How The Owl House SHATTERED Luz Noceda

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a hero leaves her comfortable ordinary surroundings to venture into a challenging unfamiliar world it may be an outward journey to an actual place a new Locale that becomes the arena with antagonistic challenging forces but there are just as many stories that take the hero on an inward Journey one of the Mind the heart the spirit mom can't wait to meet you guys [Applause] for lose our primary perspective of the owl house she overcomes inner and literal outer demons she finds family friends love she had everything she could have wanted until something happens something so simple so brilliant that it completely changes and eternally scars this character you know and love everything is so crazy [Applause] because for all the times that luces made the right decision and became a better person because of it all the times that the show's made its characters better people because of her kindness in yesterday's lie the show does something chilling loose makes the right decision and it makes her [Music] a worse person 's changed since it came here it's time to go said looks like this sour lemon drop has a hidden sweet Center they thought you might have been a good guy but I guess that was just wishful thinking you're not my friend these two girls are not the same character but both are a direct reflection on the state of the world around them lose no seta self-described average teen who by all accounts lives in anything but ordinary life after running away from the expectations of everyone around her she finds herself thrust into a land of Flesh and Bones of a fallen Titan known as the boiling Isles in season one lose functions as an introduction to that world within a fish out of water type narrative she operates as a refreshing ray of sunshine for everyone around her because for a terrifying World filled with demons she manages to find happiness and joy out of even the bleakest of situations it's what makes Luz lose or so we think because towards the end of season 1 and much of season 2's first half there's a dramatic shift in her behavior and philosophy one so drastic that it even affects the show's tone or maybe it's vice versa it's quite hard to tell a real chicken or the egg situation but one thing's for sure lose is such an important character for the owl house that the audience's view of that world quite literally shifts along with her but it's all a light reasonable nudge in a different direction it's not until later on in season 2 that things start to take a more dramatic shift with each episode being a masterful crescendo in each of its main characters Arts only for the show to finally reveal its hand in the mid-season finale yesterday's lie because that episode is quite frankly a direct rebuttal of everything we've been led to expect of lose and more importantly one that that creates shock waves throughout the rest of the series affecting every character we've gotten to know and love so today I want to really dive into what this character means in the grand scheme of the owl House's narrative talk about how the second episode of the show is actually way more deep than anyone ever realized and show how yesterday's lie shatters lose and tells us where the show's going before the end of the series so hold on to your palaceman and grab your boo-boo buddies because this mama is ready for trauma before we can even begin to talk about the effect of yesterday's lie on Lucy's character we need to have an understanding on who Luz was and how we can chart her journey going forward that's quite difficult but thankfully we as writers have access to a variety of tools to understand luz's character Arc among those tools is a Mythic Structure Theory known as The Writer's Journey The Writer's journey is a book written by Christopher Vogler and it proposes that most stories are a part of established narrative structures and character archetypes derived from hidden moral or political agendas AKA mythical allegories he proposed this Theory when ironically he was a screenwriter for Disney and not only do I think that the writer's journey is a near-perfect framework for Lucy's character progression thus far I believe the show has explicitly tried to wave this directly in her faces multiple times now and almost no one's noticed until now the writer's Journey Theory affirms that every hero is a part of a journey and includes a series of 12 narrative stages that most Heroes endure along that journey I can't go into depth on the specifics of each I mean it's 12 steps and let's be honest I'm competing for your attention against way too many memes right now ah even from myself it seems well isn't that just a stab from the sewing machine anyway let's run through each of them quickly and establish their relation tour which Apprentice here with some oversaturated stereotypically tense editing and go one Ordinary World the world in which the hero lives in is established two called to Adventure the hero is presented with an inciting incident for the story to follow 3. refusal of the call the hero is hesitant to answer the call Four meeting with the mentor the hero meets a figure who inspires or gives them the resources necessary to commence The Adventure 5. Crossing the first threshold the hero commits the adventure wholeheartedly six test allies and enemies the hero learns the rules of the special world and finds each of these while commencing through the adventure seven approach to the