23 Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D and Consequences of Low Vitamin D

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Unlimited Counselor Continuing Education for $59 at AllCEUs.com hey there everybody and  welcome to this presentation on  23 little-known benefits of vitamin  d i'm your host dr donnelly snipes in this presentation we're going  to talk about what vitamin d is   the prevalence of vitamin d deficiency the  benefits of vitamin d and sources of vitamin d   now if you are a mental health counselor watching  this or you're just used to this channel being   about mental health stuff you may be saying what  does vitamin d have to do with mental health   well a lot surprisingly so as we go through  this you'll start to see some of the connections   but it's important to recognize that vitamin  d is associated with a variety of inflammatory   conditions we know that inflammation is associated  with mood problems and sleep problems vitamin d is   associated with sleep problems and it's associated  with hormone and [Music] neurotransmitter   regulation specifically serotonin so  let's get into the presentation vitamin   d is also known as calciferol just kind of  putting that out there not super important   however what is important on this  slide is the fact that the prevalence   of vitamin d deficiency in the general  population in the u.s is 41.6 percent   41.6 percent now when you start learning about all  of the things that vitamin d impacts you're going   to start to see a connection between why we might  be becoming such a sick society and having so many   more problems not to say that vitamin d is just  going to fix everything but it is one of those things that can be adjusted that can help  improve health mental health and quality of life   causes of vitamin d deficiency well  vitamin d is synthesized by the skin   in sunlight this is the vitamin we think of  when we think of seasonal affective disorder   we think of people not getting enough sunlight not  getting enough vitamin d as a result well that's   not the only way we get vitamin d but that's one  of the ways however as people get older their   skin thins and when the skin begins to thin it is  not effect as effective as synthesizing vitamin d   similarly people with darker skin pigments are  also less able to effectively synthesize vitamin d   and people in higher latitudes and they found that  the latitude 35 degrees and above which is roughly   chattanooga tennessee the the southern border of  tennessee north experience many more months of   uv uvb radiation deficiency if you will than  those that are in more southern latitudes   obesity is another cause of deficiency  when the skin synthesizes the vitamin d   that's all well and good that doesn't change  based on obesity however vitamin d is fat   soluble so they hypothesize that the vitamin d  gets trapped in the adipose tissue and the fat   tissues and is less bioavailable in the body  smoking contributes to vitamin d deficiency   gastric bypass contributes to vitamin d  deficiency as do inflammatory bowel conditions   some of the vitamin d is absorbed especially  in that upper small intestine and if that   is inflamed or bypassed completely then  the body may have more difficulty absorbing   even if the vitamin d is there the body  may not be able to absorb it and use it   and people with kidney disease also have  more difficulty with vitamin d deficiency   now i put vegan on here because most of your  sources of vitamin d with the exception of   sunlight are from animal-based sources however  there are vegan foods out there that are fortified   with vitamin d fortified with vegan sources of  vitamin d so being vegan doesn't mean you are   necessarily going to have a vitamin d deficiency  as long as you're paying attention and making sure   that you're eating foods that are fortified or  talking with your doctor about supplementation   so let's talk about the benefits of vitamin  d and y'all know i get really excited when   i start diving into pubmed and finding all the  connections between things so of course i got   excited putting this presentation together we  know most people know that vitamin d as well   as calcium are involved in maintaining bone  health and preventing osteoporosis so that's   not one of the little known benefits of vitamin  d that is probably the most prominently known   other physical benefits of vitamin d include  muscle strength they found that in people both   athletes and children in the studies that i  looked at who were provided supplemental vitamin d   to make sure that their vitamin d levels  were adequate or even a little bit super   therapeutic tended to have more muscle strength  especially in the lower half of the body now why   it's in the lower half is more than in the upper  half they don't really know but they did find a   definite correlation cancer they found a strong  correlation between vitamin d levels and the   prevention of cancer now again vitamin d is  not going to prevent all cancers but it is   one tool in the toolbox that may be helpful  especially for estrogen receptor positive   breast cancers prostate cancers colorectal  cancers those were three that stuck out to me   so cancer prevention is another benefit of  adequate levels of vitamin d according to the   national institute of health vitamin d also can  benefit and help prevent cardiovascular disease   now a lot of the research i was finding  in pubmed is kind of iffy on that however   national institute of health put it out there  i'm sharing it with you it definitely and i'm   going to jump down here a little bit it definitely  improves risk factors such as cholesterol levels   so risk factors for cardiovascular disease it  hasn't been as reliably shown to improve the   outcomes of cardiovascular disease but it  definitely can help improve risk factors for   the development