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[Music] hey y'all I hope you're ready for some serious cleaning motivation today in this video we are continuing along with our decluttering and organizing Series where I'm getting the entire house decluttered and organized and today's focus is going to be on my daughter's closet and dresser drawers I also have lots of cleaning in today's video as well so go ahead and get your to-do list ready and let's get some stuff done together [Music] good morning friends and welcome back back to another video where I am taking you along as I clean and declutter and organize and get all the things done around my house now I know that these tasks may be mundane and redundant and you feel like you're on a hamster wheel where you're constantly just doing the same things over and over you're cleaning your house just for it to get messed up again and then start the whole process of cleaning over so if you're feeling unmotivated today then I really hope that this video will encourage you and motivate you to get some of those not so fun tasks knocked off of your to list today as well I am starting today with a load of laundry and on this day I needed to do all the bedding in our house so I am starting with my room and just getting all the sheets and everything pulled off of my bed so I can get them going in the washing machine now I'm just going to vacuum my headboard and my mattress and I got this little handheld vacuum it is corded so you do have to plug it in but I got it off of Amazon a few months ago and I've been loving it and I always use it to vacuum my mattress and then I do at least once a month I'll vacuum each of our mattresses so I don't do this every single time I wash our sheets but I do this at least once a month so today I just focused on my mattress and it does have a little UV light on it as well so you can't really see it while I'm using it but on the bottom there is a UV light so it kills any dust mites and things like that that are on your bed too which I really love but I'm going to show you the little canister when I'm done it was completely empty before I started and I'm always shocked at how much dust and fuzzies pull up when I am vacuuming my mattress it's just kind of crazy I don't want to talk before the moment slowly SS away get a little dirty baby nothing you ain't going to take like I do Under My Tattoos a remedy remedy remedy the way you go baby don't you know there a remedy remedy remedy [Music] cigarette smoke the you want to now I'm headed upstairs and I'm going to take the sheets off of both of the kids beds and I'm actually going to wash their sheets together I'm not going to wash their comforters today it's just going to be their sheets and [Music] pillowcases nothing you Ain going to take yeah fight like I do under my tatto a rem remedy remedy the way you go baby don't you know there a remedy remedy [Music] Remy darling ain't going to lose I'm going I'm going I'm going [Music] Lin okay let me show you my daughter's closet it looks like a tornado has gone off in here it is a huge disaster and we are about to tackle this a little bit at a time and and by the end of this video it's going to be all nice and organized decluttered and it's just going to look a whole lot better so stick around so that way you can see the whole [Music] [Music] process so the first thing I'm doing is starting with the floor because obviously you can't even walk in here and I'm going to pull all this stuff out she actually had some stuff in here that needed to be in the playroom and then there were a bunch of blankets that were folded up that had been folded up in this closet but I'm going to actually take those to the playroom too and we have these bean bag chairs that unzip and you can actually stuff stuffed animals and blankets in there so all the extra blankets I'm going to take into the playroom and put them in those bean bags just because it's just an easy way to store them without taking up any room here in her closet and then she also had a bag of American Girl stuff from when we went down to Orlando we actually went to the American Girl doll store for the first time ever and my daughter is 10 years old and she's only had had the Next Generation dolls from Target which we love them she has always loved them we've gotten most of like the doll clothes and accessories and all that stuff from Target or Walmart and it's been perfectly fine but we went and did an American Girl doll lunch down in Orlando when we were there for a cheer competition and she got to walk through the store and everything and so she picked out a few things they were all on sale I was so proud of her cuz she spent her own money and she picked out a few different things for her dolls so that's why you saw that American Girl doll bag and she was actually wanting to get an American Girl doll but she didn't have enough money but recently she actually got a new tumbling skill in cheer and so anytime time they get a brand new skill I will reward them with some money and so once I gave her that little bit of money she was actually able to buy her American Girl doll so she got that in and she has been obsessed they are they are pretty different than the Next Generation dolls they are a lot more flexible so she loves to pretend that they're cheerleaders and do all the moves with them so it's been a lot of fun watching her play with her doll and honestly I will take it as long as I can get it because I know that you know pretty soon she's not going to want to play with dolls anymore and this whole stage is going to be over and I'm going to be so sad okay so now that I've got the floor cleared off I'm going to go through each bookshelf and kind of organize