| Life Talk | Week 7 | 10.18.2020

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[Music] [Music] every rose has its own [Music] good morning life church seven we're just here to say hello and bring some attention to some uh announcements that we have my name is axel and this is kaylee yeah so we would like to bring your attention we have trunk or treat coming up why don't you tell us a little bit about trunk or treat and how important it is yep so saturday october 31st from 2 to 4 p.m this is going to be different than in the past we've done it in the evening we're going to do it in the afternoon it's going to be light bright super fun we're looking for tons of cars i think we want about 40 cars or more wouldn't that be so awesome that would be so fun to love the seven cities well in that way they come onto our property we hand out candy they come to each car we're gonna have it very organized um and kovid friendly yep distancing yeah social distances can wear masks if you want and we also need candy donations yes please so bring on the candy we love chocolate so just bring it in put in the lobby and um it's gonna be an awesome event so what's coming up with the young adults of 509 life young adults we're going to be heading to middleton farm on october 29th it's a thursday night we're going to arrive at five o'clock and we're going to have worship we're going to have a fire pit it's going to be a blast they're actually going to keep it open for us yeah they're going to keep it open they close at six the admission fee will be 11 for a group fee uh which is a discount which is cool uh so bring your 11 bucks and um we're gonna have a great time wednesday night yeah we have worship we'll have lots of food we'll have access to the farm there's the corn maze all that stuff so if you're a young adult you're new as well 18 to 30 years old you want to come check it out middleton farm thursday night october 29th at five o'clock it's gonna be amazing yeah well it's time for the service to start yeah it's gonna be amazing i cannot wait to leave worship yeah it's worth a round of applause well god bless you if you'd like to stand with me please even if you're watching online if you'll just maybe move your posture somehow if you're in a recliner or something like that you know maybe stand up and just get ready to move the reason why i say that is there's lots of reasons to watch church online or to come to church together lots of different good reasons and islam 108 gives us again a little bit of a priority list to help us with why we're here he starts off by saying my heart oh god is quiet and confident all because of you now i can sing my song with passionate praises awake o my soul with the music of his splendor arise my soul and sing his praises i will awaken the dawn with my worship greeting the daybreak with my songs of light it's basically saying i'm going to start my day off worshiping i'm going to get my focus correct whatever i might be feeling physically emotionally the circumstances around me i'm going to prioritize and i'm going to tell myself that i'm going to worship that's what that says awake my soul you're telling us i'm going to worship god and once you start that it continues down to psalm and it says then it's a prayer it says come to your beloved ones and gently draw us out answer our prayer for your saving help come with your might and strength for we need you lord so we get our priorities by saying i'm going to focus on worshiping and exalting jesus above all my circumstances and above myself but in his compassion and goodness he wants us to pray and then we can say therefore come near to me lord and gently draw out what's inside me and give me your saving help god is here to help us today and wherever you're at he's going to help you jesus is going to minister to you today but let's commit our hearts and faith and let's just pray this with me jesus we welcome you we invite you and we tell ourselves i tell myself awake my soul i start my day by worshiping and acknowledging you as king of kings and lord of lords i'm here for you i exist because of you and all my needs i place before you and thank you that you helped will help me today and lead me into your triumph in jesus name and everybody said amen [Music] alive [Music] [Music] took the shackles off my feet [Music] [Music] [Music] there's joy in the morning life with living cause he calls me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh we're crazy [Music] declared this morning the river [Music] say so come on [Music] let go [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and praise the lord oh my soul praise the lord god praise the lord oh praise the lord let your spirit [Music] arise praise the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] brothers [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] um [Music] as the spirit was moving over the waters spirit come move over us come rest on us come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the waters spirit come move [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm here and i [Music] [Music] on us come rest on us [Applause] you're here [Music] you're here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you feel the roof [Music] you're here [Music] i know [Music] oh is [Music] holy [Music] is oh come and feel come and fill this room [Music] today [Music] foreign [Music] never lacking everything we need [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] matters now [Music] oh [Music] you're [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] right here [Music] [Music] oh for my soul you're the hope for my [Music] soul [Music] foreign [Music] i will spread [Music] i live for the moment we're [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is my fears [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no hesitation [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Applause] is just before you lose [Music] till you i open up my heart [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] searches for [Music] nothing else nothing else will do i just wanna [Music] would you say i just want you jesus i just want you jesus we love you lord i love you lord as i was worshiping in the first service i just felt like god gave me a picture of a key and a door and the key was gold and uh i was asking god about the key and it was somebody trying to open the door and as they were putting it in the door they would stop and just say no it doesn't