NEPHRON Structure & Function Made Easy - Human Excretory System Simple Explanation.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MEDSimplified
Views: 502,783
Rating: 4.9299269 out of 5
Keywords: NEPHRON, STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, EASY, SIMPLE, BIOLOGY, CLASS, LECTURE, SCIENCE, HUMAN, EXCRETION, EXCRETORY, structure and function of nephron, CLASS 10, CLASS 12, urinary system, urinary system anatomy and physiology, urinary system anatomy, urinary system physiology, life processes, nephron function, nephron function animation, nephron functional unit of the kidney, nephron function 3d, glomerular filtration rate, glomerular filtration physiology, glomerular filtration pressure
Id: uI-ByPDmsQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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