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i forgot to do an intro so for those of you who don't know hi i'm bill welcome back if you're new welcome if you are new that was kind of neat press the buttons don't forget to like the video and subscribe ring the bell check the settings blah blah youtube words if you're new to my owl house content i do have a playlist in the description so you can find my whole journey of discovering it for the first time up till now and in the description there is also a link to a card that will provide you with links for social education and awareness resources mental health crisis lines trevor project resources should you or someone you know need them there's so many wonderful interesting things from someone like me or anyone type of focus on and dana terrace's groundbreaking fantasy series the owl house on the disney channel the dark and interesting lore surrounding an oppressive regime led by the catalog craving emperor bellows the broad and inspiring amount of representation in its themes characters and overall story as well as themes surrounding chronic conditions or illnesses not to mention the depiction of how people learn and process information in different ways even classism highlighting how some do have advantages or disadvantages in abilities upbringing throughout both adolescence and adulthood this is a very human story told in a world with only one human that we know of so many things i could be making a video about so many enriching characters i hold close to my heart please save rain and themes that opened my eyes to not only some of my own obstacles illustrating them farther than i could for myself or even ones that yield more for me to consider through the struggles of those around me so many mysteries and breadcrumbs woven into the story i i could go on at nauseum and i'm here to talk about hooty my thoughts i'll come back to hootie i believe hootie can save the world how hootie can possibly be the solution to the problem of lucy's current inability to travel home to the human world a bridge that will unite the human and demon worlds the whole that will make everything whole my theory the hootie hole theory in short is that hootie hides an unknown power and if he's not the portal a portal to get loose home and possibly even bring her back in time for school mind you this is a theory and this video is intended to be a fun way to show my reasoning on this mental spiral and seeing as how i'm releasing this halfway through season two i could be very wrong but let's just have fun i mean i have notes that the diagram of hootie in this background shot from episode eight of season 2 could be connected to the giraffe with a human headbutt hootie could also be part giraffe is something i've written down i hope this is a safe space for you to theorize your own theories or listen in to my own ramblings of these things i can't un-think it's either this or i just keep making fanfic edits in my denial den about how rain is totally fine and they play music for the first lumity date as lou's and amity eats spaghetti a la lady and the eda can do magic again while still managing the curse just fine bellows apologizes frees everyone and brings cake while hunter shows up to inform everyone that his progress in therapy has been going swimmingly [Laughter] if you clicked on this video and don't know what the owl house is i don't know why you did that but thank you the owl house is an animated show created by emotional assassin dana terrace that premiered january 10th 2020 on the disney channel about loose norsera a human who became trapped in a world called the demon realm where our myths i.e witches demons magic and giraffes are the norm currently in the middle of its second season of two and a third as of right now save the owl house more in the owl house also please renew infinity train okay thanks after finding a new family in this scary crazy weird world making friends crushing and blushing her way into amity blight's heart declaring all the while that us weirdos have to stick together and that no one should be judged for being who they are luce is currently living in the owl house with no way to return home to the human world as the portal that brought her here has been destroyed to prevent the evil emperor bellows from using it for not fully explained as of yet evil things she lives in said owl house with eda the owl lady best mentor slash parent figure king the king of demons who might actually be a prince and hootie the the penultimate weirdo of the weirdos reciting as its door and guardian he protects those inside him and there are many mysteries surrounding not only this gripping enchanting story but hudi himself hootie is after all a secret i'm the secret i can't stop thinking about hootie and his possible role he could play as the story unfolds so much has been explored about so much of our main and supporting cast but i can't help but feel that hootie is intentionally being downplayed for a majority of the episodes anyway we've already seen this occur with king's rage squeal in season one as it was later revealed to have foreshadowed his newly revealed powers in the more recent episode of season two knock knock knock in on hooty's door dana terrace and the owl house team have left so many crumbs and details out in the open that i feel it rather justified to try to turn over several random unsuspecting stones i mean i honestly think we already