Human Endocrine System Made simple PART 2

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so this will be the second video on the series on endocrinology make sure to watch the first video in this series in which we discussed about the overview of the human endocrine system we talked about the type of the receptors the types of hormones we also discussed in brief about some of the important endocrine organs like the thyroid parathyroid and the adrenal glands and the next important organ to discuss in the human in ukraine' system is the pancreas the pancreas consists of a both endocrine and an exocrine part the exocrine part of the pancreas secretes important digestive enzymes into the duodenum whereas the endocrine part of the pancreas secretes two important hormones the insulin and the glucose on they also secrete somatostatin which is of lesser importance pancreatic islets also known as the islands of Langerhans are irregularly shaped patches of endocrine tissue that are present in the tail of pancreas that contain different types of cells like the alpha cells beta cells and the Delta cells out of these the alpha cells secrete glucagon the beta cells secrete insulin whereas the Delta cells produce another hormone this rahmato statin now insulin has a wide range of effects on metabolisms of glucose are the carbohydrates proteins as well as fats whenever we eat there is a rise in the blood glucose concentration which is detected by the pancreas causing the release of insulin the overall effect of insulin is to decrease the concentration of glucose in the blood by stimulating the uptake of glucose into the cells and also by the conversion of glucose into glycogen which is the storage form in the liver now it is known as an anabolic hormone which is just opposite of catabolic since it prevents the breakdown of both fats proteins in the body glucagon on the other hand works just opposite to that of insulin see the hormone glucagon is mainly released when glucose is gone from the body meaning a low concentration of glucose in the blood the glucose causes breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver which is known as glycogenolysis it also causes the conversion of proteins amino acids and fats into glucose which is known as gluconeogenesis the overall effect is to increase the blood glucose concentration now we will take a brief look at the reproductive hormones in males we have the testes and in the females we have the ovaries these canards produce important hormones without which a reproduction is not possible the male gonads the testes produce important hormones like testosterone inhibin and d mullerian hormone and some other androgens like androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone these hormones are essential for the formation of sperms and development of secondary sexual characteristics the ovaries which secrete two important hormones the estrogens and the progesterones the estrogens are of various types most abundantly found in the females is the estradiol and also others like East Iran and Eastern East region causes the development of sex organs like uterus fallopian tubes vagina cervix it also causes the development of secondary sexual character progesterone on the other hand mainly acts on the uterus cervix and vagina and prepares these organs for conception of the zygote it also affects metabolisms and also affects the body temperature so we have all these endocrine glands all over the body that secrete these various hormones but the secretion from these glands required control which is provided by two important endocrine glands located in your brain the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland the hypothalamus is a small almond sized part of the brain that lies below the thalamus and controls a wide variety of body functions to maintain a proper body's internal environment these functions include regulation of body temperature hunger sleep thirst and many other things and one of the most important things that the hypothalamus does is that it links the nervous system to the endocrine system through the pituitary gland to understand this we can compare the hypothalamus to a vital part of the brain that is able to sense the various conditions or processes that are going around in the body now it controls many aspects of the body through the autonomic nervous system but it also controls a body's endocrine response through the pituitary gland secretions so if we take a look at the pituitary gland it is composed of an anterior lobe and a posterior lobe and together they secrete about eight hormones which either inhibit or stimulate secretions from other endocrine glands the hypothalamus directly or indirectly controlled the secretions from the pituitary gland the posterior pituitary is simple it does not secrete hormones from its own but in reality these hormones are actually synthesized in the hypothalamus the hypothalamus has two important collections of neurons known as the Supra optic and the paraventricular nucleus the paraventricular nucleus secretes oxytocin whereas the supraoptic nucleus secretes vasopressin or the antidiuretic hormone these axons of the neurons that directly leads the posterior pituitary and secrete these hormones there and then these hormones are released into the blood circulation and carried all over the body oxytocin is a peptide hormone that mainly acts on two important places in the body the uterus and the breast in the uterus it causes powerful smooth muscle contractions which are essential for childbirth and impress it is essential for lactation visible present also known as the antidiuretic hormone is also a peptide hormone vasopressin mainly acts on two important places the kidneys and the blood vessels in the kidneys the vasopressin causes a reabsorption of water and decreases the urine output in the blood vessels the vasopressin causes constriction of blood vessels increases peripheral vascular resistance and thus increasing the blood pressure so now when we take a look at the anterior pituitary things are a bit different the anterior lobe of pituitary produces six important hormones the secretions of which are directly controlled by releasing or inhibiting hormones that are produced inside the hypothalamus the hormones that are produced in the hypothalamus release the pituitary through blood vessel and in response to these releasing hormones the pituitary gland then produces hormones that control the secretion of other endocrine glands to take this into context let's take the example when the hypothalamus releases the hormone thyrotropin-releasing hormone or the trh from the hypothalamus it is carried to the pituitary through the blood vessels which causes the release of another hormone the thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary the TSH then acts on the thyroid gland and causes the release of important thyroid hormones in a similar way the hypothalamus releases CRH or the corticotropin-releasing hormone which causes a release of ACTH from pedia tree or the adrenocorticotropic hormone the ACTH then acts on the adrenals causing the release of important adrenal hormones similarly we have the gonadotropin-releasing hormone or the GnRH the GnRH acts on the periodic azam release of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone from pituitary gland these hormones act on the gonads causing the release of sex hormones similarly we have the growth hormone releasing hormone from the hypothalamus which causes the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland the growth hormone acts on almost all the cells of the body dopamine is released from the hypothalamus which inhibits the secretion of prolactin the dopamine basically inhibits the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland so this was a brief overview about the human into crane system guys thank you so much for watching this video if you found this video and all the other free educational videos on this channel helpful you can now support meThe simplified on for literally the price of a coffee cup this will allow me to 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Channel: MEDSimplified
Views: 111,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endocrine system, endocrine system anatomy and physiology, endocrine system nursing, endocrine system khan academy, hormones, endocrine glands, endocrine glands and their hormones, endocrine glands and their functions, endocrine glands crash course, thyroid, thyroid cancer, thyroid gland, thyroid diet, medical, lesson, tutorial, endocrinology, overview
Id: K1y36Atqi-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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