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on our way to Piggly Wiggly am I gonna get some scratch cards and we're going to show you how to win every single time you scratch so come with us join the fun see what happens Christy's gonna take the first ticker we're gonna do 50s and 100's to start the video out here guys this is a fun ticket because if you win it's the $50 or $100 winning tickets are about 1 in 9 point something tickets alright so she's looking for that 50 or that hundred right there and then you get it that's it that's all there is that's all she wrote yeah we still got that other ten in the machine we still got another ten on the machine so didn't get a winner on that one so let's go for another one of those it's nice when the roll is actually lower like number seven because I know there's a bunch of tickets after it so we can continue to play the ticket until we get a winner here second ticket in I have won $100 on these tickets and maybe two times Christine I hit 450 dollars in another video took a six tickets in that video so we didn't lose $10 clip more times than that actually but just not quite yet okay this is card number three I call it scratch card American caught lottery tickets $50 right there guys nice yeah you can get another 50 for 100 nice so this right here guys is how you make money on the lottery you buy a ticket that only costs $10 oh we got it hundred bucks we did it yep you 100 you want 200 that's the most win on this ticket there it is guys so you play a ticket like this where yeah you can only win 50 or 100 but if you hit it and you only put like 30 bucks in we expand to $70 profit on the video right here what do you think of that Kristi I told you this is how you win money on the lottery right here and do know when to walk away guys so once you do something like this just walk away you're up 70 bucks game over you already won yeah but we're gonna continue to play a couple more tickets for you guys just we make a nice little entertaining video but this right here is how you win on the lottery guys every single time nice cool cool also they got a new ticket here it's a thirty dollar crossword I've never seen that before probably not gonna play it it's pretty risky not sure what the odds are on it yet but we're still trying to win that thousand dollars out of it so we're gonna try that we're up 70 bucks right now so well feeling pretty positive yeah this one starts on ticket number two this is my favorite machine because I have won $500 on it twice are you serious Kristi God holy crap you're lucky this is our lucky day right here this could be this could be the one so you got one winner off the bat if you get two winners it's gonna be at least $20 it's $10 yeah even if we just want our money back right there on the first ticket that's things about one in five so it's a pretty low odd ticket and same with the fifties and hundreds like one one in nine point four so we're doing really really good it's our lucky day 32 and see where they're 27 don't see it go scan as well after we 47:43 mmm 37 37 so it's gonna be ten and ten or fifteen fifty hope it's 50 tonight we're up 80 bucks right now guys hey that is awesome let's go ahead and scan so I can see the machine here very cool how we have that machine man here in the US 40 guys keep it going I think we might do like a $5 ticket next yeah yeah let's do that I like I usually like I said I used to skip the crossword ones because those ones are really only good yes I'm a bit cautious on that we're gonna just waste all that money so we could just try one nuts forecast but well what do you think are you set of five two other one Jason will do this one and then after that we'll do like either one of those like maybe this one okay no worries no worries something so you got this one yeah I'm superstitious so if it's her ticket she's gotta press the button Joseon is so superstition yeah I've never in my life played this ticket before guys so we're kind of excited ticket number seven again yeah this is like is their lucky day guys yeah let's look at the back to see you Alif it or not odds are ten dollars for Nate 21 and 15 31 and 30 51 in 87 101 at 43 dude that's really good odds on 102 then 200 almost one in 4500 one 32,000 thousand dollars one in 82 that's what I was telling somebody commented on one of her videos a couple days ago and they're like play the $20 tickets they're better odds that when but aren't that thousand dollar ticket it's like one in 366 for the thousand yeah chase the symbol and all the other tickets even have $20 tickets or $30 tickets here you have less odds of hitting even $1,000 on that ticket which is your lowest amount for a claim er but she's just chasing that winner here see if she gets up not good that's what does it not give you is it a double price when $30 instantly on a not goes the $30 was what 1 into 30 or 40 tickets or something like that so we want to see that not or we want to see that leaf come on Chris you want to just leave out oh oh I thought that was a heart for a second I'm like wait what leave symbol all these symbols double okay we don't have fake multipliers here in Wisconsin I know there's not a lot of people scratching Wisconsin tickets on YouTube so we're excited to be one of the first ones no 39 no don't see it 16 seeing it what were the overall thoughts on this usually they're about one in one and four ish and five I do like the odds in that $100 win though one in 40-something tickets it's really really good for $100 on a $10 ticket so well