter almost every country as well as this after becoming a hunter all available public resources are available at your disposal becoming a hunter is also very lucrative of the top 100 richest people in the world 60 of them are hunters so the hunter license gives people fame and fortune even the cost of a hunter license if you were to sell one would bring you back a very large sum of money kripika explains to gon that the job of a hunter is to maintain order and this is order in both society and in nature he explains how there are low life hunters who pursue bagging animals and searching for treasures he describes them as being amateurs because they are contrasted with pro hunters who desire to preserve and protect nature they locate historical artifacts preserve endangered species as well as tracking down and hunting wanted criminals but to partake in the activities of a pro hunter requires a lot of skill and experience and it is for this reason that the hunter exam is so rigorous although acquiring a hunter license would lead to a rewarding career it will not be easy in chapter 5 they finally arrive at the location of the exam and meet the other applicants who all pass the screening process not too long after arriving they are introduced to hisoka the magician he severs the arms of another applicant after he had bumped into him and not apologized we learned that he had applied the year before and was even expected to pass the exam but he was disqualified after he had attacked an examiner that he had disagreed with he is considered to be the main antagonist of the hunter exam arc and rightfully so as we are told that he had killed 20 applicants the previous year gone korepika and the oreo are advised to stay away from him before the first phase of the hunter exam begins we are introduced to another key character who becomes central to the story of hunter hunter of course i am talking about killua who is introduced in chapter six the hunter exam finally begins with 404 applicants successfully passing the initial screening process the first phase of the exam begins as they are tasked to keep up with the examiner call satots he is the examiner of the first phase of the exam and he will guide them to the second phase the applicants simply have to follow him in chapter six kilowatt and gone meet for the first time realizing that they are both the same age 12 years old the first phase appears to be an endurance test as they have been running for three hours and have nearly covered 40 kilometers not knowing when they will reach their destination and only being given a simple order to follow the examiner this also shows how mentally taxing this first phase of the exam is as well as being physically tiring even after having run 60 kilometers none of the applicants have dropped out so far proving that this one in ten thousand that have survived up until this point are the best of the best after about 80 kilometers they approach a set of stairs that they are forced to climb gradually as time is elapsing the examiner is picking up the pace and he does so as they all start climbing up the stairs as they approach the halfway mark of the stairs 37 individuals have dropped out so far during this climb gun and kilowatt begin to be acquainted with each other as gon asks kilwa why he is applying for the hunter exam so far we have had reasons for each of the main characters in the series and we finally learned that kilwa doesn't have a particular reason for applying he was just interested with the exam and he heard that it was really difficult he tells gon that all of the challenges that he has faced during this exam so far have not really been that difficult in exchange gone tells him his reasons for wanting to become a hunter he explains how he had met kite and how kaita told him many stories about his father he had told gone about the status of a triple star hunter and said that his father would have been classed as one if he had bothered applying for it a triple star hunter is the highest class of hunter there are less than 10 in the world the requirements for someone to attain this title include undertaking multiple activities which result in a global change or if that person has discovered something of historical significance despite how impressive an experienced kite appeared to be gone noted as a child that kite seemed to be prouder of his father's achievements than of his own and this is what made gon decide that he was going to follow in his father's footsteps i guess he wanted to become a man who others could be proud of we also learn more about kuripika and his desire to track down the phantom troop during this portion of the hunter exam he explains that his clan was targeted because of their scarlet eyes they are called scarlet eyes because his clan possesses a special trait their eyes turn into a deep scarlet colour when they are passionate or excited kurapika tells the oreo that the eyes stay this scarlet colour when they die he explains how this deep red colour is regarded as one of the most beautiful colours in the world and this is the reason why the phantom troupe had targeted his clan and had stolen all of the eyes from all of their bodies they were all killed for the byproduct of their death the scarlet eyes kuripika clearly defines his motive to leorio telling him that he has sworn to capture the phantom troop as well as recovering all of the eyes that were stolen from the dead bodies of his clan members becoming a hunter is one step of his plan after he acquires his hunter license doors will become open for him he will be able to access the underworld where the wealthy and powerful exchange goods we learn that kuripika will sacrifice his own pride if it means that he can restore the dignity of his fallen clansmen so far out of all of the characters that i have seen karipika's motive appears to be the most drawing element to the series it pulls you into his quest for revenge as well as looking forward to the introduction of the phantom troop later on in the series as they approach the exit of the tunnel that the applicants have been running through for the past several hours the examiner sertoz explains that the next leg of the first phase will now begin they will now be traversing through the milsi wetlands he warns them that this area is incredibly dangerous because magical beasts inhabit this area and they prey on humans in particular all of the applicants that have made it this far acknowledge the dangers which lie ahead of them and give their consent to proceed they travel through a thick fog as several individuals are consumed by the magical beasts during this segment of the first phase hisoka starts to develop a bloodlust this causes him to take out several applicants he declares that he is going to play examiner and decide who is worthy to proceed or not leorio challenges hisoka head on and surprisingly gone backs him up he ends up knocking out the oreo and decides that he and gone have passed his test he does a complete 180 in mood his face of sinister malice changes into a smile as he squats down to god's eye level and tells him that he will grow up to become a fine hunter this strange encounter occurs just before the ending of the first phase of the exam as hisoka carries a unconscious the oreo to the second phase satots guides them to the location of the next phase at this point only 150 applicants remain satos thinks to himself that this batch is exceptional as he was expecting only 100 applicants to survive he states that the next phase will be incredibly difficult as he predicts that only 50 or less may survive at the end of it the theme of the second phase of the hunter exam is cooking as the applicants are introduced to their examiners who are gourmet hunters they are considered to be world-class chefs they travel the world in order to search for red cuisine and to acquire exotic ingredients for their food for the second phase they are tasked with preparing a dish for each of the two gourmet hunters menchie and buhari the applicants are told that they will only pass the second phase if they are able to satisfy each of them once the two of them can no longer eat the testing period will be over so not only is this a test to make a appetizing dish it is also under timed conditions they need to be quick to prepare their dishes before the other applicants satiate the hunger of the examiners buhari's dish of choice is roasted pig they are unaware that the only pig around them is one of the most dangerous pigs in the world they have been tasted capture and cook this dangerous pig for the examiner gone and a few of the other applicants easily complete this task and satisfy the first examiner but then the second phase becomes difficult when menchie asks the applicants to make her sushi which is a dish that none of them have heard of this proves to be too difficult as all of the remaining applicants fail her test menchie is a single star hunter she is one of the world's most famous chefs and she's incredibly difficult to please she also describes herself as a very harsh critic for the final half of the second phase only 70 individuals remain and unfortunately menchie decides that they have all failed this is until the chairman of the hunter association intervenes chairman netro convinces her to change the dish that she had selected and he even advises her to partake in the test so that she can set an example for the applicants so instead of making sushi she has changed the test to boiling an egg they are tasked to locate an egg from a spider eagle who lays the nests within deep ravines by the end of this revised portion of the second phase only 42 candidates remain a lot of the applicants underestimated the skills that were required for a gourmet chef but this portion of the exam serves to teach the applicants not to underestimate a gourmet chef they certainly possess all of these skills and qualities that are required of a hunter but the difference is that they specialize in cuisine and through this portion of the exam it is explained how difficult a gourmet hunter's job is as they must traverse through unexplored dangerous locations in the pursuit of exotic ingredients with undiscovered tastes this phase of the hunter exam is considered one of the longer more drugged out segments of the hunter exam arc but personally i didn't mind it as it helped to explain the significance of all the different types of hunters and in particular focusing on gourmet hunters the examiners have all stated that this batch of applicants has some real contenders to pass they note that a few candidates appear to possess powerful auras giving hisoka as an example because he is exuding an aura of bloodlust during the downtime between the second phase and the third phase we learned that kilauea comes from a family of assassins he opens up to gone as our friendship begins to form between the two of them his family appears to have high expectations of him but he has no desire to live up to these expectations as they would much rather decide on his own future and make decisions based on himself rather than on their expectations during the conversation between the two of them cementero approaches the two of them he offers to play a game with them and if they win then he will issue their licenses immediately without the need to partake in further phases of the hunter exam the rules to this game at midnight are simple all gun and kilauea have to do is to take the ball away from chairman netro before the ship that they are on reaches its destination while everybody else is resting gon and kilwa are pushing their bodies to their very limits against the chairman kilwa frustratingly tries his best but to no avail gone is then tagged in and attempts to take the ball away from netero during the entirety of this game the chairman is assessing the potential of both of them he is impressed by their level of skill and even surprised by some of their maneuvers but he also mentally critiques them as he says that despite their level of skill they appear to still be immature in chapter 14 several hours of this game have already passed as gunn and kilwa now decide to attack the chairman at once displaying his level of skill and the room for growth and improvement that gun and kilwa have yet to undergo he evades the two of them and prevents them from getting the ball kilowatt appears to be getting frustrated because every tactic that the two of them have applied doesn't seem to work against him even when it appears that they have outsmarted netero and they are about to have the ball within their grasp he demonstrates his incredible speed and agility by getting to the ball before the two of them killua ends up conceding much to gun surprise as he realizes that netro hasn't even used his right hand or his left leg stating that even if the two of them played this game with netero for a whole year there would be no closer to getting the ball from him during this scene a difference is highlighted between the two boys killua assumes that gon is also going to concede victory and leave with him but gone decides to stay kilowatt of course thinks that it is pointless and he is angered by gohan's response but gone tells him that even if he cannot get the ball from him then there is still every chance that netro might use his right hand it might not be a complete victory but it is a small victory which is enough motive for gon to continue without giving up it is this bright-eyed optimism that kilwa is always surprised by and this is the first in several occasions where killua looks at khan wide-eyed and surprised during the series we realized that god's positivity and optimism is essential to the growth of kilauea's character as we learn that there are darker aspects to his life as he spends more time with gone and is exposed to his attitude more he begins to change as a character himself distancing himself from his roots as an assassin but as of this moment during the hunter exam arc this character growth is far from being actualized because after killua had left gononetro to continue their game out of frustration he killed two other applicants this 12 year old who acts like an unassuming child with gun seems to have a devilish alter ego he admits to himself that if he had continued playing with netro then he would have wanted that ball bad enough to kill for it meanwhile gone continues the game with netero as he utilizes faints and misdirection in order to make netro use his right hand through his persistence gone eventually succeeds in making netro use his right hand he is overjoyed but his celebrations are cut short as he collapses of course he does all of this after partaking in the preliminaries the first phase and the second phase of the hunter exam after resting they eventually arrive at their destination where the third phase of the hunter exam will take place they have landed on top of a tall structure called trick tower and for the third phase of the exam they are tasked to reach the bottom of the tower alive and they have 72 hours to do this in at the beginning of the third phase only 40 candidates remain gone teams up with kilauea korepika lyorio and tompa they form a five-person group the examiner for this phase of the exam is called aleppo he is a blacklist hunter he is also a prison warden and he has offered to shorten the sentences of criminals by one year for every hour that they're able to stall the contestants he aims to examine the candidates in group situations he wants to see how they react while working with others the first test that they encounter during this phase is to battle as a group in order to pass they have to win three out of the five battles that they're going to face against different tower prisoners they are allowed to battle in whatever way suits them best during these battles there can be no draws the only way to win is to either defeat the opponent or make your opponent admit defeat tompa goes first but he immediately gives up tompa is of course making it very difficult for the group and the oreo is losing his patience with him during this phase of the test they are being tested on how well they can work together as a group tompa is of course purposefully sabotaging their efforts and holding them back but they have to remember to work as a team even if one of them is not a team player gone is up next and he is challenged by his opponent to see whose candle can burn the longest when he realizes that the prisoner had cheated and gave gun a candle that would burn quicker gone uses his initiative and blows out his opponent's candle and thus winning his match kurapika is up next but he easily defeats his opponent who pretends to be a member of the phantom troop with a fake tattoo on his back during this battle we see kuropika's scarlet eyes for the first time he defeats his opponent in one strike and proves that his feelings of anger towards the phantom troop are still very fresh one thing to note about kuropaka's battle is that it was a fight to the death according to the rules the only way to win is to either kill your opponent or to make them admit defeat kuropika technically hadn't won yet after that first strike since his opponent wasn't killed and he hadn't admitted defeat kuropika refuses to kill his opponent or to attack him any further he says that his opponent had received enough of a beating and to attack him anymore would have been senseless brutality during this moment we can see that kuripika has a strong sense of right and wrong his sense of morality prevents him from behaving in a dishonorable way but we do see a glimpse of the anger that he holds towards the phantom troop during this encounter it makes you wonder how he will react if you were to come across a member of the phantom troop we also learned that kuripika isn't afraid of killing anyone but at this moment in time he hasn't ever killed in his life while gunn and his group wait for kuropika's opponent to revive himself hisoka is declared as the first person to pass the third phase of the exam and he had done so within 6 hours and 17 minutes karepika's opponent eventually admits defeat while leorio is placing bets with his opponent lyorio loses his match and he loses all of their betting that was on her because of the oreo's terrible betting 50 hours have now been deducted from the group because of this they have less than 10 hours to pass the third phase of the hunter exam kilauea is up next and it is revealed that he is fighting against jones the dissector he is revealed as being a terrible mass murderer he had apparently killed 146 people he had dissected his victims to such an extent that it was difficult to clear the murder scene of all of the small pieces he had even killed children as young as 11. he was given the name dissector because all of his victims were cut up in no less than 50 pieces he had apparently done all of this with his bare hands kilauea's opponent is hyped up as this evil unstoppable force lyorio even tells kildwan not to fight him and that he won't be angry with killua if they failed the third phase of the exam kilauea ignores these warnings and fearlessly approaches his opponent he asks jones if there are any conditions for their battle but the criminal is only concerned with tearing kidwa's body up into pieces with his bare hands kilauea gathers that he wants a fight to the death he immediately demonstrates his skills as an assassin as he rips out the heart of his opponent for the first time everybody sees how violent killua really is while he crushes the heart of his opponent while he begs for it back everybody including the prisoners appear to be shocked by this they all wonder who killua really is but gone explains that he is a member of a elite assassin family what's funny is that gon doesn't say anything to killua about the brutal way that he had killed his opponent he just simply moves on unfazed by what just happened the final test of the third phase they meet a fork in the road where they have to decide between two paths one path is incredibly long and the other is incredibly short but the short path will only allow three of the five to pass the group only have one hour remaining in that time they are told that the long path will take at least 45 hours to complete while the short path will take about three minutes this difficult choice is decided by gon when he tells everybody to choose the long path they then break the wall between the two paths and take the shorter path leading them to victory and thus completing the third phase of the hunter exam gone's quick thinking and intuition has helped him to get through a lot of situations during the hunter exam so at the end of the third phase only 25 applicants remain they are told that they have yet to face another two phases of the hunter exam before it is concluded the fourth phase involves a manhunt which is taking place on zevel island the 25 applicants are all given plates with numbers on them these plates with numbers on them will decide who will hunt who in chapter 24 we learned that gone has been ordered to hunt hisoka and to steal his badge he spends most of his time following hisoka and coming up with a strategy to steal his badge the candidates have to remember that while they are hunting someone else is hunting them the remaining 25 who are partaking in the fourth phase have been whittled down to the best who have the closest chances of becoming a hunter none of them are to be underestimated gone uses his time to think of a way to use his fishing rod to take hisoka's badge the issue is hisoka has a lot of speed and power that ghana has to find a way to overcome he tries to perfect his aim before he confronts his target what i like about this phase compared to the last one is that all of the candidates have to work on their own gon could have easily teamed up with yorio kuripika and kilowatt and they could have got their badges working as a team but they proved themselves by working alone trying to accomplish the tasks that's been given to them the task is also set up in a way that is difficult to work as a group because one of the members who you've been working in a group with may now have become your target during this phase gone figures out that the best way to take hisoka's badge is to wait for him to be distracted he needs to time his attack perfectly so that he can successfully steal the badge during this phase we learned that hisoka only kills individuals that he deems worthy he doesn't like to kill individuals who he feels are yet to reach their full potential he feels that it is wasteful to kill them so prematurely and this is why he doesn't kill kura pika and leorio when he confronts them his encounter with the oreo on kuripika causes him to develop an intense bloodlust his aura is so strong that it scares away all of the animals around him and it is enough for even gone to notice which causes him to tremble in fear when hisoka is lost in his own bloodlust while he attacks an unassuming applicant gon takes advantage of hisoka being distracted as he quickly snipes his badge but while gone is trying to escape from hisoka he has targeted himself by geretta who is after his badge he ends up paralyzing gon to take his badge but hisoka intervenes and kills gareta he explains to gon that the effects of the poison that was used to immobilize him takes about 10 days to relieve hisoka returns gone's badge to him but gon refuses to take it despite having a toxin in his blood which should have been paralyzed for 10 days gone gets up determined not to accept hisoka's charity he doesn't want to owe hisoka anything and for this reason he tries to return his badge back to hisoka he tells gon that he didn't kill him because he wanted to see him grow up and to become stronger he desires to battle gon once he is a worthy opponent not right now while he is still growing and developing do you knock the stubbornness out of gone hisoka punches him and tells him that if he can return a punch like that back to him only then will he take gon's badge back this is a very interesting interaction between the two of them hisoka forces gone to take his badge back and awaits for the day that gone can return the punch back to him we can assume that this is a hanging plot thread which is setting up another encounter between the two of them in the future despite how talented and gifted gone is and how far he has made it through the hunter exam his talents and skills are no match for a hunter like hisoka he still has a very long way to go it is humbling to see him being beat down despite all of the victories that he has had up until this point gone eventually meets with kurepika and yuryo and helps the yo-yo to acquire the badge from his target at the end of the fourth phase it appears that only nine candidates remain and out of the nine it appears that six of them are newcomers who are setting the exam for the first time during the time between the fourth phase and the fifth phase gone reveals to koropika that he was upset that he wasn't able to repay hisoka by punching him back gon says that he was feeling alone and that he wanted someone next to him and it's for this reason that he went looking for kuropika and the oreo but he thanks gone because if it wasn't for him then they wouldn't be here his help was invaluable to them during the final moments of the fourth phase kuropika reassures gon that he does indeed have the strength to go on despite him not being able to repay hisoka by punching him back before the final phase of the hunter exam begins chairman netaro holds a conversation with each of the remaining applicants he asks each of them among the other candidates who holds the most of their attention as well as asking who is it that they would want to fight the least these questions help to summarize the relationships that are formed between the different characters it also helps to solidify any ideas of friendships or rivalries which have been formed between them hisoka is asked first and he responds by saying of all of the contestants he is most interested in gon and killua and at the same time he is least interested in fighting the both of them and this is because he doesn't want to fight them just yet but rather at a time in the future when they are stronger and become worthy opponents and going over the other characters of interest kilauea says that gone interests him the most gone responds by saying that hisoka interests him the most while also saying that the people he would least want to fight are kilauea korepeka and yorio proving that a friendship or a bond is formed between the four of them a lot of the contestants appear to be fearful or not desiring to fight hisoka kurepika is among them and he says that the candidate who holds most of his attention is gone and lastly the oreo adds a lot of meaningful commentary behind why gone has held most of his attention and he says that it is because he respects him and he would like forgot to make it all the way to the end of the exam and to finally become a hunter and he says that the person he would least want to fight is gone because of the feelings of respect that he has for him so in chapter 33 three days after the end of the fourth round the final phase of the hunter exam begins this final phase will involve one-on-one duels between all of the contestants the difference with this one-on-one dual system is that if you have one victory then you will have passed the exam this is an inversion of the regular tournament system when typically a winner moves on to the next round eventually until there is only one person remaining with the way that this pyramid system is organized there will only be one loser while all of the others will have won netro must have been impressed with this batch of candidates as he didn't want to get rid of a lot of them as he felt that most of them were worthy enough to become hunters netro had decided that the people who were favored the most from his round of questioning had the most chances of winning kilauea compares his position in the brackets to gone as he wonders what is it that he is lacking that made him place lower than gone there appears to be only one rule that you are not allowed to kill your opponent and if this easter occurred then the person who has killed their opponent will be disqualified and in this case the exam will be over causing the remaining applicants to automatically pass the exam in chapter 33 the first battle begins between hanzo and gone hanzo appears to have the upper hand as he is beating down gone trying to get a admission of defeat from him gone is completely outmatched but he is unwilling to quit for three hours he beats down on torches gone trying to make him give up but despite how badly he is being beaten he continues to get back up and this shocks hanzo even after hanzo threatens to break gone's arm he still does not admit defeat hanzo's actions have infuriated yurio and even korepika who is usually reserved during this battle gone is made to face the difference between him and hanzo even kilawa acknowledges the difference between hanzo and gone in a typical shonen the protagonist would have found a way to overcome their obstacle but in this moment gone is made to realize that no matter what he does during this battle he will not close the gap between him and hanzo but despite the difference in their experience and their strength gone does not give up and he's determined in the face of death he is not willing to say i quit and he would rather fearlessly die than to say it the reason why gone is so stubborn is because he says that he wants to meet his father he truly believes that one day he will be able to meet him but if he loses here he believes that he won't be able to see him and it is for this reason that he will not go back on his word this demonstrates that whatever decision you make big or small will either lead you towards or take you away from your goal it would be easy for god to just give up here as he has plenty of chances to redeem himself in the upcoming fights but he does not want to admit defeat because that is not the way that he wants to present himself in front of his father gone stubborn determination leads to hanzo forfeiting the match and automatically making ghandi first person to pass the 287th hunter exam and this is because he can't kill gon and he can't find a way of making him admit defeat so instead he just decides to wait for his next match in the bracket gone is knocked out by hanzo for continuing to be stubborn and he doesn't wake up until after the final phase of the exam is over he learns of some upsetting news that kilwa didn't pass the exam and this is because he had killed his opponent another notable event that occurs is when hisoka is matched up with kuropika he whispers something into kurupika's ear and then he voluntarily quits we can assume that whatever he tells him is related to his desire for revenge during kilwa's battle with his opponent it is revealed that one of the candidates had been disguised and he was in fact kilwa's older brother after he reveals his true identity it shocks him his brother reveals to him that he should have no desire of his own as he is a puppet he wasn't born to be a hunter but instead he was born to be a killer kilowatt reveals that he didn't come here to become a hunter unlike he had mentioned previously he took the exam because he thought it was difficult but after going through the exam he decides that there is something that he wants he wants to become friends with gun he is fed up with killing and he just desires a friendship he doesn't want to be assassin he desires to be a normal child in lumi tries to convince him that if he spends enough time with gon then he will kill him once again trying to convince him that he was born as a killer illumi decides that after he passes the exam he is going to kill gon killua is left with no choice but to fight his brother if he doesn't defeat him then god's life is in danger it appears that killua has instincts of survival instilled within him his cautiousness that was instilled within him from his brother results in him not facing off against very powerful opponents killua is so afraid of fighting his brother that he admits defeat and as a result of not confronting his brother puts khan's life in danger illumi continues to make killua lose all of his confidence ordering that he will now continue to listen to him and his father he restricts killua by saying the only thing that he has to do in his life is to listen to his orders and the only way that he will pass the hunter exam is if his brother guides him this encounter with his brother causes killua to close up after this encounter he doesn't speak to the oreo okra pika despite how hard they are trying to talk to him we then later during the uriel's battle with bordeaux killua intervened and killed bordoro kilauea was disqualified as these events lead to the end of the exam out of anger gone confronts ulumi and this is the first time that we've seen this side to his character it is an intense unforgiving anger he demands that ulumi apologizes to kidua his anger causes him to grab kilauea's older brother by the wrist and pull him out of his seat he intensely grips his wrist to the point that he breaks it gone is determined to bring killua back so he finds out his home address from illumi he even ends up threatening him if ulumi has been manipulating kilauea this whole time to kill people not of his own choice then he will not forgive him we can see that gon is very protective over his friends as he demands illumi to tell him where kilwa's home is we learned that killua has returned to his family home in kokuru mountain the hunter exam ends with ghan learning that the hunter license that kite had left behind had belonged to his father we also learned that gone's father is considered to be an exceptional person someone who has been registered as a top secret individual preventing other hunters from digging up information about him people who are of equivalent importance who are registered in the top secret files are considered to be presidents and people with incredible fortunes and jinn freaks is among these people there is plenty of mystery to be revealed and gone's hunt for his father is just beginning but for now he is accompanied by kuropika and the oriole leading on to the next arc of the series where they must find killua and bring him back what i loved about the hunter exam arc is that characters were facing off against opponents who are far stronger than them and typically in shonen series the solution is usually to overcome the opponent by becoming stronger or relying on the power of friendship to cause a surging power but in hunter hunter instead characters figure out a way to overcome their obstacles i mentioned this previously and i can use gone as an example how his determination with hanzo led to his opponent giving up or how he strategically came up with a way to steal his sukkah's badge and that is something that i have to praise about hunter hunter and especially during this arc throughout this arc you're rooting for the newcomers and the rookies to succeed and indeed the rookies are some of the best applicants to have entered in the exam at the beginning of the arc it is hard to interpret this ratio of 1 in hundred thousand succeed to become a hunter but by the end of the arc you truly understand how hard it is even before you get to the exam hall there is a rigorous screening process and then not to mention the exam itself which has five phases which appear to be never ending each task serving to push the candidates to their absolute limits i loved that this arc didn't have a typical tournament each phase felt very creative i felt that each phase served to introduce to you an aspect of a hunter through the various different examiners who were overseeing their phases i loved seeing the applicant numbers decrease with each passing phase wondering how many are going to be left after this phase what made the drop in applicants between each phase feel realistic was that during the phase we see applicants either being killed or being eliminated i mentioned this because the hunter exam was hyped up to be a difficult exam and through all of these different aspects it proved to be a difficult exam during this arc i felt that the exam served its purpose to push the characters to their very limits through this difficult and arduous trial we see some friendships that have been formed in particular between kurepika the oreo ghan and kilauea it's great to see how they are first introduced to each other how lyori and kuripika were fighting with each other and then during the fourth phase we see korepika actively helping lyorio to find his target badge in other instances we see the bond that is formed between the characters when an injustice occurs to one of their friends in particular when hanzo is beating down gon kuripika and leorio are both very angered by this we also see kilwa refer to ghan as his friend clearly highlighting the impact that gone has had on all of their lives when chairman netro plays that game with killua angon you can see that he sees a lot of potential in two of them now if this was a typical shonen netro would have ended up training gonon kilowa but instead of relying on him to train them they are left to their own devices to grow and develop there is this promise of them growing to become very strong we see it hinted at here and we see it blatantly told to us by hisoka as he doesn't want to kill either gon or killua because he thinks that they are going to grow up to become incredibly strong and he only wants to fight them once they become worthy opponents so when it comes to discussing the characters in this arc i love gun's introduction his bright-eyed optimism and his desire feels well established i believe in his dream to meet his father and i love the early interactions that he has with kite we are aware that he is incredibly gifted and talented but through his encounters with strong individuals we clearly see that he has a long way yet to go i mentioned this at the start of the video that there is mortagon than his bright-eyed positivity we see hints of this darker side to his character when his anger overwhelms him after he learns what had happened to killua when he grabs hold of illumi in search for an apology and for kilauea's whereabouts another aspect of his character that i had fallen in love with was his determination maybe it's because i love shonen's stories but i loved how realistic his portrayal of stubbornness was how he didn't want to accept charity from hisoka how he was beaten for three hours by hanzo and still didn't admit defeat and how at the end of the hunter exam arc he doesn't want to accept his hunter license despite everybody telling him that he had earned it fair and square he still refuses to use it moving on to gohan's counterpart in this arc kilauea when you see the two of them hanging around and behaving like children you would not expect that killua is the complete opposite to gone the way that he mercilessly kills people and when you learn that he comes from a family of assassins kilauea is incredibly scary and he is a great contrast to gohan's character there is still a lot of mystery to him and his family background he clearly wants to disassociate himself with his family in order to pursue his own passions and dreams some of the mystery behind him and his family is revealed in the next arc as we understand more about how he is being manipulated by his older brother and his feelings of hesitation and anxiousness when he faces off against a strong opponent next up krepika has easily become one of my favorite characters from this arc he has a very reserved personality and he reminds me a lot of kuruma from yuyu hakusho his reasoning for partaking in the hunter exam for revenge feels very convincing and i love the personality of his character how he is kind to those that he considers his friends but he immediately switches when the phantom trooper mentioned unlike all of the other characters that i've mentioned he has a very strong and distinctive personality what i noticed is that he is a very capable individual and he's strong enough to hold his own during the hunter exam arc but instead he chooses to hang around with the oreo gun and killua clearly showing that he enjoys that company there is more to his character than this obsession with revenge and seeing him reveal his scarlet eyes is one of the most memorable moments during this arc and lastly i'm mentioning lyorio who serves us some comedic relief he is very reactionary and is easily angered i still wonder how on earth he made it all the way to the end of the exam and became a hunter he isn't the coolest character to feature within this arc but he is definitely the most outspoken and i liked his reasoning for wanting to become a hunter he had initially tried to convince us that it was for the money but we quickly learned that he needs the money for the right reasons it's interesting that everybody has a different reason for wanting to become a hunter something that is unique to their own character not only this the whole concept of a hunter is thoroughly fleshed out during this arc there are so many mentions of the different types of hunters as well as explaining what these successful candidates will be able to do with their hunter licenses we get a little bit of world building and we get to understand how the world of hunter hunter works we don't understand everything entirely but it is definitely a great start i feel like there is so much about the hunter exam arc that i missed during my first run through of the series i can now appreciate it as one of the best introductory arcs to any shonen it succeeded in subverting my expectations i quickly learned that strength and power isn't the most defining element during a battle in hunter hunter a lot of importance is given to strategy utilizing your skill set in a creative manner to take down your opponent as well as this we learn that the series doesn't pull its punches if a character is determined and faces off against an opponent then they will feel their full wrath there are consequences to punching above your height this is seen through gon being beat down by hisoka and hanzo because of the protagonist being a child you might assume that hunter hunter is childish or lighthearted but from my read-through of the hunter exam arc i believe that it is anything but light-hearted this arc makes me question the morality of the hunter association how on earth are they able to run an exam which allows applicants to be killed and how are they okay with people passing the exam who have killed others i know that kilauea was disqualified right at the end of the exam but i always think to myself how was he not disqualified earlier between phases three to four when he had killed those two applicants randomly because he was frustrated that he wasn't able to get that ball from netro to give my final thoughts of the hunter exam arc the second phase of the exam was probably my least favorite aspect of the arc while the fourth phase of the exam was my favorite this is because of the tension that was building while gone was following hisoka and how it all built up to him successfully stealing hisoka's badge i've said it before the hunter exam arc is a really good introductory arc it does well to introduce and flesh out characters and it serves its purpose to introduce us to the world of hunter hunter while also explaining to us the concept of hunters in this video i'll be going over the very short second arc of the series called the zoldic family arc while taking the opportunity to really understand kilowatt's family who are introduced to us during this arc so like the first video of this series i'll be aiming to break down the story events and see the character progression and try to understand the new concepts that are introduced to us by tagashi so let's get into it my breakdown analysis and review of the zoldic family arc the zodik family arc begins in chapter 39 and ends in chapter 43. it picks up from the end of the hunter exam arc with gun kurpika and yurio deciding to go on a new adventure to rescue their friend killua he has returned to his family home in kukuru mountain after failing the hunter exam for killing his opponent during the final phase of the exam during this arc we see the trio of characters the oreo korepika and gone build upon their friendships that they had formed during the first arc and see how they work together to overcome their obstacles in order to see their friend killua it is made aware to us that not many people would call someone from the zordic family a friend understandably because they are a family of assassins over the years they have built a reputation for themselves kidwa who is supposed to be the next heir to the family refuses to allow his family to decide how he should live his life on what he should become he of course had no choice whether if he wanted to enter into the hunter exam he had attacked his sibling and his mother in order to escape from his family home he does all of this just for the sake of making a decision on his own he wanted to sit the exam because he thought it was difficult and he wanted to experience this difficulty for himself and to have the freedom of making a choice on his own his decision to enter into the hunter exam was probably the first ever choice that he had made for himself without any outside input from his family it is no secret that kilwa is a very gifted child his talent and his level of skill makes for him to be a very promising candidate for the future head of the zoldik family but as we learned during this arc the friendships that he has formed mean more to him than his destiny and the expectations of his parents to be the next heir to the zordic family so now let's start by breaking down the story with chapter 39 where we see gon korepika and niurio travel towards cuckoo mountain we see them use various different forms of travel the first being a mixture between a blimp and a plane and we even see them commuting on a train later on this train they have their first glimpse of the mountain where kilowatt's family resides it appears to have a foreboding and creepy aura which is to be expected from the headquarters of a famous assassin family we can see that leorio and kuropika are strategizing and fearing for the worst but gone is pretty carefree and he assumes that they are only going to see their friend it's no big deal despite being told some history about kilauea's past from kidwa himself i don't think gon appreciates kilwa situation until the end of this arc we will see later on in this video how god's determination is put to the test through the various trials that he faces in order to prove himself as a true friend to kilwa as well as this he is tested to see if he is worthy enough to be around killua the people around killerwa are very protective over him and don't want him to be associated with anyone weak or someone who will bring him down or not look out for his best interests after arriving at their destination and asking about the zordik family's residence they go on a bus tour which will take them to kukuru mountain we learned that kokuru mountain is in fact a dormant volcano it reaches 12 000 feet in height and is surrounded by a very thick forest this is where kilauea and his family live the zordik family is made up of kilauea and his five siblings his parents and his grandparents and his great-grandfather all of them aside from killerwa are assassins the entrance to the zoldic residents is closed off by a gate called the daughter hades it is called this because people who tend to go in never come back out gone and the others meet the gatekeeper who works for the zortic family his name is zebro and he is employed by the zodik family to clean up after a monstrous guard dog called mike who devours trespassers who dare to go near these zodic residents zebra reveals that there are two gates which lead to the zodik family's front yard don't confuse this front yard as a patch of grass the zordic family's front yard is acres upon acres of forest the main passageway into this forest is through the testing gate where the strength of an individual is put to the test as they must push open a total of four tons to even enter into the estate most arrogant individuals who are looking to claim the bounty of the zordic family harass the gatekeeper for a key which will allow them entrance to the side door but this is where the zordik family's guard dog devours the people mikid the guard dog has been trained not to devour individuals who have passed through the testing gate zebro isn't really a gatekeeper his real job is to clean up the mess that mike makes after he eats trespassers the testing gate serves a purpose to keep out those who are unworthy to enter if you are unable to push open the level 1 door to the testing gate which weighs 4 tons then you have no business going to the zoldic residents i love hunter hunter for the way that it humbles the characters within the series through these various different situations even after passing the hunter exam they are unable to open this gate it is the first crash back down to reality after passing the hunter exam that the characters face even after acquiring their hunter license their journey of growth is far from being over thankfully zebra is able to open the first level of the testing gate we learned that as the level of the gate increases the weight doubles when kilowatt had returned he was able to open up to the third level of the testing gate which weighed a total of 16 tons proving that killua who is just a 12 year old boy has far more to him than meets the eye while also demonstrating that his strength at least far exceeds that of gone on the others gone is pretty simplistic and he doesn't like the way that the zodik family conducts themselves he doesn't want to go through all of these tests just so that he could see his friend understandably this is far from the warm welcome that anyone would expect from visiting their friend for the sake of seeing kilauea he doesn't mind entering through the side doll where he risks being eaten by mike he would rather be an intruder than to be tested to see his friend the others disagree with khan because taking a test is much better than committing suicide as well as this zebra refuses to give kilauea's friends the key to the side door gun eventually loses his patience and using his fishing rod tries to climb the wall this pushes zebra to be left with no choice he offers to accompany the three of them through the testing gate after seeing gohan's determination for himself he decides that he is passionate and steadfast in his own desires gone is the type of person who will remain loyal to his friends his kind-hearted nature allows him to sacrifice a lot for the sake of others zebra is confident that gon kurepika and the oreo working together can handle just about anything and it is for this reason that he allows them to enter through the testing gate and he accompanies them also after entering they immediately meet mike and they understand that he is a highly trained animal he is unlike any of the animals that gon would have encountered during his childhood in the wild after looking into mikie's eyes gone realizes that he is unable to communicate with him he only follows the orders from the zodik family he's like a machine mike shows little to no interest in anything but following his orders gone concludes that mike is indeed terrifying and he would prefer not to get on the animal's bad side zebra who is continuing to evaluate god's personality also notes that he is honest from this response he takes the trio to the servant's quarters where they discover that everything from the doors to the slippers and cups are all weighted they have been purposefully designed that way so that individuals constantly work out while they stay there zebra recommends for the three of them to train while they stay in the servant's quarters he doesn't recommend that they climb kukuru mountain until they are able to open the testing gig themselves he suggests that if they were to train there for one month then they would be able to open up the first level of the testing gate the three of them agree to this proposal despite khan saying that he doesn't like tests they don't see any other alternative or any other fair way with continuing to progress up cuckoo mountain they have to at least meet the minimum requirements that the zordik family require they are honoring this benchmark as they begin their training with weighted vests at the end of chapter 40 we appear to have a two week time skip where we see gon kurepika and niurio all open up the testing gate after only two weeks of training this of course impresses zebra as he considers them to be real contenders who are worthy of meeting the zodic family in chapter 41 zebra sees them off as they leave the servant's quarters and they head towards the zodiac residents hoping to meet killua shortly after they set off they meet a butler who works for the zordic family it appears that the family of assassins and the people who work for them are very powerful the butlers who work for the zodik family are not to be underestimated as gon kurupika and nurio encounter a butler who requests for them to leave telling them that trespassers are not welcome despite all three of them having successfully passed through the testing gate but despite going through all of these lengths the butlers didn't give them permission to enter so they are deemed as trespassers on private property gone continues to be blunt and simple-minded and wonders how on earth are they able to get permission if even after saying they were friends they were not allowed to enter the butler has no idea and has no way to properly answer gone and continues to define the three of them as trespassers who must leave immediately the butler draws a line across the ground and states that if any of them were to cross this line then she will forcibly remove them from the property herself god ignores this warning and determined to see his friend continues to walk on forward until he crosses the line the butler keeps to a word and attacks gone pushing him back but gone gets back up refusing help from kurupika and the oreo and he himself refuses to fight with the butler because he didn't come here to fight anyone he simply came to see his friend the butler has no sympathy for gone's ordeal as she is simply following her orders this is the next trial that the trio must overcome in order to progress up cuckoo mountain he repeatedly gets back up and walks across the line and gets attacked again and again it appears that he's been doing this for hours on end once again he shows his determination to meet killua as we see that his face has become very swollen after being repeatedly attacked he refuses to fight back and he sticks to his word that he hasn't come here to fight the butler sees the determination in god's face and sees the injuries that he has sustained for his purpose she even begins to plead for him to leave as it is even becoming too much for her to continue attacking her already beat and gone what i love about this scene is that gone is displaying his monstrous determination that we've seen several times before he knows that this approach would not have worked with mike as the animal has become a soulless killing machine we see that gone's tactic appears to be working as the resolve of the butler is wavering she even begins to plead with kurapeka and yurio telling them to stop their friend before he continues to get hurt but kuropika and yorio honor gone's determination by standing steadfast the stern expressions on the faces of the two of them show that they do not want to dishonor gone as true friends and companions have gone they are here to back up god's determination and is resolved to see killua they have no intention of intervening and belittling khan's efforts gone even asks her why is it that they have to go through all of this just for the sake of seeing their friend eventually when gon crosses the line the butler stops attacking him because she even knows that it is senseless to continue to beat him because he isn't going to stop she already sees how bloodied bruised and swollen his face is she understands through gone's actions how much of a loyal friend he is to killua that he would go through all of this just for the sake of seeing him we learned that her name is canary