Huge Food Harvest + Planting 9 of the New Maples! πŸ…πŸ«‘πŸŒ³ // Garden Answer

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thank you foreign hey guys how's it going today we have several things going on it's just beautiful out today it's going to be great we're going to do some harvesting in fact that's what I'm going to primarily be focused on but you can see that we have placed some of the new trees right behind me point of reference there's the house pan slowly I'm standing right here on the brick walkway we still haven't widened out this flower bed yet which we'll still need to do but you can see that we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine of the Autumn Blaze Maples placed and it's gonna be good you guys I'm so excited so you can see right here that we did run a line so the whole area here is lined with bricks so you can see you know lining this flower bed it just is a really good barrier between the lane and flower beds so that is going to continue on all the way around to the driveway over there so we had to run the line because you can see that the grass is clearly not straight and we wanted to go in about nine feet with each one of those root balls because that's a spacing we used over over here with those Maples and then they're placed roughly 38 feet apart from one another which is what we did over there as well the Autumn Blaze maples have a 40 foot spread at maturity so we're hoping that they you know once they reach their full size they will just barely be touching each other and boy I knew having trees out here would just really make it feel nice and look nice but I think this is just going to be so wonderful so they curve all the way around to about where the tractor is we do have the auger here so we've rented that for a few days 36 inch auger that thing is a beast and we've showed you this before in fact we've showed you the whole process of planting these before so Aaron and Paul are going to be working on this part on planting the trees those root balls you guys they are so so heavy so they're going to just kind of plug away at doing this while I'm working on harvesting things out in the big Garden out here one other thing I did want to mention is the locust tree we have planted over here this is where the maple needs to be planted because it's lined up with that one over there it's clearly not going to work we planted the Locust earlier on when we thought we maybe wanted to do a mixed border on this side and then we decided to do a little bit more of a formal approach but it works out beautiful you guys because we had a catsora tree planted along the back fence line in the South Garden that didn't Thrive it was cut it came out of winter struggling a little bit and even Benny was here you know who does a lot of our irrigation and brickwork and things like that and he looked at that tree and he's like why did you plant a katsura down down here he said he always struggles with them and I thought you know we'll see how this goes the red fox cats are that we have still looks great but that one didn't Thrive and I looked at it last week I'm like well that's dead that's that didn't Thrive at all so it's perfect we're gonna dig that one up and put the locus over in the spot that the catsora is in and thankfully that shouldn't be too big of a project because a locust hasn't been in too awful long so it won't have an enormous rhub all on it but oh my goodness you guys I just I love it any tree you put in the ground is awesome but I just didn't even realize how much interest it was going to add to this space and balance really I mean this is a giant piece of lawn and we do plan to leave a good section of it empty in the center because we want a big place for the kids to be able to just go out the back door run out here and play and run and kickballs and not worry about wrecking anything and Aaron and I you know we both had grass to play in which is awesome when we were growing up but they were always like smaller areas and we're always nervous about you know hitting windows or hitting plants my parents plants in their garden and we always just thought oh it'd be so nice if we just like could spread out a little bit bit so we are going to keep a section in the center open but we do intend at some point to come in and cut out some of the grass especially along the exterior here creating some deep flower beds with some like red twig dogwoods and little Evergreens and things for some winter interest but the beauty of this space is that we don't have to do that until we're ready and there's so many other spaces to be working on at this point that it's likely you know we're going to come in and finish the brick edging but it's likely we're not going to come in and do any big projects in this space after the trees until we have some other areas done and you have to imagine too these trees are going to be giant like 50 feet tall 40 foot spread we are going to limb them up quite a bit so that when you look underneath you can kind of see the house still but they're going to provide a ton of shade they're going to cool this area down big time it's just going to be awesome and then the fall color of course is going to be great so anyway just wanted to give you guys an update on what was going on here we do have a number of Maples left over over which I think we're gonna pop one on the other side of the driveway we might mirror this one right