HPTuners MPVI2 - Installation and Operation Basics for Tuning Your Gen3 HEMI by MMX

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hey guys this is Steven from modern muscle Xtreme and today we're doing the latest version of MMX 101 in today's video we're going to introduce you to the MP VI - as well as go over some of their features and go in-depth into what the tool is capable of okay so one of the key features on the MP VI to is bluetooth capabilities and this is going to allow you to wirelessly log your vehicle as well as being able to pair a GoPro and log with a GoPro video log as well as the vehicle log and in the track addict app that HP tuners has developed that you can download from the Google Play Store or the App Store you can overlay these two logs and send them to your tuner and this will ultimately give you and the tuner more information to give you a better tuning experience as well as if you have any issues diagnose an issue a lot easier alright so today we were working with my 2009 Ram 1500 but one thing you guys need to know is that if you have a 2015 and up vehicle this is going to require an unlocked PCM now you can get an unlocked PCM from our website modern muscle Xtreme calm it's gonna require VIN number calibration ID and somewhat current mileage once you receive the unlock PCM from us you can install it and then you can begin tuning your vehicle now HP tuners uses a credit system now any engine in the modern Mopar platform uses two credits other than Viper but if you have a 2015 and up vehicle that has an 8-speed in it this is going to require an additional four credits for in a total of six this is why we sell them in to credit and six credit versions on the website alright now that you've installed your unlocked PCM from us or if you have a pre 2015 vehicle you're ready to download the VCM sweet and VCM scanner go to your browser and you're going to go to HP tuners calm all right go to downloads and then all you need to do is download the latest full version now this could take a little bit depending on how fast your internet is so give it some time all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to connect the vehicle and we're going to resync this device I what I can recommend you do is plug the USB C into the bottom here first before you plug it into the obd2 we're going to take the device plug it into the obd2 port on the vehicle drape this around here we're gonna take the s the USB cable here and plug it into the USB port on our PC okay so the first thing we need to do with the new device is we need to open up the editor and we need to sync the device and by doing this we go to help resync the interface the device is now tree synched all right so now this what this does is it actually applies the credits that you've purchased with device whether it be six or two depending on whatever vehicle you're working on so that way you can license vehicles all right so the next step we're gonna do key on engine off all right we need to hit the green arrow here that's to read the vehicle all right it's gonna pop up this window we're gonna hit gather info now in this case we only have one controller that it needs to read if you're working on an eight-speed vehicle or even a nag vehicle that has a separate TCM that is going to be another module that it can read and it'll pop up down below and you want to read and tire on both so in this case like I said we only have one to read you select the read option and it begins to read this can take anywhere from three to 15 minutes depending on the year of the vehicle and how much data it's got a that it's got to read all right so once it's done saving the original backup you want to start a new folder whether it's on your desktop or whatever it may be and you're going to name it original backup all right okay so once you have saved the original backup what I can recommend you do is save a copy of it alright so you want to go to file open you want to right click on the original backup that you saved you want to copy it you're gonna select the right click button again in the folder and you're going to paste all right this is going to paste a copy and you can open up the copy and start modifying the copy or you send the copy to your tuner so that way they can modify it alright so we'll open this up all right so now this allows you to go into the calibration and modify whatever you need to modify or your tuner will modify it now if you have purchased the HP tuners option from us and you've purchased the MDS delete kit I can show you how to turn off MDS in this stock calibration to maintain your stock calibration and just disable the MDS function and that is fuel the fuel saving and then you have M&S disabled I'm going to disable that function alright next you're going to want to do is save as stock disabled Wow disabled MDS all right so it changed the name up here so not that way you do know that you were in the stock calibration you disabled the MDS and that's the only thing you've done the next step would to be is you know you cycle the key on engine off and now you have a download button here to write to vehicle you select that right calibration and then you begin writing the calibration now again this is going to maintain the stock factory calibration just disabling MDS that's the only thing we've changed some of these can take two minutes some of them can take 15 minutes depending on the year of the vehicle and what's done most time after every time that you've loaded the tuned is going to ask you to cycle the ignition or turn off wait 10 seconds and then turn back up in this case we just cycle the ignition close all right and then you're able to start the vehicle [Music] okay so now we have our vehicle running we've just disabled the MDS and we can go to the scanner here all right anytime you want to connect to a vehicle you're going to hit the blue car up top to connect a vehicle and then if you'd like to record you hit the record button now again depending on the tuner or how you have it set up this layout could look different this is the way I have it set up this is my personal preferences but that can vary between person to person so a couple other things that I want to touch on here shut the engine off key on engine off we have stopped recording but we're still connected to the vehicle this is the you know if you had a check engine light you can read DTC's it'll tell you if there's any DTC's connected this will also show you your readiness monitors so that way if you are trying to get your vehicle inspected you can actually connect to your vehicle before you go and make sure everything's completed if nothing is completed or if some things are not completed you know that you need to do whatever you need to do or contact your tuner to get those completed so that way you can pass your inspection cleared EDC's now if you actually want to clear the DTC's from the vehicle you kick the controls and special functions the engine diagnostics and you can hit clear DTC's now this will also reset all the readiness monitors so if you are not prepared to do that then do not do that the other couple things that you got here is throttle learn if you got a case where you needed to relearn the throttle whether you're replacing the throttle body or replacing the PCM you can actually do the throttle learn on some years resetting adaptive this will actually reset anything learned from the vehicle for instance fuel trims here you know typically while you're tuning a vehicle or your tuner is turning a vehicle they're going to look at the long term and short term fuel trims in order for a tune to be modified before you start and take another log you're gonna want to reset the adaptive so that way he gets the most up-to-date information your entire adjustment in this vehicle there are other vehicles that have the same function and then you can disable or enable traction control this is what we use for our dyno to allow us to you know do polls on the dyno all right so thank you for tuning in on the MMX 101 segment on HP tuners MP VI two functions and how to use it
Channel: Modern Muscle Performance / ModernMuscleXtreme.com
Views: 49,339
Rating: 4.9232111 out of 5
Keywords: vehicle tuning, hemi tuning, hemi tuner, hptuners, challenger tuning, charger tuning, magnum tuning, 300c tuning, jeep tuning
Id: ixTANvD7q5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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