innermost cave the hero reaches the center of the adventure and the most dangerous spot of the special world eight the ordeal the hero faces their most impactful obstacle and experiences the death and Rebirth of the part of themselves 9. reward the hero explores the benefits and consequences of their rebirth 10. the road back the hero returns to the Ordinary World or continues to the goal of their Adventure 11. the Resurrection The Hero experiences the final rebirth to purify the resolved when re-entering the Ordinary World and finally 12. return with the Elixir the hero returns with something to improve the Ordinary World still here congrats you've crossed the first threshold so you should commit to the adventure wholeheartedly by subscribing because sadly less than three percent of you watching are it's completely free and it helps me out a ton I'd really appreciate it all of this is fine and dandy but why specifically the hero slash writer's Journey I'll be using that interchangeably throughout this video by the way there's hundreds of Storytelling structures that we could have pulled from so how can we even be sure that this one is the one well for that we turn to an unlikely hero in this journey season one episode two which is before Wizards that's right not only does this episode serve as an introduction to what kind of place the boiling Isles is but it also informs the audience of what storytelling structure the show would follow and lose his character progression from the very beginning making this episode affirmably one of the most important episodes of the entire series but let's highlight the episode's plot points and compare them to the steps to verify this like the good analysts we are starting with step one Ordinary World loses seen doing unfavorable work for Eda and wants an actual Adventure 2. Call to Adventure at a gas presents her with a perilous Quest 3. refusal of the call Eda and King make fun of her causing to hesitate going on this Quest 4. meeting with the mentor Eda attempts to comfort loose and prevent her from making a big mistake 5. crossing the first threshold loose commits to the adventure wholeheartedly after discovering secret writing on the map 6. test allies and enemies basically her adventures would never if Chris and the princess seven approach the innermost cave loose finds the celestial staff in the middle of the lake eight ordeal she gets captured by adagas and finds out that her whole Quest was a lie 9. the reward lose gains the knowledge that she can't be so naive to let this fantasy world obscure her from reality something that she'll use to defeat outagast later in the episode 10. the road back loses confronted with one last choice to live eternally in a fantasy world or accept reality and face adagast 11 resurrect chin loose faces out of gas and manages to overcome his Temptations of living in a world she once dreamed of and finally 12 return with the Elixir Eda shows lose that despite how cruel and difficult it is to choose Free Will over fate there's a lot of Beauty in forging your own path Luz walks away from the episode less naive and ready to find beauty in even the bleakest and harsh situations something that she would then pass on to everyone around her now if even all that wasn't enough to convince you the show Once Again attempts to remind the audience of this direction in the season 3 episode thanks to them when loose's teacher goes over the story of an odyssey of a fictional hero it even points out the distinction of Fate versus Free Will for Titan's sake you know the main lesson behind witches before Wizards so there you go thank you all house team for hopefully making the rest of this easier to follow and to convince you that I'm not just pulling this out of nowhere I mean look at all that evidence with that said let's take a look at her development from the start of the show and see how the Structure Theory coincides with Lucy's overarching character development leading up to yesterday's lie we can see evidence of the Owl House utilizing the writer's journey to tell Lucy's coming-of-age story immediately in episode 1 we can identify five of its steps right off the bat when we're first introduced to lose it's in her Ordinary World she's immediately identified as an imaginative well-intentioned Troublemaker in her world she's an outcast so acceptance of her quirky behavior is the first obstacle of the episode and thematically the central focus of it after Albert steals her Azora book her decision to follow him is her accepting the Call to Adventure and her initial fear and disgust of the boiling Isles and desire to go back home can be interpreted as her refusal of the call it's not until later as she grows closer to Ida and realizes her only desire was to be there for King another Outcast that she starts a few her as a mentor and someone that she can look up to and finally at the end of the episode before returning back home she ends up committing to training as a witch of the boiling Isles and becomes eda's Apprentice holy Hootie that's a lot in the first episode at this rate the show will be over in just a couple more episodes oh that's a that's a long step okay look indulge me for a bit here because I feel that this is the best place to give my honest thoughts on season one lose and the reason test allies and enemies runs for so long this step is particularly open-ended compared to some of the others it's basically the middle stuff but more accurately it's described as the point of the story where