here I think that would look good to have kind of an arch right there and then we might put one on the very like Corner over there so anyway that project is going to be going on right here while I'm working on harvesting in the garden and we've just got tons of tomatoes tons of peppers I want to cut some amaranth to get that drying and I don't know if you guys have any experience drying amaranth please let me know if it holds really well I'm worried that I'll cut it and it'll dry too much and then it'll just kind of want to crumble and fall apart but I've got a big project I want to use it in but I'm not going to be ready to do that for probably a couple of months so we'll see but yeah we're going to need to go through all of these tomato plants today there's a lot in here you can't even see them they're like so shrouded by leaves and things but the back row did really well middle row did okay this outer row right here you can see I mean we've pulled these three Tomatoes right here they all did horribly bad and then the last two there must have been something wrong with the water not gonna lie I didn't even test it I just thought we've got tons of tomatoes out there let's pull the plants but there's our amaranth I didn't even plant this it came up it self-seated itself from last year but isn't this wonderful so I'm hoping to to oh did that just break oh no okay I'm hoping to cut it and hang it upside down to dry and I think as long as it's not too far gone it might hold I might need to spray it with some something like some kind of a spray adhesive or something like that I don't know look at all of the flowers out here the zinnias and the grass is looking great we've got a ton ton ton ton of bright Peppers out here that need to be picked I mean look at this a lot going on in here and it's only supposed to get to 82 today so it's going to be very pleasant it's not windy it might be a little windy tomorrow because we're going to have another cool down from Tuesday to Wednesday so anyway we're soaking it in quick update on the cosmos and zinnias we planted late do you remember how little these were got some buds excellent growth zinnias we're starting to see a little bit of color on and marigolds are looking great as well we should see some flowers there pretty soon so we will do our best to capture the happenings of the day and then at the end of it I will take you back through I'll show you what the guys got done out here and we'll take a look at the Harvest foreign foreign foreign Harvest is done for today I didn't get 100 of everything in fact I saw that we've got another batch of strawberries that are ripening or ripe right now so the kids and I will come out later to pick those I picked a few nectarines but not all of them because I do like to keep some fresh on the tree they're about done at this point I only left like four or five on there but it's so fun to go out and pick one and eat it in fact it's just a little bit after lunch right now and I just stayed out here through lunch and ate a couple nectarines while I was picking peppers I still want to cut some amaranth I will do that but I need to make some room here in the gator here is today's take from the garden isn't that amazing you guys so nectarines I put the four that had a little bit of damage like I dropped one of these on the ground and it smooshed on one side so these are ones that I'll just need to kind of cut damage away and we can eat most of it still these are the nice ones I think we're going to take these over to Aaron's parents today a little nectarine delivery Peppers you guys oh my goodness the peppers this year I mean this is like probably my third big basket of peppers and there's still so many on the plants yet to be picked I just I don't know what it is about this space out here but I used to try to go grow peppers back in our old house and they were always thin walled and really kind of like sad looking I don't know what it is about soil here but they really like it just super tough thick walled beautiful peppers a few come out a little bit weird shaped taste the same a few more right over here and then we did get a bunch of hot peppers too so this is all Jalapenos in various stage of ripeness and then I've got some Thai chilies here there are some hot and Heavies down below here and then we've got some sweet these are all sweet snacking Peppers right here aren't those pretty I think this were like I can't remember the name something Sunshine was it I can't remember anyway I've got some cherry bomb peppers in there and then some chocolate ones a few cucumbers right here these are the suyo long cucumbers a little bit shorter than they normally are and then a bunch of tomatoes so we've got camparis here we've got these are the Bosque blue bumblebees which I actually don't love the flavor that much alone but I can toss them into Salsas with other tomatoes and you don't really notice or sauce you know things like that they're just not like the most premium flavored tomato in my opinion in this crate here we've got some Dr white cheese yellow there's some striped Germans as well in here I mean it's just kind of like a big pile of tomatoes there's some sausage Tomatoes um I would probably grow San marzanos over the sausage these are a little bit more on the Amelia side I think we started just at 30 varieties of tomatoes this last year so 30 varieties right around there but I think next year I'm