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all right what's going on guys so within the elden ring community there's been a ton of people trying to piece together the lore of the game and while there is an overarching story with a definite line of events there are still quite a bit of things that can be left up to interpretation one of those things being ronnie's questline and ronnie's quest is probably the one that most people are going to do so when it comes to something like this it's kind of weird that such an oversight could happen and what i'm talking about is yesterday when you guys shot me this article and obvious spoiler warning here we are going to be talking about one of the endings but it appears that ronnie's ending is mistranslated now when i first saw this i didn't think too much of it i thought maybe they just had a few words mixed up and it didn't really matter too much but after reading the article no this completely changes everything that we thought we knew about ronnie and her motives so i'm gonna go through this article with you guys and we're gonna compare and contrast the english and japanese versions to fully understand what the ending means so let's get right into it now that players have had some time to get into elden ring more and more people are clearing the game according to trophies the ending that players have chosen the most is the age of the stars unlocked by clearing ronnie the witch's quest but what does this ending entail a lot of the dialogue is cryptic which has left players confused and divided over what it means unfortunately it appears that the confusion is coming from a number of mistranslations and localization changes eldon ring's backstory might have been written by george rr martin who of course writes in english but what he provided was only a backbone for the story and the script for the game itself is as director miyazaki has said himself written by him and from software though the game only has an english voiceover this voiceover is derived from the translated version of the script and so any mistranslations in the script would make it into the voice dialogue as well so let's listen to the ending in english first and then we're going to talk about the translation the battle is over i see i do solemnly swear to every living being and every living soul now cometh the age of the stars a thousand-year voyage under the wisdom of the moon here begin it's the chill night that encompasses all reaching the great beyond into fear doubt and loneliness as the path stretcheth into darkness well then shall we my fair consort eternal the discrepancies begin with the line here begin at the chill night that encompasses all reaching the great beyond it seems that the translator who handled this line did not understand the original line at all and while the individual parts are correctly translated the order of the words and thus cause and effect and thus the entire meaning of the line have been changed in japanese the line states to all you may think of the chill knight as infinitely far away to break down the problems with the english translation of the line encompasses all in the original line subiteo indicates that she is addressing all encompasses is nowhere to be found in the original line so the meaning here that's changed is that instead of this affecting everybody she's instead putting out an announcement to everybody beginneth there is no mention of anything beginning in the original line the great beyond this seems to be a mistranslation of haruka niitoku meaning infinitely slash extremely far away the translator seems to have been unable to understand how this relates to the rest of the line and changed it to reaching when ronnie is in fact telling all people that the chill knight will from now on be far away so you guys can see how already in this first line it completely changes the meaning of what happened instead of bringing the chill knight into the lands between and plunging the world into darkness the japanese line seems to be insinuating quite the opposite so let's keep reading into fear doubt and loneliness as the path stretcheth into darkness has also been mistranslated erroneously being connected with the previous line when it in fact should be connected to the following line as with the previous line it seems that the translator was unable to understand japanese sentence structure and parse the correlation between the lines a better way to represent the japanese dialogue actually would be i shall swear to all lives and souls from here on is the age of the stars the laws of the moon a thousand-year journey to all you may think of the chill night as infinitely far away and now let us go on our path of fear doubt and loneliness into darkness this is a literal translation to clarify the meaning of the japanese dialogue so some rewording might be prudent if it were to actually be implemented into the game so the original line has her not beginning a chill night but telling everyone that the chill knight will now be kept far away and the mention of fear doubt and loneliness is referring to her own dark path but what is the chill night and what does it being far away actually mean so what you guys can see here is that the original translation intended for ronnie to be referencing her own journey past the stars with us her consort rather than plunging the world as a whole into the night if this is really a mistranslation then it does fundamentally change everything we thought we knew about ronnie and her intentions with the golden order but let's look at this explanation thankfully there's an event where when you go to ronnie's room and talk to the doll after clearing her quest she clearly explains everything to you unfortunately the lines here were also mistranslated so let's listen to the english real quick i take it thousands i shouldn't be surprised i thought i might expound a little further upon the order i envision mine will be an order not of gold but the stars and moon of the chill night i would keep them far from the earth beneath our feet as it is now life and souls and order are bound tightly together but i would have them at a great remove and have the certainties of sight emotion faith and touch all become impossibilities which is why i would abandon this soil with mine order what's thou come to me even now my one and only lord the japanese translation states about my order my order will not be of gold but of the stars and moon and chill night i want to keep it far away from this land even if life and souls are one with the order it the order could be kept far away if it was not possible to clearly see feel believe in or touch the order that would be better that is why i will leave this place along with the order and once again this is a literal translation the far away here is the same wording used in the ending where she says the cold night will be far away it's odd that the exact same word used here is mostly correctly translated to keep them far in this instance but mistranslated so badly in the ending though it is misinterpreted to refer to the star's moon and night when it is referencing the order itself the line about having them referring to life souls in order kept at a great remove suggests that ronnie is separating the three but the original dialogue seems to suggest that it is impossible to do so and that her choosing to keep the order far away is a compromise to deal with that the biggest problem with the english version is the line stating have the certainties of sight emotion faith and touch all become impossibilities players have argued that this ending erases the emotions of people for some reason this is in fact an egregious mistranslation the line is actually referring to the order the japanese language commonly omits the subject when speaking about something when it should be easily inferred but this frequently confuses people who are not very fluent in the language and that seems to have been the case here what ronnie is saying here is that it would be better if the order is not somewhere physically close by where people can see and touch it additionally the tashkani used to indicate what right now people can clearly see or feel or touch the order a word that is not at all important in the line and could in fact be omitted entirely without changing its meaning was misinterpreted to have undue importance turned into the certainties similarly the softly worded phrase where ronnie is just saying she thinks it would be better if these things could not happen was changed into the heart become impossibilities combined this line gives many players the impression that the ending would result in ronnie forcing people to give up their emotions so let me explain why this is important basically what the english translation of the ending implies is that ronnie is plunging the world into darkness where people will no longer have souls or emotions but when we look at the japanese translation in context with the rest of the game it becomes clear the whole reason the shattering happened was because the golden order could be tampered with what she wants to do is make the order of the stars and moon where it can no longer be tampered with by the people inhabiting the lands between because if you guys remember when the shattering happened it caused a blight to spread across the lands between basically making everybody insane but when she talks about things like feelings and emotions in the japanese translation she's implying that this new order will no longer affect that so that something like the shattering never happens again and the darkness in the night that she talks about is in reference to the journey that we along with her will take to move this order from the lens between far away so this mistranslation is a huge oversight i mean it essentially changes her from a villain to a hero so i really thought this was important to cover because a lot of people out there are interpreting ronnie's lore without knowing about this mistranslation but that's going to pretty much do it for the video i hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a like on it and subscribe if you're new around here and i'll catch you in the next one [Music] i
Channel: Ziostorm
Views: 785,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring guide, elden ring gameplay, ranni, ranni the witch quest, ranni the witch ending, ranni the witch elden ring, ranni the witch, elden ring ending, elden ring lore, elden ring dialogue, bandai, bloodborne, bloodborne 2, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 4, elden ring trailer, from software, fromsoftware elden ring, fromsoftware games, gaming, miyazaki, new dark souls, soulsborne, soulslike, ranni quest, rannis quest elden ring, age of stars
Id: sS08xpL0m8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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