Huge Art Supplies Haul!

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nathan's are you ready to do some unboxing hey guys so I am doing an art supply haul and I haven't done this in so long but I figured now would be a great time to stock up on art some art supplies and yeah and mittens is being very noisy mid in just laying with the bag anyway so I have three packs for package of hate I have four boxes to show you to unbox for you guys and yeah so we have a package from jetpens a package from Amazon and then right under here is a large package from Blake so multiple and then also a little shopping back from an art store local art store called my and I'll show you what I got from there too so yeah let's go ahead and get started and see what I got anyways going to open this Amazon package and this should be a pencil case but it word it is it's here five your really interesting packaging this is a pencil case take it out I'm really excited about this I'm really excited about this pencil case because um since I don't have my artwork my art workspace at home and it's always you know it's in another building in another location now so it'd be nice it's nice to have this I thought this publius would be cool because it has a lot of storage and I can take a bunch of art supplies with me like just the necessities so that I can do our work on the go my friend purple star she's the one who showed me this pencil case and I'm like okay I'll give it a try so I've heard it for myself and yeah thank you purple star for the suggestion for this pencil case yeah okay let's go ahead and open our jetpens package and I gotta say blick for last after this I'll open I'll show you what I got for my good and openness alrighty there you have a little packing slip here and lots of giant bubble wrap I used to love the giant bubble wrap and I was a kid it's a lot louder than the tiny bubble wrap yeah but I go I didn't get too much stuff oh that's cute stop there's more parts inside I guess so it's like so people don't throw away the bubble wrap package I guess I guess that's what that's for but let's go ahead and open it up I got a few items I didn't get that money I think I got with four items from jetpens with my scissors here there there we go mark it so much there we go alright so here is what I guess there's four little pens here umm I wanted to try out these brush pens that I saw I heard some good reviews on them so I'm like I'm going to go ahead and do them a try and see how they work so that's those and then I got some so I had two of my speak of glitter pens they kind of ran out like Bank stopped working and stuff they dry it out so I got some another pair of the teal I really like art supplies that comes in open stock because then you can just order the kind stuff that you need instead of buying a whole another set so that's what I really like about these ones and that means you're going crazy going crazy from the plastic bag but I also got this little bottle of ink this is why I have an art studio so mittens isn't going to be you can you know see on every but I got this bottle of ink is coming come on I don't know how to pronounce it but I heard this ink does really well with Copic markers so that's why I kind of got that's why I got it so it comes in a little little inkwell like this and then I have a little place for you to rest your pen so yeah I got this because it's hopefully don't work with my Copic markers I've been having problems with like thanks bleeding all the time and I wanted to get the quality of the like a dip pen versus the multiliners so that's why I got this so I can do that ah really pins you want to play on the box here clean the box alright time to show you what I got from my guru all right so this is the minor grid bag it's a local shop here in Colorado it's an art supply store there's a shop in Boulder Denver and Colorado Springs and I went to Denver because it's their main store and it's like 30,000 square feet or something that's a pretty big store and so that's why I always go there instead of going to Colorado Springs which is closer let me show you what I got throw the big stuff I guess so I got a watercolor pad so I really like this I use this watercolor pad for made in I use this watercolor pad a lot when I have a smaller version of this one and I really like the paper because it's really smooth I used it for my three watercolor challenge and you enjoyed it so yeah I love the music almost no tooth is very smooth it's a hot press and I really like that quality because then it's easier to use other materials other than watercolor I can use like pencil and all that and it just gives the smooth texture which I love and I will use this a lot I wanted to try out this crystal the kansan XL Bristol pad I used the kansan XL watercolor paper a lot so I thought I'd tried the Bristol and see how that works um it's a very smooth texture but we'll see let's see how it is I'm not that picky about paper so hopefully it'll work for me that's a set of paints these are like the pearl pearl finish paints I thought I would like to try some of these try using pearl paints for just you know just to try it out you know the reason I got this I think this is just like a really cheap said it was like fourteen dollars or something so I'm not sure about the quality but we'll see um yeah I just wanted to try doing try experimenting with pigments different types of like your doesn't pigments and all that so that's why I got this what else oh so I went to their Copic section I didn't buy any because I forgot my Copic chart but the sales lady was really nice and she gave me a Copic chart I think this is a more recent one I'm not sure doesn't really say the year I'm not working hard enough but yeah she gave me a free Copic book color in which I'm very thankful she's very nice to me all right ooh I really want to try that these are the drew and graphic liner line painters what it says here um my friend my friend I saw my friend have something like this and these are supposed to be water soluble sort of like watercolor almost and I really like the carrying case but I really wanted to try these out and just to see how they worked see how they are I just try out a different art supply and they make free family your chicken mins is like what are you doing I'm eatin jelly Katie okay he's in a bad mood um oh I got another small little watercolor pad it's the same one that I showed you just a smaller size hey um another thing I got with some paintbrushes I love their paintbrush bag but I'm trying to make a habit my teacher said everytime you go to an art store you should at least buy one or two paintbrushes so what I did a box or two I think there's three in here they're really tiny they're like a zero this is a double zero and says ma but I was hoping this would help me with detailed work but let's get the others out come on yeah alright so I got three little paintbrushes they're so tiny and cute so I wanted these for more of my detailed work and that it got him floor there weren't that bad there the winter in you and they're the Copeman so I think they're more of a student grade paintbrush which I'm okay with um I don't think I'm at a skill level where I should use the really high quality stuff just yet I'm not ready for that but I am working my way up at least in painting but I'm really excited about these these are watercolor brushes okay wet off oh so I got a set of the volley black waitin a black wooden black winged pencil set but I think it's really interesting and I'm excited to try out these pencils I tried them out at the store and they they felt really nice so I thought I'd try you know having a couple since these ones are