How to Write & Publish a Book Pt. 2 (Live)

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message principles of publishing here's what's involved in publishing this write this down so you remember it cover design is important promotion distribution marketing getting the right forward person whose name will be credible on your book endorsements get people who respect it to write on your books and by the way you can become so successful that you eventually don't need four words anymore because you become credible you begin to give your name to other people that's why I do it I help others because someone helped me sighs I help other people with my name and then royalties so get used to those terminologies if you're going to get into the publishing of your work these words you must become acquainted with a publisher will talk about these words fairly often okay hope I don't walk away at your book yeah you two smile okay so everybody get this down all right something all right in slow how you gonna write a book II write in that slow by the way I want to suggest some of you cannot necessarily type well lake on on an iPad or computer if you're gonna write a book longhand you better find someone to type that for you because the publisher saying or taking nothing and writing no handwriting don't don't even bother with it did that I want it I don't even want to see it okay what you can put in there tronic don't send to nobody so you want to get it electronic you want to take your manuscript make sure it's on on the computer because they can want you to shoot stuff to them I can want to shoot stuff to me if you want me to do something for you I don't don't don't send me a hard copy I into art copies they are not either okay so if you can't type you can write but also want to type for you okay I'll learn to type next week so any questions before we close y'all then pay for this session you know taking offering all these hands going up okay let's start the front go ahead if you start writing on one subject how do you transcend like you know you're you're known really for well for me anyway kingdom doing business Kingdom business authority or what have you how do you transcend because like for me I'm pretty sure I'm like multifaceted I'm in a business world but then I'm still a mom so how do you transcend to you you know or transitional it's interesting question let me say something about my experience and what's happening to me I'm kind of a unique guy of course you're not already very unique I'm unique in the sense that I'm a strange creature in the market strange because of my versatility not everybody is like me okay and that's because of my assignment in life my assignment is leadership development so leadership involves an entire integration of a person's life so all the subjects I have to become well-versed in so you go to my table you become confused right am i right you need hundreds of books need like oh dear and all the different circuits were gonna be relationships purpose you know potential management leadership Kingdom okay other authors are not like me okay you go to craft look faith see money faith oral healing Benny Hinn healing Holy Spirit that's one only in that because my versatility in all the markets so my longevity is stronger than this my impact is heavier than this because I am versatile in all the markets some markers won't even buy their books because they're not interested but they'll buy my book because interests in leadership or management or something so if you have versatility you could feel free to brand yourself as a multi market author I'm a multi market author I am NOT a victim of religion this is why when I write a book I cannot write the book just from a religious perspective because my market expect certain things from me now so I'm versatile but everybody is there so you may have different subjects that you want to you know write on you can write more than one subject and your passion yeah if you got a passion about something at the time that's what you want to focus on yeah yes sir idea Tim microphone please is it on just quick question when you submit a manuscript do you copyright that or anything before you submit that just in case that no you don't have to copyright it no yeah but your master but you feel good about normally a publishing company will respect your material you know whether they accept it or not accept it they just you know don't deal with it you want to copyright it you could if you think it's you know you're not unique to you and you want to protect it cost you couple dollars but you could do that but you don't normally have to do it because what you're doing is fishing you know so you're getting it out there most of the time a publishing company if you poach it yourself give the copyrighted or the company that publishes for you will show you how to cooperate it they were happy with that if a publishing company published your book they were copyrighted for you all that's included in the contract yeah thanks thank you my question is what is the role of getting an agent I didn't hear you mention okay I don't know if it's good for a person that's just starting out yeah an agent probably is not a good thing to start out with except you know you want to pay someone money for something that may not materialize yeah I have an agent now you really get an agent when you get into the big box you know one of my large contracts was a million dollars of so I needed an agent the agent negotiated that because a big company came you know scooping down on me said look we want something this is good stuff we want you and I was in a league that I didn't understand there was a big league you know and so I had a you know got an agent and the agent negotiated more than I expected so it depends on where you where you go in you know at this point you're just starting you know just you just get in you want to get in don't get involved that stuff right now you want to get in the industry of publishing self-publishing or being or paying to publish or having a publish pay you and I forgot about that part there's a part where a publisher would pay you to publish you're not there yet okay in other words I don't pay anyone to publish my work I don't pay nothing nothing they pay me I wasn't always there you know so if you want a book published by a publisher