work it doesn't work and i was asking god about that and i was praying and he was saying that there are people maybe you're watching online or in this room and you've been trying to access the presence of god you try to interact with him and talk with him you want to open up your heart to him kind of that song but you you don't feel anything and it feels like there's a wall between you and god and god wants you to know that he's given you the key to open the door but what's keeping you from opening the door is that you're not gonna you're not turning the key and the reason you're not turning the key was one word he said was unforgiveness unforgiveness you see in ephesians 2 42 the the direction is be kind and compassionate tenderhearted forgiving one another just as christ god forgave you when we forgive others in matthew chapter 6 it tells us that when we if we can't forgive other people god won't can't forgive us of our sins it needs to be extended out it's a powerful warning and so one of the things we have to look inside of our hearts and ask god is there anything in my life am i harboring unforgiveness towards anybody am i withholding forgiveness you see the re the problem with unforgiveness is that we're actually putting prison bars around ourselves [Music] but god is saying it is for freedom that christ has set you free and he wants to give you the power through his forgiveness in your own life to turn that key and forgive somebody else or the other thing he showed me is maybe you're having a hard time forgiving yourself you've made a lot of mistakes i know i can beat myself up and god wants me to forgive myself because he's already forgiven me it's already paid jesus already made that finish work on the cross so here's what we're going to do if that's you today and god's already given you the key but you're just struggling with forgiving either somebody else or yourself would you just raise your hand and i want to pray for you lots of hands are going up if you're online there's an emoji just for you it's a hand go ahead and put it online that'd be awesome and we're going to pray for you come on raise it up high it is for freedom i've never seen someone who's set free to kind of hold back they're like yeah we're gonna be free today so jesus right now you see every hand i just declare freedom in jesus name freedom in jesus name we forgive those who have hurt us we forgive ourselves for the messes that we have made we refuse to play the tapes over and over and torment our souls of all the things that we've done wrong or made mistakes because jesus you have paid the finished work on the cross for our sins and so lord we thank you for new life in you we put our confidence our hope our trust all in you jesus the author and the perfecter of our faith thank you for your grace that empowers us for righteous living so we extend forgiveness to others and to ourselves all because of you jesus and we receive your love and we turn that key and we enter your presence with thanksgiving and praise in jesus name amen amen would you give the lord a shout of praise with me come on you're free so cool before if you're in this auditorium don't sit down yet we're gonna do something if you're watching online keep it on just for a moment we're gonna continue our worship by giving this morning we love to give at life church seven we are a generous church i love being a part of this community because we're generous amen one of our core values is that we're generous like our father and what i want to do is pray over you because there's lots of ways that you can give for me we give on our phones we give through push pay there's also you can go online and put it on automatic withdrawal you can give a check or cash and if you're here and you want to drop it off there's um celebration boxes on each exit on your way out today but i want to have you just take your cell phone or your wallet or whatever how you give would you just pull it out real quick and raise it up and we're going to do something just powerfully we're going to give our offerings to jesus now if you're watching this online this could be kind of funny if you're having your cell phone looking at me but just hold it up that's okay and hold it up and we're gonna give to jesus we're gonna give to him we don't give to man we give to jesus we believe that every time we give we're sowing seeds into the kingdom of god we're advancing the kingdom amen so father as we lift up whatever way that we're giving right now we present our offerings to you we present our offerings to you you are a generous loving giving father who has such great plans for your kids and lord i pray right now as we give faithfully and generously i pray lord that we would also give the bible says that you love a cheerful giver another translation says a laughing giver so god we laugh we are so thankful that we can give in a pandemic we are generous because you're generous father i pray you bless both the gift and the giver in jesus name and everybody said amen amen god bless you as you give today go ahead and find a seat would you welcome pastor mark as he preaches god's word this morning [Applause] well good morning we're going to be in numbers 14 today and we studying god's word i hope you like the word of god because we're going to be reading a lot of it today so that's good right that's really good you're going to hear from from the lord today hey if you're watching online i want to welcome you we are going to be taking communion at the end of the service so i want to encourage you grab something i don't know what you need at home but grab something because at the end of the the message today we're going to be taking communion well as we get into this message the key verse i'm going to read the key verse just to start us off and it's numbers 14 24. numbers 14 24 it's coming up on the screen and this is the key verse numbers 14 24 but my servant caleb has a different attitude you guys come on you guys got it on the screen now okay you got it let's read it one more time but my servant caleb has a different attitude somebody say attitude he has a different attitude than the others have he has remained loyal to me so i will bring him into the land he explored his descendants will possess their full share i like that full share of that land the word attitude there that we just read is also translated in the new king james version is spirit caleb had a different spirit he had a different attitude today i want to talk