the hero learns the rules of the Special World therefore the first season is a very important in fulfilling that role even if it is and feels a bit lengthy in certain episodes don't get me wrong just because the sixth episode of her journey takes place over most of the Season doesn't mean that loose becomes a boring character but season one at certain points makes loose feel more like an easy introduction to The Boiling Isles rather than an actively evolving character if you think about it she's pretty static throughout episodes 3 through 15. that's not to say that she doesn't grow or learn at all during that time because she absolutely does for example her learning the light in ice gloves in conjunction with important lessons that made a lasting impact on her as a person were fantastically done and where I feel the show particularly stands out from your average Disney animated Slice of Life show but these are fewer and further between for lose compared to the developments of other characters who change significantly after their initial introductions like Willow becoming more confident Eda opening up and trusting others more and edric and emera no longer being Psychopaths we're going to find her diary and then post the pages all around school for everyone to see someone's approach to fully accommodate the test allies and enemy step does achieve its goal in getting us more immersed in the Isles and its residents this step is particularly conducive for a slice of Lifestyle show which is likely why season 1 is structured this way its inhabitants feel real and we as an audience have a solid understanding of what life is like there but the downside of this does mean that Loose as a visitor of that world needs to be interesting enough comparatively to her magic wielding also troubled peers thankfully she does get her time to shine here and there thanks to her unique quirks and flaws that are highlighted throughout the season she has a big personality that without it she'd seems somewhat uninteresting compared to the other characters who she serves as a developmental Catalyst for I mean come on be honest Amity had a lot more serious development than lose for most of the season to the point where I've seen a few first-time viewers surprised to see that damnity wasn't the main character after hearing a bit about the show and to be honest I can't blame them that doesn't mean that the show's protagonist was poorly utilized during this time the show is simply choosing to take the approach of utilizing these early episodes in service of the audiences understanding and immersion in the world and by extension it's people rather than advancing the central plot and loses development this is also where the argument of not all episodes need to be relevant to the plot is an actual valid stance for That season but this does have the unfortunate consequence of having an almost jarring tonal shift towards the end of season one going into season two it's an understandable change considering the circumstances of wanting to tell as much of the originally planned story as possible after it was cut but the transition from this step in our journey to the next is still tonally jarring nonetheless and I'll get to that in a minute but first as we reach the final two episodes it's time to explore Lucy's approach to the innermost cave the seventh step of the hero's journey is described as follows the hero comes at last the edge of a dangerous place sometimes deep underground where the object of the quest is hidden often it's the headquarters of the hero's greatest enemy the most dangerous spot in the Special World the in most cave approach covers all the preparations for entering the inmost cave and the confrontation of death or Supreme danger this to me sounds exactly like the plot of the episodes Agony of the witch and Young Blood old souls which sees loose entering the emperor's Castle to steal the healing app for Ida and subsequently breaking into the conformatorium to save Eda who had rescued Luz from the emperor's coven plus after hearing of him for the majority of the Season these episodes see loose in her first direct confrontation with the emperor the fight between the two is particularly well handled Bellows makes his magic usage seem effortless to the point where his magic doesn't seem to follow the show's established conventions built up during the season this serves as a violation of the rules of the Special World hinting that he's either using something that's not the same magic as the modern boiling Isles is used to or he's operating at an entirely different level of magical skill as the public perceives this is a total payoff considering all the conversation around his coven and Willow hyping the emperor up as the most skilled witch that's ever lived speaking of payoffs what makes this fight great is that Luz is able to hold her own showing that her progression throughout the season was actually purposeful and well earned Lou still has a lot to learn but the skilled Emperor easily underestimates her again and again a flaw of his that ends up being his undoing multiple times lose End season 1 shaken but still recognizable as that perky girl from the beginning of the show she now has a deeply uncertain future ahead of her with the reality of world-shattering proportions Weighing on her shoulders as not only does she better understand the intentions of the emperor she has no way home and her powerful Mentor is now powerless to stop him from here we enter season 2 and