Gol D Roger's Last Words to Shanks Broke Him | One Piece

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hey YouTube joeboy here so in some respects Shanks doesn't make any sense this man was found in a treasure chest by Goldie Roger in God Valley he was essentially raised by Roger was a substantial member of the crew for a long time no he never traveled laughter but at any point in time he probably could have honestly right now you can make a pretty persuasive argument that Shanks is the strongest person in the world or has been the strongest person in the world his mere presence ended the war in Marine Ford he broke green Bull from miles away it stated that he fought kaido leading up to his presence in Marine Ford he shows up kaido does not we don't exactly know but I kind of think Shinx just won that's the impression that we get in the manga right now Shanks biting his time finally just decides for whatever reason hey I'm gonna find the one piece now and it seems incredibly likely that he will so the quest question I want to ask what I want to understand is why Shanks hasn't What stopped him if finding the one piece is supposed to do all of these things and Shanks it looks up to Gold D Roger there's got to be a very good reason why Shanks looked at the throne and decided not to sit on it at least until now and so there's a potentially obvious answer to this question one that we've discussed in the past but as I was pursuing this further I feel like I understand Shanks or possibly understand Shanks a little bit better and the sad truth of his fate so this is a video of why Shanks isn't the man to save the world and I largely think that it is his fault so I want to make this very clear guys I do not think in any universe that Shanks is evil you could potentially make an argument for it um I could as well but I don't think that it makes sense with everything that we know about Shanks I just I can't make it work so I'm not going to try to and I'm going to dismiss the possibility totally if it happens I'd probably get shocked into a coma so I'm operating based on the premise that Shanks did not avoid fighting the one piece because of some attachment to the world government or anything that you can potentially argue there so there has to be in my opinion another reason and the most obvious speculation I think one that we've we talked about before is that Shanks simply believes that Luffy is the person that is going to accomplish the things that the world needs frankly this makes a lot of sense we have a conversation between Shanks and Whitebeard where he explains why he saved Luffy when Luffy was a child he gave up his arm he bet it on the future throughout the story we get constant reminders of how much Shanks really likes Luffy and what about Luffy Shanks actually likes and it seems as though Luffy reminds Shanks a lot of gold D Roger Goldie Roger was obviously the pirate that found it all raised Shanks and in and Goldie Rogers own words right he was just too early it creates the impression that whatever the mission is of finding the pongalist Roger might have been able to accomplish it had he been born at a different time now there could be a lot of specific reasons for this recently in the story the idea of Prophecy has been piped up since fish and Island and more recently in wano they could know exactly when Joy boy is supposed to reappear that could be an important event they could know exactly what devil fruit Joy boy is supposed to have and know that nobody currently has this devil fruit they can know about the ancient weapon and specifically the ancient weapon of Poseidon who was not yet born or the mysterious egg on gold Roger's ship was not ready to hatch the reason could be any of these it could be all of these and frankly doesn't matter because the great takeaway here is that Roger seemed to believe that had he been born at the right time he was the right person they were simply too early now what exactly made Roger believe that he would have been the right person I think the answer to this could be multifaceted but I certainly think that there's a clue to at least one of the components given by Whitebeard and Marine Ford Whitebeard looks at Blackbeard and has a thought he says for sure it's not you you aren't the one that Roger was waiting for now why Whitebeard would have this thought specifically about Blackbeard to me is pretty obvious Marshall D teach Blackbeard is a d and out of all the D's that exists in the one piece World black bear stands out as like it's definitely not you and there's also aligns with what Roger himself said it's like we came too early I wonder who's going to be the one who's going to do it and Roger quipps what's going to be my son of course his son would also be a d I would go so far as to speculate knowing that this conversation existed between Whitebeard and Roger that Whitebeard was probably told the same thing and when Ace Roger's son happened upon Him Whitebeard might have intended to and tried to make him this person the person Roger was waiting for this isn't outright stated but certain context that surrounds the war in Marine forts specifically squadro's betrayal his belief that Ace was just treated different right suddenly it makes more sense it's not that Whitebeard loved Ace more than his other children but he might have thought that Ace was more important so I think that the pony glyphs tell you and told Roger that the the one that's going to fulfill the prophecy is a d and I think that Roger was pretty open about these discoveries to even people outside of his crew or outside of those that traveled with him to laughtail I think that he told Whitebeard I think that it is incredibly likely that he told Shanks as well I think that Roger wanted them to find this person and potentially help them if they ever needed it and I think that Shanks gladly took up this Duty one of the most interesting things in early one piece is why was Shanks in at Don island or in Goa Kingdom at the start when Luffy was a child he was spending weeks there while at the same time was probably one of the most top tier pirates in the entire world he could be anywhere else he should have been anywhere else but if he's looking for the one that Roger was waiting for and he stumbled upon Luffy who has a d it's possible that Shanks stayed there to evaluate him as a candidate now it's definitely questionable Shanks losing his arm right it's something that has one piece fans we probably shouldn't think too much about and it stated in an interview that that was never oda's initial intention with Shanks and Luffy and editor suggested it because we're still in early one piece you play the game right and they thought that the scene needed more drama but regardless of whether or not it makes sense it accomplished a lot it gave Shanks sort of a defining moment of being able to sacrifice something for the future that he believed in basically Luffy convinced Shanks that he might be the one so shank's arm was worth it and quite honestly Luffy eating the gomo gomonomi may have a lot to do with it Shanks acquired this fruit for some reason I think that he knows as well Roger told him that this fruit was important it would play a big role and that maybe this was joyboy's fruit specifically so the moment Luffy as a d eats the fruit and demonstrates qualities which could be like Roger I think for Shanks it was relatively easy and I think that we know today that Shanks was right but this isn't really a video about Luffy this is a video about Shay understanding it and from this I think you start to create an impression about who Shanks is and what he's trying to do we have some weird scenes recently where Shanks is talking to members of the gorosei I think he's basically playing a role where he thinks that he just needs to be there for the moment that this person arrives and until he does it's not about the one piece it's about maintaining the status quo but I want to take this video back to the beginning right because the question really I want to address is why didn't Shanks pursue this himself and I think already we've kind of answered this right Shanks has told Roger knows he's looking for a d and recently we it's highly suggested from the movie film red that Shanks is of the figure land family Shanks is of Celestial Dragon origin which would make a lot of sense as Shanks was found in a treasure chest in God Valley God Valley was this island of celestial dragons where the figure land family appeared to be important Shanks as a Celestial Dragon is probably not a d right that's what most people would believe Shanks included Shanks can't possibly be the one that Roger was waiting for in my opinion guys he could have been and it is his own decisions which prevented that future so I kind of want to tell this as a story because I think that it's going to have more in impact but Shanks was found by Roger and I believe idolized him more than anybody else I think that as a kid Shanks wanted nothing more than to be like Roger follow in his footsteps and surpass him not only did he want this but I think that others believed it would happen and who I'm specifically talking about here is I'm talking about buggy there's a bit of a rivalry set up between Shanks and buggy but Shanks for buggy was this unsurpassable figure somebody that buggy could never beat would never beat and would always stand in his way of accomplishing Buggy's dreams buggy just the same as everybody else wanted everything the world had to offer of course he did but seeing Shanks it's this dream seemed so far away and we get this impression in recent chapters that when Shanks decided not to pursue this dream after Roger had passed it was a betrayal to Buggy somebody who could have taken it all but chose not to as an insult an insult to everything that buggy desired to be and wanted at the same time Shanks played it off like it was no big deal and that's Shanks General energy throughout the story sort of an acceptance of what is but I don't think that anything hurt him worse than Roger's belief that a d would be the one we see a conversation the last conversation between Roger and Shanks and I think that a lot of people want to know what specifically was said here and I'm one of those and I definitely think that we're actually going to see a continuation of the scene at some point in time but I wonder if there's going to be somewhat of a Twist here something that you maybe aren't expecting I think that a lot of people just think Roger tells Shanks look I'm dying um I'm going to sacrifice myself start the next Great era of piracy and you know that alone could be enough to make Shanks cry but what if it's something a little bit deeper than that what if during this conversation Roger told Shanks that there would be somebody someday that he was waiting for that would do it all and rather than Roger telling Shanks that he thought Shanks was that person Roger told Shanks to find them and that was what made Shanks cry because that's what he wanted and Roger didn't believe in him what Shanks is actually accomplished in the store he is amazing he is for the last maybe 10 years literally the strongest person in the world or at least very close to it he found the devil fruit he had the gomo gomonomi in his possession all he needed to do was eated and then maybe Shanks is capable of Awakening that fruit and fulfilling that Destiny there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Shanks had tried he could have found the one piece long ago but he didn't do it because he believed the same as Roger that he wasn't the one it was impossible for him to be the one because he is a Celestial Dragon however our understanding of the D initial with recent chapters has changed as before it seemed like a Birthright something inherited by Blood but let's be honest that's never been what one piece is about blood matters very little in the story of One Piece you make your own family and this is kind of what's described as Sabo ass Luffy and Ace about their D initial they both have it what exactly does it mean why is it there and to this Ace looks at him and says hey you want the d initial two you can have it that's all it takes to be a d all it takes is you have to want it it never mattered for moment that Sabo was a noble by birth and in the same vein it never should have mattered for Shanks either he decided that it mattered and that sealed his fate in my opinion there's almost a beautiful parallel between buggy and Shanks you look at the two characters you think they're wildly different right but there's at least one thing which bonds them together they both crushed their own dreams because neither believed in themselves and to me that seems like the lesson and maybe the purpose of the character honestly guys I really hope that Oda addresses this at some point in the future of this story the idea and this is a common Trope with prophecies in general is that people think that they can interpret it and most often they're wrong I really hope that when we arrive to the final battle and Shanks has his moments and and fights characters specifically maybe his family his father or whoever this this God night figure lint is now sometime during all of this he takes the initiality because as far as I'm concerned he has always been one and while things will work out anyway and maybe it was right that Shanks didn't pursue this path this was woven into his Destiny at the same time I can't help but think what could have been but anyway guys that's all I have to say today is always curious as to what you guys think leave your thoughts in the comment section below remember to check out my book The booms volume 1 and 2 is out links in the description as well else pinned in the comments like the video subscribe click the Bell to be notified join the squad and as always guys have a wonderful day foreign
Channel: Joy_Boy Theories
Views: 134,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, joy boy theories, shanks
Id: IaQsObQoGj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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