about attitude your attitude is what people think about when people think about you positive or negative your attitude is what people think about when people think about you an attitude in a series called life talk attitude i believe is this attitude is your words your inner dialogue played out so let's describe this a little more attitude is life talk played out or attitude is death talk played out anybody had a death talk attitude before yeah but here's the truth and here's my big idea if you're taking notes write this down taking notes online write this down your attitude reveals your spirit your attitude reveals your spirit your attitude's an indicator actually do you know that your attitude's an intake indicator of what's going on inside do you have a if you have a smartphone do you get notifications right your notification is telling you something's going on the notification for your spirit or your soul is a good attitude or a bad attitude that's how you know something's going on on the inside in sports there's this new statistic it's called plus minus i don't know if anybody sports fans out here plus plus minus it's a it's a new stat they use in hockey they use it in basketball go lakers they use it in basketball and it actually it tracks a player's impact on a game if your team scores more points when you're on the court it's a plus if your team scores less points when you're on the court it's a minus plus positive impact minus negative impact and what's interesting in this is some sometimes there's players that don't get any stats like they're not scoring points they don't get a lot of rebounds but when you look at the plus minus they're making a difference in the game they're making an impact listen there's some of you here that you may never give a sermon you may never play on the band but because you prayed in your prayer closet yesterday you're making an impact on this service today there's some of you you've been given faithfully to god for this ministry to continue to move forward and i want to tell you you are making an impact today you need to know that every person matters and your attitude and your spirit and when you bring that worship that presence of the lord it impacts far more than you know you're making an impact but i'm not talking about that today i'm talking about attitude now here's what i'm wondering if there was a statistician that just followed you around last week or yesterday and had like a little stat sheet and gauged your plus minus you woke up in the morning oh jesus thank you for today this is amazing plus turn on the news minus go to work yes i have a job this is amazing thank you god for my job plus encounter that co-worker lord god help me negative at your house god thank you for this house plus one step onto the legos that the kids spilled minus i wonder if we were to gauge if you were to be honest and you were to gauge the last week or the last month or maybe even the last season would you say you're more pless or minus your attitude reveals your spirit now we've been studying the word of god the story is the people the israelites the people of god are in egypt they're in bondage they're in slavery they cry out to god it says god heard their cry do you know god hears your cries it says god heard their cries sent moses to be the deliverer there were signs and plagues and wonders and they got set free and on their way to the wilderness and into the promised land you know the truth is as we read this story it actually is showing us a picture of what jesus did you see every one of us was in an egypt in our own lives a place of bondage until our deliverer jesus christ came and saved us and set us free and led us into the promised land that's the gospel so when i read this scripture and i read about this i know this is actually pointing me to jesus to promise living to kingdom living in my life well they get to the border of the promised land they send in the spies and if you know the story you'll know that there were two spies that give a good report and 10 that give a bad report they all saw the same thing do you realize this they all saw an amazing land and awesome land rich land flowing with milk and honey but then there were giants as well here's the truth that we learned from the spies it's not about what you look at it's about what you see so you see you can look at the same 20 20 you can look at this same pandemic you can look at our nation right now but when you look through eyes of faith you believe that god's turning all things for good that god's in the middle of this season and he is working so we're believing that right i want to be a caleb i want to be a joshua those that's the attitude i want to have but then there were the 10 and the 10 had a little different attitude didn't they a little bit different i would say and here's what i believe attitudes are contagious aren't they i don't know if it started with ten but it definitely started with one and then one told two and then two told four and then four became ten and all of a sudden these people have an attitude why is it so important to get in the presence of god and get into the company of believers is because when we get together our attitudes change we get touched when i see somebody jumping around i'm thinking man something's happening to them that i want to happen to me that's what we got to get together and worship together it's so important to do that your attitude changes caleb and joshua had each other your attitude reveals your spirit now what i mean by spirit because you're like i got a spirit and i'm supposed to be filled with the holy spirit but there's also spiritual warfare happening today isn't it really easy to look around in our nation and look around all the issues all the things happen you cannot look at it and say oh it's just coincidence all this stuff happened at once coincidence no we know better than that right this is a spiritual battle right now we're in the middle of spiritual because here's what i believe the greatest revival our world's ever seen is right before us so the enemy is doing everything he can to stop it but he cannot stop what god's bringing to this world to this nation so he's throwing everything he's got emptying the clip that's what satan's doing right now but we know god is for us and we're going to get through this right so here's the thing so we're in a spiritual battle you read ephesians 6 our our battle's not against flesh and blood but against rulers principalities