Huge Issues With My New Purchase, All Revealed With New Camera!

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we're flying the Blackhawk from our home here in Salt Lake City Utah first stop is going to be Rockport Texas to purchase a giant hovercraft believe it or not from there we're going to continue eastbound to Florida to have one hell of a week [Music] C McFarland called us and said hey I want you guys to come race the freedom 500 with us and I said okay I'm in how can I make the event better which is why me and the boys are jumping in the Blackhawk right now and we're going to fly all the way down to Florida and we're going to take the scenic route on our way through so we got a plan every state that we fly through we're going to stash a bag and that bag you're going to have all sorts of prizes cash all sorts of good stuff and we're going to be sending you guys the coordinates before we get into anything else we've got a winner from our recent video on the guess how long it took to haul the dock contest there was a lot of guesses and I'm sure a few of you got it correctly but essentially what we do is we grab the first guess that's the closest that we can see and you're the winner congratulations Mr Nick Panda 9322 next item of business is the camera that I'm shooting on yeah the camera that just went from really dark inside lighting to really bright outside lighting the insta 360 guys is legitimately one of the coolest cameras on the planet and I don't just say that because they sponsored our videos I say it because we use these all over the place you guys probably are thinking hey didn't you do a video with the insta 360 down in Moab insta 360 took that camera and they made it even better with the new X4 Edition I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of you start using only the insta 360 for all of your content from here on out because it is so versatile so clean and it is the highest quality you can get because it shoots all the way up to 8K thank you is the 360 and you guys enjoyed the footage [Music] what is that a boat they're going to cat a oh B I think what we found in trying to film the Blackhawk is a single camera is really hard to get all the angles the insa 360 obviously has 360° visibility and allows us to capture pretty much any angle and however we want to use it we can twist and rotate like it's so much better than the standard GoPro [Music] one of my favorite Parts about living in Utah is the wide diversity of all the different colors that you'll see as you cross the state which is why I love the 8K feature on the Ina 360 [Music] all right this is the first drop and we have an awesome awesome location days left us dude check this out we got shirts we got monsters we got stickers we got hats and the best part 1,000 bucks cash step right here in this bag being protected by our good buddy John Christian how'd he get such a cool burial spot let's go I definitely kneeled right in the cactus [Music] [Music] y real quick guys the first 50 of you that place an order for the insta 360 X4 by clicking the link in my description below you're going to get a free free invisible selfie stick this bad boy right here but first 50 of you only [Music] [Applause] [Music] another huge Improvement that insta 360 has made is they took the battery and they beefed it up to 67% more runtime that means you're going to get like 135 minutes of filming with this bad boy hot chocolate and a pops why not where are we right now we're in Farmington New Mexico at the Atlantic Aviation Jet Center they got free ice cream and they got free hot chocolate and coffee so we're just hanging out Wai and get fueled up just topped off the fuel really great Jet Center here Atlantic Aviation and uh now we're heading to keep on making our way to Texas uh we're going to see what we can do with the light and the weather and stuff like that probably going to end up staying somewhere on the border of New Mexico and Texas tonight and then uh be down to Texas first thing in the morning so we've already dropped two bags and we're going to release the coordinates to those bags um I think tomorrow morning cuz we're going to be dropping a bunch more so we're out of here eventually and we're back weather rolled in got real nasty out there and you know basically we got blocked from making it any further night but you know Farmington is a nice place it's got a fantastic airport with hot chocolate and ice cream bars I think we're going to survive this place feels familiar yeah it does when it comes to Aviation I don't push I don't push the limits I follow the weather minimums because they're a minimum for a reason a lot of people have died thinking they can uh get through storms trying to get creative not going to happen so we're going to park her for the night and hopefully get some good weather first thing in the morning so not what we planned on but honestly kind of is what we planned on we planned on sleeping somewhere along the way tonight I just hope we'd get a little bit further cuz I'm always pushing it and I don't push but here we are we're back do you have a crew car that we could borrow uh yeah hot chocolate number two even the right color right there that's what I love about private Aviation or general aviation the rental or the courtesy cars like you land at a Jet Center whether it's a nice Jet Center like this or a dinky little municipal airport they usually have what's called a courtesy car and they just let you use it it's so great and a minivan this night just keeps getting better what are you doing trying to figure find a way to dodge the storm that we have to kind of cut right through H not IDE deal but figure it [Music] out hey time for another drop you see this windmill it's the perfect spot all right guys so check this out I'm going to give you a little comparison here this shot well not stabilized because it's not shot on inst 360 however that shot well it is stabilized because the in 360 X4 does a you do all right right here in the middle of New Mexico there's a whole flock of windmills you have to search behind every one of these windmills is a bag dang I forgot the cash guys go get the cash you wait here I'm going drve