How Well Do You Take Correction by Carter Conlon

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praise God right on time how well do you take correction this is a one time you may want to turn and ask the person beside you who came with you today how well do you take correction proverbs chapter 5 please if you go there special welcome to all of our guests god bless you i hope you avail yourself for the fellowship that's prepared for you after the service today proverbs chapter 5 let's pray together God Almighty thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit thank you for the strength and the power of God Lord quicken our hearts quicken our ears quicken your word let your word live in us help us God to allow you access to our hearts to the deepest recesses of the reasonings for which we live for you challenge us O God we cry out like David the psalmist search me see if there be any wicked way in me lead me in the way of life everlasting I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit Oh God Almighty come upon this frail vessel and make my heart and my mind my thoughts Lord I don't want to be in any measure in this message I'm asking you to overshadow this frailty and come Oh God and I thank you for it with all my heart in Jesus name proverbs chapter 5 beginning at verse 1 going to read through till verse verse 14 my son attendant to my wisdom and bow thine ear to my understanding that thou mayst regard discretion and that thy lips may keep knowledge for the lips of a strange woman dropped as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil now I see this particular passage before we progressed in on two levels number one is of course the physical level the warning of the Holy Spirit against unchastity but the second I think is a deeper application it's it's a seductive religious spirit it's not necessarily a spirit that comes always from outside it can be the seduction of your own heart don't forget that when Adam and Eve sinned infused into the human nature was it the desire to be as God which means that we create our own value system of acceptable service to the Lord what's right what's wrong what's holy what's not holy and if it's unchecked by the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God we can deviate off seduced as it is by a religiousness whether it's an exterior or an interior religiousness until we no longer look like the Church of Jesus Christ until as an individual Christian we may have an outward appearance of godliness but there's an extreme lack of inward work of God that the Lord Himself can testify to by working through that particular vessel so now let's look again at this for the lips verse three of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil but her end as bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword her feet go down to death her steps take hold on hell lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life for ways are movable that thou canst not know them hear me now therefore o ye children and depart not from the words of my mouth remove thy way far from her and come not nigh the door of her house lest thou give thy an honor unto others and thy years unto the cruel let strangers be filled with thy wealth and that be in the house of a stranger and I'll mourn at the last when they flesh and the body are consumed and say how have I hated instruction and my heart despised reproof I've not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and the Assembly now keep in mind the New Testament tells us in the book of Hebrews that whom the Lord loves he chastens even as a father Chasen's his own son or daughter and of course it's inclusive and he chastens us that we might become partakers of his holiness and that the peaceable working of God might be in us in other words for our profit for good he comes and constantly challenges now if you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you as a Christian the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to comfort you yes but there is a comfort if you are genuine child of God in the knowledge that I have a father who's going to keep me on track he's not going to let me go to the right or to the left of where I should be and so you have to have an open heart to be able to hear these words proverbs 29 one warns that if we are often reproved and we harden our necks against it then we're heading on a path of destruction that will come suddenly and will not even be aware of it and I pray God in this church and in my heart that the Holy Spirit can always speak to us can always challenge us that we would not ever be under the assumption that everything that we're doing is is perfectly in line with the will in the ways of God for me as a Christian for you as a body for us as a corporate church together a long while back I left the church office on the midweek day and I was heading down Broadway going for dinner I'm not sure where I was going I think I was gone for the day and as I was heading down Broadway I passed a man sitting on a box and as I passed him on the box he said some kind of a nasty comment to me and I responded in like kind and I said something rather uncharitable to him and I kept on walking did you ever notice when you do wrong in the sight of God the God just hooks a bungee cord to the back of your jacket and I I kept on walking down the street feeling quite righteous in my response and the Lord kept saying to me that was further uncharitable of you that was a matter of fact was very unkind that was unlike me irrespective of what was said to you you didn't need to respond that way I kept on walking and then walking got harder and harder every