and powers in dark places we're in this battle and every time every time you turn on the news every time you get on social media every time you read an article you have a dialogue or an argument with somebody there is this opportunity and this is what the enemy did with eve when he said did god really say there's this proposal that comes before you that says are you going to believe this are you going to buy into the spirit of fear am i going to buy into the spirit of unbelief am i going to believe this thing and the moment you believe it you agree with it it begins to have authority in your life do you realize satan was defeated by jesus 100 percent and the only authority satan has now is when i agree with something he has no legal right to you do you know that jesus bought back the legal right for you so any time that i'm struggling with a spirit of fear or my attitude's wrong because my attitude reveals my spirit any time i'm doing this there is some sort of agreement that i have made that isn't of god i know this is deep i'm just letting you digest right now second timothy 1 7 says for god has not given us a spirit of fear so fear is a spirit we just read in scripture but of power love and sound mind so what does that say power is a spirit love is a spirit a sound mind is a spirit that comes from being filled with the holy spirit so when you're in christ you receive the holy spirit and the holy spirit leads and guides you into all truth and fills you and your spirit with power with love with a sound mind all right guys let's go to numbers 14. i just we got to get moving here because i could talk on this stuff for a while and i don't have a while so numbers 14 verse 1. we're going to see two different attitudes here verse 1. it says this in the whole community began weeping out loud and they cried all night long do you know we make agreements when we're emotional when you're in seasons of trauma or grief you'll make agreements with things that aren't true you cannot base your attitude off of feelings we have to base our attitude off of god's word for what god says and believe it and hold on to it even in times where i am hurt and i am going through a tough time i'm still going to believe god but these were they were weeping out loud and crying all night because they believed a bad report they had just heard the report that we're grasshoppers that's what they said we're like grasshoppers and now they're weeping because they're grasshoppers that are weeping and crying all night verse two their voices rose in a great chorus of protests against moses and aaron if we had only died in egypt or even here in the wilderness they complained why is the lord taking us to this country only to have us die in battle our wives our little ones will be carried off as plundering wouldn't it be better for us to return to egypt then they plotted among themselves let's choose a new leader and go back to egypt if we were a statistician on the plus-minus you would say negative right this is about as negative as you can get and this isn't about an attitude there's actually a spirit attached to this there is an orphan spirit that thinks they're illegitimate children and that god's gonna abandon them and so they better go back to egypt where they're safe they don't realize they have a father who loves them who's for them who's done so many miracles and isn't it hard to read exodus i don't know about you it's hard sometimes to read exodus because i'm like why don't you guys get this can you see all the things god's done for you and you're still complaining anybody else this isn't about an attitude though this is about a spirit and there's some of you here that when you think about god's love you sometimes think it's good it's too good to be true or i don't deserve this i want to tell you that is a spirit that is not of god god is good he is desperate for you he loves you he loves you so much and if it feels so too good to be true it is it's so good that god loves it jesus died on the cross for me that the tomb is empty that the holy spirit lives in me it is such good news it's such good news now i have a father in heaven who just loves me it's the best news ever and i'm not going to partner with the spirit saying no i don't deserve it oh jesus paid for it he gave his life so i better have a better attitude about it right i better let his holy spirit shift my attitude so good all right we got to keep going verse 5. then moses and aaron fell face down on the ground before the whole community of israel i think this is kind of funny because i think they're like i can't even look at you you dummies anymore like i gotta fall face down you know what i mean that's kind of how i re sometimes you gotta read scripture and just kind of laugh because this is kind of intense um it's verse 6 you're going to see it a shift here this is going to change two of the men who had explored the land joshua sonnen caleb's son of jefuna they tore their clothing and they said to all the israel the land we traveled through and explored is a wonderful land can somebody say life talk that is life talk it is a wonderful land and if the lord is pleased with us he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us it is a rich land i know that place it is a rich land flowing with milk and honey do not rebel against the lord and don't be afraid of the people of the land they are only helpless prey to us man i underline that because i think that is so good the enemy and his schemes are only helpless pray to you when you are in christ you realize that they're only helpless pray to us they have no protection but the lord is with us don't be afraid of them listen the enemy's tool in your life is to intimidation he wants to intimidate you and deb you to believe a lie about the promised land some of you have been stuck in the wilderness because you've been believing a lie about the promised land you've been believing a lie saying oh i couldn't do that or i'm too afraid or nobody will listen to me those are all lies do you know that those are lies that's not true it's not true the truth is do you remember what happened when joshua crossed the jordan river in the first town he went to was jericho where the people of jericho were they out in force ready to battle them no do you remember where they were in their fortified city shaking in their boots because they heard about this god of israel that saves listen when you finally go after encountering or attacking whatever that lie