Building a BULLET PROOF 6.2!

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I was watching Nick and because he had so  much fun so much fun taking his motor out   of his pickup getting parts putting it  back in and then because I have so much   fun taking my motor out of my Yukon I decided  to get another one look at that I got another   one and my motor is ready by the way it is  ready it took a while to get some parts for   it they got it machined it is ready to go back  in the Yukon I just got to find time to do it [Music] you're probably wondering why did I get  another 62 why was I not very smart individual to   get a 6.2 well here's my logic I love the interior  I love the way they drive I love the power I like   the mileage for pickups they do pretty well and  after watching Nick's pickup he's got some miles   on it and it's held up pretty good besides the  motor so I bought this thing I didn't want to buy   one but in my situation because my Yukon was down  and I didn't have a family vehicle we decided me   and my wife decided to upgrade to this 2017 and  it had 65,000 M on it and it's gorgeous okay my   plan is after the yukon's fixed and I get some  time I going to pull the cam out of this thing   and I'm going to take the leaves uh the Springs  out of this thing and I've got I'm going to put   different rollers for not rollers but bushings  for the rocker arms in this when I do a couple   other things it should be pretty bulletproof  keyword should be now you're probably wondering   well why didn't I just drive my old pickup all  the time well my old pickup's got 190,000 Mi on   it and it can it might not be very reliable so  if we go on road trips and our Yukon breaks down   we don't have another vehicle so I did it I did  it I got a 6.2 another one I don't know it just   on me and honestly I I'm going to get a lot of  slack for this but I don't care what brand you   have they all have problems all the new  stuff isn't very good and here's another   thing just to let you know I decided to go with  a 2017 and I didn't want to go to a 2019 plus   because I've just heard nothing but problems  on the 2019 plus these years here are fairly   decent so anyways Tada he even says leg arms my  wife said get the license plate that says leg   arms all right I'll get it just pretty I love that  color how could you not say no to that color don't   worry you're not the one making payments I am one  thing I'm doing right now is uh this kit and I've   heard you definitely want to do it this is for  my rocker arms it's got little brass sleeves   that replace the needle bearings that're on my  rocker arms of my 6.2 Yukon okay and the reason   why people say it and honestly I can see it and  it makes perfect sense is I'll show you here are   the rocker arms that go to my 6.2 inside here are  tiny itty bitty little needle bearings see that   little tiny thing right there yeah I don't know  if you can see there's a bunch of them in there   what happens from my understanding is the cap that  holds them in can wear and break and those needle   bearings can pop out and then they fall onto your  cam shaft and your lifters and then they go down   your oil pan and it's a bad day so to prevent that  to stop that from happening I'm pressing them out   so I can put the new bushings in so this has the  old one so I went over to the lathe I love that   lathe made myself the right diameter piece out of  a a pipe another little collar here and then I can   press them out without damaging them and just  slow and steady don't go fast don't do anything   crazy don't bend these don't warp these don't  break them and then I'll put the brass pieces   in and then when I get my 6.2 engine back I can  put those on and that's one less thing to worry about yeah that' be a bad day if it came apart let's fix that and make that right so I went ahead and just put  one of them on and so far the Kit's   pretty I actually really like this kit um  this is what uh Texas Speed performance   uh requested that I do cuz I asked them what kind  of bushing kit did they have and they said well   this one's been pretty good we've had good luck  with it and uh I'd highly recommend going with it   so I said okay let's do it so basically you have  a snap ring on one side with a brass bushing and   what you'll do is you'll put the brass bushing on  one side put the snap ring then take your lifter   and it does not matter which way you you put it  in at least that's what my understanding and then   you take the other brass piece and stick it on  here like so slide that on and then you get your   snap ring then you set the snap ring on it like so  and you are done you got to make sure though that   that snap ring is in the groove correctly because  if you put this together and that snap ring comes   off you're going to have a bad day so let's not  have a bad day but there you go put these [Music] together so just curiosity I was looking  through all my needle bearings that uh came   out of those rocker worms and one of these  this one right here didn't have a whole lot   of needles in it and what's odd about it is  the vast majority of them look good there's   a spot in here I don't think you can see it on  camera but right here there's a little bit of   a wear spot in the sleeve and guess what I  found so this I don't know if you guys can   see it that's a standard normal sized one  look at that thing it's half the size and   it's burnt uh it looks like this one here if I'm  correct has been dropping needles into my motor yeah that's why I'm changing them changing  them out from this style to a nice brass piece   but I I think that's uh indication of why I'm  doing it h is that something something so tiny   that can cause major problems in your motor if  you're not careful well I'm getting a new motor eventually fun fun deal it's in the shop  and here's a motor and bunch of pieces for   those that don't know this motor dropped a valve  spring or dropped broke a valve