step I took to the point where you get to the corner and I don't have you ever seen where your feet are moving but you're not going anywhere anymore that the cord is pulling so hard and the Lord said I want you to go back and apologize to that man and not only apologize to him I want you to put something was begging he was sitting on the box begging I want you to put something in his cup now this brought me into a deeper dilemma it was it was one of the few times that I've ever been walking down the street with all I had was a fifty dollar bill in my pocket now folks I had plans for that $50 and and even if I didn't have plans the least plan in my heart was to put that $50 in this man's cup and as I'm walking towards him I'm thinking of all the times in my life not to have a few singles or a 5 in my pocket all I have is a $50 bill in my pocket and once they give it to this man I don't even have a credit card my dinners gone out the window I I don't I have I don't have nothing for even my own supper now this is how charitable and feeling at this moment as I'm walking towards this man so I walked up to him looked at him sitting on the box and they said I'm a pastor and I said I'm really sorry I've come back to ask your forgiveness for the remark that came out of my mouth towards you I said I shouldn't have done that and I said I want you to have this and I had the fifty dollar bill which he took from my hand and after he took the $50 and he looks at me says oh you're a pastor are you he said why are you not doing anything for us out on the street now folks I have to admit I started to get a little hot under the collar right at this moment why are you not doing anything this man's got my $50 in his hand and I have nothing in my pocket and he's asking me why are you not doing anything for us and I said what do you mean he said well I am a Gulf War veteran he said I am on drugs I'm unemployed I'm living on the street and he said and what are you doing to help me and immediately I was I looked at him I said listen I just gave you $50 I gave you all the money out of my pocket what are you talking about what if I what am i doing to help you he said well I'm thankful for what you just did for me he said but what are you doing to help all of us all of the War veterans coming back all of us who are struggling with things that we had to endure wanting to be employed can't find employment not wanting to be on drugs or on drugs and immediately these arguments started coming into my heart I looked at the man I said look you don't know where I've come from you don't know what I've gone through you don't know the price I've paid you don't know what our church is doing you don't know and I'm telling them all this all the kids were feeding around the world you don't know where I've been you don't know what I've done you don't know the price I've paid to be here this very moment standing here in front of you he said well you're right I don't know about that but I do know this thing you're not doing anything for the war vets that are out on the street in New York City now folks by this point the volume level of the discussion is raising and I looked over my shoulder and I saw people behind me this was rather amusing this guy in the suit is having this it's not heated yet but it's moving in that direction this discussion with this man on the box now I'm a pastor I'm only half a block from this church I've got to do something real quick so I did what pastors do I said can I pray for you and he said to me all right you can pray for me so he said as long as I can pray for you and I said okay so I put my hand on his shoulder and I prayed some generic prayer you know bless him do something with him help him be with him kind of a prayer and then he prayed for me and I walked away and now listen we're all prone to take correction if it comes to us on our terms and in a manner that doesn't threaten our present self-image in Luke chapter 7 Jesus was invited into a Pharisees house now this is God sitting at this man's table and the Pharisee sees himself as religious a defender of the faith as a clean man and the discerning man and here is Christ at the table and during the course of this interaction a woman comes in falls it his feet now he's a woman a sinner as the scripture says she falls at the feet of Christ she begins to weep wash his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair she has an alabaster box of and a very expensive perfume breaks it and anoints his feet with it and the Pharisees sitting there now he's being absolutely reproved because what he's observing is the work of God in the earth he's seeing people that he would never touch things he would never consider doing places his religiousness has never taken him and something quite frankly he never doesn't want to do he doesn't want to go there and sitting across the table is Christ Oh God Almighty himself and there's a display as it is before him of the work of God and this whole interaction is a reproof to his religion his religion that has left him devoid of the heart of God he's absolutely bankrupt of who God is and what God is doing his but looking at this man there's nothing in him that he finds attractive just like the prophet Isaiah said like a root out of dry ground there's no form there's there's none of the fancy garments he's used to there's there's there's no comeliness it's not attractive to the natural eye it's not attractive in the natural taste and there's nothing about this man that Isaiah said that we should desire him and so this man sits now in judgment of the son of God they said if this were a holy man if he were a prophet he would