one bookshelf at a time and so on this bottom bookshelf she has a bunch of different crafts she's got some bracelet kits and art kits and things like that so I'm keeping all of that on the bottom now on this next shelf we've got lots of makeup and it's a lot of the play makeup but it was starting to just get everywhere so I did end up getting rid of a lot of the makeup because she just had so much of it and I only kept the good stuff and then I also have this little Kaboodle here for her which has a few makeup items in there some nail stuff and just some other girly things but on the Shelf we'll keep the makeup and then I also have a basket where I'm going to put all of her scrunchies and Clips in that basket baby for baby love for baby for baby I like I do Under My Tattoos a remedy remedy remedy the way you go baby don't you know there a remedy remedy remedy yeah yeah there a remedy oh no darling loser ain't going to lose I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to do the darling ain't going to [Music] lose going I'm going moving on to the next shelf this is just chaos I feel like these little baskets are easy to just throw things in because you can't see what's in them so they just become a mess because anytime I want throw something in the closet or even if I tell her to clean up her room she'll throw things in these baskets so a lot of the stuff I'm getting rid of um she does have a few pair of Disney ears that we're going to keep and a few other like dress up items in case they ever have dress up stuff at school and then in the other basket she has a lot of her cheer medals I did buy her a little sign to put on her wall that we can hang her medals from but I still haven't put it up because I don't know where I want to put it and I'm kind of thinking we might be changing up some things in her room sometime this year she'll be going into Middle School um in August so we might do a little bit of a tween room update um sometime this year so I definitely need to put up that little sign and it'll go up eventually for her to hang all of her cheer medals from but just not today kind of with the hold back I got history yeah yeah but the way You' been crossing the line oh it's something in me that says it's fine hoping you wouldn't change [Music] me here on this top shelf we have all of her books we also have some in the playroom but these are the ones that we keep in her room and then I was going to put her headbands back back up on the Shelf but then I decided to switch it with the basket with all the scrunchies and hair clips and then put the headbands down here with the Kaboodle I just thought it looked [Music] better change like I'm better like a better all [Music] TOS where you fle you don't sck around here on the top shelf I have a couple of big jackets that I just didn't have room to hang them up but we're going to fix that in just a minute I also keep her cheer book bag and then the two baskets up there they have clothes in them that are hand-me-downs or clothes that I've purchased for her but they're actually too big for her so I just have them in that basket until she can wear them okay so I decided that we needed a little bit more room in here to hang up some of her clothes so I decided I'm going to go ahead and take out this organizer that we've been using for like the last four or five years now I actually had one of these organizers in both of the kids closets and I always use them to organize the kids school clothes for the week and they were so great for all the years that we used them especially as they were younger because it just helped the mornings go a lot more smoothly but now my kids are a lot older 10 and 12 and they also wear uniforms to school so picking out their clothes for the week is very very easy now compared to before when they didn't have to wear uniforms so I decided to just go ahead and take the organizers out of their closets so that way they'd have a lot more room to hang up some of their clothes and I'll be taking the organizer out of my son's closet next week so you'll get to see me organize his closet next week if you come back next Sunday but Gracie June had a lot of sweaters here in this drawer and I decided I really wanted to hang them up instead of have them stuffed in these drawers and honestly I bought her several sweaters this year that I don't feel like she even wore more than once and that was because they were in these drawers and we would forget about them so now I'm going to hang them all up so we can see them and honestly they're they're a little oversized anyways so she should be able to wear these again next year but now they're hanging and we can see them and hopefully she'll wear them more [Music] often okay now we're moving on to these top baskets I actually have so much dress up stuff in these baskets and I'm not sure how much longer Gracie Jun will have dress up days at school but I do know that they do dress up days during like Christmas time and then one other time during the school year they'll have a week of dress up days so I like to have the stuff in here just to have something to pull from if you know there's anything that would go with those themes and every now and then she'll pull these down and her and her friends will you know come up with some silly skit or something I remember doing that when I was little y have to let me know if you remember doing the same thing like dressing up and putting on a show for your parents and all of that so she still loves to do that kind of stuff so I'm going to keep all of that for now in those little baskets at the top of her closet okay it's actually a little bit later I took a little lunch break and now all the bedding is done so really quickly I'm