How to Write Blog Posts Fast (2000+ Words Under 15 Minutes)

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what's up you guys this is Professor on with one our professor comm and writing is a very painfully labor-intensive task and that's why personally nowadays and I'll be the first to admit it most of the writing that I do I outsource I hire writers and I call it source the writing to them but there is still an occasion when I will write a blog post here there usually on the one our professor website but there's also something that maybe a lot of you don't know and this isn't me bragging or being like a humble brag it's just the truth so I actually previously was also in a doctoral program and I started my online business I was about halfway through that doctoral program and then I stopped the doctoral program in favor of my business the reason I'm telling you this is because there was an obscene and I mean it an obscene amount of writing that I had to do for that doctoral program when I was in it 20 page papers every single week no problem right happen all the time so when you're doing that much writing and I was also a professor and also working there was just so much going on when you're doing all that you really have to optimize the process of writing to make it as fast as possible right and I have spent countless hours doing that and today I want to share a little bit with you about some of the things that I've been able to do to increase my writing speed at this point I'd say that I'm able to probably type at the speed of around 200 to 250 words per minute which I know sounds insane but as I said in this video I'm going to actually show you how that's even humanly possible and make sure that you understand my whole process from beginning to end so make sure that you stay till the end of this video and you'll get some ideas and possibly you know some some work practices that you've never even thought of before that I think you'll probably want to use yourself if you're trying to speed up your writing so that being said let's go ahead and jump on in [Music] all right so to put you in the right mindset here what I've done is I've broken this down into a five-step process for you to understand how to make your writing as fast as possible and this is the exact process that I do and I have to write anything this is the exact process that I do to make sure that I can get through my blog post as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible right number one is mind mapping and I also am going to estimate each of these tasks because I think it's important to understand how long it should take to do each thing right so mind mapping I think should take about 10 minutes this is the first step in the whole thing if you don't know what mind mapping is it's basically you have a circle with the main topic and then you have a branch and you make other circles with other topics that fall like subtopics that fall into the main topic if you don't know what my mapping is you guys you're on YouTube so after this video don't do it right now but after this video go find a tutorial on mind mapping there's some good ones out there but basically what you're doing at this point is you are visually on a piece of paper making a circle the main topic and then thinking of what subtopics fit into that right and you're doing this with just your head you're not going in the internet doing any research you're just doing it with your head and thinking what else is it that I should talk about that's related to this one particular blog article that I want to write what is it that should probably fall in here what is it that's really important to put in here it's huge because it just takes everything that's up here and puts it onto a paper so that you can look at it visually after your brainstorm is done what I do want you to do whatever the main topic is for your blog posts you're about to write the article you're about to write now type that into Google and look at the top 3 results do not copy them the reason why I am telling you to look at the top 3 results in Google is to look at what it is that they are doing what it is that they have included ok what you're gonna find is that really the top 10 results that's what Google likes so look at what they're doing if there's something that they put into theirs that you forgot feel free to add it in don't copy them directly or anything but like a subtopic that you take probably cover that too feel free to add it into your mindmap and basically you need to do that and get it to the point to where everything is visual for you and you should also obviously LIKE this video and subscribe to the channel so you can be part of our community but that is step one is mind mapping and like I said around 10 minutes is how long that should take step 2 is to create an outline now this should really only take you about five minutes this is when you sit down with a piece of paper or you can use like a Google Doc or whatever you want to use and basically create an outline to understand okay this is in sequential order what I'm going to do when I write this blog post right you've already got it all on your mind map you're already looking at it visually how are you going to organize it what is going to be the reader flow that makes sense right and you want to use that mind mapping data to make a clear outline for your post so that when you start writing you have no problem at all and everything is just flowing really really quickly that like I said takes about five minutes and this is very important this 15 minutes in the beginning to plan everything makes writing that post or that article so so so much faster so make sure you take the time to sit down and do this number three and this is the important one and actually where the really secret sauces so stay tuned is to start writing right now you've got your outline you got everything figured out now you need to start writing I'd say this should take probably 15 to 20 minutes it doesn't take a whole bunch of time so this is how I can write two thousand words in 15 minutes first off I