STAY On The Minecraft ONE BLOCK = WIN! (challenge)

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the Minecraft tower challenge is simple well today we're not really on Towers we're on one blocks we get a random item every 15 seconds and we have to knock each other off the platforms let's see if we can do it we're about to get our new item not this thing y I've got leaves if I place those without a lock they disappear right yeah no that's great that's an old jelly that's an old thing oh God wait it's not gosh dang it jelly you need to stay up to date dude you're stupid o a wooden pickaxe oh look he's on El turn guys we're on Sky Blocks This Time by the way so oh really I couldn't tell yeah there's no Tower the title or thumbnail or dude Papa Chill D you have to yell so much dude no way have I already got this what is this ah that can't do nothing he's got water bro that is like one of the best items one of the best items going to keep it right now the only thing better I is lava a bucket of lava will get you far I've got leggings boys okay that's going to get very far gr on me like that yeah I'm flexing on you daddy look at this oh let's see that boot are we like an equal distance from each other because it kind like you are closer and I'm for can you stop being so tactical in your I'm make a very wasteful thing here what are you going to make I'm rich oh he see what if it trador he's flexing all us way harder dude I got a magenta candle wow that's going to do nothing for you uh actually it has not back thank very much oh that's so good wait does it really like the enchantment what are you going to do with that bed crer respawn H you can't okay I think you answered your own question guys I got a stone cutter if you welcome that does it hurt you yeah yeah try it out try to walk on it put your feet on it try walk on it you are the enemy put it down try walking it yeah yeah try walk guys I got a book and quill and I have a Le turn I'm going to put it in there wait I'm going to write a little what you got to do with that you don't know how to read or right oh my God bro this is great this guy thinks he can get cut by a Minecraft block what an idiot huh I swear you can you can look at that I got a banner guys look I got a banner or maybe I'm thousand I queing you right now jelly yeah maybe he is or maybe he can get hurt by the stone cutter I'm just they definitely can okay I really want to get a good item pleas get boooo some can I please get a better item I don't want to be just going up Mom that's just offensive you just threw her to the ground dude does she mean nothing to you no I love her okay good co a music disc all right um you know we've never had someone get like a fishing rod or something like that I just had a fishing rod but it had a wed fungi at the end and I could oh you could take those off I could no you can't no just kidding gosh dang it that would have been so good if I could have used it dude look at this J I got something for your mom here oh you can what's that it's an End Rod okay well right for her booty hole jelly oh my God okay that was too graphic that was too graphic right wait I've got a lingering potion of luck oh I got one for slow I should have actually used it yeah you just threw it you just wasted it come on give me something good I want to go up and I want to go up and I want to go up so all of us got potions at the same time I didn't know that there was some kind of like similarity to the blocks we might receive huh wait is this not the same thing that we used the other times where it gives us completely random things what do you mean it must be you you didn't get D yeah okay it's random I got I got gray Dy you guys got a bell and glass okay guys by the way it looks like currently we're just you you guys both have PS up your bums and we're just kind of going up it's yeah that's dangerous yeah you got to respect his grind here Josh okay he doesn't do things vanilla okay okay he's got a heard you say I do like vanilla though great flavor yeah it's a good flavor all right keep going up boys we're just going up grer stop going up go forwards instead man forwards but I'm in the middle again if I go forward I'll have two IDI let's make a crina sandwich there there's no no let's not make a Craner sandwich I don't want that dude oh he's going to watch you love a Craner sandwich you know what it would taste like enlight it would taste like success it would taste like cheese yeah moldy cheese what the heck guys yeah crina tastes like blue cheese confirmed I think I think if I had a taste it would be chocolate strawberry go to right now if you want 25% off your order use discount code sign 25 and I will give you this book for free and I'll even sign it in here it's kind of like a school workk book so go to right now why is that crer because I am sweet and tanky all at the same time and why is that crer because I'm a good person guys can can we start building towards each other now uh no Josh what does it look like I'm doing I am not going to build towards no no no I built one block towards you just as much as you did towards me yeah I've actually also gone forward a little bit stop complaining start doing a cherry boat yeah stop complaining Josh and just do I have multiple boats now oh I'm jealous can I get that you come over here and get it I'm not going to come over to you as you I'm going to stay here on my end rod and I'm going to have fun with it okay God you guys are getting so high up now well you could too if you build in a direction you boring Lor not my greatest skill you need more okay can we stop upop with the windows dude maybe I can use this Coral I don't want it oh yeah I can land