The Wayward Church will Soon be Ashamed by Carter Conlon

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today I have a prophetic word for you and I would tremble to even say that unless I knew in my heart that this was true believed it with everything in my heart now prophetic word is when God speaks to a vessel that he chooses about something he's going to do it's not happen or perhaps it's just beginning but it's something he intends to fulfill and of course the test of the prophetic word is whether or not it comes to pass you prefer anybody who speaks prophetically you always can judge it because there's got to be a pattern of it in Scripture can never be outside of the character of God God always acts in line with his character his character is eternal the Lord says in the Old Testament I change not he does not change we change he does not change and he will always deal in the same manner with certain situations as they arise in the present and future as he has done in the past so in that context I'm going to be looking at the chapter of 16 of Ezekiel today and bringing to you a word that I know that God has put on my heart for his church now for the professing Church now for the true Church of Jesus Christ this will be something for you to consider and to be cautious of but this word today is for much more than Time Square Church I believe it's a word that God's going to give wings to and it will be taken in different places and it's it's intended for a larger audience than the one that's here today this is I'm only telling you what the Holy Spirit has spoken to my heart Ezekiel chapter 16 the title is the wayward Church will soon be ashamed the wayward Church will soon be ashamed let's pray together father I thank you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit the Lord I wouldn't even dare attempt to speak this if your spirit was not upon me God give me the right heart give me the vision I need give me the mind that I need Lord to be able to bring this out in the manner that you want it spoken I don't want my own thoughts interjected with this I don't want to stand on any soapbox at any time throughout this ward I want to speak it with the tenderness of God's heart the Lord I'm asking you to overshadow my frailty and come with your strength your your heart animate me Holy Spirit help me to disappear that Christ alone may be heard and seen Lord we don't need and we don't want to hear from men in this generation we need to hear from you I thank you for this with all my heart in Jesus name now you have to understand with the prophetic word there is a cutting that has to happen before the healing and I want to ask you to stay with me I may preach a little bit longer than I normally do but I want to ask you to stay stay with this hear it to the end because if you don't stay to the end you'll not understand why God brings such a word what's in his heart and where he's going with it it's the love of God that motivates him to do everything he does remember the scripture says that God is love he who does not love does not know God for god is love everything he does comes out of that heart of love even as judgments come out of a heart of love when you begin to see this there's great great freedom in it Ezekiel chapter 16 beginning at verse 59 right near the end of the chapter for thus saith the Lord God I will even deal with thee as thou hast done which has despised the oath in breaking the Covenant nevertheless I would remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth and I will establish unto the in everlasting covenant then thou shalt remember that ways and be ashamed when thou shalt receive thy sister's done Elder and the younger for I will give them unto thee for daughters but not by thy covenant I will establish my covenant with thee and thou shalt know that I am the lord that thou mayst remember and be confounded and never nine mouths anymore because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee for all the thousand saith the Lord God now Luke chapter 15 in the New Testament speaks of a son who took his inheritance and went into a far far away place from the heart of his father now when I speak of the wayward church this is what I'm speaking about I'm talking about those who at some point in time had an understanding of God came to the house of the Lord and made a profession that Jesus Christ was their Savior took his word in their mouths were given a measure of the life and the inheritance that is freely given to all who trust in Christ and they took that inheritance and the decided somehow that the context of which it was presented was too restrictive this young son he took his life in this inheritance his father had given him and he found the place where he's dwelling too narrow and he really didn't love his father at this point nor the work of his father and he said give to me all that his mind and he took that inheritance and he went into a place far far away from the heart of his God his father and this is how the Holy Spirit would have me define this wayward church the older brother when this prodigal son returned home to find this place as a place where he spent his inheritance with harlots spend it on prostitution really he became other than what his father had intended them to be now this is the context of chapter 16 of Ezekiel in this chapter we see how even God's own people can lose focus they can lose perspective in times of prosperity and blessing and divine favor in the Western world in particular we've come through several decades of incredible prosperity unprecedented really perhaps since the beginning of the world there's been blessing and divine favor in the house of God as well as upon Nations but first Corinthians chapter 10 the Apostle Paul tells us that the children of Israel on this incredible