know what kind of a woman this is that is touching him and ironically on the other side of the table most likely Jesus is thinking if he were godly man he would recognize that this is the work of God that's going on before him remember Isaiah said in chapter 58 if you if you draw out your soul to the hungry if you deliver the oppressed if you give food to those that are clothing to those that are naked if you don't hide yourself from your own flesh then you'll call out and I'll say Here I am and the glory of the Lord will come and be a reward or the glory of the Lord would really envelop you and carry you and here is an opportunity for this man with God in the flesh sitting at his table to be swept up in the glory of the Lord but he's hardened himself in his religion he's on a pursuit of God but on his own terms and tragically that's what happens to many people who profess to know Christ in every generation you can get so hard in religion think of Balaam for a moment he's a prophet for hire this guy is in this for the money he has some form of spiritual knowledge and he's been hired to go and speak words over the children of Israel and he's in danger because he's trying to bring a curse on the people whom God has blessed and on the journey a donkey starts speaking to this man and he starts arguing with the donkey I'll never as long as I live on this earth figure this one out God is using a donkey to correct this man on his journey and he's arguing with the donkey he's become so entrenched in his way of doing things was this a common occurrence did he argue with animals all the time did it not occur to him something supernatural might be going on here he's his whole religiousness is being challenged by a donkey folks so you can get so entrenched in religion you can become so sure that what you're doing is right that God can send something supernatural your way and you don't even see it you don't even realize it you end up arguing with what is a sign from God Himself trying to move you from one place and into another Acts chapter 7 here's a young man his name is Stephen he's serving tables and miracles are beginning to flow through his hands the religious crowd gather and they're quite offended at the power of God in this young man he doesn't have all the degrees he doesn't have the pedigree that they have he hasn't got the garments he doesn't have the vernacular he doesn't have all of that stuff yet God is flowing through him in the next chapter 7 he stands and gives a brilliant defense for the gospel of Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Ghost with knowledge that he couldn't possibly have had as a youth that age and yet not only knowledge but he has a vision of God he said behold I see the heavens open I see the Son of God standing at the right hand of Almighty God you'd think at that point that there might be some in that crowd that would say well we we don't have that vision we don't have this power of God flowing through our hands you think they might have had a willingness to accept the rebuke and the correction that's being offered them instead they pick up stones and they kill this young man think of Peter the Apostle in Galatians chapter 2 he was a man who had an embedded fear of man in his life and it would manifest from time to time and Paul saw him causing the Gentiles to behave in a way that this he knew the scripture said was not right and Paul says in Galatians I was stood into the face because he was to be blamed now what could be to have done in the case like that he said who are you to rebuke me you're just a newcomer here aren't you the guy that used to persecute the church didn't you haul people off to prison didn't you torture some and cause them to deny the name of the Lord Jesus Christ listen I'm I'm one of the Apostles here I was here in the beginning I said at the last table with Christ where were you when I said at the last table now Peter could have could have rightly rose up and defended himself with this newcomer Paul standing there before other people as well saying you're wrong and what you're doing the way you're making the Gentiles to move into a Apocrypha to appease the Jews is not right this is not what Christ has done all men are now made equal there's there's no class distinction there's there's no race there's no culture distinction now where one in the body of Christ and Peter could have been so highly offended but there's no evidence in Scripture that Peter was offended I love the way Charles Finney said it let me just this I'm paraphrasing Finney but here's what he said a religious man in a prayer meeting will openly declare himself to be a faithless prayerless lazy heartless wretch but let his wife call him the same thing when he gets home and then we find out was really in his heart think of the book of Revelation now the last book in the New Testament is written by the pen of the Apostle John there are seven churches that are addressed in this book now think about it for a moment these churches are are not even a stone's throw from the cross this is first generation Christianity these people have the Apostle John still alive they have Paul the this this is a church that could rightly say who are you to correct us we're only one yet we have people alive that knew Jesus Christ that walk with Him we we've got people among us that were there on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down like cloven tongues of fire we've gone throughout the world and many of us have risked our lives for the cause of Christ now who you to come and say to us that our practices may not be right they may not be correct can you imagine now John had a