back to the helicopter and get some cash we almost forgot the most important part see that th000 bucks cash anyway right here front pocket right behind Old Glory th000 bucks bunch of shirts hat monsters and a cool backpack behind this windmill in the middle of New Mexico good luck my friends it's time for us to go on to the next we are in Rockport Texas and there is a crowd of people here um I've been working on a deal kind of quietly over the last little bit on a purchase of something really really really cool that I want to show you guys right now uh it's big and it's exciting and we're going to go see what it is how's it going guys how you doing doing all right Rock for big way Bo works yeah it's pleasure for having us absolutely hey bud how are you yeah this is our mascot how's it going that's my son Harley how you doing man all right so here we have my uh my latest purchase yes that's another hovercraft and it's a lot bigger than the last hovercraft that we bought this actually is one of the largest hovercrafts one of the largest non-military hovercrafts ever built it's the last big hovercraft that you can really get before you get into the monsters so this is uh pretty sick I'm excited about it and I was like I got to have that messaged uh on Facebook and his wife the owner Phil his wife Lisa very very kind lady been super helpful she's like hey we've got so many people interested in this cuz she's the one who listed it from her page she's like we're getting blown up we don't know what to do they set it aside for me after thousands and thousands and thousands of people were interested in buying it and been waiting for the right moment because the biggest issue is this is not you can't just throw this on the truck and go you this is like super duper wide load like 17 ft wide I am noticing that it's in way worse condition than the pictures and you know it's it's also because the skirt's not on it right now um the whole skirt's been removed because it was not good so yeah let's uh see what I got here you take a if you take a gander in the uh cockpit area here the pro oh my gosh I mean I've I've always you know I come across as the negative guy here but I'm here to tell you it's a lot I have a better idea for this thing than I mean have you said on camera what you paid for it no and we're going to not say on camera what you paid for it however your barge idea this would make a better barge than a hovercraft a barge yeah this yeah it's not designed to to be a barge fill it with something to create it into a vge pull the platform on top of it because I think your Motors shot hydraulic system shot this guy was just tell me the second ECM is shot as well you can actually go down in there jeez it's uh it is Stout I love that about it are the doors bulletproof where are the doors they're so he try to open these right here turn the handles turn the handles I'm I got to go jeez I got four more yeah it right now he opened a lot easier than I check first so there's there's those it's part of the fitness center sun I don't know it was it was cuz he had the upper body strength motion exactly right so we'll get this back to Utah as soon as it's there I'll fly you in spend a couple days going over it um and figure out what a plan is do something like that yeah absolutely hook me up with your engineering guys first so we can go over all you're talking you're over here talking static pressure and CFM I know you know what you're talking about so that's what I'm saying exactly that's why I want to hook you up with those guys and and um what we'll probably do is have them just start gutting it right away yes just start pulling everything all I want is the hall at this point the the engines are keep well we're going to keep the engine but the back Drive Line we're repowering what are you any think we go the jet thrust factoring there we go that would yeah that would twin jet thrust vectory if you want to do thrust Vector you do what I talked about we go full hybrid with a diesel power cell and you basically take those hoops and you set them up on like a compass skimble and the compass skimble is on a rotating base exactly what I'm talking about all the elev but I also kind of want to play with hydrogen we might do hydrogen jet turbo fans maybe whatever we do is going to be safer and more effective and if it's thrust vectoring it's not going to be quieter but I got some ideas I got some plans don't have to make any decisions right now want to see that's right I love I like having an evil scientist of High Caliber least High Machine Tools just stupider I think what's your name John froley originally from Connecticut been in Texas for 13 years found the dragon flight on eBay in uh Miami Florida back in August of 2019 continue to do some more work on it had one accident suck in a strap wiped out of rotor $35,000 bad day and the project basically got stalled due to lack of funding I've been planning on what I wanted to do with it for the last 2 and a half years what it would become when we had the opportunity to get back into it and make it happen I've been laughed at by a lot of people for it I've been made fun of by some people for it and uh in January one of my partners uh put it for sale on Facebook and Dave called and uh um now I have a blackw parked to my field Dave standing in my boat and it looks like I'm going to get to go out to Utah and hang out with you guys for a couple weeks couple months and turn this thing into something 100 times better than it was ever considered to possibly be in the first place and I'm looking forward to it [Music] I'm the captain now this is one of the many reasons I like this camera it can film in the tightest of areas and here we are in the heart of the engine [Music] compartment it definitely looks like it's a seeing it's fair share fun hey hey you [Music] [Music] strong [Music] [Music] we are in brassard Louisiana at a little uh private hel Port um getting some maintenance done the Blackhawk has all sorts of different torque checks and different things that have to be done constantly there's also a daily inspection that has to be done uh every 24 hours that you fly it so we are going to get our inspection done