going to make all of our beds and then I'm going to continue with decluttering and organizing my daughter's dresser drawers on the next day so let's get these beds made and in case you're curious both of my kids sheet sets are actually from Amazon and then both of their comforter sets are from Pottery Barn kids and I do have links to everything from my house to cleaning products to favorite clothes all that kind of stuff linked on my ltk shop and also my Amazon storefront so if you're ever curious about something you see something that you like feel free to either ask me in the comments and I can send you the link or go check out the links in my description box and you can kind of browse through my ltk stuff my Amazon favorites all of that so those links are there in case you need [Music] it never it but you make me change like I'm [Music] better like a better [Music] off hoping you wouldn't change me got the same old be my ref I will be all right never could it bite but somehow you make me change you make me want to do better I'm I don't know why you make me want to do better you make me want to do better I don't know why I don't know [Music] why with [Music] you [Music] all right it is a new day and I only got half of what I wanted to get done in the kids rooms yesterday so we're back in here in Gracy June's room and I'm about to go through all of her clothes because she had the time her drawers barely Clos and I need to get rid of some stuff so let's do some decluttering okay so this is my daughter's dresser and and these drawers are packed full with clothes so we're going to be going through each drawer at a time and I'm going to look at every single thing I'm going to pull everything out of every single drawer and I'm going to do one drawer at a time though and then I'm going to decide whether we're going to keep it toss it or donate [Music] it you blow my mind I don't know if you know yet what's all around and I'm [Music] D so we are starting with the first drawer and this is kind of her cheer SL tumbling drawer we keep all of her little cheer outfits and sports bras and tumbling clothes in this drawer so I'm just going through everything and um kind of organizing it together and there were a few things that I ended up getting rid [Music] of only reason I keep sneaking out at night to laugh with you in secret and SE night surprise you know the hardly got to figure out I feel about you wish me the best of luck I'm going to win your love coming to get you dying to feel your touch wish me the best of luck coming to get you wish me the best of luck trying to steal [Music] your okay these next two drawers are Gracie jun's shirt drawers so she's got t-shirts and tank tops in this top drawer and then in the bottom drawer she has all of her cute shirts so shirts that she would wear with like a cute outfit to church or um to dinner or something like that not just everyday loungewear and while I'm doing this I wanted to show you guys what I'm listening to on Audible I actually finished this book but while I was doing her drawers I was listening to this book and I love listening to books on Audible whenever I'm cleaning or walking or even when I'm in the car by myself I just love listening to books so this is my most recent one and it's called just my luck and it's about a family that wins the Lottery and because of the lottery win all this stuff goes horribly wrong and it was so good it's like a it's a thriller suspense book those are pretty much my favorite types of books to listen to or read and so this one I actually gave five stars I always leave my audible reviews over on my Instagram stories I have a highlight reel of all of the books that I listen to I pretty much remember to do them on Instagram all the time but for some reason I forget to go and update my Goodreads account but I do have a Goodreads account I just am not that great about remembering to update it but this book called just my luck is so good I gave it five stars and I have not given a book five stars in so long so if you're into Thriller suspense I definitely recommend this one I was in it from the very beginning of the book it was so good all the way through there were a few things that I kind of guessed but then there were definitely some twists that I didn't see coming so definitely recommend this book but anyways so I'm continuing to do her shirts I went through and organized the ones that we're going to keep and my daughter is such a t-shirt girl like she will come home and immediately get into a pair of butterfly shorts and a t-shirt and anywhere we go that's what she wants to wear um but every now and then she'll want to dress up in like some cute little outfits so we definitely have some options for that too so that's what we're going to do with this bottom drawer oh and we also in this bottom drawer I have some rompers and some other cute like skirt sets that I got from Sheen for her and so those go in this drawer as well without all my friends re and then maybe I'm wasting my time but I got to try the only reason I keep sneaking out at night to laugh with you in secret UND Li surprised you not they cut to figure out how I feel about you wish me luck I'm going to win you're love coming to get you dying to feel your touch P me the best of luck coming to get you wish me the best of luck trying to steal your heart coming to get you coming to get you coming to get [Music] you coming to get [Music] you the only reason I keep sneaking out at night keep wishing you would kiss me under City Light I know you feel it every time I look at you I feel about you wish me the best of luck I'm going to moving on to the next drawer we're doing socks and underwear same thing here I'm just going to get rid