firsthand revelation from Jesus Christ Jesus came to John and he's the one who walks among the testimony of the churches and said John I see something there there are commendable things but there are other things going on as well and these things are not addressed this church may lose its way of these these congregations may lose their way and so Christ gives John words which he pens down in letters and sends them to the churches now what you do go back in time right now you imagine you're one of these first generation churches and you get this letter from the Apostle John imagine if you are the Church of Ephesus this church is working hard this church is discerning they're testing and proving those that say they're apostles and are not and finding them to be liars they're doing more works to doing them in the name of Jesus and this letter comes from John and he says you're doing all of these things and they're good but there's something I have against you the Lord tells you you've left your first love now I'm going to paraphrase what is written in the scriptures this is this is my own paraphrase of these five churches you've left your first love and you stand in danger if completely being rendered and effective in the kingdom of God you imagine that kind of a message to a hard-working church you're doing doing doing doing but you forgot who you're doing it for you've lost your first love that passion that was in your heart when you first heard and first received that would send you into the prayer closet with prayers of gratitude and delight and intercession is now gone and it's all been replaced with works now you're just doing things in the name of God and if you don't get this right you're gonna lose their whole testimony folks this is not an arguable point there have been denominations throughout history that we're doers in the kingdom of God but today their testimony is gone and historians say that Ephesus lost its candlestick not long after this letter was written this church seems to throughout history have just disappeared it's off it went off the map there's not even a historical record I'm talking about our killer archaeologically historically that it was actually there another letter comes to Pergamos and the word says you've tolerated a worldly thinking you have a mind that is is more and more gravitating to the things of this world yet your strategies the things you're doing how you're doing them how you view things you've adopted the strategies of the world and if it's a done dealt with it will leave you outside of where the true power and life of Christ is found folks this is to be a supernatural walk morning by morning you and I to get up and see new mercies knowing that we didn't figure this out we didn't strategize this we believed God and God through the Holy Spirit made it a reality and as we're growing in this grace as we're growing in the knowledge of Christ we're not bringing just words about God we're bringing to our generation a living experience with the Living Christ we're changing the Bible says from image to image and glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord if I ever get to the point where all I can bring you was just a theory about God or some historical revelation to the past it's time to get out of the pulpit I should be growing in grace should be moving forward in God there should be this constant change come into my heart that no amount of religion can ever cause me to lose that tire I said you've allowed a seductive prophetic spirit that was operating through a vessel called Jezebel you've allowed this seductive prophetic spirit to lead you into practices the Lord says which I've declared to be wrong and everyone who follows her will die there's a spiritual seduction that's where we began remember in proverbs chapter 5 that folks you have to be aware of it beware of every voice that can't be proven in this book beware of it beware of speaking that is not cannot be established by the patterns of Scripture the patterns of how God deals and who God is and what God does if I speak anything to you that's prophetic you should be able to prove it through the way God has always dealt with humanity in the past and the way he will deal with us also in the present Sardis he says you have a reputation of life but you're in reality dead can you imagine getting that kind of a letter come to this church you have a reputation of life boy your songs are incredible and you you've got a full sanctuary and you're doing all kinds of things but he says you you are in reality dead and the word in the greek is necrose and it means you cut off from the Holy Spirit you folks you can get so good at doing religious things we can actually do it without God at some point now we're not doing it we think we're doing it you're dead he said you cut off from the enliven the influence of the Holy Spirit God forbid that that should ever be the testimony of your life or mine or of this house remember he says the truth that once gave you life and turned back to it while you still can now led to see in the last church he said you have everything figured out you have no you see no need to change anything if what you have is right crisis then tell me why are you so spiritually passionless if it's all right if everything you have is right if all your strategies are right if all your steps to and methodologies to that if it's alright if you've got it all figured out why why why are you so passionate why are you neither hot nor cold why are you just sort of stuck in the middle you can't really get excited about the things of God you dare not say you're cold you do go to church but it doesn't