have a plan I already done like I'm not thinking anymore I have the plan already there to start it things off the introduction is very very crucial okay you need to in your introduction tell a story do something to hook the reader get them to where they're seething to read more of what you have to say they want to understand more and they are willing to get you know not willing but they get hooked in in that introduction and they really want to read the full article because you've really grabbed their attention with that introduction that is very very crucial and very important so spend some time there to make sure that your introduction is good but after you have your introduction done this is where the secret is and this is actually something maybe I don't hear many people talk about it but I do want to talk about because it's very good is there is a platform called Dragon NaturallySpeaking software and I learned about this while I was going through my doctoral program that is how I learned about it so what this is is this is a platform where you can basically speak into a microphone and as you're speaking into the microphone it will dictate exactly what you are saying in other words it will put all of the words that you're saying onto a document on your computer you can type incredibly fast by doing this ok so what they say with this software is that you can you can increase your it's three times faster than typing that's what they claim I don't type very fast actually I just type with it's really weird I type with these teeth these two fingers on each hand and my thumb's super weird I don't use my whole thing my whole hand so I guess it depends on your typing speed but for me it's like four or five times faster for sure because I'm just not the fastest typer out there it also is 99% accurate so what you are saying is what's going to get put on to the screen and don't worry guys I'm actually going to show you a quick little screen share and demonstration of this working so you can see that I actually do use this and that it's actually very very valuable if you're writing your own blog posts I do want to say if what I have here and what I have to say is helpful to you if you would be willing there is a link below in the description for you to purchase this yes I am affiliate but I'm only recommending it because I know it's good and if you do that then I'm going to get at no extra cost to you a little bit of extra money just so I can help pay for my editor for this YouTube channel frankly so that said there also is a 30-day money-back guarantee with the software so I think it's good to you know just breathe easy to know that it's not like some piece of junk that they're just gonna you take the money and leave right they've been around for a long time but the thing with this is that you want to write how you talk I make sure that my bloggers when they're writing content right how they talk because it's a lot more conversational it's a lot more easier to read right if you have a very rigid and of course there's certain websites out there where you need to be rigid you know health care focused or maybe some financial stuff you want to be rigid but if you're talking and being engaging and just talking like a conversation or if you're writing like a conversation not talking writing like a conversation people are easy they're more receptive to that because that's what they're actually used to hearing right when you get really rigid it can be a little bit tough for people to you know stay with you okay with this off for one thing is you do have to remember to say your punctuation so this is one of the kind of nut downfall but one of the little annoying things is that you'd say you know this is the end of the sentence period and then you start the next sentence and it will it will go and I'll show you in the demonstration in a second here but let me go ahead and jump into that let's just go ahead and get into a demonstration I'm gonna share my screen like I usually do I'm gonna show you exactly how this will work and then hopefully you'll understand it a little bit better all right guys so I'm gonna go ahead and do this I'm actually using a mic to do this video so I'm going to use my webcam mic to do this but I don't think that we're gonna have a problem so let me go ahead and get started here so I'm gonna turn on the software right now okay hello comma how are you doing today question mark I'm doing very well period how was your weekend question mark do you think it's going to be snowy or sunny today question mark how about them Chicago Bears question mark how are you question mark okay so there it is you guys you saw how quick I was able to just simply talk and typing this out yes could I do it obviously I could but it would take me longer than speaking as fast as I just did this is the secret you guys this is how you type 220 50 250 words a minute now you're gonna notice it was pretty accurate pretty much everything's pretty good I did say how about dem bears not how about them Chicago Bears right I did say that but generally speaking it's pretty accurate and you will notice that I talked about punctuation as I was doing it you do have to do that and I will say this isn't natural at first but you do get used to it over time so that's it you guys that is the big big big secret right and what I use to type suit to type super super fast and make it so that my words per minute goes up dramatically now the key here and I do want to say this it is a really good idea to just speak as you are doing this it will take time to get used to just speak do not edit absolutely do not edit while you're doing this because if you do that you're going to slow your progress down dramatically instead just speak through all of your thoughts and speak through them and get them all on the page so that you written an imperfect version of your blog or your article and also you should be liking this video and subscribing to the channel because why wouldn't you do that but I'd appreciate it if you did and generally speaking like I said this this writing portion it should take you