is you're gonna realize it it's not as powerful as you think it is it's actually shaking in its boots when you realize the power and authority you have in christ all right verse 10 so they say this and this is when you know this isn't just an attitude this is a spirit verse 10 the whole community began to talk about stoning joshua and caleb we're just reading the bible you guys oh you think we're gonna go there we're gonna kill you what and then the glorious presence of the lord appeared to all the israelites at the tabernacle oh my goodness so they're about to kill joshua and caleb and the presence of god comes there's some of you you can get into the service and you we can worship and you know the presence of god is here but there's something distance you ever felt this before there's like there's something there's something going on here here's what that's an indicator of there's a spirit that you need to break an agreement with because every time when we get into the presence of the lord we come close we come closer we come closer so there's this huge contrast and so verse 11 i'm just gonna read it i don't think it's on the screen but i'm just going to read it it says the lord said to moses how long will these people treat me with contempt will they never believe me even after all the miraculous signs i have done among them i will disown them and destroy them with a plague then i will make you into a greater nation greater and mightier than they are okay god's ticked verse 13 i love this about moses moses objected oh the egyptians think when they hear about it he asked the lord they know full well the power you displayed in rescuing your people from egypt now if you destroy them the egyptians will send a report to the inhabitants of this land who have already heard that you live among your people so here's the truth the people in the promised land have already heard about the power of god so now you know the enemy was lying you know this is a lie they already know they know lord that you have appeared to your people face to face your pillar of cloud hovers over them they know that you would go before them in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night now if you slaughter all these people with a single blow the nations that have heard your fame will say well the lord was not able to bring them into the land he swore to give them so he killed them in the wilderness and here's what i love about moses moses is a friend of god so much so that he thinks he can change god's mind do you realize you're a friend of god you're god's friend it says in john 15 no longer do i call you servants i call you friends you're a friend of god and in fact jesus said you have not because you ask not if you ask seek and knock the door it'll be open to you sometimes i think we we don't pray big enough prayers because we don't believe what's possible and jesus is saying i'm your friend i want to help you make this possible verse 17 please lord prove that your power is as great as you have claimed for you said the lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love oh did you just receive this the lord is slow to anger he's filled with unfailing love for forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion there's nothing you've done that the lord won't forgive you need to hear that today he loves you but he does not excuse the guilty he lays the sins of the parents upon their children the entire family is affected even children in the third and fourth generations in keeping with your magnificent of failing love please pardon the sins of this people just as you've forgiven them ever since they left and i love this verse 20. i think it's coming up on the screen it says then the lord said i will pardon them as you requested isn't that good okay you're my friend moses i will pardon them as you requested but as surely as i live and assuredly as the earth is filled with the lord's glory not one of these people will enter that land they have all seen my glorious presence and the miraculous signs i performed both in egypt in the wilderness but again and again they have tested me by refusing to listen to my voice they will never even see the land i swore to give their answers none of those who have treated me with contempt will ever see it but here's the key verse but my servant caleb has a different attitude than the others have that word attitude is the hebrew word ruach spirit ruach genesis 1 2 the spirit of god was hovering over the waters the the ruach of god later in genesis 1 when god breathed life into adam he ruiked the word ruach means breath wind or spirit he breathes some of you need a fresh breath of god into your life today that's going to give you a different spirit amen he had a different spirit he has remained loyal to me so i will bring him into the land he explored his descendants will possess their full share of the land now turn around don't go on towards the land where the maokaits and the canaanites live tomorrow you must set out for the wilderness in the direction of the red sea the first point you write this down this morning is this your attitude will either cause you to move forward or turn around your attitude will either cause you to move forward or turn around and for the israelites what we just read there it's not so much that they turned around it's just that they went in circles for 40 years have you ever walked circles around the same problem for years and then we start to settle and say oh that's just the way it is but it's still a problem you ever done that maybe the problem is you've attached yourself to the wrong spirit you need to break that off today you need to eat today is a day of freedom today's the day of breakthrough you don't have to walk around that mountain anymore you can be free jesus paid for it he died for it he's resurrected with power what's interesting jim and sorry sim they're they're at our church and don't you love jim and sorry by the way they're the directors of our school supernatural ministry amazing amazing people and uh one of the things they were saying that was just so funny is this the whole story of them coming here is just bizarre and amazing um and it's a totally work of god i think pastor one time said how did you end up here again you know it's just kind of it's just amazing how that how they're here and um they've been helping with our school and i was overhearing him i was in a conversation i overheard him say 2020 has been the best year ever i