go really beyond that Christ says to the church to let us see it can't you see that I'm completely outside of your religious practice and I'm trying to get in the folks can you see that people reading these words of warning the very first thing that they would says who wrote this who dare tell us that we're not doing what we should be doing the answer would be an old man in jail probably had to sit on a box to write these words he says he knows God then still hears his voice and folks I walked away from the war vet on the box and I was troubled by two things that's one this is two as I walked away I was troubled by the tender list of how he placed his hand on top of mine is if he really cared about me I I put my hand on his shoulder like a garden claw more or less and he put his hand on top of mine and there was a tenderness in that man that startled me and secondly I was troubled by the eloquence and the sincerity of his prayer for me didn't pray like a man living on the street this man prayed like he knew God and he prayed a profound prayer for me and it shook me inside I walked away and yet I couldn't walk away I began to think about what he had said he said you know what to do why aren't you doing it and I began to think God whatwhat are we doing for veterans in New York City what am i doing what is this church doing how are we being part of the solution of a very very large problem did you know that there have been more veterans from the Vietnam War that have committed suicide that have died than died in the war did you know that it's a huge problem did you know that we have thousands and thousands now of Iraqi war vets that are going to be coming home some of them can't talk folks I met a young man recently he's only in his 20s very sharp young man all dressed in a suit his sister brought him to this church I met him in one of the adjacent rooms I started to talk to him only to realize that he can't talk anymore he's about 23 years old fit sharp-looking he can't talk I don't know what he saw I don't know what happened to him and so finally I said to him listen you can come to this church okay and you'll be safe here and I said you can come here and then he nodded at me okay I'll come here but he still couldn't talk and we have a lot of young men and women who are going to be coming our way in the not-too-distant future and I left that encounter with the resolve to do what I should be doing Isaiah 58 I can end up right in the seat of the Pharisee seeing the work of God but yet saying well I'm doing enough we're doing enough we've we've come far enough we don't need to change this we don't need to make any adjustments to what we're doing but I left there with a resolve to do what I should be doing and folks I want to just give you this is not a this is not a plug for a ministry but let me just tell you some of the things that are happening now in time for church for the military the returning veterans in particular we're visiting veterans and two Veterans Hospitals at the moment we're helping various military organizations with their families and with their celebrations we're holding a monthly family night at a National Guard Armory where we're teaching soldiers how to love their children with the love of Jesus we're providing volunteer civilian chaplains for five New York City National Guard units we started in this church a ministry called mobilize to serve it invites veterans law enforcement officers and firefighters to serve in disaster relief local construction overseas missions building projects and more mobilized to serve will rekindle a veteran in the veterans the heart to serve and renew a sense of honor dignity and purpose a team of 12 was in Bushkill very recently Pennsylvania to prepare Christian camp as a matter of fact I think it's this weekend they're preparing a Christian camp for New York City and her children inner-city children were going to be there this summer homeless veterans mobilized to serve and be serving some meals and helping the homeless at the Bowery mission we were invited to hold a monthly chapel service at the Bowery mission focused on homeless veterans the homeless veterans from other shelters will be brought to that service and that meal a few volunteers are going on reconnaissance missions with the raven truck ministry assessing the needs of veterans served by the raven ministry and plans are in the works to minister to them we're preparing care packages for military families at Fort Hamilton and I'm just scanning this as quickly as I can we are many homeless and unemployed veterans did not get proper medical care even if they qualify for it we're investigating possible models of medical care for those veterans and other homeless in partnership with x squared' churches on call medical ministry we're looking for ways to expand the national military ministry throughout new york city in the tri-state area we are one of the churches now that's had training and post-traumatic stress disorder and one of the churches that various agencies who deal with this are now feeling comfortable to send soldiers here so they can be incorporated into a larger church body that can be helped they can be blessed they can be strengthened they can be given time to come out of the stresses they experienced overseas you see it all started because a homeless man on a box challenged my sense of religion challenge what I was doing and I'm not going to say that I think we'd all like to say that we're quick to receive correction that's that's almost like a Christian catchphrase but we're really were not but God in His mercy saw fit to put that man on that Street on Broadway that time well I