Bad Thoughts: Dangers & Remedies - Oct 13 - Homily - Fr Joachim

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[Music] Frisby Jesus and Mary we heard in today's Gospel that when jesus healed the paralytic some of the scribes Harvard harbored evil thoughts and you know our Lord knew it so let's not forget that God knows our evil thoughts as well so today we're going to consider [Music] when bad thoughts are sinful the the great danger of bad thoughts and you know what bad thoughts when entertained and you know the remedies against bad thoughts first of all you know there are two ways that people go astray regarding sin the sinfulness of bad thoughts some are scrupulous and they're afraid that every thought is a sin and this of course is not the case you know it's it's not the bad thought that is sinful I mean our minds are always working we come up with some crazy thoughts out of nowhere it's the consent to the thoughts that is sinful you know all of the malice of mortals sin consists in a bad will that's why semi-custom teaches that there where there is no consent there's no sin and even if the temptation or you know the rebellion of the flesh should be a very violent you know there's no sin as long as there's no consent now others have a lacks conscience and they think that evil thoughts even if they're willfully indulged in are not mortal sins you know unless the act is carried out now this is an error that's first worse than the first now what we cannot lawfully do we cannot lawfully desire therefore bad thoughts to which a person can sense has the same malice as the bad act and you know as as sinful works separate us from God so do send full thoughts now we read in the book of wisdom that perverse thoughts separate us from God the second point is the the great danger of bad thoughts when entertained in the book of Proverbs we learned that it's necessary to constantly guard against all bad thoughts which are an abomination to God they're called an abomination to the Lord because as the Council of Trent teaches that bad thoughts particularly thoughts against the 9th and 10th Commandments sometimes inflict on the soul a deeper wound and they're more dangerous than external acts why well first of all they're more dangerous because sins of thought are more easily committed than sins of action secondly you know at the hour of death we may not be able to commit sinful actions but we could be guilty of sins of thought and whoever has the habit of consenting to bad thoughts during life will be in danger of entertaining them at death because the temptations of the devil are more violent at that time he knows that his time is short and he makes great efforts to drag souls to hell at that moment the third point is on the remedies against bad thoughts the prophet Isaiah says that to be freed from bad thoughts we must take away the evil of our thoughts so what does he mean by taking away the evil of our thoughts he means that we should take away the occasions of evil thoughts you know by avoiding dangerous TV shows or video games websites and movies you know it's it's also necessary to abstain from immodest dress or keeping bad company and and reading books you know that are obscene or just otherwise bad when when dating you know avoid places that would be occasions of sin you know some young people ask well father you know is it it since is it sinful to to make out or you know just how far can you go you know this it's hard to say each person is different one thing I can say is that people who engage in such activity are often in the proximate occasion of mortal sin and we know we not just have to avoid sin we have to avoid occasions of sin and experience shows that few of them are found without grievous faults and what's useless for them to say that they neither had a bad motive or thought this is a trick of the devil you know in the beginning you know he doesn't suggest bad thoughts but by frequent conversations and close contact you know the the affections become strong and the devil blinds them to the danger and sinfulness of their conduct and before they know it you know they've they've lost their innocence and separated themselves from God just how many young people have been deceived by the devil and caught in that snare we'll never know above all in order to avoid bad thoughts when men and women must refrain from looking at each other as mere objects we have we have to get into the habit of practicing custody of the eyes remember the words of Joel he said I made a covenant with my eyes that I should not so much as think upon a virgin he says he made a covenant with his eyes that he would not think now what have the eyes got to do with thinking while st. Bernard says that through the eyes the darts of impure love which kills the soul enters the mind therefore st. Alphonsus says you know it's always dangerous to to look at young people you know who are elegantly dressed and to look at them purposefully without a just cause is at least a venial sin when when thoughts against chastity present present themselves it's always necessary to banish them at once you know the instant you perceive the thought reject it one Saint after another will tell us that we can fight any temptation that comes along accept temptations against chastity we have to flee from those we are nomads but you know should the temptation continue mention that to your confessor st. Philip Neri used to say that a temptation disclosed is half conquered Saint Paco meais one day saw a devil boasting that you know he often made a certain monk fall into sin because when tempted the the monk instead of turning to God listened to his suggestions and began to reason with the temptation but the Saint heard another devil complaining that he could gain nothing from the monk whom he tempted because the monkey immediately had recourse to God for help he was always victorious ask can you shall receive you know our Lord is faithful every course to marry most pure pray you know three hum Mary's the the memory and she will never fail to help you [Music] you you
Channel: franciscanfriars
Views: 19,709
Rating: 4.9614325 out of 5
Keywords: bad thoughts, Dangers, Remedies, Fr. Joachim, Homily, complacency, entertaining bad thoughts, malice, bad acts, moment of death, occasions of evil thoughts, scrupulosity, Shrine, La Crosse, WI, Franciscans of the Immaculate, Religion, Christianity (Religion), Catholic, Spirituality, Salvation, Faith, God, Church, Gospel, Catholic Church, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus
Id: MlOrBtQAkz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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