was like in my mind i was like you're the only person i've heard say that i haven't heard many people say that i've heard a lot of other things about this year but the truth is if you can't trust god in a year that maybe hasn't gone so peachy and good you're gonna have to go around that mountain again listen i want you to know jesus god has a promised land for you to live in what's the promised land heaven on earth the promised land is his kingdom here and now i'm not going to wait to go to heaven to see signs and wonders and miracles and healings happen today jesus said you're going to do the same things i have done and even greater things do we believe that do we believe that those things are going to happen we're seeing miracles happen at this church every time we gather like every time we get together something amazing is happening and it's not just happening in this church it's happening all over this state all over this nation we're believing and it's happening in 2020. it's happening today in verse 26 as we keep reading the story you're just gonna have to follow along with me i kind of changed it a little bit from first to second service i really just want you to hear god's word here so it's so powerful it says then the lord said to moses and aaron how long must i put up with this wicked community and its complaints about me yes i have heard the complaints the israelites are making about me now tell them this as surely as i live declares the lord i will do to you the very things i heard you say you will all drop dead in the wilderness we're in verse 2. remember they said we should have died in egypt or even here in the wilderness do you know the power of your words they're going to live out the words that they said you all drop dead in this wilderness because you complained against me every one of you who was 20 years old or older was included in the registrations will die you'll not enter and occupy the land i swear to give you the only exception will be caleb and joshua verse 31 you said your children be carried off as plunder well i will bring them safely into the land and then they will enjoy what you have despised but as for you you will drop dead in this wilderness and your children will be like shepherds wandering in the wilderness for 40 years in this way they will pay for your faithlessness you see that's what i'm talking about their faithlessness caused them to turn around we do not partner with a spirit of unbelief we are people of faith we are people of faith believing god for the impossible we are not faithless people we are powerful faith-filled people verse 34 because your men explored the land for 40 days you must wander in the wilderness for 40 years a year for each day suffering the consequences of your sin then you will discover what it is like to have me for an enemy i the lord has spoken i will certainly do these things to every member of the community who has conspired against me they will be destroyed here in this wilderness and here they will die the ten men moses had sent to explore the land the ones who incited rebellion against the lord with their bad report were struck dead with a plague before the lord of the 12 who had explored the land only joshua and caleb remained alive when moses reported the lord's word to all the israelites the people were filled with grief then they got up this is this is just fascinating you guys i think it's coming up on the screen you can follow along here they got up early the next morning and went to the top of the range of hills they said let's go we realize what we've sinned now we're ready to enter the land the lord has promised just kidding that's basically what they're saying jk in a text my bad let's try this again verse 41 but moses said why are you now disobeying the lord's orders to return to the wilderness it won't work don't go up in the land now you will only be crushed by your names because the lord is not with you when you face the malachites in the canaanites in battle you will be slaughtered the lord will abandon you because you have abandoned the lord but the people that finally pushed the head toward the hill country even though neither moses nor the ark of the lords the lord's covenant left the camp then the malachites and the canaanites who lived in those hills came down and attacked him and chased them as far as hormone a lord just hit me or something i just want to be who the lord is i just want to be where he is sorry guys i just got hit i just want to be what the lord is the lord is and i don't want to go there i just want to be what the lord is number two point is this is your attitude it must come from believing god's words israelites receive their consequences but they don't they don't accept them and then they go out and they do something lord told them not to do and they just get crushed right they get crushed they don't believe god's words we have to believe god's word we live in a time where people say well i don't know if this is the inerrant word of god i don't know if god wrote this or in imperfect people this is inspired by jesus by the holy spirit so i believe every word in this even when it's difficult i'm believing god's word even when my attitude well i don't know i'm just going to believe god's word my life this is a this is a big bible by the way because i need large print glasses but hey i need a foundation for my life i need something to stand on when this world's shaking when every opinion says you need to do this or that i need something to stand on i need something that i stand my i need life talk that i'm standing my life on that's what this word is for sometimes god's word over our life is wait when we want it to be go do you realize that sometimes god's word over life is not yet when we want it to be now sometimes god's word over our lives is know when we want to be to be yes and will i remain faithful in those seasons will my attitude be unchanged in seasons where i'm still waiting on that prophetic word to happen i'm still believing that prophetic word but i'm in the in between right now the third and final point the band can come we're gonna close out the message and take communion it talks about this in scripture that the truth is this in three your attitude today creates realities tomorrow your attitude today creates realities tomorrow in verse 18 it says he lays the sins of the parents upon their children entire family is affected third generation fourth generation do you realize that you are laying