on the a gosh dang it you can land on your bed by the way to not yeah you I did think about that oh a golden ho an enchantment table I can't build on that can I yes you can try block is it I'm pretty sure I mean I could build on an End Rod and stuff J you're probably fine I actually think you can we'll see W check this out boys D oh my you are so high got a log got yes dude I've got the advantage he just LED St I've got a command block yeah they I got a mine cart with command block I've got a command block sometimes seems like we get the same put it down and activate a command that I couldn't I couldn't put it down jelly oh yeah unfortunately I I did have the thought myself but I decided to yes I'm coming for you oh you guys got to go head to head H you are the highest you need to do something well I'm not going to do anything today come on no come on you can do it don't be scared little wuss are you a wuss you're a wuss what the what the wuss are you I can't even go on that that was very well a bit too big for you can you stop with the inuendos Josh you're get you're grossing me out a little bit today bud little ones fence gate can't even do this with anything can I jump on a fence gate I don't think I can you need to stop asking question and just try jelly try it I'm I'm keeping it for later keeping it for later ler putting it in the vault you know what I mean NE brick I mean yo what's up what's this guys keep it I guess I'll try to go forward okay Jenny Jenny I I'll I'll do it okay all right I got a door what are you guys doing are you playing knock knock without me I I could use this to breathe underwater after but uh I'm struggling to place a block hey jelly hi bud hi buddy budy boy jelly jelly jelly all right ready you go first knock knock who's there yeah it's me jelly okay that was really bad jelly you're not actually supposed to just say who it is jelly okay look at this I don't have any friends to play Knock Knock Josh behind the door uh na uh Na who na business see that's how you do it J that's funny that's funny man yeah that's funny man none your business cuz cuz it's none of your business oh my God that's good this is weak guys this why are you coming to me I'm not coming to you are you coming to me coming to why are you coming to me I'm just going to I'm just going to to keep going snow melt I bre it snow melt jelly you could have made snowballs you absolute dude oh my God I didn't have a snow block they have back though H I got wolf armor that's for you Josh I got a bucket who you can any land stuff here actually yeah I know I'm almost to dillies now um which means I'm almost at yours yeah got to do sleeping I love sleeping especially accompanied by your [Laughter] you just dropped that cran you could have won that the scare me I know I'm just going to try to keep going up to the side yeah well I'm trying s diamond pickaxe let's go what can you stop making weird sounds dude he's freaking me out Josh sorry sorry sorry I'll he's really freaking me out oh huh you think I'm a little freak what are you doing J stop it now stop it stop JY you're being weird say keep saying that no okay I'm going to do some skillful play here okay using my water I'm going to collect previous blocks what do you mean you got to collect previous oh he's got he's mining his blocks again almost drown doing it but I'm REM mining he's mining hey hey guess who Josh oh knock knock uh Yes mine the chicken cross the road mine who mine your own [Laughter] business I get it melons Josh by the way for somebody who's complaining about me being boring you're really boring right now oh never mind bro hey activate that piston yeah try to activate it you'll holy crap again we'll do it again we'll do it again no he's actually figured out a really smart way to do it Ty why did I not know this in the past yeah I don't know crer you have to do something about that you're CL why do I have to do something about it you got two feet too you got two feet you can literally jump into his water right now if you wanted to JY no you could I I'm not close enough you're not close enough and I'm not close enough but but look at him he's going to get really high up now dude Cal your but oh no oh no oh no look look look look J this is bad this is bad this is this is super bad man this is so bad this is so bad I'm going to St someone just knocked on your door crina what what was that to make that was kind of weird you had to say it like that yeah very strange you have to stop yeah Josh you have to stop now buddy buddy boy are you trying the same thing you don't have pickaxe I know I don't have oh I've got diamond leggings yes okay hey what you going do with those other leggings um not throw them to you you can go catch them if you wantet I can't believe I've only just sort of even learn we need to start going away from that madman if we want to live I think we need to start working together Rainer what okay what does a together mean together did I say together that's weird we got to stop working together Dum thing to say yeah you are dumb stupid okay uh Josh you are terrifying can you oh my good I'm like genuinely kind of scared you know what we should not believe that we should not focus on got blanks bro I only get like stupid things we should not focus on my God I'm so high up craft why hey hey why what are you doing bro what am I doing what are you doing bro I haven't gotten One Singular log bro well that's your own problem buddy why are you breaking them and getting rid of them okay can you give me a cuz I don't want jws to follow me jelly you know I need to get out of here bro I need to get out of here yeah he's kind of ConEd me to go to watch you right now