Would CASTLES be useful against Magic and Dragons? FANTASY RE-ARMED

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ratings I am shad and castles are awesome lots of people like castles I know I certainly like but actually I probably like castles on them too much and I love seeing castles employee in movies TV shows video games I review them I enjoy them it's great to see one of the interesting things about how castles are employed in popular you know media today is that they are employed in well one fictional settings but in addition to that they are employed in fantasy settings one of the most common points or questions that arise from my castle reviews is butt shadow this is in a fantasy setting I mean how effective is this castle going to be against fireballs and Dragons well that is a very good question let's answer it magic and other fantasy elements really do just totally mix up the efficacy of what a castle would be able to achieve in such a setting to the point where you really do have to ask yourself is there even a purpose to having a castle anymore to begin let's look at magic wood castle still be useful in a world where magic existed and after thinking about it boy it really does depend on what the magic can do if I was to just do a bear you know level basic kind of analysis let's think about fireballs that's one that a lot of people bring up because fireballs I would just be able to destroy the walls really okay the reason why I say this is because when it comes to solid rock like structures whether it is stone or concrete or other things like that explosions only have a proper effect when they have penetration and so when they want to blow something up that is made of rock or concrete they will drill a hole put the explosive in and then kaboom without that the explosion will only do some very surface damage and indeed I won't do serious damage at all sorry in regards to fireballs it very much depends on the power of those fireballs and when the explosion takes place if the explosion happens as soon as there's an impact I actually feel that those fireballs are going to do very minimal damage against a castle wall but that is just looking at you know fireballs because the issue that we're running into now is the breath of what magic can do I what can I do in some settings it can do anything in some other settings is very limited for instance one spell would utterly ruin the concept of a castle and that is teleportation if you can teleport your troops behind the walls that are supposed to stop people from getting through it castles useless no point in building one at all ah but what if there are limitations on the teleportation well then maybe I mean if its line-of-sight teleportation well it depends sometimes I say it's line-of-sight but because you know we might appear in a wall but that's me that's saying they cannot actually teleport to a place place as I can see it's just more risky but if there is a proper limitation I cannot attack physically magically impossible for me to teleport where I can't see well that's a bit more of a workable limitation you could only then teleport on top of the castle walls not behind it or in the keep where the Lord or King is to kill them so you know castle still might be a bit useful in that regard unfortunately the issue is we could dwell on this subject forever because if we were to say let's look at D&D okay and the huge amount of spells that are available in Dungeons & Dragons you'll need to almost take it by case-by-case spaces okay that killer cloud fog thing that you can just make poison well that would really screw up a castle magic missile I got a +9 - I got I've done +5 - oh girl but we're not fighting Oh cuz I try they're attack of castle lightning bolts from heaven summoning monsters in the middle of the Bailey I can just rip people apart so magic yes can't very much screw up the purpose of a castle but there is another point that could kind of bring castles back into the realm of usefulness in a world with magic and that is if there exists in the world magical defenses that are powered by magic is there a magic that can nullify magic we're talking about counter spells or wards and there are actually a lot of fictions like David filings are the rune Lord series magical defensive wards are placed on castles offering the castle magical like defenses so that is an option okay that could make it quite well and indeed the kind of best option in my mind because magic is such a dangerous thing when it comes to having your castle you don't protect yourself the best option would be to have some kind of spell or and chairman on the walls or grounds that just nullifies all other magic completely which means the defenders can't use magic but then the attackers can use it and that makes the castle like as effective as it would it be without magic and if a castle is built properly well their whole purpose is to defend against physical attacks okay and they do a really good job against that kind of stuff so yes would a castle still be useful in a world with magic I think absolutely if you can nullify the magic and take it out of the picture if you can't well then castles are kind of screwed what about dragons that's actually a great question for anything you know this is a souffle bar but what about dragon dragons change up the scenario in everything this is a tank harm what about dragons this is my daughter's dance recital ah but what about dragons we should be willing to ask that question in any scenario in life what about the trackers the Dragons have feelings we can't forget the Dragons people hashtag what about the Dragons well really ah this question is actually something Goods a bit broader than just drag it was real talk about magical or fantasy like creatures because our egos there be pretty done depending on the size of our egos because that changes in all different types fantasies what are the Rings esque kind of well they're trolls ogres and trolls gee take the cat mixed up so much a troll from Willow is very different to a troll from Lord of the Rings well of course any kind of fantasy creature that is a more formidable than you know an average human or indeed like an elephant or something like that can throw a spanner in the works in regards to castles if the creature is so large they can just destroy the wall well you're in a bit of trouble unless you build a really really really big wall like they did an attack on Titan still it would be too long to look at every single fantasy creature so I'll focus on the most popular ones dragons well of course yes flying and fire-breathing three big issues in regards to castles now I actually tend to think the flying is actually probably more of a problem for a castle than the fire-breathing the fire-breathing comes into the same thoughts I had in regards to fireballs unless there is actual penetration where an explosion get in you know the stone a bit it's only going to do surface damage it would certainly hurt the defenders on the walls but there is kind of a way if you were in a setting with dragons