they would say $10,000 I mean publish your book first 3000 part of that deal you want more it costs less but you can buy more afterwards I know that brother Jerome published a book with a company that's one of our publishers and he ran into some issues and i'ma tell you this is very important to when you're publishing I have the words on the bottom there I think one of the slides that say that they control everything yeah that's really interesting a publishing company is is weird in the sense that if they pay to publish your book getting that book out of them could be a challenge because they have two things they battling with one they want to get their money back if they invested in it it's number one too if you did well or if you didn't do well they're not sure you can do well later so when you come and say what maybe you know can I have made manage my book out of your company they may say well the contract says you know we keep it for 10 years so you gotta watch for those little fine print things and so they got a book that they not sell in you can't take take from them the sell and they may not print anymore coffees so you got every that's when you need a good lawyer to read through the manuscript and lawyer will ask you is this what you really want you know so you need a lawyer so I've had to deal with Roy as my lawyer now these are my publishers in the past I didn't I trusted them people friends but now it's going so big and some changes took place I said look my leg help me with this from now on so my lawyer nowadays for the publishing companies to protect me right yes one of these questions you better put more money um regarding when to write you know timing or whatever does that apply if say you decide to write something fictitious if you decide to write option does your writing what's the what you call it my brain fiction yeah like it is good anytime yeah they they be trying to get me the right fiction for a long time fiction to me will mean that my wife and I got to take two months off that's what I need to write fiction history take three months off and move you know could live somewhere away from you all and be in a cabin somewhere in South Africa somewhere and then let me write a fiction book I want to write a fiction series on the kingdom that's my ultimate goal well die we have a story that really communicates the kingdom message in a very you know kind of dramatic way as a story and then you can make it into a movie so that's my kind of a dream of fiction but fiction is good if you have a lot of good fiction writers you know some of you like my wife reads a lot of you know Christian love stories the way that and in fiction books over there the curse stories you know left behind she enjoyed that series out there okay so some of you got that stuff I mean something oh good at that don't ignore that you know you can write children's stories so many great children's stories authors got that Anna stuff children's stories youth stories you know stories but your son it's choose a name to protect the innocent but you can write stubborn or your son you know of drugs and this story they could publish those books they they love those kind of things that's the country the industry needs those things yeah they need those things all the time over here Yes Doctor my question to you is at what point do you settle on the work being complete it's always tempting to that you feel like you need to affect something to write is you always get more to say so would you this is why you read an outline you read an outline and you stare at your dime and you stop here's the the Saturday morning where's the comfort that you have you can always write another book say that would be okay so don't try to put all the information in the facebook so just end it why then you put volume 2 is coming so don't you rush it that you got to put everything you know about this thing but that's why I have two books on potential in there because I knew a you know understanding attention is the first one you know releasing potential maximizing what because this is a whole lot of material I can't put a one book and people they don't necessarily read a book you know that's 500 pages big you know but you can't stop writing just cut off and then picked up again if you need to all right yes sir you talked about your your style as a writer in your voice and how do you determine the best voice for a work and then keep that consistency if you're planning on writing multiple works I mean because you know I do a lot of different types of writing and there's you know you have more formal presentations of information and you know you can be formally can be informal how do you determine your voice as a writer starting out it depends on the subject matter and the market you want to reach if you want to reach young people you can write a certain way in a certain style if you want to reach business corporate minded people or highly intellectual people you gotta write a certain style a certain way being true to your voice has to do with your communicating in those two different ways but still be yourself and that's what I do some of my books are very complicated you know sometimes comes out of me I read this book I got to keep reading this chapter please I cannot get beyond the chapter it's an intellectually stimulating book not everybody a kid couldn't read that book okay there's a lot of books where I wrote it just for people you know I mean anyone a mother or father you know a kid can read his book and they can enjoy the information and be changed so you know depends on who I'm writing that determines the style the even the language that I use okay also the publishing companies can do something they can take a very complicated book and do a youth version they'll give it to the editor and they will you know take the information and kind of dilute it to a certain age group and then bring it another version of it yeah yes these must be two more questions how closely together should assume these be written meaning how far apart must be close together should a series be written I ran into problems with this because I'm a pro what they call me a prolific writer let me take out a lot of material on the continent so the potions will say to me okay I know we got a book but you can't release it now why because the one in the market is