spring dropped a   valve into the engine scored the cylinder wall  and piston was jacked up the head was slightly   jacked up and I will show you the here it  is let me show you the spring this is what   happened about 4 months ago here's part of the  spring here's the valve yeah it's not supposed   to look like that because of that problem and  guess what I happen to have one of the years   that the Yukon decides to well GM didn't make  very good Springs and I got that year but I've   got all sorts of Parts here and I'm going  to go through quickly so you guys can get   an idea this motor here has new bearings in it  it's got a new cam in it it gets the cam that   I put in there deletes the dod so it doesn't  have the fuel management system that means it   can never run on four cylinders which is what I  want because there's a lot of problems that the   GM has with that I also put new valve springs  in it um basically it's a whole brand new motor   it's boarded out 15,000 because the cylinder  wall got scratched pretty bad from that um   that valve and then the other thing I've got going  on is these are the rocker arms putting those   things in they don't have the needle bearings  they have bushings which is awesome and I've got   Parts all over new fuel pump new water pump new  vacuum pump injectors have been gone through uh   one failed so I got a new injector uh new bushing  or seals for that gaskets I'm putting a new torque   converter in because I've heard torque converters  can fail in these motor or in this these years and   stuff through the transmission I'm just going to  do it because I want it to last a little longer   so put that in so basically the step that I  got to do put some stuff on here put that in   there put that in there and assemble it all and  then hopefully we have our Yukon back because   it's been about 4 months and it'd be nice to have  this thing back got it okay let's get busy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now when I'm putting a torque converter  in I want to make sure that I get it lined   up correctly there's slots not only is there  splines that go inside the torque converter to   hit those uh uh I guess you could say fan  blades it's a good way to put it fins but   anyways there's a couple slot on the uh torque  converter that go to a pump that catch it so   when you're putting it in you want to make sure  it's in all the way cuz if you don't put it all   the way in you put your engine in here and  you bolt it up and you could damage it and   then you got to get a new transmission  yeah so you want to make sure it's in correctly feels good I'm [Music] happy now I went ahead and put some uh antise  on the back of the motor so when it goes to the   transmission if I have to pull the transmission  off again I don't have to fight it because when   you have aluminum to aluminum with no gasket  or no nothing on there they get diffused uh   they get glued together let's put it that way  it was fun getting it off so if I put a little   anti-seize around on that hopefully it'll be  nicer to the next person that has to pull the   motor or the transmission out I think I'm ready  to put this thing in okay let's do it [Music] man that worked out really well really well we  got it down in there a little bit of persuasion   and uh I got it lined up to the back bolts on the  transmission put two of them in and we're good   you want to let this thing down take the chain off  pull this out of here and I think I'm going ready   to fire it up in 5 minutes yeah a world record  in my mind it's world record cuz I'll fire it up   in my mind good job Dad good job yay one hand clap  one hand clap yeah there you go now I got all that   goodies and stuff to hook up no I got to do the  front uh engine mounts and I got to do the rest of   the transmission and I got to bolt up the torque  converter to the flux plate and yeah there's a   lot of stuff to still do but the thing is it's  sitting in there that's what I want oh beautiful   okay I think it's about time for us to try to get  this thing lined up on the lift use the front or   use the lift up or lift it up so we can uh take  the front tires off and then I can access inside   there and start getting the front motor mounts  and all the other stuff in but that is a good sign [Music] thank you [Music] so I got my helper here Bob the Builder uh what  he's doing is he's rotating the motor and I'll   tell them when to stop because I like to be in  control and tell them what to do and then when   I tell him to stop I'm going to take one of  these bolts and I'm going to put it through   the flux plate to the torque inverter because  oh wa what wait what huh what' you say uh you   have to say mother may I before I'll move  do it now all right okay go ahead and rotate it and stop right there so right where the  starter goes is a great spot where I can put   my hand up in there and uh put a bolt in now  I'm not tightening any of them I want to get   them all into first okay go ahead and rotate it  keep going keep going looking good looking sharp   right there okay and then so the reason why I'm  not uh tightening them up is if you tighten one   and it's slightly off you're going to fight  all the other ones and then you're going to   cross thread ain't going to be good pretty all  right go ahead and stop right there so we've   got the transmission bolted the engine we got  the engine mounts bolted to the frame got the   uh leg bone attached to the knee bone hey did I  ask your opinion I'm just I'm just being a jerk   he's he's gladly helping me I'm just being a  jerk well I'll jerk this if you want me to wait   hang on let me put my finger in there real quick  before you jerk it all right go ahead and rotate it and stop that is the last one and then we got  to tighten it up how many is there uh six okay we   got six of them all right so got that one and grab  this right here and I'm going to flip the camera   real quick [Music] had a pretty good