Solo Overnight Building a DIY HOBO Wall Tent in The Woods and Cobra Kai Bacon Manwich

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[Music] [Music] i'll bite because i make all kinds of bad choices all right that time again time still overnight in the woods and this time i'm thinking we do a bucket list item let's get to it all right so one thing i wanted to do for a while is make a do-it-yourself hot tip now i know it's the end of summer so it's too hot for a hot tent but i want to apply the theory for something this winter and i want to make this tent out of a ordinary 9 by 12 poly tarp a couple shower curtains and some duct tape so let's get to it for a solo overnighter building a hobo shelter in the woods before we get too far down the trail i want to go ahead and address something last week's video was solo six day overnight building an elevated off-grid cabin in the woods that's the completion to our ultimate deer stand i turned it into a tiny home slash elevated cabin slash deer stand so check that bad boy out now there's a lot of confusion still after all this time 14 plus years and four years of doing overnighters i post on sundays between 11am and 2pm i give a window there because youtube wants to do the three hour uploading and checks to keep me safe so 11 am sundays to 2pm if you haven't seen a video within that time frame start searching for it as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one of my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box [Music] uh all right one down one to go [Music] [Music] so we have our basic a-frame style but i don't want that i want to resemble a hot tent so for that i need actual walls right here so i'm thinking put two poles last anywhere in here and then the tarp can go over top of my ridge pole and then over the horizontals and then stake it down creating an actual wall right here so hopefully it'll work out [Music] and there we go the bushcraft zip tie aka slash arbor knot cut this bad boy off right here get the other side and more business um okay so we have two shower curtains one for the front one for the back roll of duct tape now someone's gonna say that's a waste of resources when you miss the part where it says do it yourself gotta find a way to rig this up and tape it to my tarp and then tape the seam so it's waterproof creating a more semi-permanent structure in the woods so let me figure this out and we'll get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] you've all watched me make this stretcher bed or raised stretcher bed probably 20 30 times so i'm not going to do it again i went ahead and made it already i'll just tell you how i did it lay the sleeve down slide in two poles you want the poles to stick out probably about a foot longer on each side than what the sleeve actually is or you can simply roll the sleeve down like i did right here then stretch it out lay two cross members want the front for a headboard one at the bottom for a foot board lash them off really tight with arbor knots that will keep the bed stretched apart then simply toss that bad boy on some logs or something to get it off the ground so so if you like what you see here please do that favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop alpha af i should be fine you know why because cobra kai never dies catch you on a few tonight we're going to go ahead and do something different i'm going to go ahead and pause everything as far as talking about what's on my mind upcoming events we'll do that tomorrow morning during coffee time it'll be a little bit longer but we'll do it tomorrow and then during my final thoughts i want to address an individual and an individual's channel that i recently became aware of and you need to know where i stand on the subject let's put that way so look for that tomorrow morning um right now i want to go ahead and i'm not going to go into details with what i'm going to talk about right now i'll let him do it in his own video uh camping with steve steve wallace the guy just suffered an extreme loss really bad you might want to check him out once again this camping with steve steve wallace check out his latest video drop him a line drop him a note help him any way you can ultimately let him know you're going to be there for him and his channel once he recovers from this and starts making videos again check him out steve wallace camping with steve with that get you on the wine um shelter i gotta crawl out of 300 milligrams of caffeine first thing in the morning born to be bad yes i am okay so let's talk about the shelter this was a concoction that i saw in my head a combination of a ordinary blue utility tarp i think it was nine by twelve and two shower curtains and a roll of duct tape we actually used half a roll duct tape it's right here so we came up with a shelter that resembles a hot tent for a hobo style conglomerate shelter in the woods um but it worked out well we have our a-frame configuration we dropped these two poles on the sides that created walls taped all the seams up and also created the door in the front here with two zippers those are construction style zippers that are meant for plastic sheeting but it worked perfectly on the shower curtain so i'm happy with that the thing's solid i mean it's tall as it's gonna be could you stay inside there for several days if not a week yes you could so once again 10 million uses for duct tape worked out well hobo shelter in the woods so normally it's spam in the morning but give you guys a break and check this out you got bacon for two meals a little bit of tabasco the secret sauce and we're in business give her a good wipe down and we're good for the next time i wasn't gonna do this but i mentioned it last night so i'm going to so i'll bite because i make all kinds of bad choices um it was brought to my attention that a certain youtube creator decided to take it upon himself to use my likeness meaning my picture as well as two others in the thumbnail and create a video that suggests that we solely alone and people like us or people that want to be like us or people who are trained by us are a major issue in amongst the bushcraft and survival community with that being said when i see something like that i immediately think two things and most the time is true first off that creator has no standalone content of his own if he did he would use other people's likenesses or their video clips along with that standalone content the second thing i think is that that individual or that creator is using other people's content and their likenesses to boost their views so i said aha let's go back and check so i looked at this person's channel and over the past year he has anywhere from 500 views to 3 000 views making a video trash talking trained instructors of their own schools he got 30 plus thousand views so it worked congratulations enjoy now let's go back to what i was talking about standalone content enjoy your short-lived victory this video got you that boost what's going to happen is it's going to do this because you don't have any standalone content you're not that good and i don't say this out of meanness i'm from the era where facts don't care about your feelings if you had standalone content and chose to do this this video would carry the other videos along with it and your channel would start doing this because it's always been down here you're not being seen or hurt you're not being seen or heard not because you're good at being suppressed by youtube you're not being seen or heard because you're not that good and lastly on the standalone content because you don't have any that speaks for itself other than regurgitated content you lack the ability to take basic ideas like bowlines sheer lashes a bipod lash tripod lash and apply them to a bigger picture and come up with something original like this now i've said my piece and like i said i make all kinds of bad choices and i'm not speaking for the other two in that thumbnail however i've worked and trained with both those individuals they have their own schools and let me say that on their worst day they'll do better than you ever will like the saying goes they probably forgot more than you'll ever know so enough with that let's go ahead and move on there you go solo overnight building a hobo shelter in the woods more great things to come with that over here my videos can be found in three places one my amazon influencer page and two myself reliance not there's influencer page if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can find on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do my favorite hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] now it's time for corporal's final thoughts okay so there's two types of people and i touched on this earlier briefly in a different way you can be person a who writes their own story or person b who's part of someone else's story this applies to your marriage to your home life your school life college work whatever you do you could be a master of your own domain the captain of your own ship or be told what to do and be part of somebody else's it's pretty straightforward very simple you can decide right now put the foot forward open that door and walk out this morning and decide today is the day i'm gonna take charge of my life and be the captain of my own ship with that take care of yourself and each other
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 795,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a DIY HOBO Wall Tent in The Woods, corporals corner, steve wallis, camping with steve, step 2, solo, overnighter, building a super shelter in the woods, super shelter, camping in the woods, building an emergency shelter, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, homeless camping, overnight in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, how to camp in the woods, camping for beginners, how to build a wall tent, wall tent camping
Id: e-LeRDlukJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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