How to Work Salt Magic

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[Music] today we're going to learn salt magic we'll use three different salt spells to demonstrate this salt is a purifying agent when they didn't used to have refrigeration they would salt their meat to preserve it salt is used to disinfect salt also adds flavor and interest to things overall salt is considered to be a very sacred substance to many cultures and it's mighty in the collective unconscious mind as a cleanser and a blessing agent when we incorporate salt as the main ingredient in Magic we are calling on some very potent akashic energy to create whatever it is that we are Desiring salt is self- purifying after we use it for a spell it just goes back to neutral because that's the the nature of salt it's self neutralizing so you can just keep using the same salt again and again for different spells let's start with a salt spell for money so you just take an envelope and a coin representing your needed money you can't just do a ritual gesture and hope that your deep mind gets the idea you must make a very potent and intentional statement with your spells think about all spellcasting and Magic as communication devices from our conscious mind to our Deep Mind through the spell I'm showing my deep mind what to do once my deep mind is convinced to do something it will do it and it will happen it's so powerful the Deep Mind will make sure that whatever it is I decide that I want actually comes about it won't resist you once we can communicate to it clearly and we can let go of any thought forms which are at odds with our desire many of our spells seem like they don't want to come true because whatever we hold as a thought form in our Deep Mind is the reality when we want to change our reality we have to place the new thought form to replace whatever that old thought form is and whichever thought form is the strongest is the one that will prevail so much magic has to do with impregnating our deep Minds with these thought forms so we must do two things eliminate banish or remove the old thought form and plant the new thought form in its place if your thought form is strong enough you don't really have to worry about banishing the old thought form because that new strong thought form will supplant everything else and you don't have to worry about the weeds in your garden so to speak think about it if you have a big wheat crop you just let the wheat take over and it kills all the weeds for you and that's the same idea here we want to impregnate our minds with a thought that takes over so in this case it's money first we have to get clear on what we want rather than working for General Prosperity let's work for something specific this Penny doesn't just represent a penny it represents the seed of whatever I desire financially let's say you needed $30,000 for a particular goal perhaps you needed it for the down payment of a home or to pay off some debts or something this Penny then represents the seed of that $30,000 but you have to be clear about that you have to know that $30,000 is coming to you in the highest way possible for the highest good of all in an easy and relaxed manner in healthy and positive ways you have to be aware of that before you even go forward with this recognizing that the salt is Sanctified purified substance and that through this salt spell whatever we create through this spellcasting process is also Sanctified and purified only the highest good can come from this and we state that this or something even better is now manifesting for us in an easy and relaxed Manner and in healthy and positive ways it will likely be that $30,000 that comes to us but you never know maybe your debt will just be forgiven or maybe somebody will give you a house so you just keep your mind open you don't want to decide how your desire will manifest you leave the ways and means to your Deep Mind people frequently hit a snag in Magic because they think they need to know how something will manifest that's not what we're worried about we are concerned about planting the seed and we know that our deep Minds will handle the how we know that when we plant the seed of financial prosperity the $30,000 will come we know it we have faith if you haven't taken my beginning witchcraft course called a witch's primer you may not be familiar with the idea that we must have faith faith is part of what we call the witch's pyramid Faith imagination will and secrecy faith is the attitude that of course this will happen just like I know that when I flip the light switch the light's going to come on I have utter faith in that just like I also know that there will be a sunrise tomorrow I know it will happen and I know this will happen too this is why we talk so much about working within your sphere of influence and slowly expanding that sphere of influence over time time maybe you've never done a spell that's manifested this amount of money before so doing a spell for $330,000 may be Way Beyond what you consider possible in which case it's not a good spell for you to start with you might want to consider starting with something that you feel is more attainable in your mind and work up to this amount of money make sure that you're working within your sphere of influence and expand that sphere of influence slowly over time I'm going to take this coin representing that $30,000 and I'm going to put it in the envelope knowing that I'm impregnating my deep mind with the idea of $30,000 coming to me quickly easily and effortlessly not going to seal the envelope yet I will fold it up so that it fits when I bury it in the salt I make sure to have some sort of chant affirmation or keyword that I can repeat during the spellcasting today I'm going to just use the words wealth success wealth success and I'm just going to chant wealth success wealth success either silently or aloud I also want to choose a color that represents my desire I'll use green for this but maybe you'll choose a different color for instance you might choose gold while I'm chanting I feel like my whole body and Aura are filling up with this green light and I feel like