HOW TO DO A WHEELIE on a Dirt Bike

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what's up guys today i'm going to give you some tips on how to wheely a dirt [Music] bike [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] um [Music] uh so when it comes to wheeling dirt bikes there's like there's really like two different style wheelies you'll see like a kind of like a speed wheelie where they're just carrying momentum and actually using more of the motor to get the front end up and then there's more of a slow controlled wheelie where the bike's traveling at a really slow uh rpm and it takes more balance more control that's what i want to talk to you guys about today is a slow controlled wheelie now a few things when doing wheelies you got to think about your obviously body position throttle and clutch control and also a rear brake technique okay so let's start with body position if you are on the dirt bike the one thing you don't want to do is try to do a wheelie and be sitting way too far forward obviously you're putting too much weight on the front end and it's going to be hard to get the front end off the ground so obviously if you want to wheelie a dirt bike it makes a little bit more sense to sit back on the seat you obviously don't have to get way back here when doing a slow controlled wheelie i like to sit honestly like right about here so i got maybe you know i'm barely a hand distance from the back of my seat that's kind of where i like to sit you can tell by looking at my seat there's a pretty big gap you know i'm looking at about a at least foot and a half or so so majority of my weight is back that's where you want to be and what i'll do is like to sit there and since it's a slow controlled wheelie you're going to be just rolling at us roll speed and then i like to i like to be on the balls of my feet as always that's how i ride balls on my feet i like to come in and what i like to do is i like to use the front brake pull in the front brake in the clutch cut at the same time and kind of load my forks just a hair and i'm just at a gentle kind of uh roll load the fork and then quick snap with the clutch and a quick little throttle drop and that will and at the same time sit back and slightly lift don't yank really hard if you like really hard and dump that clutch and pull you're gonna loop out you don't really have to yank that hard just as you lean back a nice little snap of the clutch will pick up the front end and once you pick up the front end it's really finding that balance point and uh once you find that balance point you can just control it with the throttle it's really smooth uh throttle control you'll hear it just kind of or and then it's really throttle control and foot control that controls the wheelie once you get the wheelie up and it's it's there you're really using this this is your safety the rear brake is your safety and like i said i start on my foot pegs and then soon as i wheely i move my foot up to the rear pedal and i don't take my foot off the brake pedal if the bike starts to loop out automatically hit the rear pedal and it will put the front end down the reason why i think it's important to learn how to do wheelies on dirt bikes is because no matter what type of rider you are whether you're a motocross rider or a trail rider freerider out in the hills whatever there's times you're going to want to pick up the front end so if you don't know how to wheelie you can't get the front end up and that's going to get you in trouble sometimes because there's there's going to be things out there on the track or in the woods that you do not want to drive your front end into so it's important to learn how to wheelie for for example if you're a woods rider and there's a big old crease creek crossing or a huge mud puddle you don't want to dive into that with your front end you want to wheely through that so it's important to understand how to get the front end up and over those things and same thing on a motocross track you're going to have you know there might be a set of rollers instead of jumping into the rollers you might want to wheelie into it so you need to know the technique of how to pick up the front end so like i said there's high speed wheelies and slower wheelies if you learn how to do a slow wheelie on a dirt bike a slow controlled wheelie you can wheelie anything anywhere because a slow wheelie a slow wheelie is harder to do than a fast wheelie because it's all technique and balance so if you practice this you're going to get good throttle control good clutch control and good balance so when you got time at home work on your wheelies if we were to do a slow wheelie imaginary slow wheelie here on the stand we would be creeping at a very low speed we're going to pull in that front brake and clutch compress that front end just a little bit and now we're going to release the front brake and clutch at the same time and roll on that gas but now we're going to sit back as we're doing that so as i sit back and wheelie i instantly go from my balls of my feet to moving my foot over my brake pedal now this is how i'm going to keep myself from falling off backwards if the front end comes too high i'm going to put on the rear brake and it's going to drop the front end down so it's a nice release sit once the bike's up you need to control it with your throttle and your rear brake safety and smooth just a little bit listen to my bike hear how the bikes just slow idle just a nice little control keeping it from kind of going a little bit of a teeter you gotta find that sweet slot and you'll only figure this out by doing it and you're not gonna get this overnight i promise you if you've never done wheelies before and you're brandon you're trying to wheelie it's gonna take a lot of tries to figure this out so don't get discouraged just keep on trying and try to find good dirt too don't don't do it on really dry slick dirt try to find some good dirt that you can get traction on or even grass sometimes is is better if you got a good dirt grass type kind of like this is that you can find traction so do it somewhere that you're going to get traction that'll help you a little bit get the front end up and you're not just spinning the rear wheel all right guys well i hope these tips have been helpful if you like this channel be sure to give it a thumbs up and if you have not subscribed be sure to subscribe and leave some comments down below if you got some more questions about doing wheelies i always try to get back to as many comments as i can so leave some comments ask some questions and like i said we'll see you on the next one here on the fight slide so one last thing i want to mention is what gear to be in i prefer first i can do them either in first gear or second gear but i prefer first gear so i would recommend for you guys try them first and try them in second and just see which one that works better for you and then go from there you
Channel: Ronnie Faisst
Views: 50,228
Rating: 4.9440951 out of 5
Keywords: how to wheelie a dirtbike, dirt bike wheelie, motocross wheelie, wheelies on dirt bikes, dirt bike wheelies, how to ride a wheelie, motocycle wheelie, how to wheelie a motocycle, learn to wheelie a dirtbike, learn to wheelie a motorcycle, Ronnie faisst, motocross, motocross coaching, Twitch, Brian Deegan, motocross videos, dirt bike tips, dirt bike wheelie tips, motorcycle wheelie tips, dirt bikes videos, dirt bike, how to wheelie on a dirt bike like a pro, mx, faisstlife
Id: yQ-Yq5mPwDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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