journey with God through the wilderness to the land of promise that they lusted after evil things they fell into idolatry and immorality they tempted Christ or put him to the test and they murmured to their own destruction now Paul says in verse 11 of that same chapter that all these things happened to them for examples and they're written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world to come and it's in that context we're going to look at Ezekiel chapter 16 this is given to us as an example of what can happen to a people and how God in His mercy now I want you to keep it in mind or you you'll judge this word before you should how God in His mercy responds even as judgments or mercy so keep this in mind as we proceed in this we find his response to certain patterns of human behavior in Scripture are always the same Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8 says it this way Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever he does not change Ezekiel in chapter 16 Ezekiel saw the judgment of God coming to Jerusalem and its people although most of the population in that city which God intimately referred to as his own would not even be aware of what they had become in his sight throughout history this repeats itself over and over again people come to God they become Christian the church has a great testimony nations are known as Christian nations and suddenly this eroding of the foundation of truth the roading of the foundation of loyalty to the Word of God and obedience to the very work of God in the earth starts to be taken very very gradually way until that which was begun no longer has any resemblance to the original now Christ is the author and he's the finisher of our faith and in his faithfulness to you and to me he will come and take away everything that we've learned to stand on that is not like him it's not built on a foundation of truth and I don't know about you but I'd rather have that come to my life now than when I stand at the judgment seat of Christ I'd rather have him come now as the psalmist David said no God searched me know my heart proved me me and see if there's any way in me any wicked way David says he calls it a wicked way but David said it might be a way that I'm not aware of it might be something I'm doing in my life it might be a practice I've embraced it might be a perspective of God and what it means to be follower of God that isn't in line with truth and David calls it a wicked way and he said Lord come and test it and prove it and see if any of this wickedness bend me and lead me in the way of life everlasting when I read this chapter of Ezekiel I hear a broken heart I hear God's heart because he refers to Jerusalem as his bride he talks to the people of Jerusalem he talks to the city as if it's one person as if it's a bride that was prepared and brought into a place of worthiness to be able to walk with him and to honor him in the earth but somehow this pride has failed and fallen drastically from what her calling has been in the earth and I hear a broken heart as in a broken bridegroom who comes home and finds out that his bride has not been faithful to him it's the same cry we hear in Matthew 23 when Jesus cries on Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee often what I've gathered thy children together even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings and you would not he cries out o Jerusalem how often I wanted to gather you and I didn't want to put you in ranks I didn't I didn't want to I didn't want you as an army as it is although that may be part in a sense of the Christian calling in the world he said I wanted you as my bride I wanted you as my very own I wanted to draw you into the closest in my heart and I wanted the two of us to walk together that we become one in this world as we walk through the world and he said I would have gathered you I wanted to but your house in verse 38 of Matthew 23 said your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you you shall not see me henceforth till you say blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord Jesus said you'll not see me until in your heart you say God thank you for sending your messenger to speak truth to my heart until that comes to you until you are no longer so stubborn and entrenched in a self view and a religious view and a God view that nope until you're ready to let my messengers come and speak into your heart says you won't see me you'll hear about me you'll have historical evidence of me but you won't see me personally and we're living in a generation where there's very limited view of God now even in his own house there's so people because they're not seeing the image of God it's they're not understanding who they are in Christ it's because of this that much of the charismatic in particular in Pentecostal churches in the last two decades have run the world looking for an image of God and he says you'll not see me because you've closed your heart to truth you will not let me come and challenge that foundation you stand on that's unlike me Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 1 he says again the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man caused Jerusalem to know her abominations and say thus saith the Lord God to Jerusalem by birth and the night 9 Nativity is of the land of Canaan my father was in amirite and their mother was a hit I Paul the Apostle says it this way in first Corinthians let me just read it to you for times sake chapter 1 and verse 26 1st Corinthians chapter 1 to verse 26 Paul says these words for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world which are despised as God chosen yea and things which are not or nothing to bring to nought things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence but if him are you in Christ Jesus who of God is made to us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he the glories let him glory in the Lord prophet Ezekiel God said to Ezekiel to Jerusalem I came to you he said you were nothing special you were full of mixture just like every other man in the world I didn't come to you because you stood out among the nations I came to you and I came to you when I found you you were in a deplorable condition in verse 4 he says as for the Nativity in the day you were born your navel was not cut neither we washed in water to sup of thee that was not salted at all nor swaddled at all no I pity thee to do any of these unto thee to have compassion upon thee but that was cast out into the open field to the low thing a Thai person in the day you were born and folks that's the testimony of many of us here today the Lord says nobody cared for you you were in a pitiful in a fallen condition you are not of royal tea you were not of noble birth you didn't have a wisdom you had no pedigree there's no reason that I should have stopped and even looked at you but I saw you God says in that condition when I saw you I loved you and the compassion of my heart went out to you I saw that you had nobody to care and you were in a pitiful condition and folks that's the testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ that is my story and if you are wise today that is your story I will never ever forget where God took me from I will never forget as long as I live that without the hand of God upon my life without his mercy clothing me I am absolutely nothing going nowhere powerless against sin powerless against the things of the flesh powerless against everything of hell in the world that would come against me to destroy me I only stand because the mercy of God has come into my life verse 67 I passed by you I saw you polluted in your own blood and I said to you when you were in your blood live I said unto you when you're in your blood live and the word in Hebrew means live again enjoy life be quickened be preserved be quickened because to live he said I came to you and I spoke to you you didn't speak to me I spoke to you you didn't choose me I chose you and I spoke to you and I said live praise God if you are in Christ if Christ is in you you are alive from the dead you are live by the Spirit of God you are made anew by the Spirit of Almighty God as I am you are going as we behold Christ as we want the Christ of the Bible as we behold the truth of God's Word as we enter into the work of God in the earth which is the redemption of fallen man we are changed from image to image and glory to glory and the very heart of God that looked on us and called us out of our poverty is now in us and moving through us to rest the rest of people that we meet in the world every day we walk with Him we talk with him he calls us his own we are co-laborers with Christ bringing the salvation to a fallen world praise God praise God for the simplicity of Christ verse seven he says I caused you to multiply as the butt of the field and you've increased in waxing grade and you come to excellent ornaments the breasts are fastened the hair is grown whereas you were half naked and bare now when I passed by thee and looked upon the behold that time of love had come I spread my skirt over thee and covered thy nakedness yeah I swear unto thee and entered into a covenant with thee saith the Lord God and you became mine then washed IV with water yea I thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee and I anointed thee with oil God says I and caused you to increase I cleansed you from all of the filthiness of the flesh and the Dominion of sin and I anointed you I called you my own and I sent you out into the highways and byways of this world to bear witness so the one who found you in your poverty and was kind to you and changed you and to tell as many people as you could find about this incredible banquet of God that has been prepared for rich and poor for educated and uneducated for black white brown red and yellow for every race in the earth for every language for every kindred and incredible banquet of Mercy has been prepared in Christ and I sent you out as my bride I sent you up to tell all men that the door is now open the time has now come and any one who thirsts can come and drink of the water of life freely I sent you to tell them I sent you not just with a message I sent you with an experience of God I sent you with the power of the Holy Ghost upon yo I sent you with a new mind a new heart and a new spirit I sent you with a new value system I sent you with the eyes of heaven I sent you at the heart of God I sent you into the world first ten I clothed you with broidered work I showed you with badger skin I girded you with fine linen and I covered you with silk I decked the also with ornaments I put bracelets on your hands and a chain on your neck I put a jewel on your forehead and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown upon your head thus you were decked with gold and silver and the arraignment was a fine linen and silk embroidered work you ate fine flour and honey and oil and you were exceedingly beautiful and did prosper into a kingdom and I renowned went forth among the heathen for that beauty for it was perfect through my comeliness which I had put upon these of the Lord God the Lord said I gave to you my image my likeness and it made you famous among the heathen in Acts chapter 2 I want to suggest you that the 120 didn't come out of the Upper Room with plan they come out with a person they come out with a living relationship with the Living God they come out with an empowerment of the Holy Ghost upon them they come out with the countenance that caused evilness and religion to bend its knee and say what must I do to be saved that was how the church