not a winner okay I'm gonna grab the next one here that's for cash got to hit that hundred dollar one right here on video with every Sikh 200 our big wins in one video ticket number it just a little bit all right just inspection confession shoot I was in the wrong spot there's my bed kind of hard is the Lighting's a little red over here yeah he's trying to get a good visual there there's my 24 you don't know what number is this is evil see right here the eight yeah there's a second ticket and I forgot to look at that over all eyes on this yeah 103.8 right around 104 tickets on the skirt I'm liking it we're having a good day so far 3121 seen it or you at least we can instantly sconce a seven okay all right all right Christy's gonna grab another one there's our third ticket on these nuts for cash like I said we never played these ones before so kind of exciting to see what we went on our first one here this is kind of how we do when we just play them until we get at least one winner and then we kind of move on to the moon ticket it's called chasing the ticket chasing the wind 13:26 23:47 I think you're gonna get a L symbol here meet Abe I think you're gonna get that double or the Triple Eight I forgot which one was which I think it was a knot was triple gettin close to the edge of the thing there's a 24 right there 35 and 38 okay the order winning numbers are here guys five seven no 40 no it's kind of looking quick so we can kind of get through this ticket 34 I don't see it and knowing her she's gonna scan it didn't see you 9 there nope nope hopefully the four tickets a winner here alright come on Justin symbol right here I can feel it can you feel it yep like the video good guys yeah like the video cuz we're already up money either way we just want to do this new ticket for you guys let us know what ticket is your favorite 50s and 100's the possible thousand dollar winner or this one which you can win up to 75,000 nice like I said this is our first time ever playing this ticket so we just want to get a winner and see what we can get here if we get hit for that hundred dollars that would be sick up 42 we got it right there 42 yeah we gotta win up on the fourth ticket too so $40 in we got a good shot at hitting that 100 or even that 30 32 I don't see a 32 and a 47 okay alright this could be it right here hundred dollars right here what do you think Christie yep I'm just gonna do it faster 10 bucks talking so we did lose thirty dollars on that ticket up but we're still up 50 bucks and you guys are hopefully loving the kind of times so there it is to another little nice today yeah okay Justin's gonna try a $5 ticket yeah Lady Luck ringer yeah we like that one you're going up to 45,000 come on you just scratch the last ones yeah you did sure you did oh yeah it's right Justin's could have got all superstitious oh if I scratch this but I don't do anyways because ya know either way it's your ticket you're the lady yeah a clover is 100 bucks inside don't be sick I feel too far the closet oh yeah so maybe you're gonna get one here 400 bucks thirty-six this will be the last thing we play until we get a winner on it and then we will probably be done for the day we are up 50 dollars right now before we bought this ticket so hopefully she gets one of those symbols around on the end here and we get a winner yep okay show us that Lady Luck Christy 3757 seven not seen it 17 51 51 you got a winner first we good right there so we guaranteed to get her money back at least on that awesome guys hit the like button for that yeah so on this video today we have four winners I knew we had 20 24 I don't think he starts to 24 and 31 but it could be that 45,000 right there we've been chasing a claimer and this could be the biggest plane of my life yep 51 there it is scratching it slow seen one's gonna be if a big number I think that's a small zero yeah $5 got our money back I'm mad at that okay we profit of $50 from the video guys hopefully you learned something from us like I said if you want a profit every single time when you play the lottery by the 50s and 100's once you get a winner give up on it walk away a winner happens almost every time you seen it we won a hundred and put thirty in we played some of the other games just to keep you guys entertained a little bit there but um yeah we went on every one of the tickets we played and not every single ticket but each ticket that we played we got a winner we got this one first go and we got that one first go I think right and then this one took us four and then that one took us three but I mean we got what's the hundred twenty one hundred and thirty five dollars in winners yeah very awesome know what your thoughts were on this video on each of the scratch cards that we went on we did win quite a bit we didn't make a profit this time let us know which card you'd like to see on scratch in the future any suggestions for future videos if you like this video leave a huge thumbs up leave a comment and please subscribe for more videos like this in the future make sure you have your bell turned on for life videos things like that and we'll see you very soon for another great video
Channel: Kriistiee.
Views: 332,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to win lottery, lottery hack, lottery win, scratch card win, lottery ticket win, lottery ticket hack, scratch card hack, how to win scratch cards, lottery ticket, lottery scratch card
Id: 0pKl674nMHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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