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hey guys it's story welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new here my name is story and i talk about books and streaming so i was trying to think of a video to film real quick today so that i can edit it real fast and get it posted but um yeah i decided to do a book haul and realize that i have a ton of books since i did my last book haul i think my last one was for black friday it is now april um like mid-april so i have a lot of books to share today so i'm gonna try to get through these really really quickly they're all really really good books all books that i am super excited for so i can't wait to talk about them with you today but yeah i'm just like thinking that i was gonna be able to film and edit this real quick and post it it's just it's not gonna happen there's like i don't know 15 books here and then i have another like five books that aren't physically here they're like e-copies or arcs so some of these that i bought i bought alongside a 20 plus book giveaway i think it was like 22 23 books i got for a huge giveaway i haven't done anything for it yet but i will definitely be giving the majority of them away on my instagram because i do have a brand new instagram a new cute little bookstagram called storybook the same handle as my youtube so if you haven't already please go follow me over there so that i can follow you back i'm trying to find as many bookish accounts as i can i want to see what everyone is reading and of course i will be having a ton of giveaways over there so if you want to win 22 books you should go follow me but i probably won't give them away all at once i'm going to categorize them in between genres but anyways before i get off topic let's just go ahead and jump into the books of course if you want to see more videos from me be sure to subscribe and like this video if you want to see more book hauls and yeah let's get started i have no idea how to do this what categories i should start off with i have a couple arcs i'm really excited to talk about but i just talked about them in a previous video so maybe i'll do all of my arcs towards the end and then start off with the books that i bought myself or were given to me from my amazon wishlist by the way i had someone asked me for my wishlist the other day it is always in the description you definitely don't have to get anything off there but i have updated it recently because i had a couple people asked so yeah wishlist is updated if you need the link it is down below i'm gonna keep going on changes so let's go ahead and get into the books okay so i think i'm gonna start with my book of the month picks for march i think it was i didn't choose anything this month in april so yeah i think it was march i chose a book and then added on two extra books the book i chose was the loss of fouth cary by sarah penner to be honest i haven't been intrigued by the book of the month pick since i started it in like january i've been skipping month after month but this is the first one i have been interested in and i was a little disappointed at the size of it it's very very thin i could finish this super super quickly but it is essentially about a witch back in the 1800s i think who starts an apothecary so that women can buy her potions to give to men i don't know if this is going to be like a feminist book which definitely wants to create potions that are used against men so we follow her and then we follow someone in the present day who also stumbles along this apothecary i guess i'm not really sure but i'm super interested in it i feel like it's going to be a little bit of like magical realism i like the idea of jumping back and forth between time periods so yeah and i can probably finish this really quickly so excited for this sorry the people who already follow me on instagram i have been going over all my bookish mail so whenever i get new arcs or i just order things myself i have been doing kind of unboxings over there if you've followed me for a while you know i don't really do unboxings on my channel i've done like two i think so yeah if you ever want to see the bookish mail i get or any type of unboxings then just go ahead and follow me over there but the main reason i made this order was to get these violet delights by chloe gong i actually don't even know that much about this book just that everyone loves it i feel like it's gonna be super steamy i think it is set in shanghai in 1926 and it is a romeo and juliet retelling i'm pretty sure and i love romeo and juliet i love hate to love just in general like if if the book has hate to love i'm all there it's my thing for some reason i i want to love interest to start out hating each other and eventually love each other i don't know why i'm so into that but yeah there's just been so much rape about this book i just feel like it's going to be epic and i'm going to be really interested and intrigued i just need to pick it up next i got lester by raven lilani or leilani again super disappointed at how tiny this book was just being honest like to pay 15 for this and then pay another 10 for this it's just like i wish i knew the size of them although i do need some smaller books in my collection this is about a girl who i believe is in college she becomes interested with or starts talking to this married man the marriage is an open marriage so it's about her dating these two people i don't know she's also dating the wife but it's kind of her life i think she ends up moving in with them so it's kind of like a i don't know what you would call that misogamy it's about three characters that are in an open relationship i'm excited i feel like it's gonna be just like super fast-paced since it's so short and a lot of stuff is gonna happen a lot of drama and yeah i'm excited to get to this one too the next couple books are from the giveaway i just hosted on my channel here recently if it isn't already obvious i i love to have giveaways on my channel my instagram whatever i just feel like it's the funnest part of following youtube channels because they get sent free stuff all the time not saying i get sent like a load of free stuff all the time i am a small channel but if i'm not interested in it then i'm going to give it away and so i actually want to give away recently it was 10 books and i decided to keep two of them and give away eight so the two that i decided to keep were the ravens by cass morgan and danielle page and a song of race and ruin by roseanne a