of the ones that she no longer uses and then just reorganize them here in this [Music] drawer coming to get you coming to get [Music] you coming together [Music] look in the mirror who's looking back at me I don't know what happened guess we weren't meant to be I know we had problems I thought we could fix them now this next drawer we have bathing suits and coverups so I actually had to get rid of quite a few bathing suits that are too small on her um but a few of them I did end up keeping just because I need her to try them on so I'll have her try them on soon but I always get the kids new bathing suits for their Easter baskets so I'm definitely going to be looking for some cute ones Target always has really cute bathing suits but Walmart the last few years had had some great bathing suits too and actually that reminds me I bought Gracie June a couple of bathing suits last year from Walmart that were so stinging cute but they were too big on her so I need to pull those out too they were actually in those pink baskets in her closet so I need to pull those out to see if they fit her but I'm definitely going to be looking for some cute bathing suits so um let me know if you found any good ones I also need to get case in a couple new bathing suits too because I ended up getting rid of some of his because they were most of his bathing suits were too small okay we're on to another drawer and this is the shorts drawer so I keep all of her athletic shorts her jean shorts I even have a few skirts in here and you'll see I do have a few pairs of shorts that still have the tags on them and that's because I bought them for for her last year and they were too big so um I actually had her try on those same shorts the other day and they're still too big on her in the waist she's gotten so much taller but all of her jean shorts from last year still fit her it's just they look super short on her because her legs have gotten so long but they're the other shorts are way too big in the waist so I'm just going to keep them in here because she doesn't have very many pairs of jean shorts and they fit in this drawer um but I might have to get her some new shorts soon some new jean shorts that actually are a little bit longer but fit her in the waist as well okay last drawer Hallelujah this is the pajama drawer and I'm just going to go through I know that there's tons of stuff in here that she no longer wears so I'm going to get rid of some stuff and then reorganize the stuff that we're keeping I'll get over you only wish that I knew how to go on baby you and me we're so messed up together even if we tried we' be stuck here forever I don't understand right now how to make it through but I'll get over you and it's not like I'm going to hate you it's for it is nothing left that we could do even though it hurts right now we will make it through I'll get over [Music] you I get over you when I were all right I have finished all the drawers these are all the clothes that I'm getting rid of lots of bathing suits that that are too small shirts um pajamas all that kind of stuff rompers these are socks and undies that we're getting rid of this I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with all of her school clothes now that I took down the organizer in the closet and then these shirts right here are all shirts that are like like cheer shirts or um I don't know Keepsake type shirts I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these I'm going to put them in her keep safe box just for right now these are rompers and things that I want her to try on before I get rid of them just to make sure that they're too small um she hasn't worn them in a while and her legs have gotten so long so I'm going to make her try those on before I get rid of them but I'm pretty sure that they're going to be too short and then these are well not that one um these are shirts that were mine that I might put in her pajama drawer I don't know or I might just keep them I feel like these would be really cute on her just oversized shirts so I think I might put those in the drawers but that's why I have these set to the side for right now okay quick look at how I organized her drawers so this one is her cheer drawer it's got all of her tumbling and cheer clothes in it then this drawer is all of her t-shirts so we've got some long sleeve shirts in the back she doesn't have very many long sleeve shirts and then mostly just t-shirts a few jerseys back here and then these are all tank tops but they're just like all casual that she could wear with athletic shorts and then this drawer down here are all of her like cute outfits um so these are all short sleeve shirts some of these you might have noticed I has I had tags on them still but that's because they were too big last year so I just took the tags off and they're so cute these are actually from Walmart and they were just a little too big last year so I'm thinking she'll be able to wear these this year these are um like tank tops and just cute outfit shirts and then we've got some rompers here this is her undies and socks drawer we also have a couple of like little training bras and then these are shorts that she wears underneath her dresses we've got her bathing suit drawer here I kind of feel like she's going to have to try on some of these bathing suits as well I'm thinking that they might be a little too small but some of them I know will fit her but the other ones we'll try on before we get rid of them and then we've got her shorts drawer here um same thing with the shorts she has a couple pairs of shorts that still have tags on them but that's because I bought them last year and they were just too big and I actually already tried those on her the other day but