This Man Ruined a Generation of Kids

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every couple of months i'll open up and roll my eyes at this stupid meme about how these four youtubers ruined a generation of kids as if a single person or even a group of people could ruin a generation of anything i thought until i found out who andrew tate was and that's what we're here to talk about today you've probably heard about the man he's blown up over the past couple weeks andrew tate is even more popular than mr beast by google searches right now this will change because that's how trends work but he's hot he's hot and you might be wondering who the hell is andrew tate good question he's a former kickboxing world champion turned reality star when he joined big brother but then he got kicked off big brother because it was discovered that he was beating women but then the woman he was beating said it was consensual and bdsm so i don't know make of that what you will uh and then he was also famous because he was running a online fan cam service basically he was a pimp for women online and they were selling relationships to men and farming them for all the money they have it actually made a millions and millions of dollars but he quit not because he like felt bad and was the whole i'm not your friend thing it's because the romanian police raided his house and there was claims that people were there against his will and uh and i don't think anybody wants that heat but why are we talking about him now why is he hot right now why is he so controversial that a man named andrew tate had to change his name on twitch because he was because he was getting so much hate well the reason is his new venture hustlers university basically selling a lifestyle to mostly teenaged boys he is a powerful strong rich man and he's trying to tell you the average man that you can have this lifestyle if you just follow his class here's a real clip by the way of him advertising it i get called morpheus along i get called morpheus all the time in my dm's because i'm trying to weight people oh my gosh is real touching this video i am morpheus i get called real really really tall and funny all the time i'm not making this up it's super real now andrew tate if that was all he was known for wouldn't be someone we would be talking about today but he's also a man who has very very controversial takes and smartly he doesn't always spout these takes on his own streams he goes on media tours of random podcasts and says them there takes like this i was getting on a plane and i could see through the cockpit that a female was a pilot and i took a picture and i said most women i know can't even park a car why is a woman flying my plane crazy stuff crazy stuff he's also said that women can't drive because he's been in five car accidents and every single accident was with a woman driver and also him driving but i don't think he's noticed that consistent variable he has other gross things like like this person who feels like they need therapy you're useless because in the harshest realities of this cold world there are people in syria whose entire families have been blown to [ __ ] who are still getting up every day making [ __ ] bread and selling on the streets so they have enough money to buy a new pair of sandals sometime next year forget about the jordan peterson make your bed we've moved on it's time to make bread fellas if you're not making bread you're made a [ __ ] all right and then that's just the fact uh and and it all kind of came to a head him having this career of his university and trying to sell this lifestyle uh and then the the twitch sphere when he hopped on aiden ross's stream uh and this was a huge huge stream uh and from my perspective as a guy who's pretty confident in his morals and his ethics and what guides me as a human it was pretty [ __ ] funny i mean here's a clip from it my neighbors she's only about 16 15 16 some 15 16 year old girl lives a couple hours away yeah i hope she ain't watching because she was looking for a cat the other day and a pit bull ate it so uh oh god and i put a sign up cats don't come inside but cats are such arrogant little [ __ ] they must have read the sign and thought [ __ ] this guy they're either too stupid to read or they're arrogant and ignored me for sure i thought cats were fast but it turns out pit bulls are fast my cat okay so that's that's the gta npc that is andrew tate uh and that stream was big and there was kind of a problem with it aiden ross said yes to every single thing andrew tate was spitting out even the sexes [ __ ] and the problem with andrew tate is he doesn't only say dumb [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] funny stories he also ties in some pretty basic life life lessons like this one you ever seen anyone with a vape if you ever sat in a room so we go wait oh let me just go my vape's done charging load it up i mean i smoke cigars but i know what the [ __ ] i'm doing give me a big fat cigar i'm risking cancer to look like a mafia boss fine i'm not sitting there smoking cigars and going i can't believe this is bad for me no like these [ __ ] vape [ __ ] children and what kind of parent lets their 16 year old vape anyway by the 16 year old son he's like i'll go to vape get the [ __ ] out of here vape do some push-ups you ain't got time to vape you gotta do push-ups you ain't got time and so he has these like pretty basic tidbits of of truth bombs of knowledge and then he ties it in with charismatically told funny stories and then he drops a few little sexist remarks in there and all of that led to his chat aidan ross that is doubling everything that andrew tate would say in aiden ross going along with everything as well and it led to 266 people watching at once so i kind of get why aiden ross didn't really push back he was probably too busy staring at the viewership number i mean he went so far to yes and everything tate was saying that they had this insane moment let me ask you a question first yeah have you ever seen the clown that hides from gay people no of course you haven't stupid stupid [ __ ] but it's a problem too because he takes advantage of the people who are watching these people who look up to tate because he's strong and he gets women and he has a lot of money they're going down i think a bad path a path where they're listening to one man to pull all their ideals from i mean look at this clip this is i think one of the best examples of tate farming that string and trying to get people who are lonely to go take his class i think most women can actually genuinely understand how lonely the majority of men are and you need you need to truly understand if you're joe schmo average in