this is where the steps get a little murky The Next Step the ordeal is where and I quote The Fortunes of the hero hit bottom in a direct confrontation with her greatest fear now we know for a fact that Lucy's greatest fear is her mom finding out that she was lying about going to camp and therefore not living up to her expectations being in a dangerous and unknown world and above all breaking her mom's heart so surely yesterday's lie has to be her ordeal right of course it is so what gives what about episodes one through nine well this goes back to the fact that the writer's journey is not a one-size-fits-all package vulgar even emits this early on in the book so specifically for the owl house I feel that episodes one through nine fit the reward step so let's just go ahead and swap those two and focus on the first Nine episodes instead after surviving the events of young blood old souls lose is now able to get back to some sort of sense of normalcy like the first season but now with a new Central goal and higher Stakes this new world saving task can be viewed as a reward in itself for someone like Luz who very early on in season one craved something like this and later on in episode 8 she gets to overcome her self-doubt and ends up walking away with a girlfriend and something else just as sweet check out my video on that episode to see what that is but I'd argue that the reward is actually given to the audience just as much as her because these episodes also introduce what I believe to be one of the cleverest written parts of this show certainly something I haven't seen in quite some time and a massive upgrade to the development process for lose like I mentioned before loose often serves as a developmental Catalyst for other characters in the show and only experiences her own focused meaningful development in specific episodes well surprisingly despite the shift in tone it actually doesn't abandon this approach in favor of focusing more on her in fact in the first seven episodes of the Season only three episodes actually focus on lose as the character who's being developed and even then one of them is debatable that's actually even less than what season one did during that amount of time and yet lose is a much better realized interesting and changed character in season 2 despite this now how is that possible of course having the benefit of an entire season to grow can really help with that but I think that the primary reason in improving her development is actually due to a change in perspective you see in season one loose helped developed many of the denizens of the boiling Isles through her own characterized actions and charm thereby changing them and making the boiling Isles a better place in season 2 the first seven episodes see the characters Ida Amity King Lilith Gwendolyn Gus Smith all meal Hunter and a partridge in a pear tree experience focused development and characterization the difference here is that instead of Lucy's actions having a direct effect on the boiling Isles season 2 brilliantly switches this around and the actions of the denizens of the boiling Isles has an effect on lose think about it in season 1 episode 3 Willow only joins the plant track and becomes more confident because Luz insists on becoming her Abomination but in season 2 episode 3 a conflict between King Lilith and Hoodie is the inciting incident that leads to King's identity crisis and loses subsequent regret in having lied to her friend and promising to tell the truth even if it's difficult by the way keep this in mind as we approach yesterday's live in season 1 episode 6 loses the one who offers to throw the conjuring despite Amity and her friends whereas in season 2 episode 6 the emperor's coven is the one who kidnaps the palisman leading Hunter to try to stab lose in the back and teaching her that not everyone can be her friend even if she puts her best foot forward denizens of the boiling Isles are the instigators not lose is a subtle but significant change in the formula now other characters are catalysts of their own development as well as lose this means that even if loose isn't the main focus of the episode she's often able to be the recipient of an inciting incident alongside the character that the episode is focused on like in episode 2 where Amity is the one that episodes focused on developing and yet lose also walks away with a realization of her own small meaningful developments like that one are fantastic and way rarer in season one they allow time to focus on the other characters who made season 1 so interesting while also allowing for them to leave larger impacts on lose focused episodes down the line This unconsciously prevents the lose focused episodes from feeling so jarring and that suddenly she's making different more mature decisions than what you'd expect her to do in season one allowing her to grow at a natural pace what a brilliant solution to one of the biggest problems loose had in season one and a massive reward to audience members who love lose and critically think about her development as a person see it's not weird that I'm making an over 45 minute video about this I don't have a problem you have a problem and finally 23 minutes later we have all the information we need to talk about one of the most significant episodes that the show's been building to all this time yesterday's lie leading up to it loses in the best place that she's ever been she's learned quite a bit about glyph combos she just got a girlfriend her family on the aisles