of cardiovascular disease multiple  sclerosis and type 2 diabetes are also improved   through the management of vitamin d levels  immunity they found and and you probably heard   about this a lot over the past couple of years  but this is something we've known about for quite   a while vitamin d is integrally involved in our  immune system low vitamin d can is correlated with   a lower immune system with more infections and so  on and so forth now i keep saying correlated what   does that mean correlated means we see low vitamin  d more frequently in people with these conditions   it doesn't necessarily mean that vitamin d  caused it there's a correlation and there may be   some causative aspects that they're trying to  figure it out but what we're really looking at   here is just the data that shows that  okay if you look at you know people   for example with multiple multiple sclerosis  they tend to have much lower levels of vitamin d   than people who don't have multiple  sclerosis wonder why what's going on there   and vitamin d is also super important for helping  to regulate sleep it improves sleep quality and   regulates sleep partly because it's involved in  the production of melatonin vitamin d is necessary   to break down tryptophan to make serotonin and to  break down serotonin to make melatonin so vitamin   d is involved in both you know junctures in the  process so vitamin d is really important that's   another reason that vitamin d is associated with  mood that we'll just talk about in a few minutes vitamin d is also associated with autoimmunity  and people who have autoimmune disorders including   rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune thyroiditis  often have low levels of circulating vitamin   d so vitamin low levels of vitamin d have been  associated with flare-ups of autoimmune disorders   going kind of coinciding with that we know  that autoimmunity it involves inflammation   but even in people who do not have autoimmune  disorders vitamin d has shown to have some   anti-inflammatory properties to it bonus now some  other interesting features that you might might   not have thought about vitamin d helps to increase  testosterone improve semen quality and sperm and   sperm motility in biological males so we've seen a  lot of studies coming out over the past few years   about a reduction in semen quality and a  reduction in fertility and people questioning what   might be going on with this it also coincides  with an increase in people spending more time   inside on video games in indoor jobs etcetera  that coincides when we spend more time indoors   we're outside less getting less sunlight and  we tend to have lower levels of vitamin d   is that going to solve all the problems no  i'm not saying that but i'm saying it is an   interesting factor to consider if somebody  is having difficulty if a biological male   is having difficulty with fertility to take a  look at that vitamin d level that's one of those   things that might be able to be tweaked to improve  the person's situation vitamin d is also important   for estrogen synthesis and regulation now remember  i said higher levels of vitamin d they're looking   at using vitamin d supplementation in people  with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer   and some of the studies i read quite  honestly went over my head so i didn't get   too far down into the weeds but the take home  from the studies was that vitamin d is essential   for the functioning of the gonadal system of the  reproductive system in both biological males and   biological females it's essential as i mentioned a  minute ago vitamin d regulates serotonin synthesis   if you don't have vitamin d then tryptophan  is not going to be able to be broken down into   uh serotonin so you're going to have people who  are getting plenty of the raw byproducts but their   body can't efficiently do anything with it because  it's they're missing parts it's kind of like   trying to put together a piece of furniture you  got that just doesn't have all the parts with it   and interestingly i know i keep saying  interestingly i was just fascinated by a   lot of this hearing elderly children and people  with diabetes the three studies i looked at   all showed very robust evidence that hearing loss  correlated strongly with low levels of vitamin d   as well as low levels of calcium but so that's  another interesting fact and remember calcium   and vitamin d work together in order to maintain  strong bones and maintain neurological functioning affective emotional cognitive benefits  of vitamin d they found that vitamin d   levels low vitamin d levels are associated with  anxiety depression autism spectrum disorders   the development of dementia and alzheimer's  schizophrenia and adhd conversely   supplementation or regulation of vitamin d levels  seems to improve symptoms in these different   conditions now with adhd the studies that i looked  at indicated that it was much more effective if   vitamin d was also co-administered with omega-3  fatty acids not that i'm prescribing that i'm not   recommending that but it is an interesting  data point to discuss with your physician vitamin d is fat soluble it's not one of  those vitamins that if you take too much   of it you're just going to pee it out and  that's not great anyway because it's still   hard on the kidneys vitamin d is fat soluble  so you can get to toxic levels the tolerable   upper intake level for vitamin d according to  the usrda is approximately 4000 iu for adults   the usrda further says that for people between  the ages of 1 and 70 years old the recommended   daily allowance is 600 iu per day now i  know a lot of people take way more than that   and that is something to discuss with  your doctor whether taking what we call   supratherapeutic doses or excessively high doses  is beneficial or counterproductive to your goals   you also