have seen loose's future talisman and the pilot apart bird chimera with strange powers not only do i find this fun and enriching writing and animation because the visuals tell their own story entirely with details as well it's genuinely exciting for me to try to see what's ahead and piece together little fragments of clues go back and re-watch episodes and see what was already being set up all while i'm crying and screaming and getting attached to these characters but hootie buddy was very much the butt of jokes and brushed off throughout most of season one however we do see him defend the owl house eda's especially as lilith her sister tries to capture her several times when she was part of the emperor's coven even taking down a whole group of soldiers single-handedly twice if you include king's reanimated stuffed army i think this is an intentional tactic to try to get us to in a sense devalue hootie just so that way his impact can come back in big ways and sneak up on you something we've seen them do with characters like amity amity started as a rival for loose and it was fun to see her be bested as she put down bullied and publicly hated loose and her friends early on in the in season one however when we start to see more of amity's character be revealed her hardships her upbringing her powers her wants suddenly the context gives us reason to be encouraged by and advocate for her growth and change something amity's character arc has proven to be very effective starting at a very low point so he can build up and see us go through the bare minimum to exceed our expectations seeing the full arc now i only want the best for her you don't want your audience to always feel the exact same way for every character from start to finish in your story and i think the owl house team really utilizes that concept in their writing eda didn't start out very maternal and king's power was initially just a paper crown and as mentioned earlier a childish squeal a very funny moment but it foreshadowed an intense emotional response and growth and change for the character perhaps much like ambity has gone from cold to warm to loving hootie may evolve from useless and silly to seriously the most important thing the key the portal but what what transformative arc could be ahead for hootie we initially see hootie as a goofy comic character voiced by alex hirsch we enjoy his funny voice we enjoy seeing him get put down hated on teased and mocked all in good fun however throughout both seasons we've also seen him defend educate and earnestly do his best to help those he cares about find happiness arguably to a fault despite results why a portal why why the hole well the portal as we know it is a door from the demon realm to our human realm with an entry exit point on both worlds the door is activated by a key with an eye that matches its upper framing and it can become portable when the key is used to transform it into a sort of briefcase however the portal on the human side is simply an abandoned house in the woods of connecticut where luce is from from what little we've established of the human side of the portal it seems the human side doesn't move when the demon side does however they always remain connected you know magic and all that however that got me thinking as we operate in parallels throughout the show specifically with our protagonists and antagonists i.e eda's curse versus bellows goop condition also a curse we don't know yet or king and kikimora king being a younger demon who dreams of having an army and is growing in power and kikimura a general in bellows army who is losing her grip and her authority over said armies she's getting paranoid lucy's supportive home family life and hunters a very toxic and unsupportive abusive family life unable to produce magic of their own and seeing how we have a artificial way of generating magic with hunter and an organic way of generating magic with loose but what would hootie's opposite be perhaps the sentient house could mirror the abandoned home we see in the woods hoodie resides primarily in the door and yet he's connected to the entire owl house leaving behind veins and organs when he moves to an adorable backpack to join in the adventures his placement on the door is also suspiciously in the same spot where the glowing eye is located hootie being doran house could mean he is if not connected to the established portal directly possibly and i believe a different portal altogether but with similar properties both the detachable eye and the detachable hoodie being power sources or conduits for this magic two doors two houses the similarities are there i'm sure i'm not the only person to notice they are both doors but what about transporting people between these realms hootie has already been confirmed to have many abilities and is also already a mode of transportation at times he's been a ride to school for loose yet his mouth can also be a door and even an ominous trap hole during eda and lilith's grudgebee game he can also store mail and even entire people in his pellets after all we did see him transport amity to the owl house from her home to accompany loose in the tunnel of love a tunnel of love he made by the way because stan lumedy a tunnel crafted by hooty in a basement we were previously unaware of presumably built with magic or an incredible amount of speed and skill because of magic he responds to the moon during luce's conjuring with gus and willow in