have often hoped to see him again I went back and tried to find him I'd only ever seen him there one time I never saw him before and I've never seen him since now if he was legitimately begging on the street and got $50 from one passerby you'd think he'd come back to that fishing spot again but folks is it possible hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah how well do you take correction how well folks if we if we can't be corrected we're in danger if you can't be corrected you're in danger if you and I ever get to the point is saying boy we've arrived we're really doing something for God then we are gravely in danger then there's we are going to be led in it in a path or direction that we don't want to go on the war veteran said to me you know what you should be doing why are you not doing it and that's the essence of correction especially in the Christian Church I think of all those people sitting here today how long do you have to sit in church before you give your life to Jesus Christ how long do you have to hear these messages how long will you pass by the testimony of Christ on the cross who gave his life for you a righteous man paying the price for all the sin that you've ever committed asking did you open your heart to his lordship receiving his offer forgiveness and then beginning to live for him letting his life be lived out through you a testimony in the earth how long do you have to hear this before you will do what you know is right how long can you receive correction can can your course be changed I don't care if you've sat in church for 50 years if you've not opened your heart to Christ you are none of his and he is none of yours you've got to open your heart to Christ it's not turn to tendons to get you to heaven folks it's a living relationship with God through his son if you are a Christian you have an inner witness of the Holy Ghost the Bible says the Spirit of God within you cries out have a father you know you've been born of God you know your life is on a another course you know you're being led by God your plans are no longer your own you're not charting your own course you're not creating your own righteousness you're not defending all of your own actions you are walking in the life of another you are rejoicing daily as you see the life of God being lived out from within you how long long how long will you wait to do what you know to do how long would it be before you turn from sin how many people sitting in this church today you are in relationships that the Bible forbids it says it wrong how long how long how many times how many sermons is it going to take for you to get up and do right and get out of that relationship get away from that practice leave that immoral thing or whatever it is that you did how long will it take how long will it take fellow-workers before you begin to trust God for your finances and stop putting your hand where it shouldn't be how long will it take to do these things when will you turn off things that aren't polluting your mind and polluting your spirit when will you put away bucks you said and be reading when will you stop filling your mind with garbage and then coming and begging God for freedom and relief in some kind of victory when you're willfully choosing to sit in a hog trough from Monday to Saturday how long will it be before you do what is right you know what to do how long will it be before you make the choice to do it how long will it be before you are reaching out to this hurting world with all the love that Jesus is placed in your heart how long will you come to God's house with nothing more than a wagon hoping to get something more for yourself when God says no I'm giving you all you need you're to take it now to this world that is hurting starving and dying they need to know they have a father in heaven a savior who died and was raised from the dead that widows need to know they have a husband the orphans need to know they have a father that oppressed need to know they have a defender the poor need to know they have a feeder that they could need to know they have someone with clothing and it all comes through the Church of Jesus Christ to your life until my life how long how long how long will we pass by before we choose to do what is right I think of all the churches today around the world that have been running the roads for 15 years looking for God looking for some kind of an experience when the Lord said if you will just draw out your soul to the hungry if you will just give clothing to the naked if you will just visit those who are sick and in prison if you will be a voice for the voices if you will offer hope to the hopeless then you call out to me and I'll say Here I am [Applause] hallelujah all this searching all this traveling for what when Christ sits on the other side of your table saying try this you want to know God try this try letting your life be touched with the struggles of those that nobody else cares about and everybody else passes by in their day have the courage to let God do this through you in a moment I'm going to ask you to stand and I'm going to be opening this altar in the annex also you can stand between the screens for those who have hesitated to give their lives to Jesus Christ you don't have long don't put this off bend your knee to God I have a sense of my heart there is a husband here today here here with your wife and you have scorned God you have scorned his house you've scorned this message because you're trying to you've got to hold up this image before your wife have the courage today because you know in your heart you really do know this is right you do know it could you have