How We Run A Texas Style BBQ Business From Home | Click and Collect BBQ

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Must be nice. Here in ontario Canada, home food is not allowed to be sold or even given away to the public.

Your home would need to be inspected and certified. The cooks and handlers need to take courses in food prep storage and safety.... sigh!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ÿโ˜น๐Ÿ˜ฃ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Oct2214PH ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow thatโ€™s awesome!! Is this a side gig for you? Iโ€™m assuming you just do it once a week on top of your normal job. Do you make much profit for it to be worth it? I understand itโ€™s mostly a hobby

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mookypooks ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Amazing video, thanks for sharing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gtopper1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello welcome to wilson's bbq in this video you're gonna see almost everything that we do in the week leading up to one of our barbecue collection takeaway nights so i get a lot of questions on how it works how we do it how we hold the meat how we keep the meat hot where do we buy our sausages from does everyone turn up to collect their meal at the same time that kind of thing so i wanted to do this video because i thought it'd be interesting some people and help answer some of those questions if there's something that i haven't covered in this video that you want me to cover then please just drop me a comment below and this definitely isn't how to run a small barbecue business from home this is just how i do it so it's a little bit longer than most of my videos but obviously there's a lot of prep that goes into one of these nights so hopefully you stick around watch the video enjoy it give me a thumbs up if you do make sure you subscribe to the channel it really helps me out and enjoy so every couple of weeks i will announce on my instagram that i'm gonna do a barbecue for collection night pre-orders open up one week before and to get to it i have set up a link tree on my instagram uh just order for collection or go to youtube so the week before we actually do the takeaway i'll update all of the stock on here as you can see it's currently sold out so you can see that i've got all the meats briskets beef ribs sausage turkey pork pork ribs we do an insulated carry bag if people uh may be traveling we've got coleslaw street corn pit beans potato salad gotta have the big red so people can order as much as they want they just need to put it into their basket they check out when they check out they select a collection time and those go in increments of 10 minutes so we also text the customers in the middle of the week just to remind them of their collection time and provide them with the collection address the collection address is also on the checkout screen so it is tuesday today we're going to make sausage today we're then going to leave them in the fridge overnight so they're going to firm up and dry out the skins create a nice pellicle so we can get lots of smoke on them cold smoke tomorrow for about six seven hours uh and then we'll vacuum seal them chill them down real quickly in a nice bath so then on saturday service day uh we'll recook them in the offset pretty simple we've just got some cubed up cheddar jalapenos there right so cubed up all of my brisket trimmings pork fat my brisket fat so now i've just got to weigh this out once i've got my total weight then i can start to use my little board up here which is just a little mag magnet board and once i've weighed it all out i can start working out my percentages for all of the uh spices and seasonings that i'm going to use so i've just worked out my total weight and then i've got my percentages that i use for this sausage that i make there's my spice mix so we ground our meat we're just wearing out the right amount of cold water here's our spice mix some people put this in separately i like to put it all in here first and make a bit make a bit of a slurry so that way i know that all of the spices are dissolved and when it goes into here they'll be evenly distributed throw on cheese all mixed up now we're just going to take them over and stuff them into the casings [Music] probably going to get about 40 maybe 45 sausages out of this so yeah just going to keep it going i've linked up all these sausages and then tomorrow we're gonna cold smoke them and that's it for tonight just the sausage bacon see you tomorrow alright so it's wednesday morning we are going to cultivate the sausage on the master build until they've got a real nice red color and then we'll back seal them up and we'll cook them properly on saturday so these have been in the fridge all night and you can see that they're dried up um which will help with a form some nice color uh we've got the master built uh loaded up with some charcoal some wood chunks in there we've got it set to 150 no 165 fahrenheit and these will just smoke away for about probably about seven hours until these have got a really nice smoke of color and then we'll chill them down loads of