How Vitamin D Affects Every Organ and Tissue

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i think you're going to be quite blown away how broad vitamin d affects the different organs the different tissues typically when we think about vitamin d we think about bone maybe the immune system but actually you're going to be quite surprised on the different areas that vitamin d affects it's actually quite fascinating now vitamin d receptors are in almost every single cell if not every single cell of your entire body and because vitamin d is a fat soluble vitamin it penetrates the membrane and goes right to the center of the cell the nucleus okay so it has huge effects over that cell and in reality though vitamin d is not really a vitamin it's a hormone and it's been extensively studied just pubmed just doing a real quick search on pubmed there's over 64 000 studies or reviews on vitamin d so there's a lot of people that looked at this vitamin extensively and i think it's the most important fat soluble vitamin of any of the other vitamins in fact three to four percent of our genome is influenced by vitamin d and what's a genome genomes are the all the genes in your body um which are all tightly packaged if we took your genes and unraveled them and extended them in a long series of like a string it would go from here to the moon and back so we have a lot of genes and three to four percent of those genes are influenced by vitamin d so check this out i'm going to go through all the different um tissues and body parts and tell you a little bit about how vitamin d influences these parts of your body let's start with the brain if you're deficient in vitamin d you're not going to sleep at night vitamin d helps the circadian rhythm it helps the sleep centers in your brain and that center is called the super charismatic nucleus not that you need to know that but it's kind of a cool word so whether you have sleep apnea or you just have insomnia or you get up in the middle of the night because you have high cortisol like a two o'clock vitamin d can greatly help you and i would recommend taking vitamin e before bed vitamin d majorly influences the cognitive part of your brain like the part of the brain that helps you remember things and that helps you concentrate i mean in alzheimer's parkinson's dementia there's always a vitamin d deficiency and then we have your mood your mood is greatly influenced by vitamin d think about in the winter what happens you have seasonal affective disorder you have depression why because you don't get the sun you don't get the vitamin d and then you get depressed you get the blues you're sad i mean think about how important vitamin d must be to your body if you can convert sun through your skin and make your own vitamin d from the cholesterol lining in your tissue i mean you don't need to eat anything to get vitamin d you just need to expose your skin to sun so if you have anxiety or you're especially depressed you need to take more vitamin d and it will definitely raise your mood and it can also help your memory as well all right now what about hair if you're deficient in vitamin d your hair is going to be very dry it's going to be brittle you're not going to be able to produce the numbers of hair because the growth of hair is dependent on vitamin d you may have early grain you may experience hair loss during stress that's a certain condition or hair loss during menopause or you may develop an autoimmune disease alopecia and that can cause these patches of your hair to fall out so if you can control the inflammation you can control the disease and vitamin d is probably one of the most potent anti-inflammatories or natural anti-inflammatories and then we have your scalp of your hair if you're deficient in vitamin d you'll be more predisposed to getting psoriasis and even eczema on your skin and so now let's just talk about the skin in general people that get acne are usually always low in vitamin d it can decrease inflammation on your skin it can help prevent vitiligo where you have this whitening or a lack of pigment on your skin people with vitiligo are always deficient in vitamin d if you're low in vitamin d your risk for getting skin cancer like melanoma goes dramatically up all right now what about the sinuses yes the sinuses all have receptors for vitamin d and then if you're deficient in vitamin d you can have a stuffy nose you can have sinusitis and the reason why the vitamin d is in the nose is to protect you against viruses that are coming in through the nasal passages and so we need vitamin d for the immune system which is the next thing we want to talk about the thymus gland which is right on top of the heart is the training camp for your t-cells and uh as you age your thymus gland shrinks and so does your immune system so the thymus gland desperately needs vitamin d to help virtually every part of your immune system every part of the immune system has vitamin d receptors so you have the b cells the t cells you have both the innate immune system which you're born with as well as the acquired immune system needs vitamin d as well vitamin d helps control the cytokine storm it helps control certain autoimmune diseases developing it helps control the self-attack which is involved in autoimmune disorders it's an immune modulator so it helps buffer uh an over-reactive immune system that's why it's good for allergies as well and it also helps keep viruses in check it decreases the risk of getting viral infections so as far as the immune system vitamin d is the most important nutrient then we have the eyes right if you're susceptible to getting cataracts vitamin d can help slow down that process vitamin d deficiencies are associated with macular degeneration glaucoma and especially dry eyes now as far as the thyroid which is located right in on your neck right through here