the courage to be humble today I know I know your wife is going to say you see I was right and you have a you have a heart I'm speaking a word of knowledge to somebody you have a hard time with that that's the only thing that holds you back from God is the fact that she's going to say see I was right well live with it I hope I hope to meet the guy in the box again one day again he will tell me you see I was right and I'll tell him firstly you know you were right and for those days should be turning from sin the wages of sin is still death death to your spiritual life death to the heart of God death to everything but just endless useless religious practice that will live everything else will die turn from sin trust God for the power to do this and for those who just would like to say God please give me a tender heart for people and the first part of that is maybe an admission that you don't have it but he's willing to give it to you we're gonna worship for a little while and as we do if the Holy Spirit has spoke into your heart you need to get right with God in one of these areas as we stand just come to this altar please if you will let's stand together balcony you can go to either exit make your way down main sanctuary just slip out of where you are make your way here please if you will annex you could stand between the screens let's take 10 minutes to worship praise John [Music] arts spirit come make us [Music] for me Oh Lord we cast down to give us clean give us let us not miss Ola give us green give us your my soul too [Music] we've been [Music] spirit come we cast down give us me gave us [Music] left to give us clean yeah [Music] to yeah Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] see see see [Music] [Music] gave us lift us all to give us please [Music] [Music] we are [Music] and renew a right spirit within me [Music] Oh every new right spirit within me has me not away away from my presence old take my Holy Spirit from me we store the toilet salvation every new rise within me [Music] [Music] [Music] my spirit [Music] [Music] we start the joy of salvation every [Music] [Music] from me right [Music] [Music] it [Music] meteorites [Music] the pursuit of righteousness my [Music] meet you my heart [Music] I [Music] this morning how many would have the courage to say pastor I'm done fighting against God I'm done trying to create my own sense of righteousness that means acceptance and cleanness in the sight of God I know I'm a sinner I need a Savior today I'm coming to bend my knee to God confess that I have a need of a savior and invite Christ Jesus into my life to be both my Savior and my lord I will walk with him from this day forward as he gives me the strength and shows me the path how many today annex main sanctuary whether or not you're at the altar with an up priest hand could say pastor that's me raise your hand nice and high all over the place all over the sanctuary all over the balcony praise God praise God so many coming to Christ thank God let's pray together now all of us Lord Jesus I am a sinner I deserve eternal punishment for the things that I've done and the things that I do but God thank you did you so loved me you came to this earth you died a terrible death to pay the price for all the wrong things that I have done an innocent man died to spare me from guilt and punishment at this very moment I opened my heart to you Jesus and my life to you and I invite you to come into my life to be my Savior and my lord I believe that you are the son of God I believe you died in my place I believe you were raised from the dead on the third day as living proof to me that my trust in you is not in vain I believe at this very moment my sins are being washed away I'm being made new by the Spirit of God I'm not going to hell when I die and I'm going to heaven when I die I'm going to be a new person on this earth guided by the Word of God and given power by the Holy Spirit of God from this day forward Jesus Christ you are my God in my life is in your hands Oh God thank you for saving me now we have people in the lower lobby for all of those who are receiving Christ that you may want to talk to if you don't have a Bible they'll get you one they'll answer any questions you have about what you've just done or about this church and they'll give you instruction if you need that now for the rest you are at this altar because you are children of God and God would not be challenging you if you were not his son or not his daughter you're here because and thank God you can hear his voice that's all I can say you can hear and that's a cause to rejoice that's a cause to be happy that's a cause to leave this sanctuary did they say father thank you that you so loved me that you're keeping me on a straight course Lord you're helping me you're guiding me you're not gonna let me go astray you're not gonna let my heart get caught up with other things lord thank you that you love me can you thank him those that have come to the altar in the Anniston you thank him can you just thank God [Applause] when you have when you have a tender heart that is reason to rejoice it's not reason to be sad it's reason to rejoice you have a tender heart that God is speaking to that heart when you leave this sanctuary you're not to go out of here with your head hanging down you're go out with your hands raised and so I have a father will never ever fail me he'll never ever fail me [Applause]
Views: 34,003
Rating: 4.9173126 out of 5
Keywords: Carter, Conlon, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: N-ansFEmmZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2009
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