The Ten Best Spells for Beginner Witches

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Hi witchlings, welcome back to my channel  it is me, your local Chaotic Witch Aunt! I'm so sorry um, I've been on a little bit of  a break I haven't been super active on a lot   of platforms. I'm really excited for today's  video, we are talking about the 10 or 9 (I   forget how many I have) best spells for beginner  witches! My goal kind of moving forward is to   film things ahead of time so you guys never have  an instance where you're without a video for that   week, um, because I think it's been like two weeks  in the past a month where I've just dipped and   been like I can't film this week, sorry, because  I'm usually filming things right beforehand. Um,   but we are hoping to kind of change that  and move a little bit forward, and yeah   so today like I said, we're talking about  the 10 best spells for beginner witches,   um, I made this list based off my own experience,  and what I found was very helpful when I first   started as well as other people and what  they found was very helpful when they   first started! I'm actually gonna take my hair  down. God, I look so sexy. *awkward laughing* Um, so we're starting off with kind of  I'm gonna give you the name of the spell,   why I recommend spell, and um, some  ideas for how you could do this spell   and we have I believe we have nine here and  I think I may only give eight but if you have   an extra two please let me know! I know this is  like the "10 best" series but I ran out of ideas.   So starting off we have a protection spell.  Whenever anyone asks, "Hey I'm a beginner witch,   what spell should I start with?" I always say  protection because I feel like it is like a nice   base foundation to learn how to create a spell  off of. It is something that very much does not   backfire under any circumstances (I've  never had a protection spell backfire,   no one I know has ever had a protection spell  backfire) so that's my kind of reasoning for that.   And I love the idea of starting off with learning  protection, um, it doesn't have to be protection   against anything. It can be protection  of your energy, protection of yourself--   You can charm things into kind of helping protect  you, which I think charming is a really great idea   to start off. Learn how to enchant or charm an  object and that can be enchanted or charmed with   all sorts of reasons. And it's really great  beginner spell. My method is, I take a bowl   of water, I usually choose moon or sun water, or  just blessed water. I put a cup in the center and   I put the object in, that I want to kind of  enchant or charm. And I will put some herbs   around in the water and I will use either my  finger, or my athame or something that I kind   of use to channel energy to stir it either three  times clockwise if i'm trying to bring something   in or three times counterclockwise if I'm trying  to take something out. And you can come up with   your own chant or own intent for this, I typically  will come up with like a very basic spell like,   "This item protects me, this item protects me"  and I repeat it how many times I want to stir it,   and then I take it out. That's a very basic  charm. There are other ways to charm things,   it's like channeling energy into objects would  be enchanting, um, anything like that is really   easy to learn. And that's a really easy basic  protection spell. Um, if you're interested in   learning more about protection, I have a basics  of protection and wards video that is up,   you will see it pop up in the  corner. Hopefully, if I do it right.  (Editing Frankie make it happen!). Moving on,  second best is a self love spell! Now there's a   specific way to do these, and I always say mundane  before magical, I've heard some people debate kind   of whether self love spells are domination or  manipulation magic, um and how effective they   are. I think alongside actual work on your self  image whether that's therapy or affirmations or   seeing a counselor whatever kind of method you  choose to do to work on your image of self and   your perception of image of self, um, love spells  are really really great and works really well.   You can also use self love spell as a form of  glamour (I talk about glamour a little later in   this list) and that's an amazing thing to learn  as a beginner. A very basic self-love spell   is um one that my friend gave me, where it's  called the "Circle of Compliments" you write   a compliment in a circle on a mirror -- you can  use lipstick, expo marker, etc-- and you literally   just write it and put your face like in the center  of the circle of compliments. And you can either   do your makeup, you can say affirmations, um, you  can do your skin care you can just sit there and   kind of absorb that energy. Um, I know a friend  who basically charmed her mirror to give her,   like, love and confidence whenever she looks in  it. I don't know how to do that, sadly. There   are a lot of different ways to do self-love spells  and