smoke flavour loads of color and then they'll be finished off on the offset on saturday which is there so at this point about seven hours later the sausages are done we're just going to take them off put them into an ice bath just water and ice and what i'll do is shock the casings cool them down really quickly so we can get them into the fridge as soon as possible they'll be vacuum sealed before they go into the fridge to keep them nice and fresh and they'll just sit there in the fridge wait until saturday when we re-cook them so just got back from a little trip to costco just got mayonnaise things like that but i just wanted to show you hot holding oven that i have so this oven here this is the thing that really allows this to all happen so it's basically a warmer cabinet you might if you're in the us you'll probably know the name alto sham this is basically just a cheaper version of an alto sham so what will happen is i'll cook the briskets and beef ribs and pork shoulder on friday they'll come off at about 1am in the morning at around 150 fahrenheit uh moisture controlled and it will basically allow the briskets and the beef ribs and the pork to just rest overnight so they'll cool down slightly they'll go in there about 1am as i say and they'll just sit there all night and that allows the collagen to break down even further into gelatin keep them warm and get a really good product at the end but it also means that i can then use the smoker to cook more meat the following day or if i wanted to overnight but this means i can actually get some sleep so i've only got the hundred gallon smoker from smokey bbq and the franken barbecue pit uh backyard pit so i wouldn't be able to cook all of the meat that i sell all at the same time ready to come off at the same time to serve it so this means that i can cook the day before hold the meat and also means that it keeps the meat hot throughout the service period as well and that just keeps it warm keeps it moist and means that everyone gets fresh hot barbecue got the big red and then this will go into the kitchen on friday so still wednesday evening we're just going to prep some pink pickled red onions these go as a complimentary side to every order that goes out the door they get free pickles and free pickled red onions so we're just gonna cut up the red onion make a little pickle brine and these will sit in the fridge until saturday apple cider vinegar salt plain white sugar some boiling water [Music] so these are done they'll go into the garage for a bit to cool down then they'll go into the fridge these will get sliced up on saturday right so it's thursday we are gonna trim briskets we're gonna trim beef ribs we're gonna season the briskets we'll season the beef ribs tomorrow i need to sharpen my knife quickly i've got a haircut finally so i don't have to wear a hat in the video anymore so let's get the briskets trimmed up so i'm pretty happy with that we'll get the next one done and then we will season them up second brisket trimmed up i've rubbed the first one just using 50 50 salt and pepper use a little bit of mustard just to help bind just two briskets this weekend these are going to go in the fridge on these racks help the surface dry out and help us get a better bark that's the beef ribs done real nice amount of marbling so that's pretty much it for tonight we trim the briskets season the briskets we trim the beef ribs tomorrow about midday we'll put the briskets on put the pork shoulders on put the beef ribs on um and then we'll pretty much cook those all day all night hopefully take them off at about 1am but we'll do that all tomorrow right so it's friday the actual exciting day so i promise this is going to be a bit more enjoyable hopefully um so we're going to cut the briskets we're going to cook the beef ribs we're going to cook the pork shoulder we're going to be using the smoky yolk barbecue hundred gallon pit that's the only pit i'm going to be using this week because i've only got two briskets so we need to light a fire get that going whilst the pit is heating up we will get the beef ribs out season those season the pork shoulders and then we'll get them all onto the pit [Music] beef ribs pork shoulders briskets were rubbed yesterday they're in the fridge still so i just need to go check on the pit make sure that the coals are breaking down uh establish a nice coal bed and then once the pit has kind of evened out we'll get this meat on the smoker so we've got our briskets we've got our beef ribs we've got our pork shoulders ready to go on so that's all today's meat on we don't really do much else other than just watch the fire for a long long time get a chair get a beer and just chill probably look at it in about four or five hours so we are about four hours and 25 minutes in let's take a first look pork shoulders are getting some good color on them everything's looking good fat is rendering out nicely looking good five hours in pork shoulder got a real good bark on it fat split calling it a bit early this time these are gonna get wrapped so pork shoulders are wrapped we're going to go and get the warming oven we're going to bring it in from the garage we'll get it plugged in turned on put some water in there to