brown so this one i knew i was going to keep i'm so intrigued by this i believe it is yeah a desert inspired fantasy so i've never read a desert inspired fantasy i know that an ember in the ashes is one as well and i really really really want to get to that one but this is kind of a romeo and juliet type thing as well we are following our main character i think has to like find the main guy and they end up falling in love and stuff but they're like trying to find each other for some reason i don't know if they have to kill each other or they're i don't i don't know i'm sorry but the premise just sounded really really good um i've been getting into fantasy again a little bit since last winter right now i'm reading like contemporaries and romances i'm actually reading a thriller right now as well so like i'm not reading fantasy really at all right now but when i do get back into it i really do want to try this one i just feel like it's going to be really good on the kind of like fantastical romance part and it's probably going to be pretty political as well and so yeah excited for this one and then the ravens is about a sorority that is also a coven a witch coven when i first heard that premise i was sold like i was in a sorority in college for a little bit i ended up leaving it at one point and so i you know i'm already into witchy books so i just feel like that's gonna be super epic i can't remember the name of the movie but there is a movie where a group of high school girls start a coven they're all witches and so i feel like it's probably gonna give me those sort of vibes but instead set in a college atmosphere which i miss college every day of my life it was a great experience for me so yeah i just have a feeling i'm really really going to like this i've never read either of these authors before though i've also never read this author i don't know if this is her debut book or not but yeah excited to give some new authors a try as well speaking of the sorority i was in i have a friend that i met through that sorority name cheyenne who kindly sent me a book that she just finished and knew i wanted to read it because it was on my wish list and that is beach read by emily henry so thank you cheyenne for sending me this she was one of the winners of my giveaway and so i'm sure she felt kind of bad and was like let me send her a book i'm not gonna read again but i have been wanting to read this for so so long i think i added this to my wishlist when i first created it i'm super into books like this i love genres like this the hating game is one of my all-time favorite books i'm actually about to receive sally thorne's newest book as an arc like right before its release and i am so excited for it i'm gonna bring this on vacation too because we're gonna be on a beach so i think it's gonna be pretty funny for my beach read to be called beach read i kinda wanna do it just for that and i'll definitely vlog while we are in cancun as well i'll do a little uh vacation slash reading blog so be on the lookout for that but i know you've heard about this book a thousand times everyone has basically we're following a guy and a girl who are both authors one is a romance author and the other one is like i think he's like a thriller author they're both in writing slumps and so to encourage them to get out of writing slumps they write the other author's genre they must be on a beach somewhere i'm guessing and it ends up being a cute little romance and i know a lot of people really really like this but i know a lot of people say that it is too hyped up at this point that it's not worth the hype and so i don't know how i'm gonna feel about it but i feel like i could get through it pretty fast so like either way if it ends up not living up to the hype then it won't be that big of a loss you know but i am really excited to read it i've been excited to read it for a really long time and then we went to an amazon bookstore for the first time in forever and i know people are going to come at me for buying from amazon but listen we all have wish lists on amazon that's how we get those books and also i've never been to a physical amazon bookstore before i know they started selling books before they did everything else but it just it seems kind of ironic to me because they've totally taken over actual bookstores in a sense seeing a physical amazon bookstore was just like the irony but anyways my boyfriend has prime so all of the books were super cheap for us the first one i picked up was the un honey the unhoney moon earth by christina lauren if you didn't already know i love christina lauren i've read almost all of their books the physical books i have on my shelf are the only ones i haven't read but i really want to get to this one next because so many people that are fans of these authors say that this is their favorite book and so i just have a feeling that i'm really going to like it i know they're on vacation together um a couple that was supposed to get married didn't get married and so i think like the best man and the maid of honor go on the honeymoon for them and that just sounds so epic i didn't know that was the synopsis of this book for a long time or i would have picked it up a long time ago i've had it on my wish list for a long time as well and i just love the cover of this like this is everything to me this is one of my favorite colors i i could read christina lauren forever i love that they come out with at least one book every year i'm super excited to read the soulmate equation that's their newest book and yeah they're just they're just they're really good they're really good at writing work romances as well i don't know why that is my thing i think it's just like a type three readers thing we like work romances we like hate to love and i've now read two or three of their books that have been work romances and they've just been so good i almost always give them five stars so so so so excited to get this one and then i also picked up a new journal which is 52 list of calm by maurya seal maurya seal maria isn't maria gosh i have no idea but this journal is great it was not that expensive with prime either and it's basically just lists you just make lists there's different prompts that they give you the whole point is to help with anxiety basically just get your mind off of whatever you're thinking about and worrying about and just make a list and so it's really good for my ocd it's really good for like the type three in me if you get what i mean next is