How We Met (12 Years Ago!) | Our Christian Love Story | Melody Alisa

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one day.. i open up instagram..   on a fateful february day.. and he.. was it  february? yes, february 2019 and this guy   had dm'd me! yeah so! and i remember, all he  said was my name with 15 exclamation points!! hey everyone, welcome back to my channel. my  name is Melody and i make faith-based content   here on Youtube and today i am joined by a  very special guest.. what's up y'all! this   is my husband! if you couldn't tell, it's written  on his shirt here! so he is with me here today and   we are going to be sharing with you the  very requested story about how we met how   we met. we are going to be breaking it  down! i personally love our love story,   but i'm probably biased. i just see like God's  hand in it so much and it makes me very happy   to be able to share the story with you and really  just share like how God orchestrated this, because   only He could have done all of this! do you  want to add anything before we get started?   let's get it started! okay, let's go ahead and  jump right into it. so let's go ahead and start   our little love story off - i'm gonna let you take  it away and paint the scene for the people of the   first time we met in life! so give us the five  facts we need! five facts?? anyways! how old are   we? we met freshman year [of college] at in at  FIU. okay! this is fall semester, um so this is   around like august area or whatever. she lived  in lakeview south and i lived in panther hall.   these are just different freshman dorms. that's  where we stayed at and then, yeah, i think i was   17 and she was 18. mhmm! he was a baby. i could  not do anything! he was like one of the youngest   people i knew. i knew one other person, one of my  friends was 17 as well. yeah, he was like fresh,   fresh. yeah i was super fresh and because of that,  i couldn't like go anywhere. so i went to a bunch   of campus events & parties, yada yada and i think  at one of those the events we had in, what's it   called? panther hall, that's where we actually met  up for the first time. and yeah, i can't remember   which specific one, i just know that she's always  been goofy, is goofy and is super funny, so that's   what made us click, yeah, and just yeah, vibing  with us. so i think that's our one we first met,   but yeah that was it. yeah, yeah, 10 years later,  well not 10 now, but it was 2009. and that was   basically like the first time our past crossed.  yeah and we would just kind of like hang out in   group settings. he would come by my dorm and  hang out with me and my roommates or like my   group of friends. he would kind of just come join  us. he had different, like, pockets of friends,   so my friend group was just like one of those  pockets he would just hang out with sometimes.   so, to me, he was just like my funny friend.  i thought he was so funny! because we're both   like super goofy, we have all these photos, i'll  make sure to like post some around here, when   i had just got my first mac laptop, you know all  those filters? yeah, before we went to the beach   one time with our friends, we were like in my  dorm room taking photos like [insert crazy face].   so that was just like our relationship and  i never looked at him like that like. again,   i thought he was just like my funny friend and  but i know for you, it's slightly different. yeah,   i thought she was, you know, she was cute but  i was like hey, you knowm we just hanging right   now and i wasn't like pursuing anybody at that  time. um, actually i was! wow!! i just wasn't   looking at her at that time, i thought she was  cute but, you know. his eyes were elsewhere!!   yeah, it's freshman year. it's perfectly fine  and i'm grateful for that because three months   after school started, i started dating someone,  yeah, i know you started dating someone at some   point [too] and so literally our paths were like  - we were hanging out and then after three months,   we kind of went separate ways and then after a  year, so i was only at FIU for one year. after   doing a school year.. well a [fall] semester 2009,  [spring] semester in 2010, i was out of there,   okay ! your girl was like 'get me out of here'!  yeah it was just a lot. i talked about this more   in my testimony video, which i can have linked up  here but FIU, just became, well Miami in general,   it was just too much for your girl, so i  went back up to Orlando and to be honest,   i didn't tell anybody. i don't know what she was  doing. yeah, i didn't tell you. it was like the   second semester, this is spring semester now. this  time period, she was gone, i didn't know where she   was and the thing is, everybody was ducked  off around that time, so like everybody was   trying to make sure that them grades was looking  right because freshman year.. the reality, yeah,   that like first report hits and it was terrible!  