about two and a half inches wide the most common thyroid condition is hashimoto's like 90 of all hypothyroid type conditions is autoimmune it's hashimoto's and like i said before vitamin d is the best natural remedy for any autoimmune problem at all because it drops inflammation and if you didn't have inflammation when you had any type of autoimmune disease your complications the side effects would be very minimal because the side effects occur because of this autoimmune your body is attacking itself so hashimoto's and graves disease both autoimmune one's a hypo once a hyper problem with the thyroid can greatly benefit from vitamin d all right what about the teeth well if you're deficient in vitamin d you're not going to drive the calcium into the bone and your teeth are bone made from calcium and so we need vitamin d to regulate that calcium and so if you're deficient in vitamin d as a little child or even when you're a baby inside your mother and you're deficient in this vitamin d unfortunately you can develop all sorts of bone malformations later in life or even earlier in life as problems with um the maxillary bone so you have an overbite or an underbite or you have um you're gonna need braces because your teeth are crooked or you might have missing teeth but it doesn't just affect your teeth it affects the entire skeletal system you're more susceptible to getting scoliosis which isn't like an s-curve of your spine or a hunchback which is kyphosis or an exaggerated low back curve which is lordosis or even flat feet or bowed legs which is rickets so without vitamin d the bone is softer and it it malforms i mean this can be devastating for a child the way they look their confidence and then later in life if they get surgery on their overbite or underbite that's traumatic i saw some videos recently on that and i had a hard time watching these videos of literally cutting into your your bone and removing your face and repositioning and screwing things back in to make sure that the face is now symmetrical and the bite is correct and not to mention wearing braces for years so all of this can be majorly prevented if that mother gets enough vitamin d early on when she's pregnant if she's breastfeeding and so hopefully that child is getting enough vitamin d and other nutrients when they're developing but you know i had this interesting story with a patient he was a medical doctor and he came in not by his own accord but his wife pretty much forced him to come in because his symptom was hot flashes and his wife got relief from hot flashes coming in to see me when i was in practice so her husband had hot flashes uh and he came in and uh to get help now he was a medical doctor and what he did is delivered babies and so i asked him about prenatals i said now do you recommend um like a whole food prenatal or or what because he said there is no difference between synthetic and natural they're both the same and i said oh okay so where did you learn that he said well in school this is what they taught us i said i said is it possible that that information is not true is it possible that's false information he goes he started looking at he goes well i don't think they would teach us any false information and i said well did you realize that majority of synthetic vitamins out there are produced by pharmaceutical companies did you know that he goes no i didn't know that i said and is it possible that the pharmaceutical companies could i don't know influence certain data that is taught in medical school is it possible he goes uh yeah yeah it's definitely possible i said also the studies on antioxidants they always use synthetic versions of an antioxidant and the studies show that it increases risk for cancer taking antioxidants but they what they don't focus on is the type of antioxidant they're not using antioxidants that are coming from food they're using the synthetic versions i mean here you are you get the study you read this data and you go oh antioxidants cause cancer i'm not going to recommend it but they don't differentiate does it come from food or does it come from a lab so eventually as we were talking i kind of got him to look at a new viewpoint with synthetics versus natural things and i i think it's the most important action for a woman who's pregnant to get the right nutrients because if you're just deficient in one vitamin vitamin d that child can end up with major skeletal malformations later in life and it can be totally avoided by making sure that the diet is correct and making sure that those nutrients are high quality and not some synthetic prenatal that comes from petroleum so anyway we eventually did help him with his hot flashes and he started to recommend a higher quality prenatal but the teeth are highly influenced by vitamin d as well as calcium i remember even as a child growing up i craved butter i could eat an entire pound of butter in one sitting little did i know what was in that butter there was vitamin d in there but there is also vitamin k2 and vitamin k2 works with vitamin d especially in the formation of the strength of your teeth and your bones and unfortunately i was living on sugar and didn't get my butter fix and i pretty much ended up with cavities in every single tooth in my skull but it just goes to show you the importance of the right nutrition as you're developing all right now what about the lung is vitamin d important for the lung absolutely asthma can be improved very quickly in a child if they're out in the sun playing so vitamin d just helps open up the lungs and asthma it's great for lung infections pneumonia bronchitis any type of inflammatory condition in your lung vitamin d should be at the top of the list also vitamin d keeps viruses in remission and is awesome for things like copd and even cancer of your lungs all right now let's shift to the muscles i mean muscles