How YOU Can Design The BEST Logos Everytime (Real Life Project)

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so how do i tom satori end up with a  successful and an efficient logo design   every single time today's video is going to  show you how i get from point a to point b   with a real life project you're going to be able  to learn some essential skills for successful   logo designs now people often ask  me what font do i use for my videos   and so i'm just going to let you guys know  that today i'm using the elleron font family discussing the project with the client  early on is really really essential   you need to know everything about the client  their business and also their target market   now every single project obviously needs  a client and so let's learn a thing or   two about this specific client  for this project that i worked on   and where it's going to take us along the journey  of the legal design process the client for today's   project that we're going to be looking at reached  out to me first they describe their situation   and the niche that they operate in even from this  initial early message i pulled some keywords of   interest that are going to help me later down  the line to better understand the project   so obviously jiu jitsu is one of them and then  teaching people team strong and community these   words all describe the business and the overall  feeling of the brand and trying to think of the   project in this way early on really will  help you later down the line in the project   now very early on in the project actually  before you even design anything you want to   secure a contract i've said this so many times on  this channel and i myself have fallen victim not   just once but twice from not having a contract  and i lost that money and also precious time   so guys if you want to familiarize yourself  with how to actually use a contract and how   to form one i've got some videos at the end of  this one all about contracts and graphic design so in case you guys don't actually know here's  a brief description of what jiu-jitsu is it's   just the martial art that my logo design  needs to be based around for the project   now mood boards are essential and a  critical part of my design process   and they help me build a picture of the  business and the client perfectly in my mind   i've said before about how much i like to use  miller notes and i do use them for my various   logo design projects because it's a online place  to gather your ideas your thoughts your everything   to do with the logo project your inspiration i  use it two different degrees sometimes i'll just   use it for a mood board but other projects  i will go the whole nine yards and i will   develop ideas concepts make notes have a to-do  list and so on you don't have to use milano and   they're not sponsoring today's video but that's  what i prefer to use when i'm designing a logo and after doing research and contemplating things  it was obvious to me that a serif font is not   going to work for this logo design it's way too  formal and it doesn't fit the narrative for a   martial arts or a kind of sporting logo design but  this should be obvious to most designers anyway   i actually asked the client in the initial stages  to send over some keywords that relate to their   brand and the message of the company and these  are some of the important ones that i pulled out   these keywords will help me build concepts  later in the logo design process and you   yourself should aim to get these words  from your clients as early on as possible   now one thing to note is that these keywords  they need to resonate and they need to make   sense to the target market so as an example in  this specific project people who are going to   sign up to a jiu jitsu school or class are going  to want to have a sense of you know community   togetherness teamwork and of course it comes  across as being strong and you know robust   in nature because you don't want a weak or a kind  of soft teacher or class when it comes to martial   arts so always think about the keywords relating  back to the target market when you're designing a   logo now i didn't know a whole lot about jiu-jitsu  when i embarked on this project i knew a thing or   two about it but i wasn't someone who knew you  know the whole martial art inside out and so of   course i had to do some research i had to study  into what exactly jiu-jitsu is this involved the   history of jiu-jitsu this involved lingo and you  know terminologies used by people who practice it   just so i fully understood what jiu-jitsu was  all about at four concepts i took the initial   keywords that i gained from the client and then i  generated other keywords around these initial ones   so for example here are some words for strong  that i felt would relate back to the brand   and the concept later it's a good idea to  do this for each of the original keywords   because in doing so we can actually build  concepts that are relevant around these words and so these keywords are actually going to  allow you to generate a concept or several   concepts and if you have been following along  the process properly these keywords will be   relatable to the target market the business and  also the niche sector that that brand operates in   and so after a lot of thinking and planning  i managed to come up with these word   pairs as you can see on screen each pair relates  back to the brand and they utilize keywords and   can offer a fruitful concept for the logo  design when making these word pairs i try   to think about things in a visual way and how to  demonstrate those word concepts in a visual manner   say for example grip might be a fist in some way  but yeah these are the things you need to think   about for the four combination pairs i could also  add jiu jitsu at the very end of the brand name   and incorporate that into the logo itself but this  is something i probably would talk to the client   about as well before actually including it so once  i went with the final choice of the word pairing   i again generated words around that pair to come  up with the concepts for the final chosen phrase   and as you can see i'm going with iron grip and  so i tried to think about this visually and what   words would communicate this message effectively  and in a very simple way one of the first concepts   that came to my mind was a fist due to the word  grip and this is quite a cliche thing but this   is what i initially started to work with a fist  is quite obvious and too detailed so i started   to make simple shapes that could resemble a  fist in some way as you can see here i also   considered shape psychology and how that relates  to martial arts and sports stability and strength   are communicated by edged shapes and straight  lines so i think it's a good choice like i said   a serif font was never on the cards for this logo  but i finally went for a bold impacting sans-serif   logo type and this would fit in line with the  brand a lot better than a serraphone and from   my research i noted that martial art brands often  went for sans-serif fonts and it does make sense another concept that i wanted to explore was that  of using the g in grip and again i simplified   things from a shape that was appealing but also  relevant i also added a hook section here that   gave a kind of metallic feel which again relates  back to the iron part of the brand name as iron is   a metal small things like this are always good to  consider throughout the entire lego design project   so i again applied more shape psychology  and i made sure to include straight edges   so the logo does conform to a strong robust nature  this fits in line with the brand and also again   back to the iron part of the logo identity  that being said however one of the key words   was community and also team so i think having  a circular shape here does relate back to the   sense of having community and you know friendship  and teamwork this is again shape psychology and   it is actually quite important so i was headed  in the final direction for the logo and i felt   that there was too much negative space right here  if the logo was set on top of lego type it would   just look a bit odd having this much space here  so i came up with several design solutions to   resolve that issue and these are the three logo  design solutions that i managed to come up with   each of them have qualities relating back to those  keywords and also the brand and the client and i   finally settled on a design solution and  we were both really really happy with it   i feel it's a strong simple logo that links  back to the main keywords of the brand   and it does exactly what it's set out to do and  so there was today's logo design process video   using an actual project that i worked on last  year back in 2019. what did you think of the final   design outcome and what did you think of today's  video i do read all of your guys's comments so let   me know what you want to see on the channel and i  will do my best to make that possible if i feel it   resonates with most of the audience who watch this  channel for graphic design resources for tutorials   inspiration and everything else but of course guys  until next time design your future today peace you
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 252,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create successful logo designs, successful logo designs, create logo designs, how to create logo design, full logo design process, logo design full process, logo design success, logo design, logo design illustrator, graphic design, satori graphics, satori graphics logo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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