and that she's a butler's apprentice and kilauea had tried to befriend her when they were children and it is for this reason that a resolve waivers and she requests for gun to please save kidwa as it appears that he is in some form of danger just as she says this the butler is blindsided and taken out by kilauea's mother she appears and tells gon that killua is aware that the three of them have been here for the past three weeks where she tells them that kilauea is currently too busy to meet them at the moment we learned that kilauea is chained up from all four of his limbs with cuts and bruises all over his body within the zodic mansion we see that killua's older brother miluki has been torturing him but it appears that his whipping has little to no effect on kidwa even when he puts out his cigarette on kilauea's body he hardly even reacts he just describes the feeling as a stinging sensation highlighting his incredibly high pain threshold we see that kilauea has been voluntarily chained up as he could have escaped at any time as he breaks free of his shackles after hearing midoki ask his mother if he should order the butler to kill kilowatt's three friends he warns milokeen not to do this with this very sadistic look that we've seen before during the hunter exam arc the two of them are then interrupted by the introduction of kilauea's grandfather called zeno he gives kilauea permission to leave which leads to killua very easily breaking free of the rest of his shackles proving that he was imprisoned out of his own choice it is really impressive that even after weeks of torturing he appears to be unfazed the attitude that he is expressing tells a completely different story to the blood and cuts that are all over his body he tells miluki that he doesn't regret running away from the zodic residents in order to enter into the hunter exam but he knows that he deserved the punishment for attacking his brother and his mother his grandfather zeno tells killua that his father would like to have a word with him and excitedly we are now introduced to kilowatt's father after killua leaves his grandfather describes him as special as someone who has a lot of potential it is known that killua is one of the most talented children to have come from the zodiac family because of his talents his mother is incredibly proud of him but all of them agree that his actions are too unpredictable for him to be a good assassin as of yet what assassin runs away from his family and desires to live the life of a normal boy wanting to make friendships with people who care about him and who he cares for these aren't the traits of someone who belongs to a world famous assassin family in chapter 42 we are introduced to kilowatt's father silva zoldick he asks about kilowatt's friends and wants to know everything about his experiences during the hunter exam arc it's nice to see this father and son relationship as i was expecting his father to be very dismissive and controlling but it appears that he is understanding and wants to learn more about kilauea and what he wants he offers him an open platform allowing him to discuss anything and everything he just wants him to talk to him cutting back to gun on the others kilwa's mother eventually leaves after she learns that kilwa has been freed for the time being gone on the others take the butler's apprentice canary to the butler's quarters where her injuries can be tended to she suggests that from the butler's quarters they will be able to directly get in touch with the mansion and if they get a hold of kilauea's grandfather then he may be able to help them to see killua after kidwa explains everything to his father he asks him if he wants to meet gon and he asks for him to be honest from what he tells killua it appears that his father appreciates that he shouldn't just raise his son as an assassin kilauea is not an extension of his father nor was he born to live up to the expectations of his family he is his own person he wants him to pursue his own path and hopes that maybe it will lead him back to his family one day he asks kilwa one more time if he wants to see his friends to which killua says yes before he leaves his father makes him promise to him that he will never betray his friends gun and killua have a very pure friendship killua has no idea about all of the various different things that gone has endured in order to prove his friendship killua without thinking appears to reciprocate these same feelings as gone as he swears to never betray his friends giving his friendship equally as much importance as gon korepeka and yorio have been who went out of their way and sacrificed several weeks in order to train and eventually meet kilwa again the important detail to note is when kilowatt's father explains to his wife about why he had let kilwa go she states that it is an important time in his development as the future head of the zodiac family silva states that it is for this reason that they need to give him his freedom and allow him to do this he is very confident that kilwa will be back one day before killua is reunited with his friends the three of them arrive at the butler's quarters and it is here that they meet the head butler called goto he tells them that killua is on his way and that they should wait for him here since they have some time to spare he suggests that they play a game with him he offers to play a simple coin toss game with them while he tosses a coin up in the end the three of them have to guess which hand the coin is in but the game doesn't appear to be as easy as it sounds as goto utilizes incredibly fast and distracting hand movements in order to distract them from finding out which hand the coin is in before the game begins seriously he clarifies something to the three of them he tells them that he has known kilowatt since he was a baby and he cares about him as if he were his own son he is against the idea of the three of them taking kilauea away from the zordic family goto decides to test the three of them to see if they are worthy enough to accompany kilwa the rules of the test are simple the three of them have to decide which hand the coin is in it will get progressively harder with each coin toss if any wrong guesses made that that individual is out and this will continue until all three of them are out if all three of them are to be eliminated then they have to leave kilauea alone and when kilowatt arrives he will just tell him that his friends had left without him even after going through all of these several different tests it appears that their friendship is being put to the test once more for the sake of killer's freedom they have to win this game they cannot afford to lose and leave their friend behind living an unhappy existence just before the game begins goto makes it very clear that he dislikes all three of them after the first coin toss the oreo is eliminated and kuropika and gone remain the second coin toss was so incredibly fast that neither gone or kilowa were able to see it the two of them decide that one will choose the right hand and the other will choose the left hand khan's guess of the left hand is correct and krepika is now eliminated before gon continues he takes off his eye patch and he cuts across his eyelid he does this to reduce the inflammation which will prevent his left eye from closing once again gon continues to prove his friendship to kilwa by going through with this very extreme measure of cutting across his eyelid he is determined to see his friend and he isn't going to let this little game ruin his chances of that especially after he has come so far i think so far this is definitely one of gone's most badass moments just how carefree he is and how he cuts himself with little to no hesitation for the sake of his friend with the use of his eyes gone is able to successfully pass another two coin tosses before killua arrives and interrupts them it appears that after this gone has earned the approval of goto who apologizes for taking his game a little too far before they leave goto tells gon that the word is full of tricks and tricksters and he advises him to be careful as well as this he asks gon to look after killua before they leave when killua is reunited with the others it's like he had never left they immediately pick up from where they are left off and it highlights the strength of his friendship especially with gon in such a short amount of time during the hunter exam arc the two boys had formed a very strong friendship with each other something pure and unconditional which you can only find through the innocence of childhood the zodiac family arc ends with the four of them leaving kokuru mountain kilowatt questions gon why he is being so stubborn by not using his hunter license despite having passed the hunter exam but gun explains that there are a few things that he must do before he can use it he feels that there are several people that he needs to see before he feels like he is a hunter himself firstly he says something of importance which i completely overlooked during my first watch of the series he says that he wants to return his father's hunter's license back to kite who had left it behind with gon when they met when he was just a child and second he wants to become strong enough to punch hisoka in the face and to return his badge to him from the fourth phase of the hunter exam he says that until he does these two things he won't be satisfied to call him save hunter and use his hunter license but it appears that ghana's no idea where to find hisoka kuripika interrupts and reveals what hisoka had whispered into his ear during the final phase of the hunter exam we learned that hisoka had told kurupika that he knows something interesting about these spiders by spiders he is referring to the phantom troop the very criminal organization that kuripeka is hunting for the slaughter of his clan he tells kurepika that he is going to be in york new city on the 1st of september where he will explain what exactly he knows about the phantom troop in six months from now on the 1st of september york new city will be hosting the world's largest auction it will last for 10 days and during this auction rare and unusual objects from all over the world will be sold there is every possibility that the phantom troop will be in attendance but one thing is for certain hisoka will certainly be there kuripika tells gon that he will find hisoka there and he will call him to update him but for now he states that he must split up and leave them behind in order to earn enough money to attend the auction unlike gone he is going to put his hunter license to use the oreo also decides to head back home in order to study for his medical school entrance exams now that he has his hunter's license he'll be able to cover his tuition costs and actually attend a public medical school so could a pika and the oreo leave the party with every intention to meet back up again on the 1st of september in york new city while gun and kilwa decide that they need to train in order to get stronger as kilowatt breaks down the strength difference between gon hanzo and hisoka he states that they have just six months in order to get stronger especially if gon aims to return the punch back to hisoka kidwa tells him even with six months of training he will be nowhere near as strong enough to beat hisoka so the two of them decide to go to heaven's arena where they'll be able to train and earn money at the same time thus concluding the zodik family arc and leading into the heavens arena arc this arc was completely different to the first arc it truly tested the bonds that had formed between the characters in the first arc especially through all of the trials and tests that gone and the others had to undergo through having the strength to push open the testing gate are gone encountering the butler and lastly how gon kurupika and yurio accepted goto's coin toss game through all of these several different tests gon and the others were earning their acceptance from several different people who are very protective of akilah and the zordic family first the end the acceptance of zebro and then the acceptance of the apprentice butler canary and lastly the acceptance of the head butler goto through all of these different trials they proved that they are worthy enough to be killer's companions but speaking of the people who are holding kedawa back it appears that kilwa's older brother miloki and kilwa's mother are opposed to the idea of him having his own freedom but his grandfather zeno and his father silva appear to be more understanding and lenient on kidwa through this arc we see that they allow him to have his own freedom i don't always act like they know what's best for him we see that his brother and his mother and all of the butlers so far appear to act like they know what's best for killua but ultimately killua just wants to live an ordinary life he really couldn't care less about being an assassin or being the future head of the zordic family this incredibly talented boy just wants to travel with his friend gone at the end of this arc we see killua finally being granted his freedom and in the process we learn more about his family and the environment in which he was raised in in every sense kilwa had his childhood robbed from him now at the age of 12 he is no longer going to sit by and allow others to make decisions for him after forming his first real friendship with gon he doesn't want to take this opportunity for granted so after repenting for attacking his mother and his brother he leaves with gun and the others and one thing that i have continued to mention throughout this video and i feel like i did mention quite a lot in the first hunter hunter video that i did is the level of determination that gone has and how this plays into the dynamic that he shares with killua we see kilauea who blatantly displays his devilish alter-ego with the ice-cored glare that he gives to people who aggravate him you can feel the killer intent in his aura and through his cored eyes this is an obvious display of the monster within his character but what we see through the determination that khan displays is that he is a monster in his own right the level of persistence that he displays by continually getting beaten and standing back up to receive a further beating from the butler's apprentice and how he wouldn't take no for an answer throughout this whole arc how he was very vocal about how he felt about the zordic family and their practices his persistence and his determination did indeed pay off seeing this very frightening determination that gone has behind his innocent smile is very telling and i really can't wait for this dynamic to be played up upon more between killawatt and gone as we continue the series and begin to explore the more darker aspects to each of their characters another aspect that i really liked about this arc is the way that it concluded with the characters going their separate ways in a typical shonen it is usually normal for the cast of characters to stick together but when all four characters have very differing motivations and desires that they want to pursue it is a breath of fresh air to see characters actually follow through their pursuits and make active decisions to work towards them like leorio returning home to enter into medical school or could a pickard leaving to earn money to enter into the auction in york new city all four of them going their separate ways but promising to be reunited at a future arc i believe it is a great setup and it only makes you look forward to the arc after the heavens arena arc but for now kilowatt makes a really great point at the end of the arc that the two of them need to train and get stronger despite being incredibly gifted young boys the two of them are far from reaching the level of the hunters that they have encountered so far like hanzo and hisuka i'm really looking forward to re-experiencing the heavens arena arc in my next video and i hope that you are too in this video i'll be going over the heavens arena arc this arc is once again a change of pace from what we have seen up until this point it is the first arc within this series which is heavily centered around fighting in addition to this we are introduced to a new concept which is essential to the fighting mechanics of hunter hunter i am talking about the technique referred to as nen which involves a living sentient being manipulating their life force energy turning it into an aura which they can use in battle or various other situations as well as this we learn more about the phantom troop through the introduction of one of its members we also see gonon killua being introduced to their first mentor who just so happens to teach them about nen and how to utilize their life force energy during battle during my first run-through of hunter hunter i really enjoyed the heavens arena arc but that was almost seven years ago so i definitely want to see if this arc holds up after all of this time and especially after experiencing so many other anime and manga after watching hunter hunter so let's get into it my breakdown and analysis of the heavens arena arc the heavens arena arc runs from chapter 44 to chapter 63. it serves to build upon the world of hunter hunter that we've come to appreciate so far through this action-packed arc we learned that the battles in hunter hunter are not won by brute strength or force instead individuals have to apply cunning strategies in order to overwhelm their opponents and a key aspect of this strategy is by implementing nan the ability to effectively utilize nen is a very important part of being a hunter it's what separates a normal hunter from a professional hunter after acquiring a hunter license and putting yourself through the rigorous hunter exam when you have officially qualified as a hunter you have yet to complete the secret portion of the hunter exam the hidden portion of the hunter exam begins immediately after one acquires their hunter license only after you pass the secret hunter exam can you be worthy of the title of a professional hunter this unspecified portion of the exam requires each hunter to go out into the world and to learn the basic principles of nen other hunters will only recognize you as a professional hunter once you have learnt nen without knowing the basics of nen it is difficult to accept any job as a hunter since it is a requirement under most job listings nen isn't usually taught most hunters who sit the formal part of the hunter exam because it is assumed that each person who acquires a hunter license will eventually come across a mentor who will be able to teach that person then in a way that best suits that individual because this training process is very specific and personalized for each individual so the hunter association assumes that once someone qualifies they will eventually find a suitable mentor who will be able to teach them the basic principles of men and in essence this is what occurs here with gun and killer as they meet a mentor who teaches them the basics of den while also seeing them practice what they have learned through their participation in heaven's arena their intention to take part in heaven's arena was not only to train but also to earn money this is to earn a living for themselves so that they can afford the airfare to york new city to meet up with korepika and nyorio on september 1st like they had agreed so the arc begins in chapter 44 as we are introduced to the heavens arena building it has 251 stories and it holds the title of the fourth tallest building in the world there aren't many rules in heaven's arena the only one is to knock your opponent out and as you progress up each of the 251 levels the potential to earn money increases anybody who is obsessed or interested with fighting gathers here in order to push their abilities to their very limits against opponents who are equally as passionate about fighting we quickly find out that this isn't the first time that kilowatt has come here when he was only six years old his father had left him here penniless at this young age he ordered kilwa to stay in heaven's arena until he reached the 200th floor it took kilowatt two years to accomplish this task he tells gun that after the 200th floor people of hisoka's caliber found there it takes a lot of skill to battle with the opponents at the higher levels we immediately know from the get-go that this isn't going to be a walk in the park for either of them despite them being very talented and gifted children this background information is enough to make gun feel nervous for what he is about to get himself in for unlike with any typical shonen tournament arc the children are underestimated but gone makes quick work of his opponent the invigilator of the fight after watching gone battle deems him worthy enough to advance onto the 50th level when kilowatt defeats his opponent the invigilator realizes that he has already reached the 200th level and offers him to progress to the 180th level but kilauea wants to stick with gonz so volunteers to go to the 50th floor alongside with him the two of them are referred to as monsters as they make quick work of progressing up the tower along with them another boy who appears to be their same heightened age makes quick work of his opponent and he is given permission to advance onto the 50th floor also we learned that the boy is called zushi and he faces off against killua later on in chapter 45 we learn more about how progression works in heaven's arena we learn that the building is divided into 20 floors with 10 divisions on each floor so if someone was to win a battle on the 50th floor then they immediately progressed onto the 60th floor we also learned that heaven's arena attracts millions of audience members to watch the fights because of the large number of spectators in attendance the building has facilities for them to stay overnight to shop or to even dine in restaurants everything is on site for their convenience it's a nice piece of information which helps to bring the tower to life because kilauea later explains to gon that once an individual reaches the 100th floor they are given a room to stay in we can understand that they are being compensated because of the attendance numbers and a fighter's ability to attract spectators to watch their fights we can understand that all of this helps to compensate for the fighters service costs while they stay in heaven's arena gon and kilauea eventually meet zushi and his mentor wing on the 50th floor they all state their purpose for coming to heaven's arena zushi desires to improve himself by fighting strong opponents while killawatt and gone also state their purpose for coming here our first impression of wing is not that impressive as he has very messy hair and an untucked shirt but one thing to note he is impressed that the two of them are able to keep up with sushi on the 50th vlog kilwa faces off against sushi but unlike the first floor this match is taking place in front of an audience of spectators the odds are in favor for zushi to win but kilwa makes quick work of him by assessing his stance and then dodging his attack to strike him from behind he confidently says that he will be repeating this same lightning chop technique until he reaches the 150th floor he knows exactly what he is getting himself in for he did after all spend two years in heaven's arena through all of this background information that we learn about kilauea we do get to appreciate how incredibly powerful he is and you can only hope that gon somehow manages to keep up with him otherwise he's going to be left behind very quickly during this fight we're introduced to how battles are won in heaven's arena the fights are scored on a points-based system points being earned from hits critical hits and knockdowns a clean strike is worth one point a critical hit is worth two points and knocking down your opponent is worth one point and if like kilwa you were to totally knock out your opponent then you are awarded 10 points in total and thus being crowned as the winner zushi isn't knocked out by kilauea just yet as he gets up after the strike but after taking another strike from killua he is immediately back on his feet kidwa is surprised by his opponent because in theory he should be out called but zushi realizing that he is cornered and has no other way of defeating killua begins to change his stance it appears that he is about to use a technique which angers his mentor from the audience wing yells his name out in anger which ends up startling sushi it is almost like wing had created an aura of his own in order to terrify his student after this we learned that kilwa eventually defeated zushi but killua was disappointed because he wasn't able to knock out his opponent kilowatt learns that the technique that zushi was prevented from using by wing is referred to as ren after learning about this ability called ren it appears that it is interested both kilowatt and gone and it seems like it is essential to learn especially if they want to go all the way to the top of heaven's arena the two of them within the span of three days win six fights and eventually reach the 100th level they are finally given a room to stay in and no longer have concerns about money all of the battles that they are having don't seem to be challenging at all as the two of them are defeating their opponents with just one hit after fearing that they will eventually come across someone who will be able to use ren they decide to ask azushi what ren actually is and how he had learnt to use it he does a poor job of explaining it to gonon killua which leads to wing intervening he agrees to teach them about nen after kilauea expresses his desire to learn about nen as he feels like it's the secret behind his brother's powers of manipulation wink through speaking to ghana kilowatt introduces us to the concept of men which is the power that ignites one's soul an individual's nan is expressed by the level of willpower that that person has and if you've been following these videos and you've seen how determined gone is you can only assume that once he learns how to control this nine he will have incredible power because we have seen him demonstrate his level of willpower which appears to be the strongest out of everybody we have seen there are four exercises that one must practice in order to harness the power of men the first is referred to as ten which is about focusing the mind and reflecting upon yourself while also reaffirming or defining your goal the next is zetsu so after someone has determined that goal the exercise of zetsu commands that person to put that goal into words the third exercise ren which we saw zushi use during his battle against kilauea refers to intensifying your willpower after you have put your goal into words and the final exercise is hatsu which is to assimilate all of the previous exercises and put them into action it is like a release during his battle with kilauea when zushi used his ren he was intensifying his will to win and this is what was causing kilowatt to feel intimidated or flustered wing demonstrates these four exercises as he determines a will to kill both gun and killer in order to show them the power of intensifying one's will through ren he affirms his will and he says it out loud that he is going to kill the two of them and then through rent he intensifies his will wink proves that he has mastered these four exercises of course he doesn't utilize the final exercise hatsu to put his will into action but his will to kill is successfully intensified as it leaves gon and kilauea unnerved because the two of them are not his students he hasn't told them everything about nen wing states that he only teaches nen to those who are his students anybody else he just gives a simple explanation and this is because nen can be easily misused if it's learned by the wrong person wing demonstrates that by using then even a plain piece of paper can become a blade so it is very important to be selective of who nen is taught to by chapter 47 god and kilauea have already reached the 200th level which inspires wing to consider if he is going to teach them then as they walk towards the hallway to the 200th floor they are stopped by a menacing aura unexpectedly it is revealed that hisoka is here and he stands across the hallway of the 200th floor preventing gonon kilowatt from progressing forward the two of them have until midnight to register to fight on the floor but the intensity of hisoka's bloodlust prevents them from moving forward we learned that hisoka is also in heaven's arena because of his passion for fighting he had also been waiting for the two of them after learning that they were heading towards heaven's arena if his reintroduction wasn't unexpected and strange enough he acts like a mentor here he wants the two of them that they are not ready to progress onto the 200th floor he tells them to leave and to come back when they are ready the only way that the two boys are able to progress forward is if they were to overcome his nen which is virtually impossible for the two of them since they know hardly anything about nen at the moment and this is when wing appears behind them and advises them to listen to hisoka's advice gun and kilauea have until midnight to register on the 200th floor they have until then to learn about nen otherwise they will have to start again from the first floor they are relying on wing to teach them how to overcome hisoka's nan in chapter 47 after officially becoming students of wing he explains to them more about nen revealing some truth behind some of his selective wording from earlier here we learn the true definitions of the four exercises which serve to cultivate one's nan he explains that everybody has men within their body it is their life energy most people who haven't noticed or control their name leaking away but through the exercise of ten they're able to hold anon within their body strengthening this energy the technique zetsu means to suppress one's life force energy like in dragon ball when individuals lower their key in order to hide from their opponents the next technique ren serves to refine one's life energy it enables their user to produce more of an aura wing demonstrates ren by producing an aura he is surprised that gonon killua can feel it and is impressed by how sensitive they are to it he even states that it is rare to come across individuals who pick it up this quickly wink concludes that the environments that gon and kilauea raised in makes it perfect for them to learn none as well as this he deduces that they were born with innate talents which makes it easier for them to learn and utilize men wink begins to explain the significance of an aura he says that an individual's aura can be intensified to such an extent that it can even kill a defenseless person that is if that aura has a malicious intent associated with it the only way to protect yourself against a malicious aura is by using nan by effectively using the first exercise 10 an individual can develop a defense against someone else's malicious aura wink explains that through a ten defense you can use your own aura to block an opponent's attack this explains why gon and kilauea were prevented from walking across the hallway which was riddled with hisoka's malicious intent without a proper defense if they found themselves in the middle of his evil aura than their bodies would have shattered this is why hisoka prevents them from moving forward he is kind of nudging them in the right direction because he wants them to get stronger so that he can fight them at their best one day hisoka is a good judge of character and his assessment skills are second to none his assessment of gonon kilauea and their innate talents and gifts leads him to believe that once they are older and more experienced there will be formidable opponents something for him to really look forward to but in the meantime he has to focus on not getting too excited and holding himself back from killing them there are two ways to activate nen you can either do it very slowly and carefully or by force killua and gon don't have the luxury of time so they have to do it by force as they have only until midnight to master the first exercise of nen it took zushi six months to master 10 but the speed of mastering 10 depends entirely on the boys they need to learn how to contain their aura in a very short amount of time through transmitting his own aura by using hatsu he is going to force open the aura nodes of kilimangan an analogy of jumpstarting a battery is used for this exercise wing explains that he decided to teach gun and kilowatt men because he quickly realized how talented they are he also notes that they are untrained to be entering onto the 200th floor because everyone beyond the 200 level uses nen he warns them about the upcoming battles that they will encounter going upwards from the 200th floor but he reassures them that they will awaken their nan and this is because he has assessed that they have the talent and capability to do so wing is impressed by their determination and will to progress after awakening their aura nodes their life force energy begins leaking out but they begin focusing on containing their aura eventually the two of them by remaining calm slowly leaking of their aura and they contained their life lost energy around their body almost instantly they were able to master 10. winged notes that they achieved this without any instructions they innately knew how to control their ten they took the position which was the best for controlling their life force energy and they mastered the flow of their aura within mere moments gone and kilowatt are described as amazing but at the same time terrifying at the very young age of 12 they continue to surprise the adults around them by surpassing heights which no ordinary child should be able to reach after this very brief training with wing they return to the 200th floor they are able to successfully walk through hisoka's sinister aura hisoka knows that the two of them have come to heaven's arena to train themselves in order to fight him but he isn't going to entertain either of them unless they have won at least one battle from the 200th floor hisoka walks away from them for now as we are introduced to three new opponents we can only assume know how to use men and through training and fighting them they will continue to learn more about the various different aspects to then the three fighters are called guido sadaso and rivald we learned that after registering to fight on the 200th floor they have 90 days to prepare for that fight of course they can request for a fight anytime that they want but their deadline to actually battle someone is 90 days if they don't do so then their registration for the 200th floor will be revoked for each battle that is won they get another 90 days to prepare on this floor they need to win 10 battles in order to challenge what is known as the floor master there are 21 floor masters each of them are in charge of their own flaw after defeating a floor master you inherit that title and get that person's flaw through this explanation it feels like we have unlocked a completely new world gone and kilauea only know the basics of men but all of the floor masters and the opponents from the 200th floor onwards are all utilizing them effectively in battle their roles are completely reversed gun and killer most likely won't be doing any one-hit knockouts after hearing about the floor masters and the introduction of nen it feels like it is gone and kidawa who are in danger of being knocked out by one strike gun and killua do indeed get plenty of praise and the fact that they are talented is focused upon but what i really appreciate is that the difference between where they are and where they need to be in order to become a professional hunter or to actualize their full potential is always highlighted hisoka is an example of a character which helps us to understand the true lengths that gon and kilowatt have yet to overcome indeed they are far from reaching the heights of hisoka and this arc heavily focuses on this it isn't just gon and killua having successful win after successful win up until this point they have found it very easy to work their way up heaven's arena but the battles which take place from the 200th floor onwards appear to be unpredictable and this is because nen has become a vital element of the battle mechanics from now on after registering for the 200th floor they are challenged by the trio gon registers to battle with one of them called guido his fight is scheduled for the next day gone doesn't expect to win the battle he just wants to test out his ten in order to get a feel of it during battle winger told him not to participate in any matches for the first two months gone who is too impatient to wait disobeys his mentor guido tells gon that he is fortunate that he is going up against him because in comparison he isn't as strong as the other nen users he uses dancing tops which seem to be powered by his aura gone is unaware of what they can do resulting in him being repeatedly attacked by them each hit feels as heavy as a sledgehammer gone realizes that the dancing tops must be charged with men so he tries to feel their presence but because he hasn't trained enough in utilizing nen he isn't able to sense that presence for long which results in him being hit again by a dancing top gone realizes that the dancing tops are not really attacking him they are just spinning around and attacking whatever they encounter equipped with this knowledge he ignores the dancing tops while he tries to land a direct hit on guido his opponent uses a technique called tornado top turning himself into a dancing top in his first official battle against someone who knows how to use nen gon is being utterly bested wing even comments on his inexperience and states that he is five years too early to be fighting guido but then realizing that he only has one point left until he is defeated gon releases his ten without being taught it he uses zetsu by using zetsu he is able to focus all of his senses on the dancing tops wing deduces that gon must have been able to utilize zetsu out of instinct it came naturally to him using the analogy of how animals naturally pick up hunting he realizes that gone must have grown up close to animals which explains why he has so much potential one specific rule about nen which is drilled into our heads is that the only way to defeat an end user is by using nen yourself by utilizing zetsu gone has depleted all of his 10 so he has nothing to defend himself against guido's dancing tops by using zetsu gone successfully dodges an attack for the first time during this match he continues as it is evident that god is enjoying the thrill of the battle he dodges guido's dancing tops for over an hour he has even released 50 dancing tops into the ring and gone is keeping up with all of them by using zetsu but after gone is cornered and he has nowhere left to go he is attacked by one of the dancing tops which results in him having multiple fractures to his arms and cracks to his ribs he has lost the battle and it will take him four months to recover from his injuries after the fight wing checks up and gone and slaps him for disobeying him and being reckless killua being cheeky lies to wing and tells him that it will take two months for gon to recover he then proceeds to forbid gone from participating in any matches for two whole months he also forbids him from training or studying nen during this time he wants to see if gone can keep this promise if he can't then there is nothing that ring can teach him killua and wing reprimandagon because he genuinely could have lost his life during that fight but wing is surprised that gone was risking his life but he was enjoying it at the same time some foreshadowing for the events in the khmer antarctic occur here as kilowatt states that he is usually level headed and he knows what fights to pick but he states that gone is very different in this regard he doesn't think as logically as killua does once he has decided to battle someone he gets very absorbed within it like his obsession with battling against hisoka and returning the favor to him wink begins to question himself whether if he did the right thing to force open gon's life energy pause so that he could use then kidwa who remains the ever loyal friend decides to stick bygone he wants to learn n at the same time as gone so he decides to wait with him wing has a change of heart and tells them that they can practice releasing that nan and focusing on the 10 exercise every day when killua returns he sees gone meditating he smiles and begins to meditate with him they have only known each other for a very short amount of time but kilwa really does enjoy gone's company and this brief but subtle smile on kilowatt's face clearly indicates this here when wing returns to his room he continues to question what he has done one of the panels is a complete foreshadowing for the events that occur later on he asks himself if he has awoken a terrible monster and this is well before the events of the kimira antarct it is small subtle details like this which hint at the darker aspects of god's character it is something that i didn't even notice during my first read-through but while re-reading the series this one panel is hard to ignore especially after knowing the events which occur later on i think wing was fully aware of the consequences of his actions by beginning to teach ghan nen but the thing is if he hadn't taught gonna then killua and gone would have found someone to eventually learn it from since they are on a journey of progression and growth and want to reach the levels of hisoka and kilwa's brother they would have had to learn then sooner or later it is just unfortunate that this task has fallen upon wing to teach the two of them men because it is ultimately winged who will have to shoulder the burden and the consequences of them having learnt nen and if they use it in any way to harm themselves in the future which as we've seen during god's battle with guido he is very susceptible to doing in chapter 51 we also get an update on kurepika's whereabouts as we see that he tries to join an agency but he has refused membership because he doesn't know how to use then he is told to come back once he is able to utilize men since it is a minimum requirement for joining the agency in chapter 52 one month has passed since gone was injured and he is now completely healed which is slightly terrifying since it should have taken him four months to complete the heal killua presents gone with tickets to hisoka's next match he is going to be fighting an opponent called castro this is someone who he had defeated two years ago but he spared his life because of the potential that hisoka saw within him this rematch in a way is hisoka evaluating how well castro has used these last two years to live up to the potential that hisoka sees within him while gon and kilauea are making their way over to spectate the fight they are interrupted by wing he tells gon that through watching the fight he will be analyzing their techniques and thus he will be learning then through observation he forbids gone from watching the battle since it would be breaking the promise that he made to wing not to study or practice nine for two whole months kilauea is left to go watch the fight on his own through this brief encounter wing notes that they have been practicing their nan exercises every day since he did give them permission to practice releasing their ten he can tell this because he can see that their auras are not leaking as much as before their life force energy is contained around their body he describes their aura flowing around their body like a calm river i think wing is definitely surprised and unnerved about how quick gone and kilauea are picking up their nan training he definitely isn't used to his students mastering the different exercises of nen this quickly like i said before what's concerning wing is not where the boys are now but it's where they will be in the future if they are already doing so well it is frightening to think about how much skill and power they will have once they reach their full potential moving on to the battle between castro and hisuka castro states that he has undergone intense training for the last two years he initially appears to have the advantage over hisoka as he even knocks hisoka down while it seems like hisoka is being bested in fact he is actually analyzing his opponent and trying to understand the extent of his fighting ability castro doesn't take his opponent lightly as he ends up severing hisoka's right arm but hisoka goes through all of this in order to understand how castro's ability works he realizes that he is using a doppelganger against him as the battle needs its conclusion castro ends up severing hisoka's left arm also but in a strange turn of events it appears that hisoka has reattached his right arm he ends up taking out castro's doppelganger then he throws several cards towards castro's body which end up defeating and killing him hisoka is declared the winner he is disappointed that his opponent has squandered the remaining time that he had left because in the end he didn't end up living up to hisoka's expectations of him so instead of sparing his life this time he ends up killing his opponent hisoka is bored by him and no longer sees any potential for growth within him because of this he has no desire to fight him at a future time and this is why he ends up killing him in chapter 55 hisaka walks towards a woman who is waiting for him she asks to see his arms it appears that she has the ability to stitch back his severed arms together restoring the muscles blood flow and nerves to both of his arms through her inner ability she successfully reattaches hisoka's arms to hide the stitches which indicate that his arms have been reattached hisoka reveals and uses his own nan ability firstly he uses bungie gum to attach a material around the scene and then uses another nen ability called texture surprise to alter the surface of the material so that it appears as skin this woman who helps hisoka is revealed as the first member of the phantom troupe that we are introduced to her name is machi she informs hisoka who we also learn as a member of the phantom troupe that every member of the phantom troupe is now required to meet in york new city by noon on august 30th before it was anyone who is free but now everybody is required to meet up at this location considering the build up and all of the characters who are meeting in one location at the exact same time a big story event is definitely going to be taking place in york new city we know from kurepika describing the phantom troupe earlier in the series that all of its members have a tattoo of a spider with a number on it in chapter 55 we learned that the tattoo that hisoka has on his back of the spider is a complete fake through using his nen ability he is able to pass this off as a real tattoo after he takes it off he says that it is time to hunt down the spiders so it appears that kurepika and hisoka have very similar goals here hisoka did ask machi if krollo will also be there at the meetup in york new city to which she presumes that he will be trying to understand hisoka's motives wanting to take down the spiders we can only presume that it is because he wants to be the most powerful and he clearly has some interest in this character called crollo who has just been introduced of course we later learned that crawler lucifer is the leader of the phantom troupe and hisoka has a very obsessive desire to fight and defeat him presumably to prove that he is the most powerful in chapter 56 two months are finally passed and wing allows khan and killua to study with zushi the first thing that they do is to watch hisoka's battle with castro in order to understand how hisoka was manipulating his aura during the fight wing then tells gon to register and to fight in 26 days while asking kilowatt to fight the day after gandas in this time they will be mastering gyor which is an advanced type of ren this is where a nen user concentrates a large amount of aura into one part of the body the application of gyo is most likely used to enhance someone's eyesight focusing their aura onto their eyes it allows someone to see their opponent's aura and the men that they have manipulated and concealed while gyo is being activated an individual can pick up and sense very faint auras it is this technique which wing wants them to master before their next fight gon and killua are training along with zushi as they visualize their energy building up in their body this energy stemming from every cell within their body they project all of this outward as they try to perfect the timing of their ten release understandably sushi is shocked because they are improving at a incredibly fast rate they are progressing in certain aspects of their training within mere moments in comparison zushi states that it took him weeks to accomplish the things that gon and kilowatt are doing this fast rate of progression doesn't stop as kilowatt proves to wing that he has mastered gyo in one evening he is able to visually see hisoka's aura and describes it as stretchy adding that it is because of his sticky rubber aura that he is able to do most of his magic tricks wing acknowledges kilwa's assessments and agrees with him entirely once again both of them have exceeded wing's expectations as he didn't expect either of them to learn to go in one night as it appears that gone has already demonstrated go to wing before kidwa arrived wing allows kilauea to fight early he decides to fight sadaso one of the members of the trio that they encountered earlier they tried to kidnap zushi and have been doing really underhanded things in order to get a fight with gonon killua they must assume that they are still rookies who don't know how to properly use nen but in the time that has elapsed since gone and guido's battle the two of them have made immense progress kilowatt defeats his opponent sadaso even before the match begins as he breaks into his room and threatens him demonstrating the threatening and sadistic side to his character his warning induces enough fear into sadaso to make him forfeit his match with killua this ability to instill fear into his opponents is credited to the training that he has acquired from his family as an assassin kilauea also threatens revolt and guido as the two of them agreed to fight farron squire against both ghan and kilauea in their upcoming fights the day of their fights finally begin as gone is scheduled to fight guido and kilauea is scheduled to fight rouvelt both on the same day during this rematch gone demonstrates how far he has come as he easily eliminates all of guido's dancing tops this is because gonz nen defenses have improved considerably he uses his father's fishing rod to flip the floor tile that guido is spinning on wanting some payback for the defeat that he suffered earlier gone is merciless as he punches guido who is lying defenseless on the floor guido is punched before he can even say that he gives up ghan is furious because guido and his friends had threatened zushi in a similar manner to how kilauea had threatened sadaso earlier gone 2 shows that he has this threatening side of his character as he wants guido to never touch zushi again if this is how threatening they are at the age of 12 just imagine how terrifying they will be once they are older and this is exactly what wing is afraid of while he was teaching them nen kilwa is up next as he battles against revelt he uses his abilities against him as it results in his opponent being electrocuted a few days later killua was supposed to afford guido but guido forfeits the match during gone's battle with rivald he wins the fight by making his opponent pass out out of fear at the end of chapter 59 hisoka now agrees to battle against ghan saying that he qualifies now for a battle against him and he will fight him any time before gon battles hisoka wing decides that it is time for them to learn about hatsu after having mastered the basics of nen it is now about building upon their own unique expression of nen wink states that all nine users fall into six broad categories he lists them as emitter enhancer transmuter manipulator conjurer and specialist it is essential now to find out which category gone kilauea and azushi fall under the nan abilities that someone ends up expressing are shaped by how they were brought up and the environment that they were brought up in we learn from wing that hisoka is a transmuter as he can change his aura into rubber-like substances wing now presents them with a way to find out what type of nan user they are this method is called water divination wing demonstrates that he is a enhancer type as he changes the volume of water in the glass resulting in it pouring over gon is the first to find out what type of nen user he is as we learned that he is a enhancer azushi is a manipulator and kilowatt tries but no visible change appears to the water but then wing asks him to taste the water stating that it doesn't taste like water anymore because it's a little sweet wing then states that kilowatt is a transmuter because he has changed the taste of the water so for the next four weeks wing orders them to pay attention to this practice and tells them to continually practice water divination until they can make more of a pronounced change during this time ghana signed up for his next fight with hisoka but the day before his fight with hisoka the three boys present to wing the results of their training gon and kilauea are now able to influence the water with their nan type to a stronger degree than the first time they did it when gon tries the water is gushing out of the glass when kilowatt tries the water now tastes as sweet as honey wing declares that they have successfully graduated his training and even states that gone has passed the hidden aspect of the hunter exam he can now be declared as a fully fledged hunter it is revealed during their training wing had been in touch with chairman netro who would shadow them information about gonon killua wing even advises kilowatt to reset the exam and he tells ghan how kurepika and hanzo are doing stating that they have already learned nen under other teachers and other candidates who had passed the exam like illumi and hisoka had already known then to begin with in chapter 61 the highly anticipated battle against gun in hisoka begins gon begins the fight by charging at hisoka but hisoka stands still at the same spot while gone frantically tries to land a point against him repeatedly after being knocked back and then charging back towards hisoka gone attacks but then gets on the defensive as hisoka also begins to attack him the first point is scored by hisoka as he catches gun off guard he soon begins to find some glaring openings in gon's offensive strategy it results in him successfully attacking gone killua notes that it appears that hisoka is having a lot of fun during this fight but there is a world of difference between the two of them the only chance that gon has is to take advantage of hisoka's feelings of superiority but even then it is a very slim chance like his previous fight on the 200th floor gone uses the floor tiles to his advantage he flips one of the tiles and punches it breaking it into pieces amongst the rubble he is able to find cover where he sneaks into hisoka's blind spot and is able to land a clean hit against him this very powerful punch is enough for gun to have repaid his favor back to hisoka and to fulfill his goal of punching him back in the face from the hunter exam arc the ref declares it a critical hit scoring two points to gone after this attack hisoka finally moves from the spot that he has been standing in throughout the entirety of this fight gone too fearlessly walks towards hisoka and returns to him his number 44 badge from the fourth phase of the hunter exam this whole goal that gon had had some excellent setup the build up was really interesting and the payoff is very satisfactory accomplishing this task feels well earned for gone as we get to see how much he has progressed since he first encountered hisoka hisoka tells gon that as a transmuter he is very fickle so it is optagon to maintain his interest because to hisoka something of value can become instantly meaningless to him as soon as he