season 1 as well as his eyes glow when he eats slash pellets people and things throughout season two there's no denying that hootie has shown the ability to produce and use magic magic in this world comes from a source and that source is not naturally found in the human world we learned that hootie is a demon presumably a hybrid as that is an unexplored possibility during his demon puberty class with king he certainly has power and that source seems to come from somewhere other than the house that he's connected to he still can store things and fire them like a cannon when he's detached in backpack mode however he seems to always need a base or a tether if it's not the backpack or the door slash house it's the actual ground the boiling island itself which is the corpse of a fallen titan an established source of wild magic we've seen numerous instances of body-based puns i.e gus and the gallstones in through the looking glass ruins hootie being a powerful demon and as we've learned recently type of worm connects directly to the titan if his body does go through the ground maybe he's more like a tapeworm or a parasite drawing wild magic from the titan's blood which was referenced by eda and lilith's mother gwen clawthorne this would also honestly both justify and add to the humor of his obnoxious antics as this would make him an intrusive parasite adding in what we learned about titan's blood in eclipse lake titan's blood plus water equals portal so hooties tears could open a portal our seemingly silly boy has been going through it lately according to dana terrace in a ama on reddit hootie never ends nor begins so distance isn't really a problem but why hootie the answer is simple and strange owls we still don't have a complete timeline of everything yet but owls seem to be playing an important role in more than just cute aesthetics and titular references i'm not sure if eda's curse came before she carved albert or when her affinity for owls started is that why lilith picked the owl curse did someone tell her specifically owls why owls picking her favorite animals seems kind of extra cruel doesn't it but birds are a common theme within the clawthorne family clothhorn get it however lilith's beast form when she shares ida's curse is not an owl it follows her own talisman so a raven right i wrote it down ida's talisman albert is an owl her curse is the owl curse she's the owl lady this is the owl house this is an owl run-on sentence even when she first duels lilith in convention i said it right oh my gosh i said that right she summons multiple hootie statues to fight back then makes holes in them for further magic beautiful animation things hootie holes see but perhaps there is a link between owls eda hootie and either a level of magic power or a type of magic we're unaware of as of now king even ponders openly in the season 1 finale if capturing eda specifically is somehow part of balo's plans and yes on paper his plan is to force the wild witches to either pick a lane a coven or become an ornament however bellows has gone so far to not only attach wings to his own version of the portal that he's constructing he also would not ingest eda's palaceman albert when it was in his possession despite his need for their tootsie roll center of the tootsie pop to fight back whatever evil goop issue thing he has going on he simply wanted albert destroyed with talismans being so rare and their magic slime juice being so important to his sustainability why throw albert out could there be a secret behind specifically owls and their magic eda in her magic hoodie and his magic what is hootie hootie is a secret i have not slept this is possibly just a funny simple moment sure but let's not forget king's rage squeal or even amity or her necklace all these little moments that end up being foreshadowing of huge consequences later on in the story why else would hoodie's birthday be human treasure day is hooty aware of this power i'm not sure seeing as how it would help lose i would argue he would have offered up his assistance by now but we have established hoodie doesn't always think things through who might not always think as well as his obvious lacking in boundaries to be honest i find myself torn lately between hooties ignorant of most things or playing the role of the fool to keep his family together either he ate king's letter because he was hungry for the bug that was placed on top of it or he doesn't want king to leave or there's something about king that he doesn't want him to know inconclusive blood test really suspicious beats aside he does declare himself a house of principles so maybe he is unaware that he could help loose go home or he hasn't put two and two together yet or this is something that hasn't been awakened in him or has been sealed away the question is would he again he does have a lack of boundaries in his selfless selfishness which makes you wonder if there is in fact an arc for hudi's character ahead because after all we did make him promise to stop helping can he do this who's to say there are many missing pieces left i can't quite rationalize yet did hooty write the signs of the tunnel of love he claims to not know how to use a pen what else has he been writing without us knowing why wouldn't he leave in his backpack to be with his bestie lilith can can hootie even visit her what keeps him tied to the owl house i direct you back to my rant about owls he can't break the owl house but he