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what's up creators it's your boy matt mike do you want to learn how to wheelie a dirt bike well so do i on today's episode i'm gonna be practicing my wheelies share my tips and tricks with you guys so stay tuned check it out if you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand dare to be you this world is just a canvas to our imagination turn the figment of your mind into creation so when learning to wheelie guys there's three major things you want to do first off is clutch pop it's when you want to release the clutch give it some throttle to get the front end of the bike up the second thing you want to learn is seat position which is you're going to be sitting back on the back of the seat with your foot over the rear brake once you have your position down your third thing you want to learn is rear brake control once you learn that you'll be able to pop the clutch bring the bike up in a good position hit the rear brake to bring it back down and then once you get better at doing that practice that over and over and over again i was out here for probably like an hour and a half last weekend i looped it out a couple of times but i just kept popping up my front end clutch popping hitting my rear brake and bringing it back down a couple of times i went too far back and i gave it too much throttle on the two strokes you'll hit the power band and you'll just go right back we're gonna be starting off the wheelies in first gear and then we'll try some second gear clutch pops but for right now slap on the gopro hop on the bike start practicing all righty guys right now i got the gopro just on chest mount and uh we'll get a couple of shots with the chest mount and then we'll strap it to the top my helmet see if you guys can get a different view and see more of my finger work on the clutch and throttle but for now we'll just hop on the bike we'll get her all warmed up and then we'll start clutch popping hitting the rear brake and getting that front end to come back down so this is the whip that we're gonna be learning the wheelies on today it's a 1994 kawasaki kx250 it's a two-stroke i've kind of done a retro theme with the entire bike done the retro graphics i hand cut my lucky number 11 on there and we got the purple seat on there we're out here at my beautiful property we got over 214 acres here and it's a perfect spot to learn wheelies last week i came out here and right over here first shot gave it some throttle popped the clutch looped it right out fell right onto my back so you guys might see that today hopefully not but if you do it's part of learning wheelies so let's strap on the gopro we'll hop onto the two-stroke dirt bike and we'll start giving you guys some tips and tricks and just practicing seals on choke look at this property though it's perfect to learn how to wheel in here so on my clutch lever side here what you'll do is you'll go slow in first gear you'll have your foot over top that rear brake i don't know if you guys can see but you want to have your foot over top the rear brake and when you pop this clutch and you give it throttle your front end is going to come up so as soon as your front end comes up get on that rear brake and practice that over and over and over again so i'll give you an idea of how to clutch fox break see up and down all right the engine's starting to get pretty warm you can hear the difference in the motor we'll turn on the camera we'll just start clutch pop in and try on some wheelies [Music] [Music] all right guys so as you can see i've been clutch popping bringing that front end up and then tapping my rear brake to bring the front end back down i'm just doing that over and over and over again it gets pretty strenuous on the hand especially on this older two-stroke bike the clutch is very stiff so if you had a hydraulic clutch or a softer clutch lever it'd be a lot easier on your hand when you're doing it over and over and over again right now i'm fighting for some traction it's pretty sandy on the ground here so what we'll try now we'll find some grassier areas you can see how sandy it is all back through here eh look at that so my back tire is just spinning another thing is if you got a good back tire a newer back tire on there that'll help you huge that's getting pretty bald so it's just spinning when i'm doing my clutch pops but enough complaining what i have found out is if i sit back right about here right above your your muffler it you can bring it up a lot easier if you're sitting too far forward your bike is just going to spin the back higher and not go up right so preload the front and by kind of pushing down a little bit giving it throttle while you're sitting right here and uh it'll come up [Music] done [Music] uh [Music] looped it once bound to happen okay so luckily it's not too cold out today your fender is able to pop back in place didn't break any clutch levers all right let's try that again man that is fun [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] that's it well guys there you have it i think i'm done for today if you get tired stop you just saw me kind of loop it out there bent my back fender if you want take off your rear fender that way you don't break it in my case it's not a big deal i'll just get a new one if i bust it keep practicing guys bringing that front end up hitting the rear brake this is only my second day of trying it and i'm getting better and better at it like i said four strokes i'm able to carry the wheelie on for a while two strokes that power band and the just the powers is so different so take your time and get familiar with your rear brake thanks for watching make sure to leave a like subscribe and we'll catch you guys on the third time around [Music] ciao [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Views: 12,919
Rating: 4.7708335 out of 5
Id: G8Fn1nGbWcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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