was commissioned to go through the world that is the commission on your life and that's the commission on my life verse 15 he says but you did trust in your own beauty and you played the harlot because of your renown and poured out your fornications and everyone that passed by it is it was God said through Ezekiel you became enamored with all the attention given you and you began to give your affection to every stranger that passed you by for 17 says you've also taken your fair jewels of my gold and of my silver which I had given you and you made to yourself images of men and you did commit whoredom with them and you took my boarded garments and covered them and you set my oil and mine incense before them he says you were drawn to the images of fallen men pretending to be godly and you began to worship them and if you don't believe this is happening in our generation I challenge you to go to a Christian books our this week and find the best sellers ask them which are the best sellers and look at them look at the covers of the images of man not the images of God five steps to be like me five steps to better yourself five steps to the new you 5 steps to a wonderful destiny with their glossy faces on the cover not so subtly telling the Church of Jesus Christ if you use the principles of God you will look like me it's not even subtle you don't even need discernment to see it any more and the Lord said this is what you did you took all of what I had given you you took this anointing and you bowed before men you bound before their ideas and they taught you to worship the creature more than to worship the Creator and you became enamored with your own beauty and your whole theological focus now is how you can be smarter better better-looking more prosperous you lost the call of God church [Applause] Romans 1:25 says they changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator verse 20 says moreover you've taken your sons and your daughters whom you born unto me and you've sacrificed them to be devoured is this is thy whoredoms a small matter you've slain my children and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them ezekiel says you sacrifice your sons and daughters to be fuel for the egos of false teachers and you sent them into the torment of unbridled human passion nowhere that I'm aware of in the world is this more tragically represented than in England today England a country that once was famous in the world for its missionaries famous for the knowledge given that famous for its military power and it had all come because there was a foundation of Christ in the nation and today the youth are in English towns all over England folks it's tragic they're running at 12 13 years of age into the streets half naked to see was the first one who can get drunk and wind up in the gutter it's so widespread it's become almost pandemic for lack of a better word in England today you left off the truth you left off the calling of God and because you left the calling of God your sons and daughters you set them in a place where unbridled human passion is now governing their lives when once they could come into the house of God of the glory of God would be there verse 24 you've also built an eminent place which is a brothel house and you've made a high place in every street and you've built that high place at the head of the way and make thy Beauty to be abhorred and you've opened your feet to everyone that pass by and multiplied thy whoredoms here's what the Lord says your houses of worship became brothels in my sight God says that this is the pattern of Scripture this is inspired Word by the Holy Spirit folks we can run from it if we want but God spoke it to his own City Jerusalem he said you the temples and places of praises that I see brothel houses because everybody that passes by you now open your heart to them and the place of intimacy that was reserved just for me you're now letting every stranger that comes through now you're letting them into your heart and you're letting them govern your life and you're letting them lead you in the ways that you're going verse 27 he said Behold I've stretched out my hand over the and I've diminished that ordinary food and really what it really means I put you on a short allowance that's what Hendrickson commentary says about verse 27 I here's what it says in the New Living Testament that's why I struck you with my fist and reduced your boundaries I handed you over to your enemies the Philistines and even they were shocked by your lewd conduct we're living in a generation when Islam is coming in like a flood into many nations and it's strange and they are ashamed at the conduct of Nations that I've reported it needs to be Christian they're ashamed at the conduct and the Lord says I did this I allowed this to happen I loved your enemies to gain ground on you verse 37 here's what the Lord says behold I will gather all the lovers with whom those taking pleasure and them whom you've loved and with all those that you've hated and I will gather them round about thee and I will discover thy nakedness to them that they may see all the nakedness and I will judge thee as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged and I will give thee blood and fury and jealousy I will also give the in to their hand and they shall throw down your eminent place and break down your high places and strip you of your jewels and take your fair jewels and leave you naked and bare and they shall bring up a company against thee and they shall stone them with stones and thrust thee through with their swords and they will burn your houses with fire and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women and I will cause the deceased from playing the harlot and thou shall give no higher anymore so will I make my fury toward thee to rest in