help the moisture levels and we'll start getting that warmed up in preparation for the pork shoulders coming off and going in there for the evening right so the pork shoulders are feeling super tender not too concerned about the internal temperature take them off and then wrap them in an extra layer of tin foil that's just going to help with that moisture retention for the rest of the evening bearing in mind that these are going to go into warmer for the next probably up to 18 hours obviously if we were to put them straight into the warmer there's a risk that the carryover heat will continue to cook them and they may dry out so i know that they're perfect now coming off the pit so i want to allow them to cool down to around about 170 maybe 160 when they get to that temperature they'll go into the warming oven and they'll sit there all night at around 150 fahrenheit but for now they're just going to sit up there on top cool down make sure the carryover's stopped and then we can put them into the warmer and we'll do the exact same with the brisket and the beef ribs so quick update it's pretty late it's about midnight um the beef ribs are off the pork shoulder's off which you saw earlier one of the briskets is now off that was probing tender there's one more run i think i've probably got about 40 minutes to go my wife's in bed it's really dark outside as well so i've just got the flashlight on but once it's all off and in the warming oven i'll do a quick update right so the briskets are off they are going to go into the warmer we've got briskets at the top two pork shoulders beef ribs and three foods at the back close that up for tonight wilson's sleepy that's it for today wasn't too bad it's about quarter one in the morning so pretty much where i wanted to be obviously the warming oven means that i can go to bed uh without it i wouldn't be able to do this when we wake up in the morning we're doing ribs we're doing turkey we're doing sausage and we're prepping all the sides so i'll see you in the morning so it's about six in the morning we're gonna get the fire going again we're gonna trim some ribs trim some turkey season them get them on the smoker oven's been holding steady all night so trimmed the skin off the turkey breast so now i'm just putting on a fairly heavy rub that's pretty much pepper salt and paprika so we've got turkey got ribs come back in about six hours so ribs are on turkey's on fire's running steady now we're just prepping sides prepping the potato salad then once we've made that we'll get on to making the coleslaw we need to make the street corn and warm through the pit beans he's been in the fridge since tuesday wednesday something like that they're tasting pretty good so we're just going to pop them up as well as the pickles we'll get all these portioned up and they'll go into the fridge ready for service potatoes are on so turkey breasts are just getting wrapped they've got a good color on them with some butter and they'll go back on the pit until they hit 1 55 160. homemade sauce all potted up ready to go onto the coleslaw so we just temped the turkey they're at 165 um just shy over so take them off take them inside let them cool down a bit and they'll go into the warmer just get a little look at the ribs we're about four and a half hours in they're looking good not quite there yet just give them a bit of a rotation right so just a quick update as to where we are the turkey's off the ribs are nearly done we've prepped and potted up the coleslaw potato salad the street corn uh is on the stove right now secret recipe the pit beans are just warming through it's about midday right now our first collection is at 4 30. uh we'll get a text when they get here so that's when we'll know that they're outside so we're just going to watch the ribs we'll glaze the ribs just before they finish we'll take them off they'll go into the warmer with all the rest of the meat which is in there now and then it'll be time to get that sausage on that i made on tuesday so these ribs are looking pretty good but i think we're gonna wrap them right so the ribs are off so these are just drying out a little bit getting a bit of tack they've had a sweet glaze they're gonna get wrapped up now and put in the warming oven ribs are in at the bottom we're going to unpack these put them in there take them out and get them on the pit they're already cooked they're already safe temperature so we'll get them cooked now take them off put them in the warmer and then that is all of the meat done that's pretty much all of the sides done and then we're just going to clean up turn the kitchen around and get it ready for service so the sausages are looking pretty good i think they've probably got about another 20 minutes or so on them i'm going to have to sacrifice one with the thermapen and split the casing but we'll probably just eat that ourselves we've always got to do one just to make sure that they're fully cooked and fully reheated all the way through so we'll check on those in about 10 minutes get them into the warmer and then we should be pretty much ready to go so in the middle of the week we sent out pick-up instructions to everyone so it just reminded them of their collection time and it