a book that i have already read that i got from books a million and that is swimming lessons by lilly reinhardt or reinhart i really enjoyed this poetry collection i think i gave it four out of five stars i feel like people are being very very critical of it just because it is a celebrity's work but it's really good honestly i related to it a lot obviously poetry is very subjective so if you don't relate to it you probably won't enjoy it as much and i notice a lot of the reviews it didn't seem like they were relating to it it's about quite a few different things explores the euphoric beginnings of young love battling anxiety and depression in the face of fame and the inevitable heartbreak that stems from passion lily uses her trademark honesty optimism and unique perspective this is like the best way to describe this book it's very honest and real yet optimistic a little bit inspiring and just like relatable you can see all the tabs i have talks a lot about passion which was my favorite part because i'm personally a very passionate person like when i am in to something i am obsessed with it i actually write poetry myself as well and so every time i read a new poetry book i just write so many poems and if i don't that means i probably didn't enjoy it that much i wrote so many poems after reading this and you know i'm not plagiarizing or anything like that i just get super inspired with poetry i don't know what it is and so if i'm in a reading slump poetry books are key for me but yeah i'm basically here to say don't be discouraged by all of the reviews this is really good if you like this typical modern poetry that's a little you know cutesy a little romantic then you're really gonna like this so going back to the 22 25 i don't even know how many books i got to be honest giveaway i'm going to be doing on my new instagram i decided to keep two books there as well i didn't want to show them in this video if i hadn't decided which one i'm actually going to keep but the one i know i'm going to keep is house of salt and sorrows by erin craig i can't remember what this book is about now that i'm thinking about it i also was not expecting to pick this book either look at the inside oh my gosh bought two of these because i know a lot of people are interested in reading this i didn't think i was interested in reading it and then yeah i read the synopsis and was like okay let's go it's also blurred by stephanie garber which you guys know is one of my favorite authors it says that our main character lives with her sisters and their father and stepmother in a manner by the sea that really intrigues me i love books that are set right along the sea it's like a seaside town um especially if it's going to be like super dark and gloomy i i love that setting she has involvement with the mysterious stranger in the town she's having a series of ghostly visions so yeah kind of vague don't really know exactly what that means but just like looking at the cover in the back of it like i just feel like it's gonna be a super dark seaside town setting and story and i'm just all about that next is a book i received off my wishlist by abby one of my subscribers here she comments on my videos all the time and so i've seen her on here for a while and so when she sent me this book i accidentally said the wrong name in the video so i did a reading vlog during the big snowstorm we had in the states here because all i really could do was read i ended up picking up this book because i was reading crooked kingdom but i have a role here where if you buy something off my wish list i have to put whatever book i'm reading down and pick up that book and feature it in a vlog so this was the first time that happened and i'm so excited because i love this book this is one of my favorite books now and that is where dreams descend by janella angeles i've talked about this book so many times especially if you're following me on instagram i was reading this book and finished it when i first started my account so there was a lot of content i just love it so much i love it so freaking much i think i gave it 4 out of 5 stars while i was reading it i thought it was for sure 4.5 out of 5 stars i just had some a couple problems that were very minuscule not big at all but then the ending was just like not what i expected and wasn't very satisfactory to me but i think it's because this is book one in what's going to be an epic series and so i just think book two is gonna be like five out of five stars for me of course it's early days to say that but man if they are giving away arcs for the second book which i'm sure there probably aren't but if they are i hope i get it it comes out in the fall and i need more like i need more from kalia i need more from demarco i need to know what happened i need i need answers like there's so many things were left open at the end of this book and so i just i need answers but yeah we are following khalia who is a female magician in this world of magic that is intertwined with normal people as well so there's different types of magic you could have but it is very rare to see a female with magic it's known that something has happened in the past in this world with female magicians we just don't really know what has happened and our main character khalia feels like a prisoner in this club that she performs at it's very secretive it's in the woods and so she tries to escape all the time but the master of the house won't let her and so it's really about her finding her way in this world and and figuring out who she is where she came from it's about the readers finding out just about the world in general and the people within it the history and it's just so good i love it so much but yeah like i said you might not feel satisfactory after reading this book just because so much is left to be open and i just want the second book so bad but i i would really really recommend this but yeah clea is such a badass she's a very polarizing character people love her people hate her i just related to her so much i've never related to a main character this much before i don't think she's definitely a type 3 for sure like me i love interest in this book it's just like everything too i love him so much and you can tell i love this book because i'm seriously so winded so thank you to abby for sending this to me i don't think she's read it yet but she wanted to see how i felt about it and now you know okay i feel amazing about this book i love this book really really good and i would still