a lot of different ways to kind of incorporate   these kinds of spells into your day-to-day  activities. For me, my skin care is a self-love   spell. I choose, um, items with ingredients  that are really soothing for my skin, that   bring me confidence, um, that are -- my lotion has  a very specific herb in it that is for protection   and also confidence, so when I put it on, I draw  sigils that are very specific to kind of me, my   protection sigils, my confidence sigils, onto my  skin with my toners and my in my lotion and to me,   that's a self love spell or glamour that I do  every day. Uh, I will kind of use that as a sect   to bring in sigil magic! Um, sigil magic is not a  type of spell, it's a way of creating spells and   like charming or enchanting I think that sigil  magic is super, super important to for anyone   to learn. Sigil magic comes from chaos theory and  chaos magic-- the best book that I can recommend   for this is to start off with is "Condensed Chaos"  by Phil Hine, um, lovely author, I love his work,   and I think that he's a really great person to  read if you're just learning about chaos magic.   Obviously, we have "Psycho Naut and Liber Null",  um the kind of "original" chaos magic. Um,   it's one of the earlier books that's a little bit  more intense, a little bit more thick, um, another   book that I recommend is "Six Ways" by Aidan  Wachter and the reason I really, really, like   this is because it approaches like, chaos magic  does a very technical, realistic approach and   in "Six Ways" it's an intersection between chaos  magic and folk magic, which is kind of what I do.   We're actually reading "Six Ways" for our Patreon  book club this month, so if you are interested,   our patreon is linked down below -- or my patreon.  Who's "our"? But sigil magic is a whole magic.   Um, I would recommend also Laura Tempest Zakroff's  "Sigil Witcherry" to help you understand it,   um, but a sigil can be used on their own or as  part of another spell, um, you can use them in   spells and small satchels, you can use them  on your own, they can be created for separate   things. I actually have, I believe, a Tik Tok  video that where I talk about my particular, um,   sigil method, um I will link that down below in  the description. And the reason I recommend sigils   is because they are beginner friendly, they're  something that you can use as a base foundation   for the rest of your Craft, like I said, using  them by themselves incorporating anything into   it. And with that we get to kind  of charging and cleansing. I think   anyone (I don't know if this is a spell) charging  things and cleansing things so when you charge   things, you're basically channeling energy into  it, it's similar to charming and enchanting,   except this is just general energy to kind of  make the spell work, not a specific intent. It's   a base for the spell but not everything so you're  going to want to charge crystals if you want to,   you're going to want to charge certain things. Im  I charge my drinks with intent, some typical ways   of charging things with energy are you going to  place it in the sun, you're going to place it in   the moonlight-- We can talk about how moon water  is basically just.. water with moon .. moon light   ...charged moonlight intent? Geez. Sp moon  water is just that, sun water is just that,   um and cleansing. I think that everyone should  know how to do a cleansing spell or cleansing   in general, um. This is cleansing of yourself,  cleansing of your space, cleansing of objects,   anything that can collect stagnant sticky energy,  um, and my particular favorite method is smoke   cleansing. Which, I can actually show you what  I used to smoke cleanse. So this is my cleansing   bundle of choice. This is rosemary, um, I also  have a rue bundle and I actually keep all my   cleansing herb bundles in bowls of salt. The  reason I keep it in bowls of salt is because it   will absorb any negative energy. I use these for  spells, basically to purify the specific space,   or anything that I need. It's almost like an  extra layer of protection, and so you can see what   you're going to do is you're going to light it,  if you want to do yourself you can do a little,   if you want to do your space you're going to  want to go around the room you can open a window,   but this is my specific kind of method of choice.  I also have bells that I use for sound cleansing,   if you can't use smoke along with a few other  things like, you can do a cleansing spell,   candle spell with the intent to cleanse, salt  bowls are another one, that's another method of   purification and cleansing. There's -- you can  take some lemon wedges, cover them, in salt,   place them around that'll be a purification  or cleansing method. There's like, so many   possible options here for cleansing that it's  like insane, so if you want to learn more about   the basics of cleansing, I will link my video.  