How to put a Para Cord wrap on a Axe

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my friends it's your buddy tactical back out in the wilderness again enjoying the beautiful day today I brought along with me my uh new Condor woodworker axe got it the other day tested it first for the first time just after that had a couple over strikes one little Dent you can see the dirt on there I did try to clean it up but didn't all come off you know not a big deal if it's too big of a deal you can just sand it down but I did prep this before I used it I prepped the handle and stuff but I should have protected the neck of the axe just for over strikes and mistakes cuz you know how your man is so today I'm going to show you how to make one of those with some paracord so you got your parac cord you know suggested length I don't know uh couple at least a couple arm lengths worth I got about almost four arm lengths wors depends how far you want to go down this but you usually don't let that deceive you that's not the end the end of the tomahawks or ax is about there but from where I hit it I want to start right up here and I'm going to work to about down there okay start like this this just make a loop like this keep it straight down the center leave like an inch or so maybe more overhanging past the top of it see how I got that now hold that together now let's see how far did I want to go about this far okay like I said I want to go about here to there something like that pretty close and hold it in place and just go over it it's probably safer to keep the sheath on even though it's more bulky and more of a pain to butt but just deal with it just to be safer okay hold that in place now don't do this super tight just do it snug snug enough and just keep wrapping it and try not to really overlap try to you know keep it in a nice row just keep working that all the way until you get up to here now that you got it wrapped up to the desired height see where that is I got that Loop still right sticking out now I used probably three arm lengths I didn't use the full four you sneak this right underneath and through if my handicap hands work there we go we're working draw that through just like that and then take this one the top one you got and pull it through you'll see how it's tightening that see how it's pulling that in just keep doing that I'm going to pull it at least like halfway underneath you're going to have to like feed it through it might get stuck on some of these keep pulling it through just like that I'm helping it with my nail or at least that or at least that far do it a couple inches in probably do it one more scoot it up keep it tight now when you cut this you know some people say go snug up I say leave a little a little bit well up here not as much you can go snug but down here I would leave a tiny bit that way you can undo this cuz you can look how tight this is it's pretty freaking tight that's going to protect you from over strikes but if you want to take it off if you leave a little bit down there that you can pull feed this back through like this that little knot you slid down if you can slide it back it takes a little bit of work but then you can go like this and undo it if my fingers will work here we go there just like that and now you can just start unwrapping it boom it'll all come off just like that so there you go you got a little protector for the neck of your axe in case you do some over strikes and we all do occasionally unfortunately we are human and as a little bonus you do have you know that 15t of paracord sitting there just in case you need it is always good now this ain't the only way to do it I've seen people do it with rubber hoses leather metal stuff like that but hey this is a quick and easy way to do it and it will protect your axe just as a note when you do your annual servicing on your tools make sure you take this off treat the handle then you can put it back on well hopefully this was helpful to some of you guys out there thanks for stopping by until the next time we meet
Channel: Tac
Views: 135,102
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Keywords: YouTube Editor
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Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 05 2014
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