collectibles and I think I might save like two or three of them just because they are collectible but I think having collectible pencils is kind of weird that's just me I love the packaging and I just feel so fancy anyway that was the last thing I got at my I'm excited to use these pencils because I heard they're good good things from these black anyway moving this stuff out and then we're going to open the giant package that I'm pretty sure you guys have been waiting for my blick my blitz package guess what I bought all right go ahead and open these as you can see we have some pillow plastic pillows this is out of the way the list of everything that's there so the first thing that I see that I'm really excited to try out is the chameleon the chameleon markers and so what these are if you guys haven't heard and what it is it's a marker that changes color so like you can see a little flower here so one color one marker makes all these colors and it does that by mixing the mixing like the colorless blender in each marker has a CO was blender in it and mixing that and dilutes the color and as you color the ink becomes more saturated and you get the full tone so I wanted to try these out and see how they worked and because I'm because I know this is kind of my response to like the Copic markers shorter Copic markers shortage you know cope except in are getting harder and harder to find and so I thought I'd reach out to other marker brands and give them a try to see what I like so I got this set this is the 22 set I think they have a 50 something set but I didn't they didn't have that on at the website which I'm fine with I'm fine with just the 22 because I just want to try them out and see and I wanted to get a good range of colors before I buy any more oh and they are also they are also refillable I believe you can buy the ink cartridges for them and that you know that's nice it's a nice feature I think all right so we got some Copic refills again my response to the public market shortage because I needed refills so these were fat half of some skin tone refills but not much this is a set of frisket film for airbrushing so with the Copic airbrush system I have a more film to play around with I got a brush nib for my cope from one of my copic multiliners because my brush nib is kind of blah I got a refill it's a Copic marker I wasn't supposed to get a Copic marker but they're like when I was shopping I added a bunch of Copic markers to my cart and I forgot that and then I'm like I regret I regret inviting all these Copic markers in there so I took him out and I guess I missed one which is fine I need this color anyway and then I got a point O three multiliner and yeah I got some so I used the Y arca saint-petersburg water colors and I got some more I got some open some of the open stock so I compared a list of all the water color like the water colors that the two sets I have two sets of them but the two sets have so I compared them and I realize I'm only missing like six or seven colors so I decided just to open instead of getting a whole new a whole new set I thought I'd just get the open stock of the colors and just add them to my current collection my current set and I'll have a complete set of the your cos which I'm excited about like instead of buying like a $60 pan I just needed to buy like like a handful not coming I think one two three four so that one other that is one what is this I don't know where that came from that's a half pan I got to recheck my liquid I'll remember ordering this huh right a big mistake oh well but yeah there's the number York uh another one here so more other refills good number of them I'm excited to have some of these for my record all right here are your kids in here let's see any oh this is that new marker that new product Copa came out with it was this brush pen that I want to try it out so I decided to get it because it was there it was something okay if that okay so in addition to the chameleon markers I also got some one Sora Newton brush markers because I saw a lot of YouTube artists do reviews on these and I thought they looked pretty good so I decided to get a few get a lot actually so I got the skin tone set the pastels and the bright colors and I decided to go with brush markers because I like brush markers better than the normal markers so I got this set and I got some open cell phones too about a good color amount of so what I try to do is I try to get colors that I feel felt my Copic collection was lacking so namely a lot of greens because I don't have that many Greek or Copic compared to like my other stuff like the blues and the Reds and all that so I decide to just get a lot of greens and just some reds and just some staple colors but as you can see mostly greens lots and lots of juice and there's a red the next item this is once this is the least interesting one this is an air can from my airbrush system because I don't use it enough to validate getting a air compressor air compressor so that's why I just use the cans and I have an order to Cannon like three years so obviously I don't use it very much but I'm hoping to get back into it get really into using it because it's really I think I just think that airbrush is really cool so I might just get a paint airbrush set but we'll see when I get the money for that so the last thing from Blake the last stuff was I got the visa mica yeah these mica watercolors so I can I heard good things from them so I can decide what I wanted whether I wanted like the golds and silver or the colors so I got four but they're supposed to be like this really iridescent what a color similar to the pearl one that I got at my naggers but let's see them is really hard but that's okay I'm excited to use the he's honestly to share the iridescent sort of colors let's go ahead and open this but so for both I notice that they're bigger the silver and gold pans are bigger than these ones I didn't know I thought they'd be like the same size but that's okay like I thought the pans would be the same like diameter that's all right I'm fine with that I'm probably going to be using these ones more anyway but I don't know I love the texture of it I don't know why like the ridges and stuff I think it looks so cool all right well anyway guys that is pretty much it for my art supply haul I got a bunch of stuff and yeah so this is kind of like my birthday slash graduation art supply haul and I probably not gonna have an art supply all for a while because I think I'm stocked up but I think I'm planning on getting as long as Copic markers topics like the various ink refills are in stock I think I'm going to keep on getting like maybe just like two or three each month just to you know fill up my collection so that you know even if the Copic markers run out if I have you the refills then that's better because that's good because then I could just refill the markers that I have yeah there's my friend where's our it anyway guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoy this video I really enjoyed making it because I just love unboxing all of my new art supplies such a good feeling but yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next time bye guys
Channel: Feliza Estrada
Views: 65,115
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Illustration, Artist, Feliza, Estrada, Dick, Blick, Blick Art Supplies, Art Supplies Haul, Haul, Artwork, Prplstar, Amazon, Jet Pens, jetpens, copics, chameleon pens, markers, brush markers, unboxing, product review, art unboxing, cute, kitty, mittens, mega, art, haul, review, shopping, splurge
Id: De2YgA6Cxpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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