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let's just oh my gosh folks I don't believe this I don't believe it we got a win we did we got a money bag I've never had it I've never had this happen [Music] what's going on everybody I truly hope everybody's happy and healthy and blessed jigsaw Jeff back on your screen might be saying to your subject so Jeff just to lottery tickets yep just to sometimes two is all it takes sometimes it takes more but we we've got two here yes - I'd like these tickets we got the ten dollar mega sevens scratch-off ticket and we got the old standby here yes I like this ticking a lot also the twenty dollar super cash scratch-off lottery ticket Indiana Hoosier Lottery who's your lottery so yeah we'll see what happens today who knows just two tickets yeah we'll see I get I want the video jigsaw I'm trying ticket number twenty-two here it's just a matching win it's got a bunch of stuff going on though you get to ten times for ten times the prize money bag instant $50 stack of money hundred dollars and that seven symbol which I've been trying to find since the game first came out when all 25 prizes here yeah we'll see I'd like to see that I decide to go to be good if we win ticket says one two three point seven nine so let's get right into it but I hope everybody's doing well I think you again for all the nice comments I can't thank you enough I sincerely appreciate it alright today we're going to be using yes the orange scratcher it seems to be doing pretty good let's hope that continues what's our numbers here I like these I like all the members until they don't win but hopefully these will all right we got a 38 we got a number 40 we got a 44 26 25 and 19 now these are quite interesting numbers and do not know why I just kind of like them all right let's but let's see that seven symbols what I really want to see yeah let's just start out with something good oh we got here we got a 39 I have 38 to 40 yep that was about a 59 jigsaw how about not well okay oh my gosh folks oh my gosh I don't believe it folks I do I'm not even kidding you I don't believe it we got the win off symbol look we got the win off symbol on this ticket I don't believe it I don't believe it whoa okay all right now keep it together jigsaw this is your big moment I know I'm gonna have sorry folks I'm gonna have to stop and get a thumbnail on this one whoa okay hold on I'll be right back I gotta go get a thumbnail okay folks sorry about that had to go get a thumbnail on this one and collect my thoughts for a minute I I can't believe it I've been looking for that symbol I didn't think it existed since this tickets ticket came out I've been looking for that and we got it the win off the win off seventh symbol I I don't know what to say why am i scratching off the rest of the numbers I don't know [Laughter] I'm in another zone here all right we're not even looking for matching numbers but I keep that I don't know people say I get too excited but that's exciting over 25 prizes so it's a $10 ticket I don't know what this could be I honestly don't it could be the claimer we could be weak we're definitely we're definitely in some uncharted territory now folks this this I say that a lot but this is uncharted territory that would the win off cymbal Wow there's not too many times where I I'm speechless but this is one of those times and some folks might appreciate that I don't oh that's good that is good all right what's yep all right now we've got another ticket to scratch off here if this Wow okay so obviously nothing nothing else folks win all symbol ticket number 22 we'll get back to that one in a quick second like I said I'm I don't even know what to say all right yes let's move on to the super cache here a $20 ticket you've seen me play this game before it's a real easy game it's only got the three prizes on it one hundred two hundred five hundred dollars and all we're doing is looking for moneybags wouldn't that be something to get a win on this one two ticket number three he's got the bonus areas at the top I'd yep odds are one in eight point nine four so let's see what we can can preg get in a little closer here all we're doing is looking for moneybags I tell you what all right let's see we got a money bag we got a seven we had a seven on this ticket the good seven the win all symbol let's just oh my gosh folks I don't believe this I don't believe it we got a win we get we got a money bag I've never had it I've never had this happen I don't believe this I there's another money bag I don't even know what to say hold the phone whatever it's about time I don't know absolutely unbelievable there is another money bag Wow I'm trying to keep it together folks I really am I don't believe this I don't believe it we got a diamond we got grapes we got a pepper so got any more money bags I don't even know what to say all right what do we got three rows to go we got a vault a nut and a horseshoe we had a banana orange Apple nope now they're bunny bag that's beautiful what one two three four money bags we get the Emerald gift piggy bank the piggy bank is gonna be a little fuller today folks with these wins okay for money bags we've got another one sometimes they like to put five in here for okay there's the fifth one that's all right now this could go in number of ways we got one two three four five money bags and we got the bonus areas here we're looking for a stack of money in the bonus area we got a rabbit's foot what are we getting this bonus safe we've got a coin I don't believe it we got to win we've got at least $100 on this thing who knows what's on this thing I can't believe we got wins on both tickets I honestly can't all right whoo let's see what's under these money bag maybe there's $100 under each one of these who knows okay hey what do we get uh-oh this is all we get okay all right I think I know where this is going and I like it I thought we only had four money bags but we've got five we got twenty well we got 40 we get 60 where's the other ones that we got eighty okay we got here we got a hundred that's $100 win on this thing hundred-dollar win are the super cash we only spent thirty dollars all right let's get back to this the win all symbol 25 prizes like I said it's a $10 ticket I don't know what it could be I honestly don't I really don't I hope it's something good all right let's get going here on this everybody's waiting but I appreciate it and I'm excited all right let's get the camera angle just right in case this is the climber who knows you're the climber all right let's see what we got here folks stuck clear out here okay let's see what we're working with here oh my gosh okay we got twenty dollars so far now this is good there's another 20 okay that's $40 so far that's $60 I think mmm oh this is exciting $80 I don't believe it we got $100 there all right let's move on to the next row that is absolutely beautiful I'm sorry there's 120 140 160 now this is fun this is absolutely fun that's 180 200 dollars so far it's about time 220 240 - 60 I thank you so much for watching though folks I really do - 80 or - ain't ya - eighty three hundred dollars two rows to go I'm I'm enjoying every moment of this I'm sorry if it's taken me a little long but that's 320 340 360 three eighty four hundred dollars so far folks one row to go I know where this is going I know you do too but that's a huge win at least for me there's four hundred and twenty dollars four hundred and forty dollars four hundred and sixty dollars four hundred and eighty dollars five hundred dollar win folks five hundred dollar win Plus this thing a hundred dollar win on the super cash six hundred dollars in winds I don't believe it I don't know what to say other than thank you so much for watching I've never you if you watch the channel long enough you know I've never had anything like this happen they're not been scratched off so nobody can it is a little rip rip there though I don't know why hopefully that scratches off the barcode it better so I thank you again so much for watching I hope everybody's doing well Wow I'll talk to you next time bye bye
Channel: jigsaw jeff
Views: 276,561
Rating: 4.6987634 out of 5
Keywords: biggest, biggest win ever, big win on a lottery ticket, biggest win, lottery, lottery tickets, scratch off lottery tickets, biggest lottery win, biggest win total, lottery win, scratching off lottery tickets, winning lottery ticket, winall, win, all, huge win, huge lottery win, WIN, BIGGEST, biggest ever, ever, total, winnings, lottery winnings, big win, scratch off, lottery ticket, scratch off tickets, lottery ticket big win, scratch off biggest win, lottery big win
Id: TdhEJxqvvHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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