are in a much better place than when the season first started she has most of the ingredients she needs to get back home and it really feels like Lucy's overcome most of her internal struggles she may still have to deal with the possibility that the portal she's building might not work properly bellows's plan in solving the mystery of King's origin to name a few but those are all external conflicts however there is one more internal conflict that she hasn't surmounted and it's the biggest one yet overcoming her greatest fear which involves revealing the truth about where she really is to her mom Camila this fear has been building since the beginning of the show in episode 1 it was simply sorrow over her mom trying to at least distance lose from the things that she loves then throughout the first season it grows as the pressure to tell her the truth continually piles on but in season two her pressure goes from a weight in her stomach to a full on punch to the gut because now she has no way home no way of contacting her mom after losing come home from summer camp and knowing how angry she'll be when she finds out that loose has been an incredibly deadly situations and facing the might of an entire Empire but before I get ahead of myself let's dive into this episode as well as the pivotal eighth step in the hero's journey ordeal yesterday's lie starts out unlike any other episode in this season we begin in the human realm what's more we see the doppelganger lose we later find out to be named V destroying the precious remnants of arluz which is exactly what the audience expected based on how she's been built up thus far meanwhile our lose is making progress on finding a way back home with the help of Ida King and Hoodie after constructing a wonky looking portal Lou's fills her resolve and jumps through regardless but instead of ending up in the human realm she lands in a strange mirror Dimension trapped between the two Realms this is the in-between the world Between Worlds in not too much time Liz figures out how to summon cubes that reflect people that she wants to see interesting she tracks down her mom who she almost manages to reach out to only to find the doppelganger V loses initial reaction is exactly what you'd expect after everything she's been through this season this is yet another enemy trying to take away someone she loves again but that's when something unexpected happens something that hasn't happened this whole season this so-called enemy V is just as terrified to see lose as she was this surprises loose who decides to help cover this stranger's tracks in hopes that they could be friends something that she no longer defaulted to as she did in season one she even helps the sport demon girl out of a trap and manages to finally gain her trust it turns out that V is also running away from something and managed to find kindness in the arms of lose his mom Camila this development turns out to be better than anything loose could have hoped for V needs someone to live while being able to fill the role of lose and lose can take all the time she needs to build a working portal between the Realms Camila would never find out that she was even gone lose gets the pest of Both Worlds at last it seems that not only are Lucy's fears called completely but she can get an easy solution for one and not have to overcome yet another inner demon and the biggest one of them all just like before she can just run away now there is the small problem of finding some magic for V to maintain her form but easy Eda probably left some items behind with magic embedded in them so this will probably be just a standard 20 minute or so adventure and lose can get back to her other problems this leads losing V from place to place until V finds her friends from Camp who just so happened to be playing with hexes Hold'em cards they need to know where they can get some more but to get that information one of them Masha wants to read them a fortune this will be important later so let's pocket that information for now the two end of finding out that the cards are available at the gracefield Historical Society and after a quick introduction to the seemingly nice man working at the front we get a scene that pays off both this fetch Quest that the girls have been going on and elevates this episode from a standard adventure to an intriguing emotional dive into a topic that loose has been running from since we first met her these distraught about the ominous fortune that Masha read out and loose tries to console her by trying to equate herself as someone who can understand what she's going through but the villainously rejects her comparison and finally says why she ran and the reason she's so desperate to never return these two girls are not the same character but they're initially presented as two sides of the same coin their goals and value seem to align hence why they chose to work together in the first place but they're completely different in how they carry themselves and how they approach obstacles in life when losing the encounter the magic rats loses excited by the potentially fruitful development but the runs scared as they get aggressive we see that V doesn't like conflict and will choose to run on when she doesn't know what to do but lose is someone who will jump into any unknown dangerous or forbidden situation if it's to encourage her own curiosity or to help out a friend similarly when they approach the other high schoolers V is fully willing to connect with them and even had