and you knew you know dragon fire was a problem and again it comes in to how powerful the dragon fire is the dragon fire can melt stone like in Game of Thrones well yeah why bother building a castle but if the dragon fire is just like a flamethrower oh yeah well if you're an individual you've been trouble you would need some cover from it but flamethrower like fire would not be able to melt stone or destroy a castle so then if you were to actually build a proper you know roof cover out of stone so you make a bit of a vaulted ceiling on top of the roof and you still have your matriculation and arrow slits and stuff like that to give you a proper defense well then you could have a castle that would be able to defend against dragon fire quite effectively if the dragon fire can melt stone so in regards to Game of Thrones and I'm not up to date on all the Game of Thrones lore and I don't know how prevalent dragons were and I was the tiger ian's that had the Dragons on their side I believe it would depend on how likely you would be to get attacked by the Dragons and so you don't have to worry about the tag Ariens well then your Castle could still be quite effective against ground troops regular medieval level you know technology type of aggression castles are great at defending against those two type of things but if you're always going to be attacked by a dragon there's no point in having a castle it doesn't make sense that they exist in the setting if the fire can melt the stone if not you know there's ways to defend against it but then you have the problem with the flying King flying it can be a very big problem which is why I think it could be even bit more of a problem than the dragon fire because you can just lift you know several men over the wall at a time there could be ways to defend against it but if you're able to get enough people over those walls at hand you know drop down right down on top of the attack is you're kind of screwed and then there's another problem on top of it as well and that is the dragon being out of lift up heavy rock kind of boulders depending on what weight Lake they can lift in flight and then just dropping it on people on the walls or through the roofs you see walls can defend against large boulders thrown at them quite effectively if they won't be able to stand up to constant pummeling in my assumption it's actually bit hard to find out exactly how effective trebuchet is were but I get the impression as I said in other videos they're not as effective as people think that castle walls are not easy to demolish castle roofs on the other hand that's a completely different story a boulder would easily crash through the roof and several floors because it's just wood and that would enable you to drop other kind of things like a big pot of burning oil to set the entire thing a white I get the impression the accuracy from just being able to kind of drop death bombs over the walls on attack is in the important parts behind a castle wall would be quite effective the problem that I can't do that with tribute shows is the matter of aiming and readjusting and the prevalence of return fire from the defenders on the castle that could really screw you up if you are when you're trying to use a trebuchet but with dragon you know not so much they can fly pretty high so in the end when looking at my magic and magical creatures or fantasy creatures like dragons yeah it really does come down to the finer points and the only you can't I can't make a blanket statement saying if dragons exist castles are therefore useless in every circumstance because it depends on so many variables how powerful is the dragon flame how prevalent are the Dragons would you be expected to be attacked by dragon when anyone tries to attack your castle if the dragons are not very prevalent and you're more likely to be attacked by a regular army well then yes of course a castle is still useful and the same goes for magic it all depends on these fine little variable points but I hope to at least have given you some insights to be able to look at it on a case-by-case basis so when you want to decide if you're riding a fair to see if you're making an RPG world that you're going to be game mastering or anything like that I hope you could look at it and say well this is what my you can do it this is what the fantasy creatures are and they could do this isn't this and then you making the decision would that be effective against a castle and then what changes could I make on a castle to try and counteract that because in terms of warfare there is always an arms race between offense and defense and sorry if someone has found you know in you know magic or a weapon that can really hurt castles generally people try and look at the castle and say what can we change about it to improve its defenses and that's why castles existed a bit into the time period when cannons were around we ceased our forts and things like that being made to kind of counteract that but what we have ultimately discovered is that the offensive capability of our weapons have far exceeded anything that we can try and defend against we don't build castles anymore because castles are absolutely useless against nukes and indeed bunkers are pretty useless against nukes the only way you can properly defend against a nuke is by having a place that you can hide that the enemy doesn't know where you're at because if the enemy knows where the bunker is and is able to send a nuke a pinpoint accuracy right on top of wherever the bunker is there's almost no depth that you can you know build that bunker to where you'd be safe or if there was it's so deep that is impossible to actually build the bunker there and this gives a good kind of comparison for us to compare if the weaponry in your setting or in any type of fairness setting you get is getting up to you know you clear kind of level you can be fairly assured that castles would be absolutely redundant and useless in that setting if its purpose was to try and defend against those things there you go these have been my thoughts about castles in relation to magic and fantasy creatures such as dragons I hope you have enjoyed please do share your thoughts if you think I missed something out or if you feel that there might be something else that could be a big problem for castles or if you could change something in castle to make them more effective against the things I mentioned I look forward to reading them thank you for watching and farewell you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 351,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castle, castles, medieval fantasy, fantasy, fiction, medieval, fortress, magic, wizard, dragon, dragons, shad, shadmbrooks, shad brooks, literature, genre, writing, epic, sorcerer, creature, monster, defence, defences, battlements, whataboutdragons, whataboutthedragons, #whataboutthedragons, #whataboutdragons, lord of the rings, game of thrones, skyrim, witcher
Id: Pd4sMFfvnIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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