we're going to get some torque checks done should be pretty quick it's not nothing major um the torque check is essentially just teing checking some uh bolts on the tail rador that were recently reinstalled after some other maintenance was done and you have to check those like every like 4 6 10 hours something like that so um this will be the last torque check that we need to do and then uh we don't have any maintenance on this thing for few hundred hours which is nice cuz maintenance on this thing is not cheap once we do this we're going to drop a bag of cash and some prizes and then get on our way back east and I think our next stop is Alabama I [Music] think how High's the tide get give it another 4 [Music] in doors are off which means the trip has officially started leaving Clear Water airport here I a mouthful like Min and stuff so we're going to go pop in on Old cater McFarland and see what he's up to land at the freedom Factory may stay here tonight may head to Miami either way we got to be to Miami bright and early tomorrow to be able to leave for bimy so busy busy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's got uh shocks like the 500 too I feel like it should have like a tiller attachment or like a mower blade attachment looks like a piece of garden equipment come on man how many belts you got on there all of them though you blow a belt dude you're auto rotate simple that all right I'll see you in the track uh cleater is is um going to relocate the prize for the freedom 500 from his hanger to his track which is just right over here so [Music] [Music] and I wasn't ready for the backfire back it like squirted a little pop of smoke out of it really cool helicopter switzers that's the first helicopter I ever flew I actually really like it but I just flew a twin turban very complex helicopter across the country and they hear that backfire I'm like oh [Music] think so goofy you know Dave is making fun of the schweer this is a nice helicopter making fun of it I'm having fun laugh when it started I se it it puffed a little poof I'm going to be honest that was my fault oh it's this side buddy this side who Bo she what just happened just a sh I thought we were going into thought what helicopter somersaults when you get into it let me help you out there you go I thought for sure we were going shot dude I thought we just got April fools that's how we got our first helicopter we did that with a tow truck once I thought you got us with the helicopter I don't think you guys will ever be able to fly this together you don't have to worry about you don't have to worry about anything happening between Dave and I and this helicopter ever because we're winning it unless the last place is there anything for last I do want to fly it though yeah I don't think you guys are going to have a shot at winning it so this is probably the only time you'll get to check it out I need to fly this bad boy I mean actually is really comfortable it is it's actually shocking this is the helicopter that inspired me to fly helicopters I would literally drive down the road in my truck pretending like I had a collective and a cyclic and it was this layout cuz it's the only helicopter I ever flew in oh you this was the first helicopter you flew right first helicopter ever yeah first helicopter ever flew yeah and this is what made me think think that I wanted to go get be a helicopter pilot I started applying for jobs I applied for the school to get training I didn't have any money and they said no and so I was like well got to figure something else out and there you go dude and this is the helicopter I said I'm now you have that piece of junk I I actually do like I'm I'm guys I'm joking I'm making like lots of jokes about this thing but I really do love these helicopters because dude for the technology this was built by designed by Howard Hughes the filmmaker the most one of the most creative people to ever live design it's kind of easy to make fun of too when you have Blackhawk here this is kind of like the Honda Civic of she's reliable y not a lot of power built to last Honda Civic okay are there panels missing right here feel like more of a CRV CRX Honda CRV CRX okay CRX that'll work so uh CS the yeah there you go cool thing about this or the Subaru JY you know Subaru JY is that's a that's perfect description of this anybody who drove a JY knows what I'm talking about uh this thing is driven by eight uh v- belts so these are essentially the same type of belt that you'd see on like your car or like a maybe Bas any car older than like 1983 you're going to find a lot of those well in all F it's basically all piston helicopters have belts it's true so it has eight belts it's actually it's a cool design and it has basically a clutch that engages so he'll he'll spool the motor up get it all to temps and everything and then he'll slowly engage this clutch and just go just kind of like a it's like a giant razor transmission except for this is not constant velocity this has one set speed uh so those belts don't have to slip which is nice all right real quick guys as you can see the insta 360 is a pretty cool camera has tons of features and I got something to tell you the first 50 of you that use my link to place an order you're going to get the free invisible selfie stick like the stick that I'm holding this camera on like 4T away from me that you can't even see well that's coming for free for the first 50 of VI so click the link in my description below and just a huge shout out to insta 360 because they truly are a company that cares about just letting us have a good time they never tell us how to shoot what to shoot you know what we can and can't do they literally just say here's some cameras go make some cool content and be you which is exactly what we always try to do hopefully it came across in the video and hopefully you guys appreciate the support to 360 and give them some support right back I place you an order [Music] [Music]
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 625,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Id: oUMq_kCH23A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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