feels bored and this is exactly the change of emotions that occurred with castro which resulted in him being bored with him and killing him hisoka tells him not to disappoint him as he starts to fight against him seriously here we get to see the world of difference between gon and hisoka despite him being incredibly talented and having learnt nen in such a short period of time all of this success is nothing in comparison to a monster like hisoka ultimately during this fight hisoka is being used as an example of how far gone has yet to go after hisoka goes on the offensive he scores a critical hit it results in gon being more cautious as he tries to think about a strategy against him but his opponent has no patience as he says that he will force gone to come to him gonna by using gyo can see that hisoka has attached a piece of his bungie them to his cheek he uses it to pull gun towards him and to attack him it is a very harsh lesson that he is teaching gone here making him come to realize how foolish he was to actually challenge hisoka fearlessly gone realizing that he is trapped and he has no way to escape from hisoka's bungie gum he becomes determined to move forward in the face of this adversity gone's determination is enough for hisoka to start losing his mind as he has to restrain himself from completely killing gone he has to wait until gone is older and has actualized his full potential so that he may have a fight with a very worthy adversary all of the attacks that gone is landing on hisoka have no effect on him hisoka once again lands another two point critical hit gon argues with the ref that he immediately got back up and he should have been counted as a critical hit but the judge ignores him but while he was talking to the judge hisoka had attached a piece of rubble to his bungee gum he uses this piece of rubble to score the match point thus declaring hisoka as the winner after this fight hisoka analyzes that if they were to have fought 10 more times then gon may have stood a chance but he states that this is the end to their exhibition fights as their next battle will be their last there will be no rules and it will be a fight to the death hisoka has now won 10 matches and he goes on to become a flaw master the judge of the fight goes on to admit that he was scoring the fight in favor of hisoka winning because he was well aware of the world of difference between the two fighters in a way because of his lenient scoring with hisoka it resulted in the battle ending prematurely but he did so with the intention of preventing gun from dying during the fight at the end of chapter 63 kilauea says that they have accomplished everything they have needed to do in heaven's arena stating that they have no need to be here anymore together they decide to visit gon's home on whale island as he has been away from there for seven months and thus after saying goodbye to wing and zushi the heavens arena arc concludes after re-experiencing this arc it still holds up as one of my favorite stories told within hunter hunter i loved the introduction of this new concept of nen and how it is implemented into the series i think it is incredibly creative and well thought out especially in regards to the various different exercises that one must master before they can start uniquely expressing their own abilities as well as this i was impressed by the way that water divination was explained to assess someone's nan type this arc has a clear divide everything that occurs below the 200th level is the fighting mechanics that we have seen up until this point but everything above the 200th level is all n-based fighting it is a completely new world and it is one that we are going to be diving deep into in the future arcs another welcoming surprise was to see hisoka as the antagonist of this arc we get to learn about his relationship with the phantom troop realizing that he has ulterior motives as well as being introduced to a member of the phantom troop through machi as of this point we don't know what hisoka is planning but we do know that he is interested in this character called crollo but his character in this arc serves to motivate gon to learn nen as hisoka only decides to battle him once he has learned the absolute basics of nen despite how evil and sinister his character is in this arc he does appear to be nurturing both gon and killua this is shown firsthand when he prevents them from progressing to the 200th level by using his sinister aura to block them from entering the magician shows off his skills and his nen abilities during his battle with castro and then during his fight with gon with castro he shows no restraint and he kills his opponent with gone he uses heavy restraint trying not to prematurely end his life he definitely is a very strange character but one that i never get bored of seeing on screen and when it comes to both gun and killua in the space of seven months their friendship has truly blossomed they look out for each other and support each other through everything and this is shown firsthand when kilowatt decides to stop learning then for 60 days after gon was told not to buy wing he did not want to get ahead of gone as a true friend he wants them to progress together and to become stronger at the same time i've mentioned it throughout this video the two boys are monsters in their own right they have demonstrated how incredibly gifted and talented they are but despite this they are nowhere near the level of individuals like hisoka ghana has always been the type to be very strategic and i love how in this archi implements his strategy with his newfound nen abilities through his talent for strategizing he was able to land a clean hit on hisoka and when it comes to kilauea he continues to prove that he is one of the scariest characters in the series he is very intimidating and we see this when he makes sadaso forfeit his match it is very easy to forget that he is a assassin when he is being playful and childish with gun but i really do like that he has a softer and more gentle side and he shows this to people that he truly cares about like his friends the dynamics that developed between the two characters really helped to sell the friendship to us and now moving our attention over to the individual who are taught them then wing from his very lackluster introduction we see that he is a very powerful individual himself the true extent of his abilities is not really explored but through his assessments and his analysis of all of the fighting that was going on in heaven's arena we can understand and appreciate that he is a gifted fighter himself when it is revealed that he has been in contact with chairman netro we realize that he is not someone to be underestimated for someone who appears to be disorganized and ordinary his knowledge of nen proves otherwise in this arc gun and kidwa meet a boy who is pretty much the same age zushi's character is a great way to understand how far removed gun and killawa are from other 12 year olds who are also learning how to fight and utilize men while zushi's character serves to show us how talented gun and killawa are characters like hisoka and other powerful individuals help us to realize that the two boys are still far from reaching their full potential when it comes to this arc i have to admit that the 2011 version does an excellent job of adapting the material from the manga and i highly recommend experiencing the arc from that adaptation in particular the battle between ghana nisoka has incredibly fluid animation and is one of my favorite battles to go on re-watch from the 2011 anime overall i really enjoyed the heavens arena arc and i am very interested about what is going to go down on september 1st in york new city now that we know the phantom troop will also be there and kiripika has now learnt nen these little plot points which are briefly mentioned in the heavens arena arc really do build up a sense of hype and excitement for the next arc revenge is the action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong that was suffered at their hands the york new city arc heavily explores kurepika's desire for revenge and incidentally it becomes one of the most important story arcs within hunter hunter we experience a significant shift in tone as the theme of the arc the setting and the story that is taught becomes more mature through the tension that you feel and how the story becomes sinister and darker you can see that tagashi raised the stakes and developed his writing for something very complex this arc results in the development and maturity of several characters especially kuropika as both the positive and negative aspects of his revenge are explored in depth somewhat said that the way that togashi elevates his storytelling in this arc blurs the line between a shonen story which is predominantly aimed towards teenagers with the senen demographic which is aimed towards young adults and is known for darker and more mature stories prior to this arc there were hints of hunter hunter having a darker undertone but during the york new city arc these dark undertones are capitalized upon so many different stories simultaneously occur during the york new city arc each story being led by a group of characters with their own individual goals like gone who is continuing to search for his father we get the introduction of concepts which foreshadow the greed island arc as well as the mysterious group of antagonists the phantom troop finally being revealed along with their incredibly popular fan favorite leader crawler lucifer during this arc we understand how hunter hunter implements organized criminal networks through its own interpretation of the mafia underworld and how individuals fall into this criminal network through the way that they were nurtured and through the environment which surrounded them and shaped their personalities during the heavens arena arc we were introduced to the new concept which is called nen and in this arc more of this unique power system is explored takashi demonstrates during the york new city arc how different nen users uniquely express their own nan abilities and how complex these abilities can actually become and because of this it easily makes nen one of the most unique and well thought out power systems within shonen anime and manga so without further ado let's get into the york new city arc and understand how human greed results in bloodshed scheming against one another and losing sight of one's purpose [Music] the york new city arc begins in chapter 64 and ends in chapter 119 spanning a total of 55 chapters it picks up immediately after the heavens arena arc we learned that gone has been away from his home of whale island for six months and he intends to return that with killua he receives a warm welcome from his aunt mito and his grandmother kilwa is introduced to his family after hearing god's intentions to begin searching for his father after a month's rest mito brings out a mysterious small box which appears to have belonged to jinn gone's father he had told her to give this to gone after he had passed the hunter exam once gone uses nen the box immediately opens up and he discovers a message from his father on a cassette tape jyn challenges gon to find him the very father who had left him behind in pursuit of his own desires he also leaves a clue to his whereabouts in the form of a joystation console along with a memory card and a ring of course the joystation console and the memory card are shaped after the original playstation meanwhile we learned that kurepika has been hard at work we discovered that he has been learning nen from my master for the past six months he has also been looking for a job with someone who is connected to the auction which is taking place in york new city he wants to work in close proximity to this auction because he has heard that his clan's scarlet eyes are being sold there if the eyes are there then there is every chance that the phantom troop will also be there and it is the perfect opportunity for kurepeka to exact his revenge after successfully passing a few tests during an interview he becomes the bodyguard to a girl called nostrad she has a strange hobby of collecting body parts as well as being the daughter of a mafia boss meanwhile after gone and killua examined the memory card left behind by jin they discover a save file for a game called greed island they begin to research and look for any information relating to this game they find out that greed island is a rare game with only 100 copies ever being produced the requirement to play it is to be able to utilize nen the boys discovered that the game is being sold in the southern part of the auction which is being held in york new city since they are already going there to meet back up with korepika and the oreo on september 1st they decide to purchase a copy there upon reaching york new city and finding the oreo he decides to join them on their quest to find a copy of the game during this time we are also introduced to the phantom troupe who are planning to steal every item at the auction they intend to do so by being disguised as members of the mafia kurepika's first assignment as a bodyguard is to be stationed outside the auction building while the auction is taking place eventually the phantom troop attacked the first auction inside the building the people who are working alongside korepika are killed after this unpredictable bloodshed that was unleashed by the phantom troop they leave no traces behind of any stolen items or dead bodies before they leave the auction room in a hot air balloon they are discovered by the mafia who follow the hot air balloon to a canyon outside the city one of the phantom troops members called uvagin begins to easily slaughter the mafia members who don't know how to use nan korepika and the rest of the bodyguards tasked to protect nostrad watch the slaughter from afar we then learn that the ten leaders of the mafia called the tendons have sent a elite group of nen users who are dubbed as the shadow beasts to hunt and find the phantom troop overgin fights these elite nine users on his own despite being outmatched he easily kills them with his superior nan abilities and his brutality however the shadow beasts do manage to paralyze over again kurepika who is watching is overwhelmed by his hatred for the phantom troupe and he wants to confront over again alone however one of the bodyguards who is working alongside korepika called melody ends up calming him down krapika ends up thinking rationally and takes advantage of uvegan who is now paralyzed they successfully capture him using korepika's nen ability called chain jail the other members of the phantom troop try to stop one of their own being kidnapped but they are interrupted by the arrival of more members of these shadow beasts after being captured over again is brought back to the nostrada base for questioning during this time korepika temporarily leaves this post as a bodyguard in order to meet up with hisoka after the phantom troop defeat the remaining members of the shadowbeasts they eventually track down ubergen's whereabouts and they disguise themselves as mafia members and kill nostrada's bodyguards after being freed uvagan swears that he is going to get his revenge on the chain dude and he begins searching for him meanwhile after gone kilauea and leorio realized that the agreed other copies will be beginning their starting bid at 8.9 billion they decide to come up with ways to make money leorio offers to make money by hosting a arm wrestling contest with gon many individuals partaking the arm wrestling contest assuming that they would win against a 12 year old child but gone ends up surprising everybody including mafia members who realize how strong gone is the mafia members eventually invite gon and the others to a underground gathering where they are offering a reward to find the phantom troop members while this is going on another newly introduced member of the phantom troupe called shellnock tracks down the chain dude for overgin he does so by using the internet and the exclusive hunter website when kripika finds out that he is being tracked he waits for uvergan's arrival as they agree to fight outside the city krapika and uvegan eventually fight outside york new city they exchange blows and kurpekka ends up using a ability called chain jail he had designed this specifically for the phantom troop because it allows him to suppress his opponents strength and men as well as this we learned that when kuropika's eyes become the scarlet colour he can use all the nen categories at 100 percent and this ability is dubbed as emperor time after kurapika wins the battle he questions uvagan after receiving little to no answers and without melody being that calming down he is overwhelmed by his rage and he murders uvagin and buries him in the desert meanwhile gone kilauea and the oreo don't manage to get any information on these spiders they decide to take out a loan by exchanging guns hunter license to pay for information on them gun and kilowatt eventually attend a street auction they are able to discover by using their gear ability they can see nand that is being emitted from some of the items through this tactic they are able to distinguish rare items from useless items so they start bidding on items to make money they eventually meet an expert at bidding called zepil who prevents them from getting ripped off he is impressed by their ability to get right items and he decides to help them to make money back with the phantom troop they suspect that uvegan must have been killed by the chain dude nobunaga and machi try to confirm this and find any trace of the chain dude gun and killua follow them to their base after being tipped off by an informant they are easily captured by the more experienced members of the phantom troop and they are interrogated to see if they know anything about kurepika nobunaga is impressed by their abilities and holds them as captives until krollo arrives nobunaga is that impressed that he is willing to ask his leader for permission for gun and killer to join the spiders despite being trapped in a room with only one exit gun and kilwa managed to escape from nobunaga by breaking out through one of the walls kilowatt eventually deduces that the chain dude that these spiders wanted information on is indeed kurepika both gon and kilauea who were impressed by kurepika decide to learn men from him in order to become stronger in a shorter amount of time the underground auction then begins to go ahead as planned the mafia have hired professional help in the form of assassins who are able to use nen among them is the zordik family they have been tasked to find and kill the phantom troop neon nostrada who coulda pick her and the rest of the bodyguards were tasked to protect ends up escaping from her bodyguards she plans to attend the auction because she sees through her father's lies krollo ends up recognizing her and picks her up she ends up predicting his fortune as we realize that inability is that of a fortune tellers upon reading the prophecy of chrollo he begins to cry as it confirms over again has died he then ends up stealing neon's ability and knocks her unconscious he then tries to plan his escape from the auction building after killing most of the assassins hired to take out the troop members crawler is confronted by kilauea's father silva and his grandfather zeno the other troop members begin killing mafia members to avenge uvegan meanwhile zeno and silva fight crollow in a intense high-level nen battle krolow ends up being injured but he is still alive they eventually stop fighting as it is revealed that these spiders hide illumi to kill the ten dons after they are killed the mafia can no longer make payment for the hit that they placed on these spiders so silva and zeno immediately stopped fighting krodoran back out from the situation the phantom troop manages to fake corpses using kotopi's ability and they also restart the auction pretending to be the 10 nons they end up auctioning off fake copies of real items using kotopi's nen the phantom troop once again end up outsmarting the mafia later by using the stolen fortune telling ability krollo creates prophecies for all of the phantom troop members it reveals that if they act normally and proceed as planned then half of them will die in the coming weeks at the hands of the chain dude krollo orders the spiders to leave your new city however hisoka alters his fortune using his nan ability texture surprise so it ends up reading that hisoka is being manipulated by the chain user and if the troop leave york new city they will die this ends up forcing the group to stay we learn why hisoka is being deceitful and helping korepeka behind the scenes this is because he desires to fight the leader of the phantom troop crollow on a one-on-one battle hisoka ends up texting kuropika that the dead bodies that were found were indeed fakes and the phantom troop are still alive eventually gone kilowatt kurepika and lyorio are reunited and they decide to track down the phantom troop on their own after the mafia cancelled the bounty that they placed on them after learning that these spiders are from meteor city they end up finding the hideout of the phantom troop through using melody's hearing ability the group followed these spiders but gone and killed what are captured again kuropika formulates a plan that he ends up relaying to the captured gonon killua kripika ends up capturing crollo and a ransom note is left for the phantom troop the ransom note demands that the memories that pakunoda extracted from gun and kilowatt remain secret or else crawler will be killed they then arrange a hostage exchange over the phone kuripika allows pakunoda to meet up with him first to confirm that krollo is still alive during the meeting korepika uses this opportunity to use his judgment chain ability in both krodo and pakunoda's heart each judgment chain has a specific condition placed onto each of their hearts for crolo if he is to use nen then the chain will kill him while the other that is placed on pakunoda will kill her if she reveals kurupika's abilities to the spiders after the hostage exchange successfully occurs pakunoda ends up sacrificing herself by using her nan ability called memory bomb to relay all of the information that she knows about kuripika to the rest of the spiders she hopes that a sacrifice will save the lives of the remaining members the ark ends up concluding after hisoka is disappointed when he learns that krolow can no longer use nen and he decides to give up on his pursuit to fight him this is a really brief abridged summary of all of the events that occur in the york new city arc now i'll be going over the various different aspects of world building which are conveyed to us during this arc by togashi examining any similarities to our own real world as well as trying to understand any references to symbolism which tagashi may have implemented in order to expand the world of hunter hunter starting off there are many parallels between the fictional yoknu city to the real world new york city one of the most interesting ones is the mafia the nostrada family which kuripika ends up working for as a bodyguard is based on the real world cosa nostra sicilian mafia obviously having italian roots they successfully run their criminal organization in new york the tendons are also based on the infamous top five new york mafia families in hunter hunter the mafia represents a hierarchical structure similar to the hunter organization however the mafia are underground players involved in organized crime during this arc tagashi highlights that even criminals follow a code and some sort of structure they exist to meet human demand for distasteful taboo material objects which are not available in the mainstream an example of this is the selling of human body parts like the kurta clan's scarlet eyes if the wealthy elites hedonism and moral nihilism didn't exist there would be no demand for the mafia to sell these taboo and unethical items the mafia also represent our ego and humanity's thirst for power some humans try to work to the top of whatever hierarchical structure even if it is a criminal hierarchy this is represented by light nostrad as he uses his daughter's nen ability to climb the mafia ranks and he does so for the sole purpose of gaining more power this character is even willing to manipulate and use his daughter his own flesh and blood when he is confronted by zenji another mob boss he highlights that the only reason nostrad worked up the mafia hierarchy so fast from a low rank is because of his daughter's prophecy ability you can see that zenji is a loudmouth and he doesn't have the best appearance as opposed to the cool calm and collected light nostrad tagashi here clearly wants his audience to judge a character by their intentions and not their appearance nostrada intends to manipulate his daughter for more power easily making him one of the most despisable mafia bosses even more so than zenji so it is comic justice when crollo steals her nan ability freeing her from her father's manipulation and consequently putting a stop to his thirst for more power another real world parallel that takashi draws upon is mainstream religion we can speculate that krollo represents the antichrist with his upside down cross and his 12 disciples which are the spider members in mysticism and numerology jesus is represented as the number eight jesus rose on the eighth day after he was crucified the eighth day marks the beginning of a new life krolow and kuripika represent the number eight as crullo is 26 years old two plus six which is eight and kripika is 17 years old oneplus 7 which is eight crolo's last name is lucifer which is also eight letters i'm learning through a hunter hunter data book crollo is a scorpio which is the eighth zodiac sign the phantom troop which krolow is the leader of is also referred to as the spiders which we all know have eight legs the number eight and its relation to the antichrist symbolize crollow's ideology in christianity and islam it is believed that the antichrist will imitate the messiah by deceiving the people and claiming to be jesus himself instead of giving power to his disciples to cast out unclean spirits as jesus did carlos seems to collect them through how he steals other people's nen abilities this is what his nen represents demonic spirits stolen and preserved by crolo he could then use these demons to overpower his opponents rather than being gifted his powers from god like jesus in addition there is also crawler's view on death which he relays to kurupika while he is captured in the car with him krollo himself has accepted that his life is of no significance and he has accepted his own death melody even comments that he is indeed telling the truth he welcomes death as a liberating outcome from the suffering of the mortal world this is how he justifies killing others he believes that the people that he has killed should be thanking him as they have left for a better place now this is the opposite of jesus as he saved and preserved life even being known to resurrect the dead healed the blind and bringing life to clay birds hisoka's character was even alluded to being a judas but unlike judas he doesn't want to betray crollo for any monetary or material gain his desire is to confront and fight crollo as the leader of the phantom troop this is to satisfy his bloodlust and to test his abilities in the context of croto being an antichrist his betrayal could be symbolized as heroic if he did indeed manage to kill crolo and to add another point about hisoka's character when the other spider members become fatalistic when they read their prophecies he uses his inability texture surprise to change his own prophecy he acts as a metaphor for humans making their own truths and being in charge of their own fate and of course i have to talk about kuripika and his holy chain which is in the shape of a cross and he uses this to heal wounds kripika uses limitations and conditions on himself similar to a religious vow and he does this in order to make his ability stronger in many religions you have to restrict yourself and control your desires and devote yourself to god in order to gain spiritual enlightenment also kurupika's emperor time ability is similar to the idea of enlightenment in buddhism kripika is able to break away from his nan type of a conjurer and use all other types of men at 100 ability he removes all restrictions and achieves enlightenment in addition to this the name of kuropika's abilities also have religious symbolism his nan abilities are called judgment chain and holy chain by getting vengeance for the murder of his clan codepickup believes he is bringing justice by killing his oppressors and restoring honor to his fallen clan he is behaving like a vengeful god by using his judgment chain he is enacting divine justice onto the oppressors i believe that tagashi has done all of this intentionally to give his story more depth and build a more detailed world one that we can draw parallels from and to compare to our own world togashi also emphasizes environmental and social factors which end up shaping his character's values whale island is a wilderness with a very small human population which reflects god's personality of being wild and free this is a contrast to killua as he came from a structured environment and he was trained as a assassin from a young age togashi purpose for these juxtaposes the upbringing and the environment in which the characters were raised in like between gon and kilawad there is a distinction between the two of them and their family atmosphere gone's family is very caring and loving while kilauea had a very harsh cold and calculated upbringing and this is because his whole life had been chosen for him he is told that he will be the next head of the zordic family and it is imperative for him to learn the family business by learning assassin skills as effectively as possible and this is compared to ghan who is completely free and decides what he wants to do with his own life which we know from his desire is to find his father and to become a professional hunter like his old man in regards to the phantom troupe they are from meteor city which is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts people who live there do not exist in official records growing up in these conditions shapes the spiders as they represent organized chaos and anarchy as opposed to the mafia who represent structured criminality due to being abandoned by the outside world people who are raised in meteor city have a different concept of life and have differing values after uvegan massacres the mafia in the canyon one of their mobsters survives and he threatens the spider's family members fate and mockingly asks him what a family is this shows those who grow up in the environment of media city have no concept of what we would consider normal the inhabitants of meteor city share a bond described as thinner than water and yet thicker than blood this explains why these spiders mourn the loss of oovign and their leader crolo even ended up crying for him the phantom troop have no issue with stealing and killing because they were brought up in an environment where they didn't have anything and they had no identity of their own they did not grow up with normal moral values this makes them moral nihilists these environmental and social factors shaped the phantom troop that's why even if kilowatt is successful in killing every member of the phantom troop if he does not address the conditions of meteor city then more like them will appear as the phantom troop are not a group of thieves or a collection of individuals their group represents an ideology and this ideology was shaped and formed in meteor city crawler represents this ideology when he says that his life holds no meaning so he is useless as a hostage kudepika is faced with this ideology when he realizes that he may be able to kill the leader of the troop but it will not stop them this is why uvegan refused to give up any information about the phantom troop before he died his silence is credited to the indoctrination from the ideology that they believe in you may be able to kill the phantom troop but you cannot kill the idea behind it the same environmental factors which help to shape the phantom troop are now shaping others in meteor city this helps to explain why the mafia canceled the hit on the spiders when they learned where they were from because most of the people who the mafia hire as assassins or hitmen are maladjusted people from meteor city meteor city is mentioned again in an upcoming arc where it is explored further so it's definitely not the last time that i'll be bringing it up some people consider gon and kilauea's involvement in this arc to be shoehorned into a story which is really about kurupika's revenge but in my opinion like the previous arcs their involvement is very significant because their innocence is contrasted against the human greed and dishonesty that they encounter through taking part in the auctions they witness how people will do anything to minimize their losses and maximize their earnings they will partake in a number of underhanded tactics in order to deceive one another and this ultimately ends up complicating the very simple process of buying and selling goods there really is no such thing as a honest transaction we also learned during this portion of the arc that inanimate objects also emit aura through gun and killer using yo they're able to easily find rare items it is gone who notices that someone else called a zeppelin is bidding on the exact same rare items that they are through using their tactic they were able to secure three out of four items which were emitting a nen aura because they can't sell these auctions at the classic auction they are forced to go to an antique steeler the dealer offers to buy their items for 500 000 but zeppelle steps in and tells the boys that the dealer isn't offering them a fair price and he is taking advantage of their naivety and their inexperience literally trying to take candy from a baby for greed humans are even willing to take advantage of children zeppel teaches gun and killer how traders forge items by using techniques like welding exposing and side stepping we also learn how zepal was able to identify the rare items which were emitting nen aura without himself being able to use nen he had been using a technique called sizing up gone and killworth themselves can learn to use this ability in order to intuitively detect the quality even within people gun and killua used the sidestepping technique in order to escape from nobunaga and through their interactions with this newly introduced character zepil tagashi is able to implement maturity and growth for gun and killua in a story which isn't even centered around them the two boys are in a very complicated world and it isn't straightforward they both have to be constantly stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing new situations and concepts in the pursuit of constant progression as a side note tagashi during this arc also foreshadows how nen emitting items are more durable and can be used in nan battles we see this through crawler using ben's knife in his fight against silva and xeno zoldick now i want to turn my attention over to the individual characters who feature within this arc i want to focus on understanding their motives and their reasoning behind their actions let's start off with none other than korepika who i feel like this arc was written for a quote from star wars that yoda the jedi master states is very relevant to kuropika's character yoda says that fear leads to anger and anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering this quote perfectly encapsulates what kuripeka's character experiences during the york new city arc his suffering is caused by his overwhelming hatred for the phantom troop tagashi pays particular attention to this in the york new city arc in order to make kurupika the archetypal avenger however you have to ask yourself is kurepaka a simple avenger or has tagashi made a purposeful effort in this arc to make kotopika's character more nuanced than just a avenger and this is exactly what i want to cover in this breakdown of kodopika's character the first thing to note is that there is a significant change that occurs between the kuripika who we have seen up until this point and the character who we see six months later now knowing then and working for the nostrada family there is a pronounced shift in his personality and his psychology when it comes to kuripika's character in the york new city arc we get a brief glimpse of the anger and hatred that kodopika holds for the phantom troop during the hunter exam arc when a prisoner during the third phase of the exam pretends to be a member of the phantom troop you can see the change in korepika's mood and his personality whenever the phantom troop is mentioned in some instances his eyes even turn into the scarlet color the change in aikola occurs to members of the kurta clan when they are emotionally distressed i feel that this change of eye color is a great homage to the kurta clan because the phantom troupe had killed all of the kurta clan for their scarlet eyes when their eyes turn this scarlet color they are described as being more beautiful than even the most precious diamond in the world and for kuripika there is so much hatred behind the beauty of his eyes when these spiders are mentioned it is like korepika is possessed by a raging demon because he is the last of his clan members nobody else will truly be able to understand the pain and anguish that he is feeling typically kurepika is very intelligent and he is one of the more rational characters so it is a striking contrast to see him give into his emotions and his feelings of hatred to the extent that it becomes self-destructive we see kurepika who is about to act on his self-destructive urge to confront ugin and the phantom troop members on his own until he is stopped by melody when she uses her nan ability to calm the enraged kurapika in this instance if he continued to be overwhelmed by his emotions he would have confronted the phantom troop and it would have led to his death it is an effective way for tagashi to show us how affected kurepika is by the tragic massacre of his clan sadly we are forced to experience this change of this character who is usually intelligent and very compassionate and someone who has a defined set of values and a strong moral compass being broken down by his feelings of revenge and hatred because of the heartless actions of a criminal group in the york new city arc credupika is a far cry from the character who accompanied the oreo on gon in order to rescue kilauea from his family in that short period of time the character that we come to know is completely different to this character that we see here at the end of the zodik family arc everybody innocently goes in their own way personally i didn't think too into what kodopika was doing but upon further inspection since the very beginning of the series he was on a path of revenge he had to get his hunter's license in order to gain more information about the phantom troop and to open more doors for himself so that he could get closer to the phantom troop and to make himself stronger in order to encounter them one day by following this path of revenge kodepika puts at risk his humanity as it is clearly stated that he has not killed anyone up until this point and in the york new city arc his revenge leads him to committing his first murder taking the life of another is a heavy burden to place upon your soul and this clearly highlights that kudapeka is not this innocent infallible character that we see at the start of the series when he forms his friendships with gon kilauea and the oreo the relationship that the four of them share together is deceptive because when we explore each of the individual characters they are all flawed in some way and they all have a tendency to give in to their emotions and to even commit wrong which completely subverted my expectations as i thought they were a group of happy-go-lucky cheerful characters out of the four characters tagashi decides to dissect and break down kurupika's character and lay him bare for us all to see in this arc in these subsequent arcs we do get a similar treatment with gun and killua and even the yorio to some extent i'm incredibly interested by the way that tagashi writes his characters how after first inspection you typically apply typical storytelling tropes to them and personality traits which you have seen so many times before to them but as the story continues tagashi betrays your expectations and he leaves you feeling dumbfounded through the way that he exposes the darker sides of his characters and how this darkness has always been there from the very beginning we see the evil in the good and we see the seeds of these character dissections planted well before they occur another example is how wing was fearful of teaching gun nen he even likened him to being a monster and we see this very description of a monster being actualized during the kimira antarctic after gon can no longer contain his emotions through his anger and hatred that he feels towards pito kuripika's revenge leads him to joining the mafia and the despicable nostrad family neo nostrada despite her cute appearance has a disgusting taboo hobby she collects human body parts to describe her character she's very self-centered materialistic and lacks empathy an example of her twisted behavior is when she had ordered an actual dead body to be put on display inside her mansion this body had belonged to a former bodyguard who had failed in his duties she clearly had a elite and very sheltered upbringing every one of her desires were satisfied and any of the wrongdoing that she had committed was masked with money it is very easy to just judge the characters that tagashi illustrates and writes by their appearances or their first impressions but these surface level inspections pale in comparison to the truth about the characters that togashi writes neon's father light nostrad is no better than her as he is using his daughter's nen ability to climb up the mafia ranks for power like i had mentioned before coulda pick us stoops to the level of working for this mafia family and in doing so he is taking part in a cropped underworld system from what we have seen up until this point kurupika is a compassionate person and someone who values the friendships and the bonds that he forms with others however while being a part of this mafia family he is not able to form a bond with anyone except from melody he didn't really form any substantial relationships in the york new city arc with any of the new characters that were introduced this is shown firsthand by his lack of empathy that he feels when the other bodyguards working for the nostrad family are killed korepika shows little to no compassion for them he had even used the death of daisolin as an advantage to become the head bodyguard of the nostrada family the only comment that he makes about the situation is that he didn't expect to become the head bodyguard in such a short amount of time his desire for revenge and his feelings of hatred have turned him into someone who is very selfish and egotistical he has adopted the philosophy that to confront evil one must be able to do evil at this point you have to hope that he hasn't been consumed by his dark feelings because the hatred that he feels will ultimately leave him with an empty void that he will find difficult to fill this empty void will prevent him from finding inner peace and will ultimately result in his suffering the hatred is matched by his motivation to bring justice to his fallen clan members takashi highlights this during korepika's flashback during his nen training sequence with his master izunavi after his nan training is completed we learned that he is a conjurer type he chooses to conjure chains because he believes that certain people need to be dragged to hell at this point we are convinced that he is a archetypal shonen avenger with a single-minded goal that he is narrowly fixated upon to the point that it is dangerous the fire that burns within kurepika gives him a fierce determination which leads him to undertake extreme measures which he justifies as being necessary this is demonstrated when his master izunavi explains that conjuring unbreakable chains is impossible however if kurupika were to make a contract with himself in which he imposes strict conditions and swears to abide by stricter limitations then the greater the power that he will gain to explain the huge power surge that kurupika has within six months we learned that he had made such a contract with himself in order to gain a substantial amount of power in a short amount of time he had done so by using his ability called judgment chain to wrap a blade around his heart to increase his men by setting conditions and limitations upon himself he explains this to gon when gon wonders how on earth he has gained so much power and such powerful nun abilities this is like his religious vow to avenge his fallen brethren and to collect their eyes even if he has to risk his own life to do so he may have the typical trope of being on the path of revenge but tagashi challenges certain shonen tropes especially with the way that korepika becomes so powerful in such a short amount of time i mean quite simply we are left surprised by his nen mastery at the nostrada mansion during his job interview when you see quick power-ups they are usually associated with the villain or antagonist for example hodi jones when he uses energy steroids during the fishman island arc in one piece or to counter sasuke's mangakyo sharingan danzo uses izanagi from the uchiha eyes attached to his arm in contrast the phantom troop obtained their manpowers through training or life and death situations so their abilities and powers are explained through natural and organic progression even kilowatt's father notes that krollo has gotten stronger from the last time that they fought this is ultimately another example of tagashi subverting some well-established shonen tropes and cliches while also giving his story a unique and natural flow to it which doesn't feel forced because of kuripika placing limits and conditions on himself he has obtained greater nen powers through making that religious foul he has obtained the power in order to avenge his clan however through kudepika obtaining these nan abilities this symbolizes that he needs to restrict his identity and who he once was through placing a chain on his own heart it connotates that he needs to forcibly change his personality and restrain his conscience he needs to become someone who lacks empathy and remorse and sympathy when he says that he conjures change to drag individuals to hell the chain that he placed on his own heart is dragging himself to hell revenge indeed is a double-edged sword as it takes a huge emotional toll on character especially one that is a conscience we see this emotional toll during kuropika's fight against overgin he is angered by his opponent when he realizes that he doesn't even remember the names of his victims and how loyal he is to the phantom troop and won't give up any information on them the enemies that kurupika holds so much hatred towards appear to have a code of honor as uvagin demonstrates the loyalty that they have for each other during this fight korepika states that the smell of blood is throwing his senses into disarray this is leading him to lose control of his psyche ultimately kuripika's actions are harming his own soul when he uses the judgment chain on uvagin and he is still persistent not to give up any information about the spiders it proves how much of a close bond the members of the phantom troop share with each other like i mentioned previously they are a group of thieves but it is their ideology which gives them power because they were born from the environmental and social conditions of meteor city they are a force to be reckoned with kurupika cannot end what the phantom troops stand for because if he kills the members of the phantom troop then others will appear in their place with the exact same ideology to replace them you may sympathize with kurupika's quest for revenge since his clan was massacred horrifically but you have to ask yourself is this quest for revenge justified typically in our world and even in the world of hunter hunter justice is usually carried out by an impartial third party who followed the law and order of the society relying on a judge to pass righteous judgment down onto a criminal we rely on the criminal justice system to lay down its hammer on those who commit moral wrongdoings both to individuals and society as a whole this law and order that we rely upon gives society structure and meaning without it there would be anarchy and chaos justice is rational and impartial there is no bias vengeance on the other hand is emotional and personal and filled with bias when kudepika meets with hisoka hisoka tells him that he had killed and replaced the former fourth member of the phantom troupe a few years ago what this proves is that some of the current members of the phantom troupe may not have even taken part in the krotaklan massacre but we know that kuripika doesn't care about this fact ever since the beginning of the hunter exam arc when he is on the ship sailing to the exam location he tells the ship's captain that his ultimate goal is to kill every last member of the phantom troop is kudepeka justified in killing members of the phantom troop who didn't even take part in the massacre of the kortaclan if he is killing people innocent of the crime he is accusing them of then this isn't justified korepika's feelings of revenge will not solve anything and it will only lead to kurupika feeling emptiness in the end the protagonists that feature within tagashi's stories are usually morally grey togashi did indeed give kurupika a very dark goal as he is targeting villains or even characters who could be considered as anti-heroes this adds complexity to his character and we know that kuripika doesn't take pleasure in killing we can see this in his despondent look in his eyes after he has killed uvegan however his hatred and his feelings of vengeance force him to continue on this path because he has already sacrificed so much to get to this point he had developed his nan and he had integrated himself within the underworld he continues his suffering but we know all too well that the path that he is on will never give him closure or inner peace it may sound wishy-washy but the only way that he will attain closure is through forgiveness and understanding like i mentioned before upon first inspection kudepika appears to be intelligent and very caring and you can see that he is like this because he has known what it feels like to be loved and to love another the extent of the hatred that he feels proves that he had a strong and deep bond with the other members of his clan he is ultimately suffering on this path of revenge because he can't let go of these bonds that he has formed after the phantom troop end up faking their deaths and leaving replacement corpses using kotopi's ability kudepika returns to the second family that he has formed he goes to meet his friends gone kilauea and the oreo in the park ghana mentions that these spiders are dead and kuripika can now focus on his other goal of collecting the clan's scarlet eyes during this very ram brief moment we see coripika smile and actually have a joyous moment during the york new city arc in this scene he had a moment of relief from his suffering even we as an audience can understand that it isn't healthy for kurupika to go down this route and he needs to surround himself with the company of people who value and love him like his newfound friends do he was able to build a deep connection with gone and the others despite not having known them for a long period of time this proves that he still has that kind gentle and sympathetic nature within him later on crawler also notices korepika's ability to form deep bonds during the hostage exchange during that hostage exchange situation kurupika is more concerned with the safety of his friends rather than giving in to his feelings of revenge by killing crolo and thus endangering the lives of his friends he clearly doesn't want to lose the connections that he has built again with these characters the friendships that he has formed have served to fill a void within korepika's life we can understand that the psychology of corepika is far more nuanced than the hateful furious and determined avenger that togashi tries to portray him as at the beginning of this arc we discover the nuance in korepika's character through the weakness that he feels through the bonds that he has formed with others his relationships with gon kilauea and leorio humanize could pick us character you also know that kodopika hasn't entirely sold his soul for this quest of revenge if he had then he wouldn't have cared about the lives of his friends and he would have sacrificed them in order to kill the members of the phantom troop wrapping up my thoughts on kuripika and his involvement in this arc i asked myself if he will continue on this path of darkness which will ultimately lead him to be consumed by his hate will he lose this moral compass that he has and the compassion that he shows for others i hope that kotopika can see past his feelings of revenge and allow the relationships that he has formed with his friends to bring him some closure and some light to the end of this tunnel it remains to be seen whether or not kodepika will have this enlightening moment where he will reflect upon his actions and his feelings of revenge and hatred which act as emotional shackles for his character we have to see if he gives in to his revenge and kills the other members of the phantom troop or learns to preserve his humanity by not stooping to that level let's now look at one of the main antagonists of this arc and the leader of the phantom troupe yes i'm talking about crawler lu silva villains usually complement the heroes like the protagonist they have an extensive backstory on interesting motivation when i think of a well-written villain within the shonen genre i recall characters like sasuke eisen or lightygami in order to write a complex and well-written villain the author must go in-depth into their strengths and their vices and how these two dynamics have a direct consequence on the villain's personality traits villains are incredibly interesting to analyze because they can be written to be relatable or realistic despite not being able to agree with their sinister plans and their evil actions you can somehow sympathize with them on a human level when you understand their backstory which explains how they became a villain in the case of crowler lu silva he is an enigma because whenever we see him it is clear that he has detached himself from his emotions he is difficult to read and he doesn't give off any form of aura which would give away his intentions this results in him coming across as being very common and flinching as he has disassociated himself from his environment this results in his character being very mysterious there is a certain level of allah to a character like this you begin to feel curious about the unknown nature of crolo what are his true intentions what is the explanation of the mystery behind his character i believe that tagashi made him like this on purpose so that we try to dig deeper and analyze the characteristics beyond the intense sinister eyes and the dark edgy appearance that he has we are first introduced to crollo during a group meeting with the other members of the phantom troupe in an abandoned area outside of york new city the phantom troop are awaiting orders and they contemplate what items that they are going to steal from the auction this is when krollo orders these spiders to steal everything and to eliminate anyone who gets in their way overgin wonders if crolo is serious as the auction is run by mafia gangs from around the world cruello is confident that the spiders have both the physical and mental endurance to overcome any obstacle that may come in their way we quickly learned that cruello values individuals who are skilled and strong above everyone else this is shown when he is