my jealousy shall depart from thee and I will be quiet and be no more angry the Lord says your enemies will surround you and their advance against you and seeming power to overthrow you will bring you to shame to the same kind of shame as someone who is exposed as uncovered in a public place but I thank God with all my heart that this is not the end if this was the end of the story we would be of all people most dismal this is not the end I began in the beginning by tell you telling you that God is a God of love look at Ezekiel chapter 36 now here's the end of the story Ezekiel 36 verse 20 he said and when they entered onto the Heath and whether they went they profaned my holy name when they said unto them these are the people of the Lord that a Gore gone forth out of his land but I had pity for my Holy Name which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen whether you went therefore say to the house of Israel verse 22 thus saith the Lord God I do not this for your sake so house of Israel but for my holy name sake which you've profaned among the heathen whether you want God says I'm about to do something I'm going to bring the wayward church to shame I'm going to bring this church to an open shame in this generation people of this society are going to gather round about it they're going to openly begin to speak against it they're going to cast stones at it they're going to draw out their swords and this this bankrupt church is going to be known for what it really is powerless and naked in the sight of God it's a lair to see a church that says I'm rich increased with Goods and have need of nothing but the Lord says you don't know that you're miserable poor blind and naked and the Lord says I'm going to do this and this church has got this church this wayward Church I'm not talking now about the genuine Christian I'm not talking about the honest seeker of God I'm talking about those who have taken this life they had a genuine experience with God and they've gone far away from the purposes of God through his church in the earth the Lord says for my name's sake I'm going to bring you home because I am your husband I am faithful to you even though you are not faithful to me I remain faithful I cannot be anything other than what I am I am a God who loves you with an everlasting love and though you may forget your own children I haven't grieved you on the palms of my hands I've never forgotten you your walls he said are continually before me praise God now listen you're really going to get this as we go on he said I will sanctify verse 23 my great name which was profaned among the heathen which you profane in the midst of them and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord saith the Lord God when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes I'm going to bring you home he said I'm going to do something profound first I have to show you what you are and when you see what you are and you know what you are I'm going to cause you like the prodigal son to come to yourself I'm going to cause you to see your condition the prodigal son went a long time into a lot of places but the Bible says one day finally he came to himself and said what am I doing here what am i living in compliance with the value system of a world that is perishing all around me came to himself and he came to himself by the mercy of God the mercy of God is going to gather in church in this last hour of time the mercy of God is going to cause him to go after his bride that have been captivated by the schemes of man and by the lies of Satan himself and the mercy of God is going to rise up like a fury and say not so fast Satan that's my bride that's my church that you've got I'll be sanctified in you before their eyes I'm going to take you and something miraculous is going to happen sanctified means set apart means holy means free means under five means empowered by the Holy Ghost and he's made into another person means give it a new mind give it a new commission given a new heart means taken out of mixture and brought into the purity and simplicity of a genuine walk with God through Jesus Christ hallelujah to the lamb of God verse 24 says I'll take you out from among the heathen I will gather you out of all countries and I will bring you into your own land then will I sprinkle clean water upon you you shall be clean from all your filthiness and all your idols will I cleanse you remember this prodigal son when he started to come home the first thing the father did was cover all the stain of sin cover all the stench and smell of the world and everywhere he had been the Lord says I'm going to cleanse you a new heart verse 26 will I give you a new spirit will I put within you I'll take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I'll give you a heart of flesh I'm going to give you a heart to obey me you're gonna Know Who I am the Lord says you're gonna know me from the least to the greatest you're all going to know me I'm going to write my law upon your hearts praise be to God I'm going to put a song of joy in your mouth no matter what happens to this world and you're going to say like the psalmist David though the mountains fall though the Seas overflow their borders I will not be afraid there will be a song of joy in your heart in this last moment of time and the heathen shall know that you're mine what I'm sanctified within you and I'll put my spirit within you and I will cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall keep my judgments and do them God said I'm going to put my spirit upon this church this wayward Church that one day soon is going to get up in Oliver shame and start coming home to me and I'm going to put my spirit upon you and it's going to become a delight to walk with me until baby you'll dwell in the land I gave your father's and