a framework for the future with your attitude in fact some of you have strongholds because it's a generational stronghold that needs to be broken in you that it's been passed down to you a spirit of fear or spirit of control has been passed down to you and it's time to break that we're going to break that it might not even be your fault it needs to be broken you will never get into the promised land the destiny for your life if you're holding on to all these strongholds and spirits that aren't supposed to be in you we must break those off and be changed because your attitude today creates reality small caleb's attitude created a promised land reality for him later the israelites attitude created a wilderness reality later what is your attitude creating for you now and later it's an important question to ask so as the band's coming up a question for you is how do you know if you have a good attitude and probably a better question is this is how do you change your attitude you might have come in you're like well i've had a bad attitude that's okay the holy spirit's here why lie about it i've had a bad attitude no problem thanks for being real thanks for being honest but you don't have to keep that anymore you don't need to walk with that anymore today's your day of freedom so what do we do two things the first thing you have to do is you have to break agreement with that spirit and it looks like this holy spirit i break agreement with a spirit of unbelief holy spirit i break agreement with a spirit of fear known and unknown and i repent i repent of any authority i've given to that and i take back i take back authority now and i submit it to jesus under the blood do you feel the power in that did you sense there's something on that so you break it holy spirit i break agreement so we need to do that right now you you've partnered with something you need to break that now and then the second thing is this is romans 12 we all many of us i shouldn't say we all many of us know this first do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you see this attitude thing is actually about mindsets your attitude is life talk played out it's actually the inner dialogue that you have it's played out so we need to renew our mind what does renewing our mind look like i love life and i'm gonna see good days that i am more than a conqueror in christ that i will do valiantly because jesus is with me the lord is with me that's life talk that's renewing your mind so question how do you know your mind's renewed one word hope hope that's how you know your mind's renewed hope if there is any air in your life that is not glistening with hope it means that you're probably believing a lie does there any hopeless situation no there's no hopeless situation only hopeless people and when jesus shows up he fills you with hope and now i know any situation any circumstance i can be filled with hope and have the mind of christ and the attitude of christ because he's with me so we're gonna take communion now grab that cup i want you to stand up with me we're gonna we're gonna worship the lord because the truth is jesus had an attitude jesus had an attitude did you know this i know you know this you know jesus philippians 2 it says this you must have the same attitude that christ jesus had though he was god he did not think of equality with god as something to cling to and said he gave up his divine privileges he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being and when he appeared in human form he humbled himself and penis of god he died a criminal's death on the cross and therefore god elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven on earth and under the earth in every tongue confess and declare that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father if you're here and you don't know jesus this is your opportunity to give your life to jesus you might have a bad attitude which was revealing a bad spirit but the moment you give your life to jesus he fills you with the holy spirit you receive the holy spirit some of you here you just need a fresh baptism today of the holy spirit but if you're here and you don't know jesus it's time to give your life to jesus so right now in this moment just tell them say jesus i give you my life i repent of any partnering with the wrong thing with sin all the sins of my life you are my savior you are in control you are my lord and i love you i love you jesus as we take the bread in the cup jesus breaks strongholds jesus breaks strongholds as we take the bread and the cup we're literally taking in the body and blood of the the power of god we're remembering do you know what changes your attitude by the way thanksgiving so would you just put thanksgiving on your lips right now jesus i thank you right now for your body and your blood i thank you now just praise him just worship him your own just begin to thank him you're gonna you're gonna shift your attitude right now jesus i thank you i worship you you are worthy you are wonderful god you led me out of my egypt and into a promised land and so i thank you for breaking free the power of bondage in my life and now i am seated as a co-heir with christ oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus and now bring joy bring joy now lord bring joy now lord we need the joy of the lord as our strength we need your joy now lord i'm not partnering with something else to bring me strength it's your joy that brings me strength now so as i take this i receive your joy let's take the bread together thank you jesus and now the cup let's take the cup together oh we thank you jesus we worship you jesus we just begin to worship we worship you jesus we love you jesus we ask for freedom today jesus as we break agreements with spirits we we pray now that your holy spirit would come now come now and fill us afresh and anew we need you jesus we love you shift our attitude now to be more like you jesus as we worship yeah yeah [Music] as the spirit was moving over the water spirit come move over us come rest on us come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the waters spirit come move come over on us come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the waters come rest [Music] come rest on come rest on us [Applause] us here [Music] rest on us [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on let's just receive this word this morning [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] thank you lord pastor mark that is such a