about 15 to 20 minutes if you use this software you will get this done incredibly incredibly quick you'll be able to get through it and just blow through it super fast you have an outline all you have to do then is put your thoughts on paper takes a little bit of time to get used to it but I promise this is very very effective once you get used to it the four step in the process is to review the content and I think if this should take probably about another 15 minutes now you need to read through everything that you put on to the screen everything you put into your document with the Dragon Dictation software you need to read through it you need to look for your punctuation your grammar you need to make sure that you do that just so that it actually reads well and it makes total sense as you saw from the demonstration it does a very good job right and as you use it actually gets better and noticing your voice and even if you have an accent my wife can use it's pretty crazy what it can do so it is very very good but you need to make sure you read it through I also recommend that you use a chrome plug-in the link is below and that is called grammarly it's you know you've probably heard of it before but it's a chrome or Chrome extension that plug-in Chrome extension that will actually check to your grammar and you know run it through your regular you know Microsoft Word or Google Spreadsheets that spelling and grammar check do it there and then run it through grammerly to those two things will catch a lot of errors and then read through it once as well number five is to format the content and post the article and again I think if this should take probably about 10 to 15 minutes so this is the step in which you're looking and you know it's all written well and you have all the punctuation and grammar good but now you're adding underlines and bold text and italics and things to make you know headers things to make certain things stick out maybe you're adding bullet points you're adding images this is when you're trying to enhance the post to make it more than just a bunch of text blocks on the screen you know you're doing different paragraphs you're just making it look pretty right at this point and it takes a little bit time to do that but really when you get to this point your article is pretty much done it doesn't take any more time and like I said this should probably take like 10 to 15 minutes to get this done so if you haven't been keeping track the amount of time that I told you it would take to do about 2,000 words and a post usually about 60 minutes that's from idea all the way to publishing and you may be thinking Ron that is crazy it would take me way longer yes you're gonna need some practice at this but trust me I've written hundreds if not thousands of articles I was working on papers all the time I did this all the time this is the absolute fastest way and I do want to say as a little bonus if you are looking to get even faster with it you can outsource parts of this for faster results right yes you can outsource the writing but let's say you don't want to do that let's say yeah I'm a control freak and I want to write everything myself I get it I used to be you too so if that's you that's fine right if you're profitable or you're willing to invest money into your business here's what you can do what you can do is you can actually go through the whole thing use dragon dictation software go through it and then maybe give a brief read through through it but really give it over to an editor let the editor read through it and let them revise it to make sure it makes all the sense in the world right they are willing to do that and then what you can also do is you can get someone from the Philippines for like I don't know three four bucks an hour and you can just have them work on posting content to your website yes that is possible I know because I've been able to do that many many times if you can outsource those two parts all that you have to do is mind mapping outline Dragon Dictation over and over and over and eventually you're probably gonna get tired of it and you'll start making money you can outsource to writer but generally speaking that's all you'll have to do and that's a really really good place to be so like I mentioned guys with step three in this whole process if you have a really productive 15 to 20 minutes on step three you can very very easily as the video title says write over 2,000 words in probably about 15 minutes I've been able to do more than that just because it's not actually typing your fingers only moves so fast when you're talking it is so much faster as you get more comfortable with it you'll get a lot faster as well so there it is you guys that is my advice on how to write faster if you're skeptical dumpy it really really does work and like I said in the description there is a link to the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software I'd appreciate it if you clicked on that and if you do purchase it if you would do that through my affiliate link like I said it just supports my work and make sure that I can continue to pay my editor otherwise guys if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel and if you have any questions or comments seriously leave them below I will answer everything I always respond to everybody who's following me and I always appreciate that otherwise guys thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: OneHourProfessor
Views: 9,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OneHourProfessor, how to write blog posts fast, make money writing articles, blogging tips for beginners, how to write a blog, how to write blog post fast, writing content faster, how to write a blog post quickly, quick way to write blog posts, make money blogging, how to write a blog post that makes money, write blog posts faster, how to write blog posts faster, how to write faster, write faster on website, how to write blogs faster, write blogs faster, blog faster
Id: rSL-AF6lQ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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