so it was like, all right everybody's ducked off,   so i was.. i did not know where she went and for  the rest of my college career, i did not see her   at FIU and it was just that. it is what it is.  but we're still friends on like social media and   stuff, yeah we had each other on like facebook  and instagram but he didn't really post much on   instagram or anything like that, so i don't  ever remember like coming across his profile.   i literally i didn't think about you at all and  it's strange, because i always had a feeling   that i was going to end up with someone i knew  [before] like, i always had this feeling and when   i would think about people i knew, i never thought  about you. like, it was just that of significant,   yet insignificant kind of thing, you know what  i mean? but that's me, i just always had that   feeling so that's why i would think about it. i  was living life! he was out there living his life,   so we didn't talk for 10 years from 2009 to 2019.  we literally didn't speak to each other, at all.   like, not once did our lives ever cross, not on  social media, like nothing nothing. so we're gonna   stop there for a moment and then we will pick  back up. so let's give you guys a little bit of   context of what we were doing in between these  10 years, just like high level. you guys know   my story - i went i graduated, went to Korea,  came back, [tried to] figured out school, and   then when we met [again], i was still trying to  like figure out what i was gonna do with my life,   so that's kind of what i was doing in that 10-year  time frame. what about you? i was making money!   oh my God lol! yeah, that's what i was doing. what  were you doing? yeah, literally i was just focused   on building up like, you know, like, my career and  making money. he had graduated, moved to colorado,   lived in colorado, lived in orlando, and  then at that time, i was living in virginia.   and he was basically like chasing.. chasing  the opportunities. yeah, chasing the bag! yeah,   so from doing all of that, it was like, you know,  for me, i was at that point, at that 10-year mark,   i was looking for a place to like live and a place  to kind of settle down for a little bit, also make   the most money. so that's what my state of mind  i was at when we first met up. yeah, that's good!   okay, so that was his state of mind. my state of  mind - i had just finished doing the daniel fast,   you guys know my testimony from that, if you  haven't seen it, i'll make sure it's linked above   here but i had literally just accepted in my heart  that my husband existed and walked this planet   because i was really having a hard time believing  that, so i was coming into that acceptance and   that like faith, you know? i was 2, just finished  daniel fast, deciding not to go to school   to pursue health sciences but also extremely  confused on like, okay, if i don't do that,   what should i do? and i was living at my mom's  house in orlando. and so, one day, i open up   instagram.. on a fateful february day.. was  it february? yeah february 2019 and this guy   had dm'd me! yeah, so.. and i remember, all he  said was my name with 15 exclamation points!!   so to give context, i guess i was just on  instagram and i scroll down and i see a   picture of her getting like baptized and  i'm like oh snap, that's dope! but also,   it looked like she was in the states and  from the last thing that i remembered   that somebody may have mentioned or  something was that she was living overseas,   so i was just like, oh that's dope,  she's in the states! so i reached out   to her i'm like yo, what's good!! in the form of  "Melody!!!!!!!!!!" yeah literally saying nothing yeah, so we've talked and um i was just we  was just like catching up for a little bit   and then it left off as, she was saying like  hey "if you ever in town, we can definitely   link up'. yeah NOT like that! basically ,what  i said was, like, you know, how you kind of end   the conversation in passing thinking like, that's  kind of all the conversation is? like you probably   won't see this person? so i knew he wasn't in  orlando, he had just told me he lived up north,   so at the end of the conversation i was like  'oh well if you're ever in orlando sometime,   let me know & i'll take you to some hidden gems"  yeah, yeah, yeah and so, you know, i just kind of   said it in passing and then he responded and i'll  never forget it because he was like "uhhhh....' i'm gonna be there next week. literally! yeah,  he'll be in town yeah and like taking me up   on this like hypothetical offer. i was  like, hey if you still.. if you bout it,   let's let's link up! yeahand i think we exchanged  numbers. yeah, and i just sorry, go ahead! yeah,   cut me off!! and then in that moment, what's it  called, it was just like all right, let's link up   and i was like all right cool because i'll be in  town next Saturday, you know, i got some stuff i   need to handle down south, but then when i come  back, let's, you know, hang out. yeah. yeah and   and then - well my intentions, at that time, was  literally just to hang out. i was not thinking of   'let me date her' or anything like that. i  was just my mindset, i'm just like all right,   i just left a relationship not too long ago,  i'm trying to focus. i'm trying to, like,   you know, stack this bread as always and just, you  know, move forward. that's it. but i'm in town,   why not? let's say what's up to somebody i haven't  seen the ages! yeah. yeah, actually i agree. like,   i wasn't going into it thinking, like, 'oh my  god, this is the day' like, i was like 'oh my God,   it's like my old friend. we're gonna link up, like  who would have even thought? like, you know?' and   i just remember too, like his vibe! i remember  when we would talk, he was still that same guy   i remember. you are still goofy but like just  like, how do i describe it? like very straight up,   very straightforward. i remember he gave me his  number or we exchanged numbers and he immediately   text me, so i knew who i was or [really] who he  was and like, i think maybe he even called me to   like confirm everything was still going on. oh  yeah, like, he just yeah.. he just didn't leave   any room for any confusion, and like coming  from a lot of confusing situations in my life,   i just appreciated that up front. like even if  it's just a friend, he is still like the good guy   i remember. yeah, i mean, it's like, i don't know  i feel like it's proper manners, you know? that's   you! everybody is not like you. its like are you  gonna be there or not? don't play. yeah, you know,   yeah but yeah so february [2019] i always remember  that day, it was february 23rd. our first "date",   um yeah that was our first date. so unfortunately  on my end, i got into an accident that day.   not just any accident, yeah it was a crazy  accident, but i survived thank God. however, i had   to catch my flight and i did not want to be stuck  down in Florida with a missing flight and having   to deal with all this stuff, so it's just like,  all right i need to get back up north, you know,   as fast as possible. so, a little context - the  accident happened in south florida. yeah, south   florida, his flight was leaving out of orlando,  where i live, yeah. so that's like a three-hour   drive away, so i had to take the bus to come up  and i was like dang, i'm gonna get there and i'm   like, hey - i let her know the situation, i'm like  legit i do apologize and i have a request to make   and you know, she was like yeah sure, she'll  pick me up. she was concerned for my safety,   she's like you sure you good? and i like just like  yeah, i was shocked. i had gone out to dinner with   my friends before we were meeting up and i told  them about it, like 'oh, like my old highschool,   not high schoo, my old college friend,  were about to get together, blah blah blah"   and then we were eating and you called me, and i  was like "oh no" like "what happened?" you know?   and then he told me what happened. he had burnt  his fingertips, like it was crazy! and i was like   are sure you are okay? like that was my biggest  concern and then when you said you were gonna   take.. he's gonna take the the greyhound bus from  south florida up to orlando, i was like please,   let me just take you to the airport, like let me  make sure you just get to the airport, okay? and   so that was my biggest concern, just like making  sure that he was okay, like that's just crazy.   i've never been in a like a major accident or  anything like that, he had to go to the hospital   and get checked out and you know? luckily, thank  God he was fine but yeah that was my biggest   concern. so that was like, plot twist, yeah no  more date, it was more like let me just make sure   this boy gets to the airport. oh yeah, your phone  got burnt up. oh yeah i had to go, so after the   accident, i had to go get a new phone immediately  and - you got like a nine dollar android!   and then after that, just so that i can catch  the bus, link up with her and then, also like,   you know, all your informations on your phone. so  yeah took care of that and then when we came up,   after i got off the bus station and she picked  me up that was the first time i've seen her   now in 10 years! i know i remember that, i  remember you were wearing a purple button   up and jeans and your thursday boots. this  is was such an upgrade from the tall tee's   and basketball shorts you wore all freshman  year! i thought 'he is so cute!'