going to lean heavier into those varieties that I know taste really good so pineapple the pineapple heirloom tomatoes the striped Germans are really good and we've got a bunch of those and that was I've grown those before though um Big Boy tomatoes super Fantastics Garden Treasure Garden gem sweet olives if I can find seeds I will grow Campari again they're really tasty uh San marzanas or Romas over sausage anyway I say that now but then I might get excited again this winter and want to try other ones these are the black strawberries right here again kind of in the same boat as with the boss glue bumblebees I've actually used these more for floral arrangements more than actually actually like fresh eating these are Purple Rain heirlooms and they're pretty tasty and we got a bunch of striped Germans in there and then there's some big boys down below they're just red ones right down in there so what am I going to do with all this give away most of it actually I think I'm going to freeze some of the bell peppers because we do eat quite a lot of those Tomatoes we'll use them for fresh eating I'm not going to can or preserve any of those so we'll give all the rest of them away and hot peppers I'll probably string some of them and you know our chickens get some of this stuff too like cucumbers that have gotten too big I noticed a few on the vine today so I'll cut those and give those to chickens but most of this goes to family friends or just however we can give it away sometimes I take it down to the garden center and just put a free sign on it in the food pantry we took a bunch of cabbage down there this spring there are always people who will take fresh produce off your hands it's pretty easy to find homes for it and it's so much fun to grow oh I love it okay so we need to go unload this Gator here and figure out where the amaranth is going to go I will pop the peppers cucumbers nectarines I think that's probably it into The Root Cellar for now until I have a chance to go through them Tomatoes I'll find homes for immediately so that's that's the plan at this point on our way we'll check to see how much progress the guides have made looks like they have two planted so far I love how they're doing this they're taking the time it takes a lot longer but they're taking the time to put tarps out over the grass so that after they're done with the auger they can easily go take the dirt over there instead of having that huge mess on top of the grass Bravo great clean job there okay in The Root Cellar now you can see all of our potatoes are in here ah thing of beauty right there isn't that awesome I need to pick up more of these because we've got all those onions behind the barn still see right here these still all need to go into storage anyway oh that's nice AC unit just turned off we're just gonna set those things just right in here on the floor until we have a chance to run through everything all right there we go that'll stay in here just for a little bit it's 47 degrees or that's what it was when we very first opened the door in here warms up real fast when I keep the door open 79 humidity I think I'm gonna need to turn the fan up a little bit okay so I think I know what we're gonna do with the amaranth so that I can be hung upside down to dry I've got these bamboo steaks they're usually pretty tough we're gonna head up into the Loft here okay so I'm thinking just for a brief moment I'll need to grab a longer steak but I do think this is going to work if I just set the stake on one shelving unit and run it over to the other I can individually string up the branches of amaranth so that they can you know just chill here and they're out of direct sunlight it's a bright room because a you know window over there but they're not in direct sun it's warm it's dry and also they're going to be out of the way up here which is kind of a big deal they're so bulky which makes them neat but yeah take up a lot of room oh yeah that'll work thank you okay I know it's a little bit hard to see up here but I think that that worked out really well I didn't cut every stalk of amaranth we have out there because I do want to keep a few out there for fresh cutting but these were the freshest looking ones that we had the ones that I didn't feel like had a bunch of stuff that when you do this that it's falling out you know like little seeds and stuff and I did strip most of the leaves off out in the garden where it's easier to clean them up and once these are dry I'm guessing we're not going to want to handle them very much because I think that they will be fairly fragile so I don't want to have to be messing with taking leaves off at that point I think it'd be a lot harder so I actually just stripped the leaves while they were still attached to the roots it was really nice because I could do it all at standing level anyway I have these little rubber coated wire twist ties and a few of these I just bundled in like three or four and then I have these little S hooks that helped hold it to the Bamboo Steak and some of them I just like fed over the top of the steak because they had enough branching to where they'll hold without having to use any wires or anything like that see like this one right here just holding by a branch oh yeah I can see them a little bit better from this side the color at least so I hope they maintain color we'll see how that goes but I think that they will dry really nicely in a nice