existing bonds but lose immediately tries to formulate a plan of Escape we see that loose views are human peers as people who won't accept her without even giving them a chance but V is someone who'll jump into any unknown frightening or awkward conversation because as a shape-shifter she's good at adapting to different social situations and doesn't judge character without getting to know someone first lose incorrectly assesses that they aren't too different because either way they both run but V hit the nail on the head when she says you and a mom that loved you a home a life you had it good and you still wanted to run away I I didn't have choice this statement brings up a fundamentally forgotten aspect of loose's time in the boiling Isles Choice let's pocket that one final point for now and we'll use it to bring everything we discussed together but for now what makes this distinction so intriguing is how the episode presents this differentiation we could have been told these origin when we first met her but the show chose to withhold this information until this scene shirts to gain some sympathy for V before caging her but it actually plays a much more important role than even that by presenting this information after the reading it makes loose's perspective a reasonable conclusion to jump to but knowing the story changes that completely loose tries to put herself in these shoes to comfort her because she doesn't know this but after the fact trying to do so comes off as the narrow perspective of someone who couldn't appreciate what she had lose ignoring the privilege she got from having a good home and caring family diminishes the torture that V went through lose not even bothering to consider why V was looking for somewhere to belong in the first place feels egocentric and above all even if unintentional she comes off as selfish and she knows it that wouldn't have happened if we're given this information from the very beginning and it's the reason Luz makes her biggest decision later in the episode speaking of which V gets captured by the initially nice man Jacob who turns out to be a demon fanatic this prompts feed to accept that she can't keep running and sets loose free by Smashing the final reflection facing her cage so there she is stuck in limbo once again given the option to run away like how she had time and time again by someone not afforded that same kindness after being so close to an easy solution where she could get everything she wanted to not have to face her greatest fear the cup punch returns but this time with someone's life on the line she picks herself up in this mere Dimension and thanks to these harsh but necessary words she finally reflects on herself the world around her even seems to beckon her to tell the truth with Whispers of her family name in fact the dimension has been constantly helping her get to where she needs to go almost as if the world wanted to help her she gathers her courage and decides not to take the easy way out to be strong and face her fears head-on she's brought forward and faces her greatest fear she tells the truth and thanks to the help of her mom V is saved and is finally loved for who she is and not who she pretends to be now before addressing this last and arguably most important scene of the whole episode with Camila and Luz in the rain we need to understand what about it is Lucy's breaking point something that most people don't appreciate nearly enough about this show is its clever shake-up to the isekai or other world genre of Storytelling from the very beginning loose has always had a way back home she could have gotten home whenever she wanted to in the first season if she ever got tired or stressed in the aisles she could just portal home there were no Stakes but ironically this decision made the show more intense and not just when it was taken away to see what I mean let's take a look at another other world show that most of you might be familiar with amphibia in it and doesn't have a way back the Box isn't working and no one has any information on how to activate it again she's stranded and considering that Sasha manipulated her it's hard to be frustrated or blame and for her predicament because she didn't have a choice and that right there is the point we pocketed earlier this means that throughout the show Anne has simply had a desire to go back there's no question about whether she'll stay in amphibia because the whole premise of the show is her living out her life in another world while trying to find a way back home there's nothing wrong with that amphibia is still a great show but ultimately the premise is typical of what you'd expect from the genre from the very beginning the goal is the destination this is of course where the owl house diverges from the norm but this wasn't originally the case as a matter of fact in its original conception loose was gonna be stuck in the boiling Isles with no way home it wasn't until later on in development that the writing team changed their minds now why do you think that they did that well the answer was hidden for a very long time a season and a half to be exact until the rain scene in yesterday's lie in los's final minutes with her mom things seemed to be going fairly well she's gotten to speak with her mom for the first time in forever and it finally seems like she understands Luz she was worried about her response but it turns out it went better than she could have hoped for Luz is rewarded yet again for doing the morally right thing just like