. i'm outside,   i'm like yo she is fine, yes! and i just  couldn't stop grinning. i was just cheesing.   i was like Mel, that's you? what's up, okay! yeah,  so um what's it called, uh she opened her trunk,   i put my bags inside, yeah um i skipped the  part where we gave each other a hug. yeah,   yeah and he got in the car and i took him  to get wing stop! yeah i was hungry. i was   hungry. and you don't have any money, right? no,  i had nothing yeah. so i bought him his first   meals i guess technically. sugar  momma status! a whole 12 dollars lol. but it was actually really special because at that  wing stop, first of all, like i don't really go to   wing stop like that and i've never been to that  wingstop before, but so many people came up to   us! yeah it was wild. it was like, so first on  the drive there, it was chill. we were talking,   talking, cheesing, laughing. yeah and like it was  so relaxed. there was like no stress, no nothing   and then um when we got there and we were  sitting down we was just like chatting it   up for hours like, to give context i think we got  there at like maybe 9:30/10. around 10, 10 yeah,   yeah 10 around that time period and we did not  leave that place until like 12. yeah wingstop was   closing and there were people gone and they were  cleaning up and we were still there talking. so   it was a great conversation but at the start of  the conversation, we was talking and cheesing   and then as she was saying this group came up  to us well, this guy and his wife and they're   like 'oh you guys look so good together' and  everything like that, a're you guys married?' and   we're like... no, we were just cheesing at each  other, just shaking our heads. yeah, we're just   cheesing and like you know. and then they're like  'oh we just came from this christian concert or   something'. yeah, like a conference yeah, and  they like 'they want to pray for us' and i'm like   oh wow, thank you. yeah, and then the waiters  would come by and be like 'oh y'all look cute!   you're a good couple' and all this and we just  cheesing each other, not saying anything because,   yeah what can you say, you know? and then she  went to the bathroom and then the waiter was   like 'yo is that your wife?" i was like nah,  that's not my wife and she's like 'yo y'all   should definitely get married, i bet y'all gonna  get married" and i'm like yo, that'd be nice,   you know! so after that, you know, we went into  the car and then now it's time for her to drop   me off at the airport. yeah, so we weren't too far  from the airport and i just want to touch on like   something that he had said during, when we were  at.. um i was going to say whole foods [lol] what   is that called? wing stop. so one thing that  really impressed me was he had asked me about   like my relationship with God. i guess i had said  something in our conversation, yeah texting-wise,   i said, i had mentioned something about God and  he had asked me about my relationship with God   and so i kind of told him a little bit of my  testimony and then he had shared that he had   recently got baptized, yeah a few like two months  before, yeah in january. and like told me that   story and i was just like oh my gosh, okay, you  know? like that, that was just like i don't know,   it just meant a lot to me that he asked and then  also that he was on his own journey with the Lord,   you know? yeah, i was trying to figure stuff  out for myself and i think in that moment,   that was something i was like 'if i am gonna  be talking to somebody, that is something that   i need to make sure that they are working on'. and  i don't care what state they are at, but as long   as it's something that they are actively, you  know, doing in their own way. yeah, and also at   the same time too, i guess to give more context  for me to look towards somebody to like be in a   relationship with them, that was something i  also mentioned to her too, like, i'm not just   looking for a girlfriend or anything, if i'm like  actively going to like court you, i am looking   to be married to you too. so that was something  that like, when i said that, i told her that up   front and i'm not and i'm not telling that to her  to say like 'i'm looking to you to get married',   i'm saying these are the conditions for me to  even look at you, like, i gotta see that we can   actually be married together. yeah, so yeah i told  her that straight up early on in just us talking.   