Hunter Biden Was Almost On JRE | Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David

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I mean I think they're a little overpriced by the way how would that interview be if he was on the podcast I tried to get him did you I tried to get him they offered him they offered him to me like they they sent you know like they send out these I get this list of people that are trying to get on the podcast and one of them was Hunter Biden early on what year uh before the laptop stuff before any of that like when he was thinking about coming out with a book like I think that remember when he came out with his book and he went on chemel and he talked about yeah so I was like ooh should I that and then I thought about it afterwards I go why not and then I reached out and then they passed but that was when he was already in trouble dude that would be insane it' be fun that would be insane let me ask you Hunter Biden or Trump which one do you think gets more eyeballs for a podcast Trump Trum for sure Trump is going to break the internet yeah Trump would be like Elon Musk numbers that would be pretty crazy you think be do things based on how many people are going to watch I do things based on whether or not I'm interested in talking to that get it now you know it's it's interesting but from a Fan's perspective you know where you're kind of looking at numbers a fan says which is going to be bigger or the other but the talent the artist you don't think about it from that perspective you know for I think about it whether or not I'm interested in someone that's it that's what I've always done so that's what I always do like do I want to talk to this person I don't want to talk to that guy so I don't talk to them yeah it's very simple or maybe sometimes people I don't want to talk to but I think it's worth it's a discussion worth having I'll have that discussion who who was your most difficult where you're doing the interview you're like dude I can't wait for this thing to finish oh I don't know I don't know I've had a few of those I've had a few that weren't released cuz the person was like a con artist and I realized like while they were talking it they were full no I had one of those pretty recently um yeah you you got to know I mean sometimes people are just playing you and it's a scam you know and and you realize like this guy can get this information out this could potentially harm people want to invest in his idea you know and then you find out the person has a a long history of being a scammer you're like okay I can't I can't have this one but you know most conversations I have with people luckily are great because they're someone that I'm interested in talking to and I'm curious and I'm a nice person so when they they come in I'm nice to them and I want them to I even if I disagree with them I want to find out why they think what they think yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing you and Trump together yeah you keep pushing that I think okay I'll tell you from my perspective like uh on why you ought to consider it when you do do it I'll just give you my okay just so you know he and I don't speak you know it's not something that is like hey his Camp saying go in there and do this and do that no I've never interviewed the guy so it's not like I'm you know lobbying for it but I think if you know when you think about sports or you think about fights what is the boxing world if Frasier Ali never happens right uh what is the UFC world if DC Jon Jones doesn't happen or khabib Conor doesn't happen and they're both at their Peak and those fights don't happen we can go on with sports you know with baseball with you know uh interviews of Oprah Winfrey Michael Jackson you know you go look at you know some of these things that happened with Larry King or her and uh you know a bunch of different guys so let's fast forward 20 years from now let's go to 204 three we're doing a podcast you're 75 okay I don't know if you're doing podcast but that'd be one hell of a podcast at 75 and maybe we feel a little bit more comfortable coming out at that time because we're traditionalist we're older generation then maybe we're a little bit more careful about what people think about us right now but at 75 we look back and we look at the list of podcasters who are the greatest podcast of all time Joe Joe Rogan at the top goat who's the greatest this this this this that and he's like dude but he never interviewed that guy Trump I'm going to be like what are you talking about wait let me get the straight the greatest podcaster of all time never interviewed Trump at a time that he didn't do that dude that's crazy I don't believe it why not it had to be personal it had to be this so to me I I think the guy that's going to interview him in a way that nobody else is going to interview him you you're going to ask some questions that you want to know about like you know hey what happened with JFK are we really going to find out can you commit to us are you going to come out with the files or no so I really want to know last time you said you did but you only gave us 80% are we going to get the other 20% aliens what the hell is going on with these aliens are we going to know or no can you give us a glimpse do you think we should know I don't think he' tell you anything about that but what I'm saying I think that would be a wasted time yeah but what I'm saying is whatever angles whatever angles you choose to take right okay it's your show you you get to take whatever angles you want to take I think think it'd be very weird to look back there's going to be no mainstream media 20 years from now you know that I know that to look back and say Joe never interviewed Trump that's kind of weird so that's my pitch to you good I like weird you like weird I like things are weird I don't know about that I think I think you know uh I think one um why don't you interview him why don't I interview him I think if I give you my um assessment on why have you ever tried I I'll give you my assessment on what I think okay I think if he's him okay you're here Joe everybody else is below you in this space not mainstream in mainstream he'll do Tucker he'll do you know Megan Kelly whatever I don't know if he's done Megan he hasn't done it but he'll do Tucker he'll do Brett Bear he'll do Hannity he'll do all that stuff but in this Lane we're in you have to do you first
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 32,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: i22Xvy8Xgtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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