Playing HIDE & SEEK in Human Fall Flat!

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human fall flat time but today we're gonna be doing hide-and-seek I'm gonna be going against jelly and Craner in a custom-made hide-and-seek map and we're just gonna be taking turns seeking this flying Hammond says bounce pads there's all sorts now we're just kind of testing with this video to see if you guys would like some more hide-and-seek so let us know by clicking like if we get 50,000 likes will upload another hide-and-seek human fool flap anyway let's get into it it's hide-and-seek time okay I'll be in the Seekers house you to go high but pointing at me you guys finished alright I've left the Seekers house where could you possibly be hiding better now can I get it oh there is so much here Kay what would you guys do cat I don't don't say that don't say we see if that's a bad you guys look at and go whoo I want to play with those fun there's a big hammer thing would think that this right here do you use you likes to hammer guys do you like the hell oh yeah oh the hammer just hit me off the map where are you guys hiding are you hiding at a tower or something we're not hiding in a tower I'm gonna investigate how would you even care I can't all these boxes look like they've been no yeah those boxes don't quite have you felt can you guys see me now you didn't move these where are you guys just over here what does this do this makes you fly okay okay are you guys up here but you know not to move cray now I have to get oh you know out there alright creator listen oh there we go alright let's see if I can grab you to finish this come a little I got you hanging off of the tower yeah alright hey let me go alright I am back okay so the trick rail is a well I'm gonna find a yellow cheetah not let go I'm coming Bolle there's touchy hey come in hey this is too much cheating now I'm stuck all right next round granite your turn Darcy oh let's go you know how to count to 100 right well no you can't - when we're done okay jelly where we gonna go jelly that's a bad spot come on okay good I'd actually find a good spot okay we'll get the greatest spot in the universe of all we need to us at remember crane is bad at doing any moving so if we could actually maybe in here then then he's gonna have to take every inside of everything oh gosh looking well hiding spot is kind of yeah okay what next level Hey oh don't worry jelly as we do this with finding new things did you just for are you I lost you man hey come back come over here jelly all right don't fall off there you go okay up here this is getting somewhere Josh right this is gonna be tough for him to find okay and then from here we can go to here wait no wait is that actually a thing I guess we'll see when I do it yeah I don't know this is actually very good jelly is it not oh yeah I know it is is okay Jenna come on oh he's gonna make this are you come on just jump three weeks later oh you actually made it Wow by the time you could have warned me but okay and then ha de ba Josh this is gonna take him ten years exactly that's the entire point of this game jail it to pull me up I'm already okay there we go here jelly you might want to just know got it you got it yeah okay there you go okay I'm holding on to you jelly okay if we hold up to each other God chance to make him okay holding you like a child yeah I think we're here okay all right this is gonna be such a good spot Josh what oh my oh okay do not touch that reset ice okay yeah this is our spot all right Raina all right guys time time we're ready oh wait what did we pull something out that's right now what is that cushion hey Creina all right good luck finding us by the way I am just telling you this is not easy none jelly-filled five times getting to this boss you guys I say zero okay straight facts so you guys ever stop occupy you're walking in circles you could least start searching here Jenny Jenny you want a competition see that was a clue though for him hello anybody here we are watching yes oh that's her best might be a very too good of a clue he's watching through it Circle I think he just saw a stray awake Kelly where would I be if I was a smelly dumb idiot you're right there a circle hi circle in the sky circle high in the sky wait it's not a circle where you're on the opposite side of the map for us oh hey guys he's making some parkour moves with oh he's on a circle right now I think are we in trouble Josh I don't know I mean he's on a circle so you guys up there right where's where's there I don't see did we just die I found you guys I I just see blackness no I'm saying hi hiding hey guys that didn't count us we're not hiding you what do you mean you haven't found us yet wait wait idiot oh my god I see jelly well I think that gets counted quarter standstill now jelly okay you Josh oh I don't know it's how you're talking about just hiding I'm hiding Josh right you want to go to jelly let me show you guys le oh we just blew okay well I think deli go cool okay what can I borrow this okay I don't care move out the way up wait listen guys if you don't go and hide I will start right now okay okay okay okay okay great now we're gonna go I got the screen follow me let's go somewhere okay let's investigate okay oh oh this looks interesting stop don't say things out loud crying I'm trying not to jaws it's really difficult okay follow me all right that's kind of the point okay here we go okay now follow me you found something what did you find okay look at this this this is what you see oh okay this gets interesting secrets oh sorry alright so sorry you pulled me down bro hey I pulled you up alright okay you just okay this is like this is perfect right here I think yeah there we go that is our spot jelly we're ready alright we see you jelly already know you did probably found a trash thing or something yeah see I knew you'd be doing that Gracie you see it's in the house next to the tower what if I go up here oh hello Queenan no where are you guys no getting closer nope no you're not at all why would we be in the same spot from the first round alright he jumped onto the container right above us oh boy you guys are not hanging on the crane out girlfriend hey that would be cheating go flat what do you mean hold on alright you're not hanging on off the map right no no that would be teeing what are you doing I'm trying to go flat broke the wall here we go that's not flat okay how about clue we're quite high out work up yep crane huh stay still for one second I can't stand still there's something wrong in my brain I know minute are you guys yeah we've seen him the whole time Craner there's a basement to that tower as well jelly just for your information but you're high up yeah so crazy high up you just said that's what Creina said and per week Raina said it oh you said it no I don't remember that what do you waste it's fun you can't just cram me in a corner like this stop sitting on me Josh no stop riding me Josh oh no Creina be careful boy Lester are you alright now I've got you in a headlock somehow hello I'm on top of this tower nice to meet you hey we're definitely on top of that tower jelly what do you mean what do you mean right there people grab on grab on grab on guys hey guys my leg is stuck in the map I can't move anymore if you would like to watch some more videos there's a couple on the screen that you can click and it will take you straight there either this one or this one it doesn't matter which just make sure that you enjoy it
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,955,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, human fall flat hide and seek, snitch, jelly, crainer, multiplayer
Id: 83sDmyHhJG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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