then the couples come and do all of this  stuff. i've never had so many people come up   ever saying that I look good with someone so many  different ways! like i was like, well this is wow,   this is a sign - multiple signs, multiple  confirmations. and then, we got in the car and   we kept talking when we got in the car listening  to music and then i started driving him to the   airport and i think at a certain point we started  talking about relationships, yeah. and he asked me   like 'oh, do you have a boyfriend?' and i said  "no." the conversation keeps going on and then   maybe, i had asked back at a certain point "yeah,  do you have a girlfriend? and he said "no" and the   conversation keeps going on and then we get  to the spirit drop off area, yes i was flying! park the car, yeah park it and then get out to  give him a hug and he like walks around from   his side of the passenger side and he was like  "since you don't have a boyfriend and i don't   have a girlfriend, i'm gonna consider this our  first date and i'm gonna let you know that i would   love to do this again and i will be back in town  in orlando in two weeks!" and i was like a man.   with. a. plan!!! i was just cheesing so hard,  like that's what i mean, where he's just like   up front like there is never any room for guessing  of how he felt guessing with what his intentions   were, no guessing of what he was looking for, no  guessing of what he was looking for out of me,   like he just made it crystal clear. yeah and i  was just like cheesing like.. i was like okay!   and then i think that was it ,you know? i had to come back in town   in the next two weeks because the car situation, i  needed to go take care of some things down south.   and it ended up kind being like a small blessing,  it kept causing him to come back to orlando   or florida and then we could like hang out. yeah,  so i always, what i would do then is just fly into   florida take the rental down and then come back  up or i think, I think i flew down to um florida,   uh fort lauderdale area, so when we're saying down  south, my bad it's fort lauderdale area and then   from there i would take the bus or drive back  up [to orlando] and then i would have her take   drive me around. and during that time, we went  on our date too, yeah domu, we went to domu and   we went to this place um chef arts, oh yeah chef  arts homecoming in orlando - that places fire!   make sure y'all check it out. plug plug plug  but anyways that food is fire, uh Malcolm can,   you know? anyway! all right anyways that food is  so good! and i took her to this spot. we don't   need all this, this is about the when we met.  yeah like our first like official like date,   yeah i guess our first real date, yeah because  wingstop was like we're meeting up, yeah it   wasn't something but we weren't intending it for  it to be something so that's that's our story guys   that is a story of how we met and then i  guess timeline wise in our relationship we   we he came we met like met and went to wing stop  in february [2019], he officially asked me to be   his girlfriend in april in austin and then we did  long distance for over a yea,r almost a year and a   half, yeah, and then he moved to atlanta last year  june 2020, we got engaged october 2020, yes and   we got married january 2021.. oh yeah january 23rd  january 23rd 2021, yes! and that's our story. yeah   so that is our story guys, this  is the long version of how we met.   what do you think? good. yeah yeah thanks for  just kind of like going down memory lane, i know,   yeah like it makes me happy talking about it.  it's fun how things are ordained, yeah absolutely.   well guys thank you so much for hanging out  with us if you enjoyed this video be sure to   link click on the links below definitely  subscribe make sure you slam that like button   um and if you want to be a pro member  definitely click on that bell because   then you get notified when these videos come  out all right you heard that a pro memeber i'm going to let him come do all of  my promo at the end of my videos now   but all right thank you guys so much  for watching the video we will see you   in the next video i post sit down videos  every tuesday take care yeah thanks
Channel: Melody Alisa
Views: 280,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melody alisa, how we met christian couple, how we met storytime, how we met black couples, how we met christian love stories, when god writes your love story, christian couple, christian dating advice, christian marriage, christian couples how we met, christian couple how we met, god wrote our love story, christian dating, our christian love story, christian couples love story, godly marriage, christ centered marriage, christian love story, christian couple love story
Id: 9Pc1TNVd604
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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