desperately need vitamin d if you don't have enough vitamin d your muscles are not going to recover after exercise there you're going to get muscle cramps why because vitamin d helps control calcium and calcium is involved in the contraction and relaxation of your muscles and so it might not be an electrolyte that's causing your cramps it could be the vitamin that helps you absorb one of these electrolytes and you also need magnesium when you take vitamin d they both work together and magnesium is also very important in muscle physiology so to get rid of achy muscles or cramping muscles or weak muscles you need vitamin d all right now what about your adrenal glands i mean the main hormone on the outer portion of your adrenal glands which is called the cortex is cortisol and cortisol works very similar to vitamin d they both are powerful anti-inflammatories they both help your immune system and if you have high levels of cortisol you're going to also need more vitamin d so vitamin d is very very important in the adrenal glands and helping the adrenal glands to work if you have high levels of cortisol you're going to lose vitamin d and the demand for vitamin d goes straight up and vertical all right now what about the pancreas yes especially the cells that make insulin called the eyelids of langerhan these beta cells require vitamin d to make insulin and if you have an autoimmune disease like in type 1 diabetes it could have been set up or your body can be very susceptible to getting that condition if you're low in vitamin d and if you have the condition vitamin d is very very important in keeping inflammation as low as possible now what about the heart a huge association between coronary heart disease and low vitamin d vitamin d helps keep the inflammation low inside your coronary arteries also the topic on high blood pressure vitamin d is one of the best things to drop blood pressure if you have high blood pressure i will guarantee you're low in vitamin d and so that's one of the big benefits from taking vitamin d is to help you lower your blood pressure which can then have effects on helping decrease your risk of getting a stroke and also it can decrease your risk of having other problems with the kidney and with the heart all right now what about your liver well without vitamin d your risk for insulin resistance goes higher and so many people have insulin resistance vitamin d helps insulin in absorbing other nutrients as well especially calcium there's a high association with low vitamin d when you have a fatty liver and there's definitely a high association if you have a if you have inflammation in your liver as in hepatitis with low vitamin d so if you have inflammation in any organ especially the liver you need to be taking more vitamin d now with the kidney you're more susceptible getting stones if you're low in vitamin d and the kidney is one of the last stops for vitamin d in its conversion so if you have any kidney damage you're not going to be able to convert vitamin d as well but realize that all of your cells have the capacity to convert into the active form of vitamin d but the kidney plays a big part in this conversion of making the inactive into the active form of vitamin d so many people have irritable bowel syndrome they have ulcerative colitis they have crohn's and diverticulitis any inflammation in the gut can be greatly improved with vitamin d and if that inflammation continues it creates leaky gut so there's gaps in the intestine and then you start developing autoimmune diseases allergies and all sorts of sensitivities to certain things both food and environmental if you're low in vitamin d your prostate could enlarge you can have problems with the ovaries and the testicle the other real great thing about vitamin d it can help your joints whether you have stiffness pain inflammation you need vitamin d because vitamin d is a natural anti-inflammatory it gets rid of pain and it's especially important in all the itis like arthritis both rheumatoid and osteo and of course i initially mentioned the importance of vitamin d and bone health but if you're deficient in vitamin d you can have osteomalacia which is softening of the bone that's where the bones can start to malform especially early on in life then osteopenia which is kind of like a pre-osteoporosis and then actual osteoporosis where the bones are becoming very very thinned and they're losing the density and so one indication to know that you are deficient in vitamin d is just to press on your sternum okay your breastbone here or on your shin and if you have pain that's a good way to know you are deficient because lacking vitamin d causes bone pain and especially pain in your lower back even myself i remember last winter boy i had some low back pain and then i i remembered about vitamin d and i started taking vitamin e and it's completely gone within probably two hours so i hope you now understand the importance of vitamin d for virtually every part of your body but i also now want to introduce you to vitamin k2 which is also needed when you're taking vitamin d3 i put that video right here check it out you
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,161,186
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Keywords: how vitamin d affects every organ and tissue, how vitamin d affects the body, vitamin d, vitamin d3, vitamin d benefits, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d function, benefits of vitamin d, vitamin d explained, low vitamin d, vitamin d3 benefits, sources of vitamin d, what is vitamin d3, what is vitamin d, vitamin d supplements, vitamin d effects, effects of vitamin d, vitamin d and body organ, body organ, body tissues, dr berg, dr. eric berg, eric berg, berg, dr. berg
Id: zCmW5bLcE9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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