Could this be the WORST FANTASY WEAPON ever made?

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holy crap oh my goodness oh my goodness i think i think we found a worse weapon than the [Music] nunchucks greetings i'm shad and throughout my life i've seen some dumb made up weapons often in fantasy but just in pop culture generally but the one we're going to look at in this episode right now might take the cake for how astronomically stupid it is and it's fun doing this because whenever we look at a weapon sometimes we actually find made-up fantasy weapons that have far more practical validity than we might have supposed like the crucible sword from the doom series but then also when we take a more practical look at a weapon we can also find that there's a lot of problems with it like thanos sword from end game and so this one i don't actually need to look at too much to have known straight off the bat how unbelievably dumb it is and i gotta thank mauler and the efap crew for bringing this to my attention because i wouldn't have hit my radar if not but when they saw it they got such reaction out of it they're like they really wanted me to review it and when they showed me i really wanted to review it because of how unbelievably dumb this thing is it is next level done and it is this weapon here yeah it's a double like because no like there are double files that have two kind of mace heads on change this is like a double-ended flail with a mace chain thing on either oh gosh my goodness and so this atrocity actually appears in one of the more recent episodes from the batwoman tv show which is almost universally agreed of being one of the worst shows ever made and maula rags fringy and efap guys they are watching this and getting such fun out of it because it's falling into that category being so incredibly dumb that it's hilarious i think the fact that they could un-ironically try and show a weapon like this being used for like a good weather shows you how far gone that show is so i've already been very vocal about the problems and limitations that exist in flails check out my video on over appreciate historical weapons the medieval flail and in that video i explain the reasons why i at one i don't think was that common and two i don't think it's that effective now since that video scarlet grim has actually done a really great follow-up video showing that yes there are some areas which the flail might have some utility specifically on horseback and one of the main benefits that you might get out of the flail is hand shock that way you do this big hit that you have you ever hit something with a stick and you get a pain in your hands from the vibration and shock that hits him well having the striking end at the end of a chain or something that's disconnected from the weapon or connected through a chain should i say takes away hand shock and so that is one kind of thing but i don't think it fully validates it as a weapon if it just reduces hand shot because hentroc isn't that huge a problem for weapons that are similar to the you know weapon that we're talking about like if it's a flail where the comparison would be a mace and if you're talking about nunchucks which i particularly dislike if you've seen any of my videos recently you'll know about that uh the equivalent being a stick hand shock isn't so much of an issue to validate these weapons but with the flail it could be if you use them on horseback because from on horseback you could with the speed of the horse and your swing that actually increases the momentum of the strike even greater which could create even a greater problem of hand shock and also being on a chain enables you to recover from the hit and keep riding past them and so i agree the flail might have some uses for horseback i still don't like it and i still think there are a lot of problems and one of the interesting things about flails in particular is that a mace generally hits as hard if not harder a great youtube channel called wushu engineer actually did tests load cell test where he tested the force striking force between a flail and a mace and uh the mace performed just as well it's not better the flail you weren't getting much benefit from it but anyway so the flail is in my opinion a very imperfect weapon and then this one wants to double up and like create two and there are so many problems let me get into it for demonstrative purposes i have made this monstrosity of a thing now not only if this was made better actually as if i like what they show you in the show is it's still a monstrosity but this is like the mangled inbred version of a stroke okay like is that like this weapon already is horrible we needed something on the ends or so we're using buttermilk it works it works okay and this is just to demonstrate some of the issues that would be so prominent not only do you have all the issues that exist with flail-like weapons that would be amplified with a weapon like we see in this batwoman episode one of the issues with flails is that you can't always control this end now that can be mitigated if it was a regular flail and the chain doesn't go as long as the hand but we actually do see some more historical flowers that actually have really long chains and so there is a way to try and keep it you know yourself it's safe and by having a long chain it could be just swinging it out and just doing more controlled strikes but that limits the range of strikes that you can already do now for something like this all right there's an added problem and that's controlling where this thing flails when you're flailing this end and so if you want to do a big flailing hit whereas this guy especially if you do want to do a really big one out like because on a regular flyer look i just leave myself again on a regular flail there's a way that you can control hold it out at a distance and do a hit and you'll find so if i try and hold this out it doesn't and do a hit like where could this end up going okay it is i cannot emphasize how stupid this weapon is like all right what if we were to like even i'm trying to figure out if you could hit away and not be at dangerous this other end and i do have to be careful because this could actually disconnect and fly and i don't want to hit my camera or my camera man and so you hit like this and i just hit myself ah i actually don't want to do too much because this is such a unpredictable legitimately dangerous weapon which is why it's like if i try and do any safe strike because the other end is moving in the opposite direction so if i want to do an outward strike and try see this could fly and literally hit me in the head and this is actually a glass bottle it's a big danger it's still a bit dangerous what about like such oh i cannot emphasize how i had like the obvious equivalent okay would be maybe a staff that had weights on the end that would connect that could actually still be a viable weapon remarkably enough like the classic fantasy double-bladed sword has some practical utility