highly recommend all right so we have one more and then i will mention the arcs really quick but that is the kingdom of the wicked by carrie miniskalco man i am so so excited for this book i know i said that about every book but i was pitched this book by a friend here on youtube and oh my god i was sold and then it's actually smaller than i thought it would be so it's definitely going to be a quick little fantasy i'm so excited to get to it i think this summer if i just am like completely over the romances and contemporaries i'm definitely going to pick this up the vac says i understood why some thought kissing one of the wicked was addictive each time his tongue touched mine it felt as if the ground beneath me quaked like we were a cataclysmic event that shouldn't be girl you already know this is gonna be one of those great fantasies that just has like a super addicting romance or romances and it's super dark like that is that is my brand at this point that is what i want you know when you think about like twilight and caraval and all that i just love kind of like urban fantasies or not even urban fantasies just fantasies in general that are very dark but also very like romantic and emo that's like my thing so yeah i i know i'm really going to like this it says two sisters one brutal murder a quest for vengeance that will unleash hell itself and an intoxicating romance i thought this had to do with the seven deathly sins or something like that and there's like seven brothers and they all represent a different sin unless i'm thinking of a completely different book but this says amelia meets wrath one of the wicked princes of hell she has been warned against since she was a child so yeah maybe there's seven princes of hell but it looks like our main character gets involved with one of them and i'm so down for that all right so for the arcs that i have received and i am so grateful for i've been receiving so many arcs here recently um physical arcs and er i'm honestly feeling a little overwhelmed at how many arcs i have i just want to read all of them all at once and i i think it's part of the reason why i have a reading slump right now or why i'm in a reading slump right now but this book i literally started today and that is malibu rising by taylor jenkins read i'm so excited to get to this book um i read i think i got only like eight percent through it to be honest but i'm really liking it so far so taylor jenkins read is one of my favorite authors i really really love the seven husbands of evelyn hugo one of my favorite books and it honestly feels like malibu rising is going to be a mixture of that book and daisy jones in the six and those are her two biggest books that she is known for i personally dnf'd daisy jones in the six i think one day i will pick it back up but yeah i listened to the audiobook like two-thirds of the way through and dnf'd it a lot of people really like it but everyone loves the seven husbands of evelyn hugo i just feel like our main character here she is famous it seems like she's gonna be like very feminine and have all this like feminist energy like evelyn hugo does and it's also set in california in the 80s and daisy jones vi i think is set in california like the 70s and so yeah i just feel like it's kind of like a mixture of the two right now and i'm really enjoying it our main character is the daughter of a very famous i think he's like a music musician or something like that she lives in malibu and so we are following her and her sister and her brother in malibu um we know that there's like one big party that happens at her house and something really crazy happens i don't know if it's like a murder or something like that but there's a lot of secrets within this like famous family enjoying it so far like i said i'm only like eight percent through it but i think it's gonna be pretty good honestly and i'm not surprised because i really really like her books next i got the islanders by sv leonard i talked about this book on my channel as well super excited to get to this one pitch for this book is love island meets like a serial killer which is just like amazing i'm so excited to read this i'm watching love island right now highly highly recommend love island australia that is my favorite one it's so well put together and so addicting the people on there are great and so yeah love island australia is by far my favorite one i have tried to watch love island uk twice now and could not get into it that one is just like not good to be honest a lot of people say to skip to season four i think i'm gonna try that watching america right now love island america skip season one because i was just i watched the first like two episodes and i was like no this is it's really bad um but season two got much better i'm about three-fourths of the way through season two now i'm going on tangent anyways this is one of those reality shows it's called love wrecked um but it's the same thing where they put a bunch of strangers on like a beach or some tropical island tropical area our main character goes and someone dies and so i don't know if they continue filming during all of it that would be kind of crazy but yeah she's trying to figure out the serial killer and stay alive sounds pretty epic to me this author is so lovely her and her agent i think she was sent this book to me and yeah i've talked with them a little bit and they're just super super nice super lovely i believe this is her debut book and so she's very excited to get out into the world and i'm excited to tell people about it honestly next i received real by carol kujak so i actually don't know what this book is about received it and solicited i know we are following a teen who has autism i believe and so that is the main you know theme and point of this book is autism thank you guys so much for watching this video i know it was probably a long one there were a lot of books to go over but i really appreciate you watching of course subscribe if you haven't already if you feel like it if you like book hauls please give this a thumbs up so i know to make more of them and i will see you in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: Storribook
Views: 1,252
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, huge book haul, giant book haul, books, haul, overdue book haul, 15+ book haul, 20+ book haul, reading, booktube, booktuber, storribook
Id: O6EEPdde-js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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