Humble Forgiven Woman - Sep 16 - Homily - Fr Dominic

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[Music] is this woman going into the pharisees house to see jesus to weep at his feet for her sins to weep weep on his feet to wipe the tears and the dirt from the feet of jesus to anoint them with oil this is one of the most touching scenes of the of the gospels uh reminiscent of something that mary magdalene would do [Music] maybe this was mary magdalene some scholars believe it was like her she who sat at the feet of jesus in the house of lazarus not caring what anybody thinks she who breaks the alabaster jar and anoints the head of jesus before his passion with ointment that was extremely expensive she did that openly and boldly and brazen brazen love you could say raise and love for jesus and really inspired by god to do that and she who seeks the body of jesus after the resurrection not caring about anything not even the angels that she sees in the tomb looking for the body of jesus i will take the body of jesus and bring take him away to a safe place she said to the gardener who was really jesus she this woman perhaps newly newly forgiven for her sins if this was mary magdalene what did jesus do to cause this woman to publicly embarrass herself in the pharisees house the pharisees were the were the worst judges most judgmental piece people she humiliates herself in front of them she doesn't care she doesn't care about anything she's just totally tunnel focused to jesus and what did jesus do to her he must have you know spoke to her heart in some public place and she knew that he was talking to her directly maybe he looked at her maybe he took her aside and cast away the seven demons that were in her if this is mary magdalene he did something that really struck her to the heart like a two-edged sword that made her realize that jesus loved her despite her many sins that he loved her individually uniquely personally and that he forgave her and she took it really to heart and so she publicly goes before jesus and repents publicly and weeps weeps for all her sins but weeps for the immense goodness that jesus had for her to her she wept and wiped her hair on her feet to clean the feet of jesus and then kissed the feet of jesus many many times many many times throughout the time he was there she has not ceased keith kissing my feet since i entered jesus said and the way jesus wraps this whole thing up in the in the scene in the pharisees house the pharisee didn't didn't greet jesus with a kiss didn't anoint his head with oil didn't embrace him and yet this woman does does even more than that simon who didn't have that hospitality to jesus really jesus looks at his as love love is what would cause you to greet me well to kiss me to embrace me to wash my feet to anoint my head the pharisees wouldn't the pharisee would not do that for jesus and but the woman did and so she has shown great love and her sins are forgiven jesus says go in peace as jesus was saying this to the pharisee you can imagine the woman weeping even more and just caught up with with emotion caught up with love for jesus and thankfulness and gratitude for jesus for what he did for her [Music] what sentiments we would like to have wouldn't it be good to have this kind of repentance this kind of gratitude for the sins that we have committed the many sins that we have committed we are great sinners too we should weep with great sorrow for our sins we should go to the feet of jesus and weep and weep and humiliate ours humble ourselves before our lord this is the great this is kind of repentance and contrition we ask from our lord this fear of the lord this sorrow for our sins that we pray for in the first sorrowful mystery in the rosary pray for this great sorrow for our sins but more than that the love that we should have for jesus the love that she that this woman had for jesus was showed itself in all many little ways kissing his feet weeping uh wiping her hair and his feet we need to do many many little things to show our great love and gratitude to jesus for all his goodness but also for his forgiveness of our our sins so we ask our lord in a special way for this uh deeper contrition and even more a deeper gratitude and love for jesus manifested in all the little ways the little things that we can do every day for our lord every day for our lord the little things that we do for god in our prayers and our acts of acts of faith in in the church or in at home or as we work as we do the will of god do them with many acts of love and gratitude to jesus [Music] me you
Channel: franciscanfriars
Views: 644
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Podcasts, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Humility, Catholic, Fr. Dominic Murphy, Griswold, CT, Homily, Franciscans of the Immaculate, Christianity (Religion), Spirituality, Faith, God, jesus Christ
Id: s8S3qY8a97k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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