Ranni's Ending was mistranslated. What is the Age of Stars? [Elden Ring]

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hey this is a quick alden ring video about the ronnie's ending the age of stars it was the ending that i pursued from the very start and its implications seemed weird to me and as i watched the final cut scene i just completely lost track i heard that apparently one of the endings was mistranslated and i wondered if it was rani's ending and it totally was i rewatched it in japanese and then i also watched the conversation with a little doll that you get when resting at rani's chamber where she talks about her order and yeah it's it's really different from the english version so i thought i'd comment on it in case you also chose this ending and ended up confused ronnie is a little rebel of the demigods she doesn't want to be the puppet of the two fingers she kind of despises the order as it was before and she wants to create something completely new let's look at her english script when she elaborates on what her order would be like should we choose her side when given the chance i take it that was noticed i shouldn't be surprised i thought i might expound a little further upon the order i envision mine will be an order not of gold but the stars and moon of the chill night i would keep them far from the earth beneath our feet as it is now life and souls and order abound tightly together but i would have them at a great remove and have the certainties of sight emotion faith and touch all become impossibilities which is why i would abandon this soil with mine order what's thou come to me even now my one and only lord so the main points of heroder as per english localization are heroda would be that of stars and the moon of the chill night but she would keep them far away from the earth and remove the link between the lives and souls and her new order she would apparently strip the humanity of sight emotion faith and touch which kind of contradicts her previous point about unlinking her order from lives and souls and then she would apparently leave the earth with her order which makes the part about stripping humanity of faith touch and everything else absolutely meaningless why would she do all of those things if she's going to leave anyway and then we get the ending cut scene where she says the following i do solemnly swear to every living being and every living soul now cometh the age of the stars a thousand-year voyage under the wisdom of the moon here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all reaching the great beyond into fear doubt and loneliness as the path stretcheth into darkness let us go together my dear consort eternal so the world is entering her age of stars which is apparently a chill night lasting a thousand years filled with fear doubt and loneliness and some darkness on top this confused the heck out of me because ronnie despite some things that she did never seemed to me like a pure evil character who would just manifest eternal night and apparently she's not going anywhere now she just stays here let's break down what her japanese script says please forgive the lack of style it might not be as beautiful or poetic as it should be i just want you to understand the meaning and the idea that was originally there here is her dialogue elaborating on her i thought to talk to you more about my order my order wouldn't be that of gold it would be an order of stars and moon of chill night i want to keep it away from this land even though lives and souls have been one with the order i would keep them distant it would be better if the order couldn't be seen felt believed or attached that is why i will abandon this place together with my order you would come with me even then wouldn't you my one and only lord this is very different she says that she would create her order of stars and moon and the chill night and then keep it away from this land she says that lives and souls and existence in general have been bound to order any order like the golden order but she would unlink them as she believed it would be better if the order couldn't be touched or believed in interacted with in general then she would just leave for good to pursue her purposes elsewhere remember that ronnie is the rebel of the family she doesn't want to fill the mold with her order she wants something completely different and this is it and she asks you to stay by her side but not when she reaps sight and touch and feelings from humanity as the english localization would have you believe but rather when she embarks on her journey with her new order leaving everything behind let's look at her script when the ending cutscene plays i swear to every living being and every soul here comes the age of the stars the principle of the moon a thousand year journey everyone consider the chill night to be far away my lord eternal let us go into fear doubt loneliness and threat the path that stretches into darkness and this is it it all makes so much more sense now doesn't it ties perfectly into her previous dialogue elaborating on what herodo would be like now she is departing together with you leaving everything behind like she planned to lives and souls are not bound to any order anymore they may do as they please ronnie's quest is all about her trading this dark path of her she keeps talking about and this is the very path it leads beyond the stars into the unknown and this is where she goes to pursue her ambitions i just felt uneasy thinking of ronnie as some weird sort of villain after the ending so i'm glad i checked the original script i will leave it in the description of this video in case you want to see for yourself what the sentence structure is and what kanji i used as to why this happened and whether or not it was impossibly hard to translate well i managed it and i believe that people who localize from soft games are much more experienced and knowledgeable than i am this game just has a ton of text the sheer volume of it is insane so i expected some mistranslations here and there especially because i think not all texts are localized in a linear fashion as we see them in the game some things must have gotten mixed up and there might have been a lack of context somewhere it is incredibly sad that this mistranslation just happened to be in one of the most interesting endings the ending that many people purposefully pursued i hope i cleared things up for you i haven't really done any research on japanese and alden ring yet and i probably won't for a while i will be doing a video on what i liked and disliked the most in elden ring though we will continue reading sakura in japanese as planned now that i have my new setup video production should move at a merrier pace anyway let me know in the comments what your ending of choice was if you have already completed alvin ring and what do you think of all the other endings thank you very much for your time and i'll see in the next one take care
Channel: Shetani's Lair
Views: 29,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, endings, ranni, mistranslation, dark souls, fromsoftware
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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