get vitamin d you know you get it from  the sunlight and we can't really adequately   measure how much we're getting from sunlight on  a regular basis so we just kind of have to guess   best sources nutritionally of vitamin d include  fortified milk and dairy and cereals you want to   look for things that say fortified with vitamin  d you want to read the nutrition labels to see if   it's fortified with vitamin d a lot of your whole  grain cereals are also fortified with vitamin d   interestingly orange juice i don't drink orange  juice so you know i didn't know this but a lot   of orange juice is also fortified with vitamin d  now that came about more recently and my guess is   because they noted that forty one point something  three or six percent over 41 percent of the   population was vitamin d deficient so they started  fortifying more things tuna and salmon both have   high levels of vitamin d salmon has more than your  recommended need more than 600 iu in one serving   tuna doesn't have as much but it does have a  fair amount of vitamin d in it cod liver oil   is high in vitamin d and pasture-raised  egg yolks pasture-raised means these are   chickens that have been able to get out and  eat bugs and forage and do that sort of thing   they're not eating just a straight um  pure carbohydrate or grain diet that   has very little nutritional value quite  honestly and the final way to get vitamin   d is sunlight now a lot of us are concerned about  sunlight because we don't want to get skin cancer   and we know it contributes to premature  skin aging and all that kind of stuff   10 to 30 minutes of sunlight three times  a week is all you need allegedly to get   the amount of vitamin d you need to maintain your  your health and your well-being so i want you to   think about how much time do you spend walking  from your house to your car from your car to your   office from your car to the store you probably  spend 10 to 30 minutes per day outside walking   around checking the mail doing those things it  doesn't have to be 10 minutes all in one shot   one little tip from oregon state university  was to look at your shadow if your shadow   is the same height or shorter than you then  that is an efficient time for your body to be   getting vitamin d in the during the day if your  shadow is longer than you then you're probably   not getting enough of that uvb radiation to  synthesize sufficient amounts of vitamin d   now the caveat to this remember i said you need  to be in if you're in more northern latitudes   then you may have more difficulty getting the  uvb radiation from the sun november through   april north of 35 degrees latitude  which is roughly chattanooga tennessee   even during the day they say we do not get enough  uvb radiation to effectively synthesize sufficient   levels of vitamin d with the guideline of 10 to  30 minutes three times a week i'm not recommending   i by no means am i saying okay go stay outside  all day long without sunscreen no absolutely not   what i'm saying is november through april  you may need to pay more attention to your   intake of vitamin d through nutritional means and  not solely rely on sunlight year-round people that   are north of 40 degrees latitude and i didn't look  at that but my guess is that's up around canada will will not get enough uvb rays year-round to  synthesize enough vitamin d so i thought that   was another interesting little data point so  it does depend kind of on where you live how   much time you're outside and when you're outside  remember that's um shadow that we're looking at   first thing in the morning your shadow is going to  be longer than you the your sun the sun has to be   pretty high in the sky in order for your shadow  to be the same height or shorter than you vitamin d receptors oh and before i even get there  it occurs to me that children when they go out for   recess are often going out for recess they're  getting that 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight at   least three times a week and that's another  reason that we really do need to advocate for   children to have outside time every day because  it helps with their growth it helps with their   neurological development it helps with serotonin  synthesis and mood and a variety of other issues   so that can also be another argument that you use  for not restricting recess time anyhow summary   vitamin d receptors are found throughout the human  body and involved in nearly every bodily system   vitamin d deficiencies have been correlated with  a variety of health and mental health problems   in most situations these disorders occur in the  presence of a vitamin d deficiency and imbalance   of other vitamins or minerals like calcium or  omega-3s so again we can't just say vitamin d   is the magic elixir no but we know that it  is probably a component of a good healthy   elixir although 40 plus percent of people  are deficient vitamin d is fat soluble   and does have upper limits of tolerability  so you don't want to go out and just start   taking mega doses of vitamin d too much  goldilocks principle remember too much can   be just as bad as too little supplementation  should always be discussed with your doctor
Channel: Doc Snipes
Views: 156,535
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Keywords: ADACB, cadc, ccapp, naadac, nbcc, Dawn Elise Snipes, Cheap CEUs, NCMHCE, unlimited ceus, hpcsa, crcc, lcsw ceus, lcdc ceus, lmft ceus, lmhc ceus, ce broker, addiction ceus, LADC CEU, MAC CEU, mental health, counseling techniques, counseling skills, training videos, online counseling, yt:cc=on, donnelly snipes, doc snipes, counselor education, mental illness, allceus, all ceus, vitamin d, vitamin d3, low vitamin d, benefits of vitamin d, seasonal affective disorder, SAD
Id: 9IXH3ptoyrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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