most shows including the Owl House have always done Camila's actually proud she may be scared for her but she's happy to see that loose managed to not only mature in her own quirky way but she also made the best of a helpless situation after all she had no choice until I've learned so much staying here was the best decision I ever made you chose to stay there she chose to stay there suddenly this changes everything Camila can't bear to understand what loose was thinking loose is once again silenced by her lack of time to explain and she's guilted into a promise that betrays all the growth she spent over a season developing loose once again feels misunderstood and comes face to face with what she feared the most letting her mom down and leaving her in tears loose had exactly what she could have hoped for and all it took for it to come crumbling down to break this character who was on the verge of completing her Arc her hero's journey was a simple change that the writing team implemented at the beginning of the show and break she does by promising her mom that she'll stay loose is force to either give up on her dream to become a powerful witch or break her mother's heart by breaking her promise and when loose passes back through the portal and is greeted by the people she loves what's the first thing that she does did you talk to your mom did you mention me yeah Mama mom can't wait to meet you guys she lies a right to their faces without hesitation lose immediately undoes the character development she gained from Echoes of the past and lies to the people she loves this isn't an outlier either she lies to loved ones later in the show again and again unless she disappoints anyone else she cares about now remember that fortune scene I told you to pocket I think now is a good time to take a look back at it you're running from your past previous life that was not kind to you however the guilt and fear you carry will eventually catch you in a self-fulfilling prophecy but you won't be able to escape on first viewing it seems like this Fortune is intended for V after all we learned that she is on the run from a life that wasn't kind to her however I think it's more likely a reflection on lose in this episode with v solving her absence problem for her Lew's continues to run from her Ordinary World and later on in the show when things get tough she ends up holding her feelings back from her friends and family she thinks that she needs to hide who she is just like how she did before arriving to the boiling Isles she won't let anyone in without hurting them first this open book from season one slams shot anytime she starts hurting and it only gets worse when she finds out her role in bellows's rise to power her fear and guilt have finally caught up to her her development her resolve is effectively shattered in a self-fulfilling prophecy that she couldn't escape from Lou survives her ordeal but the girl who walked through that portal is not the same one who returned as painful as this journey is for this poor girl the owl house doesn't just do this to make her suffer in fact the show does something right by luzy in a way that I see far too many shows get wrong when it comes to their main characters when progressing a protagonist through their character arcs I commonly find one of two problems either the protagonist to develop much too quickly and become stagnant and uninteresting for the remainder of the show or they're developed too late and not all the remaining threads get wrapped up in a satisfying way where the audience actually gets to enjoy the final transformation of the character very rarely is a perfect balance reached but the Owl House manages to navigate these issues in a way that I wish more shows would and that is intentionally and purposefully regressing a character's development like I said by the beginning of yesterday's lie luces essentially reached the of her character development what makes her behavior afterwards so surprising to the people close to her in episodes like Follies at the coven Day parade and reaching out is that before she was honest about her feelings and even made them more open and communicative she was running low on character flaws that allowed her to add tension to the story you could always expect her to make the right call and make herself and or the other individual that the episode was focusing on better people but thanks to the shake-up that yesterday's lie provided the second half of season 2 provides more of a mix of season 1 and season 2 A's approach to developing her with both her actions having an effect on those around her and vice versa in elsewhere and else when loose initiates the inciting incident by asking about the ability to time travel but Philip is the one who lies and almost gets her and Lilith killed adding Central tension to the plot in reaching out Amity is the one who initiates the inciting incident by wanting to enter the bones Barrel brawl instead of attending coven tryouts like odalia wanted but Luz is the one that convinces her to enter anyway and lies about setting off her father's alarm adding tension to that plot and helping it connect to the emotional core of the episode this allows her to continue to grow by making previous mistakes in a way that's understandable considering her experiences while also making the show not feel formulaic by switching up its story structure yet again character regression is a tool just like any other narrative device it takes great consideration to properly and