pleased with uvegan's answer after he had asked him if he is afraid also he allows isuka to do as he pleases and even though kurepika kills uvagin machi mentions krollo wants to recruit him if you consider how the phantom troop is structured and how the individuals are recruited you can become a member if you defeat and replace one of the spiders once again proving how much he values the skilled and the strong another way to gain entry into the phantom troop is if crollow is impressed by your capabilities and approves of your strength through his actions and his beliefs we can assume that krollo adheres to the survival of the fittest and social darwinism philosophy the strong are the only ones worthy of consideration and respect if you want to survive in this cruel world then you need to gain strength weakness is not an option i am sure that a character like crawler would go as far as to conclude that the weak deserve to be punished and the strong should be rewarded crawler defines an individual's strengths and weaknesses through their nun abilities as well as their mental and physical fortitude we can appreciate that the beliefs that crowler has adopted were formed through his environmental and social conditions as he was raised in meteor city and abandoned junkyard where everyone is just trying to survive this environment certainly sounds like it adheres to the principles of survival of the fittest morality can be seen as an arbitrary vague social construct in other words it is a loosely defined concept that depends on the discretion of those using it in order to determine its definition i believe that this definition of morality is what suits krollo best through this belief phase perspective has been shaped this explains why he must find it easy to order the other troop members to kill others so easily note how he wasn't afraid and didn't hesitate when he had ordered the phantom troop members to kill all those who got in the way when they were about to loot the auction he had also commanded these spiders to go absolutely crazy in order to avenge uvegan and to take their wrath out on the mafia clearly his sense of morality is defined by whatever action would benefit him the most in that particular moment regardless of the consequences of this action each individual relies on their own sense of morality to guide their actions there is no objective revelation like a holy book a human rights charter or constitution that defines morality completely from the perspective of morality that crowler adopts any offensive violence isn't necessary but it can be justified in the same context murder may be morally wrong but it is justified as long as it helps you to achieve your goals the mafia use violence in order to keep their underground criminal organizations profitable the government uses violence in order to maintain law and order even the hunter association partakes in violence in order to achieve its own goals the only difference is that they operate within a legitimate structure and work their way into the mainstream however the phantom troops actions are considered villainous because they are outcasts and they operate on the edge of society crawler views the world from this perspective of moral nihilism and by extension the other members of the phantom troop to adopt this ideological perspective uvagin is the perfect example of this as he says that he has felt nothing for his victims while kurupika interrogates him because he is not chained by a moral compass or bound by any values he feels that there are no consequences for his actions as long as his actions no matter how evil they are lead to him fulfilling his goal then he doesn't care even if the other members of the phantom troop have to be sacrificed for this outcome and this is where his morality and freedom can be compared to coulda pikas despite his feelings of hatred and revenge korepika still adheres to moral principles this is why he chooses to exchange hostages instead of allowing gun and killua to be killed if he had given in to his feelings of revenge by killing the leader of the phantom troop the one who was behind the massacre of his clan the freedom that krolow has is taken away from him by kuripika at the end of the york new city arc through his non-ability judgment chain he was able to put restrictions onto crolo fittingly through the justice chain justice was enforced onto crollo for all of his atrocities and morally questionable activities that he had partaken in all for the sake of actualizing the goals of his criminal group crolo can also be described to adopt the philosophical view of pessimism as he believes that there is no meaning or purpose to existence this is why he accepts his death so easily when kurupika captures him he says that he feels at peace in a situation which would make an ordinary person tremble melody confirms that he is indeed telling the truth and she is troubled by how unfazed he is by the situation if he is indeed pessimistic then he must believe that the best thing for a human to do is to not exist if kudupika kills him then he is content as his suffering will end and he won't need to maintain strength in order to survive in a cruel world he hopes that the troop members would share this ideology he reiterates that there is no value in keeping him as a hostage because these spiders can survive without a head he also advises pakunoda to notice that kupika is more concerned about his friends than his feelings of vengeance he shares this information with her so that she may be able to use codepika's weakness against him crowler believes that an attachment to anything or anyone is unnecessary he believes that people are always striving for that which is out of reach even if they attain it they are never fully satisfied so it is best to detach yourself from relationships and material objects this world view is confirmed when the troop members don't find any items to steal at the auction house uvegan suspects that there might be a traitor amongst the spiders but crollow tells him that there isn't a traitor because none of the phantom troop members care for money glory or prestige like i mentioned previously the world view that crolo adopts stems from the environmental and social conditions of media city in this place there are no laws and no moral code because there is no law and order in meteor city any action good or evil is considered to be legitimate in an environment like this the belief of nihilism is easily adopted this completely gets rid of the need to become attached to relationships and materialisms these concepts are considered to be unnecessary because ultimately there is no meaning behind existence the ideology of pessimism is born out of a lack of identity and through having no family and this is the opposite of kuru pika who has lost everything he was born with a purpose and surrounded by people who loved him but now having lost everything his newfound purpose of revenge is justified by his moral belief that actions have consequences corepika has indeed nothing to lose because he has lost everything but it is crowl and the other members of the phantom troupe who have everything to lose including their freedoms which they have adopted from their nihilistic world view it would be easy to come to the conclusion that cruello is a cruel apathetic psychopath but his character is slightly more nuanced than this we do get to appreciate a right glimpse of the humanity within this character he may be committed to his behavior of detachment and his belief of pessimism but he himself has formed an unorthodox bond with the other members of the phantom troop and tagashi demonstrates this through crollow shedding tears for uvagin after he had heard neon's prophecy confirming his death we don't know if ugin was one of the founding members of the phantom troupe who had originated from meteor city did he grow up with chrollo and experience suffering through their shed environment even if he doesn't believe in bonds it is hard for krollo to hide his emotions when it comes to the other spiders he is affected to the point that he dedicates a requiem for overgen through deciding to kill the mafia also if you notice the wording of neon's prophecy it states that the calendar loses a precious component the remaining months gather to mon the words precious and mourn were used through this prophecy crolo comes to the realization that the other members of the phantom troupe may not strictly adhere to his ideology and thus two will be affected emotionally by the death of uvagan and this is indeed proven when we see nobunaga mourn for the death of uvagan nobunaga is even willing to start a confrontation with krollo after he had decided that they are leaving york new city he confronts him because he wants vengeance for the death of uvagin despite krollo's decision to not continue to pursue the chain user pakunoda decides to take gun and killua for the hostage exchange the other members of the phantom troop could have easily killed them and abandoned their boss and replaced him but pakunoda ultimately sacrifices herself by using her memory bomb ability to give information on kodopika to the rest of the members when she is alone with gun and killawa she even asks them why is it that they are not trying to escape since her injuries won't allow her to catch up with them it would be an ideal situation because the phantom troop would lose that leverage and kurupika would be able to kill crollo but the boys explained that they don't want korepeka to give in to his hatred because they know that it is making him suffer pakunoda was grateful for the decision that the boys had made because she doesn't want to lose the precious component of the phantom troop which is the head crolo tagashi always shows the human side to his villains or antagonists and he turns them into very sympathetic characters we see this in particular with marouane in the khmer untuck and we see this here with the phantom troop members ultimately what is defined as good or evil is the character's intentions and not the role that they are playing in the larger story crollo has the power to steal other people's nen abilities and i feel like this symbolizes the identity issues that he has because of his upbringing in meteor city we can see that his nen ability seems to fill a void of emptiness that he feels through stealing the abilities of others he is indirectly stealing their identity because each person has a unique expression of men so by stealing their abilities he is in a way stealing their identity having an identity is essential as it shapes our personality and who we are did he realize that other people who had been raised in meteor city were also searching for a meaning and purpose and was it for this reason that he had formed the phantom troop as a way to fill that feeling of emptiness that they may feel through having no identity of their own by being in the phantom troop they have one more thing to define their identity with in addition to this when gon asks him how he can kill people who haven't done anything to him crawler reflects on that question and ponders if it's the key to understanding himself hisoka mentions that other than killing and stealing the phantom troop even engaged in philanthropy when i had first watched hunter hunter i thought that he was being sarcastic but now i'm not so sure could it be that the phantom trooper tagashi's twisted version of the robin hood legend a group of outcasts who are willing to steal from anyone and give back to meteor city in order to maintain it robin hood has a talent for disguising himself and similar to the legend crollo also puts on different disguises because he doesn't have an identity the inner abilities in his book are just a collection of different personas also his nen ability is called bandit's secret you have to wonder if the bandit's secret holds the answer to the mystery behind his character but unlike crawler robin hood steals from the rich and gives to the pod because he is a generous person whereas crollo steals objects and then abilities in order to break down systems and to introduce anarchy into the world we are able to confirm this through his actions in the york new city arc but we cannot confirm any of the philanthropic activities that hisoka claims that the phantom troop partaken carlo is surprised when the zordics lose interest in the fight with him when the tendons are killed ending their contractual obligations he is fascinated by how the assassins conduct themselves and the code of conduct that the zordik family live by silva states that he refuses to work for nothing or die for nothing after they leave crolo is frustrated that he wasn't able to steal their powers he was even contemplating to capture silva zoldick this highlights that crollo isn't only after nen abilities and stealing material possessions he will even resort to kidnapping people when it comes to the members of the phantom troop shelnak brings up the fact that shizuku and pakunoda have right abilities and that they cannot be replaced easily it is also worth mentioning that each member within the spiders has a different role nobunaga and uvagin being the troops attackers shizuku pakunoda and shelnak being information gatherers the different members of the phantom troop are prizes worthy of stealing in their own right as each of them have very different personas and identities they all serve to fill a empty void within crolo giving himself a sense of identity by giving him a family to protect korepika takes away a part of cruella's identity when he seals his nen crollo can no longer use the different nan abilities that he has stolen which represent different personas and different identities which serve to add another layer of identity and meaning to croto's character which has now been forcibly taken away from him tagashi has the ability to subvert tropes and cliches without compromising the flow of his story the way that he writes his characters in service of his narrative is exceptional in my opinion during the york new city arc korepika's character goes through a lot of change and it is crollo and the members of the phantom troupe that are introduced into the narrative as the device to propel korepika through this change and before you know it by the end of the arc kurepika's character and the members of the phantom troupe perfectly complement each other each of them stand out as unique relatable and realistic characters who all appear to have strengths and weaknesses of their own that we can somewhat sympathize with now understandably inner arc which is focused around korepika's character i have talked a lot about kuropika and the phantom troop but what about gun and kilauea who we have been following very closely since the beginning of the story it is no secret that they weren't given that much importance during this arc like i mentioned the york new city arc was a story about kurepika but takashi does indeed use gun and kilauea in order to foreshadow and set up the upcoming arc which is the greed island arc during this arc tagashi demonstrates that god and kilauea still need guidance in the form of their friends and other acquaintances that they meet without the help of the oreo they wouldn't have come up with a effective way to earn money without zeppel they lacked the experience and knowledge and would have been taken advantage of by the other antique sellers and gun and kilauea each have their own different interactions with the members of the phantom troop tagashi takes advantage of these interactions in order to demonstrate how weak gun and kilowatt are when they are compared to other experienced and end users it is no secret especially after the heavens arena arc where gon was defeated by hisoka the two boys still have a lot to learn especially about nan the gap in their combatability strength and intelligence is further emphasized when they are compared with the other members of the phantom troop gun and killua in a way are effectively made useless in this arc they had failed in their attempt to track machi and nobunaga to the phantom troops base and they could have been killed if nobunaga didn't take a liking to gone we also get to see illumi's influence on kilauea as we become aware that his first instinct is to run away whenever he comes across a powerful adversary tagashi places this limitation on the kilauea in order to make us curious as to how he will overcome it in the later arcs gun and kilowatt tried their best to be useful during this arc even to the extent that they had tried to contact kuripika and asked how they could assist him it is unfortunate but during this arc the two of them act as more of a burden to kurupika than as a strength gone is well aware of this fact and it frustrates him gone is appalled by the actions of the phantom troop but he is even more frustrated that he can do nothing to stop them if you were to ask me takashi had purposefully diminished the role of gun and kilauea in this arc in order to develop them later on as the story progresses i personally loved getting a break from the two of them and getting to experience codepika's story especially considering that his intention to become a hunter during the hunter exam arc was one of the reasons why i was hooked onto the story of hunter hunter i wanted to know more about kuripika and his journey and indeed this arc delivered on all of the curiosity that i was feeling on my last remarks on gonon kilowatt i loved how they were the silver lining for korepika how they had diverted his attention away from his quest for revenge they didn't want korepika to succumb to his hatred and ultimately they did succeed because korepika didn't give in to his darkness by the end of the arc and now to wrap up my thoughts of the york new city arc i believe that this arc really was takashi flexing his skills as an excellent storyteller the odds felt realistic the story had excellent pacing and there was a genuine feeling of tension during some of the moments in this arc and through his storytelling and the way that he writes characters we get to experience how the protagonists have hints of evil within them and how even villains are able to be humanized so that you may sympathize even with their ordeals tagashi really does build a fantastical world which anyone would love to isakai into and explore through the various different complex sophisticated mechanics that he introduces and the nuanced characters that he has created whether if they are protagonists or antagonists tagashi is always challenging and subverting tropes and cliches their narrative that stitches all of these elements together always has a natural flow to it in addition to this he really does make us think about the themes ideas and ideologies that he conveys through his in-depth story and he leaves us with plenty of breathing space in order to interpret hunter hunter the way that we want to and this point in particular is one of the many reasons why i have truly come to love hunter hunter after re-experiencing it during these videos there is such a healthy difference of opinion with some people favoring the york new city arc as their favorite arc or even others stating that the greek island dock is their favorite part of the story whatever the case tagashi really has created an excellent world for us to dive into one that introduces concepts and thoroughly explains them and allows us to feel a world which feels like it is being lived in with characters who are dealing with real life issues and adopting differing ideologies and philosophies which you can discuss for hours on end in my next video i'm going to be going over the next arc in the hunter hunter story the greed island dark greed island is a transitionary arc which occurs between the york new city and khmer untox it has a video game setting which is inspired by togashi's own love for rpg games like dragon quest this arc takes place immediately after the york new city arc as gone kilauea and lyorio and korepika go their separate ways the arc is heavily focused around gun and kilowatt in particular how they begin to develop their nen abilities and start to learn new techniques which are developed further thanks to a new mentor that they encountered during this arc upon entering into the game greed island gon and kilowatt are tasked with collecting 100 restricted cards in addition to training the two of them overcome various different obstacles as well as facing off against new antagonists which are trying to steal the cards over the players and they just so happen to come across a antagonist from the prior parts of the story this character surprisingly ends up helping them and plays a more supportive role during this arc which proves that tagashi can apply a wide range of roles to his different characters without feeling out of the ordinary or jarring so without further delay let's begin my analysis of the fifth story arc of hunter hunter the greed island arc the greed island dark spans from chapters 120 to 185 running for a total of 65 chapters it is also the final arc that was adapted by the 1999 hunter hunter anime as with each arc that i've analyzed so far the greed island arc is different to anything that we have seen so far the game called greed island is heavily fleshed out by tagashi it is centered around a card game a tagashi painstakingly gives details to each of the 100 restricted cards a lot of people may find this boring but without these details and the explanations that he gives us it would really take away from the immersion that you feel while experiencing this arc similar to my other hunter hunter videos that i've been doing i'll be breaking this arc down into small portions which will be easy to understand the story of the greed island arc begins in york new city where the gonon kilwa attending the southern peace auction in order to attempt to obtain the game called greed island gun and kilowatt instead of trying to buy the game themselves they're going to let someone else buy the game and then try to enter into greed island on their behalf a multi-millionaire called mr batera will also be attending the auction it appears that this individual has fallen in love with the greed island game he is willing to spend a large sum of money in order to obtain the game but this money appears to be nothing in comparison to the money he will give to someone as their reward for completing the game during the auction gone and killewa run into some of the members of the phantom troop fetan and thinks reassure them that they are not here to hurt them or to fight with them they don't reveal to gun and killerwa the real reason as to why they are here but apparently they are looking for a nan exorcist for crollow in an internal dialogue we learned that a few people have the ability to exercise the nen that has been placed onto individuals the concept is known as exorcism people who are unaware of men associate non-abilities to ghosts or demons so when they call upon a exorcist to conduct a ceremony they usually refer to it as spirit banishment but in actual fact they are removing nen which has been placed onto that individual not a evil spirit in addition to this there are only a few people who know how to exercise nen abilities it is said that as few as 10 people in the world know how to remove a nan curse from someone fetan and thinks tell gon and killua that they are not after killing kurapika killing kuropika will not remove the judgment chain that has been placed onto crollow's heart in some instances if you kill the nen user who was inflicted and then curse then that nan curses intensified so for that reason they are searching for a nen exorcist in order to remove the judgment chain this exchange also serves to humanize the members of the phantom troop as through pakanoda's memory bomb feitan and thinks learnt about gun and killua they even tell the two boys that pakunoda was thankful to them in the end after the events of the york new city arc eventually the southern peace auction begins and in chapter 121 the greed island game is on sale it appears that when the greed island cartridge is placed into the joy station the power light turns on without it even being plugged in another demonstration shows that when the greed island game is placed into a joystation the console is protected by the game cartridge as long as someone is in the greed island game then nobody can destroy the console which is shown by demonstrating a sledgehammer attempting to destroy it here individuals who choose to play the greed island game risk their own lives because if you die within the game you die in real life it is described as a very dangerous game anybody considering to buy the game must be prepared to face the consequences of their purchase when you decide to play the game you are transported into the world of the cartridge so you could say that hunter hunter was one of the first ever manga to have ever done a isekai during the auction gone accidentally ends up bidding 2.4 billion for one of the games but he ends up being outbid by the multi-billionaire batera who bids 2.5 billion during this chapter takashi even goes through the effort of explaining what the different hand signs mean and what magnitude of bid each hand sign equates to in the end batara ends up winning the auction for the greed island game for just over three billion gun and kedawa approach him after the end of the auction they state that they are hunters and they can offer their assistance in order to clear the game they prove that they know a lot about the game and they are experienced by demonstrating their ren one of batara's partners called sesgera refuses the two of them stating that their display of ren is not good enough if they were to enter into greed island at that current state then they would end up dead we learned that batara owns 32 cartridges to greed island including the one that he has won today thanks to the memory cards and the multiple slots that are on the memory cards multiple individuals can go into the game at the same time so batara has 100 hunters currently playing the game for him but he states that over half of them have given up they have given up to the extent that they don't want to return to the real world and they have decided to continue on their lives within the game batteries states that he knows this because their stats on the screen haven't changed at all they have remained the same for months or even years they are taking up memory card space and they cannot replace them with new better players that's why batara is very careful in his selection of new players that he chooses to enter into greed island he can only allow individuals who meet the minimum requirement which is to return to the real world says gara is qualified to state that god and killer are not ready because he has already played the greed island game and he is 80 through it in addition to this information we learned that batara intends to buy all of these seven greed island cartridges that are being sold at the southern peace auction at the moment bhattara states that he is advertised on the internet for hunters to come and try out in order to win a spot to play the game gon and kilauea now have to earn their right to play they have four days to train themselves and to build their men so that they can prove themselves strong enough in order to enter into the game after the two boys return gone is pretty frustrated that he was treated like dirt he wants to prove says geraron that he will not die if he enters into greed island but killua tells him to think rationally because all the two of them have done is practice ten and ren every day he states that it is time for them to take the next step which is to practice their hatsu which is their special attack they both try to come up with an ability that is practical and fits their nan type and such an ability should be able to have a wide range of applications gun of course struggles to come up with an idea kilowatt already knows the special attack that he is going to be developing he tells gon that he is going to be working on developing this special attack from now on he advises gone to think about of a special ability that i enhancer could find useful later we see kilauea training and he has a taser in his hand we see that he has his nen aura around his body he infuses his aura with the electricity from the taser he bends the electricity to his will and he stores it within his body and then he next decides to discharge this electricity at will he does this through further refining his nen and he's able to discharge the electricity between his fingertips hinting that his special ability has something to do with electric currents while the two boys are training we learn that feitan and finks have stolen a copy of greed island so it appears that the phantom troops quest for a nen exorcist has led them to greed island gone tries to get advice from koripika and even asks him to be his mentor but kuripika refers him to his actual mental wing and wing just continues to tell him to practice his tenon ren because an enhancer doesn't need to have a special ability since their nan type is the most balanced in terms of offense and defense gone is desperate for more advice it appears that cesgara's undermining attitude has really bothered him and knocked his self-confidence wing tells him that since he only showed sasgera his ren he advises him to show him everything that he has learnt at the same time taking on board wing's advice gone immediately tries to understand how he can use ten zetsu ren and hatsu together while gone is making slow and steady progress kilauea is advancing ahead as the electricity that he is discharging between his hands has become significantly larger than what we had seen before gon finally gets a hint at his special ability when he thinks about gyo and how he applied this during heaven's arena through using gyo in the past he had only focused his aura into his eyes but he hadn't thought about using gyo on the rest of his body looking at his fist we see that it has a thin layer of aura around it so he logically thinks if you can shut off the aura and the rest of his body and focus it all into his fist then he will be able to come up with the perfect ability which will suit his nen type which is an enhancer through focusing his nen into his fist he is able to now throw explosive punches this is the root of gond's new ability that he begins to develop and form during this arc called junk and kun gun and kilowatt both have a healthy amount of competition between them as not only do they encourage each other they also want to be better than each other during their training bhattara continues to buy the copies of greed island it is said that he has spent half of his net worth in this auction just to buy this game in chapter 125 the greed island tryouts begin nen is a requirement to play the game so individuals who are trying out to play greed island will be assessed on their nen ability the pro hunter who refused gonon killua earlier says guerra will be the judge only 32 people will be accepted during these tryouts so it is essential that gonokilawa paseo gon and kilowa both go to the tryouts kilowatt is the first to be accepted when he demonstrates his new nen ability gun is also accepted when he shows his enhancer ability he demonstrates his new nun ability by punching a crater into the wall says gara states that he is frightened thinking about what ghana will grow up to become at the end of the tryouts only 21 people successfully passed and earned the right to play greed island cesgara reveals that the reward for completing the game is 50 billion gun and kilowatt leave york new city in order to head to batara's mansion when they arrive at the mansion they find the loads of joy station consoles connected to monitors like a large lan party is going on says guerra states that the games are not independent of each other and they are all interconnected he describes greed island as a mmorpg where players from all around the world interact and play within the same environment gone is the first one to enter into the game he decides to use the memory card with the save file that is starred on it to go into the game using his nan he is teleported into greed island when gon first appears into the game he is presented with a message from his father it states that jin along with his friends made this game but unfortunately if he came here thinking that he would find clues as to his father's whereabouts then he's mistaken the reason that he had led gone to greed ireland was just to show off this game that he had made his father's message to him is to enjoy the game but gone questions whether if his father really did want to just show off this game or if there's an alternative meaning to this after this message gone has explained the rules of greed island the ring that gone is wearing that his father had left behind for him allows him to use two magic spells the first is called a book and the second is called gain when gon holds his hand out and says book a book appears in front of him it is said that every item that gone obtains within the game can be turned into a card and that card can be stored within this card binder the aim of greed island is to fill the card binder with all of the numbered cards only the cracked numbered card will be accepted into the card binder gone is told that there are 100 cards that he needs to go and collect and that is the only way that he will play the game thus winning batara's 50 billion reward and possibly earning the respect of his father it is not only about finding 100 cards it is finding 100 items and then turning them into cards when an item is obtained it tends into a card and then to utilize this card an individual needs to say gain and it will turn back into that item the only issue is that once a card has been gained and turned back into its original self it can never be turned back into a card again tagashi spares no details when it comes to the rules and the mechanics of the card game which is utilized within greed island at the end of chapter 127 gon finally steps foot onto greed island he finds himself in the middle of nowhere as he is surrounded by grass as far as the eye can see kilowatt eventually enters in the game and the two of them decide to find a town so that they can learn more information about the game meanwhile we return to the phantom troop as we learn that feitan and things have entered into the game and the multi-tap accessory that they have will only allow two more of the spiders to enter along with feitan and things meanwhile gun and kilowatt find their first town called antokiba which is dubbed the town of prizes they decide to enter into multiple contests in order to win as many prizes as they can the first of which is a challenge set by a chef where they have to finish their food within 30 minutes and it's on the house they also win a card each for completing the challenge but they quickly realized that the card that they were given is practically useless they were expecting to win a weapon card not a useless fish which reminds me a lot of a magikarp from pokemon they quickly learned that everything in greed island is traded with in card form money from the real world is useless here goods are exchanged for money which comes in the form of cards once again tagashi goes through great lengths by explaining the little details even going as far as to explaining how the real world money is converted into money which can be used within greed island it is quite detailed i'm beyond the scope of this video to be going through every little detail that takashi mentions during this arc but you can appreciate that he goes through the effort of making greed island feel like a real world which he's actually lived in we also learned that money is earned in greed island after defeating monsters gon and kilowatt do question why monsters would be carrying around money but anyone who's played an rpg game like dragon quest can understand the inspiration behind this in chapter 131 we get some insight into what god thinks about the game that his father helped to make jin had tordgon to just enjoy playing the game and he had initially assumed that the game wouldn't be that difficult we also learned that gon wasn't afraid when he had first arrived in greed island he had thought that everyone else was enjoying playing the game too but he quickly realizes that people are killed during this game and that's the scariest aspect about it how other players are willing to kill one another in order to gain more cards kilowatt agrees with gon that it's not right that players should be killed for their cards he would much rather prefer if two players were to put forth a card each and whoever wins a battle gets to keep both of the cards after this exchange gone shows his appreciation for kilauea accompanying him as he thanks him and he is glad that he has a friend like killua beside him on top of this he is really appreciative that he got to meet killua but when you take the time to study their friendship you quickly realize that gone is the one who has impacted kilauea's life he even states this to himself after gon shows his appreciation for him he says that it is him who should be thankful that he has found a friend like gone gone is someone who holds no expectations from kidawa his friendship is unconditional and through being friends with kilauea gone has shown him the innocence of childhood and how not everything in the world is so dark and gloomy through god's carefree attitude and his simplistic approach to life he has in a way enlightened kilauea and is gradually changing kilwa's perspective on the world while they continue to explore the town they are followed by a little girl also as a side note if you remember that i said that tagashi was really thorough with explaining the mechanics of greed island while in chapter 132 he takes up four whole pages explaining how 40 different spell cards work it is great that we get all of this additional detail but some of these 40 spell cards we never get to see being used meanwhile gun and kilowatt make it to the end of a rock paper scissors tournament they are facing off against each other and kilowatt ends up winning as a reward for winning the tournament he earns the card sword of truth after winning the card it appears that several people have started to follow gun and killer the two boys prevent anyone from stealing the card that they just acquired by swapping the sort of truth card between each other and even deciding to place it into a free slot instead of the specified slot for the card this is to prevent another player from pickpocketing them or to steal the card from its specified slot it shows how sharp the two of them are despite not having any defensive spells to protect themselves a lot of the people who are trying to steal the sword of truth from the two of them are individuals who have been trapped within greed island the two of them decide that the best way to protect themselves is to acquire some defensive spell cards so they decide to go to masadora which is dubbed the town of magic in order to buy some spell cards the girl who has been following them reveals herself and asks if she can accompany the two of them but they refuse her company stating that she will only slow them down they judge her by her appearance and completely underestimate her not knowing who she really is during this we catch up with the phantom troop who begin to theorize that greed island is actually taking place in the real world they begin to theorize this after realizing that they cannot use their nan abilities within greed island they recall how fetan and finks were teleported into the game their soul didn't separate from the body and enter into the game instead their entire body was teleported therefore they conclude that greed island isn't actually a software to play the game it serves its purpose to teleport an individual to an island in the real world where greed island is taking place the phantom troupe also learned from another player that once someone plays the game they are able to take back three item cards into the real world so they conclude if greed island is taking place on an island in the real world then they don't need to waste that time by clearing the entire game they may be able to take advantage of their situation and take all 100 restricted cards back with them instead of just three i really enjoy the moments when we get to cut away to the phantom troop and get to see what they are doing in greed island their approach is less cautious than gun and killer wars it is a very intriguing contrast because the phantom troop have no intention of clearing the game their motive is entirely different to gun and killers as with all of their actions up until this point whatever they do serves to be for the greater good of the phantom troop as a whole while gun and killua are refraining from stealing cards from other players the phantom troop don't think twice before doing this phaeton and thinks even state at the end of chapter 134 that they are trying to kill as many players as they can in order to take all of their cards whenever we see them it is really entertaining and i wish that we saw more of the phantom troop during this arc meanwhile while gone and kidwa are making their way to masadora they're still being followed by that girl despite them travelling at incredible speeds and displaying intense stamina she is keeping up with them she even observes and analyzes the two of them while they are fighting a group of monsters the girl who is following them proves that she is very knowledgeable and experienced as she comments on gun and killer's movements in particular their assessments of the giant monsters that they are encountering but gon and kilauea continuously ignore her they are judging her by her appearance and simply assumed that she would be a nuisance if she joined their party they encounter several different monsters and continue to run away or to avoid fighting them and even when they do fight them they are not doing it effectively and this frustrates the girl who is following them she states that they are wasting their talents she is aware that gone and killer are very gifted but they are very rough around the edges she notes that their efforts will be in vain if they were to come across an evil player because at that current level they would not survive an encounter with a stronger player when she's had enough she tells the two boys to use gyou and with her advice they're able to successfully take down a monster after observing them long enough the girl states that she will now train them but she advises not to let her appearance deceive them because she won't be going easy on them eventually after defying her the two of them realize that she is 57 years old and she has 40 years of experience with nen they have judged her based on her appearance and haven't realized that she is superior to gone and kilauea in many ways she finally introduces herself as biscuit kruger or biscuit for shot she's a pro hunter we also learned that biski was the one who taught wing how to use nen so it appears after revealing this information she proves itself to the two of them and thus begins gone and kilowatt's training with biski a blacklist hunter who is following them to try to kill them is defeated by biski she uses him as a tool to train gonon killua we also learned that whiskey came to greed ireland because she is looking for a jewel it is called the blue planet and it has been assigned as card number 81 from the restricted cards list biski also reveals that gone's father is among the top five nen users in the whole world biski orders the blacklist hunter to evade gun and kilowatt's attacks for two whole weeks if he manages to do so then she won't kill him immediately we can see that biski's training method is more practical than wings and it involves a lot more risk where wing was extremely cautious biski is not afraid to put gun and killerwa's lives on the line as she pits them against a professional blacklist hunter even while he is wounded he is still holding his own against gonon killua during this encounter biski is assessing the two of them very closely she assesses that within a day the two boys are able to pressurize the blacklist hunter she notes that gon and kilowatt have brought forth their full efforts through realizing that this is a life or death situation like she had said before she describes gonon kilauea as two rough diamonds but with enough polishing and refining their talents can shine through gon is described as having intense resolve which is noticed through his eyes and when it comes to his potential it is described as bottomless while kilauea is described as being the very embodiment of cold and intense desire she states he can be unstable but with a bit of refinement you will be perfect she is excited by the prospect of training both of them and tells herself that she will not go easy on them they fight with the blacklist hunter for up to 10 days during that time they have increased their speed and gained a lot of experience the pressure of a life or death battle has accelerated the growth of both of them eventually the blacklist hunter gives up considering he is a murderer he just tells them to kill him but gone spares his life after witnessing gone's kind-hearted nature he decides to turn himself in once he leaves greed island their training with biski continues as she makes them walk to masadora upon arriving there she makes them walk all of the way back much to their displeasure once they arrive back at their starting point she makes them dig their way to masadora this time she gives them a shovel and a wheelbarrow to dig their way through to masadora if you recall walking there is a 43 mile journey on foot it took them three hours to get there now that they have to dig their way through rocks it may take them days to get there while digging the rocks become far too hard for them to shovel through but gone figures out that he can flow his aura into the shovel and this way he will enhance his ability to dig through the rocks he is able to do this by imagining the shovel as an extension of himself the unconventional and very difficult training that biski is making them undergo here will serve to improve them in several areas including their strength stamina willpower and their technique she says that after they dig their way through all of the rocks and reach masadora they will have completed the first phase of her training after they finally make it to masadora she tells them to go all of the way back again but this time she wants them to fight all of the monsters that she saw them having difficulty with when she first met them this way they will be able to collect the monster cards also while biski watches gunfight with the monsters she thinks to herself that she can understand why jin had created this game she assumes that he did so in order to train his son she comes to this conclusion after analyzing how the game is programmed anybody who enters into greed island is guaranteed to get stronger as long as they play through the game in the correct order much like in an rpg where at the start you regularly encounter low level enemies as you make progress in the game the level of the enemies get stronger but so do you by defeating monsters and levelling up so that you can fight the next level of monster fighting these various different monsters is the second phase of biski's training she states that this is an essential aspect of her training because they must be able to take down a variety of different enemies with their men and in doing so they need to be able to think quickly while in battle she wants the two of them to be able to come up with various different tactics and apply them into battle like it's second nature to them biski estimates that it will take gun and kilauea one month to complete the second phase of her training after the second phase of their training is over biscuit concludes that gone is more focused and he recovers quicker but killua is stronger and he is better at analyzing his opponents they have different strengths but together they make a perfect team biski now starts their third phase of her training her aim is to now develop their defense she does so by training the boy's aura she uses a nan ability called core which focuses oliver aura into one part of her body she ends up focusing her aura into her fist she wants them to defend themselves with a new ability called ken this is a combination of 10 with ren it serves to hold up a defensive barrier around their body gone is only able to hold up his ken for about two minutes against biski as with the other phases of a training a quantitative measure is given as to when the boys will have completed this phase she states that at minimum if they decide to get into a fight then they need to be able to hold ken for at least 30 minutes which is 15 times more than what gone is able to do right now after another month of training they are finally able to hold up their ken for 30 minutes whiskey now states that they are finally ready to practice real combat now she describes ko as focusing all of your aura into one part of your body but she states that a better distribution of their aura is required in order to fight effectively in battle they can change the distribution of their aura by using gyo through this they are able to effectively change the ratio between their offense and their defense so she gives them various different ratios of distribution for that aura some may say that these training segments go on for far too long but i feel like it really fleshes out the nen system through that training we are able to learn about the intricate details about nen unlike i've said before it only convinces me further that nan is one of the best power systems that's ever been implemented into a seanan series through the training with biski you can see how well thought out this power system is she wants them to practice these different ratios of aura distribution three times a day for half an hour at the same time she wants them to spar with each other initially they spar really slowly as they are focusing on the distribution of their aura but gradually their speed increases as we get to understand and appreciate the growth that these two characters are undergoing here the power-ups that they are experiencing during training are so well explained and they feel like they are well earned it definitely is a far cry from other shonen series which just have power ups appearing from out of nowhere if gone and kidwa are able to spar with each other and continue their training every day for two months then they will be able to reach their peak speed after completing this portion of their training their final phase of their training will begin next meanwhile in chapter 142 the antagonist of this arc reveals himself he betrays an alliance that is called nick's group they have together collected 90 of the restricted cards for 5 years he has patiently waited and he reveals himself to be the bomber he is one of the founding members of the knicks group and he has planted bombs on everybody's body he bribes the members of the knicks group to give them their 81 restricted cards so that he and his two accomplices sub and barra have 90 restricted cards in total even after they hand over all of their cards he doesn't keep to his promise as he ends up killing all of the knicks group meanwhile gun and killua have made phenomenal progress biski assumed that they would have taken two months to be sparring at their top speed but it has only taken them two weeks so now the final phase of their training will begin the final phase of their training will focus on developing their utilization of different nand types in particular nen types which are different to their own we know that gon is a enhancer and kilowatt is a transmuter so this final portion of biski's training will give the boys an understanding of the various different types of men meanwhile the phantom troop who i can't get enough of during this arc have figured out the real-world location of greed island proving that their theory of greed island not being a real game is correct greed island is indeed a private island which is not listed on any maps gone and kilowatts final phase of their training begins as bisky makes them practice various different nen abilities ranging from enhancement transmutation and emission to name a few in typical gonon kilowatt style they excel in their training and what would take an ordinary person weeks to do they do within days biski explains to gun the history behind the game rock paper scissors this ultimately inspires gone to come up with a new nan ability meanwhile the phantom troop encounter one of the creators of greed island called razer this newly introduced character appears to be incredibly strong as the phantom troop can even sense this this character called razer has a connection with jin and it is someone who the players of greed island must eventually face while playing the game he sends the members of the phantom troop away by using his eliminate card a spell card that is exclusive to only the creators of the game and at the same time by using a dodgeball he appears to destroy the boat that the phantom troop were using confirming our assumptions that this is someone not to be underestimated at the end of chapter 145 we see guns new ability called janken there are three aspects to his junk and ability rock is an enhancement and ability paper is a emission based nun ability and lastly scissors is a transmutation ability since gon's base nand type is enhancement he is most effective at using janken rock but he appears to be struggling with the paper and scissors aspect since both of these carry affinities for different nand types which are not his own through practice he will learn to master the nen type of emission through paper and the nen type of transmutation through his scissors since gun and kilowatt have demonstrated initiative with developing their net abilities biscuit decides for them to take a break gone recalls that it's almost been a year since they first sat the hunter exam and the next hunter exam is actually coming up so he advises kilwa to go and apply for the exam there are two ways to leave greed island either through obtaining a leave card or by defeating the master of the harbor they decide to go to the harbour and kilowatt easily defeats the master and thus is able to enter into the 288th hunter exam while kilauea is away gon continues his training with biski as he practices nen types that he doesn't have a natural affinity to while kilowatt is away gone and biski learn about the betrayal of the nyx alliance and how the identity of the bomber is revealed to be gen through gon decides to honor the final request of the next alliance by avenging their deaths he can only do this though by getting stronger in chapter 148 the hunter exam begins and the first round is a elimination round where the applicants are tasked to knock each other out so that the number of applicants is drastically reduced for the next round of the exam but kilauea intends to be the only person to pass this year it takes kilauea one hour and a half to defeat every single other applicant thus making him the only person to pass into the second phase since he is the only person to have passed and all of the other applicants are knocked out and won't be waking up for another day or two it is immediately declared that he has passed the hunter exam netero is surprised by the growth that he has had in the space of one year he immediately returns back to greed island but the only difference is he is now an official hunter after this break their training with biski continues kilauea also has the opportunity to go over all of the various different cards that gun and biscuit have bought from masadora he comes across the spell card called contact and he tells gun to use it this card will list all of the individuals that gon has encountered while he has been in greed island strangely enough someone very familiar has come across gone this individual is revealed to be krollo lu silva this is confusing and out of the blue since crolo should not be able to use nen so we would have no way of entering into greed island after hearing an explanation from bisky gone and killua assumed that krollo must have used a nan exorcist but the phantom tribu also learned of crollow's appearance within the