I'm focusing that green light through the palms of my hands right into the salt and into into the envelope that is inside the salt I chant My Chosen words the whole time wealth success wealth success I then make sure I conjure the feeling that I will have once I have this money I have to imagine what it will feel like when this money comes to me will it feel like a significant release will it feel exciting will it feel joyous what will it feel like that's the feeling I'm must conjure and you keep that up until you get this sense this click you feel like you've done it enough this can take anywhere between 1 and 10 minutes but once you get that feeling that it's enough stop chanting and just relax then you just take the envelope out of the salt take a small pinch of this salt and drop it right inside the envelope then seal the envelope up and over the seal draw the symbol of money for your country's current Cy in my case that's a dollar sign I leave the front of the envelope blank I fold the whole thing up and just stick it right in my wallet then I just try to put the spell out of my mind and when the money shows up I can rip up that envelope and toss that Penny on the sidewalk for some lucky person to find here's another one let's say you wanted to do a salt spell to bring a Perfect Mate decide for yourself what some essential qualities are for a perfect mate and a perfect relation reltionship you might make a list of them or you can just think about them try not to be too restrictive in this think of Essentials for a good partner like honesty and that you they love you and that you're attracted to each other that you're happy together that you're responsible together that you build a wonderful life together prosperous joyous and free and you're in love whatever those qualities are you just get them front of mind and you take a little piece of paper you write your name in the middle of the paper and you enclose it inside of a heart and then you do the same thing that you did before just bury that paper in the salt once again have some sort of chant phrase affirmation today we'll just use love companion love companion you start to chant and conjure and you think of whatever color represents love to you let's say pink and we fill up our body with that pink light we see that pink light moving through the hands and into the salt see the salt glowing with this pink light as we chant love companion we realize that this pink light is magnetically bringing that Perfect Mate our way we continue to chant and conjure the feelings of what it will be like when you're together with this person Conjuring those feelings Conjuring those images seeing that pink light filling up the salt moving through every aspect of your body Mind and Spirit now once once you finished and you feel like it's enough you just relax stop chanting and stop Conjuring and take the paper out of the salt you could also put this in an envelope if you want to but since there's no coin I just would fold up the paper all by itself take this little Talisman and hide it somewhere like maybe in your bedroom and you keep it hidden until that Perfect Mate arrives but you just know this person is coming to you there's no question in your mind that this person is coming and this ritual gesture was simply a communication device to your deep mind that you're working in conort with your Deep Mind rather than being at odds with it all right here's one more very important salt spell and it's called the pinch of salt spell this is for dispelling something that you do not want it might be a big problem it might be a little annoyance it doesn't matter you can eliminate whatever it is with this salt spell I like to start by relaxing my mind and body and feeling white light moving through every aspect of my body then I feel like that white light is coming through my hands and into the salt filling it up with glorious beautiful white light while doing this I focus on Conjuring the feeling that I will have once this problem is gone I'm not focusing on the issue right now I'm focusing on the feeling that I will have once the problem is gone for instance if I've had a big fight with somebody in my family I might conjure the feeling of having that entire L resolved everybody's forgiven each other and we're all happy again or maybe I have a problem with my computer not working in a certain way and I conjured the feeling of what it's like once that problem is solved while Conjuring these feelings and seeing the white light moving into the salt I chant a rhyme or a mantra or a keyword such as infinite Spirit infinite spirit I just keep that Conjuring I keep that chanting up for a while until I get that sense that it's enough once I feel I've imbued the salt with that white light and that idea of the feeling of resolution then I just simply take a pinch of that salt name the problem and sprinkle the salt back into the Container while saying I dispel you for instance argument with my brother I dispel you or problem with my computer I dispel you and that's all there is to the pinch of salt spell you've imbued your salt with light conjured the feeling of what it's like once the problem is solved and chanted your chant to keep your mind focused finally you take a pinch of salt from the container name the problem and say I dispel you as you sprinkle the salt back into the Container you can dispel any problem with simply a pinch of salt so that's the basics of working salt magic I hope this was fun and interesting for you thank you so much for joining me today until next time Blessed Be [Music]
Channel: Ariel Gatoga
Views: 79,516
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Keywords: how to work salt magic, witchcraft lecture, ariel gatoga, traditional witchcraft, witchy tips, modern witch, learn witchcraft, magick is real, Ariel gatoga lectures, real magic, salt spells, using salt in magic, spells using salt, magick of salt, salt magick, Using salt in magick, how to owrk salt magic, how does salt magick work, how does salt magic work
Id: 84maZNugO0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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