you'll be my people and I will be your God verse 29 I'll also save you from all your uncleanness --is alcohol for the corn and increase it and they'll only know famine upon you Lord says I'll open this book to you and this will become the delight of your heart you won't want to hear men's opinions about God you will have God's opinion about himself you will open this book your heart would be alive you will be like the men on the road to a mess your heart will burn at fellowship with God everything else will begin to pale in comparison to fellowship with him he says I will multiply the fruit of the tree in the increase of the field you shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen God said I'm going to make you much more than you are I'm going to bring you back into the simplicity of what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ you're going to walk with me through this world you'll no longer be suffering from spiritual famine the glory of God will be upon you the joy of the Lord will become your strength you will have a song you will have a testimony you'll have a voice you'll have compassion you'll have clear direction you'll have a word for tomorrow you will have the keys to unlock prison doors you'll have the healing oil in your hand for those who have been bruised in heart I'll give you the eye salve to touch those who are spiritually blind praise God you'll lay hands on the sick they shall recover you'll cast out devils in my name I'm going to bring your sons and daughters home from afar you're going to know that I'm God you're going to know that I am your God then he says in verse 31 you'll remember your own evil ways and your doings that we're not good and you shall over yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and abominations not for your sakes do either saith the Lord God be known unto you'll be ashamed and confounded for your ways o house of Israel thus saith the Lord God in the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities in the way shall be builded in the desert land shall be tilled whereas Italy desolate in the sight of all that passed by and they shall say this land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden in the wastes and desolate and ruined cities are now fenced and inhabited this is speaking and measure of course about Israel but we are the adopted children of Israel this has every application to you and me and while how I read this is if people are going to look at you that knew you and say what happened to this person they were so empty so directionless they talked about God but it was all just talk we knew there was no substance to it but now this desolate land has become like the Garden of Eden and though this ruined and desolate place has become fenced as in n is inhabited in other words the lights are on somebody's home now they'll see it the glory of the Lord the power of God will be in your life then the heathen that are left round about you so know that I the Lord build the ruined places I plant that was desolate I have spoken it and I will do it says the Lord the heathen will know it's not you it's not me it's not our good blinds to do anything even to try to be godly in our own strength the Lord says no I'm going to do this it's going to be sovereign I don't want any of your promises to me but I want you to open your heart and receive my promises to you it's in my promises to you that you will become everything that I've called and destined you to be thus says the Lord God I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them I will increase them with men a flock as the holy flock in the flock as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feast so she'll away cities be filled with flocks of men and they shall know that I am the Lord they're going to start praying this church that's coming home to God and they're going to start saying God Almighty what you've done in my life you've got to do it for my neighbor you've got to do it for my friend you got to do it for my children you got to do it for my family you got to do it for my coworkers oh god you did it sovereignly for me I have no scheme or plan to get where I am today it was you it was your goodness it was your mercy it was your kindness to me that did this Oh God I pray Lord send revival I pray God fill your house again I pray bring back bring back what has been lost to the enemy I ask you God fill your house again everywhere with praising worshiping people who know you as God I will be inquired of for this he says nevertheless this is where we started in Ezekiel 16 60 I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth God says I remember the promises I made to you when you were young and I will establish to you and everlasting covenant you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you will receive your sisters your elder and your younger I'll give them to you for daughters but not by your covenant the Lord says I'm going to bring increase into my house but they're not coming into my house to learn your ways they're coming into my house to learn my ways it's not your word they're going to hear it's my words are going to hear they're not going to be brought into a place of shining false prophets on books talking about how they can be like them no they're going to come into my house and they're going to see the countenance of a people have been sovereignty changed by the Spirit of God and this is what is going to be the basis of their strength it says you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you will receive your sisters your elder and your younger and I'll give them to you for daughters but not by your covenant not by your promises to me but by my promises to you and I will establish my covenant with thee and thou shalt know that I the Lord the dumbest remember and