game laugh it off and assume that someone is using his name as an alias the real identity of the person who is using crollo's name as an alias is hisoka he reveals himself to the members of the phantom troupe it appears that crollo has hired hisoka in order to find him a exorcist from greed island in return for accomplishing this task for crolo he will be rewarded a battle with him after the restrictions placed upon his nen are removed meanwhile genthru continues to ambush and steal the cards of other players most notably he steals from cesgera and his team says gerar who is frustrated by genthru and his underhanded tactics begins to formulate a plan against him it appears that most of the players who are committed to completing greed island have started to band together in teams this occurs when gone is contacted by casual he along with kilauea and biski meet casual in person along with a few other teams who have banded together to discuss genthru and his team they share with each other information about the cards that get through lacks they decide upon acquiring and monopolizing a card called plot of beach but they must go to an area called sofrubi in order to acquire it upon arriving at sofrabi they meet a npc who tells them that pirates have taken over and they will begin to kill players who share any information about the card plot of beach together these several different teams decide to go up against these pirates we learned from the npc that the pirates are referred to as razer and his fourteen devils after a brief encounter and a challenge which is easily overcome by killua they earn the right to meet the leader of the pirates razor raza decides that they will have a series of sports contests it will be a best of 15. each person is able to win one point and the first team that reaches 8 points is the victor razer states that he will decide what sports games that they will play and if the players are able to win then the pirates will leave the island once the matches begin the players end up losing the first three games among the participants arbiski and even killua who both are unable to win their matches it appears that gone and the others had purposefully forfeited all of their matches as a result razer's team ends up winning with eight points but the gun and the others reassured them that they will be back but only after regrouping and searching for stronger players to enter their party this is what leads them to go and find crolo the individual that gone had apparently bumped into earlier when they teleport to crowl's location they discovered that it is indeed hisoka when they ask what hisoka is doing in greed island he ends up lying to them he doesn't want to reveal to them that he is here in order to look very exorcist the only thing that hisoka is focused upon is to remove the judgment chain from crolo's heart he doesn't want his battle against cruella to be postponed any longer so for this reason he doesn't want the god and killua getting in their way he instead tells them that he is here looking for crowler after biski asks for hisoka's assistance he agrees to join their party in a strange turn of events hisoka has now become a supportive character and the role that he begins to play from here on out results in a very entertaining few chapters or episodes with hisoka tagging along this portion of the agreed island dock where we see more of his character is definitely a highlight for me because it is like i have said we see hisoka in a totally different light he is assisting gone on the others but at the same time he is lying to them and concealing his true intentions although by lying to them he isn't really causing them any harm but it leads to kilauea and biscuit paying very close attention to hisoka's subtle nuances very shortly after joining their party kilowatt is able to deduce that hisoka is indeed looking for an exorcist he even deduces that hisoka has already met up with the other members of the phantom troop killua even tries to confirm his suspicions by looking through hisoka's binder in order to see if he has met up with the other spiders but cunningly hisoka conceals the names of the phantom troop members by using his ability texture surprise while this is going on gon decides to recruit sesgera into his team so now that he is completely regrouped with sasgera and his team members and now even having the help of hisoka on their side they now decide to confront razer and his pirates once more with the hopes of defeating razer and his pirates and acquiring the plot of beach card the newly formed team is very successful against razer's team they easily win four points by defeating his team at various different sports matches after four matches are over razer decides to take over and instead of continuing to play different sports matches he decides that they will all play dodgeball there are 8 players on each side with the game having 8 points up for grabs the victor is decided by the first team who is able to obtain eight points during this exchange sesguerra analyzes razer's aura he realizes that he has far more aura than any of his other team members and this leads to a logical assumption that he is a game master one of the founding members of greed island in chapter 161 we learned that the other pirates within razor's team are all death row inmates razer as a professional hunter has hired the convicts under a contract of absolute obedience when one of his teammates called boppobo refuses and plans a mutiny razer kills him immediately gone questions razer why he had killed walpable but his anger towards razer quickly simmers down when he learns that boppable was convicted for rape murder and for torturing individuals also during this chapter hisoka and says guerra revealed to gone on the others that greed island is indeed taking place in the real world they are not in a virtual world like they had assumed it is taboo to let other individuals know that they are not in a game after gon learns that razer is a game master he asks him if jin is here too on greed island after hearing this question razer immediately identifies gon as the son of jinn he tells gon that his father had told him not to go easy on gone this does surprise gon initially but then we see his eyes of determination as he smiles in the face of the difficult challenge which lies ahead of him so the teams of aita decided and the rules of the dodgeball game are explained clearly to each team after gone's team initially takes out two of razer's team members razer then serves up a shot after catching the dodgeball with just one of his hands he fires the ball towards gorinu the serve is so incredibly fast and filled with so much power that it would kill an individual if it made contact with them this proves to be true after guerinu has no other way to avoid this attack but to swap with one of his apes after the ball makes contact with the apes head it is destroyed after this one serve grenou is now able to understand the difference in power between himself and razer it results in him being afraid and this is the type of fear that even says guerra states won't be overcoming just one night let alone during this match and because of this gorainu probably won't be much more help during this dodgeball game then razer and his team begin to pass the dodgeball around to each other at insane speeds the ball is going so fast that it is almost impossible to follow the trajectory of it this leads to cesgara losing sight of the ball and being attacked by it from behind he is able to avoid fatal injury by focusing all of his aura into his back despite this it is evident that he has sustained broken bones and he may have even ruptured some of his organs after the ball had made contact with him after hisoka gets hold of the ball he uses his ability bungie gum to the team's advantage he launches the ball towards razer's team members and lets it make contact before retracting the ball back to his hand hisoka is pretty confident that by using his bungie gum he can take out most or if not all of razer's team but it remains to be seen if razer has anything else up his sleeve during this dodgeball match gone and kilowatt demonstrate how much their utilization of their nen aura has improved says gera comments that their auras are incredibly smooth their training has clearly yielded results thanks to biski's harsh training they are able to adjust their aura in situations which may require an offensive strategy or a defensive strategy razer fires the ball towards gone and gun blocks it by using his core it sends him flying to the other end of the cart resulting in him being out thanks to gohan's efforts and his sacrifice the ball is now in his team's possession now that gun is out he agrees that he will be the one to set back once his team has whittled down to a few members he insists on continuing to take part the next round continues as granu is serving the ball he throws the ball at razer in order to avenge the ape that he had destroyed he fires the ball at one of his apes and makes it switch position with razer resulting in the ball successfully making contact with him but unfortunately one of razor's teammates is able to catch the ball thus preventing razer from being eliminated gorenu is the next person to be eliminated by one of razer's devils next razer aims the ball towards kilwa and fires it towards him but at the last minute the ball changes trajectory it curves and aims towards biski and hisoka biski avoids the ball and so does hisoka but at the last minute a change's trajectory once mod aims towards hisoka's head but by using his bungie gum ability he is able to slow down the ball and catch it with his hand despite the skill level of hisoka he wasn't able to pull this off without injuring himself we also learned that when biski had dodged the ball it had grazed alongside a dress the rules state that clothing is an extension of oneself so because the ball had gone through her dress it results in biski being eliminated as soon as she is eliminated gon declares back which results in him returning to the game gone has a insane level of determination as he returns to his team to the extent that he is willing to kill himself in order to defeat razer gon doesn't want to have a cheap victory against razer's team he wants to crush him and his team completely gone appears to have a strategy as he makes kilwa hold the ball and by using his enhancement nan ability called junkan he generates force through his nen ability and fires the ball towards one of razor's devils this attack easily eliminates razer's teammate the two of them try to attack one more time but gone wants to attempt it by focusing more of his aura he focuses all of this built up aura into his fist this time he targets razer himself razer takes the ball head on he is able to deflect it smoothly but he does so at a price the force of the ball pushes him out of bounds before any of reyes's teammates can catch the ball hisoka uses bungie gum to retrieve the ball thus eliminating razer but he immediately declares back and is reinstated to the game gone's team appears to be in bad shape when compared to razer we get confirmation from this from says guerra who assesses that hisoka probably can't throw anymore as well as this he won't be able to catch with his right hand after being injured when it comes to gon cesguerra assesses that he has used up all of his aura in that last attack even if he hasn't at this point in the game gone is close to exhaustion there is no way that he will be able to launch another attack like the one that he just did it may appear that kilauea is the only one in good shape but in fact he is the one who is the most injured this is because kidwa is not using anything to protect his hands when gun strikes the ball it is like his hands are acting as the barrel of a cannon gun tells kilwa that they will try to launch another attack just like the one that they had and kilwa agrees but he thinks to himself that he is only able to withstand one more attempt at this the reason why kirwa isn't protecting his hands with his own aura is because it would prevent the energy transfer from god's punch to the ball for the sake of making the attack as impactable as possible he is leaving his hands unprotected when whiskey receives the ball she eliminates razer's last teammate leaving him on his own to face off against hisoka gon and kilauea eventually sesguerra addresses the concerns that he has about kidwa's hands to gun himself says gerard offers to hold the ball in place of killua but kiluah insists that he is okay as well as this it is revealed that gon knew from the very beginning that kidwa's hands were being injured but he stays stubborn and he refuses says gerar's help and he states that kilumah has to be the one to hold the ball this surprises kilwa possibly because nobody else has trusted him the way that gon trusts him he adamantly says that he isn't able to do this without killua beside him this moment is a testament to their friendship that has grown and developed to this point he says that he wouldn't feel comfortable even if it was hisoka holding the ball or even biscuit gun is only able to focus on hitting the ball because his friend kilwa is the one who is holding it moments like this prove how endearing the relationship is between gun and killua they have known each other for just over a year and in that time they formed a special bond arguably one of the most memorable and meaningful friendships to have ever formed within any anime or manga what makes moments like this feels so special is the faith and conviction that god has in his words he has a unwavering belief and faith in kilauea and it's kilau's reaction of surprise which makes moments like this feel so much more impactful you can tell that the two of them have a heartfelt connection even one that surpasses friendship as i sometimes see them like brothers but before gone is able to execute another janken like before they must first gain possession of the ball again from razer razer who is now on his own absorbs the aura that he had dispersed into his teammates that he had conjured up the aura that he had dispersed has now returned to him and now we see him frighteningly with his maximum power razer tosses the ball high up into the air he desires to spike the ball towards gone and the others like a volleyball in order to gain possession of the ball and to withstand razer's strike gon kilawa and hisoka all form a three-man formation in order to disperse the energy of the ball across the three of them when i see moments like this it is so hard to believe that hisoka was one of the main antagonists in the prior arcs why i love his appearance in this arc and the entire concept of this dodgeball match is because of how cooperative he is he is genuinely bored and has nothing better to do so he totally transforms into this easy going character who amusingly teases both gon and kidwa while agreeing to help them out usually with any other series when an evil character switches sides to be honest this rarely occurs because not all writers are talented enough to execute this well but when this does occur there is always this doubt or this hint of suspicion that the character has something else up their sleeves i'm not saying that hisoka doesn't have ulterior motives but i haven't sensed any sinister malice from his character throughout the entirety of this dodgeball game i feel like he is genuinely helping gonon kilowatt out and he isn't trying to sabotage their efforts all of this is done so convincingly and once again i think it's a testament to the way that tagashi writes his characters they are multi-layered and incredibly fascinating they are not solely fixated upon one desire or one goal they realistically adjust themselves according to the situation at hand but all the while they remain true to their ultimate desire and their ultimate goal that they each want to fulfill so in chapter 167 after razer spikes the ball down the three-man formation tries to intercept the ball with guns stopping the ball hisoka trapping it and kidwa who braces the impact with bloodied hands and complete exhaustion their tactic appears to have worked razer assesses that their strategy worked primarily because of kilauea the vital role that kilauea played in this formation was as a cushion and support and he did so by distributing his aura he does this in a fine balance if his aura distribution was skewed then they would have been crushed by the impact of razer's attack at the same time as cushioning the impact of the ball he had to distribute enough aura into his legs this ensured that the three of them didn't lose balance and as a result would have been sent flying out of bounds biski even comments that kilowatt's current level she had reached when she was in her twenties undeterred by them gaining possession of the ball razer is still convinced that he can win the match all he has to do is gain back possession of the ball after gon strikes it but he needs to do this without going out of bounds gone who is determined to prove himself summons more aura they have thought that his prior strike was gone at his full potential but he proves this not to be true he unleashes a incredible amount of aura which surprises both razer and cesguera just like wing in the heavens arena arc razer describes gone as a monster he is convinced that jin can be proud even at gon's current level of power it is evident that he is the son of one of the greatest hunters in history his innate talent and his limitless potential is evident he focuses all of his aura into his fist for one final strike kilauea holds the ball determined and knowing that gon is going to strike the ball with everything that he has got putting all of his energy into this final strike he fires the ball towards razer razer braces the impact of the attack and bumps it back towards gon's direction but at the same time he is being pushed back by the force of gun strike before gun can be hit by the rebounded ball he collapses out of exhaustion hisoka who wants to honor god's request of a flawless victory decides to use his bungee gum his bungie gum absorbs the force of the rebounded wall which results in several of his fingers breaking his bungee gum acts like a rubber slingshot as it fires the ball back towards razer's direction razer tries to bump the ball back but because of hisoka's bungie gum the ball sticks to him and he feels the full force of the strike this results in him being pushed all the way back until he is out of bounds thanks to hisoka's broken fingers gone's limitless aura and killua who literally sacrifices his own hands they are finally declared as the victors as razer has been completely eliminated fulfilling gon's wish of a flawless victory at the end of the dodgeball match razer tells gon that jin is not on greed island and he doesn't know his location but he wishes that he does find him one day hisoka ends up leaving them after the dodgeball match and he reveals that he was lying to them and he did indeed know about spell cards not too long after gentry ends up calling says guerra and demands that they hand over the plot of beach card he also reveals that he has killed their former teammates who had accompanied them during their first encounter with razer when they purposefully failed this admission angers gone it results in gon challenging gen through to a battle genthru is more than happy to fight gon but he wants to after he takes down cesgera because he believes he has the plot of beach card but he doesn't know that gone has the original while the others have copies in order for gon and the others to come up with a plan to defeat again through sasgera agrees to buy them some time says guerra reprimands gone for being selfish and reckless if genthru and his team were to have come to gon's location right now then there is no doubt that kilauea would have been easily defeated as well as gone himself since he has used up all of his aura during his dodgeball match with razer says guerra tells him through his impulsive response not only has he put his own life in danger but the life of his friend kilauea in danger too says guerra suggests that he is going to buy them as much time as he can in order for them to heal their injuries for them to obtain all 100 restricted cards they cannot avoid a fight with gen through he admits that gon is the only one with a chance to defeat him they come to our arrangement where sasgara will hold off gentry for up to three weeks in this short period of time kilwa will have to recover and heal his hands as well as coming up with a sure-fire way to defeat gentry and his team says guerra reminds gone that gentry is not to be underestimated he has killed over 50 players so far the only way to defeat his father's game greed island is to defeat genthru so just as one challenge ends another one begins they have three weeks to prepare and train biski orders that kilowatt is to focus on healing and to come up with a strategy while gone is to continue practicing and training with her she tells gon that he needs to practice to the point that he can avoid gentry's ability called little flower meanwhile hisoka meets back up with the other members of the phantom troupe as they have found the location of an exorcist he also meets a new member of the spiders who just so happens to be kilwa's sister the members of the phantom troop leave hisoka with negotiating with the exorcist he is going through all of these lengths in order to fight with krollo the exorcist that they have found is abengan who had demonstrated his exorcism abilities by releasing himself of the countdown bomb that gentry placed onto him says guerra and his team in order to buy time comfort gen through head-on at the same time gone is continuing his training with biski in order to come up with a new nen ability she makes gon practice his nana mission she makes him do a handstand and to propel his body off of the ground by using his nan currently the level that ubiski had taught gun and killer was only up to level one but nen emission during a handstand is a level 5 training technique it is a risk to make gon learn this because if he doesn't accomplish this within three weeks and their borrowed time will be wasted she states that he needs to practice his net emission in order to stand a chance against gentry through his training he needs to be able to develop a strong enough weapon which can knock an enemy back by a few feet says guerra is using a hit-and-run strategy he and his team are using magnetic force or a company to teleport to gen through his location and to attack him and then teleport away this leads to gentry taking even more underhanded tactics as he starts to beat up other players and forces them to collect cards for him and he even starts to murder at the players for their cards meanwhile 10 days have already passed and gone has made no progress with his training it appears that the level 5 training that he is undertaking is incredibly difficult as long as sasgera holds up to his end of the deal then they have another 10 days to train while he continues his training kidwa along with biski begin to formulate their plan to defeat genthru after acquiring 48 accompanying cards genthru and his team now have more than the 45 equivalents of a company return and magnetic force that says gera and his team have through now having more company cards there is no way that sasgera and his team can shake them off they immediately teleport to says gara's location by using a company it was only a matter of time before gentry would go on the offensive a back and forth occurs where cesgue uses a company to transport to another location and gentry uses a company to follow sasgera back with gun he now only has five days left and he is still struggling with his nana mission biski tells him that this is something that he has to figure out on his own in chapter 173 they tell him to stop and they inform gone of a strategy that they have devised to defeat again through and as a part of this strategy they are relying on god's involvement they reveal to gon that they have come up with a way that he can practice 24 7 until he can perfect his nana mission after sasgera's team runs out of cards to use to escape their last resort is to use the card leave in order to return to batara's mansion they discover that nobody is at the mansion anymore says guerra and his team learn that batara has cancelled the greed island contract despite them getting so close to completing the game batara reveals that he doesn't care about it anymore it appears that he's become so disheartened that he tells sasgera to do what he wants with the cards gone and the others have continued to formulate their strategy while gone has continued his training it appears that 10 days have passed since cesgera and his team had left the game and the three weeks that says guerra had promised gon and the others was up five days ago gorainu eventually contacts gon and the others and informs them about what has gone on says guerra and his team have been away from greed island long enough that their save data has now been deleted completely it appears that they won't be returning to greed island gorinu reveals that he has been carrying the 96 cards that says guerra and his team have acquired genthru along with this team had been waiting for says gara to return to greed island at the entrance but after their elapsed time is over and that game data is deleted they now set their sights on gun and the others we learn why says guerra has given up on greed island when he speaks with batara we learned that batara was only interested in greed island because of these spell cards he tells says gera and his team about his fiancee who had unfortunately been in a severe accident as a result of it she was in a deep coma and the only thing that could have brought her back was the angel breaths card from greed island but batara gives up on greed island after learning that his fiancee has recently died in chapter 175 gentry and his team used a company to travel to gohan's location in order to finally confront him genthru states that he will battle gone while sub is ordered to face off against kilauea and barra is ordered to face off against biski after trying to convince the three of them gentry reveals its true colours and orders them to shut up and hand over the cards gone on the others use a company to flee from gen through in his group they are continued to be followed until they reach masadora gone kilauea and biscuit lead the three of them to a forest it appears that genthru sub and barrow want to fight them one on one kilowatt and biscuit split up from gone and lead away again through his teammates so gone and gentry can fight on their own biski and barrow begin their battle on a beach at first she tries to come across as weaker than her opponent due to her smaller size but later she transforms into a true form as we see the true monster behind biski's character she appears to be a big muscular woman and she easily defeats barrow with one strike meanwhile during killma's battle he treats it as an experiment because despite having a edge in physical strength his opponent has far more aura than he does and since aura results in an individual having a more offensive and defensive ability he will struggle to deal damage directly to his opponent so kilauea has to try his best to avoid a direct hit during this fight the concern about killua fighting is that his hands haven't properly healed he is experiencing very painful nervous impulses from his injured hands he begins the battle by releasing electric currents from the palm of his hands which end up stunning his opponent but it isn't enough to knock him out so in kilauea's second attack he uses his yo-yos these yo-yos are weighted and make destructive damage upon making contact with their target we learned that the yo-yos are made up of a custom alloy that was invented by his brother each one weighs about 50 kg so through the lightning that is emitted from his palms he has a close range stun gun and through these yo-yos he has a long-range stun gun eventually he defeats his opponent by revealing that he is using two yo-yos and strikes him with the second in his blind spot the battle concludes by kilauea electrocuting and restraining sub now the only person who remains to defeat his opponent is the stubborn and prideful gone gone begins the battle by being very cautious genthru is after two cards that gun possesses they are plot of beach and wild look alexandrite this is enough incentive for him to defeat gun gun attacks gentry by redistributing his aura into various limbs of his body and through channeling his aura into his fists or his legs he's attacking gen through it is evident that genthru has more combat experience and he can utilize more aura than gone so it's going to be very difficult for gon to actually inflict any damage onto his opponent but yet he still persistently tries to attack that is until genthru finally attacks gone he wonders through the way that gon is cautiously avoiding his attacks who told him about his ability little flower but he says that it doesn't matter because he doesn't need to use it against gone he is underestimating him but this is precisely what gon wants him to do gone is purposefully trying to appear weaker than what he is this was a part of kilauea and whiskey's strategy because once their opponent feels like they are better than they are then that's the time to execute their plan gone's pride overwhelms him and he proves that he cannot stand appearing to be weaker than what he is he is determined to make again through user's non-ability because of gen through deeming gon not to be worthy enough to see his nan ability gone's pride results in him putting a back burner onto kilauea and biski's plan he now is focused on making genthru show him his nan ability little flower but it's not going to be easy despite gon using more of his aura he is still struggling against gen through especially when it comes to withstanding his powerful attacks and it just highlights the difference in maturity and experience between the two of them in chapter 176 gone is trying to make him use little flower he has a strategy where he wants his ability to backfire on him but again through realizes that he's trying to make him use it and he refuses to as he continues to attack gon who is withstanding a one-sided beating he is asked why doesn't he give up but he refuses to genthrough realizes that he has slightly underestimated gone as he begins to understand how tough he is he has a change of mindset as he realizes that it's not enough to just defeat him by his physical strength alone he has to break god's spirit entirely because he is that stubborn he is determined to make him admit defeat he wants to show him that all of the effort that he has put in and the confidence that he has is meaningless he now decides to use little flowers surprisingly on god's left hand but he is able to anticipate it and even defend himself against the attack he does so by using gyo to focus his aura onto the area where he was grabbed by genthru genthru realizes that he must have been practicing this extensively in order to defend himself against his ability he tries to use little flower again on gon's hand but only this time he punches him in his stomach instead of using the ability he assumes that gone would have focused all of his aura into the area that he was grabbed which would have robbed the rest of his body of an adequate defense but it seems that dubiski has prepared gone for this type of attack he tries to use this same strategy again but only this time he attacks gohan's body with even more strength but it appears that gone is still able to defend himself and to minimize the damage that he receives effectively and from the expression on gun's face it is evident that he was prepared for an attack like this in a flashback we see bisky teaching this to gone she explains that when gentry is going to use his ability little flower he uses gyo in order to protect his own hand from the explosion she advises gone that when gentry is going to be pretending to use little flower he is going to attack him in another place of his body and when he does this he is going to not use gyo on his hand so by feeling whether or not if gentry's hand is being protected by gyo or not gone will be able to understand if he is using little flower as a friend in order to attack him somewhere else after he is quickly able to deduce how gone is defending himself he decides to use little flower with both of his hands he advises gone that it's not worth continuing to fight as he can see that he has a lot of talent and potential and at the moment he is willing to throw it all away because of his pride he is not backing down he tries to convince gon to give up he explains to him how devastating little flower can be if it is attacked on the extremities it will blow them away if he is attacked by little flower on his skull then it will cause permanent brain damage and if his body is attacked then his bones will be crushed and his organs will be even ruptured now that he is using both of his hands his risk of being attacked has doubled biski had even prepared for this eventuality but because gone hasn't stuck to the plan gentry has started using little flower with both of his hands a lot sooner than expected during his training she had even told gon that it is a red flag if he decides to do this and it is imperative that he follows the plan if this does happen but it is strange seeing this side of his character i knew that gone was stubborn but i didn't know that he had this much pride he apologizes to both kilauea and biski and he decides not to follow the plan as instead he improvises he is aware that it is selfish of him but his gut feeling is reassuring him to improvise gone is continuing to be persistent because it appears that he has a plan of his own angered by god's unwillingness to back down he decides now to use little flower on each of his limbs until only his head remains during these next few moments we see the manifestation of the monster within gon it is nowhere near his transformation in the khmer antarct but his stubbornness and his desire not to give up allows us to witness a very different side to his character one who totally disregards his own well-being for the sake of his desired outcome in chapter 180 gentry grabs both of his hands and uses little flower on each of them but behaving very destructively gone sacrifices both of his arms to the extent that his left hand has been completely destroyed his left hand that was destroyed had no aura protecting it the right hand that he decided not to sacrifice had only 30 percent of his aura protecting it while he focused 70 of his aura into his foot which he had used to kick again through in the jaw at the moment of the explosion it is a completely insane strategy and something that he did not expect gone to use despite his injuries he is still able to clench his right fist after he had kicked his jaw he had tried to use his ability junken but it misses when gentry trips over a rock he thinks to himself that gone has to now give up his left hand is completely gone and his right hand is severely injured surely his pride must now be satisfied after withstanding again through his attacks and even being able to successfully land an attack on him but gone is far from giving up after gen through crushes gone's throat gone transforms one of his cards into gasoline and soaks gantry with it this will now prevent him from using little flour in chapter 181 their battle finally concludes he tries to use his ability called countdown on gun but before he can gon uses his ability junken in order to strike the ground this results in the two of them falling into a pit gun then uses a car to summon a rock to fall onto gentry gentry is able to avoid the rock but he is trapped in a tight spot gone takes advantage of this situation in order to fire a junken that gentry cannot avoid understanding that he has no way to avoid this attack he pleads the gun that he gives up but god is merciless and decides to attack him with it anyway his stubbornness and his determination pulls through as he is now defeated gentry after gon meets back up with kilowatt and biscuit they tie the three bombers up and they take all of their cards biski uses the card angel's breath in order to heal gone's hands and his throat and anything else that's wrong with him in chapter 182 gone and his team finally have 99 cards but the card numbered zero remains after the 99 cards are obtained an announcement is made that a quiz will be held and the winner of the quiz will win card number zero gun ends up winning the quiz after scoring 87 out of 100. he has finally obtained all 100 cards in chapter 183 we see hisoka securing a deal with the exorcist abengan releases himself from genthru's countdown he then travels to hisoka's location he desires to return with him to the real world in order to make a small fortune by performing an exorcism on crolo meanwhile gon killwa and biski arrive at greed island castle which is located in the townley marrow they meet two game makers called list and duon a lot of people draw the comparison between dewan and togashi especially after an image of tagashi playing dragon quest in a very messy room was circulated online and it appears that he has reproduced this photograph in art form through dimon's character gone unfortunately learns that jin isn't on the island nor is he in the castle it is revealed that after all 100 cards are obtained an individual can return to the real world with three cards of their choosing it is revealed that jin was the lead designer of greed island he had created the game with 11 of his other friends after hearing a few stories about jin gon and the others decide on the three cards that they want to return to the real world with they decide on blue planet paladin's necklace and plot of beach after i prayed celebrating their success they returned to the real world it appears that gonon kidawa had a strategy for picking paladin's necklace on plot of beach gone materializes the paladin's necklace and uses it to transform the pot of beach card into an accompany card gon does this because when he first arrived on greed island the first person that he had met in the game wasn't gorinu it was someone else that he hadn't seen before the name as it appears in the book is spelt as but he realized this rearranged is his father's name jin it is a clever anagram so he assumes that his father must have brought him to greed ireland when he was just a baby gonon killua thanked bisky for all of her training and bitter farewell as they use the accompany card to travel to gohan's father's location upon arriving there they see a mysterious silhouetted figure which is shockingly revealed to be kite the first professional hunter that we briefly had seen in the series 185 chapters ago it appears that jin had tricked gon to travel to kait's location gone and kilowatt begin to share with kait about their journey up until this point while this is going on we see a rare glimpse of jin speaking to one of the game masters he states that gone has weakness because he has his friend kilwa with him all of the time and he doesn't want to meet him like this he would consider seeing him if he had come by himself jin had specifically requested that if gone had used the card magnetic force it would have come to his location but if he had used the card at company and travelled with kilauea it would have transported him to kite's location after speaking with kite he reveals to gon that he has already found jinn he offers to telgon the location of his father but gon refuses because he wants to look for him himself and thus at the end of chapter 185 the greed island arc concludes and the story immediately continues onto the khmer antarctic like i mentioned at the start of this video this arc has a totally different setting than any other arc that we have seen up until this point i found it fascinating seeing the characters going through a video game setting i found it interesting seeing gone and kidwa progressed through the game as well as seeing how much they have actually progressed and developed as characters from the beginning to the end of the game there are a lot of highlights for me when it comes to the greed island dog i'd spoken about how much i enjoyed hisoka's involvement in addition to him deciding to help gun and the others i loved that he had some interactions with the members of the phantom troop it is always a treat to see his character without him the dodgeball game that they play against razer would not have felt the same speaking of which the dodgeball game was one of my highlights of this arc we get to see how close gun and kilowatt are as friends to the point that we see the lengths that kilowatt will go to in order to assist his friend gone in addition to this we see how much gun now relies upon killua to be there for him and what makes this even more memorable is seeing the two characters interacting and working together with hisoka in the previous arcs the characters are being trained by wind in this arc we see them being trained by wings teacher bisky bisky is another character who upon first inspection we don't really think much of but she just so happens to be one of the strongest characters that we have come across up until this point evidently takashi enjoys deceiving us through the appearances of his characters who would have assumed that ubiski would have been this powerful and she would easily take the title of the strongest female within hunter hunter i found that greed island and the whole concept of the game was very original it is very clear that tagashi was heavily inspired by the rpg genre of games while he was writing this arc but he was able to implement it successfully in this manga arc this arc is very divisive as some people believe that it went on for far too long or it was just very different to what they have seen up until this point but i don't really see these things as being weaknesses i think that tagashi is just experimenting with his story and taking risks with it i don't think that everything about the greed island arc is perfect what i believe that it certainly holds up as an excellent story arc however there are some issues that i do have with it and these problems stem from the antagonist of the arc genthru when he is compared to the other antagonists of hunter hunter like hisoka crawler or even meruem it is clear that he is not as memorable in terms of his design or his motive now it's not to say that his actions weren't deplorable it's just i don't think that he came across as being as menacing as he could have been even before coming to this argument it's very hard to remember who the villain of the great island dark was i do wish that gentry and his team of bombers received more character development i would have loved to learn more about that backstory and seeing them fleshed out as individuals this would have made gentry and his team come across as more memorable instead before i had gone through the entire greed island arc for this video i had felt that razer had played the role of an antagonist better than genthru had as an antagonistic force he perfectly challenged gone as a character gentru had challenged gon in his own unique way but i felt that the match with razer was very unique their encounter fitted the unique setting of greed island as they faced off against razer during a dodgeball match which felt like a back and forth battle i felt like that encounter was suitable for this arc because it is unlike anything that i have seen within hunter hunter or in any other shonen battle manga momentarily i thought that i was reading a spot manga another compliment for the greed island arc is watching gone and killer progress through their training you can see them convincingly get stronger through each phase of their training despite them making immense progress it is still evident that they have a long way to go because when it comes to pure strength and power gentry was stronger than gone but gone was able to defeat him by outsmarting him through improvising his own strategy to defeat him it is factors like that that make the series feel so unpredictable even if one character is vastly stronger than the other the outcome is not guaranteed to favor the individual who is stronger this arc once again builds upon the nen power system as we learn about aura distribution to different parts of the body and how this can benefit an individual through an offensive or defensive strategy it explains more about the power system but in a simplified way that doesn't make it feel complicated or contrived each additional point that we learn about nan is implemented within the battles which occur later on like after biski teaches gonon kilowatt about aura distribution gun perfectly implements this and solidifies the concept to us during his battle against gentry when he had distributed 70 of his aura into his foot and 30 of his aura into his right hand leaving his left hand unprotected it was blown off this singular moment teaches us about the effectiveness of aura distribution in terms of defense by gone protecting his right hand and the effectiveness of oral distribution in offense through gone kicking again through in the jaw with this foot which has 70 of his aura distributed to it and to wrap up my thoughts on this arc i would have loved to have seen more of the phantom troop because their brief encounters were very memorable and enjoyable to see but at the same time this arc does wrap up with a few unanswered plot threads which entice you to continue the story an example of these unanswered plot threads include hisoka making a deal with the nan exorcist and taking him to the real world in order to exercise kuropika's judgment chain that has been placed onto krollo's heart we learned that hisoka is going through all of these lengths in order to battle against krollo so it remains to be seen if krodlo will be exercised of kuropika's nan and if he is then we have crolo vs hisoka to look forward to in addition to this during the greed island arc we get the first ever glimpse of jin during the present timeline of the hunter hunter story gone's desire to find his father continues as at the end of the greed island he was incredibly close to achieving his goal but for now it remains as an unanswered plot thread and of course the biggest unanswered plot thread at the end of the greed island arc is in regards to a mysterious creature which has washed up onto a beach and how this coincides with the reintroduction of kite into the series a character who i'd personally wanted to see again ever since his first appearance in the first chapter when i used to think about my favorite story told within the shonen genre i recalled great sagas like the tuning exams from naruto marine fought from one piece the soul society arc within bleach and the cell saga from dragon ball z my standards for what i expected from storytelling were never really elevated they were constantly met with equally great stories that is until i finally jumped onto the hunter x hunter bandwagon a few years after the 2011 anime concluded i loved many things about the show and honestly didn't expect it to change how i view shonen story arcs but when i reached the kimura antarctic it literally changed my whole perception of a great shonen story in this video i want to explain why the kimura antarc is my favorite story toured within shonen jump and what exactly made it feel so different unique and innovative the kimura ant arc ran from episode 76 to 136 of the hunter x center 2011 anime it did not receive an anime adaptation in the prior huntrex hunter 1999 series due to the infamous nature of the manga author yoshihiro togashi going on hiatus this arc was told from chapter 186 until 318. tagashi began this arc in october 2003 and finally concluded it in october 2011 a total of eight long years it really is no wonder that people have dubbed hunter x hunter as hiatus ex hiatus despite this it's an undisputed fact that the material that we do get from tagashi is some of the best examples of elevating shonen storytelling that we have seen i want to share my experience of when i realized my expectations pulled beneath my feet during my first watch of the kimura ant arc let's see what made this arc feel so innovative through the threat introduced by the villains the stakes placed upon the world and the effects on the characters we have come to know and love up until this point and lastly how all of these different elements culminate into one of the best character arcs i've seen unfold in anime the best way to begin this analysis is with the characters that are introduced into this arc a new species of dangerous insect is a threat that is posed here they are assigned as a b-level threat by the hunter association this newly introduced species is the khmer ants these humanoid creatures inflict grievous bodily harm upon their victims as they devour their prey and reproduce offspring which present with differing characteristics of the species that they have just consumed this reproductive process is described as phagogenesis what made me feel so intrigued by the world of hunter x hunter was how despite the threat that the khmer ants posed on the world they were not a rank a level threat the chimera ants we later learned arrived from the dark continent an unexplored forbidden area of the hunter rex hunter world to add to the intrigue of the dark continent it is said that humanity encountered five great calamities during their different expeditions to this continent all five are different species which pose a threat higher than the b level that the khmer ants had been assigned i illustrate this to show the world building and the feeling of utter mystery that hunter x hunter does so well to convey it is similar to one piece as it reminds me of how ishira oda introduces and builds up the new world during this arc in hunter center we have a teaser to the five great calamities this appetizer comes in the form of the khmer ants the queen of the khmer ants arrives from the dark continent and begins to crave human flesh after consuming them and through phagogenesis she produces offspring which inherit traits from their prior lives it is a truly disturbing and sickening concept i remember when kite explained the threat of the kimira ants to gon and killua i couldn't help but to feel a sensation of fear this feeling remained with me throughout the entirety of this arc the whole tone and mood of the series had shifted and felt like i was watching a different anime once the ants had been introduced it is contrasted heavily with the previous greed island arc which feels light-hearted in comparison to this arc the aim of the queen khmer ant is to give birth to her three royal guards and her king so that they can dominate the world for this goal to be accomplished she requires her soldiers to source high quality humans for her to feast upon with each new generation of ants that the queen gives birth to their intellect increases and thus they realize that humans with non-ability provide greater nourishment and will hasten the arrival of the king and his gods i love the growth of the queen ant and their soldiers in the early episodes of this arc as they quickly learn about nen demonstrating growth in strength power and intellect it felt like a race against time to stop this species before it was too late as they were developing in my opinion at an alarming rate once the king called merum is born he becomes the main antagonist of this arc this powerful humanoid has a perfectly toned muscular structure accompanied by a powerful tail which is topped off with a stinger which he frequently uses as a weapon meruem is born as a cruel and brutal ruler which is aligned with the queen's desire to give birth to a perfect king he believes himself to be the greatest form of life superseding all other life forms his apathy is displayed firsthand when he pays no concern towards his mother who appears to be dying after giving birth to him leading up to his introduction we had been hyped to see him for the longest time the expectations we come to have in my opinion are perfectly matched when meruem is revealed he uses an aura of sinister malice he also gives off this impression through his subtle nature to kill anyone disobedient to him that he has an incredible strength and power which is laying dormant within him the terror and threat that he posed to the world was exciting to witness i believe him to be the most perfect shonen antagonist merome is accompanied by his three royal guards called pouf yupi and pito they are given the responsibility to safeguard the king at all costs the royal guards are stronger than any of the other ants and were born with the ability to use men they require this great strength so that they can protect the king by fighting his enemies and fulfilling his every desire they were born as a result of the queen khmer ant devouring hundreds of humans including those who could use nan abilities causing the birth of the three gifted royal guards the three of them helped the king to fulfill the goal that the queen imprinted into their biological makeup the goal to dominate the world they are loyal to the plans laid out by the queen but they show no empathy or consideration towards her when the queen camera aunt is dying despite having the power to heal her they leave her to die carrying out the plan of world domination proves to become very difficult as meruem eventually details from the queen's original plans and begins to have a change of heart this is one of the key story beats featured within this arc i will cover this extensively later as the growth of meruem and his detachment from the goals of his mother and his royal guards is one of the many examples of great character development and storytelling within this arc each of the royal gods have their own distinct abilities personality and appearance puff is the most calm and level-headed of the three royal gods however he does have an intense devotion to the king which can cause his judgment to become clouded he holds himself to a standard of ideals and failing to not meet these ideals are never an option for puff as a character he truly was limited by his own perfect imaginings of himself the king and the world around him he truly believes the king to be the peak of evolution and the only being worthy of dominating the world this mental image of the king is what puff holds dear to when the king himself fails to live up to this ideal mental version that puff has constructed it causes him to become irrational and behave of his own accord believing that what he is doing is the best for the king however puff becomes loyal to his own ideal version of the king and not meruem himself who is the individual behind the royal label pouf also becomes enraged in private when the king would not change to match his expectations going as far as to act of his own accord out of devotion to preserve his mental image of the king and to help this version of the king to come into fruition yupi is the most simple of the three royal gods he possesses a great deal of strength with very little knowledge of self-identity or ego this allows him to remain dedicated to his duty to save the king due to not letting his mind be preoccupied by unnecessary thoughts he is able to focus on his instincts and react without any hesitation in comparison to the other two gods up refrain from partaking in eccentric personality defining behaviors which would often leave him feeling confused after observing pito and puff exhibit such distinctive individual personalities it was a great contrast despite feeling like a blank slate yupi's naivety lack of care for his own desires aided in him being the perfect controlled comparison to his fellow gods up does however begin to grow as a character while he battles with the other hunters during the palace invasion he becomes more cunning thankful to his enemies and even goes as far as to spare their lives demonstrating his capacity to show mercy to his opponents pito is the final member of the royal guard she is a cat-like camera aunt her behaviors are very similar to a feline as she plays with her prey and she has a tendency to become distracted and curious causing her to often get carried away while battling her opponents despite having a very playful nature she has a