they're still a little too big so I didn't take the tags off yet but this is just her shorts drawer and then her pajama drawer down here feels so good they have it all organized all right so we're moving back into the closet to declutter in here um I don't really have anything to declutter up here I do have a few dresses that she needs to try on and see if they're too short but the rest of the stuff actually fits so I'm not going to worry about this for right now but I do want to go through these drawers so this top drawer is like all of her bows and then she does have a few hats in here and then this drawer we've got some skirts which I'm thinking about possibly moving these over to the shorts drawer in the other uh dresser and then we've got some pullovers that are probably too small I need to go through some sweaters and then her shoes so we're going to go through this really quick and I'm going to hopefully have a drawer where I can put all of her school clothes in okay so I'm pulling everything out of these top two drawers because it's kind of gotten a little chaotic in there and I can't even see everything so I did decide to get rid of a few things that I think are going to be too small for her and then there are a few sweaters that I decided to keep in here because if I have them you know stacked like this we can actually see what's in the drawer a little bit better um instead of just hanging them up so these will keep in the drawers she's probably not going to wear them until next winter anyways cuz it's already starting to get warm here and then this other drawer I'm going to use for all of her school clothes and then all the other items that I pulled out of those drawers I'm going to actually hang these up there's a few pullovers the vest Cardigans and so these are things that I think she'll be reaching for a little bit more so we're going to hang these [Music] up all right so this is the pile that we ended up with and I'm just going to stuff everything in this bag for now and then me and my friend are going to go through them she can decide what she wants to keep and what she wants to get rid of and then so we will just donate whatever she doesn't want um and then of course the socks and underwear I'm just going to toss these so now that all of that is done I'm going to finish cleaning up here in her bedroom I decided I was not going to have enough time to do my son's room this day so I going to actually just do it the next day and I will share it with you in next week's video so I'll be doing all of his closet organizing in there and I might have some other fun surprises in next week's video as [Music] well now say goodbye and try to move on I'll get over you only wish that I knew how to go on baby you and me were so mess stuck together even if we tried we'd be stuck here forever I don't understand right now how to make it through but I'll get over you and it's not like I'm going to hate you it's what it is nothing left that we could do even though it hurts right now okay you guys we are getting very close to the end of this video but I wanted to take a second just to tell you guys how much you mean to me and how grateful I am that you show up for my videos every single week or maybe you don't necessarily show up every single week but every now and then for you to just take time out of your busy schedules and hang out with me and show me love and support and even chat with me in the comments and tell me what's going on in your your lives some of your great news ways that I can pray for you things that you know maybe are weighing heavy on you and you just need prayers for for you to take the time out of your day and just be part of this community means the world to me and I just so so grateful for you and I don't think I tell you guys nearly enough but I love y'all so so much and I just can't believe that you guys would even want to come hang out with me but I really hope that today's video brought you a little bit of encouragement and motivation I know that life can be crazy busy it can also be hard and sometimes we can feel alone in things but just know that you are loved and you are valued and I'm here to pray for you whenever you need it so please just let me know if you ever need prayers down in the comments and I know that lots of people in this community will get on and pray for each other as well so please just let us know how we can pray for you today and y'all don't forget to come back next Sunday so we can get some more cleaning and decluttering done together Easter's coming up so I've got a few things to share for that and some other fun stuff planned um also if you have not seen my other decluttering videos then be sure to go check out that playlist I have a playlist down in the description box where you can see all of the decluttering and organizing projects that I've done so far this year I hope you guys have the best week ever and I will see you next week [Music] bye make it through I'll get over you I'll get over for you oh I'll get over for you
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 45,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closet declutter, whole house decluttering, minimalism, clean with me, clean and declutter, clean declutter and organize, organization ideas, closet organization, clothing organization, organizing, cleaning, how to clean, speed clean, closet clean out, massive clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation, routine, amy darley, deep clean, deep cleaning, extreme cleaning motivation 2023, cleaning routine, declutter with me, closet declutter and organization
Id: nJQjjH4xERM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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