not finished yet what they're saying is we don't want two books to clash let's get everything or that book that's on the market first that let it do its work let us finish its work so normally they would say you know we can't produce a book eight months sooner than each other eight master here is a producer look like twice a month twice a year and they were like oh man you're killing the market people get excited but you know they don't know what to buy they like you know they say it's no time let's let's make sure that these books run their shelf life okay however they have a problem with me and the Amazon writing they said you are the only author we know in the organ called Christian fear whose works do not fall I'm the only one they say which is a good thing for me for example no one is buying woman Thou Art Loosed anymore but they are still buying potential books my potential books are still at the top ten after ten years okay all my new books are still in the top ten so books coming to go they died but somebody died and this guy's is gonna die you know graphic bring but it dies my because I just the hit let's keep school that's what they want they want an author who always you know my books so it doesn't matter what happens in the in the market people always go into mouths Monroe books that's good for them to publish it okay so but they don't want em too close together they like you know hey so I right now y'all a stand for one of my books right yeah but this is still this is still in the market and the one passing it on they're still running so they let them that kind of do its work okay and so next year I'm assuming that in January February the next one will hit I got two more already in the works behind that so I got three books now I'm working on but that one will hit probably in January for every ok I just spoke to them the publisher yesterday and because I told him knock it down because I didn't like what I did so I'm gonna be to work work myself okay no the two who was crying over here Shantay me is one of my panties stand up all right tell me you mentioned taking it like I don't want to say shortcut but like a shortcut is for is having at someone come and record your thoughts and completing the outline what advice would you give for someone that's working on study manuals and like teaching materials like that is it pretty much the same process or do I have to write everything you can do it yourself if you know what you wanted to contact you know again i incorrect you were to write most of the stuff themselves because you know what you want to say what you want to do is have it checked afterwards by any good editor you know manuals and you know curriculum materials stuff like that you know that's in you so you want to write most about yourself if you have a book they can write a manual from the book you know everything can take your book because the contents already there and they can create a manual but if you have a curriculum that you want to develop yourself you want to kind of work that out yourself and then that an editor edit it to make sure it's properly you know industry standard okay yes what's your name so she's got a pretty manly support hold you 13:13 good go ahead when you're afraid to publish your thoughts and ideas how does it feel to spread it to the entire world you overcome your fear you believe that what you have to say is important no matter what anyone thinks I'll never be afraid to share your ideas because the people whose ideas are out there they were also afraid first so don't be afraid yeah very good give a hand hello thank you my question is concerning the use of a pseudonym for my example I have an employer and our current industry and I'm concerned about the effect of say for example if you were to publish something in your industry or or whatever the reason someone may want to use a pseudonym because it's so small now you won't survive a pseudonym it's like trying to be anonymous on the internet after wipe your figure who this is so I think you know even a right you want to write honest you want to you know you want to be even a help in industry by bringing attention to certain things do that and be willing to face the consequences and you're gonna bring change you can't hide from the results of making that change and then just that's that's my opinion you know my my Kingdom convictions doesn't allow me to have a pseudonym a pseudo name because you know I'm a man of honesty and the Bible says you know let your EA be a maybe nay this is what I think this is what I feel don't talk to me don't go look for no one else this is what I said so I think that a pseudo name it may you know be work for you may work for you I can't advise on that this you know my value systems doesn't allow me to feel comfortable with it if you see something that you want to see changed address it become a leader you know and say look this is this and my thoughts some people actually you know would would do it intentionally so they can get fired getting fired will sell the book I'm telling you true they fire you for that everybody will know why the books gone to the market whatever you have a follow-up question no I'm in Oh fiction to keep it private what I was doing as far as not involving someone else right like you want to write a story about some issue with a fictional character that doesn't like they say on on that was within the FBI the names have been changed to protect the innocent is that what you talking about what you mean I'm sorry no just wanted to write but keep that part of my life private oh not exposing it because I'm in the technology industry so you know I'm the Internet is my world and so if I wanted to keep it private what I was seeing from my publisher my employer because I'm gonna write fiction or whatever hmm still not really know why that's a problem you can be an author's to be working anywhere you know I mean plus you want I mean if you wanted to have a pseudo name that's fine I'm fine but uh but I think I want me to know me you know that's my work I want to know me Plus here's here's the other issue let's say you write a beautiful fiction novel or whatever and the industry kicks it and hits and they come look for you what are you looking for they know divine okay it was okay we want you to come and speak to our book club on this book with