sensibly utilize it and sadly too many writers are afraid to but the Owl House puts it to work in yesterday's lie and goes on to demonstrate a Mastery of this art of regression it utilizes this for episodes 11 through 15 to retread the same step 9 reward that loose already went through but this time with a new episodic story structure to keep things intriguing and fresh yet another ordeal in episode 16 hollow mind which also shatters Lucy's resolve for a second time one final journey into the reward step for episode 17-20 to cover the previous ordeal and finally to wrap up Season Two Step 10 the road back which sees lose and Friends Force back into the human realm loses Ordinary World as the door to the boiling Isles is destroyed from the other side I could go on about loose's progression and regression throughout the course of the show I barely touched on the latter half of season 2 in the first episode of season 3 which you guessed it contains its own Heroes Journey like witches before Wizards did but the thing is we really don't need to dive deep into them we have everything we need to come to our conclusion and see just how Lucy's Journey ends we have three episodes of season three and three steps of the journey left to complete step 10 the road back Step 11 the resurrection in and step 12 return with the Elixir step 10 is described like so this stage marks the decision to return to the Ordinary World the hero realizes that the special world must eventually be left behind and there are still dangers Temptations and tests ahead and this is exactly what we see and thanks to them they return to the Ordinary World News and friends still have to face down Bellis and The Collector and loose concludes that the only way to reconcile her role in the destruction of the special world is to leave it forever but for all the times that she did the wrong thing for all the things she wants the set rights for all the parts of herself that were shattered along the way something incredible happens [Music] whenever loose is ready to give up it's the people who she lifted up who love her that guide her to where she needs to go loose tries to follow the hero's journey and reject the special world but in for the future Camila does the right thing and pushes her back to it she reminds her to be anything But Ordinary and that's just the best Twist of all after following it so closely and waving it directly in our faces from the beginning of the show Lucy's progression will in fact be a rejection of the hero's journey but this didn't just come from nowhere it had tried to communicate it from the very beginning once again the purpose of the episode which is before Wizards Fades versus free will just because the map said she needs to get from one place to the next doesn't mean that she can't forge her own path it's thanks to them the people she loves the loose comes full circle from being the one who gave them what they needed a king shouldn't be without a crown to getting what she needed from them a good witch always has to have her hat as it stands I believe the show is saying that loose will end up in the boiling Isles with her found family and friends but always having a way back home to her mom whenever they need each other but if there's one thing that you should know before leaving It's the final lesson that the Owl House tells through lose a lesson not just for her but for you we all are the heroes of our own stories and at heart despite its infinite variety the hero's story is always a journey we'll find mentors tests allies enemies and ordeals of all kinds can't do it alone we need to lift each other up because you never know when an enemy could become your greatest Ally we need to face our inner demons because how can we help our friends if we can't even help ourselves and our greatest reward isn't some magical staff but someone who loves you enough to hold your hand and lead you back to the right path when we go astray is when the ordeals come and believe me they will we may get shattered along the way but it's the love of those that we cherish that can help us pick up the pieces tell me what happened [Music] okay [Music] thank you so much for watching this video has been a long time coming almost uh what over a year at this point and it's certainly the longest I made so far I've got a whole lot more to say about characters like Eden Amity too so I hope you'll support me and encourage me to make more content like this by subscribing to join the witch Appreciation Society I've been Danny K and remember to do something nice for yourself today be the hero of your journey and be there for your friends when they need you 'll need them one day too stay wild witches I'll see you all on the heck side
Channel: Kasrium
Views: 185,437
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Keywords: theowlhouse, owl, house, toh, amity, luz, eda, king, hooty, lilith, lillith, lumity, raine, theowlhouseseason2, tohluz, amityblight, luznoceda, noceda, hooty's, door, upon, disney, channel, beta, little, perfect, owlhouse, plus, gravityfalls, gravity, falls, dipper, mabel, pines, dana, terrace, hirsch, review, clawthorn, love, looking, ruins, kiss, animatic, ordinary, Draws, analysis, Gus, Willow, 2b, season, new, reaction, follies, episode, raeda, Belos, theory, draining, Hunter, Winter, Hollow, edge, whispers, meme, collector, ship, terra, Runners, Huntlow, gus
Id: 72YqWVBnmfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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