Human hamsters at Chuck E. Cheese's!

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- [Angel] Hey guys, today we are at Chuck E. Cheese where we can be kids. We haven't been here in a while, so we're going to see what's new, what kind of games they have that we haven't played before. Tower Crane. - [Crystal] I'm going to try it. - [Angel] Oh, I think I've seen this game before! - [Crystal] Yeah? - [Angel] Yeah, it looks like a game that was at IAAPA, I believe. - [Crystal] Okay, let's see. - [Angel] So I'm pretty sure you press the button and it ... Yes! It does drop that! - [Crystal] Oh look at that! - [Angel] Did you get ten? - [Crystal] No, I think I got two. - [Angel] Oh, because you barely touched the two. Yeah, so in this game, she presses the button and it looks like it drops the crane. She wants to get on jackpot because the jackpot is 100 tickets, which would be awesome. All right. - [Crystal] Okay. - [Angel] Oh! That was ten. - [Crystal] Oh! I got ten, awesome! - [Angel] So if she makes it land right on the ten, it's ten. Making it land right on the two, it's two. The jackpot is really small. Look at how fast it's going. If you focus on it, it goes super fast. - [Crystal] I know, it goes super fast. - [Angel] So I wonder what the timing is. - [Crystal] Oh, two! - [Angel] So you got two that time. Try one more time. - [Crystal] All right. I wanted that jackpot. - [Angel] I noticed that you pressed it when it was over here. - [Crystal] Yeah- - [Angel] So I think you need to wait. It needs to be further back. - [Crystal] Okay. - [Angel] So let's see ... Oh! That was a little too early that time. - [Crystal] Now I'm just playing Hammerhead. Whoa! The ball's coming on a bridge and he has to like balance it into the highest value. - [Angel] It's like the buoys. - [Crystal] The five is right there. The five is right there. That's the highest one. - [Angel] If you don't make it, it goes into the shark's mouth. - [Crystal] Oh! Shark's mouth! - [Angel] It's really difficult. - [Crystal] The shark is eating your balls! - [Angel] No! - [Crystal] Oh, man! - [Angel] I don't know how many balls you get. - [Crystal] Oh man, where's that going? - [Angel] Oh, went right past it. - [Crystal] Oh! You have to have to go for that five, Angel! - [Angel] I'm trying to go for anything. I'm trying to get that five. - [Crystal] There are some on the other side as well. - [Angel] Oh. Yeah, it goes up to like, one, two, three ... Oh, I got it! - [Crystal] Oh, you got five! - [Angel] Okay, so it's up here now. It's up here. - [Crystal] All right. It changes values. It's right here now. Try and go for that five. - [Angel] I almost had it. - [Crystal] Oh, man. - [Angel] Right there! - [Crystal] Right there, yes! Good job! - [Angel] Now it's over here, now it's over here. - [Crystal] Okay, it's over there now. Whoa! - [Angel] Can you see it? - [Crystal] No! - [Angel] It's really hard to see, but it's right here. Oh, I think that was my last ball. - [Crystal] Oh, that was it? You got 10 tickets! - [Angel] All you have to do is beat 10. - [Crystal] That's a hard one to beat. Oh man! - [Angel] You almost got a two. I think that's a two right now. - [Crystal] Oh yes, five! - [Angel] Oh, she did it! It's right over there, it's a five. You can't really see it. The most fun in this game is balancing the ball. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] I should do that in challenge, right? - [Crystal] Yeah, I need to get a, more than a 10. - [Angel] Where's it going? Oh, it went to the shark mouth and in. So the next five is right there. Oh, you got it! You're at ten! You have to make one more and you beat me. - [Crystal] Yes! I beat you! - [Angel] Oh, you got 11! So the other five is right over here now. There's only one five and it's right over here this time. - [Crystal] Yes! - [Angel] What? - [Crystal] Oh my god! - [Angel] You're at 16! Okay, it's up here now. The five's up here. - [Crystal] Right here. - [Angel] Oh, that didn't quite make it. This game's really hard to record. - [Crystal] I know. Yes! - [Angel] Oh, you're at 21! - [Angel] How much was that one worth? - [Crystal] Watch out for me! I think that one was worth like one or five. Was it five? - [Crystal] I don't know, but I have 26! - [Angel] Oh, time's up. So you got 26? That was awesome! - [Crystal] Angel's going to try Wonderland. Hopefully he can figure out the timing on this. - [Angel] It kind of looks like Spongebob. - [Crystal] It does a little bit. - [Angel] Because there's a light that goes around in the back, and that's why ... The bonus, I believe, is the bonus up here, 65. - [Crystal] Yeah, 65. - [Angel] So let's see if I can time it. I got