day yesterday  we got the exhaust manifold and the starter and a   couple wires hooked on the other side of the  motor the motor was installed transmission's   hooked up the torque converter's hooked up  and uh now I'm going to button up this side   put this exhaust manifold on I'll probably put  the valve covers on and then start doing intake   and all the front stuff in the front yeah so I  I guess it's time to put the exhaust manifold in [Music] yay so one thing I'm doing is I'm  putting a little bit of copper anti-seize   on the exhaust manifold bolts so  that way you don't want to put too   much uh just enough to coat it that way if we  ever have to take it off we're not fighting it   a lot of times they get rusty and they break  off and uh is a pain I can't find a spot to   put my feet uh I'll do that it's a pain to  get off so do a little bit of anti-seize I   like the copper I think any antise will probably  work but for me I I just kind of like that okay   so this put the wrong one in that's okay I'll do  another one they've got slots right here so if I   put two bolts on the manifold to hold it I can  slide this in put the rest of them in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   I would say we are ready to start this thing  I've got oil I got coolant what else do you   need so one thing I'm going to do somebody  told me this and it's a super smart trick if   you change the oil in these vehicles do this  before you get it to fire put your pedal all   the way to the floor crank it it will not  start with the pedal all the way down keep   doing that until you see oil pressure and  then once you finally see oil pressure then   you can fire it up and the reason why somebody  told me to do this and it was a mechanic at a   shop that knows these motors pretty good he  said the oil pump on this motor here if you   don't do that procedure it will rev up to  like, 1600 RPM and then back itself down   well it gets really high pressure if there's air  in there and uh slams that oil against the plates   of the pump of some sort he's trying to describe  it to me I'm trying to figure it out and basically   damages your oil pump and then 50 to 100 miles  later oil pumps toast so I'm not going to do   that I'm going to do what he said but I think  we are ready because I've got that in there I hook the battery up put my fuel  pump relay back in and let's see   what happens you ready yes let's let's  see if that overhaul is not overdone you   want to be the cameraman and watch this  thing start on fire all right here we go little disappointed batter's dead dead it's  funny cuz I turned the key on to put it in neutral   and came over here and it worked fine and had  power inside well then when when I just tried   to do this the battery's like dead so I'm not  going to start it today that's for sure that's   okay I can start it tomorrow and I might have  to get a new battery so yeah those aren't cheap   and basically what's left on this is I got to put  the hood on and then I have to put the wheel well   cover inserts that go inside there in but I'm not  going to do that until she runs and got one more   piece to put on the transmission supposed to  stop a heating issue potential heating issue   um and other than that I think we're doing  pretty good in fact we're doing really good   good in fact and I shouldn't be saying this  because it's going to I'm going to have a   problem tomorrow when I try to start it but  everything went super smoothly for the most   part and it really didn't take that long  just slap that in there okay Not only was   the battery low it it was low it needed to be  charged but dumb Dum me was not very smart and   apparently the ground from the battery needs to  be bolted to the engine to make the starter work yeah uh that line was tucked in a spot and  I couldn't find it till I traced the battery   cable should start now though I think we're  good okay let's trank this thing over hey   Kobe are you going to help huh you want to  get a charge out of it huh yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause]   no puddles underneath that's a good sign all right  couple things we did wrong one well obviously the   ground to the motor and from the battery that  was my bad two I pulled a relay and a fuse out   of the fuse box so that when I turn the key  on it doesn't run the pump and won't short   something out well I put the relay back in and  uh guess what I forgot to put back in forgot to   put the fuse back in so we were cranking it  for a while and the fuse wasn't uh allowing   the fuel pump to put fluid to the front it's  running now bummer all that well at least the   engine was very well oiled let's put it that way  okay good deal I am happy for that that means now   we're going to put the hood on and then I've got  those to put on and then those round things that   move on the ground to put on and we're good  to go thanks Dad okay let's put the hood on [Music] [Music] you're welcome wifey it's back together oh it's  a good feeling such a good feeling to have this   thing back together yep I'm happy but I got to  break it in so got to put some miles on it about   200 miles roughly then drop the oil put other  oil in it and uh hopefully we don't have any   more problems in the future but I'm done for today  just wanted to get the off my mind because I'm the   type of person that likes to uh keep thinking  about something and I can't get it off my mind   and drives me nuts crazy Bonkers La La Land and  uh so the fact that it starts and it drove out of   its way by itself means uh means it's good all  right anyways after I'm shutting the shop down   I'm going to say something thank you for watching  guys appreciate it and God bless see you next time [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 147,406
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: 03PB98GrZHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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