good word is such a great job wow for the plans i have for you says the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a glorious hope and a wonderful future promised land living is for now and eternity when jesus died on the cross he took your punishment my shame your punishment and my punishment once and for all and he invited us into from heaven to earth the kingdom of god now here revealed in this life jesus said you'll have persecution but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world have overcome so the question is as we close how much freedom do you want galatians 5 it is for freedom the christ has made you free how much freedom do you want well i kind of enjoy being harassed really yeah i you know i've developed a whole ministry of negativity really that's just not promised land living well my dad was like yeah i know my mom was like that i had great i mean this is like a generational this is our story the holy spirit wants to change that story today yeah well you know if i came down what would people think oh they think that you love freedom they they would think that you'd love freedom a lot more than what you're worried about their thinking here's what i found the devil will do anything he can if he can't take you to hell with him he just doesn't want you to enter into promised land living he doesn't want you to be free to walk in freedom and joy and wonder and goodness thrill he said well you know to be honest pastor wes uncomfortable i'm just kind of comfortable with where i'm at comfort is such a ploy of the enemy to get the idea to think that i'm comfortable when i'm in a battle see before you were before you came to christ you went to battle and now that you've come to christ you're in a battle there's no comfort in the battle it's those who hunger and thirst after righteousness they'll get filled i just want us to see this amazing understanding when you walk with christ the devil is already defeated because of the cross we fight from victory we fight from victory and the lies that are going out and the things that try to keep us is to hear and repeat the lies about christ and the cross about us and today for everyone who will come you will find amazing new freedom in christ jesus it say this with me it is for freedom that christ has made me free there's a whole group of prayer people that are come really quickly come those that are on the protein if you'll come really quickly and here's here's what i want us to see i want you to go out that door more free than when you came in every morning i fight for freedom i wake up and i put on the mind of christ i put on the lordship of jesus i said lord anything that i'm thinking that is not of you i break that off of me lord jesus this is a day that you have made i'm going to rejoice and we'll be glad and it will what if the elections don't go the way that i wanted the book's already been written we already win well why should i vote well you might as well vote and enjoy the freedom of voting because it's the freedom that god's given us but my joy and liberty isn't based on the outcome of an election because god never disappoints whoever becomes president i'll pray for that's the way it works but i'm not going to base my joy and my freedom and my thrill and my thinking about god if someone isn't elected that i didn't want because my freedom doesn't come here on earth it comes from heaven it comes from christ in me well who are you for pastor wes i'm for jesus i'm for his kingdom and i've already voted i encourage everybody to vote but i'm going to walk in freedom the truth of this whether president bush president bush president trump or a vice president with either one of those get in office is not going to change my freedom my joy and the presence and the power that i'm walking in may try to change the landscape but jesus is on the throne and the devil is defeated and here's my encouragement if you've even believed like covet 19 in the landscape all the fear that's going on if you're here today and you just feel man just locked up with fear i just have so many things that i'm afraid about come and get free today come and get free today you're well what about my children my grandchildren there's nothing like a dad and mom that walk in freedom the kingdom of god is so attractive when you walk in freedom oh thank you those that are watching by line today is your day today's your day we're going to pray for you right where you're at so here's what i do i just i just sense listen to my words whatever level of new freedom you want you can get that today but it's breaking off old agreements and agreeing for the kingdom of god to come i said well man pastor that's just i just don't know if i'm up to that well no problem whenever you get up to more freedom come why wouldn't we want more freedom amen man i just found this battle going on hey man i'll see it is for freedom that christ has come to make you free i declare in jesus name the presence and the glory and the goodness of god to rest on this place and i break the battles and the lies of the enemy and i declare your kingdom and your purposes on every person here in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name if you would like prayer and you'd just like more freedom come right now come from the balconies come right now just come in lines and we're going to pray for you and god will give you freedom if you've come and you want more of jesus you want more presence just come yeah just come has come yeah go ahead and leave your seats and come the holy spirit is here yeah thank you father just come yeah coming for an upgrade yeah i just welcome you amen thank you lord thank you lord it's for freedom that christ has made us free thank you lord so father thank you for the joy of being in your kingdom and your purposes i bless every person here i declare your purposes your goodness as those go out today they're gonna go out with new joy new freedom every person has come lord is getting an upgrade right now whether they come forward or not they're getting an upgrade from you your goodness and your grace bless each one in jesus name amen amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord amen thank you jesus okay all right we're good to go you
Views: 204
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vTV19Cletb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 39sec (5799 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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