There a few other things banishing -- oh my god,   I think every beginner witch should know how to  banish an unfriendly entity. Genuinely, if you   don't want something in your space, just banish  it, like if you don't want to have it around,   banish it, if you are concerned about the entity  itself, banish it. I think that that's just the   best possible way to go through these things, and  you can see more about banishing, I have a little   Basics of Banishing and Binding video that  I'll link up there, but it's really just like,   I would use a black candle, I would use a  spirit trap. You can lay some fennel, mustard,   or sunflower seeds on the bottom of a jar, place  a candle in it, I put honey usually, I put honey   in there as well. So mustard seeds are the  traditional way, um, I like using fennel seeds   because that's usually what I have on hand, but  the idea is that the spirit will count the seeds,   you place the candle in with the honey and the  seeds, light the candle, and once the candle gets   below the rim of the jar you seal it and you've  trapped a spirit. That's my go-to method for   banishing, because then you can remove it if you  want to. Banish just negative energy in general, I   tend to go for a banishing bath because I usually  feel like negative energy sticks to me pretty   badly, so I will just target myself, my energy,  not necessarily my space. If it's my space I will   cleanse, and then if I need to banish I will do a  very typical kind of banishing. I would consider   as a return to sender when you're returning  negative energy to whoever sent it to you, you can   incorporate this into your protection magic, you  can incorporate this into your day-to-day routines   and I definitely recommend it. And if you want  me to make a whole video on return to senders,   I will, because I'm very good at them. A few other  things I wrote down-- money spells. And this was a   friend's suggestion, and I think money spells are  good because it will automatically let you know if   you've done the spell in a way that makes it work,  it's good for practice so I mean, I wouldn't,   you know, do a spell to get a million dollars  right off the bat. I would do a spell to say   that you found, like, a five dollar bill, um, or  that money comes to you effortlessly and you get   more money than usual and then you watch and see  if it works, and then you have a money spell that   works whenever you're in need. I think that I have  done limited money spells, but it's a really easy   way to see if you have any blockages for your  magic working, any blockages with your spells.   I think it's a great way to experiment with  creating spells and seeing if they're going   to work for you or not. Every witch should  know grounding. This isn't really a spell,   it could be you could do, a grounding  spell, but I think every witch should know   the limits of this dimension, the limits  of this reality, the limits of them, um,   and that's what grounding is. It's about staying  very tethered to the physical realm, despite how   much we interact with the spiritual realm. Um, I'm  a medium. For me it's really important, if you're   interested in hearing me talk about mediumship,  I just did a video that was a Q&A on this,   but I think we really kind of look at grounding  as like, a way to bring ourselves back to the   physical plane, but grounding is so much more than  that. It's understanding our limits, the limits of   our reality, the limits of our consciousness,  and getting in touch with kind of, you know,   the mundane. Um, and within the mundane  you can find magical as well. Personally,   I think the sacred and the mundane are one  of the same, but that's just me. Um and yeah,   that's everything. I have surprisingly, like  I said, we are reading "Six Ways" by Aidan   Wachter for our book this month, and I'm really  excited, this will be my second time reading it,   um. if you want to learn more about the book club  and see if it's something you're interested in,   you can go below. You know where to find me,  Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, um,   if you watch through this whole video,  thank you so much, if you have any other   spells, tips, tricks, that you feel like beginner  witches should know when coming to this channel,   you know, leave a comment, let me know, and,  yeah! Thank you so much for watching this video,   if you want to stay, subscribe, turn the bell on,  you know like the video, whatever you want to do,   feel free to do it, but absolutely no  pressure. Have a great rest of your day!
Channel: Chaotic Witch Aunt
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Keywords: witchcraft, spells, witchy, chaoticwitchaunt, chaotic witch aunt, ten best series, ten best spells for beginner witches, spirituality, metaphysical, the craft, 1111, starseeds, ritual, ceremonialism, this video does well amongst my audience, this video hits above average engagement, this video does well on youtube
Id: j1mve-JyG10
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Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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