JY so yeah and I'm scared for my life C sometimes I nearly drowned Jos is still going up he is still going up Josh what's the point you're going to get fall damage you know that right yeah but I've got water bucket okay but that's PR difficult for you what what is he saying I don't know what what do you say nothing oh my God I got so many to break I don't know I'm telling I'm Petty K us that that lad is just going up and I don't know what to do about it man I'm putting to be fair cron you're always the one at the top yeah I like being a top I'm not really into the whole bottom thing Josh but you're kind of putting me there now that's fine how do you up things swing he's so high up Dilly what are you going to do about that Dilly you're supposed to do something man okay can I climb on this oh my goodness oh my God what is what did you just do are you summoning the warden I think I'm summoning a demon out here yeah don't do that please please do not Sol oh is also removing blocks now look at him look at him look at him yeah but I can't build with him Craner okay I'm actually oh no Josh going toward watchs me now no I'm I'm a little scared not going to lie I'm like above you now I'm like genuinely terrified oh no hey crer crer crer hey crer think about it Josh we could be friends okay kill J I have an idea okay maybe I will that's how we can be friends really yeah so I just go over there and kill him yeah you give you give me like 10 minutes hey let's go why is he in your water that's disappearing that seems kind of dangerous go Jenny why would you jump on the water that disappear you see I was in the middle and now I'm not you see what I'm saying I guess are you coming over here why are you doing I guess where are you going to go JY well I have a platform down here here so it's okay you see what I'm saying like isn't the best strategy to be far away J's just gone miles think about it think about it crer what plus you don't have a water bucket so you got nowhere to land on and you got jsh above you you're in trouble mate you have both of us above you jly why didn't you come on up crina didn't you just jump down or am I tripping no team hey CR why didn't you come on up um I think I'm probably my best bet is probably to go ahead and try to kill jelly soon this is I'm fueling Craner this is quite good why are you giving him stuff cuz I'm I'm F him to kill you are you kidding me bro this is It's Going C well you get out of here you stinky boy I'm not there that doesn't work crer above you he's going to drown me jelly he's trying to drown me out oh my God can I actually come to me right now if you want to you can come over over crer we can have a little party oh what is Craner doing hey we out of here bro we out in the about we out in the about bro ah oh netherite what does this do again he still got the advantage I forgot what heart of this he does me not drown Josh have mercy on us [Music] Immortals a lot of water guys I not enjoying it I can't reach you tried to hit me I can't reach you offended me I'm sorry all this water boys sorry I think J's just just yelling are you guys wait Josh can you reach him no I can't reach him I I got a two bucket now oh my God I thought someone was in that gosh dang it Josh I can't reach that oh I heard someone take full damage no no a where are you guys where are you guys where is everybody where is everybody is I'm what is happening you guys are going to be on top of each other soon what why what's going on down there I don't like this I'll put some more water down to help you guys ah he's got a pickaxe yeah he's got a diamond pickaxe wait wa did CR guy oh my God oh my God this is intense Craner I'm going to slaughter you come to me huh come to me then boy this is intense come to me then boy oh oh oh he's got a pickaxe green is getting beaten how are you not Dead Yet Josh could you stop with Annoying ah he got me he's a dead boy and you're next you filthy animal okay so Jelly's at the bottom now and Josh is at the top I'm low on health how are you low on health let's see how this one plays out I don't know how I'm low on health actually why do you have effects on I already could do a snack oh yeah what was the potion strength strength oh what dude he got me he did so much damage bro are you boring lad's going to do something anytime soon I can't even build to him I I like I would if I could right now he's I think he's scared of you JY honestly that's what I'm tell I literally haven't got any BLS J it's a scaredy cat J come on jny has a bucket do you yeah what you scared of J come I have water you just got a bucket that's interesting I'm coming for you Josh you're a dead man I thought Josh was doing amazing but he's actually doing kind of bad I've had really bad RNG right now oh really guy with the water bucket and you just got oak wood log no you want to say you have bad RNG dude oh no it's about to go down now dude okay til's definitely at the disadvantage here I don't think you guys can reach each other I'm just saying you got to get a little bit closer come on guys stop making that noise by the way Jos it's kind of how I feel trying to reach him from a distance this is how jelly feels at the Copper in his kitchen that's good no that was nowhere I can't believe you placed the was dumbest way to lose oh that was the dumbest way to lose ever man congratulations I think that's your first do jilling that's the second actually gr thank you though
Channel: Crainer
Views: 187,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogo, jelly, crainer, minecraft, one block, challenge
Id: 07EdLdMPri4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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