nearly every way in starbucks working you ain't getting a dm ever you girl you girls will never be lonely as much as you might be unhappy with the possible suitors you can at least [ __ ] about and flirt if you feel sad there are men out here in the world who have genuine loneliness this video has 10 million views now obviously women can also be lonely all right the guy who's working at starbucks who gets no dms maybe if you're looking at the hot girl in class who's going out you'll be like oh all women are going out there's a girl in your class who's probably feeling the same way you do it might disproportionately affect men i don't know i'm not a man of the studies but all i do know is that his solution for this is i am rich i get [ __ ] i have bugatti give me 50 every single month and i'll tell you how to be exactly like me that's what they do 50 a month now a couple of months ago there were 50 000 people who were signed up for his course it's two and a half million dollars every single month it's like 25 mil a year imagine now after the blow up it might be two three five times that amount he's not going to stop why would he he's only getting praise from a lot of teenage kids online the only real pushback i've ever seen of tate was from this one podcast he did with uh with portnoy in the on the bfc spot you say a lot of stuff about women like that they're your property that's not what i said i'll talk about normally fan's company when that was question was asked but i said that if a woman is going out with a man she belongs to that man that's his woman so she wants to do only fan she owes him some money because she's his well that's crazy it's crazy that one's crazy it is true do you think that a man going out with a girl that that's just your property that one was nuts i'm not good if a guy and a girl is dating and a girl does only fans she owes him a cut he is his girl what does that have to do anything because she's his so that is you saying that women are your property it's not about being property it's about the fact that she belongs to him and the intimate parts of her body belong to him because they're in a relationship and if she wants to sell those he has a stake in those parts of her body so it's a reverse uh male porn star always the woman i don't know because i think the women belong to the man i think the woman is that that's inherently where you get called sexist no it's not property just she belongs to me and she's mine not property no one else can have her she's mine now the problem is that this tate character that he that he puts on it and i don't think it is a character in the sense that he doesn't believe these things i think it's a character in the sense that he uses his charisma and he makes up stories and he tries to sell it in a way that is more palatable it gets a lot of weird weird followers now you've probably seen tate clips online when you see them do me a favor check to see if there's a description that has a referral link to his course it's kind of like a little baby pyramid scheme because they have referral links like early days in uber and all these alpha males try to make a little bit of bread by getting their other lonely friends to hop on the trend so they can all get rich and it creates weird ass copies like this guy you want to learn about houston's university eh you're a young male or an apoche attack helicopter or a female god help us all who are like devoid of all the charisma and only have the shitty qualities not to say tate's a good person but that guy's a goddamn robot the only thing he shares with tate is his bald ass head and i'm kind of scared of this honestly like i can watch tate and i can laugh about it and then move on because it's not going to impact how i feel about things i've kind of formed my identity over 27 years and it's still changing i still like to challenge my ideas by looking at new things talking to new people reading new books whatever it is but there are people and i think this is so beta who give this man 50 and then subscribe to every single thing he says it blows my mind i don't get it growing up i wanted someone who could guide me my dad died when i was 10 and i found that in woody's gamertag he did a series called mail monday and i think i was really lucky because if i had watched someone else like 12 years ago and i'm 15 years old i could have gotten out a weird path i could be a weird [ __ ] guy who probably would have joined a frat and only cared about [ __ ] [ __ ] and hedonistic goals trying to make my life right now happier and not like better things that that give you more fulfillness in the the totality of your life this guy was an absolute legend he's the guy who inspired what my channel is today i mean originally mogul mail mail monday it was supposed to be letters from you guys and i would give advice to it i found out pretty quickly that all of you guys just want to figure out how to deal with breakups and i feel like i've talked about that or you have problems that i don't feel like i have the expertise to talk about so instead what i like to do is just turn on the camera for 15 minutes talk about something i'm interested in and inject how i feel about it but the one thing that i'm down to do that i that i wish someone like tay would be down to do is be challenged i'm not here to tell you i'm the alpha i know everything listen to me i'm here to tell you how i feel about a thing and i've been wrong in the past way wrong not just talking about like batman bad takes i've had dumb things that i've said coinbase sponsorship just just start but i'm okay with being challenged i always say at the end of the video let me know how you feel let me know if you disagree and i do read the comments that are kind of filled with bots these days kind of need to fix that and uh and i'm worried just worried about a future generation so if you have a friend who's tape pilled talk to him let him know maybe you think it's wack you can tell them it's whack maybe you don't think it's wack but ask them why they feel that way and at least engage in discourse maybe there's some positive you can do from that anyway that's all boys that's that's the andrew tate thing didn't think i was going to talk about it but it's blown up so much and it doesn't seem like it's cooling down i had to uh let me know if you disagree if you're tape pilled why and and see you later see in the next one don't know what it'll be but sometimes soon subscribe if you want i don't care
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 3,388,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live
Id: yK62ZPFuuAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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