Hammer Jerky w Mark Wiens 🐸 + Thailand's Best BBQ at 'Pa Daeng Jin Thoop' Local Food in Chiang Mai

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good morning everyone this is a part 2 and in case you have not yet watched part 1 I'll just give you a quick run through what happened it looks like mushrooms more than tofu it might be mushroom Olli how did this first of all is the music that was playing we went to an amazing restaurant not a vegan restaurant but we did enjoy a full vegan meal here you can see what we had Wow I think that soup is one of the better soups I've ever had in my life you might be able to see why then we continued on for a total transition to the opposite end of cian maies food spectrum the flat-out opposite of a vegan meal Oh first there was also a great time sharing some Korean with the guys who guard the gate to the community in which I live so mark his family hanging out in Chiang Mai this is awesome hope you enjoy part 2 thanks for joining have a beautiful day ok wow this place is stunning I would love to visit here again but we've got more to do today like I said we are going to pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum and that's one thing that I love about chiama we are at Padang tin dope and gin is northern Thai language don't mean stay hit something and genus meat so yeah they get the meat and wait till you see how it happens so if you follow the Instagram channel of Pokhara of Andy Ricker who is a chef and obsessed with Thai food awesome chef if you follow his channel you will see amazing photos of this place and some videos of them just having quite a party all hanging out together you can see a few things you can see a scene is like absolutely local the chefs are so friendly you can tell they are having a great time and since the first time that I saw them mark actually said yo Joel we gotta find this on the next visit to Chiang Mai we gotta find this place trip it is worth maybe even the Bangkok to Chiang Mai just for this restaurant that's the kind of level of northern Thai grilled meats a traditional food of northern Thailand is very smoky full of herbs not exactly only bitter herbs just the full flavor profile is going to be very herbal it's incredible this location is incredible yeah the decorations are quite unique to say the least very cool though it's like at home mark check this out man tan ma when we come here rowdy J the owners are happy tan got by Araki tune when you leave the owners will miss you Jack Padang from Padang so budding so cool so we are a little bit lucky right now we've made it before the rain I hope that holds but anyways we're here which means we're in a very good place indeed just wait till you see the legend at work someone being up indeed did I load up the sledgehammer pounded meat is the secret recipe if you can call it a recipe more like a special move that you can't believe is happening is amazing on Padang tom jynson insanely tasty insanely meeting northern Thai dish right there she is an absolute expert at dim sum mam the way he just selected through those meats is just beautiful so he's obviously making a mixed a mixed pound right now and when he pulled out the that's pork actually with all those herbs when he just pulled it out I think I could smell it from 3 meters away ok so it is time to order and be very kind of checking out the menu here mark had just a classic migration ology idea we got actually so mental and on and then for sure we got this the young king of the pig the jowls of the pig chin I told you today was gonna be a day off across the board from end to end all the different eating options when you visit young life okay while said the table is just brimming with food and if there's any dish that I'm gonna go for first I guess well this dish I order every time I see it every restaurant that has it I just have to order ma'am it's sour it's like so rich oh yeah in the North they also crack an egg into it I love it and the flavor is only bumped up special yep eating an entire clove of garlic and an entire chili you gotta do it just love and just love ma'am I don't know why I love this dish so much it is gooey the texture just cannot just cannot get over the texture because she includes actually pork skin in there it's so heavy on the garlic it's actually spicy from so much garlic and then the richness from the added egg yolk Netezza that is a huge amount of food in one banana leaf in tap okay and then straight from the NAMM got to go to the namesake of the restaurant the jindo the pounded meat and it's like a 2 or 3 pound sledgehammer he uses okay so but the way they slow Grill it it's so dry it's almost like jerky so the flavor is rich like full of flavor but you really gotta get your saliva glands working around that when I took my first bite actually I started coughing so I don't have video sorry about that okay but this next dish isn't even on the menu and longwood was so happy to show us this it's so full of herbs even though he just calls it steamed pork wow this dish is tasty immediately immediately a texture oil okay and then to finish the highlights of round one just gotta try that pork jowl or at the hair you want to dip that for sure if you like herbs if you like unique and new flavors oh man is all the dishes are amazing this is one thing you cannot forget to try when you visit the north the we thought the table was full already and they even we take she's coming over to check on us Oh okay moving on to the final part of the meal there are a few more things I want to show you definitely got a start with sticky rice cannot overlook the importance of sticky rice in all meals of northern Thai food and you do use your hands balling it up like this I have so many funny memories of people just holding onto the sticky rice and give maybe getting lost in a story they're telling or something mmm just maybe two minutes three minutes and then just suddenly looking for where to dive in for the next bite okay and speaking of great countryside memories I love the way that they do things in the countryside and making use of all the vegetables and all the animals all the parts of the animals is definitely a big thing of importance this dish is frog but it is amazing hmm yeah mam is great but that that is award-winning best dish on the table probably the Frog because it shows he not only is innovative with his with his hammer move but also this this shows he's a genius chef as well the herbs the blend in that soup is incredible and he just calls it a young uncle but it's more like a stew like a soup there's so many parts Cheers chef no more thank you for taking care of us today [Music] so we have finished about half the food they gave us a ton for sure is we're just sitting here basically sitting right next to the kitchen they're just making another plate for customers checking up on how we are it's really like we are at their their own house and we're just hanging out the OL back you go out with your friends to have fun on a Friday Saturday night that's the meal we're having but it's also like just the vibe of this place is so cool it is just thanks to those tongue chefs for sure we are headed home but we will see her again for sure many items that they couldn't get from the market because things are still not totally totally open but yeah we'll be back friendly okay one thing to note about the location on Google Maps there are two locations because the road that goes to GRI because they are expanding that road they had to move their location and move everything must have been a huge process and would basa this is the place that they had available to rent so you can actually see it is that lot over there but it's going to be used for the coming highway so if they had to move the shop here but you can see they still brought all the little very very unique decorations I can say that fun very fun and what a place what a special place there you will never find a place like this it is completely unique and of course it comes from their unique characters gotta come visit them they are amazing and you will also fulfill all your northern Thai meat dreams in pretty much one go I can't pick a favorite dish but that one is pretty awesome but anyways thank you for tonight thank you for joining have a wonderful day of one please much love Andy got enough yet showing us Andy's the drinking fruit of Thailand yep the first of many yes chayo that is that's right there and he gave her this book in person
Channel: Joel Bruner
Views: 165,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade Jerky, Beef Jerky, Northern Thai Meat, Northern Thai Barbecue, Northern Thai BBQ, Pa Daeng Jin Thoop
Id: Il60O8EgGM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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