terrifying counter-personality which results in her showing her cruelty through her evil sinister acts her actions caused gon and killua to feel completely powerless and face the harsh reality of being unable to protect someone close to them pito was responsible for gon's development growth and even regression during this arc in the hunter x-hunter anime we are introduced to kite who is the student of gin freaks gone's father in the manga kite is one of the first characters that we meet during the introduction of the series as we see him save a young gun from an attack by a mother fox bear who was protecting her cub we see kite scored gone as his naivety has resulted in kite being forced to kill the fox bear due to gon's life being in danger kite recognizes that this boy is gin son he then informs him that his father is still alive and states that the search to find his father would be an incredibly difficult one unfortunately this key introduction and even beginning of the series is missed out in the 2011 anime i think that this entire scene helps the audience to understand god's purpose as well as understanding what a hunter actually is as we see an example of a hunter via kite we understand the meaning behind this title and the concept through his introduction we are also teased about the struggles that gone may face in regards to how difficult it will be for him to find his father and to fulfill his desire to become a great hunter sadly instead of this flashback being shown in the first episode of the 2011 anime we learn about these events via a flashback when gone first meets kite during the beginning of the kimira antarctic it robs the excitement from the viewer who doesn't get to completely appreciate the relationship between gun and kite it definitely would have been a more impactful reunion if the anime followed the manga more closely the comparison between kite and shanks from one piece has also been made previously and is even more glaring when you learn that they are voiced by the same voice actor when you consider the impact of kite's involvement on guns development you can draw a similar comparison to the impact of shanks on luffy and his determination to become the pirate king kite similar to shanks also ends up losing a arm while he protects gon from the royal guard pito the involvement of kites during this arc drew me in from the very beginning as he is hunting down a lead to a supposed queen khmer ant while he describes their species we learn about how much of a disturbing threat that they pose upon the world kite has a very stoic personality and upon first inspection he appears to be apathetic and blunt with his words causing him to come across as being rude or inconsiderate but in fact he is caring and compassionate towards his comrades and he values the gift of life greatly we see his consideration for life when he scolds a young gun for leaving him with no choice but to kill the fox bear who endangered his life he even warns kilowatt and gone multiple times before they embark on their journey to find the khmer ants about the dangers which lay up ahead the situation was unprecedented they had no idea what they would be up against it caused kite to obviously feel cautious and concerned for their safety he even ends up underestimating just how talented and skilled gon and killua are but they remind kite that they are pro hunters after all and that they can handle what lays ahead kite's fate is incredibly tragic and i will go into it in further detail later on and how it impacts gone and consequently even killua the protagonist of the series gone is a cheerful naive adventure seeking young boy similar to other shonen protagonists he's very simple and narrow-minded he desires to become a great hunter so that he can understand every aspect of the profession allowing him to gain some understanding as to why his father chose to pursue being a great hunter rather than staying with and raising a son god is incredibly talented and rises to any occasion when he is presented with a challenge or an adversary however his temperament and tendency to give into his impulses cause him to come to terms with his limitations which consequently lead to him feeling pain and sadness during the camera ant arc gon undergoes intense emotional pain which transforms his personality causing him to become cold-hearted and vengeful as he seeks to avenge the death of his mental height kilowatt who is gone's best friend undergoes many changes during this arc including overcoming his fear of opponents who are stronger than himself we see kilwa grow immensely in this arc as he suffers a great deal due to his attachment to gone how he silently helps him while feeling pain due to his friend feeling troubled and upset kilwa shows a great deal of empathy and compassion he learns to suppress his bloodthirsty ruthless nature as he grows closer to gon and spends more time with him which consequently makes him become more humanized kilauea is incredibly nuanced and his growth is displayed during this arc as we see him mature a great deal through controlling his emotions and behaviors in response to several distressing situations which occur his rational and logical thinking save not only his life but even guns who loses his senses and gives into his rage when pito attacks kite causing him to lose his arm this powerful scene shows the contrasting nature of the two friends as gon furiously gives into his anger while killua is forced to knock him unconscious and flee for safety as per kite's wishes kite chooses to face pito while letting the boys get away kite even commends kilauea for his quick rational thinking as he determined very quickly the incredibly monstrous power of pito realizing the vast difference between their powers he knew that if they were to have stayed with kite then all three of them would have been killed huntrex hunter features some of the most nuanced and rich characters within any shonen series i could talk about several of the kimira ants as well as the members of the kimira ant extermination team which include isaac netero morel nov knuckle and shoot however this video would go on for far too long and i think i've covered enough characters to now begin to analyze the events which begin to unfold around them during this arc after learning about reports of humans being attacked by kimura ants in the ngl area kite decides to investigate in an attempt to stop the spread of this dangerous species by locating the queen khmera ant kite displays his compassion for human life by stating that the khmer ants may well have begun hunting humans to feast upon his priority is to save the people from being devoured as a result he may not be able to entirely help gone on kilauea if they were to get into danger out of concern for the well-being of gonon killua he demands that they must be able to protect themselves if they wish to come with him to the ngl the two of them understand and agree to this requirement while kite foreshadows that if anything were to happen to him then they should prioritize their own safety by leaving him behind to escape it is evident that kite is fearing for the west as i said previously it is an unprecedented situation i initially thought that he was underestimating gon and kilauea as even i thought that they would be more than capable to assist kite even if he were to get into danger despite them being very young they are pro hunters and have demonstrated their skills and talents throughout the series but it would seem that in this situation they got in way over their head the two of them are fairly confident in their own abilities and agree to help kite insisting that they can handle themselves but we soon learn the harsh reality of failing to back up your words by your actions due to realizations of powerlessness which are coupled with terror-inducing feelings of hopelessness these two emotions are more than enough to silence anyone's spirit and confidence arriving in the ngl they quickly discover disturbing evidence to suggest the khmer ants have begun mourning and eating humans following the trail of dead bodies they quickly discovered their first khmer ant soldier called ramot kite continuing to side with caution suggests that the two boys defeat the kimira ant while he observes them with this being the first of many to come kite gives the boys an opportunity to prove themselves during this battle not just taking their word for it he wants to see them demonstrate that they can handle themselves he continues to remind them that he will not always be there to help them very evidently coming across as slightly condescending and making gun and killua even feel like they are being underestimated as he continues to tell them if they cannot defeat this lone soldier then they will have to leave overconfidently the two boys flaunt their title as pro hunters and demand that he does not treat them like little children before totally defeating the kimira ant i felt on the edge of my seat wondering when this threat that was causing kite to feel so cautious would emerge during the battle the khmer ant was gaining the upper hand and it wasn't until gun and kilauea used nen which turned the tables in their favor and caused them to defeat ramot during their journey to the ants nest they continued to face several khmer ants and defeat them with ease the purpose of the khmer ants is to gather high quality humans to provide the queen with nourishment so that she can give birth to the king as soon as possible now the ants who are produced by phagogenesis appear to have naturally adopted the human personality traits of egotism individuality and greed the ants begin to act of their own accord wanting to gain more power control and ultimately dominance these traits first emerged when the ants began to compete with each other comparing whose squadron had brought the most humans for the queen they begin to deter from the queen's plans instead wanting to eat humans for themselves and even some wanting to keep them as pets or for torture it is interesting as the chimera ants are a mixture of animals and humans for the most part humans have done a great deal to harm animals through destroying their habitats keeping them in barbaric slaughterhouses and consuming their flesh with little regard as to how the animal was treated before it died through this piece of fiction we see these very animals gain sentient life cross-breeded with the very traits which bring out the worst in people animals who in their past life who are tortured or forced to experience it are mixed with humans who have the capacity to inflict pain onto others all for the constant thirst for more so that they can try to fill a void of inadequacy which is amplified by their own egos so it is no surprise when we see the ants want to dominate the world of humans and even go as far as to keep them chained up as pets this arc comments on the human condition through the chimera ants and we get more of this as the arc progresses as gone kilauea and kite near the queen's nest they trigger neferpitou's n which allows her to feel their presence she wastes little time by arriving and immediately cutting kite's arm off as he yells for gone and kilowatt to escape gon reacts with fury and screams building his power but kilauea knocks him out cold heeding kites plea for them to escape kite commends kilwa for realizing their limitations and how little help they would be if they remained with him so instead of being a hindrance kilowatt carries the incapacitated gone and flees leaving kite behind to battle pito i get such a chilling sensation when i see kilauea running away carrying gone as he mutters to himself we were overconfident repeatedly kilowatt feeling pito's incredibly malicious men realized instantly that even kite was utterly outmatched we were fools is a quote that really stays with me from this portion of the story to utterly know when you have been bested how very little your efforts up until now meant to taste the cold harsh reality of life this series draws so many parallels to our own existence this isn't a shonen story where the protagonist somehow wins through the power of friendship or a miraculous inconsequential power up hunter x hunter literally just rendered gon and kilauea useless in this singular moment you cannot help but to think back to when they reassured kite by naively stating that they were pro hunters and requested for him to not treat them like little kids they foolishly had no idea of the threat that an experienced hunter like kite was anticipating all along now kilowatt flees with regret knowing that kite has just sacrificed himself so that they could escape knowing that if they weren't accompanying him then he may have been able to escape and avoided a confrontation with pito as the three pearl hunters isaac netaro morel and nov arrive they order kilowatt to leave while they go forward to destroy the ants kilauea however after feeding pito's nen claims that in terms of pure strength the three of them would not be enough to defeat her if this was a typical shonen then that would have been the end of the conversation however by tactically applying your nen and outsmarting your opponent it results in a level of uncertainty which rules out strength and power as the only determining factors for victory the three pro hunters remind kilowatt of this before they head to the ngl and area gone and kilauea are now no longer experienced enough to enter and netero insists that the two of them must prove themselves to be worthy before returning to assist them they are ordered to defeat morel's two assassin apprentices within a time limit of a month if they are to be deemed worthy enough to assist in defeating the ants when gon finally regains consciousness he thanks kilowatt for saving him he agrees that if they stayed with kite then they would have only gotten in his way gon then displays his innocent naive nature by stating with so much bright-eyed optimism that kite is still alive further elaborating that he managed to escape and is now in hiding gon sets his determination on gaining more strength so that he may be able to return to rescue kite the beauty of kilowatt and gone is their contrasting personalities experiences and the most relevant for this situation is their contrasting maturity kite was killed by pito and kilowatt is all too aware of this fact yet he watches the hopeful gone state otherwise he says it perfectly himself sometimes gun shines so brightly it is hard to look away kilowatt doesn't have the heart to tell gone otherwise he cannot bring himself to speak the reality of the situation he cannot shatter god's spirit i am always hit with a heavy heart when i see the jaw-dropping killer staring at god's innocence he even questions whether it is selfish of him to stay with gone as gon appears to retain so much of the childish innocence killwa was robbed of as child it is as though he is comforted by the cruel realities of the world by god's positivity describing him as a light which shines abundantly onto kilauea's outlook of the world when gon finally confronts pito later on in the arc we see a vastly different version of himself his resolve is to restore kite who we previously discovered as a lifeless training dummy while also resolving to defeat neferpito gone feels an incredible sense of regret and is unable to forgive himself for kite's current physical state it is an unimaginable scale of regret for not being able to prevent pito from doing this to kite we can truly see the sadness anger and guilt in god's words and actions he is in a state of denial as he is refusing to accept kaitu's died he goes from we need to rescue kite to we need to heal kite after seeing his lifeless body his change of mindset caused by his denial keeps his mind stable when the palace invasion begins gone becomes narrow-minded concentrated and merciless he is totally focused on his desire to restock height and defeat pito gon confronts her finally as she is using her nen ability dr blyth to heal komugi gon furiously questions how she could be healing this girl when she murdered kite without any remorse out of duty for mirom she is healing komagi but ghan is so enraged and blinded by his anger it is killerwa who reasons with him to not attack pito while she is defenseless as she is the only one who is able to restore kite he eventually orders pito to come with him to heal kite after her one hour time limit to heal komugi is up when pito receives a call from puf stating that komigi is safe she then feels like she has nothing to lose no longer in a situation where she is held hostage or being forced to follow orders she reveals that kite was indeed killed by her in his current condition there is nothing that can be done to restore him pito's nen ability can only prevent a cops from deteriorating it does not have the power to bring the dead back to life gone utterly succumbs to his despair we see this immediately as his eyes become hollow upon this revelation the truth gone didn't want to accept and refuse to consider is crushingly presented to him the bright-eyed protagonist is devastated by pito's words he weeps for kite pito confirms that his soul is no longer in this world so consequently there is no way to heal him the cold-hearted pito apologizes to gone she even feels for his loss due to god's helplessness which is so evident it's unbearable to see guilt grief and sadness is what gon feels regret that he accompanied kite to investigate ngl feeling like it was his fault kite was killed due to him being distracted by protecting gun and killua he is conflicted as he argues with himself who is responsible for kite's death switching between himself by feeling guilt and then anger as he directs that towards pito for being the one who murdered kite gone has lost his sanity and understandably cannot be reasoned with he is so utterly lost in his emotions as we see a flashback of gone reassuring killua that there is no way that kite would be defeated gone's breakdown is the result of shining too brightly being too optimistic and ignoring the cruelty of the world most shonen series don't ever let the protagonist be utterly crushed they protect their worldview and keep them safe from cruelty through unrealistic optimism and positive attitude there is no hope in gon situation the hope that remained is ripped from his heart what is left is a broken character that is repeating to himself kite is dead realizing his worst fear has come to be true gone had literally deluded himself into thinking pito could heal kite he clung to this fantasy heartbreakingly he asks for help for anyone to help him in his hopelessness as he knows there is nothing he can do for kite tears flowing down his face as pito summons dr blythe he looks at her with his last shred of light that remains as though it is his final piece of hope maybe pito has summoned her nan ability to try and assist gon she may attempt to indeed heal kite she may feel sorry for him like we do after seeing his breakdown he thinks pito is going to help kite he begins to lie to himself again falsely reassuring himself maybe kite wasn't dead this final bit of hope takes over his reasoning and logical thinking the protagonist we begin this journey with the character who came into this arc with so much innocence happiness and positivity is dismantled thoroughly here what saddens me is for how long gone is made to suffer one blow after another as we see peter use her ability dr blythe to heal herself the level of heartlessness and cruelty she displays by doing this in front of a morning gone do sentient beings rarely possess the capacity to blatantly disregard others feelings and emotions to this extent i sometimes wonder if this even happens in our reality but then i get reminded that of course the harsh truth of life is that there are such people who care so little for others feelings the truest depiction of a monster for me is someone who inflicts cruelty onto others while only caring for their own well-being disregarding the feelings of others like they don't exist pito demonstrates how much of a monster she really is here the only thing gone feels he can do now is to defeat pito this is the only way he can deal with his emotions of sadness anger regret and grief to gain the power to defeat pito gone sacrifices everything he doesn't care if he dies here gon gives up his life his future his potential all to gain the power in this singular moment to defeat the one who has made him lose faith in the world gone's transformation grants him with power that is strong enough to rival meruem the cost to gain this strength was far more than what a boy even as talented as gone could possibly handle you have to understand the weight of this transformation gone gives up his desire to meet gin which was his life's dream his bonds and friendships he has formed with killua kurapika the oreo and everyone even sacrificing his very existence to gain this power he does all of this within a split second pito is then brutally defeated by gone as she realizes that gone sacrificed his entire life energy and thus his potential to grow up to become a threat to meruem she understands that gone has given up his ability to use nen all of his talent and potential was exchanged to perform this miraculous feat kilauea rushes to gone witnesses his close friend distinguish all of his light and fall into utter darkness kidwa watches gon who is covered in pito's blood repeatedly crush his fist into her skull attacking her already shattered body he does this until nothing remains of her head kilowatt comes to understand the extent of what gon must have given up to transform peter's body strikes gone even after death due to her intense devotion to the king her nan controls her corpse to strike gun having lost his arm gone quietly tells killerward that he isn't in any pain he even feels glad that he could feel the same pain kite did after losing his arm feeling he has redeemed himself through having suffered slightly what breaks my heart is how he tells a concerned killer that he is okay while having such a somber sad expression on his face it pains me to see gon lie to himself and killua like this he then destroys pito's cops as gon demonstrates how far he has drifted from his prior light description of himself what must kiluah be feeling to see the light of his world his closest friend sink into darkness a feeling he knows all too well gone is the one who saved killua from the torment and pain he suffered throughout his childhood he showed him another side to life what we witness at the conclusion of this battle is kilowatt unable to do the same for gun he wasn't able to save him from falling into darkness i cannot recall if there is another shonen series which leaves you feeling anything but excited at the protagonist defeating the villain usually the hero powers up and heroically defeats the villain as it is a moment of celebration and relief but pito's defeat is so empty i feel so much regret for gone due to everything he sacrificed i even feel some remorse for pito who instinctively was serving the king until her dying breath she was becoming ever so slightly humanized also as she even apologized to gone previously nobody deserves to be brutally killed the way that pito was hunter x hunter sets itself apart from other series by making you feel just how unrealistic it was for gone to defeat pito this indeed ended up being true due to the large price that had to be paid to accomplish such defeat there is an incredible consequence for accomplishing such an incredible task kilowatt watching gon attack pito's body while crying just sums up this moment entirely this is anything but a victory gone loses his humanity and kilauea is helpless to do anything for him through god's character we see what it means to sink into darkness shown through gone losing his inner light as he is exposed to the harsh cruel truths of the world on the opposite end of the spectrum our antagonist meruem undergoes a similar journey but is faced with change through the bond that he forms with a girl called komagi marum is the most powerful khmer ant birthed by the queen ruling over the khmer ants he is the antagonist of this arc i previously stated that he was the best shonen antagonist this is due to the way that he is written and the character arc that he undergoes merome is born only knowing that he is the king and it is his right to dominate the world other than this he is figuratively a blank slate like a newborn baby entering into the world yet to form opinions of views on the surrounding environment due to his desire to dominate the world he believes himself to be the most superior life form showing no empathy for those weaker than him he even devoured a child's flesh and spat it out stating it is terrible compared to the feeling he had when he was nourished with nen users in his mother's womb meruem was opposed to the structure of human society voicing his opposition to the idea of people ruling over others due to their bloodlines or birthrights he found it to be illogical and against the laws of nature to not have the most powerful rule over the week he eventually learns that there are great inequalities within human society he observes that weak children are allowed to starve while weak-minded leaders and fortunate individuals eat with a plentiful supply of food he was especially disgusted by their greed and fear marijuana questions the way that humans live he is especially confused by their contradictions after visiting a king and learning about humans allowing the weak to rule over them he kills the king while his dancers beg for their lives muram questions them asking if they showed any mercy to the cattle or animals that they slaughtered daily to feast upon due to his disgust for humanity he decides to restrict their freedoms and make them enjoy pain and suffering due to their idiotic customs and greedy selfishness out of boredom meruem begins to learn different board games and one by one masters each of them and defeats the world champions for all the games that he masters that is until he learns a game called gungi and begins to challenge the world gungi champion called komugi she is clumsy quiet and rather childish her personality is very simple-minded and she tends to speak too much and comes across as disrespectful due to speaking informally she has lost her eyesight so is unable to play gungi without someone speaking the positions out on the board for her komigi defeats mirom very easily as a whole attitude and demeanor changes while she plays gungi despite meruem studying the rules more and improving he is still unable to defeat her meron becomes obsessed with their games he forgets to eat and even begins to use komagi's own tactics against her but she still counters them with ease merum eventually offers komigi a wager for their next game telling her that if she wins then he will give her anything that she desires however if she loses meruem has requested to take her left arm however komegi contemplates the offer and instead tells the king that she will place her life on the line should she lose she offers her life up due to stating that gungi is the only thing that she has focused upon should she lose then her life would be rendered useless meruem surprisingly laughs at her response due to being surprised by komugi's offer of her life he then tears his own left arm off as an apology to her but caught him until he treats himself even with meruem threatening to kill her if she doesn't play she still refuses and tells him that he should instead try to kill her in a game of gungi marum accepts her terms and has puff heal his left arm for him strangely enough this is the first person that we see who isn't afraid of murum who can voice their opinion against him and doesn't succumb to his fear tactics despite ordering that he will play gungi with her without any breaks until she is defeated he allows her to rest once he can see that she is exhausted his reasoning being that he would not consider it to be a fair victory if he defeated her while she was tired komagi exchanges tips with meruem and helps him to improve his technique all the while she improves at an alarming rate also due to playing gungi continuously with meruem she eventually awakens her nen realizing that her ability is to improve in gungi as she sees various tactics and moves play out in her mind komigi while resting is attacked by a bird but she does not yell out in pain or request for help meruem who enters her room to find her being attacked kills the bird she is concerned about troubling marowin but he states that she is an important guest merum at this point begins to develop feelings for her that he cannot begin to explain he even orders pito to watch over her and to protect her from now on due to boredom the king begins to play board games and develops feelings for komagi unintentionally he diverts his attention from his main goal of world conquest and focuses his efforts on defeating komagi through komogi murum changes his initial perception of humans and learns that there is more to them than meets the eye he further elaborates upon his changed perception through his battle with netaro when you consider what the kimura ants did you feel a sense of disgust hatred and apathy towards them but how is it that hunter x hunter can make you care for a character like marowen who in his introduction ate the flesh of a child it is maddening to even consider such a character could become reformed or have a change of heart marijuana was pure evil when he was born but throughout human history they too have inflicted travesty onto their own kind the chimera ants were born without any of the feelings we grow up and develop they are newborn babies taking the form of fully developed sentient beings humans grow up with several people that they develop feelings for and care about these feelings of love and hatred that develop are the very reasons as to why humans are so perfectly flawed the ants behaved with such inconsideration lack of empathy and pure malice due to lacking human emotions but that does not mean that they were incapable of learning them through relationships and experiences when miriam develops feelings for komagi this causes him to become more humanized through the influence of one girl who had assumed her entire existence was meaningless the perception of the king was changed like i said previously i feel like this arc is a great discussion on the human condition when miriam battles netero miram speaks about his change perception and new outlook on humanity he tells netro that he no longer considers humans to be livestock or a source of food he is even allowing him to live by letting him surrender convincingly meruem even tries to reason with netaro questioning why he wants to fight him despite knowing that he is going to lose stating that if he is doing this for the betterment of mankind then he should join mirom and his plans to rid the world of inequality and injustice marijuana surprisingly comes to the conclusion that power should be used to serve and protect the weak who deserve to live he deems people worthy of living to be individuals like komagi and even netero himself the king sits on the ground and wishes to not resolve this conflict through the exchange of fists he would rather talk to netero about their differences the chairman however tempted by this offer chooses to follow his duty to the hunter association and attacks meruem the hunter association was fully aware that natural was no match for marum however they knew that once netero was killed the nuclear weapon would be activated thus killing the ants and the surrounding hunters if meruem did not suggest to fight elsewhere then the innocent people in the area would all have died the hunter association deems that this mass killing would be justified as long as the ants were killed also this is another example of how humanity could stoop to lows equally as low as the khmer ants at least the ants have an excuse of never having learnt emotions or experienced feelings through relationships but what is our excuse after his battle with natural meron began to understand the true nature of humans even beginning to admire their determination especially as he learns about netero and his commitment to his training how the chairman practiced the same move for years on end a feat that no ordinary person could accomplish after this he believes that he was wrong to impose his belief system onto others he realizes he has no right to try and rid the world of inequality he no longer wishes to needlessly kill people he deems unworthy as each person has the ability to possess great potential meruem eventually dies due to the poison released from the poor man's rose that netero had detonated upon his death in his final moments he chooses to spend them with komugi his final wish is to play one last game of gungi with her as he finally tells her his name omg chooses to stay with meruem despite knowing the poison radiating from his body would kill her too emphasizing the strong bond that the two of them are formed as they choose to spend their final moments with each other merome who is the strongest character within the huntrex hunter universe acknowledges the strengths of humans even admiring them he does this through the influence of someone as weak as komogi he understands about what it feels like to express compassion empathy and concern for others through his failure to defeat komugi and the bond that he forms with her he develops compassion and empathy for her through netero he comes to understand the great potential that humans possess how each person can attain unheard of heights through surpassing their own limitations through this he begins to understand the value of life it is impressive writing on tagashi's part to write a character who is not at the mercy of the events of the story as an antagonist meruem does not fulfill the role assigned to him his character arc excels the typical cliche of shonen tropes as he is written with more depth than a villain set out to conquer the world our expectations are swept from beneath us as we see a villain embraces humanity and learn to acknowledge the very people he attempted to dominate it is so easy to speak at length about the story and characters of hunter x hunter they are so well written and nuanced initially i intended this video to be half of the length that it ended up being but even at over 40 minutes in length i feel like there are so many things i have not even mentioned or glanced over characters like nov morel knuckle netro or the royal guards how they grow and develop during this arc i would love to discuss them in the future depending on how well this video is received my focus was to explain how the khmer ant arc is the best shonen story ever told throughout the arc there is no shortage of subversions how gone gives into his intense desire for revenge and eventually exchanges everything to become a monster or how meruem learns to acknowledge humans through his love for a girl who taught him how to feel emotions this arc features parallels to our reality as it comments on humanity and the frightening discussion of how similar we are to the monsters we are fearful of it is a compelling commentary on humanity's contradictions especially referencing the lengths that they will go to so that they can ensure their own survival for example we can draw parallels to a poor man's rose and the atomic bomb which both are products of humanity's desire to survive and prove their dominance by devastating perceived enemies or threats just as the themes which are featured within this arc are given the respect that they deserve their relationships between characters are also advanced into new levels of growth gone and killua's bond is literally put to the ultimate test as kilowatt is made to confront the weakness of their bond how he has become reliant on gon's light and feels responsible for keeping it alight their relationship is pushed to its ultimate climax as kilowatt is unable to protect gun from losing his light thus leading directly to the characters naturally parting ways progressing to their next stage of growth to grow as individuals who no longer rely upon each other in my first chimera untarge video i analyzed and discussed gonomerum's character extensively in this video i'll be discussing some of the other characters which feature within this arc as well as analyzing and breaking down aspects of the story which i didn't mention in the first video even after going through the entirety of the hunter hunter story i still believe the kimura antarct to be my favorite story arc of the series and it continues to add further details to concepts that have been introduced in the series like nen in addition to this the kimira antarctic is very unpredictable some of the events that occurred totally catch me off guard this arc has several different phrases beginning with the queen khmer and building the army by devouring humans and then after kite's death gone and killed while returning to train again with biski and ultimately prove themselves to knuckle and shoot before they are allowed to join the kimura and extermination team and lastly wrapping up with the palace invasion which ultimately leads to the defeat of merum and the khmer ants so let's now break down and analyze these various different portions of this arc while also paying particular attention to any characters that i didn't discuss or talk about in my first camera antarctic video [Music] the chimera untag is the longest starry arc to feature within hunter hunter it spans a total of 132 chapters the way that it was serialized is probably the reason why the 1999 anime did not adapt this arc this is because the first chapter of the kimura antarct chapter 186 was published in june 2003 and the final chapter of this arc chapter 318 was published in october 2011. the reason why this arc took eight long years to complete was because of tagashi's hiatuses which are credited to his failing health in the first video of the kimura untag i discussed the duality between maruyum and gon describing how meruem had slowly been able to gain his humanity while at the same time gone loses his humanity i didn't speak much about the chairman of the hunter association isaac netero and how he was put in a very difficult position and had to improvise while having no support from the hunter association or the v5 this further adds to the discussions of humanity through how uncooperative the hunter association and the v5 were towards the threat of the khmer ants which ultimately places netro in a very difficult situation which not only involves the political sphere of the hunter hunter world but also puts at risk the existence of the hunter association through his position as its chairman under normal circumstances a character who saves humanity will be celebrated but the way that tagashi unfolds the circumstances and the variables which are associated with it result in netro being in a dilemma where he could be discredited for saving humanity and this is even assuming if netero will even survive his encounter with the kimura ants and their king very simplistic and surface level assessments of netero's actions during the chimera untarge associate him to some kind of a monster even going as far as to describe netro's actions as cruel the fact of the matter is netro wasn't a hero nor did he ever try to be but he did sacrifice his own life in order to kill marowim and the rest of the kimira ants if you have read and paid attention to the subtle nuances of this arc then you will know that netro did not go through all of this effort just so that he could fight a incredibly strong opponent he had no desire to fight marowan or even the royal guards for that matter when he first sees pito morel even says to him whether if they should fight pito but he refuses to instead he focuses their efforts on destroying the different squadrons and their groups slowly whittling down the kimura ants via a well-thought-out tactical approach which allows netaro to practice his abilities against the kimura ants that are being teleported to him as well as giving him ample time in order to meditate and to become stronger when the threat of the kimura ants is made known to the main leaders of the world who are represented by the v5 organization they hire netro to eradicate the threat of the ants by any means necessary knowing that the palace would have tens of thousands of civilians as well as being aware that the other hunters would also be present to launch their counter-attack against the kimura ants the v5 had no issue with throwing the hunter association under the bus by suggesting that even a genocide is appropriate as long as the threat of the khmer ends is eradicated we learn about this in chapter 288 when nataro has a flashback to when he was assigned the mission by the v5 instead of preparing their militaries they hire a lone hunter to deal with the issue knowing that there have been hundreds or if not thousands of casualties at the hands of the ants they burden the task of killing the ants with netero and ordered that he kills them as quickly as possible he is granted permission to complete this task by any means necessary in hindsight knowing that netro activated the poor man's rose it is jaw-dropping to see the leaders of the world give complete permission to launch a nuclear attack upon thousands of innocent people and this is where you call into question the humanity of the people who are leading the world if it wasn't for netro taking the initiative to hire zeno and through using his ability dragon's head taking himself and merrim to a faraway location where military equipment is tested then the poor man's rose would have detonated within the palace killing thousands of individuals and thus through netro's actions the reputation of the hunter association is called into question as well as the murder of countless innocent people all to get rid of a threat that most of the world doesn't even know about only the select few individuals who are leading the world know about this threat so imagine when the rest of the world finds out that the chairman of the hunter association launched a nuke which ended up killing so many people but it was for the sake of killing a man eating ants but the funny thing is there is no evidence of these man-eating ants even existing because they were all blown to smithereens nobody will believe this story which would result in netro not being celebrated but vilified just remember before he even went to the battlefield the man placed a bomb within himself he was ready and willing to give his own life this wasn't a quest to fight a strong opponent and to test the results of his training this was a do or die mission when he was first assigned the task to kill the ants he didn't know that they could use nan marum wasn't born nor were any of the three royal guards so the measures that he initially takes to defeat the kimura ants isn't as excessive as his later measures his first real description of someone who has actually faced off against a kimira ant is from killua he reveals to nov morel and netero that one of the chimera ants could use nan he describes pito's nen as being malicious and far more sinister than anyone else that he has ever met the maliciousness of peter's aura exceeded illumi's and even hisokas kittawa who knows nen himself and can assess the strength of other nen users states that despite nov morel and netero being strong they are nowhere near strong enough to face off against pito but nov and morel take no heed of killua's warning they simply assume that kilwa must be overestimating his opponent in response to this netro behaves more maturely as he states that the threat of the kimura ants puts the survival of humanity at risk at all costs he says that he must do what he can in order to stop this crisis from worsening if they do not tackle the kimura ants with all of the strength that they have then they will risk being assimilated with them netro here states that if they do not defeat the kimura and they will be eaten by them and thus risk handing over all of the information that is stored within their brains of their experiences of learning about men to make the ants evolve and become stronger so it is for this reason that only small groups are going into the ngl to investigate the kimira ants and you could even say this is why netero doesn't want to hire so many different hunters to go in a system because if even one hunter who knows how to use nen is captured by them then they can learn everything that they need to know about nen through this individual so it is for tactical reasons that they are keeping their numbers small for now but they are unaware that the hunter that we had seen earlier in the hunter exam arc pockel has already been captured by the kimura ants and he has divulged all the information that he knows about men to them netro states that only a select view will be able to face off against the kimura ants and the god and killer do not meet this requirement and it is for this reason that he had arranged for two assassins in the nearest city as opponents for them to overcome he hands kilowatt two tokens for him to present to the hunters and orders both him and killawa to take out these two assassins if they cannot do this then they are not worthy enough or strong enough to help netra on the others the fact that netro was carrying these two tokens and arranged for the two assassins to be in the nearest city means that he knew that kilwan gone would fail but at the same time he wants to give them a chance and through this very brief moment we learned why netro didn't enlist the help of other hunters aside from nov and morel the three of them were strong enough to assess the threat of the khmer ants at least to the extent of knowledge that he had about them at the time which was prior to the birth of the royal gods and even the king as we learned later his plan to eradicate the chimera and completely changes once he is able to feel pito's sinister aura for himself in chapter 234 we learn about some plot points which set up the next arc of the series as well as revealing to us the relationship that netro has with the hunter association despite being its chairman we learned that the hunter association made it difficult for him to even hire nov and morel to assist him in this mission and any additional hunters that they requested for were not provided instead weaker temporary hunters were given you can assume that the hunter association and the people who are on its board wanted netro to fail and this presumably stems from the individual who wants to become the next chair of the hunter association i'm of course talking about pariston hill nov speculates that the vice chairman paristan has been bribing the board of the hunter association which is resulting in them giving jobs to hunters who have pledged to vote for paris and in the next vice-chairman election the evidence to support this is through the squadron leaders that they have tracked down and have requested the hunter association to assign hunters to capture them have all been getting away and this is because the hunters who have been assigned the jobs are supporters of paristan who desire for netero to fail in his mission if netro fails this mission then he will be held responsible for all of the victims that the kimura ants are killing if he doesn't defeat the threat then he won't be deemed as being suitable for the role of the chairman what confidence will this instill into other hunters if netro their chairman fails this mission just like a real world politician paristan is behaving unethically he is inadvertently allowing the squadron leaders to escape and thus kill more innocent people and all the while netro has been placed into a situation where even if he manages to kill meruem then it will be considered a failure because of all of the casualties which will result in the fallout after the defeat of the khmer ants now that morel had known this and so did netero he risked his reputation and put everything on the line to come up with this plan to defeat marowim they estimate that the unavoidable casualties in order to defeat the king and the kimura ants is at least 5 million people and this is the moral dilemma of netero's situation whether if it is justified to kill thousands of people in order to save millions of them the chimera undock excels in discussing the nature of humanity and it does so by introducing a new species the khmer ants to the individuality of humans like i mentioned in my first video the second generation of khmer ants were born with human traits and thus developed individuality and egotism the chimera ants end up becoming a reflection of mankind as we see deplorable actions committed by the khmer ants but then are faced with our own tragedies and wrongdoings that humanity has inflicted upon itself it leads us to conclude that in the end the khmer ants and the humans are not so different after all as a species humans have always undergone growth and evolution this can only occur after we let go of who we once were learning from our mistakes is an essential part of evolving and growing and thus every stage of development that has occurred has been as a result of our flaws and our mistakes that we have made this isn't always the case but because we make mistakes and we are imperfect it results in us being able to empathize with others and to grow as a species looking back at the many atrocities that mankind is inflicted on its own you empathize with the victims of humanity's selfishness why is it that we live in a world where people have an abundant supply of money while others don't even have a roof over their head and are starving through poverty and malnutrition it is because of our flaws that we can reflect upon our actions and we can see the consequences of our imperfections on the lives of others and this leads us to being generous and empathetic but at the same time it is our very flaws and imperfections which lead us to committing these atrocities in the first place out of egotism and selfishness which are the very personality traits that the khmer ants have learned through assimilating with humans but at the same time good did occur through a simulation with humans as maroon was able to develop humanity and at the end of the arc he had spent his dying moments with the one person that he had fallen in love with but on the other hand gone had given in to his emotions to the degree of sabotaging himself he ultimately regresses as a character all for the sole purpose of revenge through the protagonist and the antagonist of this arc we can see the mirrored dichotomy of humanity in chapter 250 netro learns about the birth of the king of meruem and he asks kot to compare his strength to the king's strength considering he has been in the presence of the king despite displaying an immense amount of aura cult states that he would not even be able to touch the king because at his current state of power he will be killed by one of the royal guards netro smiles at the prospect of a challenge that he may not be able to overcome at this point you can assume that netero has decided that he is not strong enough to defeat meruem and his decision to place the poor man's rose into himself has been solidified as he states that he is going to see a old friend in order to prevent mass casualties occurring at the palace he enlists the help of the zordix in particular kilwa's grandfather zeno netero had planned for the palace invasion to occur so that the hunters that he has enlisted to help him can split up all of the royal guards so that he can be left to battle the king on his own considering netro isn't even strong enough to defeat a royal guard and you compare these strengths of the other people who had accompanied him to the palace invasion you can assume that all of these hunters including gun and killua had invaded the palace knowing that they may never return from this encounter considering the overwhelming threat that was presented to them the ultimate goal of the palace invasion for netro is to kill meruem netro exudes an aura of confidence during his encounter with maroon because he knows now that he has separated the king from the royal guards and is fighting at an appropriate distance away from the millions of people who may have been a casualty to the poor man's rose even if the explosion from the detonation doesn't kill merum then the poison emitted from the poor man's rose will surely kill him he also knows that if anything were to happen to the king then this would summon the presence of the other royal gods who would be exposed to the poison which is still emitting from the corpse of meruem netra's plan is successful as puff and yupi were exposed to the poison through merum's body and as a result they ended up dying along with marowin the only unfortunate casualty to netero's poor man's rose is komugi who ends up dying out of her own choice in order to spend her dying moments with marowin five million people would have died if netro didn't make the necessary preparations to take out marom this also would have been the case if netro and the other hunters would have failed in their task to defeat the khmer ants as on selection day 99 of these citizens would have died after forcibly initiating their men in chapter 251 we learned about how the kimira ants are sorting through 500 000 people per day with a 1 survival rate they have currently sorted 5 000 people who have successfully initiated their nan they are being stored in human cocoons waiting to be hatched into non-weapons marim will use these against mankind as his pawns and most likely they will be controlled by pito's men if netro and the other hunter's plans that failed then meruem and his army of controlled and end users would have invaded the rest of the world i've mentioned all of this to disprove the notion that netero was wrong in his encounter against meruem it is easy to state that netro was cruel or even selfish with desiring to fight marowin especially when maroon just wanted to sit and exchange words but after all of this you understand that a lot was on the line for netero marum as a character was seeking identity and to learn more about himself he was struggling between his human side and his khmer and side after learning and gaining some humanity through his interactions with komagi and netero marion decides that he isn't going to kill all of humanity that he had planned but instead he is going to rule over them as a fair and just king and he will only kill a select few who he deems unworthy of living meruem has become more humane but it isn't a complete 180 change it's because his actions when he first appeared were so polarizing and so far from humanity that when he shows even a glimpse of humanity it feels like a total change in his character he is still far from being a good person and this is why netro must defeat him it is not for the sake of netro wanting to fight a strong opponent but it is rather for the survival of humanity he only behaves the way that he does after the poor man's rose is detonated because he knows that he is dying so he sees no point in continuing on with his ambitions so instead he decides to spend his final moments with the one person that he loves even if netro were to have sat down and exchanged words with maroon there is no way that he could have convinced him not to enslave the human race this is ultimately a struggle for power when the world leaders were threatened by the existence of the khmer ants they hired netro as a glorified exterminator to get rid of the pests the battle between netro and marowin begins in chapter 287 and concludes in chapter 298. it begins with meruem telling netro that he doesn't stand a chance and there is really no need for him to hurry towards his death he says this not because he is underestimating him like netro assumes but rather because he knows that netro is aware of this fact maroon even tells him that it is counterintuitive for him to fight for the sake of humanity the world is being run by selfish individuals who have partitioned it into several different borders he describes that on the border to the right-hand side children are starving to their death while on the borders to the left-hand side idol leaders are feasting with excess maroon describes this as madness and i totally agree with him but it is the way that he wants to enact change onto the world that i disagree with he states that he will