shape being hung upside down otherwise they would want to wilt and they would look kind of scrubby and messy so I think these will be a nice tighter shape being upside down the guys are still out there working on the trees so we'll give them a little bit more time and then we'll go out and see what they got done Aaron wasn't sure if they would be able to get all of them planted today or not but it looked like they were really moving fast so anyway we'll go out there in a little bit thank you foreign foreign thank you okay guys they got five out of the nine planted today so there's three still sitting right here and then there's a fourth one sitting over by the tractor they were probably just getting ready to put that one in and then decided to call it but they're looking really good oh yeah you know I bet you they were tired out and we have to hand dig this one because you can see how close it is to the boxes so that we don't accidentally hit some pipes so anyway they probably just thought we'll just tackle that first thing tomorrow morning which is smart because it is a lot of work to put these great big trees in the ground they're so heavy but don't they look great oh this one's also showing some fall color already I was noticing some of ours have a little hint of it as well and I like that they're not too much smaller than the other ones we have over there definitely lacking some bulk and a little bit of height but it's not going to look like there's a bunch of years difference you know when you see Hedges where it looks like they did one you know 10 years ago and then they maybe did the next shift five years ago that kind of thing we have that with our North Pole arborvitaes on the west side we planted ours to the point where we were going to stop them and start a really kind of heavy mixed border with other Evergreens in it and then we bought this this land right here that I'm standing in the South Garden and so we decided that we wanted the arbs at that point to go a little bit further down so you can definitely tell those were planted a year or two after the first ones and eventually it'll come out in the wash you know once things reach maturity you'll they'll look like a solid hedge but for a while there it looks kind of funny on this one right here it does look like they actually bumped that in a little bit because of all these boxes which is kind of kind of like let me see what it looks like from the other side you know there are some situations where you just like you've got to do what you can do and you can only put it in a certain location and sometimes you just can't get it lined up perfectly straight yeah if you look at it from this side you can't even tell they just carry on in their pattern uh thankfully it was on the curve not on the straight part I think you would notice if it was off you know a foot or two from the lineup but went on a curve it just kind of looks natural and I did notice that they aired on planting the root balls a little bit High because this end of the lawn if we do get those goalie washer type rainstorms which it doesn't happen all that much but usually like once or twice a season we get a ton of rain all at the same time and our ground just doesn't know what to do with all that water because it's not used to that so things tend to pool up and flood this is the area where it happens when it does flood in fact you can see a difference in the the grass color right here I do think we we do have hard pan out here as well so this is the naturally the lower spot and I think that it might be just a little bit harder out here so if we have the root balls just a tiny bit High then it helps to facilitate water drainage instead of pooling around the base of the plant see that's kind of perfect I can tell the water will run off this direction instead of you know sinking it down too far that's not what you want to do and that is it for today guys just one step closer and creating this space and making it kind of what we want we want a ton of trees a lot of shade I mean I hope eventually I have most of our flower beds that are not the cut flower garden shade I would love just to have shade beds everywhere in this garden and I know I'm coming from a place where you know most everything's full sun because everything is so small and not mature yet you know if I talk to my mom about the same thing she would say I wish I had more sun in my flower beds because they have such a mature garden with huge trees and it's gorgeous but I love it I love that look and it gets so hot here that having the shade and creating that any your own space it just makes it so much more pleasant to be outside when it's really hot out anyway I gotta go do something with all those Peppers that we just picked I think I'm just I think I mentioned already I'm just going to chop them up and I did buy a vacuum sealer which I've never used one before but I did buy one I've been freezing fruit along the way which I've just gotten big gallon Ziploc bags I think I'm going to get those vacuum sealed so they keep a little bit longer anyway that's what the rest of my afternoon is going to hold so I probably won't film that because it's just chopping Peppers thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 143,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: jik2nR3ev0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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