our problems the longer phrase is seen on TV okay so I think if you have a gift and you want to get it out there you know makeup you can use a certain name like I say leave it on road it is my aim is you know but as far as you hide the world is just too small to hide anymore you know just it's crazy the duel in the season was the lady who wrote Harry Potter just build another book yeah she came out this week with this book and for adults you know her name is on both and guess what that's where the money is because I'm aim in the book she sold a million copies in the for his hour so I mean now there's some people who use pseudo names in the past but that's not common anymore it's not calling anyone you can use it I will take two more that's it do more again dr. Myers we're not profanity in books absolutely no okay let me just say this to you if you are a cleaning citizen and I don't play games with this there's a guy a friend of mine in New Orleans my wife probably know I'm talking about he wanted to write this book on relationships you know love and marriage and sex or the stuff past that he's a pastor so he sent me his - could be want to do - forward for it so I got this followed I'm gonna get this man coming looking through and I'm like wait a minute isn't this is pornography this is profanity I'm like is this the process [Music] so I told him you insulted me by even asking me to read through this manuscript I'm better to deface three pages I sent about as a man I'm ashamed of you we are not in the world - okay do it two ways - right now this can help you adapt but don't adopt what did I say you want to adopt to the world but don't adapt so you wanna dance the world rather but don't adopt their life I've seen some movies people that make you say Christian movies I'm like are you crazy it's crazy Sinan I'm thinking you supposed to be raising the standard not submitting to the standard and let me tell you something writing to boy it follows you you don't put some men writing and then 10 years later wish you didn't write it now you don't want your little children wondering why did you use it and I'll come I can't say it understand me I'm your grandchild don't time we don't custom four-letter word you got it with you I'm like reading your writing okay your job is to cleanse the system not to let the system contaminate you if you're a smart author you can write like this and John replied I want you to say I'm Mary Anthony with profanity and so don't tell me they are destroying me you're making me just as bad as you so we supposed to in the kingdom of God we supposed to bring light into the darkness not supposed to adopt the darkness so readapt that don't adopt that's what I do I go into all the we under Muslims and Buddhists even more all the time I adapt to them adopted they do it they had they adopt what I'm doing I'm supposed to bring change so no you keep your standards high and you're ready okay last person yes you know they're bitten at the bits mr. Jerome to encourage everybody based on what you're saying today because I'm a product of what he's teaching you today everything that he just said I went through the process the relationship with the publisher I wrote my testimony and and my testimony was maximizing misfortune turning life failures into success it was when I was fired and I was unemployed for a year and a half it's a good book and then I went and so I was teaching it in the Bahamas and when I was teaching it the publisher his publisher we went to his office and said listen I want to write your book and later on I took Reggie white rich I hope Reggie Reggie Wright wrote his book before he died we took him to the same publisher so I get royalties from Reggie White's book I get royalties from the chief diversity officer of Denny's cuz I was the first black Denny's France house we wrote her book all those book but I didn't know when I wrote my book that the number one readers of my book and our men that have been incarcerated turning life failures into success man so I get letters in the mail with numbers on them all the time and young men telling me that you helped me my cousin went to federal prison he didn't know I was an author until he went to prison and when he was there he said I'm trying I've been trying for a month to check your book out and I can never get it and I'm telling everybody you're my cousin and they don't believe me so I shipped him a case of books the first time I went to the Bahamas to sell my book dr. Rose when we bring my books to sell and I've been speaking there for what the last 15 years I took my book there to sell and he I took I bought what five six cases of books and he said you don't have enough six cases a book my book was gone before the day I spoke you know why because when he mentioned it and said it was dirty talk my creditable credibility you know credibility you already have when you write it but credible credibility is when dr. Roe puts his name on it okay and the endorses that go with that so and my wife Lord I'm distal glass you finished your book can you let her explain her cross yeah i'ma let because this I've been trying to get a book out of this woman for years she's a better teacher than I am she's but my wife can change your life I've seen people's like she can speak if you're single married hurting when she finishes with you you're free you know but her focus is helping you understand your identity i'ma let I do so I just wanted to say man this guy no matter how many years eighteen years I've been hearing he is never the same you always take notes when you're rounding I'm like man you know I I had a chance to travel a man time will tell the story I was set out a sense right away because and we went we were traveling in that somehow another hotel room we didn't you couldn't get a two room so I had to believe we got double bill I lived in his room I said yes now I'm gonna see cuz I said well these batteries that I'm gonna see they no man in the world news like this so I rated that mattress back and went to bed praying God uh prank his but he he practices what he preaches and that's why God is using him and all of us in this season so so I'm excited for what this ministry and you're going to become to this ministry because it would been better if you didn't even come here now you have a responsibility to the body of Christ amen because your responsibility now yes you did absolutely and I wanted to say that you have a responsibility now to take what you've learned and it needs to impact this environment and you in it you know things are going to happen because of this environment created this opportunity for you don't walk out of here forget it now you're responsible especially if you remembers here you know to that so thank you thank you thank you now I'd like to add dr. Moreau thank you for stirring up the gift that is within each of us the name of my book is who are you really rediscovering your true identity and of course it came as a result of reading understanding my potential understanding leadership but you have five questions and the very first question is what Who am I is with identity why am I here purpose where am I going definitely what can I do and so the book is really a result of going through those processes of understanding my true identity and it was in 1997 that you delivered me from religion is the question at our church how many of you are ready to go to heaven of course mr. Kerem you know charismatic and you said what kill yourself now is to be absent from the bodies because I'm already starting my journey of self-discovery to understand that I'm connected to instruments source and no one can put a label on me the gentleman that you met last year who had a brain tumor blindness and now he said the title is because I ate my way back to health Wow and his brain unnecessary yeah the the tumor that was in his brain is travelling around the world because it was a rare tumor hmm you know and you know and the reason why I brought this manuscript and I accidentally bring it to our class and Thursdays because I feel if you pick your your signature on it it will really reach so many people bet it was we were standing outside of the Martin Luther King Center and he was asking me about he says I'm thinking of writing a book and do you know anything about publishing I said no but dr. Myles Monroe who lives in the Bahamas helped my husband oh my god amazing I was more excited than usual you know that I spoke your name and then you appeared so I brought his manuscript your honesty your clarity and going against the grain let me ask you a couple of questions with none of the ladies here who who need to probably get me an encouragement how did you begin to write what is the process in your present book were you putting together material over a period of time and yes speaking seminary recording you recording yeah okay and how did you was the President did you load your did you follow the process I dare follow it across this outline this is my coach here no no no there's another book so you know the gentleman that's the last question he hit me is like okay I put the blast period on them really yeah what is your market what do you when you see this book going to who was it written to everyone or anyone anyone okay that's struggling with identity okay good that's not and especially woman because we carry so many hats we you know we lose our identity when I said we lose our identity 3-mile where your sister or daughter but who are you I mean aside from all the titles mm-hmm what do you stand for those discoveries self discovery yeah you know what she said is very important at the end and that is she's writing on a subject remember my to it ISM Soviet that a good all the time that's one of those subjects it doesn't need a season it's a it's a human subject if you write only human subjects the market is always ready for it it's just a matter of you positioning it properly in the market and then getting the right promotion exposure for it I guarantee that when she publishes this book and it gets in the market she will be called on to do more speaking because books open doors for you to actually become more exposed and then you sell more books so I want you to do something for me what do you next year the same time I want all of you to bring me a book that's your homework okay I want you to write a book don't worry about whether it sells at the tide of whatever they whatever I want you to bring your book that's your homework when I see you next year i want to see a book that's finished and tell him to be a big book by the way the industry standards is 168 pages paginate it okay hidden go over that but the industry standard is it must be at least a hundred and sixty eight pages anything less than that they don't call it a book they call it a booklet so I wanted to produce a book for me and write your passion find out something that you really feel strongly about or maybe your testimony maybe like out Jerome said you know that people can benefit from a couple of things I want you to remember when you're writing one write for universal audience that means do not and you can use examples from your experience in your environment but they must be treated to be non cultural secondly don't use so call the scriptures in the book that's that's your Challenger I'm gonna give you a test on that one okay you can make scriptural references in the book but I want you to use minimum scripture what I want is your content I don't want a book with you know a verse from the Bible then a few comments on it of wishing about a few comments on it that's not a book that's plagiarism I want a book that tells me something that I can benefit from okay and then thirdly I want you to write a book that that I would be willing to put my name on it so if it ain't good enough I can tell you I'm not gonna put my name on it so do something that you feel proud of or something that and believe me all of you can write a book everyone can write a book and the first one you know is is is important just want to get one out whether it does well it's not the issue you want to produce something if you wrote a book already I want you to go back and write a book as if you never wrote a book before based on this seminar because now you've got information right different information so you don't need to experiment you know what to do now okay thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Myles Munroe - Topic
Views: 10,601
Rating: 4.9783196 out of 5
Keywords: Dr., Myles, Munroe, How, to, Write, and, Publish, Book, Pt., (Live)
Id: 7kZTL1_x9qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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