destroy all of the borders and create an equal world a world where nobody is living to excess maroon describes his plans to netero he has incredible power and he has learnt what this power should be used for he decides that it is there to protect the weak who deserve to live and it doesn't exist to oppress others like how the leaders of the world have been oppressing other nations through the threat of nuclear war by strong arming their way into positions of power by instilling fear into their adversaries who dare to oppose the current way of the world but this isn't the case with marowin he has far more power than any of the leaders of the world and he wants to use this power to bring about a somewhat positive change to the world netro even states that this is quite a situation as you can see that marouane is wavering between his human side and his ant side netro states that he has to choose between one of them marum objects to fighting netro and he says that he will stay in this spot and sit down and debate with him his human side is depicted through netro seeing maroon hold on to a injured komugi who is damaged by the dragon dive ability that was unleashed earlier he is shocked to see this monster being concerned and caring for the life of a frail girl while on the other hand his monstrous side is depicted through when he had eaten the flesh of a child but regardless of the side that marum eventually settles upon it doesn't matter it doesn't change the task that netro has come here to do he has been ordered to exterminate and destroy the ants so before his heart starts to waver due to marion actually speaking sense he decides to begin their battle while he has sat down natural attacks him with his 100 type guanine bodhisattva non-ability he strikes him with the first hand despite his attack being a direct hit it only causes marum to spit out some blood maram still wants to sit down and talk with netaro but this time netro strikes him with the third hand but his attack is blocked by meruem and he expresses its anger through his ren through this display of ren he demonstrates a small portion of his aura but it is enough for netro to double the distance that he usually retreats netro's persistence and his determination to battle meruem was brushed aside so easily as if he was ironically an ant merurim still wants to exchange words but netro is frustrated because the king is in no position to negotiate with him but that's when netro realizes that he can persuade meru him to fight through words by stating that he knows the king's name he states that if the king can make netro admit defeat then he will tell him his name finally in chapter 219 meruem agrees to fight but only enough to satisfy him he will not go all out in order to kill netaro it may appear that merurim is underestimating netro as he says that it's not going to take him too long but this really isn't the case meruem is so incredibly powerful it's like togashi inverted the relationship between actual size ants and humans in this character called marowin the best way to describe it is placing netro in the position of the small ant and with the maruin being in the position of the human who is about to crush the ant with his oversized foot because of netro's incredible strength he had usually waited for the opponent to make the first move but for the first time in a long while he charges towards marowim after gaining his approval to fight netro immediately unleashes the 99th hand an ability which reminds me of stand ability from jojo's bizarre adventure during this battle netro actually realizes that it became routine procedure frame to shake the hand of the loser and to accept their gratitude for teaching them a lesson but this is not the outcome of a battle that he had wanted after hours upon hours of training he realizes that he instead had dreamed to actually give his heart and soul to a battle against an unstoppable adversary you can say that netra's pursuit of growth and evolution was stunted because he couldn't find someone worthy enough to fight against he didn't go into this battle having realized this he realized this during his battle with meruem he initially fought against marowin because he was a threat to the survival of humanity and primarily because netro was ordered by the world leaders to kill meruem but indirectly through this battle netro has finally found what he was looking for eventually the two of them fall beneath the ground into an underground structure which netro describes as marowim's grave at the end of chapter 291 netro expresses his gratitude as he states that he is lucky and thankful for everything that has led him to this point all of the events that have occurred that have ultimately led him to this fight against meruem the two of them begin to exchange back and forth attacks with the netaro successfully maintaining the distance between himself and the king whenever the king would try to get close enough to him marim could barely follow the after images that netro was producing it had left meruem feeling admiration for his enemy despite all of the attacks that netro had unleashed upon maroon they had no effect on him marum tells netro that he is a right example of a human who has transcended beyond his limits and he has done so through effort alone he commends nataro but netro responds with anger you could say that netro's pride is angered here and his feelings of superiority have been crushed by marouane he even angrily states to himself that meruem thinks that he is so far above the rest of humanity but instead he is just a smug little insect netero continues to attack marouane while meruem continues to close the distance between the two of them as he wants to engage in close combat but every time he manages to close the distance he is smacked away by netara's ability netro's 100 type buddhist satwa is the only ability that he has that can surpass marorim speed but the king isn't concerned by this because the ability actually does little to no damage to him maroon begins to enjoy his battle against the chairman as he starts to treat it like one of his board games trying to tactically come up with a strategy to defeat his opponent it appears that not only is meruem enjoying the battle so is netero the battle between the two of them as netro describes as a battle of endurance and concentration any lapse of judgment from either of them will result in their bodies being torn limb from them this results in natural feeling a constant pressure to perform at his best he will try to prolong the fight as long as he can until he has exhausted all of his options and then at that point netro states that marouane will meet his end netero sadistically smiles as he's taunting the king to try and checkmate him but in retaliation he has yet to show him his ability called the zero hand after exchanging thousands of attacks with each other marim started to feel a dull internal ache that is until netro's right leg has been completely severed maroon was able to sneak past the arms of netro's inability he believes that he has done enough to satisfy netro's urge to battle he tells him to stop the bleeding through his leg and to tell him his name it appears that this is the end of the battle as he says that he has done well for a human marim says that it was inevitable that netro would have been striked by one of his attacks because his attacks are flawless but netro's defenses are not perfect he credits his foresight to his games that he has played with komugi marum states that next he will target netro's left arm and at this point netro realizes that this is probably the last moment of his life the exchange of blows that occurs next is so incredibly fast that it occurs in less than a minute the blows that they exchanged within this short period of time had exceeded over a thousand this continues until meruem is able to deduce the flaws in netro's moves he finds a slight bias in the way that netro is exhibiting his offensive style he attributes this way of attacking to habitual behavior it is through this habitual behavior and this bias which exists within netro's abilities that he is able to find a weak spot he capitalizes upon this and is able to once again slip through the nen aura arms that netro has constructed and this time he fulfills his promise of severing netro's left arm it is at this point when netro unleashes his final ability zero hand in this one final attack netro focuses every last ounce of his aura it is described as a merciless raw emitting from a merciful goddess predictably it is evident that not even this ability is able to injure marouane this attack drains netro of all of the energy that he has and he appears to be incredibly frail marowim describes the stature between the two of them he states that he is the future of his species and on top of this he is that king while netero is one of many there was no chance for him to win he states that the entire existence of the kimura ant species was focused on its endpoint of evolution which was the birth of marowin whereas humanity as a species focuses on diversity evolution is not focused upon a singular being but rather on individuals themselves and it's for this reason that no single individual could have faced off against the peak of evolution and had expected to win meruem even realizes that through assimilating humans it disrupts the ant's command structure as the chimera ants that are birthed from humans are far more individualistic and do not work for the betterment of the colony it appears that meruem is continuing to underestimate the persistence for survival that humans have despite using up all of his aura it appears that netero still has one last thing left to do but before this he reveals to the king that his name in fact is marowin nataro even in his final moments refuses to succumb to the fear and absolute power of meruem he remains defiant and this shocks marouane netro tells him that he has no idea marim knows nothing of the bottomless malice which exists within the human heart even a being as incredibly powerful as marom is able to feel the fear behind these words marim who is at the peak of his existence and his youth is made to feel fear by an old man who is frail and has nothing left to live for and in his final moments netro's facial expressions exhibit this bottomless malice which netro had just described netero pierces his own heart stopping it from beating it is revealed that when his heart stops beating the poor man's rose the bomb within his body will detonate the poor man's rose is described as a chemical explosive weapon of mass destruction and is one of the most dangerous and powerful weapons to exist within the world the bomb is small cheap but lethal once it was developed it was mass produced across the world and ironically after the bomb is detonated the mushroom cloud forms into the shape of a rose which strangely symbolizes beauty after destruction takashi explains in chapter 298 that the poor man's rose had been detonated over 10 times and it has taken the lives of over 5 million people this is approximately the same number of lives that the khmer ants were willing to kill during their selection eventually an international treaty was established to ban the production of the poor man's rose but 80 of the countries had refused to get rid of their bombs or to ban the use of detonating existing roses years later there still remain hundreds of thousands of poor man's roses waiting to be detonated and it is here where takashi draws a parallel between the ants and the humans stating were we so different after all how was it that netro was not able to consider this question before he detonated the poor man's rose in the end humanity exhibits the same level of malice if not more than the khmer ants especially when it comes to their tendency to hurt other species or even their own kind all for the sake of survival i do understand and appreciate that this arc is very divisive amongst fans of the series as some believe the beginning portions to be really dragged out and slow as well as being uninteresting but i personally cannot agree with this i don't see how the premise of giant man-eating ants being uninteresting from the very beginning of this arc i was looking forward to the birth of the king i was eagerly anticipating the arrival of meruem having no idea what he would look like we were just promised that he would be the peak of the evolutionary chain of the kimira ants and this was enough to keep me captivated for the story as well as this i was clinging on to some hope that kite could be revived that is until i'd seen kite's head on neferpitou's lap and from this moment onward i was interested to see how gone would react after finding out that kite has indeed died and this is just a very small example of some of the plot points which kept me invested into the story of this arc and as you know the highlights of this arc for me were gone's confrontation with neferpito how meruem had developed humanity through his relationship with komugi how we see the character development of the royal gods and how each of them reacted differently to meruem coming to learn more about the world and humans but ultimately all three of them had wanted the best for marouane but the difference is each of them have a very different and unique way of serving the king which is unique to their own mindset and of course the battle between marowim vs netro which is easily one of the best anime fights ever and on top of this one of the most impactful transformations ever occurs within this arc seeing gon transform into his adult form and through all of these great and epic moments we get questions of morality and comparisons of how humans are no different to the monsters that they are afraid of as well as discussions of the lengths that a species will go to in order to survive one thing that became very evident from my first hunter hunter video was that a lot of people didn't like the presence of the narrator during this arc i didn't feel like the narrator was interrupting the flow of the story some of these events in this arc occur in such a short amount of time that the narrator breaking down and explaining the events that have occurred is better than having no explanation at all in the end i feel like the narrator's presence was more impactful to the events that were occurring i loved the moments when the narrator was present especially during those moments where time had slowed down it helped to build anticipation and even tension for events that were about to unfold i am aware that a lot of people didn't like the narrator constantly being there but i personally enjoyed it a lot as this arc was unfolding i'd began to really like mirror him as a character as well as this netro had become one of my favorite characters in the series after learning more about him from the kimira antarct in addition to this it was devastating to see the bond between gun and kilowatt reach its final endpoint during this arc we have followed these two characters from the very beginning of the series and here we are forced to see them come to terms with the fact that they are not always going to be there for each other and for them to now grow as individuals they need to do that separately they can no longer rely upon each other and i feel like this is why jin didn't want to meet gon at the end of the greed island arc because gone was too reliant upon kilauea being beside him but neither of them were aware of this fact but i feel like the khmer untuck does well to teach both ghan and kilauea that they can grow independently of each other and this is a risk that most authors aren't willing to take takashi stays away from established formulas in order to experiment with his story and to try something different we see the two of them part their separate ways in the next arc of the story after gon recovers and i will talk more about this in my next video which will cover the 13th hunter chairman election arc in this arc we are introduced to several new characters as well as seeing familiar faces from the prior arcs of the series in addition to this this is the first story arc where gone is pretty much non-existent he appears later on in the arc but his reappearance serves to wrap up his story arc as the title of the arc suggests this arc is about the election of the new hunter chairman after the prior chairman isaac netro had passed away during his battle against meruem in the prior arc the khmer antog the task to elect a new hunter chairman involves a group called the zodiacs the zodiacs comprise of 12 hunters whose skills have been recognized by the prior chairman netero among their members is gone's father jin during this arc the zodiac members are gathered in order to run a election which will decide the new hunter chairman while this is going on a side story is occurring where kidwa is trying to help gon who has been hospitalized after his battle with pito ghan is in critical condition and in order to help him killua is enlisting the help of his brother called aluka through using aluka's dangerous but very helpful nan ability he aims to heal and revive gone but kilowatt's efforts to help gon are opposed by his older brother illumi who has teamed up with hisoka illumi doesn't want kilwa to use aluka's powers due to their threat that they pose on kilauea's own life and illumi's life i'll talk more about aluka's powers later on in the video but for now let's begin my analysis of the 13th hunter chairman election arc [Music] the 13th hunter chairman election arc is the final arc that was adapted into the 2011 anime it runs from chapters 319 to chapter 339 it spans a total of 20 chapters this is the arc where we are finally introduced to gohan's father as well as understanding more about the dynamics of the hunter association we also appreciate a lot of the legacy that netro has left behind the first is through his 12 chosen zodiac hunters the top 12 hunters that have been handpicked by netero the 12 zodiac members have all gathered in order to discuss the elections for the next chairman we had briefly heard mentions about the vice chairman in the prior arc but in this arc we are formally introduced to him and get to understand a lot about his character paristan hill is in all intensive purposes the villain of this arc he plays an excellent role which is further emphasized through the reactions of the characters which surround him there are a few characters in this arc who don't totally buy into paristan's character that he's portraying he desires to be the next chairman but he has ulterior motives one of the twists that we learn about paris and later on in the arc is that he and gohan's father jin share in a very similar desire they both want to follow in the footsteps of netero and continue on with his legacy but we learn more about this later on another excellent antagonist within this arc is illumi we see him trying to sabotage kilowatt's efforts to heal gone and he even enlists the help of hisoka their powerup is a nostalgic callback to the hunter exam arc where we had last seen these two characters properly interacting with each other we learn a lot about illumi's character and how his mindset works in addition to this we learn more about the zordik family through the introduction of a new member alukar is a central character within his arc his powers are pretty much the only hope that gone has of recovering from his injuries the severity of gun's injuries lead a few of the hunters to believe that he may not even recover but from the very onset of this arc even before aluka's involvement jin believes that gon will make a recovery when i was first experiencing this arc i didn't expect the oreo's character to be brought back into the story so soon but not only is he reintroduced here but he leaves a very memorable impression not only on us the readers but also on the other hunters within the hunter association the impression that he leaves is so impactful that it results in his character becoming a likely candidate of election to become the next chairman i say this in every arc analysis video that i have done up until this point the story told within this arc is unlike any that we have seen up until this point we have several events occurring at once on one hand we have the gathering of the strongest hunters in the world who are deciding upon the next chairman of the hunter association while on the other hand kiluah is trying to protect his brother while racing to the hospital in order to heal gon he is being chased by not only his older brother but by hisoka also after these events wrap up we get a touching moment where gon finally gets to meet his father this then eventually leads up to the wrapping up of gohan's character arc as he even parts ways with killua one of the things that i really enjoyed about this arc was that we saw the fallout from the kimira antarctic after he recovers we see gone who meets a reborn kite the queen khmer ant had given birth to this reincarnation of kite at the same time as giving birth to the king kite is reborn as a redhead girl who just so happens to be the twin sister of meruem gone's interactions with her helped to give him some very necessary closure especially after the events that occurred during the kimiran talk he was not only made to feel emotional distress but a great deal of physical injury which would have led to his death if alucard didn't intervene and heal him so at the start of the arc when the zodiac members all gather to discuss the elections paristan takes charge by volunteering to moderate their discussion it begins by him volunteering himself to be the next chairman saying that they can skip the elections all of these zodiac members aside from jin who is pretty carefree anyway appear to be angered by this suggestion the zodiac members make it clear that they would not vote for paristan so we cannot assume the outcome of the election which he states would be heavily favored towards him they don't trust paristan because in the three years that he has been the vice chairman there have been 18 hunters that have gone missing the average before paris and had taken office was about not .6 hunters per year ever since he became vice chairman these numbers have increased by up to tenfold while they are bickering the jinn out of nowhere nominates himself to be the next chairman but these zodiac members make it clear that they would not want to vote for him either since he has a tendency of going missing for months to years on end paristan tells jinn that gon might die but jin is pretty confident in his son and says that he isn't going to their meeting continues as they deliberate upon the best voting method for the election which would be in line with the necessary requirements required for the position of the chairman which requires 95 of all hunters to be voting so the rules of the elections begin to be confirmed one by one as the first rule states that all hunters have been nominated to become the next chairman and every hunter is eligible to vote the second rule is that if the winner of the first vote doesn't get a majority vote then there will be a re-vote with the top 16 nominees and every time there is a re-vote the nominees will be reduced by half also a particular vote will be redone if the participation rate is less than 95 percent and lastly it is mandatory that all hunters state their name nobody can anonymously vote as those anonymous votes will be invalidated these rules have been written by jinn as he states that his decision to remove anonymity to the voting is because it would be more interesting to see who voted for who the other zodiac members are obviously angered by this rule and they state that jinn only ever thinks about himself and how much fun he would have in a particular situation with the four rules decided the zodiac members now have to decide upon the chairman of the election committee in a flashback we learned that jin has no intentions of being the next chairman he only wishes to follow on with netro's legacy he has no desire to actually become the chairman because it involves a lot of thai some work 661 hunters have been given a ballot paper they're all tasked with returning the ballot paper to the hunter association headquarters the deadline for voting is the 8th of august in chapter 320 we see hisoka has arrived to vote he places his vote but he states that he isn't really that interested in the outcome or even in voting in itself he's only here because he wants to talk to god's father jin while he is here he is giving numerical values to the different zodiac members that he is speaking to he gives a 8.5 a 9.0 and a 7.7 not only this he starts to give numerical values to the other hunters around him who appear to have abysmally low scores but just as he is about to leave he sees a 9.5 and it just so happens to be illumi the two characters become reacquainted as illumi fills hisoka in on all of the events that occurred during the kimura antarctic it appears that hisoka has paid no attention to the world events because he has been so fixated upon exercising the nen from krollo's heart illumi even teases us by saying that if he wasn't running after crollow then he may have even had a chance to fight against the khmer ants illumi informs hisoka that gun and kidawa were also partaking in the battle against the ants and as a result gone is in a near-death state illumi also tells him about the whereabouts of killua as we learned that he has gone to speak to his father silva zoldick what kidwa is planning to do will lead not only to his death but gone's death also we learn from illumi that in the zodik family there is a brother that we have yet to see and ulumi wants to get rid of him the election results for the first vote have come in and it appears that the voter turnout was 87.7 percent there have been 48 invalid votes so a revote is necessary in order to satisfy the requirements for the 13th chairman election there were 33 absentees who didn't vote of which are obviously gone kidawah has gone to see his father and surprisingly kurapika is among the absentees also in chapter 321 kilwa arrives at kukuru mountain he enters through the testing gate of the zodik residence and this time he opens up to the fifth door previously he had opened up the third door highlighting the vast difference in his power from the beginning of the series to this point it appears that he is returned to his family home in order to help gone he requests his father to allow him to see aluka as he needs his help but his father refuses his request because it appears that nobody can control aluka but khilwa disagrees and states that aluka is family and not a tool to be used silva says that aluka is not a human and he shouldn't think of him as family adulka is described as an entity that has come from another place he is something that has come from darkness kidwa explains how gon had made a contract with his men it was so terrible that no mere exorcist can help him the only way gone can be helped is if aluka can grant a wish for him kidwa uses his father's words against him as he states that he cannot abandon gon the only way that he can save gon is through aluka if he was to leave gone to die then isn't that the same as betraying him if you remember in the zodik family arc silva had made killua promised him that he would not betray his friends and this is what ultimately leads to him wavering and allowing killua to meet aluka in chapter 322 we get to understand how aluka's wishes work kilowatt and aluka had spent a lot of time together when they were kids this is until a butler reports to their mother that alooka's face changes after you listen to three of her requests kidwa is forced to explain to his parents that if you do what aluka says three times then her eyes will turn black and they only go back to normal after she grants you one wish aluka had told kilauea that if she grants you one wish her eyes turn back to normal and if you fulfill three of her demands then her ice tent black kilwan aluka's mother demands that the butlers refuse all of her demands no matter how small the butlers agree to this after one of the butler's mitsubar refuses three of her demands her body is entirely crushed this is the consequence of declining aluka's requests when alucar is with non-family members he constantly pastors them for requests if they decline four of these requests then that individual is crushed and so is their loved one it appears that alucard doesn't ask for any demands from any of these zodic family members these zodiacs use the butlers as experimental tools to test out aluka's powers after one of the butlers called yasuha listens to aluka's three requests this butler asks aluka to make her a millionaire this results in a plane which is transporting money disappearing from his route and it appears on top of the butler and aluka the money then falls from the plane appearing to have fulfilled the wish after this wish was granted another butler was assigned to listen to all of aluka's requests no matter how great or small it appears that after aluka had fulfilled a wish of becoming a millionaire to this butler her requests have become far more difficult to fulfill and remember if you refuse her requests four times then you are killed the first of aluka's demands is for the butler's liver of course the butler refuses and then aluka asks for the butler's intestines of course this is also refused then aluka asks for the butler's spine and lastly aluka asks for the butler's brain all four of these requests have been declined so it appears that if you fulfill three of aluka's demands then you have one wish that can be granted to you and it appears that there is no limit to these wishes but if somebody asks a proportionally large wish then the demands will be equally as large for the next individual that aluka asks fans of full muscle alchemist will relate to this concept of equivalent exchange and this is exactly what is going on here the consequence of the prior wish has to be fulfilled by the next individual who has demands asked of them if you refuse her requests four times then at least you and another individual that you love the most will die simultaneously and if the prior wish had been a large wish then there will be more casualties after aluka's demands have been refused the aftermath and the consequences of the butler's request to become a millionaire has killed 67 people so far in chapter 323 we see illumi explaining aluka's powers to hisoka illumi says that kidwa is going to wish for gon to be healed if he makes the wish and a stranger who encounters aluka later has to pay the price for it then there's no issue but illumi assumes that kilauea will do the reverse he assumes this because kilowatt has a actual conscience and he doesn't want himself or gone to feel guilty of the consequences of this wish illumi states that kidwa will make someone else request for the wish and he will pay the price for the wish himself he assumes that kidwa is going to behave in this sacrificial manner illumi talks about the power and strength of the kimura ants had they had forced netaro to use the poor man's rose and how gon had made a contract that is described as worse than death in order to defeat pito a wish that will reverse the effects of this contract will result in elokam making almost impossible requests to be granted illumi rightfully assumes that kilowatt will not be able to fulfill all of aluka's impossible demands even if you wanted to these demands are going to be far more severe than giving up one's liver or one's spine illumi states that no matter what kilowatt does it will result in the death of innocent people because when kidwa is unable to fulfill the four requests then it will not only result in his death but in the death of his loved ones and the people that kilwa has spent the most time with so ultimately even if he saves gone through aluka's wish it will still lead to gon's death because he won't be able to fulfill the demands of aluka but illumi isn't concerned about this he is more concerned about his own death and the death of the zordic family because of the consequences of killwa's actions here and it is for this reason that he has to stop killua so after hisoka and nilumi come to an agreement to work together to stop kilauea we get the results of the third round of the election with paristan and cheadle both taking the top two spots but they note that there are even more absentees in this round of voting than in the last it is evident that paristan is the type of character to accept and make suggestions that will put him at a disadvantage but it appears that he enjoys overcoming these obstacles chidel says that he is a lot like the former chairman netero in this way in this round of voting there have been even more absentees than before and this is probably because of the new rules that were set in place to avoid any individuals from making invalid votes harrison suggests that they gather all of the hunters and all of the zodiac members make speeches to them relaying to them how important these elections are especially for the hunter association and the future of humanity he suggests this in order to lower the number of invalid votes and to lower the number of absentees who haven't voted in the elections meanwhile while killua is reunited with aluka we learned that he knows rules about alukhad that the others don't know about like for instance the real alukar refers to killua by his name whereas the alternative personality which exists within him called nanika refers to kilwa as brother kidwa ends up leaving the zordik family mansion with alukar after he threatens to kill his mother through using nanika's powers kilawa doesn't believe that gone can be healed through conventional means he calls morel and he relays information to him that he has a way that will guarantee one hundred percent that gone will get better but kidwa has a problem he doesn't know how he will get to gohan's location with himself and aluka safely then conveniently he is accompanied by gotoh and canary the two butlers from the zoldic estate they are also accompanied by another pair of butlers subon and her granddaughter amane they have been ordered to assist goto and canary by silva in chapter 325 they leave the zoldic estate by car it appears that at the hospital all of ghan's friends that he has encountered during his journey have come to see him and this of course is including the oreo it appears that goto has some conditions that must be fulfilled before gone can be healed this condition is that gone needs to be the only person at the hospital so there can be no doctors or patients there nyorio adamantly refuses to do this but morel instead agrees to take care of this matter gone and his friends enlist the help of an exorcist who arrives to see god's condition but after seeing gone the exorcist admits defeat and says that healing gone is beyond her ability morale states that this was the only known exorcist within the hunter association and she had given up so their only hope is to rely upon kilauea to help gone the oreo leaves the safety and well-being of gun to morel who will be killed contact they have to simply trust that kidwan knows what he is doing and he has a sure-fire way to help gone knowing that gone has been left in safe hands lyorio states that he has a lot of things to say to several different people one of the individuals he desires to speak to is kurepika but he is unable to get a hold of him we then see him stud in front of the hunter association headquarters he arrives while the zodiac members are giving their speeches to the other hunters relaying to them the importance of the election and why they should be voting the oreo raises his hand in order to ask a question to one of the zodiac members he just so happens to direct his question towards jin he directly asks him why is it that jin won't visit his son despite knowing the critical condition that gone is in for me this is a very satisfactory moment finally someone pulls up jin on his questionable parenting jin avoids answering leo's question he compliments the quality of god's friends and even responds by asking yorio a question of himself whether if gone had asked for his father to come and see him this understandably angers the oreo because gone is in no condition to even speak jyn sternly watches the oreo as he overreacts out of anger the oreo successfully lands an uppercut on god's father much to the applaud of all of the hunters around him after this emotional display the oreo has won the hearts of many of the hunters who were present at this gathering as a result he has become one of the top three candidates for the 13th chairman election the voter turnout was 97.1 percent so a successful round of voting has finally occurred with the oreo gaining 55 points cheadle gaining 57 points and paristan leading with 258 points with guns still in critical condition and the whittling down process for the elections just beginning we turn our attention over to kilauea aluka and the butlers who must now avoid illumi and hisoka in order to arrive at the hospital safely while traveling goto receives a call from illumi here we get to understand more about what kind of relationship the different zodiac members have with aluka silva is understandably concerned by aluka's powers because like i mentioned before the way that kidwa wants to use aluka's abilities it may result in the death of his family silva doesn't particularly hate aluka but he does desire to control him and this is the reason why he had sent subon anumani to accompany goto and canary they are his most trusted butlers and he can trust them to gather more information about aluka's abilities while on the other hand we have illumi and his intentions it is evident that ulumi's plans are different to his fathers it is evident that he has no intention to control aluka's powers but instead it is more like he wants to kill aluka and the third party involved within the zordik family desires to use aduka's powers in order to heal gone the different intentions and motives of the zordic families have all interwined around this one character and this is where we see their differing opinions of aluka play out illumi challenges kilowatt and he fearlessly takes him up on his offer now that he doesn't have his needle within his head controlling him he isn't afraid of illumi he knows that illumi and the others don't think of aluka's family and you refers to his family members as bullies the cat and mouse game between kilwa and ulumi begins the car that they are travelling in is crashed into by a driver that illumi is controlling this results in their vehicle falling off of a cliff while this is going on we see ilumi and hisoka watching from afar the butlers scramble to protect kilwa and aluka illumi who is watching the aftermath of the car crash assumes that kidwa is hiding rules from him the rules which relate to aluka's powers he uses this as justification to get rid of aduka as soon as possible illumi orders hisoka to get rid of the butlers and to separate aluka from kedawa if he is able to what hisoka asks ilumi here is the cause for a lot of conversation between hunter hunter fans within the 2011 anime and in the this translated manga hisoka asks ilumi if he can kill kilauea a lot of fans like to speculate or assume that hisoka's question has sexual undertones to it i personally think that this is because of mistranslations from fans who have translated this line completely wrong if you were to ask me i don't think hisoka has any sexual undertones in this moment and you can't convince me otherwise i think he is genuinely asking if he can kill killua as to the hand sign it could mean anything he might just be holding it in that position for whatever reason regardless of whatever hisoka was referring to the reaction of illumi is startling out of protectiveness illumi breaks out of his composed state and he threatens to kill hisoka right here and right now illumi is very possessive over killua and this reaction is completely understandable it wasn't because of hisoka inferring something obscene but rather because illumi had been manipulating kilauea and he is incredibly possessive over his little brother the zodiacs want to shape and mould kilwa into the future leader of the zordic family the controlling nature of their family is seen firsthand through how they feel about aluka hisoka ends up calming down illumi after stating that he was just joking in lumi's reaction to hisoka causes him to release his bloodlust this allows killua to pinpoint his location which leads us to believe that hisoka had purposefully asked him that question to ride him up in order to reveal his location to killua we learned that deep down hisoka would prefer if gone was alive since he likes the idea of having many powerful opponents to choose from and as we know gun and killer are hyped to have incredible potential and the prospect of fighting them at their full potential in the future is too enticing for hisoka so while he is helping ulumi if possible he would like it if gone is healed the butlers reaffirmed to killua that they are not his enemies their duties are to protect killua but kidwa sees them as enemies since they didn't include protecting aluka as one of their duties and this is because silva and zeno who had ordered the butlers don't care about aluka's well-being kilwa uses his ability godspeed to separate himself from the butlers meanwhile hisoka has arrived to confront the butlers suborne is left to catch up to kidwa she is impressed by kidwa speed and notes that he will grow up to become a excellent assassin even adding that before long kilowatt will even surpass illumi in chapter 327 aluka asks killua if she is a burden or a hindrance to the zordik family aluka wonders if they would all get along if he wasn't around but kilwa casts aside aluka's doubts and assures him that he is not a hindrance to the family kirwa states that he will always be there for aluka he advises alukhan not to worry about the opinions of their family meanwhile hisoka battles the butler's goto canary and amane he easily deals with goto's coin toss ability thanks to his bungie gum he ends up hurtling the coins back towards goto goto blocks all of the coins but is unaware that hisoka is about to attack him from above hisoka proves to have no chill as he beheads goto the butler's tried to catch up to killua as he is using his lightning speed which is making it almost impossible for them to keep up with him kidwa is headed to the nearest airport so that he can board one of the airships with aluka he successfully leaves with alukar on airship as he leaves behind not only the butlers but illumi and hisoka also illumi and hisoka can't just go to the hospital where gone is because all of their friends are at the hospital concerned about gone on the airship kidwa explains the situation to morel and how he is planning to use aluka's abilities to return gone back to normal illumi ends up manipulating civilians through his nan infused needles these individuals are called needle people and they have been assigned with the task to follow all of the blimps that kilwa has used as diversions in order to locate kidwa's whereabouts but in response to this kidwa has asked morel to enlist the help of hunters in order to track down the needle people and to stop them in chapter 329 we get the results of the fifth round of the chairman elections chidel and yorio have both dropped a position as the hunter teradine has taken the second spot illumi eventually learns about the whereabouts of kilauea and what blimpy is on through finding a map what is incredibly funny is that hisoka is trying to help illumi but sabotage his plans at the same time as he had also found a map but had planned to doctor it and send it to ulumi before realizing that illumi had found a map himself it is really entertaining to have a soccer involved in this arc and it is really enjoyable to follow his character whenever he appears on screen as he does lighten up the mood and add a lot of comedic value and when he is not being funny he is incredibly epic in battles at the same time the butler supon and amani locate kidwa's whereabouts while hisoka and illumi are getting rid of the temporary hunters that were sent to take them down the sixth round of voting is occurring the sixth round of voting ends with the top four candidates not changing in position kilowatt's blimp finally lands in a forested area a car is already there waiting to transport ketuan alukar to the hospital but their plans are quickly foiled as needle people surround the car and illumi appears from the darkness of the forest illumi cuts to the chase and asks kilwa that he is hiding something about aluka from him we learned that illumi was able to track down kidwa's whereabouts thanks to his brother miluki kedawa reveals a rule about aluka that was not known to these zodiks he tells illumi that nanika needs to touch a target in order to heal them every time nanika has been asked to heal an individual the demands that follow it are not cruel at all and for this reason kidwa states that aluka is not evil he is kinder than anyone else the real people who are cruel and cursed are the people who are making these selfish wishes kedua further emphasizes that aluka is not a tool to be used illumi realizes after killua explains this new rule to him that maybe he is able to heal gun without hurting the zordik family after all even after learning this new rule illumi is persistent that there is still information that kidwa is holding from him about aluka and for this reason he will continue to pursue aluka illumi ends up leaving after losing interest while killua thinks to himself that if he had revealed the last rule then it would have resulted in illumi putting a needle into his head again to manipulate him so that he could in turn exploit this new rule and manipulate aluka through her abilities meanwhile we get their results for the seventh round of the chairman election as the top four candidates are paristan nyorio chidel and mizaistem in chapter 331 we see jin speaking to cheedle as jin reveals to her paristan's plans to prolong the elections until the day of reckoning we learned that the day that netaro had blown himself up the hunter association had sent 100 blimps to the palace jin reveals that they recovered the 5 000 cocoons that the kimura ants had selected the cocoons contained half human beings that were created by the kimura ants all 5000 of them have none abilities jin even assumes that they have hatched by now jin states that paristan is planning to use them to have some fun he further elaborates that the day of reckoning that he is speaking of is the date of the next hunter exam he leaves this information with cheadle assuming that she will become the next chairman since paristan isn't interested in winning nor is he interested in losing he is just here to have fun as the eighth round of the chairman election continues the remaining four candidates are participating in a q a session it is also revealed that the 606 hunters that have gathered to watch the q a session will remain here until a chairman has been chosen at the end of chapter 331 kilauea and aluka finally arrive at the hospital at the hospital friends and acquaintances that killua and gon have made throughout their journey are waiting anxiously these individuals include biski palm knuckle icalgo hanzo and even melody we cut our way back to the elections as the four remaining candidates take the stage and make their opening statements to the hunters mizeistem sacrifices his position in order to prevent paristan from winning as he tells everybody who has voted for him to vote for cheadle while cheadle states that everybody should vote for the oreo in her opening statement when yurio takes up the podium he questions why is he here the oreo states that if he were to become the chairman then he would use the resources of the hunter association for his own personal gain if he were to be elected his first order of action would be to do everything that he can in order to save gon the oreo feels guilty that he is even here but even with his medical knowledge there is nothing that he can do for gone right now the sad reality is that gone is dying the oreo feels guilty that he did not cherish gone as a friend he was in medical school but he was spending his time studying drinking and partying with girls meanwhile gon was pushing himself to his limit and he was fighting in order to protect and save others gon had been making incredible progress since he had last met leorio but he didn't make it this far by forsaking or stepping on anyone else gone is always fair and just and looks out for the well-being of the weak even if he knows the obstacle in front of him is far too difficult to overcome he stubbornly persists until he finds a way to overcome the threat that is presented to him at the end of his speech yurio mentions how one of his friends is even risking his life to save gon in chapter 332 kilwa finally explains to aluka that his friend is very sick and he wants aluka to make him better in this moment we find out about the rule that kilauea was hiding from illumi the final rule is that the rules of alukar do not apply to killua kirwa ensures that this will be the final wish that he will ask and he does so so that nanika will never be awoken again so finally nanika appears and agrees to heal gone this is the first time that we really get to see god's condition he is bed bound and covered in bloodied bandages we really get to appreciate the consequences of god's actions when we see him in this critical condition on top of this we see the impact that he has left on other characters through how the euryo give an emotional speech about saving gon and even how kilauea goes through all of these lengths and risks his life and even his brother aluka's life in order to save gon not only does he have friends that really love and care for him he also has made acquaintances that he has left an impressionable impact upon we have characters like knuckle hanzo and even canary in the waiting room of the hospital praying for gon to get better meanwhile back at the elections the four remaining candidates debate with each other you can really tell that takashi enjoys these internal politics and exploring the dynamics of the election in regards to the percentages of hunters that are voting for each individual party i do feel like the whole election portion drags on quite a lot i mean even jin is seen to be falling asleep in the crowd i would prefer they just got on with it and elected the chairman already when we cut to the segments which include discussions about the elections and who's voting for who i just want to get back to the portion of the story that is really keeping me invested in the ark which is to see kilauea using aluka's powers to heal gone in chapter 333 another round of voting for the election takes place meanwhile we cut back to the hospital where nanika requests for god's hand and we get to see a glimpse of just how badly injured gone is he is literally skin and bones you can see his exposed nerves and his veins nanika holds onto his hand and heals gun the aura that is emitted from nanika while gone is being killed is so powerful that all of the hunters in close proximity notice this large spike in aura the results for the elections come in with lyorio and paristan taking the lead by the majority vote which means that the final vote will be between the euro and paristan the hunters at the election can even feel the aura that nanika has emitted in particular paristan and jinn while paristan and yo-yo are making their final speeches they are interrupted by morel who with a tearful expression shows a thumbs up to the yoyo gun arrives healed and fully recovered the oreo has a huge emotional outburst as he expresses a great deal of relief while gone's father jin has a more subdued expression pristine is also seen to be smiling since it appears that he has won the election because the only reason that leorio wanted to become a chairman was to heal gone but now that he has taught the okay he has no reason to really continue in the election not too long after gon spots his father in the crowd through his grumpy expression you can see that he wasn't expecting to meet his son under these circumstances but it is hilarious to see jin being put in this uncomfortable situation his dismissive attitude and his frankly bad parenting is criticized by the crowd but before any of this happens gone apologizes to his father and says that it is his fault that kite has now turned into a girl gone breaks down in front of his father which catches him off guard completely he doesn't know how to deal with this situation and you can see him flustered and uncomfortable and while this is going on a entire crowd of hunters is watching the exchange occur between the two of them jin composes himself after gone says that he should have been the one who should have died he explains to gon that kite had asked for gun and kilowatt to accompany him because he thought that it would have been an easy mission he only asked for the two of them to escape once he had seen the circumstances had changed and this is because he had underestimated the situation if kite had known an enemy like pito would have appeared then he would not have asked for kilauea and gone to have accompanied him jin tries to make gone feel better as he says that it wasn't his fault it was more so because of kite underestimating the situation that all of the events unfolded like how they did jin tells him that the only thing that he should feel responsible for is the fact that he was weak and he should correct this mistake and never allow it to happen again on top of this he tells him not to apologize to him but he should apologize to kite if kite indeed has survived then it is imperative that gon goes to speak to him it's strange to see jin give some solid advice to his son a father who was never really around and had been ducking and diving from his son throughout the entirety of this series and we only get brief mentions and glimpses of him this exchange between the two of them we have been waiting for for over 300 chapters and it feels surreal to see the two of them speak to each other when gon decides to leave in order to speak to kaiti asks his father if they can continue to talk more later majin tends back to being awkward and says it's kind of difficult too because he's busy which leads to the audience of hunters who are observing this exchange erupting out of anger and they're frankly saying what we are thinking referring to jin is heartless and it is funny because someone even asks the yorio to punch jin again all of this criticism eventually leads to jin agreeing to see gon when he comes back after apologizing to kite as for the elections both gon and the yorio vote for paristan as the oreo pulls that from the elections the final round of voting occurs with paris and winning with 458 votes and the yorio in second place losing with 157 votes we had known from the very beginning that periston had no intention of being the chairman he had just wanted to prolong the procedure and to make it more tedious and difficult for the others his first act as a chairman is to appoint cheadle as his vice chairman and then immediately after he states that he's going to resign which automatically results in cheadle becoming the next chairman by default nobody including any of these zodiac members had expected paristan to do this cheadle is understandably angry at paristan but he tells her that he didn't agree to become the vice chairman to netro because he wanted to work his way up to become the next chairman he had only accepted the position in order to toy with chairman netero it was like netro had welcomed all of paristan's actions and had even found some joy in overcoming some of the obstacles that he had put in place kirsten shows some emotion here as he is upset at the death of netero that he wasn't able to toy around with him more as his final request he asks cheadle to amend the bylaws and to amend the hunter exam and he promises cheadle that if the hunter association becomes boring that he will return and he will make things really difficult for her next time around before gone leaves to see kite jin remember something that he had forgotten to tell him he reveals that he was the one who had taught kite everything that he knows about nen he says that his crazy thoughts ability