provided them with our address so we sent that i think on wednesday today we're just sending a further reminder which basically just reminds them of their collection time and it will bring our message to the top of their inbox their imessage inbox so when they arrive we've asked them to provide us with their car color and license plate and it just means that when they do arrive here they don't need to go searching for our message it should be at the top of their inbox and they can just provide us with the car details that will let us know that they've arrived and we'll go out and provide them with their food right so sausages are off they are in here some of the casings split uh which is a bit disappointing i was maybe running a little bit too hot towards the end just trying to get them done um but most of them are fine so that's pretty much it now these are gonna go into the warming oven that is everything so we've got one brisket one rack of beef ribs same at the back we've got two turkey breasts two pork shoulders uh all our sausage one rack of ribs there and then the rest are at the back and they'll just feed through and that is now until we do our first order we've got all of our potato salad all our coleslaw we've got our pink pickled red onions pickles border sheet some of the beer koozie which is kind of cool so now it's just a time where i'll go have a shower freshen up a little bit because i smell like smoke we'll turn the kitchen round from a kind of prep to a service area just so it's nice and clean disinfect everything and then we'll be pretty much ready to go also just because i know what youtube people are like commenters they'll be concerned about coronavirus we haven't really worn masks uh when we're preparing food or cooking food so our kind of policy is that when we're preparing food when before we've cooked it um we don't wear masks otherwise we'd be wearing masks all week and the guidance online is that it's unlikely that the coronavirus will kind of transmit through cooked food or packaging we also have our home testing kits so we tested ourselves yesterday and we were both negative my wife's actually had a vaccine as well but when it comes to actually serving customers because we're going to have to go out to the car we wear masks when i'm slicing meat and prepping all the food we wear masks when we're dealing with either fully cooked food after it's been in the warming open when we're taking things out the fridge pre-packaged sites we wear masks social distance all that kind of stuff but tested when we came up negative which is good makes us feel a bit more confident and hopefully customers as well right i'm going to jump in the shower right so just to explain how all this works you'll see it when we actually do our first order anyway but this is a setup so we've got my cutting area we've got my dedicated meat chopping chopping board so i only ever use this for cutting cook cooked prepared smoked meats got my knife got my bench scraper to pick them up weighing scales so what i'll do is i'll look up here these are all my orders i'm backing up just because it's got people's names on there so that's got their name their time and what they've ordered i will grab them a tray and just set it here i'll then come to the cabinet i'll take out one tray at a time i'll bring it over here i'll set it down i'll cut the meat put it into the tray and then sam my wife will do any hot beans and street corn she'll then prepare the street corn here because it has a cheese topping and valentine's hot sauce drizzle so she'll do that she'll then get any cold sides out the fridge which is just there she'll put it all into the bags which are all prepared ready to go so we'll have a hot bag and a cold bag each customer will get pickles and pickled red onions we'll receive a text from them to say they're outside and she'll just go out that door and give it to them and there's loads of parking out the front as well so that's pretty much our setup you'll see it in action in a bit right so we're five minutes away from our first collection so we're gonna put their order together we've got their order up here so i just need to get all the meat together um ah so so so we've got our box of barbecue we've got our two hot side cold sides thanks very much right so that is it we have served absolutely everyone everyone got their orders hot and on time nothing missing all the good things that you'd uh kind of want from one of these takeaway nights so the kitchen is looking absolutely carnage at the moment the mess is unreal um so that's pretty much it thank you very much for watching i really hope you enjoyed it drop me a comment below if there's things that i missed uh let me know anything else that you would want to know that i haven't covered head over to my instagram and give me a follow really help me out thanks again for watching i hope this was useful and i'll see you in a couple of weeks for another video
Channel: Wilsons BBQ
Views: 77,956
Rating: 4.9576936 out of 5
Keywords: bbq, barbecue, texas bbq, brisket, texas brisket, texas barbecue restaurant, bbq popup
Id: wDYm8Zwbbag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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