be confounded and never open your mouth anymore never make any boasts never again make any promises to God that we can't keep never again say I know the way when you don't know it or I know God when he's far from your borders no he says you'll not open your mouth anymore because you ashamed when I am pacified toward thee for all that does done says the Lord God oh praise God praise God I can stand here today and I don't have to make any promises to God because I can't keep any of them it's all mercy it's all grace it's all goodness it's all favor it's all God [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's all God it's all God it's all God it's all mercy it's all grace it's all his unmerited favor it's all his goodness it's all his word it's all his spirit it's all his doing it's all his initiative it's all his salvation it's all his church it's all God praise God praise God praise God we should pray like never before hasten the day Lord hasten the day God put this existing religious system to shame that we may come back to you again then we may get up and go back to you praise God no stamps no formulas Mercy Mercy Mercy is the message mercy how did you get how you are today mercy how did you change mercy how did how did you how did you stop swearing mercy how did you stop stealing mercy how did you stop fornicating Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Oh [Applause] Oh God merci merci merci praise God praise God praise God praise God Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy rerun my life halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] we're going to worship for a season I want to give an altar call for everyone who's you're ashamed you've been put to shame your testimonies and ruins it's the mercy of God that has allowed this to happen in your life so that you and I may understand it's not by Mike that's human might is not by power it's by my spirit says the Lord is by my spirit all God asked of you today is get up in your mess and come home just get up and come home I am your husband he said I am your husband I will be sanctified in you I will be God said you open your heart to my work and I will be sanctified I will change you I will empower you not tomorrow not next month right now today I will change you praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God the Holy Spirit is calling you and you've been put to shame as a Christian thank God for it and get out of your seat and come to this altar and let the clothing of Christ become your clothing let the power of Christ become your power let faith in the finished work become the basis of your strength wherever you are get out of your seat and make your way to this altar and come here rejoicing come here rejoicing you have a husband you have a savior [Applause] praise God the rest of us let's stand so others can get out in the balcony guti direction make your way here main sanctuary slip out of your seat everyone who is just a mess get down here God is going to do something supernatural in your life today in the annex you can stand between the screens folks don't play at this I'm speaking in the Holy Ghost today your life is a mess get down here your Christian testimony is a shambles get down here God will give you the power to stand in this generation God will give you the power [Music] she's my soul all survives in your [Music] I was here I [Music] history [Music] [Music] Oh it's all about [Music] [Music] Isaiah 52 says this to you today awake awake put on thy strength of Zion put on your beautiful garments or Jerusalem the holy city from henceforth I shall no more come in to thee the uncircumcised and the unclean shake yourself from the dust and arise and sit down or Jerusalem loose yourself from the bands of your neck o captive daughter of Zion for thus saith the Lord you've sold yourselves for nothing and you shall be redeemed without money you would say those are at this altar today what do I do now let God be God in you there's no formula to this just let God be God have a prayer in your heart say Lord take me make me share your heart with me use me for your glory give me the tenderness that's your in your nature to see all people the way you see them move me into the work of redemption that I may be used of you to see men and women and children come to the saving knowledge of Christ that's what's always made the church great it's that missionary heart of God in his bride praise be to guts all you have to do whatever your struggle is give it to them today don't make any promises you can't keep a single one you can't even promise it you'll make it to the back door it's God's mercy that we'll get you there so don't make any promises to God if you're you're struggling you've come here you've confessed it just by coming remember the prodigal son came back to his father and the father didn't even talk to him just started cleansing him empowering him commissioning him then he struck up the band and it's that simple you've come home you've responded to the Word of God there's nothing more to do than just let God be God I want to close with a song today we sang it earlier I'm a friend of God you can sing that with all your heart today you don't have to hang your head down anymore if you truly truly want to live for God you can't lift your voice you can lift your head you can lift your hands you can say I'm a friend of God you can't walk out of here knowing that you're going to walk not into continued shame but you're going to be given the victory by the power of the Holy Spirit you will have the victory [Applause]
Views: 69,094
Rating: 4.8704104 out of 5
Keywords: Carter, Conlon, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: nwNPi103nMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2009
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