to time it to make it actually make it inside one of the things. - [Crystal] I know! - [Angel] Let's try like when it's right there. - [Crystal] Oh! - [Angel] Okay, so that made it in. - [Crystal] Oh, awesome! - [Angel] But it didn't do what I wanted it to do. - [Crystal] Hopefully you get it in there when it's on the bonus. It's lit on the bonus. Oh! - [Angel] Did I get it? - [Crystal] I don't know. You got five! - [Angel] Oh, I got five. Okay, so I was a little bit late. I got to go a little bit sooner. - [Crystal] Okay. - [Angel] Whenever the green is right on ... there. - [Crystal] Oh! - [Angel] That was too early. - [Crystal] Did you get it in there? - [Angel] Yeah. I got two, I think. - [Crystal] Oh, cool! - [Angel] So whenever the green light is on the four on this side is when I'm going to drop it. - [Crystal] Okay. - [Angel] Right there. Nope. Not in again. - [Crystal] Oh, hey, the bonus is going up. It's at 69. - [Angel] Does that mean 69 people played? - [Crystal] Well, I don't know. Probably. - [Angel] That's what that probably is, 69 little kids. - [Crystal] Oh! - [Angel] Did I get it? - [Crystal] Oh my gosh! - [Angel] Oh, I was one away! - [Crystal] It's on the five! It was on the five! - [Angel] Oh man, that was close. Okay, I got two left. - [Crystal] Oh, that's it? - [Angel] Yeah. - [Crystal] Holy moly, that went so fast. Oh my gosh! - [Angel] Look, it's the five again! - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, that was so close. - [Angel] All right, this is my last one. - [Crystal] You land it on the five, this coin's going to be the lucky one, Angel. Oh my gosh. - [Angel] Okay. Have faith. - [Crystal] Yes, I do. Got to have faith, the faith, the faith. No! On two! - [Angel] Oh, there's a two right after it! To win, bop this clown right in the nose at the right time, and you win the jackpot. So she has to press the button and it does like a fake little pushing of the boxing glove. - [Crystal] If you're afraid of clowns, this game is not for you. - [Angel] No, this is the game for you because you're actually bopping it. - [Crystal] I'm not scared of clowns at all, but that's scary. - [Angel] She has to hit, win the jackpot if she ... Oh, you were one off again! - [Crystal] Oh man. - [Angel] Yeah, so, jackpot's on top. If you notice the light is moving back and forth, left to right. So let's see if she can get it this time. Third time's a charm, right? - [Crystal] Yeah, this is going to ... - [Angel] I remember seeing this game before at the convention. Oh, you missed it again! Try it again, but press it on the four that's before the side that you're going on. So try to press it on the four. Oh, I guess that didn't work either. Another two tickets. Crossbow Master! So all the other new games, they're not even working or something. - [Crystal] Oh, too low! - [Angel] Oh, that was terrible. So in this game, what you have to do is, she presses the button and she has to get it right in the aim. There's a button actually in there- - [Crystal] I don't think, no! - [Angel] What? How are you missing that? - [Crystal] I'm not good at this kind of tiny game. - [Angel] What's the jackpot? Oh, the jackpots a thousand. No, a hundred, a hundred, I'm sorry. Crystal, come on! You can do this! You got this. Just let it take its time, and then you'll get it, all right? So it goes up, and then it goes down. Make sure you go a little higher than what you think because it goes down a little bit. There you go, there you go. You got two tickets. - [Crystal] You're right. - [Angel] Now you're going to go for five tickets. Level two. - [Crystal] That's too high, I think. - [Angel] Oh, yes! You made it! - [Crystal] Wow! - [Angel] You got five tickets. Next up is seven tickets. Can you get seven? This one is really small. Oh, that was too low. - [Crystal] Too low? Oh, you're right! - [Angel] Oh, yeah, that was a little too low. Try again. Look at how small this one up here is. - [Crystal] That one is so far, I cannot get that one. - [Angel] That one is just perfect enough to fit in there. First try? Oh, come on, Crystal! You can get this, you can get this, I know you can. So first you have to work your way all the way up again. That is what sucks. Oh, too low again? - [Crystal] Oh, so horrible. I'm the worst! - [Angel] Okay, look. Get on eye level with it, and I think that will help. - [Crystal] Okay, eye level. Here I am. Too low. - [Angel] That wasn't eye level, Cris! - [Crystal] All right, one more time. - [Angel] All right. Last play. There you go. There you go, now you're getting it. That was perfect, all right. Whoo! You got two tickets, yay! All right. Here we go. That looks good. Oh, no! It wasn't good. - [Crystal] Show us what you got, pork chop. Oh, was that good? Oh, first try! - [Angel] That was very quick, but I was a lot higher. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh. - [Angel] So the problem that you were having, Cris- - [Crystal] What? - [Angel] Is it dips down. - [Crystal] Oh, it dips down? - [Angel] As it's going in, it kind of goes at an angle downwards. - [Crystal] What? - [Angel] That's why- - [Crystal] So see, it wasn't my fault! - [Angel] Well, I guess, it kind of was your fault. - [Crystal] Yes, you got the- - [Angel] No, I didn't get that one. - [Crystal] Oh, you didn't get in? - [Angel] No, because you see on the ... - [Crystal] Oh, the arrows? - [Angel] Yeah, it has like three tiers? - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] So I actually missed it. - [Crystal] Okay. I'm going to do a side view to see- - [Angel] Yeah, because that's when you really see the dip. - [Crystal] Yeah, to see the dip. Oh! Was that one good? - [Angel] No, it dipped so much. - [Crystal] I know, that was crazy! - [Angel] If it actually went straight in, you world probably get every single one. - [Crystal] Oh here you go then, let me show you all if it dips. Let me see. Oh, I saw a dip! Yeah. - [Angel] That was good. That was good if it would've went in straight, but since it dipped I missed it. - [Crystal] Oh, man. - [Angel] We'll try again. - [Crystal] Come on Angel, you have to make it to the blue level at least. Yes, awesome! - [Angel] It's so hard! Two more. - [Crystal] I didn't suck as bad as I thought. It wasn't my fault! - [Angel] Yeah, it wasn't your fault. Oh, yes! - [Crystal] Yes! Okay, we got five tickets! - [Angel] Seven. Come on, seven. - [Crystal] The blue level! Awesome! Yes, yes! - [Angel] No, too much. - [Crystal] Oh, it didn't make it in there! - [Angel] One more time, one more try. Last try. - [Crystal] Yeah, one more time. What if you got that bonus 100 tickets? - [Angel] What do you think I'm going for, Crystal? - [Crystal] That would be super cool. - [Angel] Oh wow. - [Crystal] Oh, was that good? - [Angel] If that makes it, I'd be really surprised. What? - [Crystal] It made it! - [Angel] I stopped it so high up. I didn't think there was any way I was going to make that. - [Crystal] Well, I guess it does a super dippage. Yes! - [Angel] That should make it. Yes! - [Crystal] It made it! Five tickets! All right. - [Angel] Seven or nothing. - [Crystal] Seven! We're going to be so excited to get seven tickets. - [Angel] Come on. No! - [Crystal] No! - [Angel] Same spot again! All right guys, you're about to see something really funny. So Crystal's going to turn into a hamster. Get ready. Go, go, go! Start walking! Run! Run as fast as you can! Harder! You're only at 13. Keep going! Hey, you little hamster! - [Crystal] I feel like a hamster! - [Angel] Faster, faster, faster, faster! So I think what you have to do is get a highest score, I guess. It's not really highest speed. Faster, faster! Keep going! Keep going, keep going, keep going! No, don't stop! Don't stop! Keep going! You're at 120! I want to do this, actually. I actually want to do this one. Keep going! You're at 160! I don't know how much time you have left, but you're at 170. Keep going! Don't get tired! You got to breathe! Just don't pass out. You're at 205. Keep going! Oh my gosh, look how high she is. I don't know if that's good or not though. I actually don't know. Look at you take a big step. Keep going, don't stop! Oh! You got 252. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh! - [Angel] I think that's pretty good because- - [Crystal] Really? - [Angel] That is really awesome. - [Crystal] I am so out of breath. Angel has to beat 252. Get it, hamster! - [Angel] I'm hitting my head. - [Crystal] Oh my gosh, I know. - [Angel] What the heck? - [Crystal] Keep going! It really slows down. Oh my gosh, that thing is going crazy! Keep going! I am so out of breath. If that's how hamsters run, they need to be super buff hamsters. Get it, Angel! Oh my gosh, he beat my score! Oh my. Isn't that a workout? Oh my gosh. Angel's tired now. Get it, hamster! Angel, are you okay? - [Angel] What is my score? - [Crystal] Look, you got a score of 373. You did super awesome. I'm out of breath still, Angel. - [Angel] This was super hard, guys. - [Crystal] I know, we need some water. - [Angel] This was worse than running like a 5k. Oh my gosh. And it like, it goes up difficulties. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] You didn't tell me that, Cris. - [Crystal] I thought it was just stopping on its own. So it goes on higher difficulties. - [Angel] It's like it puts you up on an incline. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] That is really hard. Guess who's tired? - [Crystal] I am! I'm super tired, but Angel is super duper tired. - [Angel] I think we're done. We're done with Chuck E. Cheese today. - [Crystal] Yes. - [Angel] I'm too tired. Let's just add up our tickets. - [Crystal] Yeah, Angel, I don't think anyone's going to beat your score. - [Angel] I hope we can buy drinks with these tickets. - [Crystal] Me too. - [Angel] Because I am super, super tired. Like you just said though- - [Crystal] I am parched. - [Angel] I want to challenge someone to beat that. What was it, 373 or something like that? - [Crystal] Yeah, 373 or, I'm not sure, but- - [Angel] I challenge you guys to try to beat that score. There's no way. - [Crystal] That was an extreme score. - [Angel] I felt like I was literally running like a 5K. Like, it was terrible. - [Crystal] I know! - [Angel] Don't ... Oh man, Imagine if a kid just ate some pizza. - [Crystal] Whoa! Throw up city! - [Angel] Yes. I feel like I want to throw up a little bit, actually. Hopefully though I can get a drink after this. You guys might notice that we actually have like a ton of tickets. - [Crystal] Yeah, we do. - [Angel] We forgot to mention it, but on Down the Clown, the jackpot did not go over 500. - [Crystal] Yeah, it did not! - [Angel] So we literally just sat there and played it like 10 or 12 times. So we got 100 tickets each time. That's how we ended up with like this big pile of tickets on the ground. - [Crystal] Yeah, we have a big pile right here. - [Angel] Yeah, so it's going to be a little while until we're done counting our tickets. So we ended up having 1540 tickets, I believe. - [Crystal] Yeah, that's a lot of tickets at Chuck E. Cheese. - [Angel] Yeah, it is. We're back at the house now though because we were way too tired at Chuck E. Cheese to do anything. - [Crystal] Yes. Especially after that game. - [Angel] Oh my gosh, that hamster game. - [Crystal] Yeah, that thing was- - [Angel] I don't know what that thing was called. I think it was called Marathon Run or something like that. - [Crystal] But it was really awful because I felt like I had just ran a marathon. - [Angel] That is a workout for the week. - [Crystal] Angel, why are hamsters not super buff? - [Angel] I don't know. Why aren't they? After doing that, it's like, they should be. - [Crystal] Yes. - [Angel] They're like super hard to do that. So anyway, we got a rat, or it's a mouse, oops. - [Crystal] Yes, Chuck E. Cheese. I like his little ears. They're so cute. - [Angel] It's more like a hamster, right? It kind of looks like a hamster. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] So we got that Tsum Tsum wannabe. It actually is Chuck E. from Chuck E. Cheese. - [Crystal] Yeah, it's super cute. And we got some cotton candy. - [Angel] And then we got some cotton candy, yeah. So we actually got both of those for like the price of one because she's like, there's not much in there, so take two of them. - [Crystal] Yes. - [Angel] So we're like, okay, not going to turn down two for the price of one. - [Crystal] Definitely. One for Angel and one for me. - [Angel] No, I think it's the other way around because you get the small one, I get the big one. Then we gave the rest of our tickets, I think it was like 300, to someone else who was just- - [Crystal] Yeah, they were super excited! - [Angel] We weren't going to use them anyway, so we were like here, take these tickets, buy something good. - [Crystal] Yeah because 300 tickets is a super lot of tickets as well. - [Angel] Yeah, that's a lot of tickets at Chuck E. Cheese. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] Like a super ton. So which prize is your favorite? - [Crystal] Probably this one because it's so cute. - [Angel] The little rat is Crystal's favorite. - [Crystal] I don't even like rats. - [Angel] She doesn't even like rats, I was going to say, she doesn't even like rats, but she likes that one better than cotton candy. I like that one as well because- - [Crystal] I can't wait to eat the cotton candy. - [Angel] Yeah, I was about to say, cotton candy's about to go bye bye. - [Crystal] Yeah. - [Angel] All right, guys, let us know which prize is your favorite. Thanks for watching everyone. - [Crystal] Bye!
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 5,126,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chuck e cheese, chucke cheese, chuck e cheese's, arcade, arcade fun, human hamster, human hamsters, plush time wins, arcade video, chuck e cheese arcade, ptw, ゲームセンター
Id: GYjbtbbKmec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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