can remove himself quote the hard way so is he bound to the house by more than just duty or honor perhaps the house holds the portal and hooties the power source as well as security why owls where did the basement come from could he have added it via this hidden portal power am i overthinking this who's to say either i am or the answers have been in front of us this whole time the owl and the house how could loose connect your two worlds the owl house it was in the title all along t he they'll say i honestly i honestly wouldn't put it past them it's so frustratingly intricate and right in front of us this whole time this wouldn't be the first time we've seen so much focus on one linear path just to have everything changed the last minute a prophecy to defeat bill cipher nah punch him in the face regardless the apple house is hecking brilliant with or without my theories coming true and regardless of if this video is a prophecy or the effects of my insomnia i do feel hootie will be playing a major role in the upcoming episodes what's left of them anyway and i hope these points help made sense as to why i think that or at least made you laugh or gave you something to consider in your own relationship with the show or your thoughts and theories if not hootie himself the consistent hints that there's something about owls that hold a certain type of power over others not to mention the parallels between the owl house and the uh house house they keep me wondering if there's a missing link and wouldn't it be simultaneously hilarious and fascinating if our silly hoot boy was the missing link we've seen the smallest details expand into pivotal story or character moments and i love if nothing else this feeling that no thought is entirely off the table as the owl house continues its story right now honestly if anything i said is right i'm gonna piss but yeah uh there you guys go that's my theory as of right now regarding hootie in the owl house as a whole i do have other sort of these kind of ranty theory kind of video ideas uh for the owl house as well as other shows i've talked about in the past my elevator pitch for the second half of infinity train i've been sort of writing down ideas on defending the actions of lilith especially pre the show um as well as other shows amphibia especially too now that we're going into the third season so i don't know if you guys like this um sharing it liking it leaving a comment anything you can do to boost the algorithms watch the video all the way through challenge um if you want more of these the best ways to not only let me know in the comments and contribute to the conversation but also to support the video as well as the channel so please remember to like and subscribe ring the bell check the settings blah blah youtube words share around tweet it i you can find me on all the social medias at the third bill tumble it tumble it i do have a gaming channel that's linked in the description as well as in the channel tab of my channel build chill gaming where i play video games and sometimes animation conversations come up during my streams and those are always a lot of fun so so come hang out and join in those conversations when they arise and don't forget guys as always there is a card linked in the description that will take you to resources for social injustice awareness as well as mental health crisis lines trevor project resources should you or someone you know need them i hope everyone's safe i hope you enjoyed this video this is the first of these kind of videos i've ever done but i want to know what you guys think not only my theory but what are some of your guys's theories i think it might be fun after we hit the mid-season finale to uh maybe do a video where i read off some of your guys's theories and respond to them and keep the conversation going not only to encourage more animation on my channel but creating content centered around shows like the owl house and infinity train is another way to let studios know we the consumers are creating and watching content without them and they don't want to miss out on that they want to take my views don't they don't don't we want them to divert your attention from my channel back to their shows so i can get my damn endings everything services me no matter what i hope you guys enjoyed i really want to know your guys's theories if anyone can add anything to the hootie hole theory proving it or disproving it i've been really having a great time just discussing owl how stuff with people lately and i appreciate each and every one of you i hope everyone's staying safe i hope you enjoyed this video wear a mask if you choose to go out drink some water be mindful of others remember to take care of yourselves please
Channel: thethirdbill
Views: 106,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the owl house, season 2, season two, midseason, finale, theory, hooty, portal, key, thethirdbill, the third bill, trying to stan, tts, theories, toh, yesterday's lie, phillip, wittebane, reveal, commentary, analysis, character, breakdown, study, podcast, disney, channel, tva, animation, animated, cartoon, dana terrace, alex hirsch, luz, amity, eda, emperor belos, belos, hunter, human, world, titan, magic, titan blood, secret, hidden, details, prediction, predictions, lumity, stan, king, father, son, grimwalker, grim walker, owl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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