has a number that only comes up when kite really doesn't want to die so if indeed kaite is alive then this is probably the reason why jinn tells gone to not feel bad because he wasn't trying to sacrifice himself for him through these encouraging words he tells gon to apologize properly to kite and to not worry about the thought of kite having to sacrifice himself because this wasn't the case meanwhile back at the hospital kilauea and aluka are approached by illumi who is now even more fascinated with aluka's powers after he had witnessed alukar heel gone illumi tries to convince kilauea that he is the only one who can efficiently use nanika's abilities and if he doesn't intervene then aluka will remain locked away in his room forever he offers to manage the two of them so that they won't lose their freedoms but kilowatt disagrees and says that he will be the one to protect aluka kilowatt then summons nanika and orders him to teleport illumi back to their home at the end of 336 kilowatt tells nanika that he can't come out anymore he does this so that aluka can be free but he only ends up upsetting nanika when aluka wakes up he forces kilwa to apologize to nanika aluka will only accept kilwa's protection if he promises to protect a nanika too he ends up apologizing and admits that he was wrong for trying to push away nanika and he explains the reason why he had done this he had been afraid of ulumi for so long he grew to hate having to listen to whatever illumi had to say kilauea is afraid of alumi trying to do the same to aluka forcing alukah to do things against his will out of fear he reacted and tried to suppress nanika he apologizes to nanika and promises to protect the two of them in return he requests nanika not to grant other people's wishes anymore because from now on kilowatt will be there to praise aluka whenever he wants in chapter 337 we frankly get one of the worst drawn chapters that i have ever read of hunter hunter it is disappointing because this chapter features a very insightful speech by koala he discusses the meaning of life and feeling repentance for his sins and it's fitting to have this conversation about life with kite who has been reincarnated at the end of koala's speech he tries to run away from his problems again but kite tells him to stay with her in his past life kwala was a hitman who had killed countless people but now that he has also been reincarnated he has a chance to right the wrongs that he has done he can live a new life a life that he believes to be just through this exchange we see that kite's character hasn't changed at all it's just obviously the appearance is strikingly different it is a very meaningful discussion that the two of them have and it is very dialogue heavy but it's just a shame that takashi didn't redraw this chapter which he usually does whenever a manga volume is going to be compiled a meaningful discussion about life death and the existence of the soul occurs here and not to mention within this chapter we get the reunion between kite and gone gone finally gets closure after feeling so guilty about kite's death he arrives to speak to kite and apologizes immediately the apology is for leaving kite behind to fight pito alone he takes responsibility and says that he was too weak but next time he will stand by kite kite comments on the crazy feats that gone had accomplished in order to defeat pito at the end of the day gone had defeated an enemy that was too much of a kite to handle but gone admits that if he hadn't had the help of kilwa and the others then he wouldn't be here to speak to kite he hadn't accomplished his feat alone both gun and kite agreed that without the help of others neither of them would have survived and they are only here speaking to each other thanks to their efforts after apologizing to kite she tells gon to go back to see his father she tells gon that if she ever needs his help then he will call upon him so at the end of chapter 337 gone returns to the hunter association to see that his father will be waiting for him at the top of the world tree and this is where the end to gun's journey as a character begins to be solidified as he finally gets to accomplish his goal of meeting his father and to properly speak to him along with kilauea and aluka gun arrives at the world tree which is 1784 metres tall it is taller than any man-made structure it is said that only 30 people a year are able to climb to the top of the tree in chapter 338 gon finally bids firewall to killua as they both part their ways before they part ways kilowatt reveals nanika to gon and explains to him how he was healed kilowatt explains to gon that it is his duty to protect both aluka and nanika kedua feels thankful to gon that because of him he is able to now protect his brother you can see that their farewell is bittersweet as gon doesn't want to go kilwa says that he is going to go traveling with aluka while gone agrees to do some traveling of his own before leaving they do confirm to each other that they are still part of a team no matter what happens with somber expressions they finally part ways this is definitely one of my favorite moments of hunter hunter as we get to see the two boys mature up and part their separate ways it is difficult to let go of something that you rely upon but these two characters show an enormous amount of growth here since that friendship had reached its natural conclusion at the end of the khmer antarct the two boys now have to part ways to grow as individual characters i'm sure that this isn't the last time that we'll see the two of them together but they no longer have anything to gain from each other if anything if they remain to stay together then it will only hold them back and this is a tough part of growing up that everybody has to come to realize after school ends everybody goes their separate ways and i love how these bitter sweet farewells that we experience in our real world are implemented in this manga when gon reaches the top of the world tree he is greeted by his father when they finally get to speak to each other the first question that gon asks him is what is it that he wants jin tells him that he wants whatever he doesn't have he had wanted to become a hunter because it was the most realistic way to get to any place that he had wanted to go to we learned that when jin was 15 he had set up a non-profit organization to repair and research a archaeological site jin is the type of character to go after whatever he wants and he doesn't do so for financial or monetary gain jin values the bonds on the relationships that he forms with people along the way that is the best part for him it is not to accomplish a task but it is the people that accompany him and help him along the way of his journey quite similar to gone and his relationships with korepika the oreo and kidwa gon then asks him what is it that jin wants now jin explains this through describing the tree that they are sat on he says that the growth of this tree was stunted and this is because it doesn't get enough nutrients and this resulted in the tree being much smaller and shorter than what it should have been gin reveals to gon and to us that the real world tree grows out of our mountain the roots of the tree suck in magma and it is so tall that it reaches out of the atmosphere but jin explains that this tree exists outside of this world he teases aspects of the story which will be discussed heavily in the next arc of the series jin explains that the kimura ants had come from the outside world too of course he is talking about the pandora's box that is the dark continent it is a much bigger world jin describes that there were some people long ago who had left records of their travels to the dark continent after briefly describing the dark continent he tells gon that what he wants is always the same and that is something that he doesn't have we learned that jinn desires to explore the dark continent but there are four things that are preventing him from starting his journey first is permission to explore the dark continent the second is the means to actually explore it the third is qualifications and lastly a contract which will most likely fund the expedition to the dark continent jyn doesn't meet any of these four requirements but he isn't in a hurry he is just enjoying the journey and the advisor has gone to enjoy the details of his journey also he advises gom that something more important than the thing that he is hunting could be right there beside him the whole time throughout the night the two of them continue to share stories with each other while gone also returns jin's hunter's license term in chapter 339 we wrap up some loose points which were left at the end of the kimira antarctic as all of the individuals who fought against the khmer ants are rewarded for their efforts after he speaks to his father gon returns to meet kait and his team we see updates and whereabouts of all of god's friends but there has been one that has remained absent up until this point of course i'm referring to kuropika kuripika who's been completely absent since the end of the york new city arc appears to have a very somber expression on his face we see him paying respects to a shrine it appears that this shrine has been constructed to pay respects to the fallen kurta clan by looking at the shrine it is obvious that kurepika has been able to retrieve five pairs of his clan's scarlet eyes meanwhile at kukuru mountain the zodic butlers are paying respects to goto's grave and finally the last images that we see are from the desolated republic of east gotto as tagashi takes us through the abandoned area until we reach a room where we see meruem and komagi holding hands at the resting place of their bodies and this ends the 13th hunter chairman election arc as well as concluding the 2011 hunter hunter anime the election arc was only 20 chapters long but it feels like so much had occurred within these 20 chapters it is definitely very different to the kimira antoc and it feels like i returned to the hunter hunter that we are very familiar with without the theatrics and dramatization of the kimura antarc the arc had its serious moments as well as having a fair share of comedic moments and this is a striking contrast to the kimura antarc which felt very morbid and depressing not that that was a bad thing it's just the prior arc was very bleak and void of hope this arc understandably focuses on the after effects of the kimira antarct in particular we focus on gon who is in critical condition and on the absence of netro which results in the election of the next chairman despite everybody including the best exorcist of the hunter association giving up on god's well-being there are a group of people who do not give up on gone and these are the people that gone has truly left an impact upon throughout the series the burden of hope that gone will get better is placed onto kilmore's shoulders and he carries this responsibly not only does he look after the safety and well-being of gon but he also looks after the well-being of aluka he takes up responsibility and is no longer afraid of his older brother and this shows immense growth for kilowatt's character especially when you compare him in his first appearance to his last appearance another really enjoyable aspect of this arc was being able to see hisoka again every time we see him he appears with a brand new outfit but he always has the same sadistic attitude you never know whose side he is on and this is what leads to him being unpredictable and entertaining to watch one family dynamic that is explored upon heavily in this arc and i feel like throughout the entirety of the series is the zoldik family it was fun to see the zordix taking part in a intra family mission with three different parties hoping for three different outcomes the portions of the story where killua and aluka were trying to get to the hospital in time had me on the edge of my seat i didn't know if ilumi or hisoka were going to be successful in managing to stop kidwa or if zeno and silva had other plans up their sleeve and were planning to intervene at the last second the tensions had remained high for me until kilauea and aluka had finally reached the room where gone was resting and when it comes to the elections that this arc is named after there is only one character who really stands out for me i'm talking about the oreo the anger that he feels towards god's father and the caring emotions that he feels towards his friend it really won the oreo's character over for me prior to this arc i didn't really care much about him but after this arc he is definitely a character who i'm looking forward to see more of it would have been really funny if the oreo ended up becoming the chairman but as gone says it isn't the oreo's ambition to become the chairman his ambition is of course to become a doctor and if i were to speak about another character who was a highlight for me in the election portion of this arc then it would definitely have to be paristan his mischievous and deceptive nature leads not only us but the characters within the series questioning what are his true motives the election arc like i had said before is different to the other arcs that we have seen up until this point but not only because it revolves around events that we haven't seen before but primarily because gon isn't involved in the arc at all instead the election arc is heavily focused upon kidwa and i think that tagashi pulls this off very successfully this is ultimately credited to killua being a very well-written character so much so that he can carry the story i also felt like this was in a way kilwa trying to redeem himself for not being there for gone during the kimira untalk he had done everything in his power in order to save his friend in the khmer untuck he had seen gon succumb to revenge he helplessly witnessed gon sabotaging himself but in this arc he truly redeems himself and solidifies his friendship with gon and this is what makes it so heart-wrenching when the two of them have to part ways both of them have come so far but to go even further and to fulfill that potential that everybody in the series has been hyping up they need to now grow on their own and not rely upon each other this arc was an excellent way to wrap up the 2011 anime as it's the end of gon's journey in this video i'll be covering the dark continent expedition arc it is a transitionary arc which helps the story to progress from the 13th hunter chairman election arc to the succession contest arc prior to this arc we had heard about the dark continent from jyn when he was speaking to gon on top of the world tree in this very short arc we learn a lot of information about the world of hunter hunter that is a lot of exposition and it is very dialogue heavy new characters are introduced and we learn a lot more information about existing characters that we knew little about in addition to this we get the reintroduction of characters like kuropika who has not been in the story since the york new city arc so without further ado let's get into this exposition heavy arc [Music] the dark continent expedition arc is the first in our manga exclusive arc breakdowns the material that i'll be covering in this video has not been adapted into the 2011 anime after the first chapter of this arc was published in 2012 the series went on to hiatus until 2014 where tagashi had returned to complete the final eight chapters of this arc because of this and the way that this arc ends and seamlessly transitions into the next one it wasn't adapted into the 2011 anime the chairman election arc seemed like a fitting end to the 2011 anime especially as it wrapped up gone story the material that i'll cover from this video spans from chapters 340 to 348. despite only being nine chapters long this arc is dialogue heavy as there is a lot of exposition and setup for the future of hunter hunter as the story evolves from being centered around gon and his quest to find his father tagashi introduces us to the true scale of the world of hunter hunter as the story starts to revolve around several different characters who are very differing motives it is a lot to juggle and sometimes difficult to understand but hopefully in this video i'll be able to explain to you all of the new concepts that are introduced and what the differing motives of each of the characters are the arc begins with the zodiacs gathering for a meeting as it is brought to their attention that the king of the kakin empire has decided to advance onto the dark continent we learned that whenever humanity had tried to go to the dark continent in the past they had brought back with them great calamities the last official attempts to go to the dark continent were over 200 years ago the kakin empire is not within the v5 so it is exempt of their laws and restrictions thus allowing them to fully partake in an expedition to the dark continent in chapter 342 we learned that the world of hunter hunter that we have known so far is just a group of islands which is in the middle of a gigantic lake of course these islands are not small due to their size they are considered to be continents of themselves but they are small in comparison to the true scale of the world the world of hunter hunter is located within a enormous lake called lake mobius this lake is located in the center of the dark continent it is said that the dark continent is a freakish display of mother nature it is inhabited with gigantic monsters and filled with various different diseases due to the known and mostly unknown dangers within the dark continent the v5 had forbidden its memory groups to explore any more of the dark continent during the history of mankind they had tried to go there 149 times but out of all of these trips only five returned with survivors there were 28 people who had stepped foot onto the dark continent and had returned one of these individuals is isaac netro himself each of these five voyages that returned brought back with them a great calamity these would eventually come to be known as the five great calamities of the dark continent of the 28 people who had retended from the dark continent there is only one survivor now and it just so happens to be isaac netero's son beyond netro we learned that the kakin empire has organized a expedition team and the individual that they have chosen to lead this team is none other than isaac netro's son this revelation comes as a surprise to the zodiac members as not many people had known that he had a son in his opening statements beyond netro states that his father had always said that when you stop challenging yourself that is when your life is truly over beyond wants to decipher all of the myths and to explore the ruins within the dark continent he wants to know where our ancient ancestors came from fitting to his name he wants to go beyond his father he wants to remove all of the obstacles that are stopping humanity from exploring the dark continent he has an open invitation to anybody who is willing to join him on this voyage beyond netero promises to the world that he will take them to the dark continent in order to explore the new world we learned that beyond has been planning to go to the dark continent for a long time if beyond had wanted to go on his expedition with the permission of the v5 then he would have been caught up in years of legal paperwork which have purposely been put in place to stop individuals from wanting to go to the dark continent but beyond doesn't want to sit around for years waiting for permission and to play by v5s rules his desire is to go where no one has gone before he wants to meet individuals that nobody has ever met he wants to explore the dark continent without any restrictions he wants to acquire resources that nobody has touched he wants to leave his own unique mark on this unexplored territory beyond is fixated on this goal he is accepting of anybody who wants to join him on his expedition but at the same time he doesn't care if anybody wants to leave also he states that the only thing that will bother him is if someone tries to interfere with his plans in chapter 340 we learned that paristan and jinn have coincidentally resigned from these zodiacs just as beyond had announced his plans for his upcoming expedition in response to beyond's announcement the v5 have ordered the zodiacs to hunt him down the kakin empire is doing as they please because they haven't signed the treaty that the v5 members have signed this treaty forbids the v5 from entering into the new world so in effect the kakin empire have skipped all of the screening processes that the v5 have set in place in chapter 341 we learned that the entrance to the dark continent is guarded by a gatekeeper very little is known about this gatekeeper but he is mentioned in passing conversations several times during this arc the dark continent is described as pandora's box it is something that should not be opened in chapter 341 we are shown the risks of exploring the dark continent through seeing examples of the five great calamities and the effects that they have had on humanity ever since they had come from the dark continent we are shown human bodies that have been twisted and contorted like rung out towels they are preserved within glass jars to remind humanity of the risks of exploring the new world we are also introduced to a survivor of one of the great calamities it has transformed the individual into something that is no longer a human as it no longer eats food and it is self-sustaining as it has survived for over 50 years without a meal we learned that the v5 had made this treaty to not go to the new world after they realized that every time that humanity had returned from there they flee from this unexplored land bringing back with them an extinction level threat during the expedition that natural had gone on he was accompanied by a sun and we learned that beyond netro had been trying to go through unexplored routes and this resulted in many casualties because of this he had ended up returning from his expedition and introducing new threats into the world during the lifetime of isaac netro his son had tried to go to the dark continent once more but he had forbid him to at least until after his death we cut back to the zodiac members who were left with a message from netro it is said that this message should be shown to the zodiac members if someone were to appear claiming to be a son in this message netro says that he had gone to the dark continent twice when he was younger but the strength required to explore this new world is not what he was looking for he had been searching for strength through an individual that he could see as an opponent with the only outcomes being victory or defeat instead what he had found in the new world was not a strong opponent but rather a harsh battle against mother nature where there is no clearly defined victor he eventually cuts to the chase and in his message he requests that the zodiac members successfully explore the dark continent before his son beyond netro does he requests them to overcome any of the risks that are associated with the new world asking them to return with hope the difficulty of this request is of course an a-rank he tries to disguise this final wish as a request and not an order but these zodiac members are well aware that netro had not asked for anything but this so it feels like an order so they are left with no choice but to adhere to his final request and to explore the dark continent themselves in a surprising turn of events beyond netro hands himself into the hunter association at the end of chapter 341 he does so so that there are no problems between the discussions that are occurring between the v5 and the kakin empire he wants the kakin empire to meet the v5s necessary requirements in order to enter the dark continent without any issues the v5 want to include the kakin empire as a new leader country so that they change into the v6 and they also want beyond netro to be captured this is so that any expeditions or voyages to the new world can be supervised by the v5 organization they are aware that the kakin empire wants to explore the dark continent in order to colonize it so in chapter 342 we learned that the v5 wants to trick them by giving the kakin empire islands which are on the outskirts of lake mobius these islands are located in the waters just before the dark continent they want to make them believe that they have reached and conquered the dark continent by handing them over these islands but now that beyond netro has handed himself in and appearing to comply with the v5 in actual fact he has a plan of his own the v5 have no intention of allowing the khakian empire to explore the dark continent on their own they instead want to supervise their actions and now that beyond netro has handed himself in they are able to supervise and to restrict him the five great calamities are like a preview of what to expect from the dark continent these are the threats that humanity had brought back from there the first is the botanical weapon called breon it is a sphere that protects mysterious and ancient ruins found within the new world then there's the gaseous life-form called a.i it is described as the codependence of desire and it would appear that alooka's powers have originated from this gaseous life-form the third calamity is the twin snake called hellbell it is a monster that infects its prey with a homicidal desire the fourth is a beast that keeps people as pets called pup and lastly the fifth great calamity is called zobe the immortality disease it is described as endless despair which is disguised as hope if you recall we had seen an example of a victim who has fallen to zobe having survived 50 years without any food but the consequence of this is that the individual no longer appears to be a human the fact that the kakin empire have made the general public know by the expedition leads the v5 to come up with a strategy to properly supervise it as it will be impossible to make the kakin empire listen to them now that the news has gone public in order to calm the situation and to peacefully resolve this issue they need to invite the kekken empire into the v5 now that vyond has handed himself in the hunter association will act as his chaperones during the expedition the zodiac members rightfully assume that beyond is currently playing along just so that he can get to the dark continent while being supervised but once he arrives on the uncharted territory then he will escape and do as he pleases it is up to the hunter association to come up with a way to prevent him from escaping and to properly supervise him and to prevent any of his accomplices from breaking him out in chapter 342 we are shown how the kakin empire plans to transport people to the dark continent they have built a giant transport ship called the black whale number one it has a capacity to carry 200 000 people this will be the ship that will carry the expedition team into the new world on board will be the king of the kakin empire and his 14 princes so now that we know the premise and the context of this arc let's now look at some other characters aside from beyond netero and these zodiacs when it comes to jin's character we know that he has wanted to explore the dark continent from the previous arc he supports the efforts that the kakin empire are going through and it is for this reason that he also supports beyond netro but he does appear to have a problem with paristan who is second in command of the expedition team jin understandably believes that paristan's intentions are not clear he thinks that he wants to sabotage the expedition to the dark continent all for his own pleasure and it is for this reason that he has joined beyond netaro's team and this is why jin is so adamant in this arc to take the position of second in command of the expedition jinn doesn't necessarily want to even be in control he just wants paristan to not be number two under netero whether in position or even rank this way he can prevent paristan from sabotaging their efforts in his efforts to become the second in command jin offers a lot of money to the other members of the expedition team so that they can accept him as the number two he has plenty of reasons to suspect paristan's actions especially knowing that he has five thousand kimura and soldiers on standby waiting for whatever command that he throws at them in chapter 343 vyorio becomes a member of the zodiacs because of his exceptional performance at the elections because of this he has become a very well respected member of the hunter association and it is for this reason that he has been invited to become a zodiac member knowing that there is another vacant spot within the zodiacs he recommends couldapika for the position after initially being apprehensive he is convinced to join the zodiacs after learning that the fourth caching prince called saridnik owns the remainder of his clan's eyes kudipika joins the zodiacs and he immediately assists them he does so by identifying traitors within the zodiacs and even within the hunter exam he is looking for individuals who may be assisting paristan and even beyond with his escape plan we can see that kuripika's character is very different we can only assume that this has happened because he has allowed himself to become further consumed with his goal of revenge i feel like he is no longer the kuru picker that we knew prior to the york new city arc thanks to kurepika's help at the end of the dark continent expedition arc we learned that monkey is the traitor within the zodiac and in regards to retrieving the remainder of his clan's eyes he desires to speak with sridenik and to convince him to give the ice back he knows that all of the 14 kakin princes will be on board the black whale on the expedition to the dark continent this is why he will try to infiltrate in their ranks so that he may be able to speak to sridenik another character that is briefly mentioned in this arc is gone we learn about his whereabouts and updates as to how he is progressing gone is unable to use nan which results in his father advising him to seek out what he is able to do now that he has lost his powers this results to gon returning back to his home on whale island where we see him studying and catching up with paperwork for now living what seems to be a normal life another important story beat which the next arc will be focused upon is the succession contest we know that the 14 princes of the kakin empire will be on board this expedition the king of the kakin empire declares that the sole survivor of this voyage will be the next king so the 14 princes have a lot on the line to wage war against each other so that one of them may be declared the next king in chapter 348 we get introduced to you benjamin another one of the princes we see him wrestling with a lion we see swednick speaking to him and discussing the succession contest we see how the two of them are both sinister and evil in their own unique way sridenik may not have the strength of benjamin but he appears to be extremely formidable through his facial expressions alone you can see that this character is very twisted especially considering the fact that we have seen him collect body parts and kill multiple women within this arc it is evident from chapter 348 that srinik will do anything in his power to become the next king so it's definitely interesting to see how these events will unfold in the next arc the dark continent is a vast unexplored region that cures to many different illnesses will be found it is rumored that the secrets to longevity or even immortality may be found there so there is a lot of incentive for leader nations to be going to the dark continent as each country has an equal chance of being responsible for finding the next innovation which will benefit human life at the end of the dark continent expedition arc we have a lot of unanswered questions we continuously get mentions of the gatekeeper of the dark continent aside from two mentions of him in chapter 341 and 342 we don't really know much more about this individual in addition to this in chapter 344 jinn has a shocking revelation of his own as he states that there was an individual who had written a book called journey to the new world and there were two additions to this book the east and the west editions the only volume that has been found is the east version and there are no signs of the west edition which leads jin to said that the west edition is still being written this person had set out on his own expedition to the dark continent almost 300 years ago and the fact that he is still writing the second volume maybe because he has consumed some of the longevity rice or herbs that can cure ailments and illnesses jin reveals that the author of the book journey to the new world is gone and jin's ancestor called don freaks this is an incredibly huge teaser for the upcoming events in the story in addition to this we don't know who the next king of the kakin empire will be there is so much that occurs within the dark continent expedition arc so i've tried to wrap it up and summarize a lot of the events within this video if you are still confused about a lot of the internal politics of the events that occurred then i highly recommend reading the next arc of the story with the current state of hunter hunter it is difficult to say what will happen as the succession contest arc begins in chapter 349 and it is currently ongoing with 42 chapters released hunter hunter's latest story arc the succession contest arc takes place between chapters 349-390 and as of making this video it is incomplete with only a total of 42 chapters having been released between august of 2014 to november of continuing on from the dark continent expedition arc this story arc begins the succession contest between the 14 princes of the kakin empire as they are tasked to kill each other as soon as the black will begins its journey towards the dark continent with the soul survivor being crowned as the new king of the kakin empire we know that kuripika has been hired as a bodyguard to protect the eighth queen and her daughter prince warble kuropika's main motive is to confront the individual who had last owned the eyes of his clan this is none other than the 4th prince saridnik during this most recent arc we also get to witness one of the best battles within the entire series as hisoka and krodow finally face off against each other so before i give everything away let's start by talking about the preparations that were needed prior to setting off on the voyage for the dark continent the current ruler of the kakin empire king nasubi has his personal butler explained to prince ridenik that the succession contest will begin as soon as the black whale begins its departure for the dark continent if any of the 14 princes were to die prior to the departure then the contest would be called off we learned that the contest will be between the children of the eight legal wives of king nasubi of these eight wives he had 14 legitimate children and despite their gender all children are referred to as princes each prince upon agreeing with the terms has to take part in the seed earned ceremony which is a tradition of the kakin royal family they offer up their blood to the urn and in exchange they'll be granted a special power each prince will give birth to a guardian spirit beast which will serve to protect them but it is to be noted that these guardian spirit beasts take after their user so an individual who has very little conviction will produce a very weak guardian spread beast one that will be unfit to serve them or to protect them these guardian spirit beasts are created from the deceased first king of the kakin empire and his desire to preserve his lineage through his descendants we know that these guardian spirit beasts are a type of parasitic nan beast they possess the descendant of the first king and they feed on their aura using this as an energy source they take shape and develop abilities which are influenced by the host's character and their personality so the more sickening the character of the prince the more disgusting and threatening looking their guardian beast will appear to be all guardian b spirits have two rules which they follow they do not fight and kill each other and they cannot attack another human being who is being guarded by a guardian spirit beast now as far as beyond netro's role is concerned he is currently in the custody of the hunter association he clearly states in chapter 349 that he is only interested in exploring the dark continent and he will not do anything to jeopardize his chances of travelling there we learnt during the dark continent expedition arc that one of these zodiac members is a mole this individual is of course saiyu and it seems as though he is working with paris and in order to take back beyond netero to prevent him from being freed from captivity kurapika proposes a plan as he states that they need to restrain saiyu somehow before landing upon the new continent later within that some of the princes of the kakin empire are hiring bodyguards unaware of the succession contest kuripika questions why six of the cakin princes are wanting to recruit bodyguards for the celebration and the journey they're concerned that this will give an opportunity for some spies to board onto the ship kripika ends up recruiting basho biscuit hanzo izunavi and melody as the bodyguards for the six princes and he tasks them to learn more information about the fourth prince ridenik he wants to learn enough information in order to come into physical contact with seradnit he then studies the six profiles of the princes he then narrows down his analysis on two particular profiles the first being the prince who had the highest reward by constantly increasing it so that it's higher than the others and the second profile who had appeared to not change that price no matter how much the other princes had increased theirs he deduces that the individual who had kept their price the same appears to have very strong self-esteem it is like they are a competitive individual who likes to display power he makes an assumption that this profile fits prince hulkenberg he you says that if he was to work for this particular prince then it would be the best choice for him to get closer to saridnik so he decides to work as a bodyguard for the prince that he had assumed to be prince harkenberg when he gets a response and he heads to meet his employer he learns that he will be working for the eighth queen and the mother of prince warble the fourteenth prince it is here that kuropika learns about the succession contest kripika agrees to be their bodyguard while on the journey as his friends have also been hired as bodyguards for the other princes with izunavi working for prince tyson basho working for prince luzerus melody working for prince kacho hanzo working for prince momozei and biscuit working for prince mariam we now turn our attention towards heaven's arena while we learn that hisoka has challenged crolo to a battle the two of them agreed to have a fight to the death hisoka had done very little to prepare for the bout whereas crollo had developed new abilities in preparation for this fight crawler begins the battle by using the ability black voice in order to control the referee of the match he uses him as a shield in order to close the distance between himself and hisoka krollo is constantly pressuring hisoka to think on his feet as he then unveils a new ability that he has learned called sun and moon pear destruction it allows crolo to detonate anything remotely that he has touched he then reveals that by using an ability called double face it allows him to use a bookmark on one particular page in order to maintain his ability so that he no longer has to hold the book open to use it but if he was to hold the book open on another page then it will allow him to use two abilities at once when crowler goes on to explain all of the various different abilities that he has learned hisoka doesn't appear to be phased as he enjoys witnessing people's plans fall apart crawler is using black voice to control targets to attack the ability convert hands to hide himself creating copies with gallery fake and controlling these copies with order stamp and attaching his ability sun and moon to the copies in order to detonate them it is evident that during this battle krollo constantly has the upper hand the complexity and the range of abilities makes the battle very unpredictable hisoka then begins to be attacked by doppelgangers made up of these spectators they are being controlled by crawler's ability order stamp as they have been given the command to break hisoka while hisoka is distracted by the clones crollo disguises himself and begins to attack hisoka from behind hisoka is absolutely overjoyed by the level of skill that is on display he is excited for more as it appears that he is being beaten by crowler while hisoka focuses on beheading the clones krolow takes advantage of the situation as he continues to attack hisoka while his guard is lowered krollo then creates copies and he places sun and moon on them so that they won't disappear if he chooses to use other abilities hisoka only realizes this after krollo had tricked him into attacking a copy of himself that was being controlled by his ability black voice after he had used convert hands it is so fascinating to see hisoka keep up with crollo's complicated fighting strategy as he mixes up several abilities in various different combinations in order to catch hisoka off guard hisoka deduces that krollo has been marking his clones with the ability sun and moon while also using the ability order stamp to break him he realizes that at any time cruddle can make maximum powered explosive puppets encircle him and to detonate on command after fighting off a crowd of clones he realizes that the head that he has been holding in his hand helping him to attack the clones ends up detonating as it blows away his fingers he then uses bungie gum to run alongside the spectator stands but the clones follow him as they have been ordered to detonate at close range he is then ambushed by a group of puppets that detonate and send him hurtling into the air towards another crowd of more explosive puppets he questions whether if he is going to die the puppets charge towards hisoka as they surround him as an incredibly large explosion engulfs all of them this brings an end to the death match as we see hisoka's cops lying before shelnak kortopi and machi shall not conquer toby leave as machi states that she will stitch his sukkah up but before she can do anything an aura emerges from hisoka's corpse as it seems as though he has come back to life we learned that hisoka had placed bungie gum on his heart and lungs in order to restart them if he were to ever die after his revival hisoka admits that he had underestimated his opponent he then restrains machi using bungie gum as he states that his new desire is to kill all of the members of the phantom troop while shalnok is speaking with crowler on the phone we learn that he is planning to board onto the black whale and to steal the valuables of the khaking family after hanging up shall not wonders why kotopi is taking so long in the bathroom but it is then that hisoka leaves the toilet with kotopi's severed head in his hands and while shelnak is enraged he takes advantage of his emotional state by dashing forward and powerfully striking his head which immediately kills him charnock's contorted cops is tied to a swing and kortopi's head is placed in front of him as hisoka has begun his mission to hunt down the spiders meanwhile all of the voyagers setting off for the dark continent gather within kakin as they are all present before the black whale they begin entering the will in a tier-based structure as the first tier consists of the khaking family the v5 politicians while the second tier consists of anybody rich enough to come as well as celebrities and tiers three four and five have been assigned to general passengers the black whale one which houses two hundred thousand passengers as well as being the main area where the succession contest will be taking place set sail for the dark continent after the departure ceremony which involved the king the princes and the queens so let's now give a brief overview of each of the 14 princes were involved within the succession contest the first prince of the kakin empire and the eldest son is called benjamin he is an aggressive individual who has a lot of self-confidence he is very large and muscular and the first time that we see him he is literally wrestling a lion the second prince is camilla she is the eldest female among the 14 siblings she has long hair which she fashions into a very complicated hairstyle throughout her appearances we see her wearing several fancy dresses and while she may appear to be elegant and well-mannered she is in fact very sadistic she's a heartless individual who has no issue with killing even a biological brother the third prince zhangri is a bald short man in his appearance he resembles a chinese monk he is a diplomatic individual who shows generosity and tolerance to others he is the type to avoid conflict and killing unless it is absolutely necessary the fourth prince saridnik who i've mentioned several times is of particular interest because at some point he had obtained several scarlet eyes which had belonged to kuropika's clan these are pairs of eyes that kuropika had failed to track down in terms of personality sarinic is the worst of the worst he is inhumane as he takes a great deal of pleasure in slaughtering human beings and collecting their body parts and in particular he is overjoyed with the idea of being able to kill his siblings as he views them all as trash the fifth prince to bepper is a scientist she's a patient and tolerant individual and she values traits like humility and modesty and she has commented upon her siblings as she states that benjamin is arrogant while zhang li indulges in excess and luxury and she has also criticized camilla for her greed unlike a few of the other princes she has demonstrated confidence in being able to win the succession contest the sixth prince tyson is a round-faced woman with a large head she enjoys being in the company of handsome men and this is the criteria that she had picked for assigning her bodyguards after being assigned to her she was very possessive of them refusing to allow the hunter association to screen them we learned that despite being involved within the succession contest she is opposed to violence and she believes that her teachings on love can change the world the seventh prince of lazarus is a slim long-nosed man right little is known about his personality but we are aware that his older brother sorry nick refers to him as a we do learn that he has a compassionate side as he wants to use the healthy drug clean leaf in order to rehabilitate any drug addicts the eighth prince sales sale is referred to as a womanizer as we see him constantly surrounded by women because of his lust and his gluttony he refuses to be a part of the succession contest as he'd rather enjoy himself at parties hackenberg is the ninth prince of the kakin empire we learned that he is a pacifist and he has no intention with participating within the succession contest as he does not want to win the crown through bloodshed he opposes the ways of the royal family and desires to change them the tenth prince kacho is the twin of the eleventh prince fugetsu we learned that she is cold-blooded and she has a shallow spoiled personality unlike some of the other siblings she has no problem with murdering her own blood kacho cares a great deal about her twin sister fugetsu the eleventh prince of the kakin empire is quite shy and soft-hearted it is evident that she is kinder than her twin sister and she is more considerate to her subordinates than kacho is fugutsu also appears to be opposed to the succession contest the 12th prince is called momozei she has long hair that she fashions into a ponytail from what we see over she appears to be a gentle and calm girl and we see that she is forgiving towards her mother and she even feels pity for her brother mariam for lacking the ability to become king the 13th prince mariam is a small child he is fond of his pet hamster and he carries it around with him everywhere he just seems to be happy to play video games and he doesn't really hold negative feelings towards anybody and the 14th and final prince warble is the youngest amongst the 14 princes she is in fact an infant so she has no real defined personality we know that kuripika has been assigned as prince warbles bodyguard in order to protect her during the succession contest the black whale one is currently headed for the new continent which is one of several large islands that are dotted around the perimeter of the dark continent the succession contest is scheduled to have concluded by the time the black whale one arrives at the new continent with only one of the princes having survived and being crowned as the new king of the kakin empire the succession contest is quite complicated as it's far removed from a death match like what we had seen with hisoka and crollo so if any of the princes are to eliminate their competitors then they are to do so in a discreet manner we know that each of the princes have a guardian spread beast that was assigned to them through the seed-earned ceremony they are a type of men beast that acts as a parasite and their role is to assist and to protect their user at the onset of the succession contest we are aware that none of the 14 princes had known about nen so they don't really know how to control their nan beasts and it is these nan beasts that are the main weapon for the princes to utilize during the succession contest it is no secret that the fourth prince ridenik has the highest likelihood of winning the succession contest he proves to be a genius as after learning about the existence of nan who is able to learn about his core concepts within only a few days and throughout the course of the succession contest arc sarinic is continuously gaining more and more power he has the innate ability to cultivate a large amount of nen aura and he has become so powerful and well refined in his net abilities that he was able to manifest a second nun beast without him even knowing sreidnik has also proven himself to be a nen specialist as he has developed a powerful ability called parallel future while saridnik is engaged in zetsu this ability allows him to momentarily see into the future the fourth prince has proven to be a formidable threat during this contest as i've said throughout the course of this story arc he has gained new abilities and is mastering nen at an incredible speed later we learned that kuropika decides to teach nen to the bodyguards of several princes who agree to his terms he wants to balance out the playing field of the succession contest the sixth prince tyson and the second prince camilla had refused corey pigger's offer each of the princes who had agreed to corrupt us training had sent two bodyguards each each of these bodyguards have their own motives and desires and it's quite easy to get lost and for the story to feel very complicated as so many new characters have been introduced all at once what we need to know is that some of the bodyguards have ulterior motives as a few of them already know how to utilize men the only certain thing is that none of them can be trusted because at the end of the day they will be acting on the best interest of their prince i'm fairly confident that they will go through great lengths in order for their respective prince to win like prince ridenik hockenberg and benjamin have also developed their own nun abilities as well as the second prince camilla having developed a post-mortem nenpower this ability is to be activated after camilla is killed as a giant nen beast that takes the appearance of a cat appears behind the killer and it crushes them with its paws extracting their life force the cat then pours this life force into camilla thus resurrecting her this nen ability has made it impossible to kill camilla now as of the release of chapter 390 we don't really know if any of the other princes have developed their own unique nan abilities or even know how to use this power of the fourteen princes we are aware that three of them have lost their lives the first being momose the second being kacho and the final being sadisate now earlier i did mention that crollo had expressed his interest in boarding the black whale one in order to steal the valuables of the khaking family we know that all of the current members of the phantom troop are actually on board of the black whale one including crollo they are aware that hisoka has also boarded the black whale one but they don't know which tier he is on we are aware that hisoka had even hired illumi to join the phantom troupe in their search to kill him so with all of these individuals on board the same ship and with the succession contest taking place simultaneously it is evident that there is still so much more of the hunter hunter story to be told especially considering that these survivors of the succession contest arc will be partaking in the next story arc which is going to be centered around the dark continent we were told about the existence of don freaks an explorer from 300 years ago who is said to still be exploring the dark continent the future of hunter hunter as a series is pretty bleak as of last year it's been over 1 000 days since we've had a new chapter of hunter hunter we all know about tagashi's health concerns and the declining quality of the manga ever since the greed island dark there was a noticeable drop in quality in the actual artwork that was featured within the story and as of recently during the succession contest arc hunter hunter feels more like a novel than an actual manga series with pages upon pages being filled with walls of text and with some manga panels featuring only text without any actual drawings i know that i speak for a lot of people when i said that it would be better if tagashi resigns himself to a writing credit while he allows a new illustrator to helm the artwork for the manga because after all as long as tagashi is writing the story and he is overseeing the artwork i think it would be the best compromise with the current situation so this was my very lengthy breakdown and explanation of the hunter hunter manga of course this is far from the complete story and with the succession contest only having 42 chapters there's still a lot left to be told if you've made it to this point of the video then you're clearly a huge hunter hunter fan and you probably enjoy the content that i create so i want to express my gratitude for your time hopefully after watching this video you'll know all about the hunter hunter manga and be caught up to the recent goings-on i want to hand over the discussion now to all of you what do you think about the hunter hunter story and what are your thoughts about its future i would love to read all of your comments and for you to share with me all of your experiences with hunter hunter and lastly thank you for making it to the end of this video and i can't wait to see you in my next hunter hunter video if you enjoy my content then you can support my channel through patreon for as little as a dollar a month or even through youtube by becoming a channel member you will gain access to exclusive channel perks and a discord server which i frequently use so become a member of my zero division and be the first to know about my upcoming videos and once again thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 134,637
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Keywords: Hxh, hunter x hunter, hunter x hunter recap, hunter x hunter story recap, hunter x hunter complete retrospective, hxh in 49 minutes, hunter x hunter complete recap, hunter x hunter story summary, hunter x hunter complete review, hunter x hunter complete summary, hunter x hunter analysis, hunter x hunter explained, hunter x hunter return, hunter x hunter story analysis, hunter x hunter complete analysis, hunter x hunter 2022, hunter x hunter anime, hunter x hunter anime 2022
Id: 4Rz2oddLxfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 387min 46sec (23266 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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