i've done a full video reviewing that all right but the idea that you can just double up any weapon and it'll be like because one you think good weapon two weapon of good weapon good well the flail i don't think is a good weapon and then they're doubling up a bad weapon multiplying the issues not just because like seriously the amount of issues that you have with just a flail by itself is not doubled by adding another flower actually increases more problems on top of today actually i'm always having a stroke trying to emphasize how stupid this thing is holy crap legitimately might be the dumbest uh made-up weapon that i've ever seen unironically depicted because some dumb weapons that exist here in pop culture are depicted purposely as being dumb like the gopher chucks from kung pao or something you know but no this one they're actually trying to show is like it's an intimidating i'm so nervous moving this record i move it this way and i like really oh oh i'm like it is so stupid i'm lost for words and that really happens oh and so yeah like a double blade of sword actually has some utility i had i recently done a video on the double hit the axe actually has two blades you know double-headed axe but then like the double sided double-headed axe people like if you guys might what about this because there is a double sided double-headed axe like in fantasy and that is just but even that piece of coach than this like you cannot account for where the back end would go like like you would have to maybe hold on to one end and use it as like because interestingly enough the types of flails that actually have more historical validity and are more useful are actually ones that have a long long end okay like they're a staff with a flail on the end which is somewhat similar to this and so you can actually you know have a bit of utility out of that but the fact that you would just use it like this like oh did did that hit the thing so i could do that and i hit me there oh hit me there i oh gosh this is really like the unholy combination of paralysis and cancer i mean it is it is something dumb combined with something get done which just multiplies there's just such great levels that it almost infects your soul like the stupidity of this thing almost infects the person using it because of how oh my head's hurting and someone has unironically tried to show it as a useful intimidating and with a weapon like this you're not actually getting any true benefit out of the heavy striking kind of ends being on ropes because as we shoot engineer you know found out in his tests it doesn't really increase striking capacity just even on a regular flail and i don't think you'd ever want to hit full power with this a hand shot wouldn't be a problem because of the not being out account for this flailing back end like i'm trying to think of is there any strike you can actually do where this wouldn't really risk you like i'm trying to think if i hit over like this like that and i'm not and i'm trying not to move this okay because as soon as i do something like this this back end could go anywhere and hit my hands so you would always have to use it like this to get the utility like using it like this like we see in this image is one of the most stupid ways to use a weapon as don't like it because every single movement you do the back end that has a counter movement which makes this so dangerous and so really the only way you could probably use this even but somewhat safely is to not swing around this back end much just kind of go hit hit hit and stuff and even then it hit my fingers right there holy crap oh my goodness oh my goodness i think i think we've found a worse weapon than the nunchucks my whole life has been a lie this is worse than the nunchucks that's that's whoever decided this you have done something i thought that was not possible look i'm memeing it up of course and i don't like because it who in their right mind would ever un-ironically think good the person who put it in this show i guess would i ironically thought hey it's a cool weapon but anyone who's experienced with weapons or combat like how could you reach that conclusion and so because i almost want to don't think it's a fair thing to compare it to nunchucks because who their right mind would actually say yeah i'll use this but i guess battle of this oh my goodness i mean can you see how astronomically dumb this is like i hope like you really emphasize the point of like it's next level you know what this is almost like there's an episode of ronnie kitchen where he's uh carrying like buckets it's got like you know one of those old rocks and yolk things with a bucket on each end and he starts to fumble around and spin and hit people crap i mean this unholy creation truly can only have come from someone who really has no idea about functional weapons where they just thought hey flail cool weapon not really but hey cool let's let's do two that's better than one because so many things are just compulsive no just like with thanos's players like and and even with thanos's blade like an actual proper double-bladed sword that's not like thanos is one can be somewhat useful but thanos is one of those anyway uh i had to share that with you and just be astounded and like when i say i've seen some dumb really dumb made-up weapons i mean i've seen the three-bladed sword is it from the source i've never seen this movie but the the there's something in the sorcerer saw in the saucer or something like it has this three bladed sword and the blades actually even shoot off for like from the saw and yes dumb but shooting a blade of a sword at from a sword has some practical useful utility that does not you know risk yourself like this thing that's what i mean like this legitimately could be the dumbest made-up weapon i've ever seen with the caveat of it being depicted as unironically tough good useful practical efficient intimidating can you imagine like the honest reaction to someone whipping that weapon would be just like what what is that that's like trying to one-up someone by saying i'll show you the best internet browser by whipping out internet explorer or something like that that's like trying to intimidate a skilled swordsman by presenting rey from the star wars sequels so yeah i think we've uh just had an achievement we have found perhaps the dumbest pop culture weapon that has ever been unionically depicted in pop culture as an effective weapon like i can't think of anything worse this is what and this is like my whole life i've been looking at podcast weapons and to think that we might have actually found it the king could there be a weapon that dethrones this as more stupid i don't think so if you do let me know at the comments below wow wow i don't know what to do with my life now [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 605,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iLwndJvxrMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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